Ikillcoldgerms] Clears bead Instantly. Stops cold spreading. Sprinkle.your handkerchief during the day , ?yourat night. McKESSON All OIUO PRODUCT STORES Writers' Pluck Sinclair Lewis, at an Algonquin lnncheon, praised writers' pluck. "A writer." he said, "will work two or three years on a book, make $40 out of It, and then plunge pluck lly Into two or three years' more work on nnother book. WOMEN: watch your BOWELS What should women do to keep their bowels moving freely? A doctor should know the answer. That is why pure Syrup Pepsin is so good for women. It just suits their delicate organism. It is the prescription of an old family doctor who has treated , thousands of women patients, and who made a special study of bowel troubles. It is fine for children, too. They love its taste.'Let them have it every time their tongues are coated or their akin is sallow. Or. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is made from fresh laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other harm less ingredients. When you've a sick headache, can't eat, are bilious or sluggish; and at the times when you are most apt to be constipated, take a little of this famous prescription (all drug Stores keep it ready in big bottles), and you'll know wnv Dr. Caldwell s Syrup Pepsin is the favorite laxative of over a million women I Da. W. B. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIN A Doctor's Family Laxative Indicated at on Altarattoa (n the Treatment of RHEUMATIC FEVER, GOUT, Simple Neuralgia, Muscular Aches and Pains At All DrnggUtl Ju. Bsfly a Sw, Who!?alt DUIrtbutm . S?IUw.n. MS. Weather Dictionary Some people collect stnmps and some collect snuff boxes, but C. F. ,- Talnuui, librarian o( the United State* ?rather bureau, la collecting worda relating to the weather. Hla encyclopedic weather dictionary, when completed, will contain about lS.OCK) weather terma, Including alang, dialect, and aclentlflc names for weather phenomena. It may be some years before the dictionary la fin ished. hut meanwhile each definition la filed on a enrd and the cards are In dally use aa references for the scientists of the weather bureau and others m . ?oocheMutkmby assoT ? VtciMhotaOKB In rom. Rub briaidy ? ? on cheat to Improve blood I m drculuion cad prevent M fc mngiwilmi Jan ami Ploqoo ob Historic Spot ?A bronze plaque marking the spot where gold was first discovered In Silver How county, Montana, recent ly was dedicated by the Butte chap ter. of the Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution. The plaque, which was mounted on a alz-ton granite Imwlder. marked the spot where B. H. Barker and companions panned the first gold from silver Bow creek la 1804. The spot Is between Nlssler and Silver Bow. i i I MU.S.'KEUOM? ATPIBA RUEST 1 | for tho prompt rottof of Asia ma I I and Hay Fever. aah your drug> I I got for H. as earns ana owe Sow I ?I tar* tMtto for pats aaaiPLi. 1 MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young Get iB oudm Bad nee aa directed. Fine particles of M*d ?kin PmI off until all defects euch a* pimples, lirar epota. tan and free k lee disappear. 8kin is than soft and velvety. Your faoe looks veers younger. Mercolised Wax brines out tha biddan beauty of your akin. T? WWIH wrlnkloa um one ounee Powdered 8axolit? dissolved in one-balf pint witch baael. At drnc stores. Deep Sea Right up to the middle of the last century scientists spoke of the deep sea as being devoid of life. Blooming health is ev-j ident in al clear cOm-1 plexi on .The1 f - ?i? - - impurities or fhemtemare^ elimmatedbq" At Dnvglat* or S?? PmH St.. V. Y. City. Estimate of Friendship "Hello, I'al, lend me a nickel, will you? I want to call up a friend." "Here's a dime. Call up all your friends." [For Coughs duo to Colds,Minor I Bronchial and Throat Irritations I JAB. DAILY A SOW, Baltimore, Md. | Roses for Diabetes Taking vlnca roses in the form of a tea as a remedy for diabetes Is quite a common practice in Africa and Australia. Now science has de cided to find out the actual reme dial value of the plant Worms expelled promptly from the human system with Dr. Peery's Vermifuge "Dead 8hot." One single dose does the trick. 