BABY FRETFUL, RESTLESS? Look to this cause When your baby fusses, tosses and seems unable to sleep restfuily, look for one common cause, doctors say. Constipation. To get rid quickly of the accumulated wastes which causa restlessness and discomfort, give a cleansing dose of Castoria. Castoria, you know, is made specially for children's delicate needs. It Is a pure vegetable preparation; contain* no harsh drugs, no narcotics. It Is so mild and gentle you can give It to a young infant to relieve colic. Yet It Is as effective for older children. Ca?? torla's regulative help will bring re laxed comfort and restful sleep to your baby. Keep a bottle on hand. Genuine Castoria always has the name: CASTORIA Presumption Dr. P. K. Olitsky, head of the trachoma research department of the Rockefeller institute, en''""a"de scription of the Geneva anti-tracho ma conference with a story. "So to think, even after the germ Is found that the malady Is con quered," he said?"well, that Is to be like the boy in the swimming pool. "The boy was displaying, one by one. the treasures that were con tained in his pockets. a 'And this,' he said, 'this here Is a washer?for makln' automobiles.'" Dorit Nedlect Your Kidneys V * Herd Promptly Kidney and Bladder Irregularities If bothered with bladder ir regularities; nagging backache and a tired, nervous, depressed feelingdue todisordered kidney action or bladder irritation, don't delay. Users everywhere rely on Doan's Pills. Praised for I more than 50 years. Recora 1 mended the country over. ?Sold everywhere. ^Doan's LPf^SPills The Centuries The Nineteenth century Included the whole of 1000, Just as the First century, beginning with January 1 In the year 1. would Include the whole year, 100. The Twentieth century, Figuratively "That woman, Mrs. White, has a fine figure." "A fine figure! Why, the only thing she can buy ready made is an umbrella."?Passing Show. IkillcoldgermsI Clears head instantly. Stops cold spreading. Sprinkle your handkerchief during the day ?your pillow at night. McKESSOM AIL DRUO PRODUCT STORES The Ideal Vacation Land Sunshine A U Winter Le>mQ Splendid made?towering mountain ranges?Highest type hotels dry in vigorating air?clear starlit nights? California's foremost Desarf Playground PWritm Orss A OMmftmr aim Spring^ CALIFOBXIA ^ STOP RHEUMATIC i PAINS WITH HEAT OF RED PEPPERS Relieves Almost Instantly Good old Nature has put into red peppers a marvelous therapeutic heat that geta right down to the source of trouble and almost instantly relieves the pains and aches of rheumatism, stiff joints, lumbago and neuritis. Thousands have found it the one safe guard against chest colds, too. Now this genuine red peppers' heat is con tained in an ointment that you just rub on. In less than 3 minutes you feel re lief come. It is called Rowlea Red Pepper Rub. Safe. Will not burn or sting.Getasmall jar from your druggist. From Bad to Worse President Shantz, of Arizona uni versity, said at a Tucson tea: "When racketeers begin to break the law they can't stop. They must go from bad to worse. Otherwise, de struction. "It's like the boys and the milk. "Two Tucson boys were carrying home a pitcher of milk. 44 'Oh, gosh,' said the smaller one, as he wiped his mouth with the hack of his hand, Ve'v'fe drunk too much of it. What'll we do?' " 'Do?' said the bigger boy. /There's only one thing to do now. We must smash the pitcher.'"?Detroit Free Press. I ?? ^1 STOP YOUR COLD j IN 6 HOURS WITH | C Break^^col^^^hor^^ Drives it away in 12 hours. Relieves I Headache?Neuralgia?Pains Odd Wall Design A petrified snake, outlined in bus relief on n itone perhaps millions of years old, will appear in the wqll of the first stone house to be built In Warren county, Pennsylvania, in sev enty years. The fossil form, about two feet long, resembles a garter snake. A1 Westren, builder of the house, was showing visitors over the scene. While inspecting the stone to be used In the construction, all of which is being used just as It is found on the hillsides, one of the vis itors noted the form of the snake. Westren decided to use the stone In the construction.?Indianapolis News. Now easy to get rid of Gray Keep Heir Naturally Dark Now without using dangerous dyes you can darken gray hair naturally, quickly restore its original shade by the world's finest, safe way which is now keeping millions of heads your.g looking. Benefits the hair as it dark ens it to the shade you want. As sim ple as brushing. Try it. Pay druggist 75c for a large bottle of WYETH'S SAGE & SULPHUR and just foUow easy directions. Query **A bachelor hus nobody to share his troubles." "Why should n bachelor have any troubles?" asked the married man.? Louisville Courier-Journal. Keepsake? "You admit tearing a handful of hair from your husband's head?"