INOCTORS quite approve the quick comfort of Bayer Aspi rin. These perfectly harmless tab lets ease an aching head without penalty. Their increasing use year after year is proof that they do help and can't harm. Take them for any ache; to avoid the pain peculiar to women; many have found them marvelous at such times. The proven directions with every pack age of Bayer Aspirin tell how to treat colds, sore throat, neuralgia, neuritis, etc. All druggists. SAspirin Aspirin in the trade mark of Barer Manufactvt of Monoacetlcacideater of Salicylicacld ML'HIT A Mi SK AL INSTRUMENTS Write for our musical catalogue and one sheet of music FREE. Everything in music. FRANKLIN MUSIC HOUSE 25 New Street ----- Newark. N. J. Some Partiea A White Ilouso reception Is n col orful event. About 3,500 Invitations are issued.?American Magazine. Som men have n hard time picking out a car to heaven because the lower berths seein all to be taken. Cold Storage at 37 Degrees Best Temperature Should Not Run Too Close to Freezing for Potatoes. (Trepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Cold storage of seed potatoes should not run too close to the freezing point, and 37 degrees Fahrenheit Is probably a desirable temperature, potato spe llallsts iu the United States Depart ment of Agriculture have concluded after storage experiments with seed potatoes In several seasons. Recults of Studies. The results of the studies appear In Technical Bulletin 117-T, "Compara tive Influence of Different Storage Temperatures on Weight I.osses and Vitality of Seed Potatoes," Just pub lished by the department. When po tatoes are stored at a temperature of 32 degrees considerable decoy results. At temperatures of 30 or 40 degrees the potatoes remain approximately dormant for the usual storage season, and may even be stored for an ad ditional year without excessive de terioration In appearance but not In quality. The authors, William Stuart, P. M. Lombard, and Walter M. Peacock, all of the bureau of plant Industry, ex perimented with storage of seed pota toes, not only at the department's Arlington farm, but also at the Vir ginia truck experiment station near Norfolk. Va., at the Marble labora tories, Canton, Pa., and at the Aroo stock farm of the Maine agricultural experiment station. Different vari ations In storage of potatoes showed slight differences In response to va riations In storage conditions. Vari ations In storage temperatures did not reveal important differences In yields from the stored seed stock of the Irish Cobbler variety. Results Indicated the desirability of holding potatoes for several days at a 70-degree temperature after removal from cold storage and before planting. Results Summarized. The authors suinmnrlze the results of previous Investigations of the re sults of cold storage on the vitality of potato seed stock, and report In detail the methods and conclusions arrived at in the studies by the Department of Agriculture. Technical Bulletin 117-T may be obtained free, while the limit ed supply lasts, by applying to the United States Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C. Good Implements Give Protection From Bees Many farmers who could use the honey from one to two swarms of bees on their table during the year and at practically no cost for the food will not keep bees because they are afraid they will get stung. With a bee smoker, a bee veil, and bee gloves, all of which cost but lit tle, bees can be handled with as little fear as chickens. Blow a little smoke Into the entrance of the hive first, then raise the cover of the hive a little and blow a little smoke (n on top. Wait a moment and you have a docile swarm of bees. There will be some workers in the field and they will come back while yotr are work ing with them. To protect yourself against these have a veil and for fear you would pinch one a little and cause it to sting, wear gloves. Then you are absolutely safe. But after all, a bee sting hurts hut little more than a savage peck from an old set ting hen. Cellar Is Convenient for Vegetable Storage The houfce cellar Is a convenient place for vegetable storage. A dirt floor is preferable. The "furnace cellar should be separated from the storage cellar by a concrete wall or a double wood partition. A window Is needed for ventilation. An outside pit, made by burying a barrel horizontally in the side of a bank, makes an ideal place for storing cabbnge and root crops, and the unused hotbed pit frequently can be used successfully for storing celery. Poultry Pays Good Profits if Properly Housed and Cared For ill jnie iaitia| i'' nest allcv.y..