MfhenFood Sours Lots of folk* who think they bar* Indigestion" have only an acid condi tion which could be corrected in flv# or ten minutes. An effectivs antl-add like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleas ant preparation to take! And how good It Is for the system 1 Unlike a burning dose of soda?which is but temporary relief at best?Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutralizes many times Its volume In add. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least dis comfort, try? Phillips i Milk of Magnesia . I Worms expelled promptly from the knaul I lyiuw with Dr. Pii?/'i Vmrifnit HDaad I I Shot. " One single 4om doee the trick. Me. I All Druggtate. *mYmi Tvc3y v?r mlraott I 1 11 At flragxinte or m Panrl Street. Kew Totfc 01 tT | Itffl - U ch. wrf. tmr way baton B want troubles follow. Take HALE'S HONEY OF HOMHOUND AND TM The tried home remedy tor breaking up colds, relieving throat troubles healing and ooothing?gufck tsllsn lor coughing and huarsintm. 30m ml mil Jrwggitii rh.f*rtsw<>Mt.nwsv Havre you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Qoutf ? uraiOM ot m traaa rtn urbitm os tbi ottmm At Ail DrafghU Jw. My * 8a. WklMda MMUIm Garfield T ea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For every stomach end Intestinal I1L Thli rood old-faah looed herb borne I remedy (or conati ^ patioo, stomacb lib and otber derange menta of tho mrm tan ao prevalent these days la In even (rater favor as a family medicine than la your grandmother's day. Bum a Plant Oddity The Bret paradox about the banana la that It la a tree, by virtue of Ita alia and height, without a true trunk, aaya the Nature Magazine. The tall art banana plants measure 40 feet from the tips of the leaves to the ?round. In Jamaica they attain about 19 feet, the first IS feet of wblch Is approximately the remarkable "pseu dostem," or false trunk; the remain tier the blades of the huges leave which tower above It Taught Jaws Wood Cmrrtag Robert Casaon says; "From th Egyptians, the Jews, no doubt during their captivity, learned the ait 01 ?sad earring and the making mo worship of Idols." Grandmother Knew there was nothing so goad lor coogn* tfcnmd cotds aa mnstawl. But the apd^bfaugtd.^ theiefcf and balp ffiSSStraiShSSorttetug OeMf^bltln. whe*qokhlythe IL Mfr- : ,k; / - AtmterKeit RADIO 1 - ' - v , LriL. ' rrs ALL TRUE ?when you have the right radio ORCHESTRAS . CROP REPORTS 1 WEATHER . CHURCH SERVICES fl NEWSFLASHES ? BRASS BANDS | FIDDLING CONTESTS ? SPORTS M CHILDREN'S STORIES P GREAT SINGERS I ' SADIO does bring the city "up close." It does mean more to l families than to anyone else. BUT you've got to have a good radio. Radio that reaches oat. Radio that sounds natural. Radio that's always ready when you are. The best evidence that Atwater Kent Radio is good radio?that it really does the job as everybody wants it done?is the fact that it is and has been for a long time the best seller in both the city and the country. After listening, after comparing prices, most people want it?because they find it's the kind they want. From a lamp-socket or from batteries Some homes have electricity, some haven't. Either way, yon get fine Atwater Kent performance and proved dependability. If yon do not hap;>c:i to have power from a central station, you can enjoy the broadcasting with the improved, powerful 1929 Atwater Kent battery set. It, too, is perfected. The main thing it: Don't wait. The air is full of wonderful pro Sams ? today?tonight ? and ey're meant for you. Get what's coming to you?as more than 2,000,000 other families do?with an Atwater Kent. Model 56. the new oJMirooe eet that ?t? to beautiful)* anywhere. Foiiceinot Dial- Fe? 110.1*0 volt* met cycle elternetine current Require! IA.C. tnbce tad I roctifyina tube. Without tnbce, ttr. ? Model 40 (BwliH 977. Mr no-iWToit *>-?o cycle alternating current Requires 0 A. C. tabes end 1 rectifying tube. tT7 (without tubes). Battery Seta, S49?