Get poisons out of system. . . . Doctors know that this modern scientific' laxative works efficiently in smaller doses because you chewit. Safe and mild for old and young. Feenamint FOR COMSBRATION Golden Symphony Fred Stone and his wife were stop ping overnight in Detroit at one of those gilded palaces they call hotels, j Everywhere gold flashes upon the ' eye; the dining room ceiling, the chairs and the stairways shrieked In a golden symphony. When they had retired for the night, Mrs. Stone remarked to her famous husband that he hadn't put his shoes outside the door. "Put them out, dear," she said, "and they'll shine them for you." ?'Shine 'ein, shucks!" exclaimed Fred. "I'll bet a dime they'd gild 'em."?Boston Transcript. "Oh Promise SMe" At some time in her life Cupid pleads I to every at | tractive wom I an. No mat I ter what her ' features are, a woman who is sickly cannot t be attractive. | Sallow skin, pimples, sunk en eyes, life less lips ? these are repellent UK. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY ii just the tonic a run down person needs. It enriches the blood, soothes the nerves and imparts tone and vivacity to the entire system. In liquid or tablets, at drug store. Send 10c for trial package of tab lets to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, in Buffalo^ N. Y., and write for free advice. ? CHILDREN WITH WORMS NEED HELP QUICKLY Don't delay a minute if your child has worms. They will destroy his health. If he prits his teeth, picks his nostrils? bewarel These are worm symptoms. Disordered stom ach is another. Immediately five him Frey'a Ver mifuge. It hat been the salt, vege table worm medicine (or 7S years. Don't wait I Buy Fray's Vermifuge at jour druggist a today. Frey's Vermifuge Expels Worms I One Soap / for f^JXSLSS!tZ I TaIIa# akin deaf. toft, xnooch TOliei ?nd white, ytKurliair Mlkr Rath and ilUtanlng, Tour cadra body rtfraohod. Shampoo Use Glenn's Sulphur Soap in***, J k. MtaftRmicCN^Ne >41 One Drop Bourbon Poultry Modlcluo foreach chick dallyln drink or food stlm t ulatea appetite, aids digestion. refn A lates bowels, promotes health, lessens ? chance of disease In feet Ion. On market W for M rears, Small stssflDc. half plat II. r pint Ilia At druggists, or sent bj mall. BhAot ftmnedy Ok. isa 7. lahflw. Rf. Diet for Zoo Captives Two tons of dried grasshoppers were ordered from South Africa re cently for animals at the natlonnt geological park nt Washington, says Popular Mechanics magazine. They were for the diet of some of the rare African birds and also for mix ing with the food of some of the mammals, according to the zoo direc tor, Dr. William M. Mann. Valuable elements are combined In the proper amounts In the Insects, experts hare found, and few satisfactory substi tutes for them have been discovered. AUGUST FLOWER ?brings almost instant relief from terrible colic pains. Banishes heart burn, nausea, sick headache, bilious neas, sluggish liver, constipation. Promptly restores good appetite and _ - digestion, ana regular, C #- thorough elimination. COOS GUARANTEED. DYSPEPSIA/ 2ST Quickly/ W. N, U., BALTlMORI. NO.1t-1 WO. Oat Varieties Resist Disease Tests Made by Government to Determine Suscepti bility to Disorder. (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) As the first step In a program to reduce the annual loss suffered by oat farmers on account of rusts, the United States Department of Agricul ture, In co-operation with 65 experi ment stations, has completed tests extending over a period of five years to determine varieties resistant to stem rust. Incidentally, observations also were made on the resistance of these varieties to crown rust and the smuts of oats. An Important fact brought out by the tests Is that there seems to be no relation between resistance to stem rust and resistance to crown rust. Some of the varieties most re sistant to one rust were least re sistant to the other. Observations on the smuts, another Important group of oat diseases, Indicate that there Is also no relation between smut re sistance and rust resistance In the varieties tested. Resistant Varieties. The varieties which were most re sistant to stem rust during the five year period are: Iogold, HaJIra, Rich land. Mlnota X White Tartar (White Russian), White Tartar, Green Moun tain, Anthony, and Edkln. Varieties least affected by crown rust were Green Mountain, Red Rustproof, Io war, Burt, "Rustless selection," and Ruakura. HaJIra was the only variety which appeared to be resistant to the smuts and both of the rusts. Varieties most resistant to the smuts under the conditions of these experiments were Markton, Red Rust proof, Fulghum and HaJIra. Those moderately resistant to the smuts In clude Burt, Richland, SUvermlne, "Rustless selection," and Iowar. Vari eties extremely susceptible were White Tartar, Green Mountain, and Anthony. Some of the varieties were highly resistant to one group of disease producing fungi and very susceptible to the other. Markton and Fulghum were very resistant to both smuts, but extremely susceptible to both rusts. Red Rustproof also was highly resistant to both smuts and to crown rust, but was susceptible to stem rust. On the other hand, Green Mountain was susceptible to both smuts but resistant to both rusts. 