IT STARTS in the STOMACH have you ?wi? _ pected that most of the common illnauaa of their beginning! in ?tomach disorders! That lost vitality, those ^ frequent headache*. that oold you oaa't shake off?your atom- u, aehiaprobablyreapon aible. Everyone need* the soothing, regular action of a reliable stomach remedy like PE-RU-N A?known for over fifty year* as the World'* Greateat . Stomach Remedy. It dears away that congested, catarrhal condition which afflicts ao many people who never even suspect their real trouhlel One bottle of PK-RU-NA will soon tone up your digeetion?and give you a new Joy in Wei Your druggist ha* thi* time-honored remedy. DooVwait?buy a bottle and begin taking it today. I1 ?1 For Old Sores Harford's Balsam of Myrrh A"-<? MEDITERRANEAN gS/n as "Transylvania" sailing Jan. SO guidM. motan, ?tt ail nil nuwKC.auum.waM.i^.w.T. /? It Loom? liable?Do you thing Clarice really llkea Bobby? Alice?She doesn't know yet She'a going to that famous Vienna psychia trist to find out Will Cold Worry You Thit Winter? Some men throw-off n cold within a few hours of contracting It. Anyone can do it with the aid of a simple com pound which comes in tablet form, and is no trouble to take or to always hare about you. Don't "dope" your self when yon catch cold; use Pape's Cold Compound. Men and women everywhere rely on this amazing little tablet?Adv. Good Motto s Charles M. Schwab, who after many years as a leader In steel, Is beginning to take things easier, said to a group of gentlemen farmers who were ad miring some of his prize stock at a Pennsylvania county fair: "Raising prize stock Is something Tve wanted to do for a long time but I've been too busy. Divided atten tion seldom leads to success and all through my business career my motto has been: "'All work and no play makes Jack and a lot of It.'" Keeping It Moving The Walter?What's this, slrt The Guest?Your tip. It's a trouser button I found In my stew. The man who loved and lost didn't get his presents back. At tyou ^adv^_ When your Children Ciy for It Baby has little upsets at time* AD your can cannot prevent then. Bat yon oo? be prepared. Then yon tan do what any experienced nurae would do?what moat physlciane woold tell yoa to do? (Ire a tew drops of plain Cantoris. No aoooer done than Baby la soot bed; re lief la Just a matter of moments.* Tat yon bare aased your child without nae of a single doubtful drag; Castorla Is vegetable. So lt'e safe to nse as often as an Infant has any little pain yon cannot pat away. - And lfs always ready for the croeler pangs of colic, at constipation or diarrhea; effective, too, for ?Mer children. fsniyAs mONoa llldfi IflUlIf loam# ?sm j wwaneaa no wayiet Mama y War a ? MBM? BBbSS30BEI ??4A#^W-' ?*". Laying Hens Now on a Night Shift Artificial Lights Deceive Pullets Into Increased Egg Production. The hens that lay New Fork's breakfast eggs are about to go oa the olgbt shift again. The recently Introduced practice of Increasing egg production by length ening the short autumn and winter days with artlflclal light In the hen houses has proved so successful that It Is expected to become almost uni versal this year among the thousands of suburban poultrymen In New Jer sey, Connecticut and on Long Island. Hans Respond Profitably. Proof that the hens respond profit ably to the system of lengthening the winter days by electricity has been produced by Leslie M. Black, poultry expert of the New Jersey Agricultural college, who publishes the results of tests In the Farm Journal. Black has tested 166 flocks of pul lets over a six-month period. Of these, 48 flocks were tested without the aid of lighting and were found to average 72.0 eggs per hen. The others, tested under three different lighting systems, all ran profitably ahead of that figure. Thret Lighting Plans Used. The three methods used to convince the hens that winter days are as long as summer ones, and so keep produc tion artificially stimulated when prices are nigu, are nieae. First?Tlie evening Innch system, when the houses are lighted (or an hour at night, between eight and nine, or nine and ten. Second?The morn ing lights plan, when the houses arc lighted before dawn. Third?The use of lights both morning and night so that the length of the day Is made to equal absolutely that of the night "This last system seems to give the best results of the three," the Farm Journal's expert reports. It produced 10.7 more eggs per pullet than when no lights were used, 8.3 more eggs than under the evening lunch