THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C? SEPT. 8, 1932. Local News. ?Cool enough, almost, ibis morning for a little fire. Big con trast with a week ago. ? Mrs M R. N e e s e gave a birthday dinner Sunday iu honor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joho T. Black. ?The Garden Club completed the canvass last week for the Garden Improvement Contest. There were more thau 100 entries. ?With a drop in temperature from 35 to 50 in the southeast section of the country the ex tremely hot weather of the sum mer of 1932 goes into history. ?The hot spell of nearly two weeks, after making some new records, has passed and for the last 2 or 3 days it has been cooler, much to the delight of most ev eiybody. ?Early laat Friday night the wind velocity almost reached storm proportions The prospect for rain uere was whipped away but there were fairly good rains a a few miles north and west of this point, it is learned. ?During the summer vacation four of the teachers iu the Gra ham School have married: Miss Margaret Mc'lonuell of Gastonia to Darnell Shaw Holt of Graham on July 12th; Miss Elaine Goode of Scotllaud Neck to Charles E Saunderaof Gibsonvilleon August ?I3th7 and Miss Frances Upslraw of Social Circle, Ga., and Waller Barrett of Graham, both teachers in the school, ou Weduesday of last week. All of them are now making their home iu Graham. Dr. W. C. Wicker Rejoins Elon Col lege Faculty At. present, as for the past five years, Dr. VV. C. Wicker is serv ing Graham Christian church as pastor. He also serves other churches. Inthe pulpit or wher ever he serves, he Joes it ably an 1 acceptably. The churches he serves, should it be necess iry, would give him up very reluctantly. However, his churclus can feel assured that he will serve them as long as he has the physical strength to do so Dr. Wicker, one of North Car olina's best known edueaiois and fralerual workers, is returning to the classroom and the teaCliiug prufessiou again. He will reor ganize and direct the department of educal ion.He taught at Elon fur 23 years, during which he served in several capacities. In recent years he has served as field secretary for the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons. Boru near Sauford, Dr. Wicker entered school at Elon in 1889 and graduated in 1893 with an A. 11. degree. Later he attended the University of North Carolina and secured an A. B. from there also. He was principal of the Damascus high school in Orauge county for a time and iu 1896 joined the faculty at Elen to teach natural scieuce. He later withdrew to pursue graduate woik at Johu Hopkins and to do missionary 'work in Virginia. He returned to Eion in 1903 to become head of the department of philosophy and language. In 1909 he became head of the department of mathematics, and after six years he chauged and became head of the department of d 'ucaiion. Later he had addi tional graduate work iu the Uni versity of Virginia and Columbia University. Seven years ago he rtsigued from Elon to become field secre tary for the Masonic fraternity. He is a 32nd-degree Mason and active in both the York and Scot tish rite branches of Masonry. Dr. Wicker has been treasurer of the Sou'hern Christian con vention for 18 years. He holds A. B. and M. A. de grees from Elon, an A. B. from the State university, an M. A. from Columbia university, a pro fessional degree as a tescher of education from Columbia, a D. Lit. .ftorn Palmer and a D. D. from Union College. For the past two years, iu addi tion to his other activities, Dr. Wicker hss been pursuing giadu ate work at the State university and has completed most of the work required for the degree Ph. D. Dr. Wicker taught Dr. Smith, the Elon presideut, when he was at Elon from 1906 to 1910. Corn grown after lespedeza turn ed under has not fired nor suffered severely from the prolonged drou th, reports H. E. Kline of Cabarrus County, i ? ? ? PERSONALS + ? + Ben J Jeszuak is ill New York on business (or a few days. Miss Annie Bynum of Pittsboro is visiting Mrs. N. O. Sbivor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longest spent the week eud at Scranton, 8. C. Mrs. Will E. White spent the week-end in Charlotte with rela tives. Miss Alyne Tate spent Sunday wiih Miss Lois Corbett iu Greens boro. Miss Maud Culbreath of High Point is visiting Mrs. R. L. Walk er, Jr. Miss Flossie Riddle returned Sunday to Guilford College to en ter school. Sidney S. Holt left Tuesday to enter McCaulev's School at Nash Iville, Tenu. Mr. W. C. Cooke lias returned after a two weeks' visit to his sou at Mu!lin8, S. C. I Mrs. A. It. Council of Chapel Hill is here visiting her mother, Mrs. Ileury M. Rogers. Jhiih-s W. Holt, Ir , left yester day morning for Banner Elk, to enter Lees-McRae Institute. James White left Tuesday to enter school at Davidson College. This will be his Junior year. Casper Jones of Roxboro,spent the we-k - end here with Mrs. ! Jones at Mrs. Heenan Hughes'. j Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Brooks of Burlington sient Tuesday here with Mr. and Mrs. Banks Lewis. Miss Laura York of Rock Hill, S. 0., spent the week end here with tier siiter, Mrs J. A. Okey. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C.Allen land children visited in Durham land Chapel Hill Sunday after noon. I Billy Scott left Tuesday for j Home, Ga , lo enter the Darling I ton Preparatory School at that : place. frank Warren, now buying to I bacco on the Lumberton market I spent the week-end here with his | family. | Mrmi Mrs. Edward St. Ocge and children, who spent the summer at Long Lake, N. Y, have re jturned. Mrs. W. C. Moor" has returned from a week's visit with her sis ter Mrs. A II Mebaue in Me bane. Mrs. J. A. Okoy and daughter, Eugenia, left Monday for Rock jHiil, 8. O , to visit relatives for a 1 few days. 1 Mr. aud Mrs. Junins Boewell, Hr' ^rs- B. E- Freeze and Miss Flossie Boswell spent Sun day in Asheville. j Mrs. W. C. Goley and Willard, Jr., who bad been on a visit to :her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. jFairley, at Laurinburg, returned . Sunday. j ^r8, ^in- deR. Scott aud chil .dren, after spending two weeks at Wrightsville Beach, returned ! Monday. Mrs. J. W. Meuefee of Wash ington, D. C , arrived here Tues j day and is the guest of Mrs Will i E. White. i Mr and Mrs. Gurnev Smith of Richmond, Va., spent "from Fri day till Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Miller. ! Mrs J. D. Keruodle and Mrs. | J. J. Henderson left Tuesday for Lumberton to visit Mrs. J as D j Proctor, who is quite sick. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Clen I den in and son, Billy, of Wilming ton, visited his sister, .Mrs. C. C. Thompson, here last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ernest Wicker of Washington, D. U., after a visit here to Mr. and Mrs. John E. VV icker, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Reavis and jsou, Billy, and Albert Reavis of Greensboro spent Sunday after noon here with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reavis. Mrs. M. D. Collier and daugh ter, Miss Majorie, of Roanoke | Rapids, spent the week-end here wilh Mrs. S Harrison Jordan, tht former's sister, Mrs. Luther B. Hardest}' spen ( the week-end with Miss Sara! , Rachel Sherrill at Cornelias. Th< latter accompanied the formei j home aud is spending the weel ; here. John D. Lee, Jr., returned tin : the latter part of last weel froti 1 a si* weeks' vacation trip. H< I attended the Olympics at Los An * | geles, Calif. Going, he went b' 1 . the Southern route, and returuei I by the Northern route. Mr. aud Mrs. Will K. Wbite au<l' sou, Elliott, aud Jack Holt have | returned from their auuual Au gust sojourn at the Erwin home, near Morgauton. Mr. aud Mrs. Cameron McDir-j mid and Misses Doris Sykes and Lucille Hayes of Greensboro visit- j ed Air. aud Mrs N. E. Sykes here j the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Woods and sod, Ben, and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Woods aud daughter, Dorothy, of Roanoke, Va, are vistiiug Air. and Mrs J. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Garrett of Fayetteville and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nicholson of Mehaue were visitors here Sunday iu the home of Mr. aud Mrs. A. P. Williams Mrs. P. J. Kernodleaud Mr. and Mrs. John T. Keruodle of Rich uioud, Va., spent a short while here Sunday afternoon on their way home from Winston-Salem. Miss Sarah Palmer Rogers at j tended the Gpshaw-Barrett wed ding at Social Circle, Ga., on Wednesday, last week, aud also visited Miss Dorothy Spearman. Mr. John R. Owen of Baltimore, formerly of Bpffalo, N. Y , spent the week-oud visiting his little sou, Johu, Jr., in the home of his grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs W. E. It. Clapp, with whom he lives. Dr. aud Mrs. W. H. Stratford, after spending a mouth at their home two utiles East of Graham, returned to New York Mouday. They were accompanied home by Stratford May, their nephew, who will spend a week with lliem. Mrs. R. L. Holmes and Mr. aud Mrs. L. H. Keruodle aud L. H. Jr., ! of Danville, canto Saturday. Mrs. Holmes visited her sister, Mrs. M. G. Flanigau, aud the others Mr. aud Mrs. J. 1). Keruodle aud other relatives. 