_THE GLEANER IS8JJED ITKkY THUMDAT. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Entered at tne Pontoffloe at Oretrain. N. 0.. ?? eeooud-nlaaa matter. GRAHAM, N. 0., NOV. 22, 1928. Senator Borah made such a poor job of collecting a fund to cover the ?2G0,000 of "oil money" that went' into the 1924 Republican presiden tial campaign fund that be is go ing to return what he got on the venture. lie collected only about ?7.500. What Coolidge will do after he steps down and out on the 4th of next March is bothering some peo ple. lie knows; but be is not broadcasting it. The extremely anxions ones will haye to wait till the time comes, then they will see. After maintaining a sphinx-like silence for over seven years, it is hardly probable that be will break down and go to talking at this late d ay. The ship Veslris sank the first of last week with a loss of more than a hundred lives. For a week an investigation has been going on to determine the true cause of the tragedy, which appears to be little nearer a solution than when started. Hardly lias there been such conflict in a lot of testimony. One must conclude from the evidence adduced that the ship was not altogether sea worthy and that it was not manned with a well-trained crew. Dr. Albert L. Anderson, super intendent of the State Hospital at Raleigh, was found guilty of two minor charges Tuesday in Wake Superior Court after being on trial for seven days. He had been in dicted on 15 counts of misconduct in office. The'chargee upon which he was convicted were for sending hospital patients to his private farm to work. The Judge imposed a line of $500. There are yet two charges* for embezzlement upon which lie is to be tried at the De cember term of Wake Superior court. A Farm Saw Mill Will Sometimes Pay Despite the waste in operating a sawmill on the farm, sometimes it is necessary for the woodlot owner to put in his own plant to get a market for bis logs and to balance his labor. "And yet," says R. W. Grae ber, extension forester at State College, "We have few timber markets so developed that a farmer can cot his logs and deliv er them to an established mark et such as for cotton or tobacco. There are some communities where markets exist for high class logs but on many farms there are top logs suitable for cross ties, rough framing or boards for farm bnildings. Many farmers may find it more practi cal to operate their own saw mills as a means of controlling the cutting of timber from their woodlots." Where such landowners have a supply of cheap power, such as water power or surplus energy at their cotton gins, a farm sawmill may pay. Mr. Graeber states that W. T. Brown of Moore coun ty has a mill operated by water power and has been cutting an average of 50,000 board feet of timber each year for 25 years. As a usual thing, however, there is too much waste at the average farm sawmill. The cir cular saw, commonly used at such mills, cuts one-fourth inch of sawdust each time it passes through the log, while the band saw of commercial plants cats only one-eighth inch. Neither is the farm sawmill prepared to out the highest class logs which re quire careful milling to bring out the quality of the wood. Nearly all kinds o' trees require different methods of milling aod these dif ferent methods require extra equipment. This the average farmer cannot afford to put in, states Mr. Graeber. The beet solution of the whole problem is for every connty in North Carolina to have some kind of wood working center where the grower may sell his preduei any day or every day in the year. Did You Ever Stop To Think! (Copyright 1928) By Edson R. Waite, Shawuee, Okla Willard Cooper, editor of the Aew London (Conn.) Ilav says: ' ? ^our PaPer cannot ex ist if it makes a practice of distorting news in anyway ? it soon must go out of business if it expresses bias?off its edi torial page?toward any .one political party, any one class of citizens or even if it appears unduly biased toward one of the sexes. The radio is largely responsi ble?that and the telephone and telegraph, and cheaper maga zines and books. Fifty vears ago a newspaperpublished onlv such news as conformed to its editorial policy, if ;i paper happened to be Republican it printed only good news about Republican candidates, only de rogatory ^ news about Demo crats. Similarly a .Democratic! editor's tenure of office would) he brief indeed if he permitted a Republican candidate to air his views in the paper. | To-day a newspaper which withholds news is speedily sin gled out by its readers, just as a newspaper is identified for mendaciousness the moment it begins to color or distort the news. People do not rely al together on the newspapers for their information. They get a great deal out of books and magazines, and they get a great deal out of the radio. The radio broadcast both Re publican and Democratic con ventions