60c. All Druggists. /^^Pr Peary's I in P?ri Str^t. W.w Toit Pity Family Secret Teacher?Where does wool come from? Boys?Sheep. Teacher?What la made from It? No answer. Teacher?Well, for Instance, what are your trousers made of? Willie volunteers?My dad's. DRINK gib to Your HEALTH IfJW stomach to temporarily do-' **Med. It you tire easily, lapse Into drowsiness or feel stagnant, drink to rourhselth with a cup or two of Ger? ?eld Ten. I ts pu re, fragrant h erb* act I garfield tea Lame-Hearted Fish A catfish neighing about two and one-half pounds swam up to the boat of Clifford King, of Del Rio, Texas, and nibbled bits of chloken tossed to It After taking a few bites the fish swam back to the channel nnd re turned In a few moments with four others. They partook of the refresh ments, then swam off and returned In a short time with a whole school of tlsh about the saaie size. / Factory Episode "Why do you keep that old man around?" "He'a the owner." If we can't sell wheat to Europe, let us educate the Europeans to pumpkin pie. BOIL WORTH US Grandmother always said this. Most of us willing to pay $25 to get rid of boiL Get 50c box CARBOiL from your druggist today. Stops pain immediately. Heals worst noil often overnight Good for sores, stings, bites, etc. Get Carboil today. No use to suffer. Spurlock-Noal Co., Nashville, Tenn. WSftiT&NSHAWroV-Ueal for outa snanuttoa Willi Parksr'sHatr Balsa -Maine tha hair soft sad taffy. CO cents by mail or at drng ffieta. Hlscox Chemical Works. Pate hocus. NT. ClM 111 ?i rfWIl wWli HI llttS stjw Mais far mm ymt tfes ttlEE My Us# the GLCB method for bsttsr aad deaocr shaves. Seed eeljrtwodinies(20c) for the com pic? SfePjast oJftl!-MrOTHERac63f. art warn SoSc^nl MLECMCM WANTED New product: bUr monev from start. No hsat used Wrlla Tarxan Plastic Rubber Co.. 1226 11th s? N. W Washlnrton.D.C. A grata. Xmaa cards, easy sales with 21 card SI box assortment Costs yov 60c. 8ea*oa here COLONIAL OREET1NO CARD CO.. 21S1 tnd St Harrlsbarr Ps. Attention! Grocery men. send II for 1.600 beautiful price cards snd 100 adta?iabl? holders: par 12 more when delivered Par cel post. Flcrndt. 13 8. Front St.. Phils..Pa Oar fanwal. "Specialty Belllas," explains how **Bslf Mads Salesmen" msks tham sslvsa wanted arerywhere at hlah salaries: haw U analyse aad aall prospects; steadily tacraaaa earn tars by applying sclent inc. up r,n'l+L,. r* STOP YOUR COLD 1 |- ?H 12 HOUM WITH | Drives it away in 12 hours. Relieves . Headache?Neuralgia?Pains The Other Way Around Prison Visitor?"And I suppose It was poverty brought you here?" Prisoner 666866?"No, I was simply coining money." Made specially for BABIES and CHILDREN Physicians tell us that one condi tion Is nearly always present when a child has a digestive upsetva starting cold or other little ailment. Consti pation. The first step towards relief Is to rid the body of impure wastes. And for this nothing is better than genuine Castorla! Castorla is a pure vegetable preparation made specially for babies and children. This means it Is mild and gentle; that it contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics. Vet It always gets results! You never have to coax children to take Castorla. Real Castorla always bears the name: ^fEZe CASTORIA Grain Went Wrong Way James C. Carver remodeled a large building at Madison, Wis., to manu facture cattle feed. Friends were Invited to witness Its first production. Oarver pushed a button. Wheels turned. Workmen poured great sacks of grain Into hoppers, but nothing came out as the finished product. The building was searched from top to bottom without discovering where the grain was going. Garver went to the roof. There out of a ventilator spouted the mixture, and the wind scattered It afar. A workman had diverted the ground grain Into the wrong pipe. Here Is one financial rule that Is worth knowing: It Is easier to make debts than to pay them. A ghost relies chiefly on noises to scare you., ormuSnoMAL MCTIONABT union, iMvU, i*. It tt anmnrllr incepted .o d Med in eouttr, Mbrartre, schools.452,000entries, 32^)00 amorphics] tubiects. 