1 HE GLEANER (MIA HAM. N. C., JAN. 25, 1934. ?8U*1> KVfcMY THURSDAY 4. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1 00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, Hot ?red at toe 'o*">fflc? *t Graham. .N C.. a* atHjo J make their home as soon as completed. Mrs. A.I. Lamb is spending ? a few weeks in Florida visiting h r daughter. Miss Elizabeth Ramplev was the leader for an interesting meeting of the Whitsett Christian Endear or society on Sunday evening Vhqn the topic of social rela tionships was discussed, Mr.and Mtb. Otis M.Noah arenou occupying their new residence re cently erected o n the Wh; sett Julian highway three n-llca south of this place. The executive committee of ,the Whitsett Chris'ian Endeavor or - gan.zallon mft with the president. Miss Kate McLean, yesterday tr shape up the program for the year. On account of the scarcity of rain for the past few months, many wells ,ia the community are nou dry. Miss Carrie Brewer Whitsett spen a few hours hero with her^parent on Sunday, returning in the even ing to the Woman's College of the /Univ. of North Carolina, in Greensboro, where she is a inem ter of the junior class. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold L. Holt and son of Burlington spent some 'imi here Sunday with relatives. W, iT. Ingle, who has been sick row lor several months, is still confined to his room, but shows some improvement. Rev. Enoch Rite who, has not teen well for some weeks, was able to fill his regular appoint ment at Friedens church where ht preached Sunday morning. Charles Greeson spent last week in Greensboro where he served as a juror. Corn-Hog Contract i-imple Business Ileal The corn-hog adjustment eontrac may be regarded as a simple bu siness deal between the farm and the Secretary of Agriculture, i: is pointed out by W. \V. Shay, swine extension specialist at State College. The contracting producer agrees under the contract to make a def inite reduction for 1934 of 20 per cent in his corn acreage and 2a percent in his hog production for market. He also agrees to abide by other sections of the con - tract, such as regulation of the use of contracted acres. The Secretary of Agriculture is obligated under the contract to make certain payments to the producer for fulfilling the contract terms. For each acre of land oT fere 1 by producers and accept ed for contract, the Secretary will pay in one or more installments a total of 30 cents per bushed on the estimated yield of corn from the contracted acres. The Secre tary obligates himself to pay la cents of this amount as soon as practicable after be accepts the contract, and to pay 15 cents per more, less the producer's prorata share of local administrative ex penses, on or after November IS. 1931, upon such proof of com - pliai ce with the contract as may be required. The Secretary also agrees under the contract to pay the producer a total of $5 per head on 75 percent of the annual average num ber of hogs produced for market by the producer from 1932 and 1933 litters. Of this amount, $2 will be paid as Boon as practicable after the contract is accepted. The remain der, less the producer's pro rati share of local administrate e ex penses, will be paid in two in stallments, the first on or about November 15, 1931 and the final payment on or about February 1, 1935. Press The Button By O. H. Enfield How replete with opinions and suggestions are the ignorant. One part of the human body that seems never to tire is the tongue. Blinders were once worn b y horses, but now by women. The man who undertakes is the undertaker. { A word of warning; Don't take ;J The path of duty may turn into crooked places. The fastest race on earth is [ the human race. A patron; "Johnnie, who's the smartest pupil in your class?" Johnnie; "There's a difference, of opinion. The teacher thinksj one thing, and the parents ano her. Clothiers know how the wind is blowing And so put up the price o f clothing. The trouble with A merican ang - lers is they've caught too many suckers. Gin on the brain is as dan gerous as water. It's natural for some people to be unnatural. The tops of some cakes would make good wall paper designs. "Aunt Susie, were you frightened when the burglar flished the ligh in your face? ?No, but he was." First Tough. "Is tne red-headed guy in the gang on the level?" Second Tough; "Ilf he do^ stop fooling around my wife he'll soon be on a dead level," The stream of love often runs red when two lovers admire the same gal. A back-biter is a dog biting fleas. >1ore Families Aided With Less Money. Raleigh. N. C., January 20 ? Ai - though the number of North Car olina families given direct relief during the month of December show an increase of 3,10! over Novem ber, the amount of money spent during the past month was ,*71, 059.30 less than in Novemoer, ac cording to figured made public at the office of Mrs, Thomas O'Berry Administrator of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration. Fifty-two thousand nine hundred thirty-eight families received direct relief during November but at the end of that month only 43,138 were on relief rolls. During December 56,042 families were given direct relief with 47,035 on the relief rolls at the end of the month. During November a total of $611,362.83 was spent for direct re hef. During December $537,303.5: was expended. Th ; decrease in the amount of money spent was due to many of the relief cases ro - ceiving aid through CWA jobs. Usually the December expenditure for direct relief was a large in crease over the November expen diture. Kisses are like any other good crop. When they are plentiful, they are not worth much. Notice of Sale Under Execution. NORTH