^ ? ',1 -t'-y---:z'-y6/?1: ^ ^>ftcmovaplf roq3tpoard5 ' i # ? - i " hhhmwh'llliaihihr , \ | dust box | r \ roost room / II retD I TRouan 1 n --\'\ |ft" jj 30 bird adultly house By W. A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and give advice FREE OF COST on all problems pertaining to the subject of building work on the farm, for the readers of this paper. On ac count of his wide experience as editor, author and manufacturer, he Is, with out doubt, the highest authority on the subject. Address all Inquiries to Wil liam A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie ave nue, Chicago, 111., and only Inclose two-cent stamp for reply. As a plain matter of fact, poultry keeping is not so popular on the farm ns it should be. The average farmer Is fascinated and mesmerized by the big returns to be obtained from the raising of hogs and cattle, and forgets the much heavier expense and the greater length St time It takes to get returns from an investment lr. cattle or hogs than It does In poultry. He forgets thnt the labor and time In volved In raising poultry are much lighter than In cattle, and that he can turn his money over on poultry, whereas he Is satisfied with a per centage profit on other live stock. In the majority of cases, poultry raising on the farm is left to the women and children, who are often expected to pay part of the grocery bills and buy clothing out of the pro ceeds from this source of revenue. The fact that the housewife has to pay out all the money she takes In on them generally lessens her Interest in the flock. The average farmer has never had any eggs In the winter time from his hens. Hence, he usually neglects them when they need his attention most, and when he has most time to tend to them, so that when spring comes the chickens are poor, Infested with lice and mites, low In vitality, and they are late in starting to lay, and soon want to set after they do start laying. He allows them to lay on the ground or under the barn, or anywhere else the hen decides. Thus, many eggs are never gathered at all and soon rot under some vine or In some fence corner. 5?P0m ^""X ROOST j !| *???&ak\^ ?^^Ooois Ja jjirtotrirTo?^ Front and <5ide ElevOfRooot ? PTL-jS^.-fS /-COMBIHrDNESTrfeONT 2 T-iS^V Ijt5 / And STWBaoBDttlWiED O X ^W-jEljOWamnooKtDfeToiiN Z TORCtRAHIwa FrontE^ewtionOfNest Then, too, the average fanner has only scnio stock, which Is slow In de velopment and low in productivity. Tills Is the case on many farms where all the other stock Is well cared for. The poultry, being a very small Item, are very apt to be sadly neglected. Were the farmer to buy good stock In chickens he would be agreeably sur prised at the very substantial profits he would find can be derived from this hitherto neglected branch of his farm Investment. There Is no excuse for a modern farmer not having a good stock of poultry and a good house for them, for It costs less to get a good start in reliable breeds of poultry stock and to fix suitable places for them, than it does In any other branch of the live stock Industry. Then, with a little care and attention, they will repay their worth many times over. This poultry house Is 14 feet by 14 feet in size. It Is built in the usual way, by using 2 by 4 Inch studding, with building paper and clapboards outside, and matched ceiling Inside. The idea of placing the windows high up Is to let the sunshine into the back part of the house during the winter and the early weeks of spring, when sunshine is greatly appreciated by the poultry. The house Is well ventilated by muslin-covered openings under the low roof In front. This Is thfc natural way to ventilate a poultry house, the air entering under the low roof, and circulating back of the roosts. All the Inside paraphernalia of a poultry house should be easily re movable. The nest boxes, dropping bonrd, roosts, feed hoppers, dust boxes, drinking fountains?all should be In stalled In such a way as to be easily and quickly detached, so that they may be carried out Into the sunshine for cleaning and fumigating. The dropping board Is made to fit the space at the back of the building under the slope of