1 HE GLEANER ' OB -iAM. N. C., SEPT. S, 1932. ISSUED EYESY TBCB8DAT J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. at toe ?'oofo^oe at Graham. * .N O.. as Mouia-vin *?? matter. MR. NEWELL SPEAK^ The lion. Jake P. Newell, | Republicau candidate for thej United States Senate, opened his campaign here last Friday night. The court room was well filled to hear him. Few of his audience ever! heard him before, and of course ; did not know what manner of speech he would make. He is not in the '-knock down and drag out" class. He is deliber ate and making an appeal for 6upjx>rt. He scored blocs-aud combines for the promotion of selfish ends. He promised, if elected, to deal fairly with both capual and labor. Mr. Newell is "bone dry" and pledged that he would oppose any effort to disturb the 1 *th Amendment. Here was made, his strongest ap]>eal to "dry" Democrats. He is holding up the prohibition banner, he as serts. Though he did not men tion Bob Reynolds, the Domo cratic nominee and his opponent, who favors a change of the na tional prohibition 1 a w s, it is quite evident that he was think ing about him. Mr. Newell may get some Democratic votes on his dry stand, as Reynolds will get Borne Republican votes on his advocacy of a c h a n g e in the prohibition laws. The gains and losses will amount to a set off, no doub t?not enough either way to make any big dilierence. The bulk of the roting is expected to follow party lines pretty closely. North Carolina played lucky last week in landing another uf the financial institutions pre vided for by Congress. O' Saturday Raleigh was chosen by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation as the site for the Agricultural Credit Corporation for the Third Federal Laud Bank district, made up of North Carolina, South Carolina. Georgia and Florida. A branch at Marion, Ga., will serve South Georgia and Florida. The in stitution will operate with a capital of $3,000,000 or more. A week before Winston Salem was chosen as the site for one of the eleven Federal Home Loan Banks scattered through out the country. This one will serve the Fourth District ex tending from Maryland to Florida. It appears that Con gressman Frank Hancock should have the credit for se curing the Home Loan Bank at Winston Salem and Con- i greesman Edward W. I'ou for the Agricultural Bank at Raleigh. Calvin Coolidge endorses Mr. Hoover for president in his piece entitled "The Republican Case" in the Saturday Evening Po6t. If Mr. Coolidge got his Usual dollar a word for the ar- ! tide, his enigmatical silence was turned to good financial account. A levy of $1.13 on the $100 valuation is the rate of tax named for Alamance by the County Commissioners Monday.' This is the same rate levied last year. To maintain the high coet of county goverement, the rat" could not have been less ana kept within the budget. j fc*. , Jimmie Walker New York Mayor, saved boing further dealt wuh by resigning last Friday. Joseph \. Mthee, president of the b o a r d of aldermen automatically ucceeded to the office. The American Legion Con tention will convene a: Port md, Oregon, on September 12th. At the recc.it State con vention of the Legion at Aslie ville the payment of the Sold irrs' Bonus was unanimously favored and it is stated that the North Carolina delegation will v-ote for cash boni.s. "A ton of mo ey,'' sounds big. It would be a mug fortuns in America as tortunes are reckoned. In metal money in Rumania it represent: abjut $1200. In China it represents a good deal less than $1200. Yet in either of these countries it doubtless represents some thing in the way of a fortuue. Monday, Labor Day. was a holiday It was more, a day of many tragedies. The fatality ist over the country mounted .o about 200, according to re ports. If h o 1 i d ay s could be sanely observed, tliey could be recalled with a feeling of pleasure instead oi horror; ex cept in a very limited numuer of cases. The opening of the tobacco ! markets in the -a tern part of I the State this week with prices 'double those of last year has 'thrilled the growers. It was with fear and trembling that many p iducers placed their tobacco on the warehouse floors. The opening in South Caroliua about a month lxfore was dis appointing, but gradually im proved, and the improvement stayed put as the markets open ed in th State. But the trag edy of the matter is that the