>68. Solid mahotanj cabinet!. Panels satin-finished In rold. Pcix T1UOX Dial. Model 41, Su. Model 40. extra powerful, M. Prices do Dot fasclada tubes as batteries. Trie- Oigktfy JUffcw mml mftkt Rmddm Cm the air?every Sunday night?Auvater ?eni Radio Hour?Helen ini ATVATER KENT MANUFACTURING CO.. A. Atmmtm Kmi. Ptuiimt. 4764 WiMahickoa Arm., PhiUdWphi*. F? Avoiding lll'Natvra "Why do yon cultivate mit'easm?" "If you try to correct a fault," said Mlas Cayenne, "you should try to be as gentle as possible. It Is better to be sarcastic than brutal." Or Habby Slip ia Lata llnw wonderful a mother la! Shf sleeps, and a telephone loudly ringins dees not awaken her. But let hei baby stir Just a little bit, and sh< I awakens Immediately.?Atchison Globe * More Popular Every Da^J^gice 1893 SMwko WHEAT" The year 'round natural health food A full ounce of health in every biscuit Warm'and serve with hot milk on cold days OHLDACN WHO CAN SAINT WILL WANT TO SAVE THE ' ***** INSISTS IN SHMOOaO WHEAT PACKAGES ? ? Mat Jjt dreee, or coat, or twteter. It take* ^ \ nUnfaa to do that. That'iwhy Diamond Dyee \ Whh float three to fire timet mme anihncs I tfaaa any other dye?by aliel teat. I If* the railinre fat Diamond Dyee diet do the ? sark; that (toe the colore each faritteace; each a j1** n' yenaeacaqe. It'a real aniline that heepe > Abb from |ifm thimi tint rc-dycd look; from ' e#otttog or emoting. Meat thae yoa hare dyeing to do-try Diamond Dyee. That compart matte. See how eoft, bright, ew-looldag the colore ore. Obeerra hoar they keep wBreftnd year money If job dorti?m Diamond Dyoare better dyta Tlwtito fekft of Ditwd Dyn it At crkwl 'tH-farpmt" dye for and mry Uod of oatcriaL It will dye or tm? tOk, vool, cotton, linen, H two* or any annum of Kihli The Mar Mrkme it a special dye, far H sflk or wool oofy. With it yoe can dye JKXV nluahle articles Of silk or woof with resets eqnal 10 the 6nctt aeofewinnsl wortc. When yon >su | '? (kit. Tit Mar pnri?ge?nsA or wool on^ The ?Mr focfagr win <ty? I ? * .. 1 . ... _ . ? g ????? ??????! ?! ????MB ? | 1WHAT DR. CALDWELL LEARNED IN 47 YEARS PRACTICE A physician watched the reeutte el constipation for 47 years, end beliered that no matter how careful people are of their health, diet and exercise, constipa tion will occur from time to time. Of next importance, then, ie how to treat it when it cornea. Dr. Oaldwell always was in favor of getting ae eloee to nature aa possible, hence his remedy for consti pation, known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is a mild vegetable compound. It can not harm the system and is not habit forming. Syrup Pepsin is pleasant tseting, and youngsters love it. Dr. Caldwell did not approve of drastic physics and pnrges. He did not believe they were good far anybody's system. In n practice of 47 years he never saw any reason for their nee when Syrup Pepsin will empty the bowels just ae promptly. Do not let a day go by without ? bowel movement. Do not sit and hope, bnt go to the nearest druggist end get one of the generous bottles of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin, or write "Syrup Pepsin," Dept. BB, Monticello. Illinois, lor free trial bottle. For Wounds and Sores Try HANFOREPS Balsam of Myrrh toWiiilMfiy. i QMK.Unft AflmmM. iftulln } $ ?rnap?35c mad 60c riiea. And 1- > 4 '???ft. ?? Pise's Tint tad ?* "L Chid8dva,I9c J? Gulden's Htomach Tablets are a formula achieved remarkable success In relief of such Stomach disorders as Ulcers. Gastritis. Sour and dyspeptic Stomachs, Indigestion and al coholic Stomachs. Relief course It for 160 tablets. Use Vfc bottle, if not satisfied return and 1 will refund full amount. A. A.. Golden Co.. 1301 Washington Ave. N.. Minneapolis. Quilt Pieces. Big 1 lb. roll, approx. 