? tih uLhANHR GRAHAM, N. < MAR. 15, 11134. Local News. ?Yesteruay was in part rainy, and last ii 1 ^Itt it both raiued ami snowed. Tbe snow melted as n 1 fell, except for a little ibat s ucl> on the north side of uuild'ngs. ?Graham P.-T. A. meets at the school auditorium at 7:30 this | evening and will he addressed u_\ Dr. J. 0. Kiiox of the Slate Board of Health on vaccination. Pub lie invited. ?The Town Board has given final notice 'O automobile owners to decorate their Cars with lieensi tags by April 1st, otherwise ihet will be hailed to answer for I In . delinqency. The tac fee is SI Ob. ?-The fifteenth anniversary ol ' the American Legion will be eel 1 ebrated with a party at the lim 1 ii\ Burlington, beginning at 7:30 this evening. The orgaiiizaiioi was founded in Paris i m men lately following the World War. -- i -- f t- i ' ? ?ueuiig re iuy tor uase nan and th * comi 11 of l he robbiii himi bluebird, are commonly recog- ? nized as sigus pointing to lb- ' coming of spring.. All ol these ' are stepping mi the stage, and all favorable omens, provided. ? The 4-year-old Hopeful must have I lee [i hearing something about the giant Italian slugger, Primp Camera, that, inspired him to say, in his bed time devotions, ".?lake Daddy strong enough to ' knock down a telephone pole " ?The It qiubli tans of Alamance County will hold a convention at : the courthouse at 2 p. in. on Sat- ' urday, Alarcli dlst, to name dele gates to the State Convention to tie held in Charlotte 011 April 4th, 1 and to at end to any other busi ness. ?Today ends the ground hog's six weeks of weather control, and , they have been six weeks of mil . near winter, but the real article , If, oa to morrow, he crawls out of his wii.t r quarters and again sees ins shadow he will return ' and wait t\V0 weeks longer for ' winter to break Most people ' will hope he will see no shadow 1 ?Announcement comes from Raleigh that 5,000 civil works, 1 employees will lose their jobs to- 1 day, Mrs. Thomas Q* I Jerry ad ministrator Tlie reduction sill affect 39 employees in Alamance county. Witii spring farm oper ations starling up, it should uoi l>e difficult for those dropped from the roil to get employment ?Miss Frances Ellington, mem ber of tho senior class, Graham Public School, has been adjudged winner in the Thrift essay con test. Miss Mary Lena Green re ceived honorable mention. There were five others who prepared es says The winner will receive a prizeof $5.00 and is entitled to enter the county-wide contest to be held at the courthouse on the 23rd. ??The snow that fell here last Saturday and Saturday night was more than hail fallen at any time previously during the wilder The earth was wet and not very Cold, so it melted almost as fast as it fell. A few miles east of u? and further east the snow reached a depth of several inches A number of cars passing here, dur ing the day, from the east had a coat of snow on their tops. ?The Woman's Auxiliary' Gta ham Presbyterian church at its meeting Monday afternopn closed a year's work and started on a new year. Reports read indicat ed a successful and satisfactory year's work Fir the ensuing year the following officers were elected and installed: President, Mrs. J. McBride H ill; vice-president, Mrs V\ . E White; secretary, Mrs, W. C. Gnley ; ir--as Alt's \V li. Harden; historian, Mt*s Mamie Parker; met. of foreign missions, .Mrs. Don E. d-oll;sect of h o in e missions, .Mrs M K. Youut; sect, of Christian educa tion ami muiisteiial relief, Mrs W. C. Wrike; sect, of religious education, Miss Daisy Walker; Syu'idtcal and Presbyterial home missions, Mrs. A. K. Hardee;spiri tual life, Mrs. U W. 8cort; social Service, Mrs. Harvey Wit te; Ba rium Springs,Mrs. K. P.CaruHiers; home department, Mrs. Floyd Phillips; literal ore, Mrs. W. E Harrop; circle No 1 Mrs. J W Drowning; cirMe No. 2, Mrs. /. T Hadley; circle No. 3, Mis. 15. B. Holt; circle No. 4, Mrs. E. P. .Mc Clure; Carrie Holt Mebaue circle, Mrs Lee Stockard; Mary Ilolt Williamson circle, Miss Mamie Parker. Top-dressing- smalt gn.t with quick-acting, soluble nitrogen fer-1 tilizer will! help to overcome tl ' effects of the recent ek - end with his sister, Mrs. IJurl Kenyou, in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kernodle ? lid L. II., Jr, were guests ot Mrs J. B Stratford here Monday. Col. Don F. Scott snent th? iisi of the week at Morehead Git) it tending to National Guard bu ?mess. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Noah ami Z. F. Noah spent Sunday in Ka eigh with Mr. and Mrs. James Jrowu Mrs J. I) Albright left Tue? lay for Rocky Mount to a1 ten he Baptist Missionary Uutoi meeting. Mrs Jno. B. Stratford and son. lack, and J. D. Kernodle, Jr. 'pent. Monday afternoou in jreensboro. Mrs. Don F. Noyes of Char oileis here visitiiur her sister. Mrs. Cliarles A. Thompson, am oiier relatives. Miss Callie Allen of Battb reek, Mich., is visiting here a he home of her brother, Mr Louis C. Allen. Carrie and Richard Stanforl o' Saxapahaw spent the week-end i ere with their grandmother, Mrs W. F. Dodson. Mrs. E. S Parker, Jr., has re urned to her home in Ashevilb ifter a visit of several days with Mrs. A K Hardee. ? The pulpit at Graham Chris i.tn church will be filled nexi suuday morning, the third Sun lay, by Dr W. C. Wicker, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harden and Robert Harden, Jr., of Greeus uoro, spent Suuday here with the former's mother, Airs. J as. P. llardeu. Mr. and Mrs. .Moss Gurney anil ?hikireu and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Payne of Koekiugham visileo Vlis. Jessie McBride here lasi Saturday. Misses Margaret Stockard ami lira Ray, teaching at Jasper, have relumed to their work. Sehoo a as suspend d tor two weeks 01 account of measles. Cbas A. Thompson and M>*i viu Thompson, Jr., visited th< miter's lather, Dr. J. Mel Thomp son, at Dr. Dickey's sanatorium, Southern Dines, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Attmore of Mew Bern spent the week-em Here wnh the former's mothei and sister, Mrs. Geo. S. Attmore and Mrs. J. Dolph Long. Mr. and Mrs (,'oman Isley and little daughter and .Mr. and Mr Kos'er Hughes spent Sunday in Ireenshoro at the home of Mrs Isley's brother, Garland Moou. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Leonard ni Chailotte and Miss Evelyn Wil liams, at High Point College, -pent the week-end with tlieii parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wil liams. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, E. Saun ders of Rockingham called ou friends here Sunday afternoon. I'lie latter, who was Miss Elaini Goode, was formerly a member of the Graham School faculty. ? Sou'h Maple Street, begin ning at W. Harden, is being lop soiled. It is red soil, and when wet was very muddy and when dry very dusty. The top-soil will make it belter for travel and for hose who live on it. Mrs .l ?s I) Proctor and daUi.li tlir, Miss Elizabeth, of Luuiber toii, returning Iroui a visit to the former's daughter, Miss Mary Catherine, at N. C. C. \V./ireens horo, spent a short while with lelalives here Sui.day afternoon. ? lessie Long, colored, the wife ol Waller L >ng, dud Tuesday morning from pneumonia Be sides tier husband, she is survived by six young children. She was faithful and industrious ami wor thy of I tie esteem in which she was held. New secrets of the French De tective Police. H. Ashton-Wolfe tells how hurtling mysteries are cleared up by scientific crime de tection tine of many interesting articles in the American Weekly, the magazine which comes Marcli IS with The Baltimore Sunday Am-rtcan Buy your copy from your favorite newsboy or news dealer. t Miss Moore and Mr. Dillehay are ed in Presbyterian Church. On Wednesday morning at 10 , ,K! Graliain Fresbyterian ?edwith iuter d friends to witness the mar ilr"h S Marjrar(>1 Moore of ffsxrMr-J-T-Dille,if,y K-v. W E. Harrop, pastor of ? e bride spoke the words that wife -n" tWHi" hnsband and , , 1,he "off ceremony was used and it was brief, simple and impressive With trailing smilax over a I'mokground of wl|ju, ^ ^ ow.glow of numerous lighted ' and lea made a scene meet for his union of happy hearts 1 receding the ceremony Mrs Catherine Watson gave a program 'rrr1^mu8ic hi"1 MrN ..n d sa"K "Ar Dawning" Chee " ThreHt mB BOt l? leave din / VI u ?r ,hfi Wed. > March from Lohengrin pro claiuied the entry of the bridal parry. The ushers, Curtis Wrike, Roy King and Drs.W. C. Goley and H I . Moore took their places on rs.err8^n?f.the0fficiatin^i? - ?r Following these were Mrs and Mi r"*^' daa,e of h"nor, and Miss Lousm Moore, maid of honor, sisters of the bride. Ne> t lie bridegroom came with his Mlh her broteer-in law, B J 'i'age" i?:Vh? SauVe her in ?