World Ever on Lookout for Ideas Worth While Cason J. Calloway of La Grange, Ga., "took an Idea to market" and found It profitable. He has kept up a constant search for new Ideas to use in his business ever since. And the practice still continues a successful one. The Idea was to buy short staple cotton left nfter the manufacture of tire fabrics and other cotton goods. It had beon selling as waste. Cason Calloway planned to grade it, com mand higher prices than a waste product would bring and eventually manufacture from it cotton products not requiring a long fiber. In three years his valley waste mill was worth $300,000 and doing nicely. Since the World war the Callo way group of mills has expanded from nine to fourteen units. Their products are diversified?and that diversification Is the result of using new ideas. Often a new Idea Is the result of an accident. One day a foreman took to the plant hospital a worker whose little flngei had been badly torn. On the ! way back to the mill he began to remember a number of such accidents. Investigation revealed they all 4-"cd to the same cause, the use of cotton waste for cleaning moving machin ery. A worker got his fingers tan gled In the fibers and before he could free himself had lost or badly in jured n digit. The experimental laboratory was : put to work on this problem. It pro duced a wiping cloth made of the i very same waste, that did the work 1 better and eliminated the danger. : Mr. Calloway sent out a surveying group to determine if a market for such cloths existed. And the sale of such cloths last year totaled 30,000, 000 units. WOMEN SHOULD LEARN USES OFJWAGNESIA To women who suffer from nausea, or so-called "morning sickness," this is a blessing. Most nurses know it. It is advised by leading specialists: Over a small quantity of finely cracked ice pour a toaspoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. Sip slow ly until you are relieved. It ends sick stomach or Inclination to vomit. Its anti-acid properties make Phil lips' Milk of Magnesia quick relief in heartburn, cour stomach, gas. Its mild laxative action assures regular bowel movement. lTsed ns a mouth wash It helps prevent tooth decay during expectancy. Distracting He was playing on a golf course near the sea coast. On green after green he took four or more putts, and blumed every body for moving as he played his shot. Finally, on the eighteenth green he wns left with a nine-Inch putt to save the match. Everybody in the vicinity of the green stood like statues as he made his putt?and missed! "Hang It!" he stormed; "how the deuce can anyone putt with all these confound ed ships moving up and down?"? Weekly Scotsman. WOMEN OFTEN PAY A DOUBLE PENALTY foe wearing thia gag of unselfishness or silly pride. Pro fuse or suppressed menstruation should never be considered neces sary. Painful pe riods are Nature's warning that something it wrong and needs immediate atten aiTTcr in anencc- tion. Failure to heed and correct the first painful symp toms usually leads to chronic conditions with sometimes fearful consequences. Dr. Plarca'a Favorite Prescription is for women's own peculiar ailments and can be obtained at any drug store. Every package contains a Symptom Blank. Fill out the Blank and mail it to Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buf falo, N. Y. for FREE medical advice. Send 10c if you want a trial package. BBBCT?miwwp?ca vn>i ?ana 1 Clogged intes* / g tine*takeaway y | the joy of life. \ | Restore regu s larity without < 2 griping. I TAKE |Wn^htSvS?Pilk| B LAXATIVE* | At DruggSS or 378 Peart 8t.. N. Y. atJ. When the public is groping In dark less, too many men who might shed Ight, walk off in contempt. r Feel Always 1 Stiff o^Achy? It lioij Vfern of Disordered Kidneip. Are you troubled with back ache, bladder irritations and getting up at night? Then don't take chances! Help your kid neys at the first sign of disorder. I Use Doan's Pills. Successful for ? more thah 50 years. Endorsed K by hundreds of thousands of ? grateful users. Get Doan's to ^tday. Sold everywhere. A DIURETIC war*/// ft* wwiys For speedy and effective action Dr. Peery'a 4(I)ead Shot" has no equal. One dose only will clean out worms. 