this year. Listeners |in heard the speeches just ex actly as they were made in the convention halls at Kansas City and Houston. If any newspaper had descended to false reporting of either conven tion, a large proportion of its readers would immedia t e 1 y have been aware of the jour nalistic crime. That paper | would lose circulation. The radio can never supplant the newspaper ; it lacks the facilities for condensation of a vast amount of information in a small space. But it serves as as a check on the news, and it is useful to the public in demon strating the validity of the af fairs which they do not hear but must read about Similarly, fraudulent advertising no longer can survive- Newspaper readers speedily identity tbe too artful advertiser, and avoid his store Prune Trees Lightly For Best Peaches Peaches from tress lightly prnoed have sold for 25 to 50 cents more per bushel than front trees heavily pruned. While the increases in yield per tree are not so heavy, light pruning does give better color, more uniform fruit, higher marketability and a re duced pruning cost. "Due to the dense foliage caused by heavy pruning, the color of the peaches is poor and insect and disease iujury is usu ally greater," says M. E. Gardner of the departmeutof horticulture at State College. "The bearing area is also restricted. Light pruning together with careful thinning always pays best. But, states Mr. Gardner, the grower must remember there are three stages in pruning a peach tree. These are, the forma tive period when the tree is so pruned as to get its scaffold branches, the transition period when the tree is changing from heavy wood growth to fruit pro duction and the fruiting period when light pruning will pay best. Mr. Gardner states that after the formative period, the modem tendency has been toward lighter pruning. This has resulted in decreased pruning costs, larger yields, better color and more first grade frnit per tree. Light pruning, explains Mr. Gardner, consists of th in ning th tree enough to admit sunlight and a free circulation of air with a minimum of heading back. Trees that have been lightly pruned for a period of years have a spreading habit and the limbs bear down under the weight of the fruit. This not only opeus up the tree to admit sunlight but puts most of the peaches with in reach of ground pickers. It also gives a better distribution of frnit throughou the tree and seems to establish a better balance between that system and top. Agronomists Agree On Fertilizers For Tobacco. Backed by years of study and experimental data and found practical by the experience of u'ood tobacco farmers, certain definite recommendations have been made by the agronomy workers of North Carolina as to how the tobacco crop should be fertilized this next season for ob taining the highest quality of leaf. At a recent meeting held at the North Carolina State College, the agronomists of the four Southern lobac'co growing States and rep resentatives of the United States Department of Agriculture pool ed their information and arrived at conclusions which they believe will be of value to the North Carolina tobacco grower. In brief, these conclusions as given for bright tobacco by Ih-of. 11. Williams, call for the use of from 800 to 1200 pounds of fcr Bister applied in the drill just before transplanting and thor-i otigiily mixed witli the soil. For heavy soils used in growing the bright flue-cured tobacco, an 8-3-5 mixture is recommended except for grey soils with red subsoils when an 8-3-3 is advised. For the lighter or less productive soils au8-4-G mixture is recommended. Where sanddowu occurs, the fertilizers should carry at least two percent of magnesia derived from the sulphate of potash-mag nesia or from dolomilic limestone. In mixing up these fertilizer mixtures, the phosphoric acid should come , from superphos phate. The potash should co'me from a combination of high grade muriate with either high grade sulphate of potash or sulphate of potash magnesia or both. In no case should the mixture con tain over two per cent of chlorine. The notrogen shonl 1 come from one-half high-grade organic ma terials such os cottonseed meal or fish scrap aud the other half from urea or the standard inorgauic sources such as nitrate of soda. lu growing dark tobacco, GOO to 1,000 pounds of 8-3-3 mixture made from the same materials is reccommended. 