the roof. The nests are supported on standards set onto the dropping board. T ? Bathroom Fashions Set for World by U. S. Bathroom fashions are being set for the entire world by the United Stntes, according to a survey appearing In Woman's Home Companion. "It Is quite possible." says Hazel Rawson Cades, author of the article, "that down the centuries we shall be known as the people who glorified bathrooms. There have been other periods, notably the Roman, when bathing was popular and elaborate, but our Immediate ancestors regarded It mostly as a private, necessary and uncomfortable performance. That any body shonld entertain the suggestion that a bathroom be photographed and shown In a public print would have been considered as Indecorous as air ing the bed clothes out of Queen Vic toria's windows. 'The plumber, once nbsorbed by problems of drainage, now turns his grave attention to becoming colors In bathtubs. Mural painters abe recruit ed to decorate the walls with ships and fishes and animals. Architects specialize In bathroom plans. The bathroom, from the standpoint of looks and use, rivals any room In the house. And bathing threatens to en croach upon all other diversions. "Running salt water and fresh. Dis solving bath crystals In splendid ro tation of Jasmine, lavender, pine needles and rose-geranium. Leaping backward and forward on nonsllp mnts. Adjusting back cushions that fasten on with suction caps. Reading "Water Babies" In a nonsplashable cover, propped up on a rack that also Is held to the tub by suction cups. Submerging sponge elephants and sail ing celluloid boats. I can, seriously. Imagine, being so enthralled by the en tertainments of the modern bathroom as to forget all social obligations and simply bathe away my days. "I'd hate to think there still exists anybody who can be stony-hearted about the soaps and salts, oils and powders that lend snch sweet tem poral pleasure to the bath." Fireplace Must Have Color to Be Real Joy Hns the fireplace been the joy you expected It to be? Or has it proved to be an alien feature which you can not bring Into relation with your furn ishings? If the fireplace Is built of rough, variegated red brick It Is apt to seera unrelated to the more delicate fix tures of your furnishings. Often these brick fireplaces have small, inadequate light-colored tile hearths. Such a hearth does not give suffi cient color or size to act as a base for the fireplace. The brick front seems to hang upon the wall without having any relation to the floor be low. The brickwork should have an adequate base upon which to stand. If you possess such a fireplace you may change its appearance a great deal by the use of a small rug. To cor relate the color and texture of the bricks with the decorative scheme of the rooms you must Introduce that rough texture and color In some other furnishing. A small rug of various shades of red, woven with a long nap. will prove the desired connection, and placed In front of the hearth It will give weight to the area before the fireplace and thus the appearance of a more sub stantial base. The color of the bricks will not end at the base of the wall, but will spread out onto the rug upon the floor. There are many small ori ental rugs with the desired color and texture. The pleasure and feel ing of "rightness" derived from such n rug will compensate for Its cost. Color of Woodwork In any decorative scheme don't for get to consider the color of the wood work. When the wood used for window-and door trim Is oak, cypress, maple or birch, or any wood with a beautiful grain, a waterproof Tarnish will give luster and bring out the grain. Point of ComparUon Hard on the Russian! Ilonald McPlierson, tlie rich Pitts burgh promoter, said on his return from Russia: "The Russian government's moral sense is about equal to old jGobsa Goald's sense of etiquette. "Old Gobsn Goald, the profiteer, was eating dinner in his tapestry-hung dining room when the bishop called? for a subscription, you know. "The bishop came In timidly. The butler and the four footmen in the dining room awed him. " 'Don't let me disturb you, Mr. Goald,' he said. *1 can call another time.' . " 'No, no,' said Gobsa. 