1 HE GLEANER i (JHAHAM. N. C., JAN. 4, 1934. ! .. , ISBCBD ITKUY TBDK80AT I. O. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE Botered at tfie ?,o?*offloe at Graham. ' .N C.. ?????? < ,-.>laa* matt*-'' The Rose Bowl at Los Ang<i- ' es where Stanford and Columbia played football Monday was more like a swimming pool than otherwise, but Columbia 1 got the goal over Stanford by a score of 7-0. Since the government began buying gold about ?75,000,000 worth has been accumulated. The government will also buy silver, it is indicated. Today America and Franco own the , bulk of the world's gold. ! Lots of kicking on the en- < forcement of the automobile li cense regulation has been heard about the State. January 1st ? was the limit, of which due no- 1 tice had been given, and that there would be no deviation. Gov. Ehringhaus stuck to h i s guns, and he should be com mended rather than criticized. It's law Why temporize? Dr. C. C. Wu, former Chi nese minister to tlie United States, died suddenly in Hong Kong Tuesday, aged 47 years. He was a son of Dr. Wu Ting Fang, fit one time Chinese min ister to this country. Dr. Wu, the younger, was educated in America and prominent iu in ternational affairs, President Roosevelt addressed the joint session of the 73rd Congress which convened Wed nesday in a friendly, intimate message. He struck hard hlows at rich tax dodgers and reckless bank and corporation officials who have victimized the public. He also took a dig at non-pay ing foreign debtors. In refer ence to recovery he said "the hard beginning is over.'' Today Congress gets his budget mes sage. Those who could not or did not attend the "Century of Pro gress" World's Fair, Chicago, in 1933, will have another op portunity this year. It will open June first. Advance in- ] formation is to the effect that many of the exhibits from vari ous parts of the world will he greatly improved by the addi tion of new features. More countries will be represented than in 1933. More than twen ty-three million visitors saw the 1933 exposition, and of those ' who saw it and will see the 1934 exposition will see a new expo sition in many respects- - I Bigger And Better?The Comic Weekly PUCK which comes wph | the Baltimore Sunday American will be Increased to 16 pages, with more than 30 great comics, in FULL COLORS, beginning January 7. Don't miss this Great comic 1 Treat. FOR WIFE OR HUSBAND- A gift that will continue through the year is a magazine. Sec how to get them b y reference to The Gleaner's clubbing announcements. Railway's Fills Fob Constipation , Wka 1 Tlfy Am A mild nU Uuhv. which doM M* iHpr, Ciw dotraM or dime dir?doo Not habit locm lag. CooMia DO hrradul d^jr. wtit Tktr Dot Million <d mm rod womm. ainrr 1s47, hrwr ttad am m trbrvt ... i ll?drrhw. om-oomom, born, kwa d apprdcr. poor coMplrsion rnd tod hlmwi wfaati Am troodioota m GDMtd bp cocmprtitm. At All Drassuo tod .) * Cm. lot., Now Yort, N Y. Announcing 30 or more comics n Fl'LL COLORS, beginning Jan. lary 7 in the big Sunday Amor can. Make sure of your copy of he Baltimore American each week. (566 Liquid, Tablet.-, Salve, Nose Drops Dhecks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first lay, Headaches or Neuralgia in 80 minutes FINE LAXATIVE AND TONIC Most Speedy Remedies Know Notice of Sale Under Execution. S"ORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. I. C. Harris, trading as J. C. Har ris Lumber Company, Plaintiff vs. H. 'C. Isley, Defendant. By virtue of an execution dir - t ed to the iunderslgned from lh< Superior Court of Alamance Count ;n the above entitled action, 1 w,'J :?n Monday, January 29th. t93l. at 12.00 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse door of, Isa'c county, sell to the highest lildu for cash, to satisfy said execution alL the right, title and in er^st which the said JI. C. Islcy, t h defendant, ha9 or had. on t'-.e 2 day of May, 1932, in the follow! i described real estate, to-wit; That certain tract or parcel of land -in Boone Station Town shin Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the }un H o< T. R. White$ell, Joe Rumbly Es tate and