plan, and 1.3 more than the morning, light ing system. Barley Produces a High Percentage of Nutrients Barley should be more widely used as a stock feed, not only on account of Its high yield per acre but also be cause of Its nutritive value, says the United States Department of Agricul ture. The only feed crop that can be compared readily with barley In farm economy Is oats. Barley produces more pounds to the acre than oats and has a higher percentage of digest ible nutrients. Success In feeding bar ley depends somewhat upon bow It Is fed. Barley fed whole Is too coarse for best results, tend If fed too finely ground Is pasty and unpalatable. The best way of preparing It for live stock Is to hare It coarse ground or rolled, the latter way of preparation being common In the West Ewes Need Extra Good Care at Lambing Time The success of the sheep flock de pends largely on the management. Good feed and cnre materially Influ ence the subsequent lamb crop. Preg nant ewes should be separated from the main flock and carried along In good thrifty condition until lambing time. Tbey may be fed such succulent feeds as roots and ensilage, the latter In limited quantity, together with some alfalfa hay, for the purpose of stlmu latlng milk production. Good water la essential during the pregnant period. Potassium Iodide should be given In the drinking water twice a month or In the salt kept before the ewes at all times. Ewes In good, thrifty condl tton are more likely to give blrtb to strong vigorous lambs. ????#.??????????? ???????< ' 4 . ?* ' :; Agricultural Notes.: Fences end gales tell what kind of folks live with them. see It doesn't cost any more to build a good looking building than tbo other kind. ? ? e ?If good results are to bo expected with the 1928 lamb crop, the bred ewes must be handled properly. ? e ? Sweet closer should be sown broad cast "on a well-settled seedbed at the rate of 15 pounds of good seed per acre. s ? ? Good, clean range will be of little tains In preventing disease troabk as lehg aa the ground adjoining the house is dirty. see Wherever cholera occurs It mast tx presumed that the disease haa beer carried to the hogs la question bo causa there la no other way for It U reach the herd. see Four or five weeks before lamblnt each ewe should bate one-half pount dally by weight of the following grab mixture: Cora, six parts; oats oi bran, three parts, and linseed oil meal one part After lambing, tbo ratim , should be doubled. ? ? see Corn belt tensers an confront? with the problem at utilising tb roughage produced on the farms a I well as the corn produced. Then I no more economical and deslrabl I method of doing tUe than establlsbln n herd of breeding tarn en the fkra iLfV'-* . ? M^^VRCH QUALITY FOOD PRODUCTS ? In! tl ymmpmid aMarapwadfMCMldfloi u dwwywi iad^irlrwl Miliar g ft I III, f lull ill Tfi. MM Oftm, HALE'S ONEY OREHOUND & TJIR At the first sneeze, banish every symptom of cold, chills, etc. with HALE'S.Relief at once?Breaks up cold positively. 30c at all druggists Garfield T ea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stomach and Intestinal ill. fcVjjl This good old-fash * toned herb home jh TV' 'h. remedy for constl patlon, stomach Ills and other derange menta of the sys tem so prevalent these days Is in even greater favor as a family medicine than In your grandmother's day. Pilot Fliet 250,000 Mil; Paul Wltte, an air pilot of the Ger man commercial air service, recently completed a total distance of 400,000 kilometers, which Is equal to nearly ten times aronnd the world. In sched uled air service. On his arrival at the Hamburg airdrome he was given an offlclal welcome dnrlng which he waa presented a gold scarf pin and many floral gifts. , Loosen Up That Cold With Mnsterole . Have Mnsterole handy when a cold starts. ? It has all of the advan tage* of grandmother's mustard plas ter without the bum. You fed ? warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pares, then a soothing, eooirrw sensation and quick relief. Made of pure oil of mustard and nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchi tis, son throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the back or joints, sore muscles, Brains, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, cold* of the chest It may pro vent pneumonia and "flu." Jam >Tubes ipi ??B58Bswa|j| . Better thm a nwefanf piaster Or a Hippo Bettle?Could you tell me what non sense Is, uncle! Uncle?No. Bettle?Well, It's an elephant hang lng over a cliff with its