The Alamance gleaner VOL. LIV. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1928. NO. 41. | BROUGHT J GOOD LUCK ? i? b* D J Walsh.) TAMES BRYANT lacked confidence. He (ailed because be didn't bnve nerve I v "There's a wonderful opening here In Jlmtown for a modern grocery store," Mrs. Bryant declared ui the dinner table as she and her husband discussed the family fortunes; "we might easily establish one." "But, Hattle," Bryant cautioned, "we haven't the capital stock. We've only our little savings account of $500." "But that would give us a start," the wife countered; "the wholesale men will 'carry' you for a time If you make an initial payment. Five hundred dollars ought to lay the foun dation for a nice stock of fancy gro ceries. The rent on the Stuhbs prop erty isn't high. If we could operate the first month then we could take our profits and increase our stock for the coming months?" "But, stop, my dear wife," Bryant urged, "we can't take a chance. What if the business failed? Then our life's savings would be swept away and we would have to start all over again. 1 tell you, Hattie, my $35 a week at Cohen's Isn't so bad. Bookkeeping gets on my nerves sometimes. But a fellow has to do lots of things that he doesn't like." Thus It was for the thousandth time the family of James Bryant indefi nitely postponed the day when the head of the family would launch out in business for himself. The wife at length agreed her husband acted wise ly In urging a conservative method of operation. One day a tall, bewhlskered gentle man stepped from a train in Jlmtown. The street urchins trailed at the heels of the aged man and people at shop windows eyed with great curiosity this odd-looking stranger, who, unheralded and unannounced had entered the streets of quahl! Jlmtown. The ven erable gentleman paused before a sign that read "Cohen's General Store" and a moment later stooped to enter the rather low door. "I'm lookirn, fer a boy named Bry ant." the old gentleman announced, "or rather a man perhaps by this time. James Bryant's Ills name. I'm his un cle. I'm Tex O'Brannon from Del Rio. down on the Rio Grande, a gold miner In Mexico and I'm here to see my nephew." An Instant later and James Bryant was shaking the hand of his aged uncle. In another instant he was studying the huge stone worn on the uncle's hand. The uncle discovered that ring with the giant set had been seen, and he smiled with satisfaction "It's the real article!" O'Brannon said; "why. in Del Rio they call me Headlight O'Brannon due to that sparkler!" "Hut whore did you get It. Uncle Tox? Here In Georgia we don't have mines that produce such gems as that ?guess you dug it out of the ground?" Uncle Tex O'Brannon smiled at his nephew's apparent Ignorance of the mineral products of Texas. "No, I was given that diamond ring us a reward for kindness done an old miner down In Chihuahua," explained O'Bunnon. "The miner was dying of pneumonia and I nursed him In his shack until death released him from his misery. Now, the old miner gave me this ring and I've worn It ever since. They say It's worth a fortune. But I've never worried to find out Its real value. I had a special purpose In view for this ring during the five years I have kept It, and now I'm go lug to dispose of the ring as I have planned and then rush on to a miners' meeting before the congressional com mittee at Washington." Bryant grew Interested. Ills eyes widened with excitement and he lis tened witli the enthusiasm of a school child expecting a holiday announce ment. "Yes. James, my dear nephew," Tex O'Brannon unnonnced. "I'm going to make you and Battle a present of this ring?a wedding gift 1 I've meant to give yon something all these years But we Westerners Just get careless I'll run down and leave It with the wife and then catch the next train northward. I'm In somewhat of a rush I" Jim Bryant could hardly believe his own eyes. He sat In a dazed condi tion for several minutes. Then, with a reckless daring that had never been exhibited before by him In hl> life. Bryant picked up his felt hat and boldly walked from the rashler'a room like an Imprisoned bird filltlng through the door of a cage accidental ly left open "I'll be hack shortly," Bryant an nounced to his employer, "going out to get a bit of fresh air: haven't had nitieh lately. The store owner overlooked the ?urprlslng reinurk and smiled He was of a generous natore and really was delighted to see good fortune cume tlie way of Ills hard-working | I bookkeeper. I "Dlil lie leave It?" questioned Bry | , act In on excited tone as he entered I the humhle Brynni cottage In an out- I lying section. "Hnttle, did he leave I It?" "Yes. my