1 Miss Comfy Lane, after spend ing several weeks here with Miss Melba Gates, returned to her home iu Portsmouth, Va., Sunday, ller father came lor the week-end wilh his sister-iu-law, Mrs. U. F. Gates, aud returned home with bis daughter. PEN POINTS A man says, "I shall" and a wom an "I will." The cup that cheers Is a noisy piece of crockery. No law will make a thief honest or a bad man good. A lot of people waste money that i doesn't belong to them. I ? * WHAT WILL THE STOCK MARKET DO? Sieg's Wall Street Mirror lias foretold with uuiaini) accuracy the exact movement of the mar ket for months and months This valuable paper and also a free copy of "Why the 1'ubli.j Lose" is available to all inter ested persous without obligation. If you own stock-if you plan to to buy - if you have lost - if you want to regain your losses?don't ' fail to read this dominating, com ' pelliug and comprehensive book. It is yours for the asking. Un biased analysis of )our holdings also furnished by our statistical department. HARVEY W. SI EG, INC. 79 Wall Street New York Dahlias and Gladiolas ' Mrs. W. J. Nicks will take or ders for Dahlias and Gladiolas from-the gardens of J. D. Payne, Graham, Route 1. Deliveries on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Stlur days. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. All persons holding claims against the es late ot P. D. Teagu?. dee'd, l*te of Alamance ' couoty, are hereby notified 10 flie tutor i claim* duly itemized and verified wltn tbe uoderolfrned Administratrix ou or before I Aug. 5, 1933. as provided by law, otherwise, this notice will be pleaded in bir ot recov ery. All person* Indebted to tbe estate are re quested to make seltw-meni at ooco Tbis tbe 3rd day of August, 19&. EL^IE TBAOI fc Davis. Admmis mttix. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Executor of the last will aDd testament of W. A. i Tinnin, deceased, late of Alamance i County, North Carolina, this is to I notify all persons having claims a gainst the eatate of the said de ceased, to exhibit them to the un dersigned, duly authenticated, at I Graham, N. C., on or before the 1st I day of September. 1933, or this no ' tice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estates will please make immed iate settlement. ! This the 29th day of August, 1932. a I P. S. DIXON. Executor. EXECUTORS NOTICE. All persons holding claims again st the estate of John P. Thompson, dec'd, la'e of Alamance County, are hereby notified to file same with the undersigned executor on or be fore September 5th. 1933, as pro vided by law, otherwise, this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. This first day of September. 1932. JOHN R. HOFFMAN, Executor. 0 6G LIQL'ID TABLETS - SALVE Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first d iy, headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes 666 SALVE FOR HEAD COLDS Most Speedy Remedies Known Notice of Sale! Pursuant to an order and judg ment of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, duly entered in the foreclosure suit therein pending en titled "Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, Raleigh Savings Bank & Trust Co? and N. C. Bank & Trust 'Co., Trustee, vs. Edward G. Kerr, Josephine Kerr, Susan Thomp son, Ida Thompson and others", which judgment was duly taken and docketed on July 25, 1932, the undersigned Commissioner appoint ed by the said Court and authorized empowered and directed to sell the real property hereinafter descrbed. will offer for sale at public auction, at the courthouse door in Graham. ( Alamance County, North Carolina, on ? I MONDAY. OCTOBER J, 1332. at 11:30 o'clock A.-M.. the following described real prop erty, to-Wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Haw River and Melville Townships, Alamance County, North Carolina adjoining the lands of J. M. Baker H. Goodman, Kerr Scott. R. \y Scott, Jno. Poust. Chas. Albright. W 8. Dixon and others, and more particularly bounded and deserib ed as follows ? Beginning ah a rock, corner with W. T. Freshwater and the Jas p Kerr house tract; and running then oe K. 2 deg. 15 min. E. 9 chs. to cor ner with aaid Freshwater; thenoc S. 87 1-2 deg. E. 17 chs. to cock in bank of Back Creek: thence with the meanderings of said Creek as follows; N. 50 deg. E i0 chs. N ? deg. E. 10 chs., N. 15 deg. E. 9 chs I to a rock in the bank of said Creek corner with aaid Goodman; thence N. 15 deg W. 21 chs. to a rock cor ner with aaid Goodman and Kerr Scott; thence S. 77 deg. W. 1 qh <o rock; thence is deg. 30 min, E. 1.50 cha. to rock, corner with Kerr; Scott; thence N. 13 1-2 deg. B. 27.85 cha. to a rock, corner with aaid Goodman; thence with the line of aaid Goodman N. 70 deg. 25 min. W. 33.20 cha. to rock, corner with said Baker; thence S. 73 1-1 deg. w. 5.66 cha, to rock on the East bank of Haw River; thence with said River 9. 