1 HE GLEANER : UfiAtUU. N. 0.. NOV.23, 1933. UBUKD KVERY THURSDAY J. D. KERNODLE,*Edltor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Rnter?d at tne at Graham. .N 0.. at teou la olaa? matter. Not Averse to Criticism One'way of disarming your critics is taking what they say good naturedly?by .not getting mad 'and flying off at a tan gent. Some critics get mad themselves if they fail to rile the objects of their criticism, and then their criticism becomes a boomerang. On the contrary Mr. Roose velt, in what he is trying to do, invites criticism and sugges tions. By these he expects to be aided in his efforts. Editor Marlen E. Pew, of "Editor and Publisher," says: "I heard the President say he was dumfounded by the al most unanimous support given to Lis program by the American press. He graciously acknowl edges this as of infinite value to the Administration and the country, but he made a signifi cant statement: "He said: 'But there is a fly in the ointment, gentlemen. Where is your criticism? You know the Government can make mistakes, and this program is too vast an undertaking for any one man or kset of men to be sure of. We are certain to make blunders. I can rely on you newspaper men to check us. " 'If you see us going wrong, for goodness sake sing out about it. There is no kindness in flattering a wrong cause. I wjint your criticism as well as your k support. It is the best ki?d of backing, and the only request I make is that you be prompt about it.' " If Mr. Roosevelt is not tak ing kindly to what some of the harsher critics are saying, he has the good sense and discretion not to appear perturbed about it, which is far better for his peace of mind and the welfare of the country than to say, "to Hades with your criticism." THE DUKE HEIRESS Doris Duke, the only child of the late Jaines B. Duke, tobac co and power magnate, cele brated her 21?t birthday at the Duke home in Somerville, N. J., yesterday. As provided in her father's will, on attaining her majority, she is to receive one-third, estimated at ten mill ions, of the legacy left her. At 25 she is to receive another third and at 30 the other third. In addition to these she recei ved by the terms of the will two palatial residences, one in New York City, the other at New port, R. I. These make her one of the wealthiest heiresses in the world. Mr. Duke did not pile his entire estate, estimated at far iu excess of one huudrod millions, on his daughter. He provided amply for his widow. But the greater part ot his vast estate he put into charitable and educational institutions. ? Duke University at Durham is one of the results in toto of his munificence. It will be recalled by many that Mr. Duke's mother was an Alamance woman whose maid en name was Artelia Roney. Iu the disposition of his estate he did not forget her kinspeople, but designated two millions to be distributed among them. Hence, there is a large num ber of Alamanco people, wheth er they did or did not share in the bequest, who will retain a genuine interest in the heiress and hope that she has inherited (.he financial abditv to care for ?nd spend judiciously, and last, but not least, that she will not become the dupe and spouse of a worthless ai( venturer. The price of newly mined gold is now *33.70 per ounce, an increase of tyenty oents in the past two weeks. The Senate probe committee when it dug into the Chase, bank uncovered a veritable j Pandora's box. Its rainifica- ^ tions are varied and sundry. Its management fleeced the i lambs in numerous pastures. The Government hao mapped out a program for spending *4u0,0t?0,000 that will create! millions of jobs. According to the figures given out the expen-1 diture will make jobs forti7,500j in North Carolina. Instead of ^ handing out doles the program provides work where the jobless can earn a living. Dr. E. C. Brooks, president of State College, is in a critical condition in Washington where he suffered a stroke, returning from Chicago. And Dr. Wil liam Battle Cobb,- for eight years head of soils department at the same institution, died of pneumonia in Chicago late on Wednesday evening. The bur ial will be at Chapel Hill. The resumption of diplomatic relations with Russia was agreed to before Mr. Roosevelt left for Warm Springs, G&., last Friday. Maxim Litvinoff, the Russian Commissar, left Wash ington the first of the week on his returd home. Details about indemnittes, reparations, debts, personal and religious rights and privileges were left to be worked out by the diplomats. Loomis McArthur Goodwin, moral and welfare director of the State prison at Raleigh, has a very fine record to his credit, according to the Prison News, a paper published at the institu tion. Since March, l'J22, Mr. Goodwin has performed the du ties of the office of Chaplain. For a period of over 11 years there havo been 572 Sundays and during the time he has been absent only four. Few, it any, officials have such a record to their credit. His example is worthy of the highest commen datiou. HONOR ROLL-GRAHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Second Period, 2A? Teacher, Alma Worthington, Helen Baaon, Beulah Holt, Floyd Ellington, and Grady McCoy, Jr 3A?Teacher, Emma Cox, Louis Allen, Jr? Betty Cook, Evelyn Per ry, Nina Pay Riddle, Gr^cs Le" Steele, Cora Harden Stratford, and Marea Yount. 