16 yds., ginghams, prints, percales, etc.. lengths 1 yd. and under, <9c; all bright new patterns. SOUTHERN SALES SERVICE. Prentias.N.C. Cigars Direct From Factory to Comamcr hand mads. Box 60. 10c else, $3.76 or 100 for $7.36 postpaid with m. o. 8atls. guar. W. X. Recktenwald. 1421 CIybourn Ave., Chicago. BEWARE OF HEAD COLDS LETZO for instant relief, sold by dratebt or by mall 60c. Guaranteed. LET7.ELTER PROD. CO.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Work for l'owmelf. Have real proposition for live advertising solicitors. Few dollars required. Write Sidney B. Starr. Inc., 1S1 WILLIAM ST.. NEW TORK CITY. Terror, of Droagfct As an illustration of what a drought means In Australia it is stated that In one section which once contained 290,000 cattle there were only 4,000 left after a prolonged dry spell last year. Watch yonr health by Urinalysis. Container furnished. Experts. Prompt, reasonable. J. B. BI.Y, Hyattsvtlle, Maryland.?Adv. ? Woa't Wait Husband?I may be detained at the office till very iate tonight?if I am don't wait np for me. Experienced Wife (firmly)?I won't ?Ill go down and get yon.?Life. Do nothing when yon are angry and yon will have leas to nndo. Always an EasyVicrimT Writes Mr. Waken: - ** m . (But Things are Different Now) ?TOR SEVERAL ran I lm been ? cnnrii?l aufTtin from awA of didn't deep well or eat good." [Many do not suspect that die atomach can cause to modi illneaa?bat k don.] "I was abra/a an ctmf ??'???? of colds; now I am on my third botde of PBHUNA?detpine and notka die Uggeat Any." [It*? aomcthmg to be gratefalfbr that FB-UH4A can do ao modi far aa&na.] "I wdl remember mf tanota taking KJtUNApeaB ago; Ii ni ill?fni; pndwtetodiednea.* arTrfnaawViMci lan d/. Yoa aboald fcnow k, loo?it from toj drug Hon I W. N. U? BALTIMORK, MO. 7-tm RADIOLA l8 -amazing for its fine, p&rformance 1 ?(for alternating current, let! Radiotrxm) I \ Most popular Radiola ever / \ designed. Faithful reproduc- / \ tion over a wide range. Inex- / J \ pensive operation from house / \ current. / \ iU ihe .www RCA Rodioia I 1 Doaler to drwunutrate the "19" J .11 for you and teU you about , Jin Mil the RCA Tlma Payment Plan. Illj' ftC/% R/IDIOIA , The Germ Received A man came alone to the neigh bor's house on an errand. "Why didn't you bring the wife along and spend the evening?" ashed the friend. "Oh, she has caught the germ again," replied the disgruntled hus band. "Flu, 1 suppose?" said the solicitous neighbor. "No, the malady Is gardenltis. She received a new seed catalogue today," was the distressed husband's lament Clinical Note His was the true collector's pride. No guest was ever allowed to leave his house until the collection had been duly shown. "It's the greatest collection of rejection slips in the world," he would state. I, being some what of a collector myself, took Issue with him. "Where Is a slip from the American Mercury?" I asked. He hung his head In shame. "Er?er? they bought the article," he replied.? Exchange. Maowl Ella?Geel I feel light-headed I Bella?With a heavy face and heavy bead of hair like yours I don't see bow that Is possible! Compromising Question Representative Bulwinkle.of North Carolina told a campaign story at a Gastonla banquet * "Up north."' he said, "a young col ored girl made her way into r regis tration booth. "Ah wants ter vote,' she said, and she began to giggle. "'What party do you affiliate withy said the clerk. "'Sub!' She looked indignant and rolled her ejes. 