THE GLEANER GRAHAM. N. 0., MAY 19, 1932. IMC BD BYBBY THUB8DA1 J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. lDi?r?4 at >?tofflc?r atOrmb u. .W 0.. u mo ...-claA- Bill*. INEVITABLE. This paper is not taking issue with any person objecting to a redaction in bis pay check, be he officeholder, wage earner, or whatever he may be. Most, if not all, aspire to go higher. On the other hand, every producer craves more for his product. As Grover Cleveland said, "it is a condition and not a theory-' i that must be dealt with. The Federal Government has its problems of finance it is try ing to work out and has not been able to do so. The State is in not much bet ter shape than the Federal Gov ernment, Then you come to the smaller divisions?the counties and the towns. In these latter you are getting nearer the foundation? the people, upon whom the government stands and must depend. ? It is of primary importance that the producers, the foundp tion, must be considered, else there will be nothing to build upon. So the situation now is that, the foundation is in a sorry plight. The producer is not i getting anywhere, an : it fol- j lows, as you go up, that the structure is weakened. Now, the remedy: The load must be reduced. The bun'en of high salaries, wages, or by whatever name it is called, must be lifted, it makes no dif ference that it ma/ hurt. The producer must have a chance to come back. There cannot be a preferred class. There can be no excep tion. That the cost of govern ment must be reduced is i .ev* i table. BANK OPENING. The reopening of the National Bank in Burlington, closed five months ago, has been eagerly looked forward to by the people of Burlington and the entire county, and watched with in terest by other communities. The event took place at 9 o'clock Monday morning, at tended by a considerable demon stration, which the event war ranted. Tho ft?air nf voonAnin'. *1- ~ 1 ? ?~ WMOO. VI 1W|A/UIII^ bUO bank was not a small one. It took work, lots of it, by a ue termined band of community builders. Only the inspiration gained through success could have accomplished the task. The leaders in the movement and everyone who helped in any way are entitled to the thanks and congratulations of the pub lic. This is a concrete example of what can be accomplished by determined cooperat. on Hon. Joecphus Daniels, Sec retary of the Navy in President Wilson's cabinet for eight years and editor of the News and Ob server, celebrated his 70th birth day on the 18th instant. A warm race is on between Qubernatorial candidates, Lieut. - Gov. R. T. Fountain, Commissioner of Revenue A. J. Harwell and J. C. B. Ehring haus. From the reports in the papers it looks like Ehringhaus has got his "friends'' in a cor ner. but June 4th will tell the story. i From late reports it appears that the "stop Roosevelt" folks are losing ground. Roosevelt is nearing a majority of the national delegates. A week ago the body of the Lindbergh baby was found Since then the effort to get tb< i kidnajier raurd rers has become intense and no stone will be left u iturned to that end. In this effort it turns out that one Curtis, of Norfolk, who rep >rt ed near contact with the kid nape rs, had perpetrated a co lossal and cruel hoax for which he may have to pay a deserved penalty. "Hants!" Thus exclaimed a prominent Republican, who oc cupies a nice berth among Un cle Sam's favorites and receives monthly a stipend of apprecia ble size.. He was looking at a row of cards with pictures of prominent Democrats and their announcements for different high State offices when he let out the exclamation. It is not surprising that a Republican office holder whose tenure de pends in some measure upon keeping the "hants" at home should thus exclaim. General County '.ourt. At Monday's sessiou of General Couni.y Court the following mat ters were disposed of, towit: E. M. Ma>T, driving car while drunk; $50.00 and costs, to b> paid by May 23rd. Frank Anthony, whiskey for sale, continued to May 23rd. Dal Edmond. whisky for sale Based on report of County Physi cian, jndguieuL suspended upon good behavior. S. P. Mitchell, assault on fe male; prayer f >r judgment con tinued 12 moti hs upon good be havior. Banks Bass, whiskey for saie (two cases); *25 and costs in each case. \ 'as convicted on March 29 and sentenced to the roads for 60 days. Fiiies