> ^ . During the ceremony the Toa W MVB0""d,'d notes nt To a Wild Rose', then followed he recessional. The bride wore a soft worsted ac7e-r^?-dd--^ brown' ??Flron| V'e chl"-eh the bride and Uvonth ?? " bridal trip S0|ith. Upon thelr return they will be at home in Shelby where the groom '8 with the Settle Drug Co 1 h e bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. YV C. Moore a graduate from the commercial department of N. C . YV ,!?d or several years has been secre 'ary to the Scott Mebane Mfg Co l 'aae , 0 announcement of her etrotbal on February 17th she ?ias been houoree at many delight ful parties giren by her numer ous trieuds in and out of Graham aunstrng the high esteem "j ?Inch she.,s held. The good wish home W'" f""OW "Pr 10 her new DEATHS. Mrs. Sarah Aunie Fowler, 88 vidow of YVilliam Fowler, die.! Wednesday morning ?t ,he hom(. . her son B F. Fowler, in Bur ington She is survived bv two u 'M!?uriHl wi" be in".Rock P' ChUrCh celnetery ?Int. Ellz,,betn Gibson Webster W, widow of the late Chas. f' W ebster of Hawfields coininunity died Tuesday night at ihe home ?f her daughters, Misses Annie jn1<1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Squires, in the Long's Cbapel section, died at Rainey hospital Tuesday afternoon. Fu neral service at Long's Chapel ami hnrial in Linwood cemetery this afternoon Caswell Levi Andrews, 73, died suddenly Monday morning at his home on Graham Route 2. The funeral aud burial were conduct ed at Moore's Chapel Tuesday afternoon. John S Morton, 00. farmer and prominent citizen of Morton town ship, died suddenly Sunday after noon. He is survived by his widow, three sons and one dangh ter The funeral service and bu al weie conducted at Beth lehem Christian church Monday afternoon. Ttuck Shatters Glass Front Graham Hardware Company Store. Tuesday moruina Will Kimball from South Alamance cranked his Ford lumber truck in front of Graham Hardware Co's store The truck was in gear and pro ceded at once to climb upon (he sidewalk and headed for the glass front. Kimball barely got out of its way. A stout iron column on the angle on the left of the entrance stopped the truck. The impact sheltered the large plate glass on either side of I he column. It will cost around $2lX> to repair the damage. Piano: A fine piano near here is being returned to us be cause of purchaser's inability to Continue contract. Will trans fer i his piano to responsible party lor ualance owing Cash or terms. Quick aciion necessary. Address Lee Piano Co., Lynchburg, Vir ginia. Jurors For April Superior Court. The following have been drawn to nerve at the civil teiui of Su perior Court, beginning April 2nd: Patterson Township: G. W. Clapp. Coble?T. S Cooper, W. B. Sboffner, G. A. Sharpe. Morton ? VV. H. Jones, B. R. I Simpson. Graham?0. C. Martin. Newliu?T. W. McPherson, D. L. Russell, C. V. Furguson. Thompson?G R. Long. Melville?Geo. E. Holt. Pleasant Grove?C. N. Boland. Burliugton ?E 0 Heritage, A. C. Bryaut, Rudy M Fouville, G. L. Tate, VV. D. Rudd. First Follies' girl to marry an Indian Prince. Story of show girl who has sailed to marry the fab ulously wealthy nephew of a ma liarajah. One of many features in the American Weekly with the Baltimore Sunday American, is sue of March 18. Buy your copy from your favorite news vendor. Re-Sale of Real Property Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a cer tain deed of trust executed Feb ruary 2nd, 1928 by J. T. Boswell and R. D. P.ike, and recorded In Book 110, page 177, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ala mance County, North Carolina, de fault ha\ ing been (made In the payment of the rote secured thereby at