others, and" bounded at Beginning at an lion pipe anf stone, corner with said Joe Rumb lev Estate and WhitselJ; and run n'ng thence N. 2 deg. 15 mix E. 1186.3 feet to a point in the center of said. concrete road thence with the said center of said road S. 69 deg. VV. 200 fee to a point in the center of sai' concrete road; thence S. 2 deg 15 min. \V. 1226.1 feet to an iror pipe on the lino of sai l Rumble Estate;, thence S. 51 d<Lg 10 min E. 213 feet to the beginning, con taining 276,840 sq. ft., more or less and being lot number to of the sub-divisino of the R. K. Las ley land as shown on plat of J. C. McAdams, Surveyor, dated Oct 1st, 1931. This December 27th, 1933. II. J. STOCKARD, Sheriff of Alamance County. NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Walk er E. I*>ve and his wife, Kath leen Love, to Wro. i. Ward, Trus tee, dated the ltth day of Septem ber, 1930, securing the paym nts of certain bonds described therein, which Deed of Trust is duly pro bated and recorded in th; office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, North Carolina, in Rook No. Ill of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust, at page 437. default having been mad ? in the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon, as provi led and sot out in said mortgage deed, and demand having been mad ? (or sale, the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder (or cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, N. C? on \ Monday, January 15th. 1931, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described property. A certain lot, tract or parcel oj land, with a|fl the buildings and improvements thereon, lying nyl being in the City of Burlington, Alamance County, North Carolina and more particularly descrioed and defined as follows, adjoining the lands of Church Street, heln of II. M. Love. W; B. Stane.il and others and oounded as follows.: Beginning at an iron oolt on the Northwest side of Church Strert, corner with Dairy Hosiery Mills, said iron bolt being 213 ft. 9 in Northeast from the inters"Ction of Guthrie and Church Streets: run ning thence North 55 deg. E ist 51 feet to <an iron bolt, corner with heirs of II. M. Love; thenc North 35 deg. West 370 feet to an iron bolt, corner with hairs of II. M Love; thence South 5 3-t d"g W 74 feet to an iron bolt, corner with W. B. Stancilt; then re South 35 degrees East 315 1-2 feet to (he beginning, being the same lot [ or parcel of land conveyed by H. M. Love, widower, to John T. Love by deed dated December1 8, 1901, and recorded in the office of Be- ' gister of Deeds of Alamance Coun- ' ty, North Carolina, in Deed Book in Deed Book No 38 at pages 1 No. 558 and 560. This sale will be ma,da subject to increased bids as provided by | by law. This the 15th day of December, 1833. . W. L WARD, Trustee Commissioner's Sole Of Ileal Property Under and bv virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance Coun'y made in special Profcee lings entitled; "W. Luther Cates, Admr of Henry Browning Deed., vs. Cal in Browning et als.. the same be ng number U03 upon the Special Proceedings Docket of said Court, he undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at the Courthouse Door in Graham, N. C? at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, on Monday, January 8th, 1931, at 12:0l) o'clock noon. A certain tract or parcel of land n Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of John Boon, Michael Alb ight, Adolphus Graves and Christian Iseley and bounded as follows; Bnr.:nn|ni. n t n "t_ _ . ...HA ^>i'giuu*u?, ai a 11KK uornur Wlin ' said Ilseley and Graves and Sam Hazell running thence N. 88 1-3 deg W. 1.80 chs. to a rock corner with said Boon, thence S. 4 degrees tV. 5.91 chs. to a rock corner with said Albright on said Boon's line; thence N. 83 deg. 10 min. East t.71 chs. to a rock corner With said Graves, theneee N. 5 1-3 deg Bast 5.02 chs. to the beginning, containing one (1) acre more or less. This salo is subject to confirma tion of the Court. This December 6, 1933. W. LUTHER CATES, Commissioner. L. D. Mead or, Atty. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. R. tV. Mabry VS. Ma Mabry The /defendant Ida Maury will take notice that an ac*ion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, tosecure an absolute divorce on the grounds or two years separation, and the said defendant will further take no'i".' that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said countv t'i the courthouse in Graham, 'North Carolina, on the 20th day ol Ian.. 1931, land answer or demur to he complaint in said action, n: 'he plaintiff will apply to the Court lor the relief demanded lr, j said complaint. lhis 19th day of Dec., 1933. IZORA McCLURE, Asst. Clerk Superior Court Shirp & Sharp, Attys. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. W. iH. Whitehead, Plaintiff, VS. Edna Whitehead, \' Defendant. : The defendant above named will take notice that an aetion eri itl ed as above has bein commene- ' ed in the Superior Court of Ala- 1 manee County to annul the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and defendant; an J the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to -npear at the office of th > Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala - manee Count! within thirty days from the date of this notice and answer or demur to ths com plaint In sail action, or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the -elief demanded In said cause. This the IS diy of Dtyembor, 1S3S. ? .IZORA McCL RE, * Ass't Clerk of the Superior Court. J. Ai Bailey. Atty. .. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by dead of trust executed by Reid Shaw and wife, Violet Shaw, dated th e 1st day ef November, 1927, and re - corded in Book 110, Page 55, , in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Alamance Countv, V. S. Bryant Substituted Trustee, wflL on Monday, February 5th. 1934, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door of Ala - mance County, in Graham. North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, th1 loliowing land, to-wit; Beginning at an Iron bolt in the Northern edge of Stokes St., at Mrs. Hattie T. Stokes So i h - east corner, and running thence with Mrs, Hattie T. Stokes line North 4 1-2 East 157 feet to an iron bolt; thence South 87 1-2 de - g eeiE'st 67 feet to an iron bolt: thence South 4 1-2 degrees West 152 feet to an iron bolt in the Northern boundary of Stokes Streei thence along and with the 'North ern boundary of Stokes Street 6" feet to the point or place of beginning, and which lot is a part of Lots Nos. 9, 10 and 11 of Block "B" in the Miama land sar ?ey of A. C. Linberg, February 14, 19 25. This sale is made on account of default in payment of the iikUbt edness secure^ 6y said deed of trust. A five percent cash deposit will be required of the highest bil - der at the sale. This the 29th day of December, 1933. V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. Long & Xong, Attys, ADMJN'STR."TOR'S NOTICU. Having qualided as Administrator upon the estate ot David H. Thompson, deceased, late ot Ala - mance 'County, North Carolina this is to notify all persons having claims 'against the said estate to exhibit them, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 4th day of January, 1935, or this no tice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate settlement. This the 3 day of January, 1931. A. G. THOMPSON, Administrator. Estate of David B. Thompson, dec'd Notice of Sale of Land By virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed on the 1st day of May, J 930, by J. M. Conklin and Mag gie Conklin his wife, to R. E. Ray and registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance Co .nty, said Mortgage having been duly assigned to J. R. Kenion, I will, on Saturday, January 27th, 1934. at 12 :00 o'clock, noon . at the Courthouse door in Ala mance County; offer for sile the entire undivided interest o f the said J. M. Conklin. in the follow ing described tracts of land, in Bur lington Township, Alamance County." First Tract. Adjoining the lands 11 rt. M Stockard, M. 