dear!" Mrs Bryant, ner cheeks Hushed with excitement, ex claimed,"'and he says It's worth u tor tune 1" "Dear old Uncle Tex, I re member tie once wrote us s letter from Mexico telling us lie was going to remember our wedding. We've been married all these years and I hud long sluce forgotten about tils promise. Dear old Uncle Tex; a real diamond! Big as a headlight; a fortune, but he'll never miss It. He's past seventy now and worth half a million, he says." Just two weeks after the visit of Texns O'Bruunoi to Jlmtown the coxy little neighborhood grocery of Juines Bryant opened on au important street of the ttoorgia cotton town. The Bry ants, made confident with the posses sion of the headlight, had Invested their savings in a stock of choice gr?e ceries. They had a nest egg I James Bryant was u natural busi ness man. His store prospered and the first mouth's receipts were suffi ciently large to pay outstanding debts and to Increase the stock. Within six months the store was found too small and a larger place was rented on an Important street Intersection. But " Bryant's business still Increased. At > the close of the first year he opened a second store. Then, with the passing years, James - Bryant became u wealthy man and a power In the commercial world. Uncle Tex O'Bannon hod long since passed away, but his enterprising nephew was following In the footsteps of that man whose boundless energy and venture some spirit had wrung a fortune out of the desert sands of Chihuahua. 1 Meanwhile a baby daughter had been born to the Bryants, had grown into young womanhood and had ehos en for herself a mate. The wedding was approaching and James Bryant, now weighted down with cares of a huge chain of grpcery stores and a half dozen other business enterprises, had but little time for romance. But at length he came to discuss the mnt ter with hiB wife. They must select some suitable wedding gift. "Oh, III tell you," the wife suld en thusiastically, "the headlight I It brought us good luck. Now let us pass it on to our daughter." James Bryant hurried away to the National Bank building. A teller es corted him to a safety vault where a private lockbox was removed. The headlight was taken wltb tender care from the place where It had rested for many a year. Then Bryant went to a Jeweler's establishment across the street. He would have the headlight mounted on a better class of material. I The wedding day approached and Bryant went after the headlight. Tbe Jeweler wore a perplexed look when the wealthy James Bryant entered. He seemed to have something on his mind that was giving hint a lot of trouble. "Is the headlight ready?" Bryant "Not yet," the Jeweler replied, "I've delayed the work pending a confer ence with yoo. Mr. Bryant. The head light Is worthless! Just glass! Noth Ing more!" James Bryant was silent. "I'm afraid somebody has taken ad vantage of your Ignorance of gems," the Jewelet announced. "I'm willing to ( help locate the culprit I" Bryant stood as erect as an Apache on guard. He didn't see the Jeweler. He saw Instead a struggling hookkeep er who was afraid to resign from u $3.>n-week Job and take a chance with fortune! "I'm sure you are wrong I" Bryant finally said, "the stone Is worth a mil lion dollars of anybody's money I Go ahead and mount It on the most val onble material that you can obtain." Daddy of Timepiece? According to the London Dally Mall, there are more than BOO clocks In the palace of Westminster, the official des ignation of the honses of parliament all synchronising with "Big Ben." fa ther of timepieces. There ure more than 5(10 rooms In the "palace," and each has Its clock, while oilier clocks are placed In corrl dors and on stairways. /. gentleman with a light ladder In his hand Is con stantly In attendance on these clocks. Act of Gratitude Washing dishes is not to he don* merely that they may be used again says Soutoko Nlnotniya, a Japanese I writer. It Is also an act ot gratitude for the service they have given. Though he have nothing more to eat. let a man clean his dishes and then starve, for he owes something to , the dishes for having been useful to him when he had a use for them. Advice for Parenti The gamesome humor of children should rather be encouraged, to keep up their spirits and Improve thelt strength and health, than curbed and restrained.?Locke. ussian Youth Poke Fun at Uncle Sam M~??? 