crop is short by arouud half and the better prices will yield the proUucer no fhore cash than .he crop ef last year. C. L. Shuping of Greensboro as been named as director of ..uance in North Carolina tor the Democratic National com mittee. The choice of Mr. Shuping is no doubt well made. He was director of the \ ictory pre-convention fund and raise 1 about $10,000. T he donations came in small amounts?from the rank and file, i being desir able that as man; as possible have a share and interest in the conduct of the campaign Mr. Shuping puts it this way: That he would rather have fifty thousand contributors of small amounts than a thousand con tributors of large sums. Mr. Shuping has been very success ful in various campaigns he has undertaken, which is the main reason for his selection. If only a dollar or less he will greatly appreciate the contribu tion. News of Whitsett. Whitsett, N. C? September Cth. The 23rd convention of the cist ern conference of the Lutlie an church will meet on Tuesday . nd Wednesday, Sept. 20th and 21st. at Coble's Lutheran chi reh in eastern Guilford County, s'x miles ^outh of Whitsett. Thi9 conft pence repre sents thirty-one Lutheran church es within the territory between Greensboro and High Point and Wil mington a d Rocky Mount. An in teresting i .ogramme has been pre pared for rll day Tuesday and Wed nesday, and also for Tuesday eve ning af which time Pr. R. B. Peery of Raleigh will preach. Sixty to seventy ministers and delegates are expected to attend, and. as ?he ses sions are ail open to the public, there will be many others inter ested in various pa -s of the pro gramme who will be present. On Wednesday at H A. M. there will' be a special observance of Wash ington Bi-Centennial at which time Dr. W. T. Whitsett will deliver an address on "The Religion of George Washington." Rev. Q. O. L.verly of Liberty is secretary of the confer ence, and Rev. D. I. Offman, pas tor of the local church in which the me t iigs will be held. Among otli ?r speakers for the occasion will be Prof. K. B. Patterson of Lenoir- j Rhyne college; Dr. E. F. Keever of Wilmington; Prof. H. A* Fisher of State college, Raleigh; Rev. E. A. Shenk of Greensboro will have charge of the opening services at 10 A. M. on Tuesday, 20th. Lunch will be served on the grounds by the local church committees. Si;ss Geneva McCachern, one of the teachers in the Eurlington City Schools, was here visiting yester day. She has just returned from a six weeks' trip to California and other points as far north as Canada. Last year she was a teacher in the Chapel Hill schools. The local home demonstration cjub was largely represented in the county meeting held in Greensboro to-day; among those going were Mesdames J. H. Joyner, ^V. T. Whit sett, D. H. Torreyson, Alice Dick, J. W. Taylor and Misses Kate Mc Lea , Katie Dick and Minnie Clapp. Claude K. Fitzgerald, who for some years has been connected with De..ton's department store. Ashe ville. spent Sunday and a part of Monday here visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs T. L. Fitzgerald. Ed. B. Wheeler, A. B. Hinshaw, C. T. M. Clapp, J. H. Joyner andiothers were in Greensboro Monday in the interest of trying to get some road matters looked after by the county commissioners. Rev. Enoch Hite has returned from a few weeks' vacation and on last Sunday filled his pulpit at Friedens church. Miss Lema Tesh, who has spent the past few weeks at Jamestown, ha. returned home and will again enter school at the opening the 19th. Mrs. Ed. B. Wheeler, who has been for some days in Winston-Salem, visiting, returned to-day accomp anied by her daughter. Mrs. F. C. Mendenhall. Miss Ruth Hinshaw of this place has accepted a position as cashier in Taylor and son's new store in Gibsonville. 