1 1A?Teacher, Mrs. I. I. Henderson, J. V. Holt, Marjorie Bason, Ann Jesnak, and Esther Meyers. 5A?Teacher, Mrs. W. D. Barrett, Robert Browning, Jlmraie Fuller, Jr? Vernon Steele, Sam Ward, El liot White, Inet Marlette, Leona Me Ouire, Betty Jean Moore, ' Shirley Owens, Ruby Lee Thompson, and Mabel Evans, 6?Teacher, Lena BroWn, Vir - glnla Caruthere and Mary Lee Beav er. 8?Teacher, Mr. R. B. (Newlin, Alma Grey Beaver and Laura Jan" Neese. 9?Teacher, Mr. Barrett, Margar et Jeffreys, Bartiallete Braxton and Evelyn Murphy. , 10?Teacher, Elizabeth Grant. Nina Graham Crawford, and Ruth Hunt, 11?Teacher, Gena Church, Ruby Garner, CHRISTMAS FOR FRIEND-The Clubs with The Gleaner afford you an opportunity to make a gift that will be appreciated and entiure for a whole year. See (ads of the com binations elsewhere. Pi ?ess The Button By O. H. Ed field Things I Learned Lately That Bishop Edwin <A. Pemck says, Nationalism has 710 place In the church. Some would also 'keep religion out. That they're getting ready / to string up man In Austria, as boys would string up fish In America. That Gene Austin sings with re newed fervor "Molly and Me and Baby makes Three. That the Pure Food Law was 25 years old, June 30. Better have it repealed. Still spoilt food on the market. That Jimmy Walker would have continued mayor of New York, had he n<Jt been lost-tn thsaSai of Matrimony. That if some people ar> rjfht then right Is wrong. That school teachers are smart i enough to listen to everything, and have little enough money to want everything. That 9 'Father and Son (upper was held. Wonder how jnuch lath er got? 0 That Roosevelt strikes fTt the heart of depression. Didp't 'snow It had a heart. That a 20-year old apple tree in j St. Joseph, Missouri, Is heai|ng seed less and corelees fruit. By time it reaches 21, the tree will be Ult pensing apple sauce. That future husbands sholud ex perience greater tranquility. Many women have quit chewlngt_ -the rag, and gone to chewing gum. That "No Bananas Today" is an obsolete song; Our country im ports three billion pounds of bana nas annually. That Virginia and Arizona each has a "postoffice named Snowflake. ! In a northern or western state it would have been called Blizzard. FOR GIRL OR BOY ? Fori a Christmas gilt lor your young son or daughter, you could not please them better than the gilt of a nice magazine. The Gleaner's clubbing offers will help you decide. See ads elsewhere. Burchett's Jewelry Store Repairing a Specialty! If delays make you nervous try our prompt service. The store ol Values Next to Sanitary Barber Shop Graham, N. C. G66 Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 minutes fine laxative and tonic Most Speedy Remedies Know NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed executed by John Fouat and wife, Abbie Fouat, to D. A. Rumbley, dated the 5th day of July, 1924, securing the payment of a certain bond described therein, which mortgage deed is duly pro bated and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Ala nance pAtintw \Tr?r>+>* Pornllm K/v/Vb NIo. 99 ot Mortgage Deeds, at page 64, default having been made in the payment of said bonds, and the interest thereon a9 provided and Bet out in said mortgage deed, and demand having been imade for aale, the undersigned mortgagee will sejll at public auction to the high est bidder for cash, at the Court house door in Graham, North Car olina, on Monday, November J7, 1933 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described property, lying and being in Alamance Coun ty, adjoining the lands of David Sivins, A. G. Thompson and others and bounded anct described as fol lows, to-wit; Beginning at a stone 45 links N. of the Newlin old corner, a Span ish oak and now a rock; thence North with Thompson and Biven's line South 87 1-2 |deg. East 4.50 to a stone 45 deg. North of said line; thence N. 5 deg. E. 6 chains stone corner of Pete 'Willis Jbt; thence N. 87 1-2 deg. W.' 7 (chains to a stone in old line; thence with said line South 16 1-2 deg. .East 6 chains 44 Iks. to the beginning, containing 3 and 23 onb hundredths acres, more or less, and one Dodge Sedan car with wheel Motor No. 335460. This sale wilt be made subject to increased bids as provided by law and will be held open ten days i or sale to give opportunity for such bids. This the 2a day of October, 1933. D4vA. RUMBLE Y, Mortgagee. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having quaLUIled as the admin istrator of the estate of L. L. Sellers, fate of Alamance County, this is to notify ail persons indebt ed to said estate to make prompt settlement. All persons having claims against said estate will present the same, duly proven, to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of November, 1931, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This November 1st, 1933. W. LUTHER CATES, Adm' rof the Estate of L. L. Sellars, dec'd. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Before The Clerk. W, Luther Cates, Adrar. ot Henry Browning, Dec'd. VS. Calvin Browning, Tempie Sellars, Christine Howell, Elijah Browning, heirs of Louis Browning, dec'd, Bessie Evans, Mary Allen, Annie M. Allen, Joybefi Allen, Eddie Allen, Aimeta Allen, Jennie Allen, heirs of Nancy J. Allen, dec'd. The defendants, Mary 'Allen, Alme la Allen, Christine) Howell, Anni-' M. Allen will takemo'lce that an act on entitled as above has been com nenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, tor the purpose ot selling the lands ; lescribed in the petition in this act on, belonging to Henry Browning,; deceased, late of Alamance County, 1 North Carolina, In order to make as sets with which to pay the debts < of the esud Henry Browning, deceas- 1 ed, and the charges of administra- 1 tion; and the said defendants will , further take notice that they are re- | quired to appear before the Clerk of , the Superior Court of Alamance | County, at hid office In Graham, N. C., on the 1st day of December, , 1933, at the Court House in said j Alamance County, and answer or do- j mur to the petition of the plain- , tiff in this action. This ithe 1st day of November, 1933. | Isora McClure, Aas't, Clerk Superior Court, Alamance County. L. D. Mead or, Atty. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred by dead of trust executed by Walter R. Hall and wife Mary J. Hall, dated the 1st day of June, 1929, and recorded in Book 111. Page 383, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County, V. S. Bryant, Substituted Trustee, will, on Friday, December 8th, 1933, at 12 00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House door of Ala fmance County in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the fol lowing land, to-wit: A certain tract or lot of land ly ing and "being in the City of Bur lington, Burlington Township, Alp mance County, State of North Caro lina, and adjoining; (the lands of Thomas Evans, H. Andrews, Graves and Holt Streets, and more particu larly described and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at an iron stake at the southeast intersection of Graves and Holt Streets, running thence with the line of Hoflt Street South 34 degrees East 70 feteit to an iron stake, .corner with R. * Andrews; thence with the line of said Andrews South 56 degrees West 150 feet to an iron stake in the line of Thomas Evans; thence with the line of said Evans North 34 degrees West 70 Bee*; to an ? iron stake on Graves Street; thence with the line of Grav es Street North 56 degrees East 150 feejt fo the beginning, being the identical property conveyed (by Trustee's Deed from >R. H. Andrews. S. J. Hinsda'.e, andM. W. McPherson TSrustees for the Central Loan and Trust Company and Mebane Real Estate and Trust Company, Bank rupts, Ajpril 6, 1929, and recorded in the Office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County in>Boo(k of Deeds Page Situated upon the above prem ises is a', modern seven-room, frame bungalow. This sale is .made on account ol default in payment of the indebted ness secured by Osaid deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and as sessments against (said property whether now due jor t.o become due. A 'live (f>) percent cash deposit will (be required )bf the highest bid der at the ;sale. This the 3rd day of November, 1933. V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Daisy Murray Evans and husband, Willis Evans, dated the 12th day ot September, 1930, and duly recorded in the office Of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 114, page 42), default having been made in the payment at maturity of the bond and interest thereby secured, and the holder of said bond having de manded sale of the property here inafter and in said deed of trust described, the undersigned Trustee will, on Friday, December 1st, 1933, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham, N. C? offer for sale at public auct- ? ion to the highest bidder lor cash, the following described real estate to-wit: First Tract; A certain tract or ] parcel of land lying and being in i Burlington Township, Alamance County and State of North Caro- < Una, adjoining the lands of St Mat- i thews A. M. E, Church, J, Lindsay Jeffreys and CharUe Banks, front ing ?00 feet on Fisher Street, and nounded aa follows: Beginning at an Iron bolt onFi,h. ?r Street, corner St. Matthews a u E. Church lot and running north with said lot 120 feet and J, Lind?a Jeffreys 180 feet a total distance 0| 100 feet to an iron bolt in J. u,,^ Jeffreys line 8 1-2 feet from iron bolt (the same being corner ofJerrv Anderson, Ben Burnett and J.Lind. say Jeffreys); thence East with j Lindsay Jeffreys' line 41 fee: t0 ^ iron bolt, corner J.Lindsay Jeffrey, and Charlie Banks; thence So;ti east with Charlie Banks' h,e jg feet '(to an iron bolt on Fisher Street; thence with Fisher Street 200 feet to the beginning. Second Tract: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being i? the County of Alamance, MalviUe Township, adjoining the lands ot Wm. Aulbert, Wm. Jones, Cook Bro thers and