1 I WW If' ">T Scene In Moscow during the International youth day celebration, showing the caricature of Uncle Sara as an angel of peace perched on a cannon and carrying a re volver, which wns a feature of the parade of 150,000 young men and women. VLasai Y ouths Are Early Fighters ?? <5 Members of.Africa's Fierc est Tribe Called to War at Age of Sixteen. Washington.?When the prince of .Vales recently visited Nairobi, Kenya ?olony, the Masai tribesmen enter ained him with a war dance. Amid 'oaring war whoops the tribesmen, ildden behind their large shields, uenaclngly wielded their spears in a way which showed the prince why jxplorei's avoid Masai villages when be tribesmen are on the warpath. "The Masai are one of the fiercest ribes in Africa, says a bulletin from ;he Washington (t>. C.) headquarters 3f the National Geographic society. 'While members of the tribe near Nairobi have been tamed by British md missionary influence and bave settled down on plantations, their relatives in the hills of western Kenya still spend their time raiding neigh boring tribes when not tending their herds. Begin to Fight at 8ixteen. "A Masai village is a military bar racks. At the cull of the chief, the young warriors don lion manes which they wear about their heads, and, per haps, a string of beads. With spears and leather shields as their only arms, they set out to attack the 'ene my.' "The Masai Deglr-> his military career at sixteen. When be is thirty, be becomes an elder, settles down, and has us many wives as he desires. The furniture in his home of mud plastered sticks costs no more than his haberdashery. Over an open tire place hangs an Iron kettle while ad ditional utensils are made of gourds A long gourd Is a Masai milk can and hclf gourds are used for cups. Some of the huts have a three-legged stool or two for the older tribesmen. "Even when the Masat is not on the warpath, the American traveler would be Inclined to avoid him for sanitary reasons. Spitting upon a visitor Is a sign of reverence and good will among some of the tribesmen. Every one who sees a newborn baby must spit on It. If a warrior Is friendly, he spits on bis band before greet!ag a stranger. "Outside the villages, one might stumble upon tbe skeleton of a tribes Girl Sold Worms to Win Way to Camp Reno, Nev.?Sixty dozen long, fat angleworms took eleven j ear-old Mildred Cliff to the Nevada Junior Farm bureau camp. Here'a how: Mildred belongs to the Clover Leaf --H club of Washoe val ley. All the other boya and girls decided toaitend the camp, bnt Mildred lacked the S3 nec essary for expenses. Of course, she could have sold eggs, ran errands, weeded gardens and performed other chorea, hut she didn't. On contract, she dug and de livered 720 angleworms at 6 cents a dozen to her ranch neighbor. Miss Kntherine Lew ers. art teacher at the Unlver slty of Nevada. Miss I-ewers fed the wrigglers to her prize ducks man whose bod; bag been left to the hyenas, jackals and vultures. Only the chlOT of the tribe deserves a burial. After a chief has been burled for a year the son of his successor digs up the old chiefs skull which Is a treasured possession In the village. Grass and 8naket Held 8aered. "The tribesman's wives presiding over his hut Jingle with every move. Their legs and arms are covered with dozens of wire rings. These adorn ments and a dozen or more rings eu circling their necks sometimes weigh between lb and 25 pounds. Both men and women are frequently seen with wood cylinders nnd tin cans in their distended ear lobes. "Masai tribesmen have been almost Impossible to convert from nuture worship. When the chief would In voke the pleasure of the gods, all the children In the village stand In a circle nnd chant Grass Is sacred to the tribesmen. If a Mesal hands a stranger a tuft of green grass, It sug gests friendship. When young war riors start out on raids their sweet hearts threw grass upon them to In sure victory, The hyena has a cer tain sacred character, i It a beast hap pens to cross the path of a warrior, the whole tribe goes In mourning. The python Is held In veneration, for they believe the souls of their ances tors are reborn In them. "Some tribesmen worship a black and a red god. The black god Is benevolent, living Immediately ubove the earth, while the red god lives farther up In the heavens. When the Masai hear thunder, they believe the red god Is trying to get through the domain of tbe blnck god. The rum bling Is the voice of the blnck god pleading with the red god not to harm the tribesmen below. "The Masai hate agriculture In their native environment. They are cattle herders when not on the warpath, and live entirely upon the food their herds provide. It Is a common practice to drink warm blood Immediately after It has heen drawn from a cow shot with an arrow through the Jugular vein." J Submerged City Was Once Island Capital Nevis, West indies.?North of the town of CharlestoD camera men are making pictures of the submerged city of Jamestown, once