tall tied to a daisy.?Boston Post Another Profiteer Customer?"How do you sell thee* furs; by measurer Merchant?"No we sell them by the hair now." |9fo Easiest V&y toKeepinStyie 1 ?I f 1 No woman would wear dihssea. o blouses, or stockings of a color that' decidedly out of style or faded. If al 1 of os know how caay It la to mak things freah, crisp and stylish by th quick magic of bom tinting or dyelni I Anybody can tint or dye successful 1 ly with true, fadeless Diamond Dyes 1 Tinting with them Is as easy as hlulni r sad dyeing takes fust a little loogei * Now, stylish ookms appear like magh 1 right orer the old, faded colors. Die mood Dyaa neror spot, streak or rn They are real dyes, like those nso 1 when the doth was made. Insist ? * them and Saeo dUappolntment ? My now At-pM* niustrated boot * "Odor Crefp,", glros hundreds o * mooey-earing hints dor tenewtai ? dothes end (draperies, ira Free. Writ L A* It now, to Mao Martin, Dept. DM Dtaswad Dm Burlington. Taut ?.?????????.???I DR. CALDWELL'S THREE RULES Dr. Caldwell watched the results of constipation for 47 years, aad. belle sad that no matter how careful people are of their health, diet and sTsrcios, con stipation will occur from time to time. Of next importance, then, la how to treat it when it comes. Dr. Caldwell always was in favor of getting aa close to nature as poaaible, henoe his remedy for consti pations a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the most delicate system and is not habit forming. The Doctor never did approve of dras tic physics sad purges. He aid not believe they were good for human beings to put into their system. Use Syrup Pepsin for yourself and members of the family in constipation, biliousness, sour and erampy stomach, bad breath, no appetite, head aches, and to break np fevers and colds Cat a bottle today, at any drugstore aad observe these three rules of health: Keep the head cool, the "feet warm, the bowels open. For a free trial bottle, just write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, llontiosllo, UBMfilU A * HERBS AND ROOTS FOR ALMOST ANT DISEASE We Curry Every Herb Kuuwa* mm4 ere ksowa the world ever ee the Lerfeet Dealers la Aaacrlea. rnrr Our 66-ps^u Catalog and ? nCC little Herb Doctor book* which gives valuable recipes lor most any disease. SEND FOR THIS BOOK AND Cure Yourself With Nature's Herbs INDIAN HERB GROWERS 1417 South St. - Philadelphia. Pa SPECIAL OFFER Pare Silk Ml Fashion Hosiery wS)r.$1.10 S???3U5 We are . mill agents which enables as to offer a limited number of perfect Full Fashion Hosiery. All popular colors and slses, at prlcos which cannot be dupli cated anywhere. Send for a trial pair and be convinced. Agents wanted. KDIVET HOSIERY CO. Room 804. OS Court St.. Brooklyn. N. I. Different Destinations Great Aunt Ann had been ill for a long time and having one of her "bad apella." She remarked that she "was soon going to die, wasn't going to be here long." Little four-year-old Gene hearing this remark, asked her where she was going. She replied she was "going to heaven." Gepe said: "I'm not I'm going to Stuesvllle." His parents had been planning to make a trip to Stilesville. Candidates, Attention First Politician?He took his defeat very easily, didn't he? I wonder what he did with all his placards? t Second Polltlclfin?Told me be osed them In papering his garage. What If an effort had been made to create the world In ? live-day week? what would have happened? I I W ? Mil !? A Soar Stomach In th? Mime time it takes s dose of sod* to bring a little temporary relief of gas and soar stomach, Phillips UBk of Magnesia has acidity complete - y checked, and tho digestive organs all tranqoillzed. Once you have tried this form of relief yon will cease to worry about your diet and experience i new freedom In eating. This pleasant preparation is Just as good for children, too. Use it when ever coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physi cians will tell yon that eyery spoon ful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia neu tralises many times Its volume In add Get the genuine, the name Phillips is Important Imitations do not act the Phillips -iSSU W. M. li, ?ALTlMOnt, NO. df-im * ? ?'