imposed in lien of road sentence. C. M. Butler (Durham county), driving car whue drunk; $50 aud costs. Do a Andrews, assault; prayer for judgment continued for 12 mos. upon good behavior. Caswell Hawks,concealed weap on; 60 days on roads suspends' upon payment c f costs. Except in the main tobacco and cotton growing counties of the State, a majoriitv of those applying for goverment 1 ans 'this season are men who have never used the coun ty farm agent ay tem. Recently 350 head of dairy cattle were rete&ted for tuberculosis in Burke County and not a single re actor was found, The Alleghany Farmers Exchange is selling lambs and beef cattle for its members at a flat charge of to cents each for lambs and <1.50 each for beeves. This takes care of all marketing costs. EEizzri 0 THE GRANT OF A PATENT O ?! AFFECTS THE GRANTEF..? X V Here la an explanation of a pat- ]5 1 j ent by an authority: A patent J 15 frant?d by the United Stutea X 0 may be defined aa a grant to an Q !< Inventor, hla helra or assigns, of X 5 the exclusive right to make, uae 0 1 < and vend hla Invention for a dcf- X 5 lnlte period of time. The grant 0 ? of a patent doea not create In X !; the patentee the right to make, X J uae and vend the thing patent- Q ed. That right he poaaeaaes at X 5 common law without apeclal an- 0 ? ; thorlty from the government. ? ' The right granted la only a neg- 0 ; atlre right of exclusion. A pat- X entee la merely given for a 11m- X 5 lted time the right to exclude 5 ? othera having a knowledge of ? j!> the Invention from making, ua- [ !;! lhg or aelllng It j! ? | Even after a patent Is granted J the title ia guaranteed by no- j i| bodv and the United State* doae |i| I not defend title for the patentee. J ? He most needa defend It htmaelf i [ and at hla oarn expenae If q ie? [ ;! tlon la raised It la, there'<ra, j 5 obvlona that the grant of a pat- ! 5 ent la frequently hot the prelim- X tnary to a batt! - aa to lta valid- < I' lty and the time limit on the In- J > atltntlon of actlooa for recovery ?[ 5 of profita or damages permits 5 ; enlta during a period of more X V than 20 years f.-om the date of I X granting of the -latent j! ooooccoooccococoocoooooooo J. S. Cook, Candidate For State Senate Mak? Statement of Prieciples Upon Which He Will Stand. Graham, N. C? May 17, 1932. To "the Gleaner: Sometime ago I announced that I would be a candidate for the State Sonatq. I have filed with the Board of Elections and am asking the Democrats of Alamance to nominate me in the primary, June 4th. I have been asked by a number ot persons to make a statement as to my position on certain matters that will likely come before the Gen eral Assembly. Complying with that request I submit the following state ment* of my best judgment on the matters about which I have been asked I favor a re-valuation of real Jes tete as soon as possible. Some prop erty may T>e valued too low, some about right; and much propertytoi high and stilt other property not on the tax books, I am opposed to the short ballot The principle of it tends to central ization of the state government; I doubt the wisdom of making such a change in public affairs. I favor a strict economy in the expenditure of public money. This should include salaries as well as all other items of public expense. I would oppose any measure tend ing to decrease the efficiency of the public schools. rrl lUa ealoa 4^n ? : a A I1U pijuvipio Ul ?UV ouiva IOA JO unfair and, to my mind, unjust to the great majority of our people, and I am opposed to It. I am in favor of balancing the budget in such way that there will not be at the end of every year a large deficit. The first bonds that were issued in North Carolina all mature at one time. It will be necessary to refund these bonds when they mature mak ing them mature aerially. I am op posed to Issuing any other bonds that will increase our indebtedness until the state debt shall have been largely reduced. Our debts on bonds are by far too heavy, both state and county. ( The State Constitution requires that a six monfths term of school be held each year for the education of the children. I am in favor of the state providing the funds to run the six months school. As the con stitution requires it, it is nothing but fair and Just for the Btate to pay for It, without levying an ad valorem tax. The state Is facing a deficit of