1M00 btogrsphl. ssl entries. Ores 6fiOO Itt?tnlliim, 100 eslnebls tsblss. ' GET THE BBST-" Tit Js/rost A*timrr~ Scr it u tar bookstore or read for FEES ilhuaurd psmphlet containing umplc Verses <4 the New International. a&C. MERR1AM CO. I Dapc.HK ? ^ ap.l.?S.H,lt..Th.sw J Ever we two little boye "playing horse" nowadays} The chlropodlitt believes In tlgbt shoes?for others. STOP THAT COLD Distressing cold in d** or throat?that so often leads to something serious?generally responds to nod old Musterole with the first appacarion. Should be more effective if used once every hour lor Jive hours. This famous olend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other helpful in gi tihona brings relief natural^. Mus terole gets action because it is a scientific " counter-irritant"?not just a sales ?it penetrates and stimulates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. Used by milliotis for 20 yeata. Recommended by doctors and nurses, To Mother/?Musterole it alio made In milder Jam Jar hoMss and tmalJ children. AikforChO * W. N. U. BALTIMORE, NoTdg-IMI ORDER RETURNS TO ITS ANCIENT HOME KnighU Hospitallers Back in Jerusalem. Rising like a stalwart sentinel from one of the hills of the Holy City stands a structure which turns back the flight of time more than 800 years It Is the shelter which houses the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, founded about the year 1000 for the protection of pilgrims coming to the Holy land to visit the holy sepulchre. Driven from the city by the Saracens In 1187, they have re turned after eight ceDturles of per secution and vicissitudes, and are once again carrying on here the service for which they were organ ised. Tor the Knights Hospitallers, as they were then called, built In the Eleventh century an establishment known as the hospital of St. John, which besides being a shelter for pilgrims, provided accommodations for lodging and caring for the un fortunate and Infirm. Having as their motto, "Pro Fide, pro Utllitate Hominum," the Order of St. John of Jerusalem was one of the first of the various orders of chivalry and was In character part ly religious and partly military. When In 1^87, the Saracens, un der Saladln, conquered Jerusalem, the knights were turned out and fled to Acre which later, after Rich ard Coeur de Lion had conquered It, became known as St. Jean d'Acre. Here the knights established them selves and the city became the most Important stronghold of Christianity In the East. The knights remained for 100 years until they again came Into conflict with the Saracens, and after suffering heavy losses, were turned out This time they fled to Cyprus, where the king allowed them to found a convent and hos pital?the chief house of the order In Cyprus and the castle of Kolossl which exists to this day. Seeking a permanent home for the knights In 1310. the grand prior of the order succeeded In expelling the SaraceDS from the island of Ithudes. which then^ecame their home. They remained In power until 1022, when Suleiman the Magnificent determined to oust the knights from their Island, as they were a formidable obstacle to his scheme of conquering the West. There followed a- period of seven years homeless wandering along the Mediterranean littoral, un til In 1530 the Spanish emperor, Charles V, decreed that they might settle In Malta. Here they built the city of Valetta which became a city of knights. A branch of the Knights Hospi tallers bad existed In England from the Eleventh century, having as their headquarters a priory In Clerken well, London. From all available accounts, this priory must have been a fine example of Thirteenth cen tury architecture, but unfortunately the only remains of the original building today are to be seen In the crypt of the church of St. John In Clerkenwell. When Henry VIII dissolved all re ligious orders, the knights were again disbanded. Queen Mary reassembled them, but only for one year, as on the succession to the throne of her sister Elizabeth the order was again dissolved. Nothing further Is heard of the knights In England until 1878, when Queen Victoria again reinstated the order by granting them a fresh charter. 'Nuf Sed "Ton say he is a good man?" "Yes, he's conscientious even about paying his dental bills."?Wallace Farmer. Aha! Mrs. Wife?I'm sorry, but dinner Is a bit burned tonight, dear. Mr. Husband?Oh, so they bad a Are at the delicatessen? It Is hard to tell which there Is the more delight In: Neglecting what one ought to do or doing It Even a baby learns that what was "cute" when it was a year old it gets spanked for at two. r "? " ?1 '-""V ? .V"" 1 RELIEVES HEAD/ CHEST ond BACK COLDS ] A V H A v I I ? 