/ * ' mSSSmSmSmSmSmSSSmSmSSSSmmSSSSmmm mm' Tl\e Kitcken Cabinet (A. lilt. WwUrc Nmtmt Union.) Whtn 1 behold what pleasure to pursuit. What lite, what glorious eaaerneaa It to: Then mark how full poeaeaelon (alia In thin, How fairer enema the bloaeom than the fruit? < am perplexed. ?T. B. Aid rich. SOMETHING ABOUT SAUCES A good eauce w|U often make a very plain dlah quite an elaborate one. The eauce ebould be appro Hprlate to the food with . wbicb It la-to be nerved. The cook who knowa the value of a good eauce, alwajra baa on hand the matertala for making euch saucea aa while sauce, brown, tomato or bechamel and with these aa a foundation la able to nerve a variety of eauces. The sauce ol average thickness which la most commonly used Is pre pared with two tablespoonfuls each ol flour and butter and one cupful of milk, stock or tomato. 1 For a brown sauce the flour Is browned and a larger quantity Is needed to thicken tbe liquid, ua brown ing lessens the thickening quality of flour, by dextrinlzing the starch. Tomato Sauce.?Take one-half a can of tomatoes, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, eight peppercorns, a bit of bay leaf and- salt. Cook twenty minutes, rub through a sieve and add one cup ful of brown stock, and four table spoonfuls each of browned flour and butter cooked together. Gradually add the hot liquid. A delicious sauce to serve wltb fish of any kind Is: Piquant Sauce.?To one-cupful of brown sauce, add one tablespoonful of vinegar, one-half of a chopped onion, one tablespoonful each of chopped capers and pickle and a dash of cayenne. Here Is another good fish sauce or one especially good to serve wltb fresh oysters: J Horseradish Sauce.?Hlx three table spoonfuls of grated horseradish wltb one tablespoonfnl of vinegar, add one half teaspoonful of salt and a half tea spoonful of sugar, then stir In four tablespoonfuls of heavy cream beaten stiff. Maltra 'd' Hotel Butter.?This Is a delicious sauce to serve with broiled beefsteak. Put one-fourth cupful of butter in a bowl and mix with a wooden spoon until creamy. Add one eighth teaspoonful of pepper, one-half tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley and three-fourths tablespoonful of lemon juice very slowly. Lemon Butter.?Cream one-fourth cupful of batter and add slowly one tablespoonful of lemon juice. This sauce is especially good with steak or fish. buncnoon uisnv*. A dish which will be sufficiently nourishing and at the same time at ? tractive la: 8panlsh Salad.? . Arrange tender nests of lettnce on a chop plate. In each place half of a hard-cooked egg, covered with may onnaise dressing; arrange stuffed olives, slices of ripe tomato and sardines. This dish the hostess will serve, passing French dressing to each, when served. Bavarian Salad.?Dse two heads of lettuce washed, drained and pulled Into pieces. Add two small onions chopped line, one boiled onion cut Into small pieces, cover with chopped boiled beets which bave been mixed with mayonnaise dressing and serve with a snappy French dressing. Lettucs With Psaauta.?Arrange the lettuce In a salad bowl, sprinkle over tt enough fresh peanuts rolled with the rolling pin to make like coarse crumbs, add a bit of chopped green onion If desired and cover with French dressing. This will be found a most satisfying salad; served with whole wheat bread and a hot drink It will make a good meat Baked Ham and Potatoes.?Put through tbe meat chopper any left over bam; butter a baking dish, add a layer of thinly sliced potatoes, cover with some of tbe chopped bam, a sprinkling of minced onion or parsley, repeat until tbe dish Is full Cover and bake; no moisture Is needed. Bast India Salad.?Mash two cream cheeses and moisten 'with one-half cupful of heavy cream beaten stiff and ooe-balf tablespoonful of - gelatin soaked In one tablespoon ful of cold water and then dissolved by adding one tablespoonful of boiling water. Season with salt, paprika. Place this mixture all around tbe edge of-a dish, making a roll of tt. Fill the centav with lettuce leaves, dressed with French dressing to which a bait tea spoonful of curry powder baa been added. Deviled Chestnuts.?Blanch chest nuts by slitting one aide and putting tbem Into a hot frying pan to burst tbe sheila RemdVe tbe brown skin and put into a pan with a tablespoon ful of butter, stirring until well cov ered. then sprinkle salt and a dash of cayenne over thorn. Serve with a salad or as a relhBi at any meal. Aspirin SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Proved safe by minions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia iToothacbe Rheumatism', | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART C> ^ which contains proven directions. # M Handy "Bayer" boxes of 18 tablets 9 Also bottles of 84 and 100?Druggists. Asslrla Is lbs tads auk