15 deg. W. JJ .lochs, to a branch, on 3. 15 deg. w. 13.90 chs. to a branch, on 8. 15 deg. (W. 9.30 chs. to a branch, thence 3. 15 deg. W. 11.70 cha. to a rock at branch; thence 9. 28 deg. W. 26.10 cha. to rock, corner with aaid Jas. K Kerr and TV. 3. Dixon; thence with the line of said Jas. P Kerr J N. 81 deg. E. 20 cha. to a rock, cor ner with house tract; thence S 13 1-2 deg. W. 16.97 chs. to rock, cor ner with house tract and said Dix on; thence with his line 3. 61 deg. E. 5 chs. to rock, corner with said house tract; thence 3. 15 deg. W 1.11 chs. to a rock; thence 3 7 l-a deg. IV. 11.63 chs. to rock in the road to Haw River; thence 3. li deg. E. 19.86 chs. to a rock at the moutty of branch at Back Creek; thence with the meanders of said Creek 9. 58 deg. B. 3.80 chs.. S. deg. E. 5 'chs, S. 63 deg. E. 1.32chs N. 20 deg. E. 5.60 chs. to rock 5c said Creek, corner with Chas. Ah bright; thence with the line of aaid Albright N. 80 deg. E. 16.10 cha. to rock; thence N. 6s deg. E. 10.20 rha to rock; thence N. 70 deg. E. 18 li | chs. to rock in branch; thence wito aaid branch N. 10 deg w. 20 cha to , rock, corner with R. TV. Scott; then ee N. 7 1-2 deg TV. 15.67 c"ha. ;theno w ith his line 9. 65 deg. W. 11.33 chs to r0ck; thence N. 50 deg. W. 17 ch to rock In bank of branch, come "with R. W. Scott; thence with aai branch IV. 10 cha to Back Creek thence N. with the meanders oi said Bark Creek 7 cha. to a roc* corner with aaid R. W. Seoft am W. T. Freshwater; thc-nce with aai Freshwater 3. 89 deg. W. 26.63 ch' to rock, corner with aaid houa< tract and the beginning, and con taining 510.75 acres, more or less. The purchaser at said sale will oe required to deposit ten per-cent of his bid in cash, at the time ol ?ale, and upon confirmation by the Court of the said sale will be re quired to pay the balance of his bid in cash in full, and the title will be retained until the purchase price, together with interest on the de ferred payment, is paid in fulL This sale is being made under orders of the said Court to satisfy Judgment entered in this cause in favor of Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh against the de fendants named above, and will be sold subject to advance bids and confirmation by the Court. This 1st day of September, 193-2. GKORGE A. LONGJ Commissioner. Notice of Sale Under Deed of Trust! Under authority of a deed of tru9t executed and delivered by The Globe Knitting Company to the un dersigned Roy W. Malone, dated the 1st day of November, 1930, and re corded In the office of the Regis ter" of Deeds for Alamance County In Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust 114,page 468,default having been made in the payment of the debt secured ay said instument, the undersigned will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, ,at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, on Mopdav, October 3rd, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real and personal properly; Real Estate: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Town ship, Alamance County, state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Hawkins Street, Broad Street School property, J. J. May and others, and bounded as follows viz; That certain lot or parcel of land In the City of Burlington, Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, described as follows; Be ing a corner lot, and beginning at the northeast Intersection of Hawk ins Street and Mebane Street, and fronting 50 feet on Hawkins Street and running back 200 feet with Broad Street School property, same being a parallelogram and oeing a part of Lot No. 170 according to the old survey of the City of Burlington as recorded in plat book No. 2,page 67, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, Nor'h Carolina. And being a part of the same land conveyed to J. J. May by J. F. Masenhlemln by deed dated I 12th day of August, 1882, and re corded in Book of Deeds No. 8, at page 466. Building, Fixtures and Personal Property: Also all buildings on said land, heating plant, lighting fixtures and equipment, belting, shafting, pulleys, motors, trucks, office furniture and fixtures, sprink ler system and the like located in said building as well as tho follow ing described machinery, to-wit; Twenty (20) Scott & Williams Model K Spiral Floating Machines equip ped with Reduced Heel Attachments (5 No. 3 l-4in. 164 needles; 15 No. 3 1-2 In. 176 needles), which ma chines are numbered respectively, as follows; 190,153 to 190,474, inclu sive; Ten (10) Scott & Williams Mod el B Spiral Floating Machines e quipped with Automatic Means At tachment and Transfer Rings; Two tables of Boards, 44 ooards on each table; 1 Altemus Winder; t upright Boiler; 3 Dye vats and accessories; 1 dry room coil; 2 pair scales; 1 pair platform scales; also any and all other machinery, furniture, fix tures and equipment now located | in sail building, or which hereafter may be installed therein, whether herein enumerated or not, and this deed of trust shall apply to and be f a lien upon all such hereafter in stalled property as fully to all in j tents and purposes as if said prop erty were now In said building and I j owned by said Company and de ( scribed in detail herein. This tho 1st day of Sopt. 1932. ? ROY W. MALONE, 1 Trustee > Coulter & Allen. Attys. # Mortgagee's Land Sale j'| t'nder and by virtue of the pow ^ . er? contained in a certain mortgagi deed executed by Emily Jeffries ,' Dora Martin Jeffries; Ernest Jeff ries; and Cassio Jeffries, to the un j' dersigned. on the 3Isl day of March 1930, to secure a certain bond there in descrincd. said mortgage deed be '? ing registered, in book of Mort gage Deeds 115 at page 294, in Of '"j fice of the Register of Deeds fo said Alamance County, default hav ing been made in the payment of said bond, I will sell to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in Graham, N. C? for cash, on Saturday, September 24th, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, th- following real property, to wit: A certain tract of land in Patter son Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, described arid de fined as follows: Bounded' on the North by the lands of McKinley Wright; on the West by the lands of Albert Loy and W. A. Rogers; on the South by the lands of Ira P,ogers and Harvey Terry and on the East by the lands of Robert Overman and Passmore Stephens and containing 56 acres more or less. It being the lands devised to said mortgagors by will of John R. Jeffries and upon which there is a dwelling and other build ings. This property will be sold subject tat s Iprior lien of about ft30.09, rep resented in a prior mortgage and unpaid taxes. Time of Sale: 12:00 o'clock M., September 21, 1932. Place of Sale: Court House door. Graham, N. C. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 11th day of August, 1932. GRADY CLARK. Mortgagee. J. S. Cook Atty NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate! Lnder and by virtue of the power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed executed by H. S. B. Thompson and wife, Bessie Thomp son, ?o the undersigned mortgagees on the 31st day of December, idh which mortgage deed Is duly re corded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County in hook No. 99, page 266, default having been made in the payment of the note se cured by said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortgagees win, on Monday, September 12th, 1932. at 12:00 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door of Alamance Coun ty. Graham, N. C? the following de scribed real estate. A certain piece or tract of land lying and being in Alamance Coun-| ty. State aforesaid, In Newlin Town ship, and defined and described as follows, to-wit: Eeginnlng at a stake on West side of said new road, corner with lot No <3 (H. J .Stockard's); thence N. 10 E 1115 feet to a stake; thenCe W. 83 deg. S. 847 ft. to a stake; then ce S. 5 deg. W. 946 ft. to a stake; thence S. S deg. 30 min. E. Ill ft. to s'ake in McVey's line, corner wiih lot No. 43; thence with the N. line of lot N'o. 43 in an eastwardlv di rection 700 ft. to the beginning and containing 19.27 acres moro or Jess. The above described land is known as lo*s Nos. 41 to 51, idcl isive, of the subdivision of the Tom Mo\ oy Farm, developed for Graham I.and Co by J. c. McAdams of E|on Col lege, N, C? and being same land sold a> a iction on June 2, 191}, For a more particular description, ref erence is expressly made to a plat of said subdivision which is record ed in office of the Register of Deeds for Alaman:e County, State Df N"0rth Carolina, in the Book of Plats No. 1 at page This sale will be held open for a period of ten days to allow oppor tunity for increased bids, as provid ed by law. This bth day of August, 1332. r. g. Mcpherson, josie Mcpherson. , Mortgagees Thomas & Madry, Atty's. Notice