'Take a chair, do.' "And then he added with a polite society smile: ?"You'll excuse me not eatln* this here rich puddin* with my knife, bish ?it's so darn thin and sloppy.'" Wonderful The Princess Joachim Albrecht about to sail from New York on the Leviathan, said to a reporter: "I think America is wonderful. You pay the highest wages, yet you pro duce the best and cheapest goods. I think It is a miracle." The princess smiled and added: "It is like the German clerk's land lady. The German clerk said, you know: " 'My landlady is a wonder. We had a 12-pound Westphalian ham for Supper last night, and she carved It in such thin slices that after we were all served the ham weighed 14% pounds.'" Shrivelling Little Betty was left In her bath while mother answered the phone.Tre , telephone conversation became lone and caused no end of worrying to the tiny bather, for Betty had never had experience with a prolonged stay In water and its effect on the fingers. Mother was startled by a cry from the bathroom. "Muvvcr," Betty called excitedly, "come quick before I shwlvcl up into a grandmother!" Historic Chapel Although the present building of St. Bartholomew's hospital in London is comparatively modern, the hospital pa tients still use the beautiful old Nor man chapel, the only part of the an cient hospital that remains. It is one of the earliest Norman churches in existence, the work of Bishop Gun dulf, bishop of Rochester from 1077 to 1108. Just the Implement "Could you write a woeful ballad to a lady's eyebrow?" "Sure. Hand me an eyebrow pen cil." An elephant seems to know that It isn't for him to look pretty.?Cir cus note. j11 Hindu Festival* The outstanding Hindu festivals which have a national appeal are the Durga, the Lakshmi and Kali "pujais" in northeast India and their equiva lent, and the ,T>e\vnli." In the rest of India. The pujas and Dewall take place in October and are celebrated with pomp for several days. Govern ment trade is all but suspended. Business at the bazanrs during the few days preceding the puja Is very active. Sow "Adopted" Skunk A Duroc sow became the mother of ten fine little porkers on the CofTey ville (Kan.) farm of C. F. Kmerick. Some three or four days later a baby skunk wandered into the pen, appar ently about lunch time for the pigs. The baby skunk accepted the invita tion to stay to lunch, and made Its home in the pen for a month, when it was accidentally killed by Its foster mother. Gigantic Cofferdam The largest cofferdam ever con structed is now in use in connection with the development of St. John har bor, New Brunswick. It is 4,.'100 feet long by about 300 feet wide and In closes one of the two new piers pro jected. Thorough "After my daughter finishes chem istry we propose to give her a course In electrical engineering." "That will be nice." "Yes, we want her to be a good cook." /Children Cry V M .tar 1 I yuLkeJClu I IcastoriaI 3t\ A BABY REMEDY JE E? APPROVED BY DOCTORS /EE ?B\ KM COUC.CQN3TlRSTION,DlARRlt?A IM? Shell* Still Plowed Up Although the World war ended more than ten years ngo, farmers are still plowing up shells In the rural districts of Rhelms, France. In marfy cases the shells have exploded and caused Injury or death. Heavenly Cora?Why did Muriel Insist on be ing married In an airplane? Dora?Well, she's so conceited that she thought no man on earth was good enough for her.?Tit-Bits. For Verification "The chief has Insulted inc. He said I was more stupid than the police al lowed. What do you mnUe of that?" "I don't know. I should Inquire of the police." Easy "But, honey, we must get a little money together. How will we furnish our house?" "With wedding presents." More Fun "My mother Is terribly old-fash loned, Grace." "Mine, too, Mabel. So I always go out with grandmother." That's the Ticket "Did you manage to give the cop the slip." "No, he gave me one." One Point of View Love Is most sincere when It loves according to needs, and not accord ing to merit. Gave Him Credit for One Mr. Bore?I know n thing or two. Miss Yawn?Really? What's the other one? Practical "Why the filmy outfit?" "I'm taking a screen test this morn ing." How foolish a man feels when he hears of a baby being named after him! A girl Is never seriously 111 until she loses all Interest In romantic novels. Fishing and horse-racing are con siderably alike?groat to enjoy, but rather empty to talk about. Makes Life Sweeter Next time a coated tongue, fetid brcatli, or acrid skin gives evidence of sour stomnch?try Phillips Milk of Magnesia! Get acquainted with this perfect an ti-acid that helps the system