'M. Baiiff, and others and bounded as follows. Beginning at a rock on what was the County's line and corner, with said Baiiff; and running thence N. 36 deg 36 mm. West 5.19 (Chains, to a rock; thence If. 53 deg 24 min. E. .65 chs. to a rock, cor ner with (said Stockard, thence S. 8? degrees 31 1-2 min. East 1.51 chains to a rock comer with said Stockard and Henry Cummings, thence S. 12 1-2 deg. East 3.17 chs. to a rock on County line, thence South 31 deg. East 29 1-2 min. W. 2.11 chs. to the beginning, contain ing 94-100 of an acre more or less. Second tract. Beginning at a cor ner on Lutterloh line and running thence N. 23 3-1 deg. W. 1.16 chs. to a rock corner with Lutterloh, thence S. 26 3-1 deg. E. 2.78 chs. to an iron bolt corner with Conk liii and Stockard. ,the?ce N. 87 deg 31 1-2 min. W. 1.51 chs. to a -rock corner with said Conklin, thence S. | 53 deg.. 21 min. W. 90 links to the beginning, containing 9-100 of 'an acre more or less. Th rd tract. Beginning at a stone the Southeast corner of the said Lutterloh lot and running thence S. 86 deg. East 2.91 chs. to an iron bolt on the said Conkiln line, thence with the line of sal'i Conk lin N. 77 deg. W. 2.65 chs. to a stone, the Northeast corner of the said Conklin lot and also a cor ner with the sail Lutterlo'i, th nee with said Lutterloh line 19 deg. W 7b links to the beginning contain ing 26-100 of an acre more or less. Fourth tract. Beginning at an iron bolt the said Conkli is corner and running thence N. 6 3-t deg E. 1.66 chs to an iron holt, th 'ace S. 85 1-2 deg. E. 2.81 chs to an iron bolt, thence S. 3 1-1 degrees Weet 1.83 chs. to an iron bolt the said Coirklins corner, thence with the line of the said ConkJin N.S5 3-4 deg. IV. 2.90 chains to the beginning, containing 40-100 of an more or less. The interest of the parties of the first is a one eighth undivided li terest in el: of the above described land. This December 15, 1933. J. R. KENIONf Assignee of Mortgage?. "Executors' Notice Having qualified as Exeeutosof the J-aat Will and Testament of William J. Simpson, dee'd. late of Alamance County, this is to notify all persons having claims agaias' said estate to file same with ihe undersigned Executors on o? bo fore .January 2. 1935, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar oi their recovery. All persons indebted to sail cs tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned . This the 2nd day of January, 1 93 4. J. B. SIMPSON, BOHBETT SIMPSON,. Executors of William J. Simpson Altamahaw, R No. 2 Commissioner's Sale Of Real Property! Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned Comrrirsioner by virtue of a certain judgment enter ed in the cause of that ci\i! action entitled "Town of Graham vs. J. J Henderson, et al.." as signed by His Honor, N. A. Sinclair. Judge Presi ding, at the April Term.1929, Ala mance Superior Court, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the las: and highest bidder, for cash the foi lowing described real property, at the courthouse door in Alamance County, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1934, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, A certain tract, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Graham, Alamance County North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. I. Ward, formerly C.S. Hun ter, T. A. Albright, The Gleaner Of fice lot, WaSker and East Harden St., and others and bounded as fol lows ; Beginning at an iron bar in the South side of E. Harden St. and f, j i of The Gleaner Office and running thence S. 86 3-4 deg. E. 203 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said Walker and in the South edge of said E Harden St., :h nee w th th ? line of said Walker S. 3 1-4 deg. W. 213 1-2 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said T. A. Albright; thence with his line N. 86 3-4 deg.. W. 105 ft. to an iron bar, corner with,- said W. I. Ward formerly C. S. Hunter; thence with the line of said W.I.Ward N. 3 t-i deg. E. 105 ft. and 6 inches to an iron bar, said Ward's corner; thence with his line N. 81 3-t .deg. W. #7 ..?