1 * I Stainless "Rub In" and inhalant Unsurpassed^ in preventing and relieving cold congestions J t JSS McKesson cRobbims When a young uonmn shows you newly taken photographs of herself, don't make the mistake of not ask ing for one. Queerest things you can think of can make money In a city. For there are plenty of the queerest kind of people In a million. I Tor STRONG BONES and TEETH Now It the time to help vour children build strong bones and healthy teeth. The wealth of Vitamin D?and the mineral salts?in Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil, will help you do this. And doctors recommend its Vitamin A content too. This promotes growth and increases resistance to xHseasc. Scott s Emulsion* is also good for expectant mothers and run-down adults. It helps ward off colds. Pleasantly flavored. Easy to take. Scott 8c Bownc, Bloomficld, N. J. Sales Representatives, Harold F. Ritchie 8c Co., Inc., N. Y. Listen to Scolf s Emulsion "Romances of the Sea" every Sunday ?nd Tuesday at 9.30 P.M. (E. S. T.) over the Columbia basic network, 4> Cutiein* Shaving Creani^ and comfortal^^^^h ^f^uid easily. Wet every morning. hair thoroughly be The creamy lather of BgpA: fore putting on a Cutleura Shaving f^jjjjjSS^BSSxm small quantity of Cream softens the Cntlenra Shaving beard,soothe8 the skin Cream. Then sham and leaves it cool and It |j|I [ ? I j ^||| P?? 08 usual. Ideal supple. I yiliflilRI tor all the family. At your dealers or sent post- & VHH|^^Rmll Cutleura Laboratories, paid on receipt of 35c. Address: Satisfaction of paying a debt la Going without bis supper Is ten often nearly overcome by the size of times the punishment to a boy that the debt It Is to a man. Think of that. Extra Strength Extra Safety Extra Service Lowest Prices OnLY Firestone can give you all these extra values. They are the result of patented construction features found in no other tires. ? Gum-Dipping penetrates every cord and coats every fiber with liquid rubber. Gives longer flexing life to every cord and longer tire life. Two Extra Cord Plies Under the Tread give stronger bond between tread and cord body ? greater protection. against punctures and blowouts. Tough, thick tread made of non-oxidizing rubber gives better protection against skidding and longer non skid wear. Firestone save in buying, manufacturing and dis tribution to give these extra values at lowest prices. Firestone Service Stores and Service Dealers in vite you to check these statements for yourself. They have sections cut from Firestone and Special Brand Mall Order Tires. Compare them and see how Firestone give extra strength, safety and service. You be the judge. B Drive in today. COMPARE QUALITY ? CONSTRUCTION ? PRICE ii ,i i. . ii I m **?* nmm, m ^2rl*S7" guu ckl OUtctf CM MM OMMd del OWtdd m m rm T^r *?* , T?* Tm ??<* ,l<f *"*? '"md tm cu u ? hIw ? m m .cm " ? " cJiL Ma 41" M" ftw ?*#d M" {J 5? I" 1* J2i TM Wt fa ja Ttt Hi M. fa* Tt? 1.46-11^ ill ?M Mlt ? ???? Sffi^bKljSM-" 79? 7.9019J4 4.7? 1.71 M? fcS ,J#-M ??? 8 75 ?*?? Gardner-j '?I 4^91.35 Ml o?UZL 5.SO-19 9.94 8.9C 17.9* Peerleaa_ f?i ^ Stud'b'kr CMnM? I.7S-19 4.94 5.6514.9* Ml 5.6111.14 5Jk7n^"r S.OO-1! xxa*11.2C 11.7* " 1 Fran kiln HnlML-.! t.OO-1) 1141114SIMI 9.79 6.75 ?*U 9.74 5.75 ?a. E?i?U.oc*?!,I.??e. Ck.MI-l r"r.V-A 1.00-21 tl.4< 11.65 *4.4* 0.5?- i S 5*-M 'Ml 13.4! ??-?? Dwl|? Cadillac.-; g^?2-p B.ee-19 mi s.90 imi (.99 s.?9 it.m ,1*^:;} r.oo-ao|??a? hjs mm TBOCK ??< BUS TIMS VUlfi-K 1 r*m*m Finns** a" OWfisM Tm WaV*cW OMMd t*M f"?? I.N-HMI'.llua ?.ia S.1C 11.94 miST e-Thta ' fat "" f, fat 5=?Z) I.N4IWT.SI 1434 439 611143. ??? ??? IMH Mat.... 44-99 32.95 49.74 4-fak B.?-?lla>7P.?7U?.74lbJlt7.37t?4.?a M44Q-. 19.49 15.95 4*3* 47?'lf Tlf 4?g?? Tift flltfMM FMa |*?lMd>l Ma Civ* Ton M *>m am <MM hi* am Tia Orta tw M Oitm TW M^,=Ieight' . I8.O0 17.80 I7.0a 16.10 i4^Jhickne"' .658 .605 .508 .561 XK. 250 250 234 lf?r? Plic Under . . . . Tread . . . . * 5 6 5 maa*. Width, 5<a# 520 4.75 4.75 |fc? Frica . . |06.65| >6.65 84-85 54.85 ?A "Sffrifll Mrunf tlr# k made by a manufacturer for distributors audi a* mail order houm, oil companies, and others, under a name that doea not Identify the tire manufacturer to the public, usually because be builds bis "best nudity** tires under bis own name. Firestone puts his name on EVERY tire be makes. 4to?M? ^MTflStM-Every tire manufactured by Firestone bears the name "FIRESTONE** and carries Fire stone's unlimited guarantee and that of one 2S,000 Serries Dealers and Serries Stares. Yon are doubly protested. {listen to the Voice ?/ Monday night overNJt.C, nationwidemtmui h J Ti resfone Coprrteht, 1911, The Firestone Tire A Rokber Co, ' Hwum Service Stores eaS Service Dealers tare Tan Meaty awl Serve Tea Better

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