Adas* "The pot shouldn't call the kettle ' blnck." "Ndt In politics." MercollzedWax Keeps Skin Young ^??MMaaadiMMdirMtod.VlMpwtUMWM^ Aim pmI oO until mU (WaeU 1Mb mm plauM, lint tpoU. t*a ted frooklao disappear. Bkln Utkw molt ted Ttinljr. Your I mom look* mrt renn?r, Mmollwl Wax briaca out tbo hidden beauty of your akin. V9 Vmmvo wrlnklw ? Pn ail Mail flsanHc jtailirllao- helfptot wUokk?I.Atdnigfwx. The Picker "nave you and your wife selected ? now cap yet 7" "No. she hasn't." BEWARE KNIFE / . UwtoSwapnlwQIwU? _ Z_A M BOILllwepUj ?w nt|M Oat CafMI Mo tm? \xnj4r *iMu QM faraaaaeSMaa, rS&# HO. ale Ganarsea baa No. W<^ Spurioafc-Waal Qp. NaaMUa, A Coed Miser Little Boy?Hey, mister, we'd like ? ride to the hall park. Old CI much?I never let strangers ride with me. Little Boy?Oh, that's all right, I'll Introduce you to the whole hunch! I * i COMFORT for COLICKY BABIES . . . THROUGH CASTORIA'S GENTLE REGULATION Tlie best way to prevent colic, doctors say, Is to avoid gas Id stom ach and bowels by keeping the entire Intestinal tract open, free from waste. But remember this: a tiny baby's tender little organs cannot stand harsh treatment. They must be gently urged. This Is just the time Castoiia can help most. Castorla, 700 know, Is made specially for ba bies and children. It Is a pure vege table preparation, perfectly harmless. It contains no harsh drugs, no nar cotics. For years It has helped moth ers through trying times with colicky babies and children suffering with digestive upsets, colds and fever. Keep genuine Castorla oil hand, with the name: J ^y&tSEu CASTORIA HIIHU'UlWI Environment Guest?Why, this room reminds me of a prison. Hotel Manager?Well, It's all a matter of what one Is used to.?Path finder. Mofliers ? ..Watch Children's colds f"?OMMON head cold, often "aettle" in throat and cheat where they may become dangerous. Don't take a chance?at the fcrtt iruffle nib on Children'a Muaterole once every hour for five hourt. Children'. Muaterole is jtut good old Miuterole, you have known eo long, in milder form. Thia famotu blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other ingredient, bring, relief naturally. Muaterole get. action bee. lue it i> a laentific' 'amnter irritant"?not hut n .aire?it pene trate. and etimulatea blood circulation, babe to draw out infection and pain. Keep full strength Muaterole on hand. for adults and the milder?Children'* Masterole for little torn. AH drugging. Tli* D**r Girl "Could you lie Imppy with lor* la a cottage?" ? "If wo have a good car." i Drink Away. I 1 that heavy, [ I drowsy feeling! I When constipation signals. I | bring bach the flash ofhsalth I in year faee by flnehlog the > tiSXS^ JZZL-^2 | I nnhealthy, etagnaat waste, re- 1 I nsw thi hslagsf sasrgj aa^psg I IgarfieldteaI J Wntuwf ^ BESMART Make Your Home* Beautiful with uma nrxNn 17abreakable, hand painted, washable doer CM, door knockers, drapery Ua backs, k ends. Make money for yoaraelf or year church. Every woman who loves beauty will buy. t*? commission to live agents, dead foe^ywret^jtfrculer. Address. Mft W. Waeker Drlvn Ctdeaga* W. N. 0. SALT! MORE, NO. 46-1W1. Finnta Watch BUia Firemen called from all parts of Belfast, Ireland, recently, stood Idle as they watched a fire burn Itself out An underground electric cable bad fused, and flames shot several feet In the air from an open man hole, the cover of which had been blown off by the heat The pave ment was also forced up by the hent Many business houses In the center of the city were plunged Into dark bess. Owing to the nature of the blase the flreoien could not light It, tori Health Is ' Your Ratiral State Bnt you can't expect to enjoy good health If you are allowing disease germs to accumulate and multiply somewhere In your system. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, tonsllttls, rheuma tism and often neuritis are the work of disease organisms which must be attacked and destroyed If good health la to be restored. These and many other more serious types of In fection may be controlled and good health restored by chemically de stroying the germs, using B. & M? The Penetrating Germicide, to stop the bacterial poisoning. The B. & M. treatment Is unlike any other?quick and positive In action. Your druggist Should have B. & XI. In stock. If he falls to supply you promptly, send us his name and $1.25 and we will mall you a full-size bottle. Helpful book let free on request. F. E. Rollins Co., 53 Beverly St., Boston,. Mass. (Adv.) In politics, you can solve a prob lem easily If the people are satisfied with the solution. m From 11 o'clock p. m. to 6 o'clock S. nr., the world has a kind of mora torium. It's asleep. " r Acid stomach I 1 Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It results in pain and sourness about two hours after eat ing. Tne quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is 'Phillips' Milk of Mag nesia. It has remained standard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid. Harmless, and tasteless, and yet its action is quick. You will never rply on crude methods, once you learn how quickly this method acts. Be sure to get the genuine. The ideal dentifrice for clean teeth and healthy gums is Phillies' Dental Magnesia, a superior tooth paste that safeguards against acid mouthy People get the kind of government they deserve. It Is true; and some limes the government gets what It deserves.?1-oule the Sixteenth's. ; ?i I Make your children I STURDY Scorr't Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds and protects the bodies of growing youngsters, infants, and expectant mothers. Doctors fand it Rives them a wealth of Vitamin A for correct growth, as well as Vitamin D, the "sunshine vitamin" so essential in building strong, healthy bones and t$ptk.ttfalprh I ? I God ha* given us tongues that we may say something pleasant to our fellow men.?Heine. A man will laugh at. his troubles? ten years after. Why Is It a mother always expects her son to tarn oat better than bis father did. ? '' When In (he mood one can yawn at any kind of a love sonnet. v .. ?* ?-r Lower Prices Neu/i? ^ U/unninqnafn RADIO /7TUBES> TTPIS OU PUCES mw PUCES CX301A *1.10 * .75 C324 1.50 1.00 C324A 2.00 1.00 CX326 1.25 .80 C327 1.25 1.00 ttto old men NEvracn C335 *2.20 '1.60 CX345 MO 1.10 C347 1.90 1,55 CX371A mo .90 CX380 MO 1.00 Pigeon Wii RhiomIIi A pigeon nearly upaet business In a Lynn (Mass.) cigar atore recently. The bird entered and perched near the celling of the high-studded store and all efforts to dislodge It were without avail. When It came time to close the store the clerk thought he would have to lock the pigeon up Inside. Before doing so he ex claimed In a loud tone of voice, "(let out, we are going to close up." The pigeon then flew down to the floor, ate some peanuts there, after Which It walked, not flew, out of the ?tore. So far, the people have been able to pay for the mistakes the govern ment makes. Many a man It worth less than the Insurance he carries. Who knowa most, donbta not. ** H the safe easy way before ft worse troubles follow. Take HALE'S HONEY OF HORKHOUND AND TAR The tried home remedy for breaking up colds, relieving throat troubles; healing and soothing ? quick relief for coughs* and hoarseness. 30c mt mil Wrapgief* Pas Wto'f TnethsiOis Drops Approved Safety Free Wheeling for all ears offers treat rat money making oppor tunity In motor history; Installed quickly: write for aceney. Safety Free Wheeling Co.. 1711 14th. N.W . Waahlnaton. D. C. MIND MOTION P1CTCRB OPKRATOR8 WAJfTKD? I.?am Free practical training when course le completed. Easy terms SO % of tuition payable when employed. 