8muta Prevented. The smuts can be prevented by seed treatment, but those In charge of the tests feel that It would be high ly desirable to combine rust resist ance and smut resistance In one vari ety, If possible. To do this will per haps necessitate a detailed study of physiologic form specialization In the smuts and rusts peculiar to oats. A detailed report of the tests has been published by the United States Department of Agriculture, In co-op eration with the Minnesota Agricul tural experiment station. The publi cation Is Technical Bulletin 143-T, "Field Studies on the Rust Resistance of Oat Varieties." Copies of the bul letin may be obtained from the office of Information, Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C., as long ns there Is a supply available for free distribution. Agricultural Notes Sanitation makes for farm economy. * * * f Copper carbonate dust controls smut In wheat. ? ? ? Keeping up the body weight of hena keeps up egg production. ? ? ? The soli Is the farmer's source of Income, his Investment, his wealth. ? ? ? Clover hay Is two-and-a-half and al falfa three-and-a-half times as rich In digestible protein as Is timothy. ? ? ? Money spent for fertilizer should be considered a business Investment. Like other Investments It should be made wisely. ? ? ? A maximum amount of sunshine, good drainage and soil rich In organic matter, are the requirements of the home garden. ? ? ? Improved machinery?such as plant ers. larger cultivators and diggers?In crease the yield of potatoes and les sen the cost per bushel and per acre. ? ? e A rotary hoe Is useful In cultivat ing wheat or other small grain, or for tilling flrst-year alfalfa. It tears out weeds, loosens baked soil and stimu lates the growth of the grain plants. ? ? ? Sudan grass seeded late In May may be pastured late In June or used as a soiling crop during July. Because of Its quick growth Its adaptability for late sowing, and Its ability to with stand drought, sudan grass has at tained a high ranking as a supple mentary pasture crop. ? ? ? Cutting corn low - helps to control the European corn borer. EnsiUni and shredding are operations em ployed to destroy the Insect Clean Ing up all trash la a necessary prac tlce and It should be burned, burled 01 plowed under cleanly In the field. Ia aects permitted to live will multlpl] by the hundreds next year. Outbreaks of Army Worms Described Migration Is Result of Flight of Moths. (Prepared by the United State* Department of Agriculture.) The frequent outbreaks of the fall army worm have caused this Insect to be known and feared by farmers living In the southern half of the United States east of the ltocky moun tains. For several years the United States Department of Agriculture has been conducting studies of this Insect at Brownsville, Texas. Results of these studies have now been published as Technical Bulletin 138-T, "Studies on the Fall Army Worm In the Gulf Coast District of Texas." The general outbreaks occnr In the United States as a result of the north ward flight of motlis. By going north ward, the moths finally reach terri tory where the species Is unable to survive the winter, since the army worm Is a tropical species. The north ward migration Is only a part of the general migration which occurs In all directions, but It Is the part which Is of most Interest to the United States. As a rule corn and forage crops ma ture ahead of the flight of moths of the fall army worm, but In occasional years crops are late. Moths concen trate on these late crops and the re sult Is an outbreak of the fall army worm. The bulletin gives a complete dis cussion of the life history and habits of the Insect, Its seasonal history and natural enemies. It may be obtained from the Office of Information, De partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., as long as there Is a supply available for free distribution. Sheep Manure for Bean Growing Thought Best Farmers, where beans are an Impor tant cash crop, consider sheep manure the best fertilizing agent for the grow ing of beans. Better results are ob tained with the use of sheep manure than anything else. Cow manure Is also considered as having good bean growing properties, but runs second to sheep manure In this respect. Sheep manure contains more nitrogen than horse or cow manure and about twice as much phosphoric acid, a very Im portant essential for the growth of beans. Phosphorus Is needed for the growth of the seed and that Is why sheep manure Is desired. Bean growing and sheep are very closely related In farming here, says a writer In the Rural New Yorker. The pods make a good forage feed for sheep and are used extensively In the fattening of lambs for which the county Is noted In western New York. The manure from the sheep and lambs Is then used on the bean ground and this cycle works advantageously both ways. Sheep manure Is considered one of the best agents for enriching run down land, and thus the big producers of beans