'Mums Feed Heavy; M ust Be Divided Chrysanthemums are hardy, are beautiful around the home in lato fall and when established will live for many years. "Yet they will not thrive in definitely without transplanting," says Glenn 0. Randall, floricul Lurist at the North Crrolina State College. "When a planting of chrysanthemums is once made and becomes established it will live for a number of years but a olose observer will note that after a year or so, the blossoms will not be as large and the stems will be come shorter. This is because the flower is a very heavy feeder and soon exhausts the plant food in most soil types. Then, too, the plants becomp so massed to gether that there is not enough room for the roots to feed." For this reason, the best prac t ce is to propagate new plants from the original stock each year This may be done easily, says Mr. Randall, by taking soti-wood cuttings from the old plants in eai ly spring when the new growth litis become three or four inches long. Remove these new shoots from the parent plants by cut ting straight across the stem. Remove at least two-thirds of the leaf area and place the cuttings in a sand-box iuimedately. In a few days, rootlets will appear. When these roots are about one iuch in length, the young plants are ready for setting. In rooting the new cuttings it is important to have the sand moist but not wet. After the new cut lings have set in the boil, culti vate them carefully and add plant food gradually. by following this method, Mr. Randall linds the home gardener will have excellent, long-stemmed and well-flowered plants that are a delight about the home each fall. A "blanket" df earth is a good thing for bramble fruit, bushes in cold sections of the country, es pecially where cold, dry winds prevail. Gently bend down the plants all the way, lengthwise of the row and cover them with a -few inches of earth. In large patches this can be doue after the plants have been bent over and fastened by plowing a furrow over the row from each side. In the spring uncover the plaute and straighten up the canes. "The Farm Woods?A Savings Bank Paying Interest" is the title of a new 8-page leaflet issued by the U. S. Department of Agricul ture. This publication may be J secured from the department in Washington by writing for Leaf let No. 29-L. 60 PER CENT OF WORLD'S PEOPLE EAT NO BUTTER American Table Delicacy Unknown to More Than Billion in Other Nations. Chicago.?Sixty per cent of the j population of the earth, or 1,032,000,-! 000 people, do not use butter and a considerable per cent have never j heard of It This doubtless will astonish persons unfamiliar with the history of foods j and accustomed to butter on the home table since Infancy. Similar popular myths prevail regarding the length of J time coffee, tea, and tobacco have j been numbered among civilized lux uries. The addiction of European people and their descendants on this side of the Atlantic to these pleasant j stimulants dates back only a few hun- ; dred years. All the conquests and great exploits of the ancient and I medieval world were achieved with out them. Butter as a spread for bread is used only in a comparatively small area of the earth, chiefly in northern Europe and America. In other parts of the world, olive oil, tallow drip pings and coconut oil take the place of butter in cooking and as a table dish. In China, Japan, India and oth er nations of southeastern Asia, where rice is the staple food, no butter is used and various fats and oils are added to the cereal to give it flavor and nutritive value. Margarine has been an established article of diet in Europe and Amer ica since the reign of Napoleon III in France when Ilippolyte Mege-Mourles developed the method of manufactur ing It. It was at first considered a sub stitute for butter but now in several European countries butter is a sub stitute for margarine. In Denmark, notably, one of the leading dairying countries of Europe, it is aljnost a universal custom atfiong the farmer* to export their batter to England and use margarine on their family table*. ^ No prejudice exist* In Europe \ against margarine and the inimical - sentiment ugalnst it which developed a decade or so ago In America and which, from an economic view is dlf- , limit to understand, is gradually dls- , appearing. Margarine Is a wholesome , food made under thoroughly sanitary | conditions and government Inspec tion. It Is made only from the finest ' oils, vegetable or animal or both com bined, milk, and salt and, Its manu facture Is a source of Immense profit to American farmers. As far as taste goes, it Is difficult for even a con noisseur to distinguish between the i best quality of margarine and the best quality of butter. As a spread for bread, both butter and margarine are considered by dietitians merely as delicacies or what are known tech nically as accessory food*. ! "Given un ordinary, every-day rea sonably well-balanced diet for the av erage man, or child," says Dr. Wil liam D. Hlchardson, Internationally famous scientist and dietitian, "it does not make any difference from the dietary standpoint whether the Indi vidual eats margarine or butter and the one he chooses Is entirely a mat ter of taste, preference, or economy. He may choose to eat one or the oth er or neither without any appreciable influence on his growth, health, strength or physical