> ft. to an iron bar, corner with set! Ward and The Gleaner Office lot thence with the line of said Gleane Off ce lot N.3 1-4 deg. E. 10j ft. 7 I 2 in to the beginning, corner and con taining 3810 Bq. yds, cutoff in the said Gleaner Office lot, more or less, this being Lots Nos. 5. and 6 la the Plat of the P. R. Harden lands, made by Lewis H. Holt, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Deeds So. 34, at page 203. exeen: that there has been cut off here from a lot on which isloeated the office building of the Alamance Gleaner, containing 292 sq. yards more or less, and on this tract is sit uated the dwelling and out-b lid ingsrormerly used by P. R. Harden as a t home up to the time of l-ls death, and then by his widow to the , time of her death. Also the following property iviag and being in the Town of Graham and adjoining the lands of R. i. Holmes, J. J. Henderson and others described .and detin *d as follows: Beginning at the Northeast cor nerof Lot No. 8, in the R. L. Holmes to-wit; Land as shown in a plat thereof in the Office of t he Register oi Deeds for Alamance Co inty at an alley and running thence N. 86 deg 15 min. W. 70 ft. to a stake in the Northern line of said Lot No. 8. thence S. 3 deg. ff. 43 ft. to a stak' in the Southern line of Lot No. ?. thence with the line dividing Lot Vo. 9 and Lot No. 10, 87 deg. E. 70 ft. toco:nr>r of Lots Nos 9 and 10 ; thence J deg. E.with the line of Lots Nos. 9 and 9, 43 ft. to the beginning cor ner. The above tract being the East ern part of those two certain lots designated Lots 8 and 9In the sub division of the R. L. Holmes land as shown in a plat thereof made bv J. C. McAdams, Surveyor, November 5,1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Plats 1, page 78. ind reference thereto is herebv expressly made. Terms of sale; Cash. Th s tale subject to jncie s d - i Is from date of sale. This 4th day of Jan., 1934.'. ' CLARENCE ROSS, Commissioner Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Tessie Archer, ' Plaintiff, VS. Luther Lee Archer, Defendant. The defendant above names will take notice that an action .entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court 'of Alamance County to annul the bonds .of matri mony existing' between the plain tiff and the defendant; and the said defendant win further take notice that he is required to appear Superior Court of Alamance County at the office of the Clerk of the within thirty days from the date of this notice and answer or de mur to the complaint 'in said action, or .the plaintiff will simply to the court for the relief demanded in said cause. This the 15 day of December, 1933. IZORA McCLURE, Ass't Clerk of the Superior Court. J. A. Bailey, Atty. , Notice of Sale Under Foreclosure The undersigned Trustee, by virtue of the power of sale 'con tained in that certain Deed of Trust dated June 8, 1931, and ex ecuted by L. D. Meador and his wife. Willis G. Meador, recorded in Book 117 of Mortgage Deeds, pages 155-156, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, and de fault having been made in the payment of the bonds thereoy se cured, the undersigned Trustee will, on Thursday, January 18th, 1931, a'. 12.00 o'cIock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham, N. C., expose to sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described real property, to-wit; A certain tract or parcel or land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Gurney Wright and citth Street in the City of Burling ton, N. C. lnfsi 1fi nnrl 17 AL. 0 ?uv< *1 ui me uiaii1" Sellara Renigar property according to survey and plat of Lewis H. Holt, dated July 3, 1923, situated on the South corner of Worth and Fifth Streets in the City of Bur lington, N. C., each fronting 25 ft on said Flftn Street and running back between parallel lines a ful depth of 100 ft. and said lot No. 16 adjoining lot No. 17 the two lots forming a parallelogram 50 bv 100 feet. Terms of sale cash on (Jay of sale and the said safe will remain open for ten days for advanced' bids as allowed by law. This the I8t'a day of December,! 