keep sound and sweet. That every stomnch needs at times. Take It whenever a hearty meal brings any discomfort. Phillips Milk of Magnesia has won medical endorsement. And convinced millions of men and women they didn't have "Indigestion." Don't diet, and don't suffer; Just remember Phillips. Pleasant to take, and always effective. The name Phillips Is Important; It Identifies the genuine product. "Milk of Magnesia" has been the IT. S. regis tered trade mark of the Charles IL Phillips Chemical Co. and Its pre decessor Charles II. Phillips since 1875. Phillips ' Milk of Magnesia One Soap / for our complexion I f free of blemishes. rour f TAllft 'kin deer, eoft, smooch ,UUCl and whitr. vour hair aUkr Path and glistening. your entire body refreshed. Shampoo L#e Glenn's Sulphur Soap ?**.33%%hnS*b?. ***** J ^Boyui'i MjfUc Giitii, tle^j Easier way to Kill Flies and Mosquitoes! Easier?because the new Flit sprayer makes a clean-smelling vapor which floats freely and does not fall in drops. Easier?because Flit kills flies and mosquitoes faster, though harmless to humans. Prove it yourself. Guaran teed or money back* FilT O igi jfl il Agricultural Squibs Moat fungous or bacterial para altos thrive best whore moisture la plentiful. ? ? ? (?enernlly millets can be sufficiently cured In the swath and windrow and this Is the quickest method. ? ? ? There Is practically no difference between the tlnvor or the body of whey butter and that of the regular product. ? ? ? Aphis or plant lice show signs of being particularly plentiful this year. They are sucking Insects and must be controlled with a contact spray. ? ? a Millet Is not a difficult hay crop to cure. Usually the cut crop Is allowed to cure In the swath for at least one day after which It la raked Into wind rows. ? ? ? To plant soy beans from the same lot of seed in the saine Held during the same summer with the same amount of fertilizer and make one plot yield three times the weight of cured hay as another plot la an ac oomjillahment worthy of mention. ""Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound is a wonder ful medicine at the Change of Life. I would get blue spells and just walk the floor. I was nerv ous, could not sleep at night, and was not able to do my work. I know if it had not been for your medicine I would have been in bed most of this time and had a big doctor's bill. If women would only take 'your medicine they would be bet ter."?Mrs. Anna Weaver, R. F. D. No. 2, Rose Hill, Iowa. . For Galled Horses Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Money beek for (hst bottle if not salted. AH dealers. Prevention Said Suburbanite Jones to his neighbor as they hurried to the morn ing train. "Did you go to the play with your wife after all?" "Yes," answered he, "rather than have her tell me all about It when she got home." A rich man has many friends. nfOt WITH I/O SAFETY Jf ON PAID-UP m CERTIFICATES Withdrawals at any time on 30 day notice. Established 10 years. Oldest and largest in this city of 45000. State Bank^nj; Dept. supervision. Conservative first lien city property mort gages secure your funds. Write for literature today AMARILLO BLDG. & LOAN ASS'N Authorized Capital $5,000,000 512 Taylor Street - - Amarlllo, Texas Health Giving ^nnshin|, ^ AH Win ton long Marvelous Climate Good Hotels ? Tourist Camps?Splendid Roads?Gorgeous Mountain Views. The wonderful desert resort of the West P Write Croo A Chaffoy ^s aim SprfngtJL CALIFORNIA ^ "What About Call Money?" The first inside story of the Call Money Market. Who fixes the rates. Its machinery, its Influence, dangers, etc.. all interestingly told. Ten cents in postage to J. O. JOSEPH Si CO.. INC. Desk A. 247 Park Avenue. New York City. W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 34-1929. , >^7 *wc.c.i.ii>*n* KIEA?S?Fliea?Moeqoitoe*?Bedbug*?Roache*?Moth*?Ante?Fleas Watering*?Crickela and many other inaecta Wtkt /W >? i till. UtCmmUk & Cm. Bmllimm. HA. mil >i ill >,?**? IJkH H|aM 10c. 79c and $1.29. Gon?K>* an^aM^iMrai IM*-10c,2]c>jOca4|UI ?n^l>|rtM* Om?29c Comfort is yours if you use W^Mf Cuticiira / TAI.CUIH / \ Smooth, pore, fragrant and delicately medi I, /I cared, it absorbs excessive perspiration and II \, 7 \ keeps your skin cool and refreshed. \ I Talcum 23c. Soap 23c. Ointment 23c. and 30c \ J Sample each free. I X / Address: "Cwfcnra." Depc B7. Italian. Muss. ' - , f ? ? . . , . '