or mental energy. Ills diet usually Is, and should be, so balanced and varied that he Is not dependent on the small quantity of fat which Is spread on bread to make it palatable." Chattel Mortgage Blanks?For sale at The Gleaner office. Magistrates' Blank?State Warrants, Civil Summons, Transcripts ol Judgments, tor sale at The Gleaner office, Graham. subscribe por the glean aa. MOTORISTS ARGUE FOR ADDITIONAL SAFETY MEASURES ON HIGHWAYS Convince Officials of Perils on Many Crowded Roads Prevention of Dust an Important Matter to Be Considered. The White Painted Guard Rails Help to Make Curves 8afe for the Motorist. , DESPITE the increase in the use High winds and passing cars ralie of white painted guard rails, dust clouds that hare been compared whitewashed traffic indicators with the smoke screens of naval de of one sort or another and moreVlab- stroyers. Through that screen the orate danger signals, automobile accl- average motorist must guess his way dent3 are steadily growing more nu- and trust to luck that no one is di merous, automobile associations point rectly in his path, the automobllists out in reviewing the summer's casual- assert. ties. In some sections of the country. The next great important step to re- where motorists have been able to con duce the number of accidents will be vlnce officials of the perils In dust thc elimination of dust, in the opinion covered highways, the authorities are of those associations. applying chemicals to the road sur Dust, in spite of the greater mileage face, particularly calcium chloride, a of concrete roads, is causing many ac- moisture-absorbing material that lays cidents, a condition due in part to the the dust. The prevention of dust Is constantly growing highway conges- unquestionably a large factor In any tlon. safety first campaign. Don't Fail To See MADAM PRESELLA World's Greatest Scientific j , American Palmist Tells past, present and future; gives ad vice on business and love affairs. in fact, I I anything pertaining to one's welfare in life. If you are discouraged, or in trouble, don't fail to see Madam Presella. Each Beading Strictly Confidental and Positively Gnaranteed. Office at Glen Raven, Highway No. 10, one , mile west of Burlington city limits. ' ] Hours: 9 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. < Private Room for Colored. 1 I If cut at the right time, wheu j the beans are about one-half nor mal size, soybean hay has about the same feeding value as alfalfa < b?y- _____ j Top-dressing peach trees with , one and one-half pounds of Chilean ] nitrate of soda per tree gave bet ter quality of fruit in an orchard r belongfag to G. M. Grant of Alex- i der County. North Carolina is the first State ^ in the Union to complete the t testing of all cows for bovine i tuberculosis. No trace of the i disease was found in 12 countries^ < 1 Two thousand pine seedlings planted in Rowan County on the , laud of a country church are growing well, reports county agent W. G. Yeager. North Carolina is one of throp ' States in the South that has in- ' creased her population of dairy ' cows in the last three years. ( 1? 1 Cotton planted after turning under a crop of vetch and rye, yielded 1,113 pounds of seed cotton per acre, reports Joe Cow- i an of Bertie County. 8tock beets are yielding well and are relished by dairy eo-.vs in , Surry County, find those farmers who grow the beets as a demon stration this season. ] Yields of from 250 to 350 bush els of sweet potatoes per acre are reported by Catawba Count.v farmers who planted some 2,000 acres this year. i 6 6 6 li a Prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, 1 Bilious Fever and Malaria. ' It is the most speedy remedy known. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 1 Having qualified as executor of the ea tatate or the late Geo. 8. Rogers, deceased, of Alamance County, State of North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons having claims ^against said estate, to present them duly authenticated to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of October, 1829, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said estate are requeeted to make prompt settlement. 1 This 8eptember21 ,1928 W. M. ftOGERS. Hxeo'r Estate of Geo. 8, Rogers, Deceased. 34-4 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified at Administrator of the estate of John J. Snyder, deceased, late of Alamanoe county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them duly verified, to the undersigned at Graham. North Caro lina, on or before the 1st day of Nov, 1029. or thig notloe will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. A1 1 persons Indented to said estate wll please make Immediate settlement. This the 24th day of October, 1928. ALLEN q.TATE Administrator. J. Dolph Long, Atty. 88 6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havlnc qualified as Administrator ol the estate of Egbert L. Htuart. deceased, late of Alamanoe county. State of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them, duly uerlfledtothe undersigned at Graham, fa C., on or before the lath day of Oct I929' 1 or this notloe will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. I All persons Indebted to said estate will pleas make Immediate settlement. 