here rely on sheep to keep their land In the best condition for the growth of this crop. Poison Bran Mash Best to Control Cutworms Poison bran mash Is the most effec tive control for an outbreak of cut worms. This mash Is made by stirring together three gallons of water, two quarts of blackstrap or other cheap molasses, and one pint of 40 per cent sodium arsenlte solution. If the so dium arsenlte Is not available one pound of the crystal can be used. This should be stirred together thor oughly and then mixed with 25 pounds of bran. This mixture should be scattered over Infested fields nt dusk at the rate of about eight to ten pounds an acre. The greasy cutworms which may be found on overflow areas do not re spond to the poison bran treatment very successfully. The best control for this pest Is late planting of corn or the substitution of other crops such as soy beans, millet or sndan grass, according to W. P. Flint, Illinois state entomologist Perennial Vegetables Are Drought Resistant The perennial vegetables, with the exception of strawberries, are more drought resistant than most of the or dinary sorts. This should be taken Into consideration Id the arrangement of the garden. The high side of the garden, If It Is not level, always dries out first during hot weather. There fore If these more drought resisting sorts are put on the high side of the garden. It will give better all around results In the long run. One cannot plan a garden that will apply to all farms. It must be varied according to the tastes of the family that is going to use It For example, some folks like sauerkraut and others do not The family that does should go strong on cabbage. It Is, therefore, first necessary to study the tastes of the family and then plan the garden according to those tastes. Soy Bean Fertilizer Soy bean meal la llttla need aa fer tilizer In this country, but Asiatic countries use a great deal. For cen turies soy bean meal has been aeni > to the sugar plantations of southern I China, and Its use gradually spread tc plantations In Java and other tropica ? countries. The high fertilizing ralui ? of soy bean meal has long been recog r nlzed In Japan, where large quantltlei ? are Imported annually from China foi r use In the rice fields and as manun for mulberrr trees Summer COLDS Almost everybody knows howt Bayer Aspirin breaks up a cold? but why not prevent it? Take a tablet or two when you first feel the cold coming on. Spare yourself the discomfort of a summer cold. Read the proven directions in every package tor headaches, pain, etc. vlJy Canaries of Many Colors Many colors of canaries were shown at the recent grand national show of cage birds held In the Crys tal palace, London. Blue canaries were entered for the first time, and there were a number of white ones and hundreds of yellow singers. Roller canaries were tested for song in a remote, softly carpeted room. One feathered prlmu donna went from Metz, France, to sing. Another color novelty In the show was a white Jackdaw. More than $r.00,000 worth of birds of many varieties were displayed. \fhenFood Sours Lots of folks who think they have "Indigestion" have only an acid condition which could be corrected In Ave or ten minutes. An effec tive antl-acld like Phillips Milk of Magnesia soon restores digestion to normal. Phillips does away with all that sourness and gas right after meals. It prevents the distress so apt to occur two hours after eating. What a pleasant preparation to take 1 And how good It Is for the system 1 Un like a burning dose of soda?which is but temporary relief at best? Phillips Milk of Magnesia neutral izes many times Its volume In acid. Next time a hearty meal, or too rich a diet has brought on the least discomfort, try? Phillips * Milk i of Magnesia Not So Far, at That First Suburbanite?How far do you live from town? Second Suburbanite?Exactly ten gas stations, twelve hot-dog stands, elglit sandwich shacks and two hun dred and thirty-nine billboards. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills con tain only vegetable Ingredients, which act as a laxative, by stimulation?not irritation. 372 Pearl St., N. X. Adv. As every thread of gold Is valu able, so Is every moment of time.? J. Mason. ?'My thirteen-year-old daugh ter Maxine was troubled with backache and pain when she came into womanhood. I knew Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would help her be cause I used to take it myself at her age. Now she does not have to stay home from school and her color is good, she eats well and does not complain of being tired. We are recom mending the Vegetable Com pound to other school girls who need it. You may publish [ this letter."?Mrs. Floyd But , cher, R. fa, Gridley, Kansas. 1H? CCITCIH ?U CAWIPgf (?. 