The Alamance gleaner VOL. LIX. GRAHAM, IS, C., THURSDAY JANUARY 11, 193^ NO. 49. News Review of Current Events the World Over President Roosevelt Tells Congress and Nation the New Deal Must Be Permanent?Declares Recovery Policies Are Succeeding. By EDWARD W. PICKARD JUST what President Roosevelt in tends to do and what he wants congress to do was not revealed In any detail in the message which he read before a joint session of senate and house at the opening of the regular ses sion. However, it was an excellent speech, addressed to the na tion rather than to the congress and heard over the ra dio by millions of his fellow countrymen who should be en couraged by his gen eral statement of President Roosevelt progress made by the recovery admin istration and all the allied collectlv lst Institutions. In plain, forceful language, Mr. Roosevelt declared that the old meth ods have gone Into the discard and that the new social and economic or der upon the lines laid down by the national recovery legislation must be pushed forward and made lasting. Op position to this, he asserted. Is found among only a few Individualists. In general terms he told of the success of the NRA In lessening unemploy ment, abolishing child labor, establish ing uniform standards of hours and wages and preventing "ruinous rival ries within Industrial groups." The President's claim for farm re lief will be questioned by many. Said he: "Actual experience with the op eration of the agricultural adjustment act leads to my belief that thus far the experiment of seeking a balance between production and consumption Is succeeding and has made progress entirely In line with reasonable ex pectations toward the restoration of farm prices to parity." Brief allusion was made to the war debts, and It was stated that stabil ization of the dollar Is Impossible at present because certain other nations are "handicapped by Internal and other conditions." The message referred specifically to the disclosures before the senate banking and currency com mittee of rich and powerful financiers who "evaded the spirit and purpose of our tax laws," enriched themselves at the expense of their stockholders and the public and through reckless speculation with their own and other people's money, "Injured the values of the farmers' crops and the savings of the poor." It also declared the In tention of the government and the people to suppress "crimes of organ ized banditry, cold-blooded shooting, lynching and kidnaping that have threatened our security." The President's closing sentences especially aroused the supporters of the Constitution. He thanked the members of congress for their co-op eration, and concluded: "Out of these friendly contacts we are, fortunately, building a strong and permanent tie between the legislative and executive branches of the gov ernment. "The letter of the Constitution wise ly declared a separation, but the im pulse of common purpose declares a union. In this spirit we Join once more In serving the American people." THIS message of the President was addressed especially to the Amer ican people. A few days befdre he delivered another that was meant more for the rest of the world. It was his speech on Woodrow Wilson's birthday delivered at a dinner given by the Woodrow Wilson foundation, and In it he vigorously attacked po litical leaders of other nations for frustrating the hopes of the peoples for world peace. Ninety per cent of the population of the earth, he averred. Is desirous that there shall be no more wars; but the remaining 10 per cent are misled by politicians who have imperialistic designs and selfish motives. Mr. Roosevelt's peace plan, offered to the world, may be thus summarized: Every nation would agree to elim inate over a period of years and by progressive steps all weapons of of fense, keeping only permanent de fensive Implements. Each nation could inspect Its neighbor to insure against offensive weapons. Every nation would Join in a sim ple declaration that no armed forces would be allowed to cross Its borders Into the territory of any other nation. By ruling that such pacts would be effective unless all nations, agreed the nations still believing "in the use of the sword for Invasion" would be pointed out to the pressure of world opinion. The President also proclaimed a modification of the Monroe Doctrine, asserting that It would henceforth be the policy of the United States to un dertake no single-handed armed Inter vention in any of the American re publics. lie declared that It was the Joint obligation of all those republics to intervene In any one of them if such interference should become nec essary to protect their interests. C'UIt the current and the next fiscal ' years the President asks congress to provide sixteen and a half billion dollars, in the budget message which was transmitted to the lawmakers. Of this immense sum the recovery agencies will require almost ten bil lions, the remainder being for the rou tine government