1 This tbe 8rd day of October. 1928 M.M. 8TUART. * rw 1 v r Administrator. J. Dolph Long, Att'y. 35-40 Receiver's Re-Sale of ( Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the ' power of sale contained in that 1 certain Mortgage Deed of trust ' from Sam Troxler and wife, ( Rebecca Troxler, to Piedmont 1 Trust Co., Trustee, dated Sep- ^ tember 2, 1920, and recorded 6 in the office of the Register of ' Deeds for Alamance County, < North Carolina, in Deed of < Trust Book 87, page 176, and ' securing the bond of the said * Sam Troxler and wife in the ' sum of (125.00, default having 1 been made in the payment of said bond as in said deed of 1 trust provided, and further puy- c suant to the authority of an or- ( der of the Superior Court of Al- ' mance COunty in the action 1 therein pending numbered 3682, I upon the civil issue docket, the ( undersigned Receiver of Pied- I mont Trust Co. will, on c MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1828 , it 12:00 o'clock M., at the court house door in Alamance County, * nflfer for sale at public auction ' to the highest bidder for cash, 1 the following described real1 property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Alamanc, state of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Joel Tickle, Fohn Cumming8, Eliza Sum ler and bounded as follows : Beginning at a stone on Joel rickle's line ; running thence 5 li deg W 15.28 chs to a post >ak near the railroad ; thence N 80 deg W 3.93 chns to a stake; ;hence N 1? deg E 15.28.chs to i stone; thence & 76 deg E 5.93 chns to the beginning, jontaining six acres, but to be ;he same be there more or less. Situate on the above described property is a five room cottage. Terms of Sale will be cash upon date of sale, and the pur ;haser will be furnishod with i certificate by said Receiver ;ertifying the amount of his aid, upon receipt of the pur :hase price, and the sale will be eft open ten days thereafter for placing of advance bids as required by law. This is a re-sale and bidding will start at $55.00. Done this the loth day of November, 1928. THOS. D. COOPER, Receiver, Piedmont Trust Com pany. Receiver's Re-Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed from Dan Isley and wife, Nancy Is ley, to Piedmont Trust Co. Trustee, dated October 31st, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, in Deed of Trust Book 84, page 84, securing the bonds of the 3aid Dan Isley and wife in the sum of $800.00, default having been made in the pay ment of said bonds as in said deed of trust provided, and further pursuant to the author ity of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County in the action threin pending, num bered 3682, upon the civil issue docket, the undersigned Re ceiver of Piedmont Trust Com pany will, on MONDAY, DEC. 3, 1928 at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real prop perty, to-wit : Two certain tracts or parcels of land situate, lying and being in Albright Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, described and defined as fol lows: Lot 1. Adjoining lands of Dan Isley, Henry Capps and others, beginning at a white fiint rock, corner with Dan Is ley in Henry Capps' line; run ning thence N. 3 deg. 15' E 8 chs to an iron bolt in the said Capps line in the old Mt. Her mon road; thence 3.46 deg W 10.35 chs to an iron pipe, corner with said Isley on North side of said road ; 1 hence 3.85 deg. E7.07 chs to the begin ning, containing 3.04 acres, more or less. Lot No. 2. Adjoining Dan Isley, Sallie Foust, Henry Capps. Mike and Jeiry Foust and Clay Holmes, beginning at a rock, corner with Mike Foust in said' Capps' line ; running thence N 82 deg. W 14chs. 87 ks to a rock, corner, with laid Mike Foust in Mike Eoust's line ; thence N 3? deg E 8.75 chs to a roek, corner laid Holmes in said Jerry Eoust's line; thence S 80$ leg E 14.92 chs to a rock, iorner with said Holmes n 'said Sallie Foust's line ; ihence S 3$ deg W 10 chs to the beginning, contain i n g 13.8 acres more or less. Terms of sale will be cash lpon date of sale, and the pur ihaser will be furnished with a iertificate by said Receiver cer tifying the amount of his bid, lpon receipt of the purchase >rice, and the sale will be left >pen ten days thereafter for ilacing of advance bids as re tired by law. This is a re-sale and bidding vill start at $275.00. Done this the 15th day of 7 ovember, 1928. THOS. D. COOPER, teceiver Piedmont Trust Com pany

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