the capital of Nevis. The remains of the city may be seen near shore, beneath the level of the shore. On April 30, 1080, Jamestown was visited by an earthquake, and the town slipped Into the sea, carrying with It all Its riches and a pop ulation estimated at 14,WO. The submerged city Is located ^n the west or leeward shore of the Island. "Gold Rush" Is Traced to Joke in Capital Washington.?Washington hud Its own "gold rush" recently. The report got abroad that workmen excavating for a garage had discovered an nn clent barrel containing rare gold and a bottle of wine a century old. No wlldflre ever traveled faster than this report. It started with gold coins aggregating $20, which had In creased to $21,000 before the curtain fell. Hundreds of curious spectators tood uround tne excavation while oys raked over the mud looking for :ie glistening coins. A barrel could e seen In the excavation, but all the reasure had evaporated. The report was finally traced to a inn In a nearby tire shop. Re told t to a colored helper us a joke. FOR DRY AGENTS The newly authorized cap and badge to be worn by prohibition enforce ment agents, especially those detailed on highways at night, so that motor ists may recognize them as federal ofllccrs and not highwaymen. U. S. to Teach Indians Modern Way to Farm ltosehud, S. I).?Through live federal directors, Indians of Arizona, Okla homa, New Mexico and South Dakota are to be taught modern methods of agriculture. Charles Graves, one of the five whose Job It Is to help the red man become self-supporting, has established headquarters here. ITe says It Is the aim of the Indian service to have a man In each agency eventually. In developing the South Dakota In dian. Graves plans to establish farm chapters and encourage each member with vnrlous projects, such as raising an acre of corn, growing a garden and raising live stock. For the boys and girls he will emphasize 4-11 club work. New Perpetual Service Barn Perpetual service and use, uninterrupted by (Ires or repairs, is (lie i.iomlse o. the masonrv arch barn, a new wrinkle In farm buildings devel oped at Iowa State college by engineers under tbe direction ot J. B. David son, bead of the agricultural engineering department The bam I* con structed entirely of masonry. Aside from window frames and some equip ment Inside, there Is no combustible material In the building. Outstanding la the construction of the building Is the catenaiy nrcb used in the roof. The picture shows one of the barna partly completed. , _ ? r ? . ? Mm t* Ti?.| Street In a Sahara Oatla Town. (Prepared by the National Oeorrapblc Society. Washington. D. C.) BISKRA, In Algeria, nearly 200 miles back from the edge of tlie Mediterranean, Is a typical oasis town of the near Sahara. Around It are clustered other oases, the group making up Zlban. There, only a short distance from tlie Eu ropeanlzed coast, the traveler may breathe the life of the great desert that stretches on south and east for many hundreds of miles. The oasis of Biskra Is six miles long, possesses 170,000 date palms, be side tamarind, flg, and orange trees, and likewise possesses what Is claimed to be ttr most perfect climate In the world from November till May. Its genlsl temperature, clear sky and luxuriant vegetation are Indisputable charms, and Its dry atmosphere makes it particularly curative for pulmonary diseases. Sometimes seventeen or eighteen months pass without s shower, and yet there Is a never-fall ing supply of delicious cold water from natural wells throughout the whole oasis. There are five villages In this Island of the sand-sea, and the outlying oases of Flllah and Geddecha also belong to Biskra. The Arab villages and the villages des negres are hull! of sun-dried mud, with doors and fiat roofs of palmwood. There Is a pretty public garden, where feathery pepper trees make a pleasant shade, a church, a mosque, streets of shops, a handsome casino and officers' club, and three good hotels, of which the principal one, the Itoyal hotel. Is said to be the best in Algeria. It Is certainly a de lightful surprise to find In the Sahara a hotel with every appointment of elegance nnd comfort. Market Place I Fascinating. A visit to the market place during the morning is one of the sights of the town and oriental In every tone. Squatting groups of bronze-legged Bedouins, in brown and white camel's halr burnouses, are selling cous-cous, dried peppers and. of course, dates. Bunches of fresh grass and green bar ley and thistles are heniied In one cor ner of the Inclosure, Moorish slippers here and a pile of red fezzes there, nnd souvenirs for the tourist not lack ing. For a few francs one may pur chase a set