1 he new "Correct Time Inn" on the Whitsett-Burllngton highway is now complete and open for business. It is one of the most attractive places to be found on number 10 highway anywhere in the state. The large clock near the highway es pc la ly attracts attention. T hree new residences are now in course of erection on the Whitsett Julian highway between this place and Low's church. The handsome brick Ingle residence just north of here on the highway is, also, near ing completion. S. W. Ree^e, who now lives near Sedalia, plan^ to move back to his farm near here later on this year. B. M. Rogers of Graham was a visito. here yesterday. NOTICE! Public Sale of Collat eral Paper. Voder and pursu;.efl tj the power of sale vested in the" undersigned, by the terms and agreement of the Board of Trustees of Elon College, a corporation, generally known as Elon College, wherein the said Elon ' Co Vgo placed with theundersigned ] as < ollateral security to a loan to it [ in the sura of $10,000.00, the under sig-. d will offer for saleat public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse doorin Gra- , ham, at , at 12 :00 o'clock, noon, ! Wednesday, September 2S, 1132, the following described collateral ; notes, to-Wit: The negotiable note of The Christ J, inn Temple of Norfolk, of the City ] of Norfolk, dated July 1, 1922, and i due October 1, 1927, In the principal | Bum of $ 15,000.00, which said note Is < No. 4 of a series of notes secured i under deed of trust, which conveys | to J. L. MitchelL as Trustee, the , said Church property ]n the Gitvof | Nor'olk. This note was placed with j i the undersigned Bank as collateral, by the said Board of Trustees of Elon College, on August 26, 1926. 1 Also, that certain guaranty note i of a group of the members of the said Church, dated July 1, 1922, and I due OctobeW 1, 1927, for the like ' i principal sum of $15,000.00, which Is i signed by J. W. Manning. T. E. Bri-khouse and twenty-six other! i makers. This note was placed with i the undersigned as additional se- I curity and collateral to the note ] ? ...SSW-*.' ? U ??. 1 above described, after the said first note had beeD pledged to the un dersigned Bank, as security to its loan to tho said College, andthis note will be sold and delivered to the purchaser of the note first a bove described, as the undersigned is advised that the said two notes referred to secure the same indebt edness in the said principal sum of $15,000.00. Terms of Sale: Cash. Place of Sale: Courthouse door in Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina. . Time of Sale: September 28, 1932, at 12.00 o'clock noon. This the 8th day of September, 1932. The National Bank of Alamance. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Eefore The Clerk Thomas Byrd, Administrator of Thomas Vincent, deceased. I Petitioner, VS. AnDio Viocent, widow; Lottie Hicks, and husband, Willie Hicks; Jim Holt, and wife, Mrs. Jim Hott; Lottie Holt, Yancey Holt; Rege (Holt and wife, Mrs. Rege Holt: iVirginia Holt; Pearl Webb and husband. Will Webb; Richard Holt and wife, Mrs. Richard Holt; Shel ton Moss, Floyd Moss, Marie John Bon; Laura Harris and husband. Wash Harris; Edna Lilly, Marga ret Lilly, Ham Oliver, Mary Oliver and all other heirs at law of Thomas Vincent, deceased, whose names and resideces are u n known. Respondents; The defendants. Annie Vincent, widow; Lottie Hicks, and husband. Willie Hicks;"Jim Holt and wife. Mrs. Jim Holt; Lottie Holt, Yancey Holt; Rege Holt and wife Mra. Rege Holt: Virginia Holt; Pearl Webb and husband. Will Webb; Richard Holt and wife Mrs. Rich ard Holt: Shelton Moss, Floyd Moss. Marie Johnson; Laura Harris anu husband. Wash Harris: Edna Lilij, Margaret Lilly, Ham Oliver, Mary Oliver and all other heirs at law of Thomas Vincent, deceased, whose names and residences are unknown, will iake notice that an action en-| titled as above has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina, to secure a judgment for the sale of real property belonging to the es tate of Thomas Vincent, deceased, situate in Alamance County, North Carolina, to make assets with which to pay the debts and charges of administration of the estate of Thomas Vincent, deceased, the de fendants being heirs at law of Thomas Vincent, deceased, and as such interested in the subject mat ter of the action; and all of the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, at the'Courthouse in Graham North Carolina, on the 30th day of Sept ember, 1932. and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff in said action or the plaintiff w ill ap ply to the Court for the relief de manded in the complaint. This the 31st day of August, 1932. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court. Alamance County, N. C. Coulter & Allen, Attys. NOTICE! Trustee's Laud Sale ! Under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust from T. L. Hayes and wife, Sarah Hayes, to the undersigned Trustees,, dated November 5, 192", and recorded office Register of Deeds, Alamance County, in Deed of Trust Book 110, page 89, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured by said deed of trust and demand for foreclosure thereunder having been made upon 1 the said Trustees by U>e cestui que trust, the undersigned Trustees will i offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Graham, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 10th. 1982. at 12:00 o'clock, noon the following described real prop arty, to-wit: A certain tract, lot or parcel of [and in Burlington Township, All- i ?nance County, North Carolina, be ing on the East side of the City of I Burlington, fronting 50 ft. on the I North side of Grace St. and run ning back 150 ft. between parallel i lines, the same being Lot No. "0 in ! Block "Fr as platted and described I in the map of the Real Estate In , vestment , Company property as ! made by J. B. Harding, Civil Engl , neer, and recorded in Plat Book No. 1, page 38. in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina. The said real property will be | sold subject to all delinquent taxes and delinquent installments of spec ial assessments, and also subject to advance bids, as provided by law for sales made ui.der foreclosure of mortgages. This the 8th day of Sept., 1832. JNO. D. BROWN, J. DOLPH LONG, Trustees. Commissioner's Sale of Land! LTnder and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, made in an action therein pending, numbered 5029, and entitled F. W. Moore a gainst William Corbett and others, instituted for the purpose of fore closing a tax f ale certificate the undersigned Commissioner will sell for cash at the Court House door in Graham, to the highest bidder, on the First Monday in October, the same being Monday, October 3rd, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following real property, to-wit: In Pleasant Grove Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of John Barnwell, Bryce Harrelson, F. W. Moore and others, and beginning at a rock on the Barnwell line, running thence from corner of lot No. 3, with limof lot No. 3. N. 3 deg. E? 24.50 chs. to a rock in the M.-rtin line. N.-E. cor ner of lot No. 3; thence N? 88 deg. E? 9.50 chs. to a stake at the Church lot; thence S? 37 1-2 deg, E., 2.64 chs. to a stake in Church lot; thence S? *2 deg. E? 12.44 chs., to a stake, cor ner with said Moore; thence N? 88 deg. E. 4.70 chs ,ot a rock in Moore's line; thence 8., 5 deg. W? 9.50 chs. to a rock in the line of Barnwell's land, thence S? 88 deg. W? 17.92 chs. to the beginning and containing 35 acres more or less. This is lots Nos. ^ and( 2 of the division of theAlvin Dixon lancf. Commissioner's report recorded in deed book 66 at page 540. A tennant house, a tobacco barn and log barn are on this place. Time of* sale : 12 00, O'clock, M? October 3rd., 1932. Place of sale. Court House door, Graham, N. C. Terms of sale: Cash. This sale will stand open twenty days for advance bids and is made subject to confirmation of the Clerk of the Court. This August 31, 1932. J S. COOK, Commissioner. Notice! Commissioner's Re-sale of Land Under and pursuant to the order and decree of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in that special proceeding entitled "John M. Baker, Executor of the estate of Pleasant Dixon vs. W. M. Baker and others", whereto all of the heirs at law and devisees of the late Pleas ant Dixon are duly constituted part ies, the undersigned Commissioner will offer lor re-sale at public auction on the premises, at the homeplace of the late Plea ant Dixon, in Haw River Township, on Saturday September 10th, 1932, at 2 ;30 o'clock, P. M? the following described real prop erty, to-wit; Second Tract; Adjoining the lands of Harry Goodman, C.C.Phil lips, L. E. Thompson, Walter Moore and others on the North, J.A.Trol inger and W.T.Trolinger on the West, J. Archie Long, Jack W. Trol luger and J. M. Baker on the South, and Rack Creek on the East, aud bounded and descrioed as follows, to- wit; Peginnlng at an iron bar, corner with J. A. Trolinger and J-. Archie Long; and running thence with the line of said J. Archie Long S. ST deg. E. 19.11 chs. to an Iron bolt, corner of C. C. Terrell lot; thence N. 1 1-2 deg. E 6.31 chs. to an iron post; thence S. 87 deg. B. 16 chs. to an icon bolt in the middle of the top soil public highway; thence S. with the said highway 11.51 chs. to an iron bolt, corner with said Jack W Trolinger; thence S. 95 deg. E. 12. 