maturity, and by virtue of the laws of the state of North Carolina, the undersigned Trus - tee will on Friday March 16th, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Court House Door in Gra ham, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In Alamance County, Burlington Township, and more particularly described as follows: Being lots 11 and 12, Block "A", lots 7 and 23 Block UF '; and lots 1, 7, and 8 Block "H", all in Sec tion 1, in the plat of the land9 of D, R. and C C. Fonville. known as Beverly llills as survey ed by A, C. Linberg and J. L. Thower, G. E.'s, December, 1927, which said plat Is recorded in the offico ol the Register of Deeds ol ilan.anco County, North Carolina n Plat Book No. 2, at page 77. This Is a re-sale of this property and bidding will commence at $2271.06. This sale will be made autject :o adxance bids as provided by law. and will be held open for for ten days after the sale ia re ported to give opportunity for any such advance bids. Terms of sale; Cash. This March 2nd, 1934. D. J. WALKER, Trustee. New 50^ Size LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS FOR WOMEN They relieve and prevent periodic pain and associated disorders. No narcotics. Not just a pain killer but a modern medicine which acts upon the CAUSE of your trouble. Per sistent use brings permanent relief. Sold by all druggists. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of 33. W. Bo swell, dec'd, late of Alamance County, this is to notify all persons hav - ing claims against eajd estate t o present the same, duly authenti cated, on or before the 10th day of March, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of th"lr recovery. Ail persons indebted to said e s tate will please make Immediate settlement. This March 0th, 1934. W. LCTHKR CATES, Adm'r. of O. W. Boswell, dec'd. TO LOSE FAT Mill M. Fatne-r of Brooklyn. *. T. write?: "Have aid Krutehen for the pail 4 monthi and have not only lost 15 pound! bat feel m much better In every way. Even for people who don't care U reduce. Kn hen li wonderful to keep the system# healthy. I being a nurse should know for I've tri-d ?? many things bat only Krut'hm a- wered all i purpose!." (May 12, 1932). TO load fat SAFELY and HARMLESS LY, tate a half teaspoon!ul of Kruachen Salts In a glaas of hot water In the morning before breakfatt?don't miss a morning?a bottle that laata 4 weeks \ costs but a trifle?get Kruschen Bolts at any drugstore In America. If not Joy fully satis fled after the first bottle money beck. The 1500 cotton growi of Cumberland county who signed in duction contracts arc in favor o f the Bankhead control fcllll or some thing "tighter", they noted at a recent meeting in Fayettevine. FOR WIFE OR HUSBAND- A gift that will continue through the vear ia a magazine. Se^ how to get them b y reference to The Gleaner's clubbing announoenu nts, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the Estate of Lewis H. Holt, dee'd, la e of Alamance coun ty, this Is to notify all persons holding claims against said cs ate to file the same dufy aut'i nti cated, wi'h the administrator at Liberty, N. C., or wi'h Lon'j & Long, Atty's., Graham, N. C.: on or before the Sth day of F oru-, ary, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons owing eail eBta'.e f ? ao requested to make immediate settlement. This February 5th. 1931. < D. C. HOLT, Liberty, N. C Administrator. Long & Long, Attys. Notice of Sale of Land Vnder and by virtue of the authortv conferred by de?d of trust executed by Standard Hearty & Securitv Company. dateJ the l>th ! day of February, t 1028. and re corded in Book 110, Page 217, in i the office of the R gister of Deeds ! fo Alamance County, V.S. Bryant. IS bst t ite 1 Trustee, will, on WEDVFSDAV, \PRTL 4th. 1*34, at 12 00 o'clock, noon. ?d the Courthouse Donrof ^Alam inc - Co intv in Or ham. North Carolina sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, th^ following ] nd to-wit; A certain lot or ^parcel of !an i j oint of beginning. The house on this lot being designated as No. 105. Trade St., on map of Lewis H. Holt. Co. Surveyor, made Feb. 16,. 1923. 