1930. Western Newspaper Union.) Oh, East is East and West is West and never the twain shall meet Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat: But there is neither East or West, Border nor Breed nor Birth When two strong men stand face to face tho' they come from the ends of the earth! ?Kipling. , A FEW BRAN DISHES The value of uncooked bran as a laxative food Is so well known that it neea not oe men tioned here. Un cooked, unsweet ened bran may be used in combina tion with any foods to add roughage to the diet. One must lrnnw rtf rmirsA that all people cannot use Irritating roughage, but the majority of people need all kinds to cleanse the alimen tary canal, aid dtgestlon and further elimination. When one objects to tak ing a tablespoonful or two of bran In a glass, of water, add It to the cereal, or make some: Bran Macaroons.?Beat one egg, add one-fourth of a teaspoonful of salt, one-half cupful of brown sugar, three tablespoonfuls of melted butter, one and one-half cupfuls of uncooked bran and such flavoring as liked. Mix well and drop by teaspoonfuls on buttered baking sheets. Bake In a moderate oven until brown. These are small cakes that the children may eat with out harm. Bran Muffins.?Take two cupfuls of flour, one and three-fourths cupfuls of milk,, two cupfuls of bran, one beaten egg, three and one-half tea spoonfuls of baking powder, one-third of a cupful of sugar, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of salt and three table spoonfuls of melted shortening. Drop Into well greased muffin pans after mixing and beating well. Bake thlrty flve minutes In a hot oven. Sour milk with the same amount of baking pow der and three-fourths of a teaspoonful of soda may be used in place of the sweet milk. Bran Date Bars.?Take one cupful of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of bran, one and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one and one-half cupfuls of chopped dates, three-fourths cupfuls of nut meats, chopped, four beaten eggs and three tablespoonfuls of milk. Sift and mix the dry Ingre dients, add sugar and bran, mixing well, then add the nuts and dates. Beat the yolks, add to the milk, stir this Into the flour and bran, lastly fold In the stiffly beaten whites of the eggs. Bake In n thin sheet In a shallow pan. When cool cut Into strips and roll In granulated sugar. These will keep a long time. Cut Into squares this makes a delicious dessert. Cover with crushed pineapple and top with whipped cream and a cherry. THIS AND THAT Plnce one teaapoonful of grated orange peel or lemon peel In the tea pot wnen maKing tea. It gives a de lightful flavor and makes ordinary tea taste like the expensive teas. Mild Rarebit Cut one-half pound of cheese Into Rmall bits. Sprinkle crumbs over the bottom of a buttered baking dish, cov er with one-third of the cheese and seasonings, using one and two-thirds teaspoonfuls of salt, one-third tea spoonful of paprika; when the dish Is full add one and one-half cupfuls of milk and set Into a pan of hot water. Hake In a moderate oven thirty-five minutes. Junket With Banana*.?Place thinly sliced bananas In sherbet cups. Pre pare one junket tablet by crushing It and dissolving In a tablespoonful of water. Add to a pint of lukewarm milk and stir until well mixed. Pour over the bananas and let stand In a warm room until set. Flavor milk with lemon extract. Kiddles' Delight.?Beat three eggs very light, add four tablespoonfuls of . sugar, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of vanilla, a grating of nutmeg and a pinch of cinnamon; mix well and add to three cupfuls of milk. Chill and serve cold. ~~ Apple Souffle.?Add four and one half tablespoonfuls of tapioca and a little salt to one cupful of scalded milk. Cook In a double boiler until the tapioca Is clear, stirring frequent ly. Add one-half cupful of sugar, cool and add the beaten yolks of three eggs, one-half tablespoonful of lemon Juice and one cupful of grated raw apple, fold In the stiffly beaten egg whites and bake In ramekins or cas serole set In water. Serve hot with sweetened whipped cream, flavored with almond. Cheats Souffle.?Take three table spoonfuls of qnlck cooking tapioca, cook In one cupful of milk until the tapioca Is clear. Add one capful of grated cheese, stir until melted, cool, add three beaten egg yolks, one tea spoonfol of salt and fold In the stiffly beaten egg whites. Place In a pan set In water and bake until the souffle Is firm. Serve at once. This serves four. r, ? An Ailing CHILD Are you prepared to render Erst aid and quick comfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sort? Could you do the right thing?immediately? though the emergency came with out warning?perhaps tonight? Castoria is a mother's standby at such times. There is nothing like it in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. For a sudden attack of colic, or the ? gentle relief of constipation; to allay a feverish condition, or to soothe a fretful baby that can't sleep. This pure vegetable prepa ration is always ready to ease an ailing youngster. It is just as Proof That Crops Are Helped by Radio Waves Radio makes crops grow at double speed in experiments announced by Dr. Fritz Hildebrandt, Berlin physi cist, says an Associated Press report. In a field of poor fertility lie treat ed seeds of beans, sunflowers, rad ishes, melons and tomatoes with short radio waves ranging from half a millimeter to 30 centimeters. The seeds were exposed to the