47 chs. to a rock; thence S. 4 1-2 deg. W. 4 chs. to a rock; thence S. 59 deg. 16.30 chs. bo a rock in Back Creek; thence with said Creek as it meanders, N. 40 deg. E. 5 chs;thcoce N. 75 deg E. 8.34 chs; thence S. 71 deg. E. 6.50 chs; thence N. 55 deg. E. 1.70 chs; thence N. 6 deg. E. 4.04 chs; thence N. 26 deg. E. 4.20 chs; thence I ?N. 7 deg. B. 70.30 chs: thence N. 24 deg. E. 10.18 chs; thence N. 4.5 deg. E. 1.62* chB; thence N. 27 deg. W. 3.18 chs; thence N. 47 deg. W. 10.84 cha; thence S. 83 deg. W. 3.77 chsjthence N. 63 deg. W. 1.62 chs; thence S. 86 deg. W. 5.05 chs; thence N. 70 deg. W. 6.06 cha; thence N. 8 1-2 deg. E. 4.04 chs; thence N. 25 deg. E. 9 chs. to h stake in the line with Harry Goodman; thence S. 67 deg. W. 11.55 chs. to a rock; thence N. 14 deg. W. 5.50 chs. to a rock; thence S. 28 1-2 deg. W. 1.74 chs. to an iron stake; thence S. 82 deg. W. 7.49 chs. to an iron bar; thence S. 10 1-2 deg. E. 7.73 chs. t(o an iron bar, corner with Ell Foust; thence S. 82 deg. W. 8.80 chs. to an iron bar; thence N. 58 1-4 deg. W. 4.55 chs. to an iron bar la puolic road; thence N. with said road about 31-4 chs. to an iron bar; thence N. 62 1-2 deg. E. 5.89 chs. to a rock; thence S. 88 1-2 deg. W. 15.35 chs. to a rockiin the branch, corner with Walter Moore; thence S. 33- deg. W. with the meanderings of said hranch; thence S. 25 deg. W. 1.71 chs Whence S. 54 deg. W. 2.71 chs; thence S. 64 deg. W. 3 chs; thence N. 84 deg. W. 2 chs; thence N. 46 deg. W. 1.35 chs. thence 9. 80 deg. Wv 3.04 chs. t? an iron bar in the line of W. T. Trol inger; thence S. 4 1-2 deg. W. with the line of W. T. and J. A. Trollng er 23.57 chs. to the beginning point, and containing 312 acres, more or less. The above described tract of real property has been sub-divided into ??? tra-ts as follows. Tract No. 1 West ot road?bd ding will begin at $242.00. Tract Ho. 2, West of road?bid ding will begin at $247.50. Tiart No. 3. West of road?bid ding will begin at $368.50. Tract No. 1, East of Road?sold. Tra-t No. 2 t.ist of road?bid ding will begin at $314.60. Traes No. 3, East of road?bid ding will begin at $242.00. The C< i.'.mibsioner reserves the right aftr sellicg said,tracts as separate tracts to offer them in combination cr a; a whole, as he ,1.1} deem t< V" All of the property will be sold subject to advance bids and con firmation by the Court, and the purchaser will be required to pay one-third of his bid in cash and.the other tvi'o-thirds in equal install ments in six and twelve months, de ferred payments to bear interest at six per-cent, and title to be retain ed until purchase price is fully paid. This, August 25th, 1932. JOHN M. BAKER, Commissioner. Long & Long, Attys. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Before The Clerk. R. R. Martin, wife and others VS. Golden Siddle, husband and others The defendants Golden Siddl? and husband R. G. Siddle, will take no tice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina to sell for partition a cer tain lot of real estate on the Glen coe-Burlington road on Thomas and Hill Streets, and owned by Rachel Hurdle at the time of her death. That the defendants willfuther take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said .County in the court house in Alamance County on the 21th day of Sept., 1932, and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 29th day of Aug.. 1932. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court Alamance County. Robt. T. WilsoD, Atty. Notice of Sale! Pursuant to an order and Judg ment of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, duly entered in th? foreclosure suit therein pending en tilled, "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh vs. YV. K. McPher son, and wile, Elizabeth P. McPher son, YV. E. McPherson and wife. I rene Richmond McPherson. and others", which said judgment was duly taken and docketed on July IS, 1932, the undersigned Commis sioner appointed by the said Court and authorized, empowered and di rected to sell the real property here inafter described, will offer for sal? at public auction, at the courthouse door in Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, on MONDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1932, at 11:30 o'clock A. M., the following described real prop erty, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning at a rock, corner ot Third Tract hereinafter described; thence N. 99 deg. 30 min W. 6 cha. to a rock, corner with Second and Third Tracts; thence N. 52 deg. E. with line of Third Tract 22 chs. 70 Iks, to a rock, corner with said Third Tract and Pies Dixon; thence N. 0 deg. 40 min. E 1 ch. 50 Iks. to a black gum and rock on North side of Back Creek, corner with said P .Dixon; thence N. 6i deg. JO min. ?. 