of graceful gazelle horns, nnd curious knives and Arabian guns tempt the collector. An ehon negress Is selling oranges, an Arab boy In a red fez, and not much else, carries a basket of purple fruit In green leaves while cloaks, burnouses, turbans, and ynkmahs. purple, blue, deep red. and spotless white all crushed together ronke kaleidoscopic color In the whitewashed square. Bags of hennt leaves, for staining the nails In Arat fashion, send forth their pungent odor and the aroma of coffee and cigarette) fills the air. Outside a Moorish cafe a row o Moors, clean In tbelr white burnouses are solemnly crouched, two of then playing a grave game of chess but thi rest do nothing to perfection, wlthou a trace of boredom or a gesture.o Impatience, a state of dreamy dellgb achieved apparently by habit of mind a realization of Arabian Keyf. Street of the Ouled-Nails. There Is a mysterious charm In tb quiet night as one goes "slumming In the street of the Ouled-Nalls. Th stars are Intensely bright overheat rod tlie briskness, purity, and twee' ness of the al. beggar descrlptlci Passing Into the otreet of the Oulec Nails Is a sudden rantltlon to muc lit* ?s .lor and noise, the street Iteel fall of Arabs, young and old, while on matting outside nearly every door Sit the Ouled-Nall girls, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and chattering what Is presumably Blskran slang at any halting passers-by. The Onled-Kails, sometimes called Almees, are girls from an oasis at some distance from Biskra, and of mixed Arabian and negro blood. Tbey are more remarkable for their stogn larlty of costume and grace of dancing than for tbe rigidity of their morals. Their faces are daubed with tar and saffron to accentuate the color of tbe Afrlc sun; tattooing in blue Is quite - la mode, and their hair, mixed with wool and stiffened with grease and tar, hangs In ebon loops about the face. They wear loose gowns of bright cotton, and gold and silver coin, coral, and fllngree In barbaric abundance, sometimes twenty pounds of stiver being carried In the shu(>o of bangles, anklets, chains, and massive girdles. One sits In a brightlr lighted, lew, white building nnd sips Arabian coffee ' while some of the girls dance their peculiar desert dances If Biskra Is the political and social center of the Zlhan, and the Zlbaa Is the group of prosperous oases, vil lages extending from the foot of tbe Aures mountains to the Chott-Vel ghlr, the religious capital Is Sldl Okba. Sldl-Okba Is an oasis distant twenty kilometers from Biskra, and Is named for that old warrior who, at the head of a small body of Arab cavalry, went forth to conquer Africa In the sixtieth year of the HedJIra. When he had extended his conquest from Egypt to Tangier, he spurred his horse Info the Atlantic, declaring that only snch a barrier could prevent hint from forcing every nation beyond It who knew not God to worship Him only or die. In a revolt of the Ber bers he was killed, A. D. 641, and when the Arabs bad reconquered the Zlhan their leaders was buried In tbe oasis which heart his nnme. Going to 8idi-Okba. The track acrosa the desert to Sldt Okba Is practical for carriages. Moat of the turbaned drivers gallop their three horses harnessed abreast over the hammocks of sand and tufts of sage-brush till the passengers beg for slower pace. Soon after leaving Bis kra the road crosses a atony tract a quarter of a mile broad, with a deep stream In the center, the Oued-BIskra. and emerges on the desert. The tiny oasis of Bellah Is passed on the right, the dome of a marabout's tomb shin ing among Its trees. The long, low lying line of the palms of Sldi-Okba is In the distance; the Anres mountains | rise In golden and rose glory, the deep clefts In their side blue and mys 1 terlous. Groups of Bedooln tents are passed | at Intervals, and the scarlet rag, the copper pan. the fire, and Its group are r dashes of bright color In the yellow browns of eartb and camp, canopied | always with the dazxllng bine of the g sky. Herds of camels feed oo the , dry sage-brush of the plain, and the . baby camels trot by their mothers In rolitsh fashion. . l-'lve other oases are passed, Chat nah, Droh. Sldl-Khabll, Seriana, and Garta, and at length one approaches the mud wall which surrounds the e sacred oasis. Four thousand Arabs " Uve In this village, and the mad e bouses are thickly packed, the stiesta i. narrow and Indescribably dirty, with I- rivulets of muddy water running dntd* i. the center. The tiny shops are spam. I- to the street. In eastern fashion, ant b behind their we-ea the cross-legged It merchants sit in dak liiiltffmi ?> j ? M

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