60c. All druggists. /^vDr Pggryjs vs3y Verm j?u go ^J?nigfaUj>rJTlJ^earlBtre^ A perfect story teller shouldn't have to work. His function Is to en tertain. BAYER ASPIRIN is always SAFE BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Unless you tee the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package aa pictured here you can never be aure that you are taking genuine Bayer Aapirin tablets which thouaanda of physiciana have alwaya prescribed. The name Bayer meana genuine Aapirin. It ia your guarantee of purity ? your protection againat imitations. Milliona of uaera have proved that it ia safe. BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT DEPRESS THE HEART Genuine Bayer Aspirin promptly relieves: HEADACHES, SORE THROAT, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, COLDS, ACHES and PAINS Alpflrio b tka tnAnurk of Bojor ?onirfai tun' of nonoantiodlutM of aolicylkocii V PRESCRIPTION in use over 47 Years Really Helps Bowels Don't you want this way ot mak ing the bowels behave? A doctor's way to make the bowels move so well that you (eel better all overt Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin doesn't turn everything to water, but cleans out all that hard waste clogging your system. It cleans you out without any shock, (or It's only (resh laxative herbs a famous doctor found so good for the bowels, combined with pure pepsin and other harmless Ingredients. A doctor should know what it belt for the bowels. Let Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin show you how soon you can train the bowels to move freely, every day, the way they should. It's wonderful the way this prescription works, but it's perfectly harmless; so you can use It whenever a coated tongue or sick headache tells you that you're bl/ious. Fine for children, too (It tastes so nice) and they ought to have a spoonful the minute they seem fretful, feverish, or sluggish, or have a sallow look. You can get the original prescrip tion Dr. Caldwell wrote so many years ago; your druggist keeps it all ready In big bottles. Just ask for Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, and use It always for constipation. Da. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIM A Doctor's Family Laxative Haves you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Gout ? Tito RHKUMACIDR to renor* tbeeaoM and drive the poison from the system. -UinUClDI 01 TUB IH1M run uiciatui oa m octum At All DroftrUU Jo. Befly A Sea, Wkeleole Dutrikoton Too True She?If only men behaved after marriage as they do during their en gagement there wouldn't be half the divorces. The Brute?No, but there'd be twice the bankruptcies!?London Humorist. Doa^Zi^ let SORE THROAT get the best of yon... FIVE minutes tfter you rub on Musterole your throat should begin to feel less sore! Continue the treatment once every hour for five hours and you'll be astonished at the relief. This famous blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other ingredi ents brings relief naturally. Musterole sets action because it is a "counter Irritant"? not just a salve?it pene trates and stimulates blood circulation and helps to draw out infection and prin. Used by millions for 20 years. Recom mended by doctors and nurses. Keep Musterole handy?jars and tubes. To Mothers?Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. Ask for Chil It Is Harsl to Tell ?Do you think I'm going to stand hem and be told that my baggage Is not on the train? What do you think 1 amr *T couldn't tell you that, sir, but you might ask the inquiry office."? Santa Fe Magazine. Garfield Tea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy For erery stom ach and Intestinal 1U. This good old fashioned herb home remedy for c onstlpatlon, (stomach ills and uiurr uri uuj*p merits of the ?ys tem so prevalent these days is tn ?ren greater favor as a family med icine than in your grandmother's SCIENTIFIC IJljALES I remedy of I OP ? tested and I _ %#? I^IOREHOUW) I?iandtar ~~ Horsu' Feet "Muted" Itubber shoes to fit over hoofs of funeral horses to prevent clatter on pavements have been Invented by an undertaking firm at Newcastle, Eng land. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong. No alcohol. Sold by druggists in tablets or liquid.?Adv. Halping Him Along Slowbuy?If I knew you better I'd kiss you. Miss Pepp?If you'd' kiss me you'd know me better. No one ever became thoroughly bad all at once.?Juvenal. Oklahoma Snakes Live Up to Bad Reputation Out In Oklahoma, says a writer In the Washington Star, the snakes hare learned to climb poles, but they have not learned not to monkey with the current, for several have met their fate hy establishing a short cir cuit with their bodies. Incidentally, this puts the station out of commis sion, to the great Inconvenience of the patrons whose establishments are held up until the damage Is lo cated and repaired. A blacksnake crawled to the top of the Mehan tap station and, wrapping around the steelwork, stuck his head out until It came In contact with a lightning arrester, causing a short circuit and sudden death to the snake. At the same time Morrison, Glencoe, Still water, Perkins, Ripley, Mehan and the Mehan oil fields were cut oft from electric service until the dam age could be repaired. A Blx-foot bullsnake caused a fuse to blow out In the substation of the company near Choctaw, Okla., Interrupting service on the power line, from Har rah to Jones. The bullsnake was found on the line, which was strung on the top of the 30-foot poles. Refused to "Mothe." Chicks Franklin Hlckllng, twelve years old, discovered a crow's nest with five eggs In It at Ludlow, Maine. He took out three of the eggs and re placed them with hen eggs. When the crow returned, she threw out the two crow eggs and sat on the three hen eggs, and after they were hatched Mrs. Crow sat on a limb and refused to acknowledge the par entage of the chicks. The lad took the chicks out and placed them with another mother, who nceepted the responsibility. They Don't Live Long Bird Fancier?That bird won't fly. All he wants to do is sit down. Sweet Young Thing?Oh, it must be one of those stool pigeons!? Union Pacific Bulletin. Great leisure furnishes the time for too much criticism. For TEETHING troubles FlISSY, fretful .... of coune babies are uncomfortable at teeth ing time! And mo them are worried because of the little upaeta which come so suddenly then. But there's one sure way to comfort a ratios, teething child. Castoria ? made especially for babies and children! Its perfectly harmless, as the formula oo the wrapper tells you. It's mild in taste and action. Yet it rights little upsets with a never failing effectiveness. That's the beauty of this special diSdren's remedy! ft may be given to tiny infants?as often as there is need. In cases of colic and similar disturbances, it is invaluable. But it has every-day uses all mothers should understand. A coated tongue II 1 mmaiia "it IhHb ?I (y | ^iS^I Jill iiSSl til j?aM**Bl calls foe ? few drops to ward ofl 1 constipation; so does any suggestion of bald breath. Whenever older children don't eat well, don't rest well, or have any little upset, ? more liberal dose of this pure vegetable preparation is usually all that's needed. Genuine Castoriahas Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. Doctors prescribe it. ?>4 M M H a 1 HOW TO SAVE ! $l A DAY WHEN IN 1 WASHINGTON ? TIPPING is taboo at The i Dodge Hotel in the Nation's Capital. That 1 means you can keep in T| your own pocket the i dollar or more you usual- J ly dispense daily in tips I whenever you go to 11 [Washington. This policy 1| has been in effect ever since The Dodge was J) opened 10 years ago II (formerly the Grace | l Dodge). jj Discriminating men and I women likeThe Dodge for | its convenient, park-like I location near the Capitol; J for its cheery,comfortable rooms; for its good food, and best of all for its | kindly tipless service. Ac commodations for 400. Room and bath from S3 Write tor , I Complimentary Booklet "AWeek In Washington' ! THE DODGE HOTEL North Capitol ft E St*. N.W. | Washington, D. C X r tt " Sunshine"" ?All Winter lA>ng at the Foremost Desert R?Oft of IK* West?marvelous climate?warm wnny day*?door starlit nights?dry invigorating eir? splendid roods ? gorgeous mountain ?cones?finest hotels?the ideal winter homo. Wrttm Or? A OAmrtmy PALM SPRINGS f'mliformlm NslMnni. (irt I nlqae Impartf* NarrltlM from me. They sell everywhere. Franklin C. Wood. 17f Pleasant St..Worcester, lfass. w. n. U.t baltimore, no. 3-1931.