6 chs. crossing said Creek to a rock on the Weet side of said Creek on said Dixon's line, thence down said Creek ais it me anders S. 1 deg. 30 min. W. 6 cbs. to a point 2 chs. from said Creek ; then ce S. 25 deg. 15 min. W. 8 chs. 15 Iks. to the West bank of said Creek; S. 23 deg. 30 min, W, 4 chs., S. 2 deg. 3f) min. W. 5 chs. to a rock on the West bank of said Creek, corner with said Second Tract; thence N. 87 deg. 15 min. W. 4 chs. 10 Iks. to a rock, cor ner with Second Tract; thence N. A deg. 30 min. E. 2 cha. and 12 Iks. to a rock, corner with Third Tract; thence N. 87 deg. 30 min. W. a chs. to a rock, corner with Second and Third Tracts; thence N. 2 deg. 30 min. E. 2 chs. to the beginning, con taining 23.S6 acres, more or less. Second Tract: Lying adjacent to and South of the above described tract, and beginning at a rock in J. P. Kerrs line; running thence S. 18 deg. 30 min. W, 19 chs. 76 Iks. to a rock, corner with said Kerr; thence N. 77 deg. 30 min. E. 1 ch.toapos^ oak, corner with said Kerr; thence S. 12 deg. 30 min. E. 22 chs. 36 Iks. to a sycamore tree on West bank of Back Creek; thence up said Creek as it meanders S. 70 deg. 3o min. E. .'4 chs. 75 Iks., N. 24 deg. 30 min. E. 4 chs. 75 Iks, N. 24 deg. 30 min. E. 2 chs. 76 Iks.. N. 43 deg. 20 min. E. 7 chs. 50 Iks., N. 58 deg. 45 min. E. 10 chs., S. 83 deg. 30 min. E. 7 chs., N. 7 deg;. T?. 4 chs. 50 Iks., N. 9 deg. E. 3 chs. 50 Iks., N. 13 deg. 30 min. E.5 chs. 75 Iks., N. 43 deg. 15 min. E. 4 chs? N. 2 deg. 30 min. E. 3 chs. 57 Iks. to a rock or pointers on West bank of said Creek, corner of First Tract above described; thence N. 72 deg. 40 min W. S chs. 25 Iks. to a rock, corner with Tract No. 3; thence N. 69 deg. 20 min. W. 6 chs. 32 Iks. to a rock, corner with Tracts 1 and 3, thence N. 71 deg. 30 min. W. 13 chs. 87 Iks. to the beginning, containing 95.09 acres, more or Jess; one acr from this tract being reserved, and excepted for an old graveyard, also reserving right of way from public road to said graveyard known as Roney Graveyard. Third Tract: Lying Northwest of Tract No. 1 and adjacent thereto, beginning at a dead post oak tree, corner with said Chandler and Kerr; run. thence N. 58 deg. E. 6 chs. 60 Iks. to a rock against a dogwood tree, corner with Chandler; thence N. 21 deg. 30 rain. W. 3 chs. to a cedar tree, corner with Chandler; thence N. 55 deg. 30 min. E. 23 chs. 30]ks. to a rock, corner with said Chandler and Pies Dixon line; thence S. 1 deg. W. 16 chs. 50 Iks. to a rock, corner with said Dixon; thence S. 61 deg. E. 6 chs. to a rock, corner with said Dixon and Tract No. 1; thence with the line of Tract No. 1, S. 52 deg. W. 22 deg. 70 Iks. to a rock, corner with Tract No. 1; thence S. 87 deg. 30 mid. E. 6 chs. to a stake at the be ginning point of Tract No. 1; thence S. 2 deg. 30 min. W. 2 chs. to a stake, thence S. 88 deg. E. 8 chs. to a stake. S. 2 deg. 15 min. W. 2 chs. and 12 Iks. to a stake; thence N. 72 deg. 40 min. V5V 6 chs, 25 Iks. to a stake; thence N. 69 deg. 20 min. W. 6 chs. 32 Iks. to a rock, corner with Tract No. 1; (ht end of S. 52 deg, W. 22 chs. and 70 Iks.) thence N. 71 deg. 3o min. W. 13 chs. 98 Iks. to a rock, cor ner in Kerr's line; thence N. 18 deg. 30 min. S. 7 chs 59 Iks. to the begin ning containing 52.55 acres, more or less. p I The purchaser at said sale will be required to deposit ten per-cent of his bid in cash, at the time of sale, and upon confirmation by the Court of the said sale will be required to pay t!he balance of his bid in cash in full, and the title will be retained until the purchase price, together with interest on the deferred pay ment. is paid in full. This sale is being made under orders of the said Court to satisfy judgment entered in this cause in favor of Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh against the de fendants named above, and will be sold subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court. This 1st day of September, 1932. GEORGE A. LONG, Commissioner.