* "I wanted to put it in n locket." Learning without thought Is all right if one Is to be a walking en cyclopedia. A man may need n slogan to keep from eating too much. Why do the British drink tea? What does it do to them? Indicated as an Alterative in the Treatment of RHEUMATIC FEVER, GOUT, Simple Neuralgia, Muscular Aches and Pains At All Druggists Ja*. Esily A Soo. WholtuxU Dittnbaton , Baltimore. Mi EeStW PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM JflBantu Dandruff Stcpe Hair Pallas WyTm ->? Imparts Color and fTS& Beauty to Gray and Fadad Hair ESBHr^P Br ari 1 p ODtt DrnnWi Mm' Chrm Wfc. PatrWet.NTJ FLORESTON SHAMPOO ? Ideal for use in connection with Parker's Hair Balaam. Makas the hair soft and fluffy. 60 cents by mail or at drug gists Uistox Chemical Works. Patchocje. N.I WTN. U. BALTIMORE, NO. S-19S2 Los Angeles Boy Needed Help Leroy Young, 1118 leorgia St., Los All eles, Is a "regular e 11 o w," active In ports, and at tbe >p In his classes at ?hool. To look at Im now, you'd think e never had a day's btcsness out nts motner says: -?nen I.eroy was just a little fellow, we found his stomach and bowels were weak. He kept suffering from con stipation. Nothing he ate agreed with him. He was fretful, feverish and puny. "When we started giving him Cali fornia Fig Syrup his condition Im proved quickly. His constipation and biliousness stopped and he has had no more trouble of that kind. I have since used California Fig Syrup with him for colds and upset spells. He likes it because It tastes so good and I like it because It helps him so wonderfully I" California Fig Syrup has been the trusted standby of mothers for over SO years. Leading physicians recom mend It It Is purely vegetable and works with Nature to regulate, tone and strengthen the stomach and bowels of children so they get full nourishment from their food and waste Is eliminated In a normal way. Four million bottles used a year shows how mothers depend on It. Al ways look for the word "California" on the carton to be sure of getting 41.^ nonnlnn III*? t,ruuiur. , Smarty! Daddy was becoming irritated as his six-year-old son wis bubbling over with Christmas cheer. Every day the boy added new items to Santa's list. Rushing into the house from his last trip to Santa's head quarters, he said: "Oh, daddy, Santa Claus prom ised?" "Listen, the next time I see Santa Clnus I'm shoot him," daddy interrupted. "What are you going to do, daddy, shoot yourself?" chimed in a wise nine-year-old boy standing by. Relic of Old Days A striking relic of the old Cora stock days was unearthed at Virginia City by Albert Dressier, of Berkeley, a souvenir hunter, when he found an Imitation glass cigar five feet long that was used to advertise a famous cigar store 50 years ago. The device, forerunner of electric signs, was lighted with gas and is constructed of 15,000 to 20,000 glass prisms. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are beat for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative?three for a cathartic.?Adv. Fine Business "War Is getting worse than ever." "Iluh?" "Now if you win a war, you have to pay for it." Rheumatic rains Relieved this Quick Way If stabbing pains shoot across your back and cripple you, rub on good old St. Jacobs Oil. < Relief comes before j you can count 601... I Relief without burn- I ing or blistering. I This famous oil I simply draws out I inflammation and A pain. It is soothing, fl healing. For theH aehea And nains ofH Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago, Neuralgia or Backache there's noth ing so quick or sure to bripg relief. Get a, small bottle of St Jacobs Oil from your druggist Why Not? "Mummy, why do men shoot lions and tigers?* "Because they eat sheep and kill the lambs. They should not do that." ?'Mummy, why don't men shoot butchers?" ? Schweizer lllustrierte, Zofingen. Just Being Himself Mary?I wish Bertram would stop acting the fool Polly?ghat's the trouble?he Isnt ?ctlng! A woman can get used to a man who has faults, but never to one who has no money. M ^ stuffy nostrils, M soothe irritation by use of V ? KenthoUtum in nose. Rub briskly ? ? on chest to improve blood I M circulation and prevent V fh congestion. Jan and ? M CONSTIPATION I'm PSYLIJt M SEED, the natural laxa tive supplying bulk and lubrication. Pro notes normal Intestinal elimination, with out 111 effects. Safe, effective, non-habit forming: easy to take. A NON-IHU (1 S11MEDT. Super-cleaned: extra sifted; blond (white) superior grade. hstter than black, highly mucilaylnou*.