1933. LAURA WALKER HOBBY, Trustee.1 Carroll S. Carroll. Attys. NOTICE! Sale Of Heal Estate l"nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a ,cer I tain mortgage deed execute J by Cad A. Albright to Mary Fresh-! water Coble. Mortgagee, dated the ITth day of August, 1923, securing the payments of certain bonds de scribed therein, which said Deed of (Trust is duly prooated and record -| ed in the offico of th; Rs*i,tw of Deeds of Alamance Countv North Carolina, in Rook No. 8J at Mortgages and Deods of Trust, at page 317, default havin - bi nmide in the payments of sail bonds, and the interest thereon as pro. vided and set out in said mort gage deed, and demand having been made for a.al >, the .undersign, ed Mortgagee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder (or cash, at the Courthouse door m Graham, X. C? on Monday, January 15th, isli. at 12 :00 o'clock, noon the following described prop rty; Boing lots Noa. one, two, threi, four, five, twenty-two, tweny-three, and twenty-four, situate in . v die Township, on plat of land known as the J. B. Coble land as surveyed and plotted by J. C. Mc Adams, which said plat or map is recorded in plat book No, 2, at page 26, in the office of th ? Reg. ister of Deeds of Alamance t o inty. Reference to said m.a(p is hereby made for a more perfect and om plete description. I This sale will be made subject to increased bids as provi led by la w. This the 12th day of December, 1933. Mary Freshwater Coble, Mortgagee. Thomas Nicks, Assignee. Wm. 1. Ward, Atty. AJJMliNlSi'KA TOR'S NOTICE Having, this 29th day of Novem ber, 1933, qualified as Administra tor of the Estate of Mrs. Jane Bt vens. deceased, all parties owing he said estate are hereby noti t >d to com/r (n and settle wjni fh> undersigned; alt parties holding claims against said estate a'e noti fied to f|le such claims \V1 T the undersigned within twelve mo:iths after this date or this no:i-> will will be pioaded as a co.mpl debar. This 29th day of Nov.. 1911 R. A. Bivens. Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Jane Bi - vens, deceased. William L. Shoffner, Attv. Notice of Siile By virtue of the authority con tained in a certain dead of trust executed on the 1st day of Feb ruary, 1923, by Mrs. Elnainii Gar rett, to Southern Trust Company. Trustee, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, N. C, default hav ing been made ia tha conli'ions of said deed of trust, tha under signed Trustee will, on Tuesday, January 9th, 1931, at 12 :U9 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door of Ala - rnanee County, N. C., offer for sal? at public auction to the hi ;hes*. bidder for cash, the following de scribed property; All those certain lands eontlin ing 188.38 acres, more or less, sit uated on the Burlington Road, about 7 miles from the town of Burlington, In Coble Townshin, Alamance County, N. C? and adjoin ing the lands of A. J. Afbt'ighr, S. F. Vestal, Henry Islev and otb rs |aud beginning at a gum tree, cor uer witn saia A. J. Aiongni; r ui ning thence S. 47 deg. 10 min. W <3.06 chains to a rock, another cor ner with said A. J. Albright on G. VI. Albright's line; thence X. 42 1-2 degrees W. 9.80 chains to a rock; thence North 47 1-3 deg. E. lOrhs to a rock; thence N. 42 1-2 dog W, 34.13 chains to a rock In Hoary Isley's line; thenca N. 48 (leg. E 43.06 chs. to a rock corner with said ISley on H. W. Garrett's line; thence S. 42 1-2 degrees East 4"> chains to the beginning, rontai'inJ 154 acres, more or less.. Second Tract; Adjoining the lands of J C. Garrett, G. M. Albright, Henrv Isley Heirs. Jasper Albright ?<' beginning at a corner with A1 - tinght, running thence Norta 4 s deg. 10 chains to a rock In - "i' lsley line, corner with sail H ir->; thence S. 42 1-2 deg. E. 31.13 < ?'= to a rock, corner with said IT i - thence S. 48 deg. 30 min. W sf M chains to a rock, corner with sai' He,n> in said Albright line: the North 42 1-2 deg. \V. 31.13 ch i as to the beginning, containing 3'. ' acres, more or less. A deposit of flee per cant of!ha amount bid will be requi~et of t successful bidder at the hou. of .?ni ? This notice dated and post ? 1 thi 9th day of December, 193 i. * Southern Loan & Insurant j Trusty* tFormerly Southern Trust Cc Worth & Horner, Atty's.

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