10S N. Rowan Are.. Dept. 10. Los Angeles. Calif. Operators. thla locality, for revolutionary aqulpmrnt Salary SSO. Photo Electtie Re aearch Lab. Corp.. Powers Bids.. N. T. C. I When'Rest Is Broken /tex rrompuy wnen autaaer Irregularities Disturb Sleep AHjm bothered with bladder A hta^alariUeei ??p*y I up at aichtT HaSTmnptl; three 2^2-ahT Inquired: "Don't you know these visitors, Mary Jane?" The child studied them and, ob serving that one was extremely tall / while the other was short, she re plied: vis It Mutt and Jeff?" Doorstep Diplomacy "Are you a bill collector?" "Just want a debt parley with your husband, tbass all." ~ .. ? V . - - ''FATIGUE? V . :f : s\ ?.? y-Ji -.v -v ? ? ? J jj I just postpone it! "No, I don't have'?nerve*.' Yon can't have them, and: hold this sort of portion. My head used to throb around fhfee o'clock, and certain days, of course, were worse'than others. . "Thep.1 learned W rely en Bayer Aspirin.''" The sure cure for any headache is rest But some times we must postpone it. That's when Bayer Aspirin saves the day. Two tablets, and the nagging pain is.gone until you %re home. And once you are comfortable, the pain seldom returns I i Keep Bayer Aspirin J^ndy, Don't put it away, or put off taking it Fighting a headache to finish the day may be heroic, but it is also a Kttlfe foolish. So is sacrificing a night's sleep because you' ve an annoying cold, or irritated throat, or grumbling tooth, neuralgia, neuritis. These' tablets always relieve. They don't depress the heart and may be taken freely. That ia medical opinion. It U a fact established by the last twenty yean of medical practice. The only caution to he observed is when you are buying aspirin, payer is genuine. Tablets with the Bayer cross are taje. , ? Firestone patented construction gives Extra Strength and Safety The Firestone Oldfield Type Tire is a tough, rugged tire all the way through. Inside are the special patented construction features of Gum-Dipping and Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread that give the body of the tire extra strength and safety. Outside is a thick tread of slow-wearing, non-oxidizing rubber with a deep noo-ekid for long,trouble-fr*e service and sore traction. Sturdy blocks of rubber on the sidewall guard against rut and curb wear. Compare this great tire with any Special Brand Mail Order Tire selling at t the same price. Firestone Service Dealers hare sections for you to Inspect.: t Drive to the Firestone Service Dealer near you and see for yourself why Firestones give longer trouble-free service and greater safety. COMPARE QUALITY - CONSTRUCTION * PRICE '? Fl? MM . Ma - - ' *???? ouMi rial *???" 1 n|hn | Hr MM flMUf -? * _ fM ,j 11 1 -* OMfeM "" TIM IMUM TVM MMOT CM TVM - IM or TMtt TTT M cIT Tm *?* c2 ?? or TUK Tyfi OtmC ^ CM *IZI M M ? CM M frk. CM SIZI fe* M ?? 5S?2?7!rssr rs ?Kr >? lia ^ M l?? ^ hfc 1-4 ^ Pen IW-_-.| 1.40.]] ?.oo 4.91 9.04 OH i.SS Mi OM^Mu) 5 J5"1' 7'*" 7-* I#-** 5.50-11 0.75 0.7517'H (Mt 4.50-20 SM S.?? 8*90 ?.7? 4-70 9J0 r?l 4.50-111-09 5.6111.11 MS 4.M M* SSuSl 5.50-11 0.90 8.9017-M P?H?. St-d'bkr ar-1* 4.75-11 OAS 6.63 84.90 1-H 5.6111.14 ytkEj^Z 6 00-1! 81.00 11 JO 82.79 , , ? Ida'wlfjj the tfas Kannfactnrer to the public, mmfeheceaw? he builds his "best amaltf'-tires .?sdeglji own lame Firestone pals his name 00 " f'... ! ! ? OnstrtnCmtWtWfcSn?ETcryUremaoufactured Ifr Flredoa'e hdsrs the nemo ?TP>g8TOWBr end rntlm Thmlnnii'i mlhillnil auanuxte* and that 9i Pylf ? ?4 flgytee Storca. ? -? ' ~4 k' *? - -C4' ? - L- . 'ij. ' - |*c?? Powerful* Dependable I Special ComliiMUMtfaitqm gigfi Firestone Batteries more power and [ longer life. Made bj Firestone in theefficient Firestone Battery Factory. I With Tour Don't take chances on ? dead Battery, end-a stalled ear. See year Firestone OM littery Service Dealer today , ' ' ? A' ?* . r J .? ' . ? * . J Ilrtw to ffce Veto* af gfcwtMi'lwn) ^ ONT eX. ?, C. itTHIi??i aMsfwitlJv rire$tone FlriitMi ??nrtoc ItMM Mi ImiIm BiiIiw Im Ymm Mmm Mi Itm Tm Biilw