waves for 15 minutes. Radishes, he says, ripened In two weeks, compared with untreated seed which failed to show bulbous root formation even after four weeks. The ripening period A tomatoes was reduced from seven or eight months to three. Untreated kohlrabi seed showed no bulb formation whatever, but treated seed produced substantial kohlrabi. Doctor Hildebrandt says similar re sults were obtained with other vege tables and plants. Venetian Canals The average depth of the Grand canal in Venice is 17 feet. Some of the lesser canals are shallower. If a girl finds no man on earth good enougli for her?why not try an airplane ride? IrB JbJ harmless as the recipe on the wrapper reads. If you see Chas. H. Fletcher's signature, it is genuine Castoria. It is harmless to the smallest infant; doctors will tell you so. You can tell from the recipe on the wrapper how mild it is, and how good .for little systems. But continue with Castoria until a child is grown. Exquisite Stationery ;thermographed (raised letters) used by particular people, carries prestige; a vacation necessity; send for samples and prices. Thermograph Station ery Co.. Gladstone. N. J. NO MORE TARNISH; removes tarnish from silver and gold automatically; no rubbing necessary: 60c; agents wanted. EXCEL CO.. 110 W. 42nd St.. N. Y. City. For Galled Horses Harford's Balsam of Myrrh Alfaafan are aitkorisad to reload year ??eyfoc I tke firet bettle if Bet niUd. Britain's Richest City If the proportion of well-to-do citi zens may be gauged by the number of private motor cars licensed in a city, then Bradford is the richest city in Great Britain. In ratio to its population, Bradford lias the largest number of private motor cars; Lon don, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchest er, and Birmingham being far be hind. With 5,700 private cars, Brad ford has one for every fifty of its inhabitants. "Lagniappe" The word "lagniappe" is defined as a trifling present given to a cus tomer. The expression is common in Louisiana. Family doctor's laxative instead of harsh purges; trial bottle Free Old Dr. Caldwell's prescription cannot form the cathartic habit. It can be given to the child whose tongue is coated, or whose breath is fetid, or has a little fever. Or to older people whose bowels are clogged. Its ingredients stimulate muscular action and thus aid the bowels to more normal functioning. The pure senna and laxative herbs in Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin are good for the system. So do not hesitate to use it when there's biliousness, headaches, or any sign of constipation. Your druggist has this world-famous prescription in big bottles. Or, write 'Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Monticello, III., and a free trial bottle will be sent-to you, postpaid. SYRUP PffSIK 1 COMIIKIO WITH J}} IAXATIVE M wnacompouw |i ton ??f| CONSTIPATION *3] **'CC ?0 CENT) ?|j| ^PSIN SYRUP CD 8f||l ?w-ww-, mm UiA (JM j1^ 3 W ? Society's Deadly Sins The seven deadly sins of society, as listed by Dr. E. Stanley Jones before the Methodist Episcopal World Service conference, are: Poli tics without principles, wealth with out work, pleasure without con science, knowledge without char acter, business without morality, science without humanity, and wor ship without sacrifice. Hares Ran Dog to Death Hares led a greyhound a death chase at the recent South of Eng land's Coursing club meeting at St NIcbolas-at-Wade. Mrs. Sofer Whit burn's dog, Wise Counsellor, won Its course with Lord Dewar's Dodna by bringing down the hare. Wise Coun sellor next followed a second bare, coursed It, chased a third to the wood, where it frightened out a fourth, and coursed this for some time. Joining the dogs contesting next course Wise Counsellor col lapsed and died. Try being the brother Instead of the "brother's keeper" for a while and see how you like It MAKE YOURSELF FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT BE YOUR OWN BOSS Get out of the rut. We will show you how. Our partial payment plan can enable you to own a large chain of our sure fire Gum and Chocolate Vending Machines. We will give you the exclusive rights of your own territory. Act now! Don't let others beat you. Write for particulars. ROLLBOW MANUFACTURING CORP. General Motors Bldg.. New York City. Take M?MATURTSftSMBDY j M /?tonight. Youreliminative t lA organs will be functioning prop- ft Mr erly by morning and your con- ? ^ stipation will end with a bowel ? ^ action as free and easy as na ; J tare at her best?positively no ?J pain, no griping. Try iL f Mild, $afe, partly vegetable? at druggists?only 25c 9EKLUKKA MILLION. TAKE Step Lively Old Lady (at the zoo)?And sup pose the lion should break out, what steps would you then take? Laddy Boy?Some long and fast ones, grandma. in/JtfanticCitu. tlr V 99 ?AW5LtM?"Y < J^^KLJAMAMN ^ The only hotel in Atlantic City earring a Hi . trey breakfast to gneata room each mortf 7 A ?y ing up to 11 K?o'clock WITHOUT CHARGE! a I VkJ^ Every room equipped with e /yMlp private both tub or thmmer "^V^^MOBTM CAtOUNA AV,awIQARPW/aKylfotir^

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