Egbert Conyard and he ing the lands seized of at the death of Preston Evans, purchased by him from Egbert Conyard, by deed re corded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Alamance County in Deed Book No. 49, pajo 113, and containing 5 acres, more or less, for specific boundaries reference is made to said deed and the descrip tion therein Is asked to he male a part hereof as if fully described herein. This the 1st day of November, 1933. \V. S. COULTER. Trustee, ? Land Sale Under and pursuant to the judg ment and decree lof the Siperior Court at Alamance County, and en tered in the case of TownofGrj. ham, Alamance County, North Caro lina, vs. J. D. Kernodle and otheri at the June Special Civil Term, 1931, whereto all persons, firms and corp orations interested In the real prop erty hereinafter described were duly constituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner of the said Court sill offer for sale at public auction at the courthouse door in Gia'iam, A"a mance County, North Carolina, on Monday, December 4th, 1933, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all of the following- described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the Town of Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. R Stratford, North Main Street, R. N. Cook estat", W C. Wrike, W. A. McAdams, C. D. Ialey and wife, Edith M. Isley, North Maple Street, Ella C, Clapp, et al and described as follows, to-u-jt: Beginning at an iron stake on the Western side of North Main Street in said town, corner with J. B. Stratford, running thence with the Western margin of said North Main St., 211 fit. to an iron stake corner with R.N.Cook estate; thence in a Westernly direction with th? line o! said Cook estate 185.46 fe?t to a stake corner with said Cook : thence in a Northerly direction with the said CoOk and W. C. Wrike to an iron stake corner with W. A. Mc Adams, W. C. Wrike, C. D. Isley and wife, Edith M. Isley; thence in a We9ternly direction with th" Sont ' ern line of the said Isley's 123.31 ft. to an iron stake Eastern siie of said North Maple Street; thence in a Southernly direction 235 ft. with aid Maple Street to an iron stake on the Eastern side of North Maple Street corner with said Ella C. CJapp 1 thence in an Easternly direction with the lilne of said Eiia C. ClapP arid the said J. B. Stratford to the beginning', it being all of that tract lot or parcel of land conveyed to the said John D. Kernodle by Jacob A. Long and L. L. Scott, assignees, by deed dated 2nd day of August, 1893, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County in Book of Deeds No. 18. page !20, and all of that certain tract of land conveyed to J. D Ker nodle by his father, L. L. Kernodl1, which he has not heretofore sold, by deed dated 3rd day of October, 1907, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County in Deed Book No. 35 at page 178. The said sale wilt be made subject to advance bids and confirmation of the court, and the biddir will he required to pay 10 percent of the bid on date of sale as evidence of good faith and the balance of the purchase price upon confirmation of the sale. The said real property will be sold free and clear of en cumberaDces, except the last to ir installments of street assessment. This November 1st, 1933. W, CARL LONGEST, , Commissioner, To FARMERS:-- Phone: 1298 You pay no manufacturing or merchandising prof its when buying your Feeds, Seeds, Fertilizers, Lime, Salt, Flour, Twine, etc., through your local cooperative SOUTH ERN STATES BURLINGTON SERVICE, and SOUTH ERN STATES COOPERATIVE (formerly the VSS). Both of the above organizations are farmer owned, farmer controlled and farmer operated. Both operate on non-profit basis. Earnings, if any, are returned prorata to patrons. You pay actual cost?no more, no less. The greater the volume of business actually turned through these cooperatives the lower will be the cost of farm sup plies. Some cash warehouse feed prices for this week: Bag Bag Laying Mash, 20 perct. ?2.05 30 perct.Cotton Seed Meal $1.20 18 pcrct. Emergency Dairy 1.50 Wheat Bran, - - 1.25 24 perct. Emergency Dairy 1.65 Yellow Corn Meal, 1.45 (Any mixed feed or ingredient at attractive prices.) (In 10 bag lots deduct 2?c and in 20 bag lots deduct 5c per bag.) Examine the OPEN FORMULA of Southern States MIXED FEEDS. You should know how many pounds of each ingredient is in the feed you buy. Cooperative ac tion among farmers is essential to quick agricultural re covery. Southern States Burlington Service, (In Trollinger Fertilizer Bldg.) "NERVES INTERFERED WITH MY WORK" Wa fellow in my line can't^H i have*jiggly*nerves. h| I needing a milder ciga i rette, i switched to camels^ i camels taste better i and my nerves are ^ healthy now! CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS %UA)e* (jitott ij0ur7lcive$..f}ici/erlZre tjow~7a&te (7 a ^777 Yessun in Light q ra -PW: ? SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER ?r write a* (LA-ox) J THE COLEMAN LAMP &> STOVE COMPANY Wlchlte, Kam. PUWalpU* Pa. CKk.8., IIL Ua CM.

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