'Snhi' ?"What party do you affiliate with, t asked you.' * 'Does Ah have ter tell datT "'Ton sure do, sister.' " 'Den Ah won't vote nohow. Why, de party wot Ah filiate wlv hain't even got his divo'ce yet'" Great Day in History General O'Hara bore- the sword of Cornwall is at the surrender at York town. General Cornwallls suffered a* sudden Illness which prevented Us appearing. General Lincoln received the sword, which was immediately re turned. Recently J. E. Donaldson, eighty two, and Mrs. Tennessee Herbert, eighty-three, were married at Sellg man, Mo. ?fi . Always Jora HEADACHE THE none never hesitates to give her patient the quick comfort of Bayer Aspirin. 8he has heard doctors declare it safe. She has seen it relieve so many kinds of suffering, and knows it to be dependable. These perfectly harmless tablets esse an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do help and can't harm. Take diem for any headache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; many have found them a marvelous aid at such times. The proven directions with every package of Bayer Aspirin tell how to tteat colds, sore [ ? \ throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc. All ^spTRTN itjteyjfe When your Children Ciy for It Castorla Is a comfort when Baby is fretful. No sooner taken than the little one is at ease. If restless, a few drops soon bring contentment. No harm done, for Caatorla is a baby remedy, meant for babies. Perfectly safe to give the youngest Infant; yon have the doctors' word for that! It Is a vegetable pro duct and yon could use It every day. But it's In an emergency that Castorla means most Some night when consti pation must be relieved?or colic pains ?or other suffering. Never be without ft; some mothers keep an extra bottle, anopened, to make sure there will al ways be Castorla in the house. It Is effective for older children, too; read the book that comes with it All In / iBtaatfoal priaooa an awfar maklac yon III. T?ki HI / MBb ?at*, dapaodabla, laaatabla mMf|T laxativa. KaapajrrafaaHar f JO-MORROW (fete. GataOebox. 0 AIJUGHT Far Sab at AO Dtaggiata, ra-?. BulMtUTaTla Cm.w Mna.l.l. P-.?"5^rS * - 1 > ? tALIMHIL ^ Mrs. Hoover College Brail b Is Interesting to note that Mrs. Hoover, a college graduate, follows another college gradoate as First Lad; of the Land. Mrs. Cool Id ge is a graduate of the university of Ver mont There have been few college graduates among the 30 mistresses of, the White House. ' Even the expensive milliner may wot uphold high-hatting. Help Kidnevs By Drinking More Water Take Salt* to Flush Kldnaya and Halp Nautraliza Ins tating Adda Kidney and bladder Irritations oft eft remit from acidity, says a noted au thority. The kidneys help filter this add from the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it may remain to Irritate and inflame, earning a horn ing, scalding sensation, or setting op an Irritation at the neck of the blad der, obliging yon to seek relief two or three times during the night The sufferer is in constant dread; the wa ter passes some times with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in voiding It Bladder weakness, most folks call it because they cant control urina tion. While it is extremely annoying and sometimes very painful, this is often one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Begin drinking lots of soft* water, also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar macist and take a taMespoouful in a glass of water before breakfast Con tinue this for two or three days. This will help neutralise the adds In the system so they no longer are a source of irritation' to the bladder and uri nary organs, which then net normal ?|i>lB Jad Salts is inexpensive, and is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthia, and Is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary -disorders caused by add irritation. Jad Salts causes no bad effects whatever. Honn-yon have a pleasant efferves cent BtUnwstar dtioit which may gafaUy letters year MOder Irritation.

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