at least $7,000,000.00 at June 30, 1933. This will be to take fare of by the next 'General Assembly in addition to providing for debt services and current expenses. The dominant question will be to decide where to get the money. It must be found somewhere. To sell more bonds will only increase our debt service; be sides, the State and almost all of the counties have already borrow ed on bonds to the limit. There is nothing to do but to begin to pay back the money we have already spent on roads, building and the like at public expense. How are we to balance the budget in the face of this condition? Bu reaus, commissions and agencies of the State and the counties will have to be eliminated where possible and some new sources of income for the State will have to be found. This should be done In such a manner as to divide the tax burden amonj all the people ratably equal, that ia ac cording to ability. Public officers should be paid enough to secure efficiency. If elected to the Senate I shall endeavor to follow these principles. We can not afford to cripple the strong or the weak, but should do Justice to all alike. I have been In Alamance County nearly thirty years. I have made no promises, am under no obligat ions to any one with respect to my official conduct; am a lawyer >nd have some part in the manage ment of a small bank. I relv on my reputation for fairness and square dealing in aaking for the support of the Democrats In the primary, June fth. JAMES S. COOK. In one section of Rowan County one brother received flno for the sale of tespedexa seed and another brother who did not believe in les pedexa applied for fllS in govern ment money to finance his crop this spring, Not a single dairyman or truck ower Id Catawba County applied for Government seed) oans this spring, reports the farm agent. Mr. Van Noppen to Speak at Court house Monday Night. Mr. Ch&s. L. Vau Noppen of Greensboro, candidate for Con gress from the Sixth District, will speak at the County court bouse, Monday night, 8 o'clock, May !43d. Subject ? "Stolen Money and Some Personalities." The public is invited. Notice to Guardians, Executors and Administrators This is to notify you that the law requires you to file an annual account of your guardianship and a final account when your ward is of a^e, or has used up all of the trust in your hands. All who "have not compiled with the above will do so at once by order of the Clerk of Superior Court for Alamance County, "N. C. The same applies to Executors and Administrators a? to annua] and final accounts. E. H. MUBBAY, Clerk Superior Court Alamance County. Notice of Sale of Real Property. Pursuant to the power vested in the undersigned mortgagee by vir tue ot a certain mortgage deed exe cuted by J. A. Moser and wife.Dora Moser, on April 17, 1931, securing a note of even date therewith, which said mortgage deed is duly record ed in the office of the .Register of Deeds for Alamance County jn Mort gage Deed Book 11S, page 303; and wboreas default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, the/undersigned mortgagee will offefr for sale at public auction tothe last and high est bidder for cash A at the court house door in Alamince County, North Carolina, the following de scribed real property, on TUESDAY, MAY 31st, 193J, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Newlin Town ship, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and described and defined as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Thomas Cheek and others, and being de scribed as follows; ? Beginning at a stone pile on Wm. S. Moser's line; running thence S. 89 deg. E. 6 chs. to a stone; thence S. 12 deg. E. 3.50 chs. to a stone; thence S, 89 deg. E. 6 chs. to a stake; thence S. 1 deg. W. 36.30 chs. to a white oak; thence W. 13.50 chs. to a stake thence N. 1 deg. E. 40 chs. to the beginning, containing 51 7-10 acres, more or less. The above descrioed land is known as Lot No. 4 in the division of the lands of Wm. Moser, made October 15th, 1886. This property is sold subject to a first mortgage from J. A. Moser and wife, Dora Moser, to Robert Moser, for the sum ot 850.00, which said mortgage is to be assumed ay the purchaser under this foreclosure. Terms of sale; Cash. This sale is subject to advanced bid as provided ay law. This April 29, 1932. W. ERNEST THOMPSON, Mortgagee By; C. R. DENNIS, Assignee. Long & Ross, Attys. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by deed of truit executed by W. C. Cates and wife, Levy 0. Cates, dated the 15th day of June, 1948, and recorded in Book 109, Pages 581, 569 563, and 564. in the office of the Register of Deeda for Alamance County, Jefferaon E. Owens, Substituted Trustee, will, on MONDAY, MAY 43rd, 1934, (at 13:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House Door of Ala mance County in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to-wit: Beginning at a stake in the inside line of the tfdewalk on the North erly side of Lee Street, Me^ane, North Carolina, 198 feet to the Eastward o( the Intersection of the Northerly side of Lee Street with the Easterly side' of Third Street, and running thence In a Northeast- I erly direction parallel with Third j Street 140 feet to an alley; thence along the Southern edge of said j alley in an Easterly direction 99 j feet to a stake; thence in a South westerly direction parallel with Third Street 180 feet to a stake in the inside line of the sidewalk on the Northerly aide of Lee Street; thence with the inside line of the sidewalk on the Northerly aide of Lee Street in a Weaterly direction PPfeet to the place or point of be ginning, being Lot 59 1-2 in the aur vey and plana of the town of Meb ane, aald plan and plat made by H. P. Price in March. 190#. Thia sale ia made on account of default in payment of the indebt edneaa aecured by said deed of fruat. A ten percent |10) cash deposit will be required of the highest bid der at the sale. This the 16th day of Apr!', 1932. Jefferson E. Owens. Substituted Trustee. J. Dolph Long, Atty. Commissioner's Sale of Land! Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in an action therein pending for the purpose of fore closing a tax sale certificate, being action No. 5426, entitled P. W.Moore vs. Levi U. Patrum et als., the un dersigned Commlaioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 1932, a1- 12.00 o'clock, noon, the following real estate Two Iocs of land in Patterson Township, said county, described : First Lot: Conveyed to L. H. Pa trum by Annie Moser et als. bv deed registered In book 43 at page 544, and beginning at a stone in M F. Patrum's line, thence S. 39 deg. W. 15 rods te a stone In the public road; thence N. 44 deg. W. 15 rods to a stone; thence N. 38 deg. W. 19 rods 6 links to a atone In said tine; thence N.55 deg E. 14 1-2 rods to the beginning and containing 1.5 acres more or less. Second Lot: Adjoining the above described lot and being a part oi the M. F. Patrum land, having the residence, yard, garden and other Improvements of defendants on It, and has been so occupied by de fendants for more than twenty-five years as their home under known and visible Sines and adverse to all other persons to which #they have laid claim under adverse possession for more than twenty-five years, so that they are rightfully In posses sion of the same, the two lots to gether contain 2.5 acres, more or less, are bounded by the lands of Will H. Patrum and W|U Hanner. ' Terms of sale: Cash. Place of sale: Court House Door, Graham. N. C. Time of sale :12 :00,noon, Satur day, May 88. 1932. Sale subject to confirmation by Court. This April 18, 1932. J. S. COOK, Commissioner. Commissioner's Sale of Land! Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in a Special Proceed ings No. 5427 therein pending for the purpose of foreclosing a tax sale certificate, entitled F. W.Moors vs. R. L. Burnett et als., the under signed Commissioner wflt offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th. 1932, tat IS :00 o'clock, noon, the following real estate, to-wn: Two lots in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, the first lot adjoining Jack Lea, Roy Harrell, lot No. 5, which Is 6t feet wide and 171 feet deep, being lot adjoining Jack Lea on one side.Rov Harrell, Fogleman and Church lot In back and street In front which is about 20 feet wide. Second Lot: Beginning at a stone on the North aide of Uncoln Street. In what is known as Richmond Hill. Will Mitchell Charlie Graham cor ner, running thence with Grahams line S. 1-2 deg. E.2.02 chs to a atone, Graham's corner; thence with line of Press Sellars N. 82 1-2 deg. B. 1.15 chs. to a stone in Sellars' line, thence N. 1-2 deg. W. 2.18 chs. to a atone; thence 3. 