of Sale of Land i lnder and by virtue of the au thoritv conferred by deed of trus executed by Edwin F. Mitchell am j Deulah Mitchell, dated the 1st da; ?, of December, 1928. and recorded ii | Book 105, Page 454, in the office 0 | the Register of Deeds for Alamane I 1 County, Jefferson E. Owens, sub ? ( stitutod Trustee, will 0n | Monday, September 19th, 1932. B at 12 :G0 o'clock, noon ; at the Coifrt House door of Ala - mance Coi/nty in Graham. Nortl - Carolina, sell at public auction fc i, cash to the highest bidder, the fo| - lowing land, to-wit - | Beginning at a stake, corner i - the line of the road leading toward - Altamahaw Cotton Mills (otherwis ""(known as Mitchell Street) with V J. Mitchell; running thence North j ; s6 degrees West with the line of W. J. Mitchell 200 feet to an iron stak% corner with the said W. J. Mitchell; running thence South 10 degree* West 150 feet with the line of the said W. J. Mitchell, to an iron stake, corner with Arley Evans; running thence South 86 degrees East SOS feet with the lino of Arley Evans to an .iron stake, corner with the said Arley Evans In the line of the aforesaid road leading to Aftama haw Cotton Mills; running thence North 10 degrees East 150 feet with the line of said road leading toward# Altamaha w Cotton Mills to the point of beginning, upon which is situate a six room frame dweHing, bunga low type. This sale is made od account of -2 default in payment of .the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust, A ten percept (10) cash deposit will be requited of the highest bid der at the sale. This the 16th day of August, 1932. Jefferson E. Owens Substituted Trustee. Long 4: Long, Attys. Trustee's Sale ofTown Property! Under and by virtue of the power contained in that certain truot deed executed and delivered to the un dersigned trustee by J. H. Heritage, . j Jr., and wife, Aileen Heritage, on the 26th day of March, 1927, record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, in Book 108, Page 208, and default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, the undersign ed trustee will offer for sals and Bell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in the town of Graham, North Carolina, on Monday, September 19th, 1932, at 12 ;00 o'clock, noon, the following described tract or parcel of land, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County and State of North Caro lina. adjoining the lands of E. B. Horner, Front Street, and others, bounded as follows: Beginning a* corner with lot No. 14 on Front Street; running thence with line of Front Street N. 84 1-2 i deg. W. 50 ft. to corner with E, B. Horner; thence with line of said Homer S. 6 1-2 deg. W. about 225 ft. to corner on line of lot No^l7; thence with line of lot No. 17 S. 84 1-2 deg. E. 50 ft. to corner with lot No. 14; thence with line of lot No. 14 N. 6 1-2 deg. E. about 220 ft. to the be ginning, being lot No. 15 of the sur vey of the W. E. Sharpe property, as surveyed by Lewis H. Holt], April 9, 1919. This the 17th day of August, 1932. W. E. SHARPE, Trustee. Cooper A. Hall, Atty. Summons by Publication First Advertisement. NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. T. D. Barber, VS. D. J. Walker, Administrator c. t. a. ol the Estate of D. R. Barber. Notice is hereby given that an action as above shown was insti tuted in tho Superior Court of Ala mance County in the month of Ang 1 ust, 1932, for the purpose of fore closing a tar sale certificate of the County of Alamance. The name of the plaintiff in that action is T, D. Barber, and the defendant ia D. J. Walker, Administrator c. t a. of the Estate of D. P., Barber, and the . said real property affected by this I action is located in Boone Station ' Township, Alamance County, North i Carolina, adjoining the lands of Roger Ross, Levi Shepherd,.the lots Das id R. Barber. Cates Tickle, and Earl Shepherd. Said tax sale cer tificate is for delinquent taxes for ' the year 1929. Noticefs hereby given for all persons interested in any way " in said real property to come in ' and file and prove their claim* '' within 6 months from the data of the final notice, or said claims will be forever barred and foreclosed of the same both as against said real property and as against the pro . coeds of the same. Complete notice ! of said action, together with a de ,r scription of this property by metes I- and bounds can be found at the Courthouse in Graham, N. C. n This the 23 day of August. 1932. Is E. H. MURRAY, ?? Clerk of the Superior Court of 1". Long & Ross, Attys. J

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