st lsjsr MMaSuaa st MsassesfessMsstss ct SsllwlKiscM ? BARE TO HAIR gH? If you want to grow hair ; on your bald head, save |?M|^^^Kg the hair you have, stop falling hair, dandruff, etc., write for literature and information. W H. FORST, Mfg. - Scottdale, Penna. All Comfort* of Homo Mr. Llttleflat?Can't yon hnrry and get through with the bathroom, I want a bath? Hla Wife?I have four more waists and six pairs of stockings to wash. If you're in a hurry for a bath you'll have to go down to the laundry. Mother and Baby Gain Health, Strength and Flesh "I am so grateful for what Milks Emulsion has done for tte that I am writing you this letter. "I had' a terrible cough and for four months was so weak that I had to rest on the bed several times while dressing. In fact, after putting on one stocking I would have tot lie down and rest before putting the other on. People thought I bad tuberculosis, but they don't think so'now. I was so weak that I could not care for my taby, who was not getting sufficient nourishment to give him any strength. But after tak ing yonr Emulsion for a few months I regained my health and now I weigh 145 pounds. My baby is one year old and weighs 80 pounds. We are both in perfect health and we thank Milks Emnlslon for it. "Ton can publish this letter If yon care to. I shall always praise Milks Emulsion." Tours truly,' MRS. ED. ROUSE. Shelbyvllte, Ind, R. R. No. 0. Sold by all druggists under a guar antee to give satisfaction or money refunded. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind.?Adv. * Loot Rotort Homebody?So you must catch the 11:40 train west? Is It Important? Holmless?It's vital. My doctor says I must have my regular sleep, and a berth on that train is the only lodging I can find for tonight A green grocer is one who trusts the family that has just moved into the neighborhood. You* Dreamt of a. Lifetime CAN NOW BE HBAIJMI) if Day Cruises to the Mediterranean. The Holy Land and Egypt. Tourist Third Cabin. Full Cruise without shore excursion $276 Without Complete Excursion $395 ? By the Famous WHITE STAB I4NE STEAMERS Adriatic Jan. If Adriatic Feb. 2S Laurentlc Jan. 19 Laurentlo..., Mar. 9 McGRATH'S TICKET OFFICE ttt Walnut Street .... Phi la.. Pa. 8end for Folder and Information. Salesman With Bntsh Selling Experience to sell and manage section. Liberal pay and commission. Free samples. Line guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Institute. 8tate ex perience. Donald Brash Co.. Camden, N; J. Worms cans# mock distress to children and anxiety to parenta Dr. Faery's Dsad Sbot" remorse the canes with a ringls dots. Ma AJIDruagista /gvDrwjryjs l^^^^^lllPwrl Street. New Kod Ottr Part Played by Table in Uplift of Mankind There was ? time when not a table existed In the whole wide world. Bat one day primitive man, weary of sprawling on the ground, rose and ate his drat meal from a broad hewn slab laid on bowlders, and frdm that day his upward climb to civilization began. Today we do not atop to think how much we depend npon tables, bat what a dull and Inconvenient place a house would be without tbein. Not only are they at our elbow everywhere to keep things within reach, but how they de light the eye?their lovely designs and beautiful woods. They minister to our comforts, and please our senses with their grace and charm. Each year they increase la variety and cleverness, and each year, because of them, our homes grow more attractive. According to a leading l<ondon hat ter, Ave times as many silk "stove-pipe hats" are being sold this year aa in 1928. - , , ^^iisafssar* FAfter my daughter grew into womanhood ehe began to fed rundown and weak and a friend wired me to get her your medicine* She Dock Lydia L Plnlcham's Vegetable Com' pound and Lydia E> Pink ham's Hed> Medkine. Her nerve* are better, her appetite ia good, ahe is in good spirits and able to work every day.' We f?""" "f Vegetable ?? Compound to other girls and erjne Irtsweft. 1 praise LydlaE.Rnkham'? Vegetable Com pound for what it has done for my fourteen year-old daughter as well as for me. It his helped her growth and her nerves and she has a good appetite now and sleeps wdh She has gone to school every day since beginning the medicine. I will condfine to give it to her at regular in tervals and wlH recommend it to other mothcsB who have dnwliiws with similar trots* bles."?Mn. BuaWded Hom? BiiiiiMMillllillfllllKB HBHIIIiBVVBBPBBIIMBWaMB ^^MMBIM IIIBIB l^^Mill HiTin ?gga'^^B^ *

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