71 1-2 deg. W. chs. to a fetone, the beginning, and containing 1-1 acre, more or leas. Sale subject to confirmation by Court. Terms of sale: Cash. Time of sale 12 00.noon, Satur day, May 28, 1932. Place of sale: Court House Door, , Graham, N. C. This April 11 th, 1932. J. S. COOK, i Commissioner, j i Notice of Sale Under Deed of Trust. Under authority of a deed of trust executed and delivered by The Globe Knitting Company to the un dersigned Roy W. Malone, dated the 1st day of November. 1930. and re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust 114,page 468,default having been made in the payment of the debt secured oy said instument, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, ,at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real and personal property; Real Estate: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Town ship, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Hawkins Street, Broad Street School property, J. J. May and others, and bounded as follows.vlz; That certain lot or parcel of land in the City of Burlington, Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, described as follows; Be ing a corner lot, and beginning at the northeast Intersection of Hawk ins Street and Mebane Street, and fronting 50 feet on Hawkins Street and running back 200 feet with Broad Street School property, same being a parallelogram and oeing a part of Lot No. 170 according to the old survey of the City of Burlington as recorded in plat book No. 2,page 67, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, Nor*h Carolina. And being a ipart of the same land conveyed to J. J. May by J. F. Masenhiemin by deed dated 12th day of August, 1882, and re corded in Book of Deeds No. 8, at page 466. Building, Fixtures and Personal Property: Also all buildings on said land, heating plant, lighting fixtures and equipment, belting, shafting, pulleys, motors, trucks, office furniture and fixtures, sprink ler system and the like located in said building as well as the follow ing described machinery, to-wit; Twenty (20) Scott & Williams Model K Spiral Floating Machines equip ped with Reduced Heel Attachments (5 Not 3 1-Hn. 164 needles; 15 No. 3 1-2 in. 176 needles), which ma chines are numbered respectively, as follows; 190,455 to 190,474, inclu sive; Ten (10) Scott & Williams Mod el B Spiral Floating Machines e quipped with Automatic Means At tachment and Transfer Rings; Two tables of Boards, 24 ooardB on each table; 1 Altemus Winder; 1 upright Boiler; 3 Dye vats and accessories; 1 dry room coil; 2 pair scales; 1 pair platform scales; also any and all other machinery, furniture, fix tures and equipment now located In said building, or which hereafter may be installed therein, whether herein enumerated or not, and this deed of trust shall apply to and be a lien upon all such hereafter in stalled property as fully to all in tents and purposes as if said prop erty were now in said building and owned by said Company and de scribed In detail herein. This the 25th day of April, 1932. ROY W. MALONE, Trustee. Coulter & Alien, Attys. Commissioner's Sale of Land. Under and pursuant to the order and decree of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in that special proceeding entitled "John M. Baker, Executor of the estate of Pleasant Dixon vs. W. M. Baker and others", whereto all of the heirs at law and devisees of the late Pleas ant Dixon are duly constituted part ies, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction, on the premises, at the homeplace of the late Pleasant Dixon, in Haw River Township, on SATURDAY, MAY 28th, 1932, at 2;J0 o'clock, P. M? the following described real prop erty, to-wit; First Tract; That certain lot or parcel of land In Haw River Town ship, Alamance County. N. C., ad joining the lands of J. M. Baker, Sam Patton, R. H. Jobe, the heirs of J. C. O'Danlel and others, and described as follows; Beginning at a rock in the East bank of Back Creek, corner with J, M. Baker; and running thnece S. 26 deg. E. 16.22 chs. to an iron bar, cor- F ner with said Baker and Patton; thence N. 59 deg. E. 13.08 cha. to an iron bolt in line of said Sam Patton; thence N, 60 1-2 deg. B. 10.50 chs. to j 4 I ? an iron bolt, corner with said Pat ton and Baker; thence N. 3 1-3 deg E. 13.71 cht. to a W. 9. Rock; thence S. 63 3-4 deg. W. 19.34 chs. to a W. P. Rock; thence