establishment. For these two years the treasury deficits are estimated at nine billion three hundred million dollars. To meet these deficits the President proposes to borrow on the credit of the govern ment ten billion dollars or more in addition to borrowing about twelve billions to refinance maturing govern ment bonds and other obligations in the next year and a half. By July 1, 1935, when the President proposes to halt recovery operations and begin paying the bills out of taxes, the public debt, he estimates, will stand at the all-time record peak of thirty-one billions eight hundred and thirty-four, millions. Republican senators and repre sentatives and some Democrats pro fessed to be appalled by the Presi dent's spending program, but it prob ably will be put through, Just the same. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT an * nonnced that he had accepted the long expected resignation of William II. Woodln as secretary of the treas ury, and appointed Henry Morgenthau, Jr., to succeed him. Mr. Morgenthau took the oath of office on New Tear's day in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt and the members of bis own family. Mr. Woodln's retirement had been expected since last summer. He is still In Arizona endeavoring to re cover his health. PRESIDENT GRAU and his sup porters in Cuba were preparing to combat an anti-government conspir acy which Secretary of the Interior Gulteras said had gone too far to be halted by any plan of political conciliation, or even recognition of the Grau regime by the United States. The revolutionists, he said, were operating from Miami, Fla. In Havana the army's home made tanks were placed In stra tegic positions, the police were armed President Grau with rifles and soldiers were stationed on housetops to cheek sniping. The Miami revolutionaries' plans "are too far advanced," Gulteras said, "because they accepted money from American corporations In exchange for certain concessions If they attain power. They can't return the money. Therefore, they must carry out their plans." President Grau signed a decree set ting April 22 as the date for the elec tion of a constitutional assembly which will meet on May 20 to choose a new provisional president and draft a new constitution. Grau said he would not continue In the presidency after May 20, regardless of whether the assembly confirms him as provi sional president. THOUGH the year closed with prices for farm products and man ufactured foods showing a downward trend; though the estimates of the government and or grain dealers revealed that the acreage re duction program on which the Agriculture department spent vast sums was virtually a failure, and though there were other dis couraging signs, on the whole President Roosevelt and bis ad visers had reason to believe the new year promised to see con Speaker Rainey slderable success achieved by their re covery plans. Many leaders In econ omy and politics gave them this as surance, and there was manifested a general determination to go along fur ther with the President and support his efforts. Speaker Ralney predicted that the session of congress would be har monious. "We are going to hare a short and constructive session," said Mr. lCalney. "It will be a very Important session, but a working one rather than a dra matic one. We will pass the supply bills, the tax bills and the liquor meas ures and adjourn early In Slay. "There will be no attempt to over throw the recovery program or to op pose the President. It Isn't possible. If there Is any sniping the snipers are apt to be left at borne. "We had the extra session and en acted the recovery program and It Is Just beginning to work, ltecovery Is on the way." *?"*-JIUtEXTIAL rains lasting many hours wrought disaster in I.os An geles and Its suburbs for floods rusiied through the towns and countryside and probably 75 or more lives were lost. Olendale, Montrose, La Cres centa, Echo Park, Long Beach, Ala mttos Beach, Venice, Itedondo Bench and other towns were those In the direct path of the Inundation. It was In these places that the heaviest toll of life occurred. r\ EVALUATION of the dollar ap pears to be a certainty of the not distant future, and the Treasury de partment Is getting ready for that step. To start with, It Is about to seize all remaining private holdings of gold. Henry Morgenthnu, Jr., now secretary, In an order Issued under the emergency banking law, demand ed the surrender of all gold holdings, with five specific exceptions, regard less of their size. Failure to follow the treasury's or der and conviction carries a maximum penalty of ten years In prison, $10,000 In fines, or hoth. The order applies to corporations, partnerships, and asso ciations as well as Individuals. One Important exception which still blocks the way to devaluation was left In the new gold order. Federal reserve banks, which own $3,700,000, 000 In gold and gold certificates out of a total American gold stock of $4,300, 000,000, were