1 his sale is made on account of default in payment of the in - dehtedness secured by said deed of trust, and is subject to all taxes and i assessments against the property ! whether now due or to b^comedue A five percent (5) cash deposit vill be required of th? highest bid der at the sale. This the 27 day of February, 1934. V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. Loan No. 1032. Hxecut.x-s' ...?tice Having - * of j the Last V - o! I John J. . . t* j~ Alamance Ct, \ this - "> no tify all perso fnvine In :v * j gainst said - r c n* them, duly ? - . - ? .? je I fo e the 2M r of ^ 1931. s : : r*|e ;d^d n of ti i ?*? 1 person? ' -r- - . tate will pie ? ta i-.mediai** j settlement. This lTt'i of Feb., 1934. \ S ALDRIDGE. J. L ALDRIDGE. Exec-it" j nion Eiti?c, Route 1. NOTICE! Summons by Publication north carolika VLVMAVCB COUNTY. IN" THE SUPERIOR COURT. N'ina Lee Allen, Plaintiff. T , Buck Allen Defendant. The defendant. Buck Allen, will l hereby take notice that an action ? as entitled above has been insti t :ted by the plaintiff in the Sup j perior Court of Alamance County I or the purpose of obtaining a n absolute disorce upon statutory founds; and the said defendant, B .ck ABen, will further take no , tice that he is required to ap ! pear at the office of the Clerk of superior Cojrt of -Alamance Coun ?v at the courthouse in the Town of Graham. X. C. on or before the ? th day of April, PJt and file ' answer or other pleadings in sail u.n or the plaintiff will be grant ed the relief demanded ia sail com plaint. This 3rd day of March. i?l. E. H. MVKBAY. * Clerk Superior Co irz Alamance Coant>. North Carol.na | uong A: Ross, Attya. NOTICE! Summons by Puuiication NORTH CAROLINA, \lam vnce county. ix the superior court. ?linnie I.ea Turner Plaintiff. V9 1 Will Turner Defendant. i The defendant. Will Turner, will ? ike no'.i< that an ac im enti lxl abo\ e has been commenced in he Suj etior Co irt of Alamance I Co init,. "Nor th Carolina, by the -?humiff for the purpose of obtain ! 5 x an absolute divorce from the lefendani on the jro inis of two I years separation, and th? s ji '.efendant wiii further t.tk ? j h t he is roq ied To app ?*. t: ?he ofifce of the C! rk of r ? .? Superior Court of s ii i count* v? ?he Courthouse in Graham \. on or before th'rty days fro n he completion of the s^rvj-e h:s summons by public ?.ti ?n a*. ?nswer or demur to the com - ?>!aint in sii.l action. or the .la n i f wi I apply to the "ourt I or the rcl ef deman led i i ?a? J com i In int. | This the 2 std r. of Feb.. H M T K R A \, | Clerk of th? Superior Court. ? M. C. Terrell \ttv.. for plaintiff*. , CAM'1 G?' BtTH" J M TOO NERVOUS. 7 ' W,SH r?U 0 START S ' Sm?KING CAMELS. THEY'RE SO MiLD-SO ENJOYABLE. A AND THEY ^ [ wi?"vC #? LIVEIl-KICK The WorIds Gi*ca,est 9 Laxative ? Guaranteed lor High Blood Pressure, Rheu matism, Corstlpation and Liver Trouble. Get the dcshed results from LIVER-KICK or get your money back. Sold by Wrike Drug Companv. Coleman AUTOMATIC Egsu-GUMS. ELECTRIC IRON Light Weight 3% lbs. ? Full Size e IOOO Watts Come in and see thir , fine automatic electric iron . . . the new mod ern Coleman EASY- ? GLIDE. Saves you time, work and money . . ? and does better ironing. A beauty, too. Graceful in design. Finished in Super Chromium Plate. COL??'?N No bearing do-- n, no heavy push ing and pulling. Extra heat doe- the ^ work of extra weight. All v?u have to do ?* guide it. Has autervatv adjustahle Heat Regulator; Burton oevci sole riate and nevelrd Ironing Edge, which makes it easy to iron arouml buttons and other hard-to-get places. Saves up to $5.00 a year on current because it has 1. Accurate, Long-Lasting Thermostat 2. Dependable, Long-Life Heating Element GRAHAM HARDWARE CO. and RICH & THOMPSON ?? ?~ ?? . Told *n Simple Language Would you I ke to keep posted c ail the new d ? ... . j ol ours"' The new Invent: ns? the latest necr:nK' Feats?t ?? pr' made in A via C : Physics ? VI ra : y. etc.? 1 and I POPULAR MIX HAN ICS MAGAZINE. Something for Everyone! S;h 1 ?!<;.?? f!rvofrti to "h?* h??n* B cr ? ' < ' ' ?: ?Ai'.h- -wv.-irvl Ed 1 jfei artv For 1 are an r*m