N. 85 2-3 deg. W. 12.70 chs. to a rock in the East Bank ol said creek; thence with the oank of said creek S. 30 deg. W. 80 ]ks. to the beginning point, and contain ing 31 acres, more or less. First Tract?A. All of that cer tain narrow strip of land lying be tween the lands of J. M. Baker and Jack W. Trolinger and others, and along the stream of Back Creek, and consisting of about 3 acres, more or less. First Tract?B; That certain tract or parcel of land in Haw Tl-er Township, Alamance County, N. C., adjoining the lands of Pleasant Dix on, L. K. Thompson and others, and described as follows; i Beginning at an iron bolt in pun lie road to Haw River, N. C? via. State Highway No. 10, corner with said Thompson; running thence N. 82 deg. E. 8.10 ch?. to an iron bolt in said Thompson line on North side of a farm road; thence S. 10 1-2 deg. E. 7.23 chs. to an iron "bolf; thence S. 82 deg. W. 6,06 chs. to a rock or iron bolt; thence N. 88 1-4 deg. W. 4.55 chs. to an iron bolt in center of said road; thence N. 4 1-2 deg. ?. 4.49 chs. to the beginning, contain ing 6.06 acres, more or less . Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of Harry Goodman, C.C.Phil lips, L. E. Thompson, Walter Moore and others on the North, J.A.Trol inger and W.T.Trolinger on the West, J. Archie Long, Jack W. Trol iuger and J. M. Baker on the South, and Back Creek on the East, and bounded and descrioed as follows, to- wit; Beginning at an iron bar, corner with J. A. Trolingter and J. Archie Long; and running thence with the line of said J. Archie Long S. 87 dcg. E. 19.11 chs. to an iron bolt, corner <of C. C. Terrell lot; thence N. 1 1-2 deg. E 6.34 chs. tt> an iron post; thence 3. 87 deg. E. 16 chs. bo an ioon bolt in the middle of the top aoil public highway; thence S. with the said highway 11.51 chs. to an iron bolt, corner with said Jack W. Tnolinger; thence 3. 85 deg. E. 12 47 chs. to a rock; thence 3. 4 1-2 deg. W. 4 chs. to a rock; thence S. 59 deg. 16.30 chs. do a rock in Back Creek; thence with said Creek as it meanders, N. 40 deg. E. 5 chs Whence N. 75 deg. E. 8.34 chs; thence 3. 71 deg. E. 6.50 chs; thence N. 55 deg. E. 3.70 chs; thence N. 6 deg. E. 4.04 chs; thence X. 26 deg. E. 4.20 chB;thence ,.N. 7 deg. E. 70.30 chs: thence N. 24 deg. E. 10.16 chs; thence N. 4.5 deg. E. 1.62 chs; thence N. 27 deg. W. 3.18 chs; thence N. 47 deg. W. 10.84 chs; thence 3. 83 deg. W. 3.77 chs Whence N. 63 deg. W. 1.62 chs; thence 3. 86 deg. W. 5.05 chs; thence N. 70 deg. W. 6.06 chs; thence X. 8 1-2 deg. E. 4.04 chs; thence N. 25 deg. B. 9 chs. to k stake in the line with Harry Goodman; thence 3. 67 deg. W. 11.55 chs. to a rock; thence N. 14 deg. W. 5.50 chs. to a rock; thence 3. 28 1-2 deg. W. 1.74 chs. to an iron stake; thence 3. 82 deg. W. 7.49 chs. to an iron bar; thence 3. 10 1-2 deg. E. 7.73 chs. flo an iron bar, corner with Ell Foust; thence S. 82 deg. W. 8.80 chs. to an iron bar; thence N. 58 1-4 deg. W. 4.55 chs. to an iron bar in puolic road; thence N. with said road about 3 1^4 chs. to an iron bar; thence N. 82 1-2 deg. B. 5.89 chs. to a rock; thence 3. 88 1-2 deg. W. 15.35 chs. to a roctqin the branch, corner with Walter Moore; thence S. 33 deg. W. with the meanderlngs of said branch; thence S. 25 deg. W. 1.71 chs;thence 3. 54 deg. W. 2.71 chs; thence S. 64 leg. W. 3 chs; thence N. 84 deg. W. t chs; thence N. 46 deg. W. 1.35 chs. thence S. 80 "deg. W. 3.04 chs. to an iron bar In the line of W. T. Trc(\ hger; thence S. 4 1-2 deg. W. w?th the line of W. T. and J. A. Troling sr 23.57 chs. to the beginning point, ind containing 312 acres, more or ess. The above descrioed real prop >rty has been sub-divided into imaller tracts, and the Commission * reserves the light of offering said eal property for sale in said small er tracts, and in such combinations hereof as he may deem oest. All of the said real property will >e sold subject to advance bids for wenty days from the date of sale, ind subject to confirmation by the lourt, and the purchaser will be re lujred to pay on?-tllrd of his bid n cash and the other two-thirds in qual installments, in six and twelve nonths, deferred payments to bear nterest at six per-cent, and title o be retained until the purchase irice is fully paid. This April 27, 1932. ' JOHN M. BAKER, Commissioner. Dolph Long, Atty.

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