still allowed to keep their gold. How to deprive the reserve banks of this gold legally, or at least of the profit which the banks would otherwise reap from devaluation, has long been puzzling treasury legal ex perts. "^JOW It Is up to the United States Court of Claims to decide wheth er or not President Roosevelt's action In removing William E. Humphrey as a member or tne iea eral trade commission last October was "Ille gal and void." Mr. Humphrey has filed with the court a pe tition demanding from the United States $1,251.39 which he says is due him as his salary from October 8 to November 30. He laid before the court a transcript of four letters from the Fres W. E. Humph rey ident. Iwo of them requested his res ignation, a third accepted his resigna tion, although Mr. Humphrey contend ed, none had been offered, while a fourth contained only these words: "I am in receipt of your letter of September 27. Effective as of this date (October 7) you are hereby re moved from the office of commissioner of the federal trade commission." Mr. Humphrey refused to resign or get out and formally notified the trade commission of that refusal; but the commission wrote him that it had vot ed to recognize the executive order of the President. Mr. Humphrey is a Republican and the controversy be tween him and Mr. Roosevelt has been taken up as a political issue by some j others of that party. It is certain to i be the subject of oratory and argu ment In congress. For fourteen years Mr. Humphrey represented the state of Washington in congress. COME weeks ago Jon O. Duca, ^ premier of Rumania, outlawed the Iron Guard, an anti-Jewish organiza tion. lie has paid the penalty, for a member of the guard assassinated him in a railway station in Sinnla. The murderer, who was arrested with two accomplices, proudly admitted his crime. The assassination came as a climax to a long series of disorders character istic of the new wave of anti-Semitic radicalism which lias swept Rumania since the victory of Chancellor Hit ler's anti-Jewish campaign in Ger many. LOANS totaling $27,534,000 were al lotted to six railroads by the PVV'A. Funds were authorized to per mit purchase of steel rails and track fastenings, for the repair of locomo tives and rolling stock and to finance the construction of coal cars. Largest of the loans was an alloca tion of $12,000,000 to the Southern Pa cific company. The Illinois Central railroad was granted $0,300,000 and the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, $4,230,000. Receivers of the Wabash railway were granted $1,480,000. Loans of $205,000 and $250,000 were granted for Kansas. Oklahoma & Gulf railroad and the Interstate railroad, the latter a Vir ginia road. 6, HS4. WMttra N?wip4p?r untoa. Bicycle for Riding on the Ice EUKOPB Is tuning a cold nloter and tbe device nere Illustrated, iiiveuied by a Frenchman, may be found of good use. As is seen, the bicycle has two skates attached to the back wheel and one that takes the place of tbe froDt wheel. BONERS I fVo^ ?fwotlsEr 1 THERf M The pirates and their pages were suspended from the floor. BONERS are actual humorous tid-bits found in examination pa pers, essays, etc., by teachers. Pseudonym Is the state or condition a poet gets Into just before writing. ? ? ? "Paradise Lost" treats of Milton's life as a youth. It is very clear, full of diction, and the character is brought out clearly. * ? ? What Is the dramatic unity of place? Unity of place means that every thing must take place where It hap pens. The action must be In one place, all other places being brought in by pla cards or messengers. ? ? ? Whitman Is a plant called sage found In Camden. ? ? e Arbitration Is an argument settled by a dispute. An example Is the settlement of the boundary line of the Island of Vene zuela in the south Pacific ocean. 0. 1913. Bell Syndicate.?WNU Service. [QraphicGolf] i? 1 Hagem r? KEEPS IS Chin back ? ' op ball. 1 Body -turssY kldtpehdtntc* HEAD Sj RCLA"#ED,UN*ja ? RlCD GCPOR.T KtECtSSACZV ers, stuffed with seasoned rice. Lamb or Mutton Sandwich. Chop and leftover roast or cooked lauib and add to a dish of scram bled eggs. While hot place^on but tered bread or toast and top with sliced fried tomato. Serve hot. Copyright.?WNU Sendee. MuskraL who does little travelinp on land. It was a real jouruey for Jerry. When he reached the end of the ditch ho came to another ditch going cross wise. He turned down this a little way and then very carefully climbed up the bonk until he could peep over. He was now almost on the edge of the cornfield, the very side where Reddy had said the carrots were. ?- 1 S33. by T. W. Dunrwi?WNU Sftnrlca. Italy Takes Good Care of Its Children O.NK ot Mussolini's great works In Italy Is an Institution that caret, fur mothers and children. In Home aloue the government has established 120 creches like the one shown herewith. In them the working women leave their children for the day and In the evening they are returned to them, well fed and clean.