CAROLINA, \LAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. J. C. Harris, trading as J. C. Har ris Lumber Company, Plaintiff. vs. H. (C. Isley, Defendant.' By virtue of an execution dirert j eu to the iunder&lgncd from the Superior Court of Alamance County! in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, January 29th. 1934. at 12 00 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse door o>! isald rojnty, sell to the highest bidder.' for cash, to satisfy said execution all the right, title and in ercst | which the said H. C. Islev, the defendant, has or had. on the day of May, 1932, in the following described real estate, to-wit; That certain tract or parcel of land iin Boone Station Townshin. Vlamanee County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of T. R. Whitesell, Joe Rumbly Es - tate and others, and bounded as follows Beginning at an Iron pipe and stone, corner with said Joe Rumb lev Estate and Whit sell; and mn n.ng thence N. 2 deg. 15 min. E. 1486.3 feet to a point in the center of said concrete road;, 0 thence with the said center of I said road 8. 89 deg. W. 200 feet to a point in the center of sail | concrete road; thence S. 2 deg 18 min, W. 1226.1 feet to an iron pipe on the line of sail Rumblev Estate;, thence S. 51 deg. 10 min. E. 213 feet to the beginning, con taining 216.810 sq. ft., more or less, and being lot number 10 of the sub-divisino of the R. K. Las ley land as shown on plat of J. C. McAdams, Surveyor, dated Oct 1st, 1931. This December 27th, 1933. H. J. STOCKARD, Sheriff of Alamance County. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by doa feet to an iron bolt; thence South 4 1-2 degrees West 152 feet to an iron bolt in the Northern boundary of Stokes Street thence along and with the 'North ern boundary of Stokes Street Co feet to the point or place of beginning, and which lot is a part of Lots Nos. 9, 10 and 11 of Block UB" in the Miama land sur \ ey of A. C. Linherg, February 14, 19 25. This sale is made on account of default in payment of the ind ot cdness secure^ by said deed of trust. A five percent cash deposit will be required of the highest bid - Jer at the sale. This the 29th day of December, 1933. V. S. BRYANT, Substituted Trustee. Long & hong, Attys. Notice of Sale of Land j By virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed on the 1st day of May, 1 1930, by J. M. Conklin and Mag gie Conklin his wife, to R. E. Ray 1 and registered in the Office of the ' Register of Deeds for Alamance o nty, said Mortgage having been ! duly assigned to J. R. Kenion, I ' will, on 1 Saturday, January 27th, 1934. ' at 12 .00 o'clock, noon . ] at the Courthouse door in Ala- ! mance County; offer for sale the 1 entire undivided interest o f the said J. M. Conklin, in the follow- 1 ing described tracts of land, in Bur- ' lington Township, Alamance 1 County. t f irst Tract. Adjoining the lands ji it. M Stockard, M. 'M. Baliff, and others and bounded as follows. Beginning at a rock on what was the County's line and corner, with said Balilf; and running thence N. 36 deg 36 miD. West 5.19 (chains, to a rock, thence N. 53 deg. 21 min. E. .66 chs. to a rock, cor ner with said Stockard, thence S. 37 degrees 31 1-2 rain. East 1.51 chains to a roCk corner with said Stockard and Henry Cummings, thence S. 42 1-2 deg. East 3.47 chs. to a rock tin County line, thence, South 34 deg. East 29 1-2 min. W. 2.44 chs. to the beginning, contain ing 94-100 of an acre more or less. Second tract. Beginning at a cor ner on Lutterloh line and running thence N. 23 3-4 {leg. W. 1.16 chs. to a rock corner with Lutterloh, thence S. 26 3-4 deg. E. 2.78 chs. to an iron bolt corner with Conk lin and Stockard. .thence X. 87 deg 31 1-2 min. W. 1.51 chs. to a rock corner with said Conklla, thenceS. 53 deg,. 24 min. W. 90 links to the beginning, containing 9-100 of 'aji acre more or less. Third tract. Beginning at a stone the Southeast corner of the said Lutterloh lot and running thence S. 86 deg. East 2.91 chs. to an iron bolt on the said Conklin line, thence with the line of sai 1 Conk liu N. 77 deg. W. 2.65 chs. to a stone, the Northeast corner of the said Conklin lot and also a cor ner with the sali Lutterlo'i, thence; with said Lutterioh line 19 deg. W 76 links to the beginning contain-. ing 26-100 of an acre more or less. Fourth tract. Beginning at an iron bolt the said Conk tins corner and running thence Jf. 6 3-1 deg E. 1.66 chs to an iron "bolt, thence S. 85 1-2 deg. E. 2.81 chs to an iron bolt, thence S. 3 1-1 degrees West 1.83 chs. to an iron bolt the said Conklins corner, thence with the line of the sail Conklin N. 85 3-4 deg. W. 2.90 chains to the beginning, containing 10-100 of an more or less. The interest of the parties of the first is a one eighth undivided In terest ir of the above described land. ? This December 15, 1933. J. R. KEXIONf Assignee of Mortgagee. I Executors' Notice Having qualified as Executo-snf the Xast Will and Testament of William J. Simpson, dee'd. late of Alamance County, this is to notify all persoits having claims agaios said estate to file same with he undersigned Executors on o? be fore January 2, 193a. or this no tice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All perrons indebt> d to sul cs tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned . This the 2nd day of January, 1 9 3 4. J. B. SIMPSON, BOHBETT SIMPSON",. Executors of William J. Simpson Altamahaw, R No. 2 Commissioner's Sale Of Real Property! Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned Commissioner bv virtue of a certain judgment enter ed in the cause of that eiail action entitled "Town of Graham vs. J. J Henderson, et a].." as signed by His Honor, N. A. Sinclair Judge Presi ding, at the Apri Term,1929, Ala mance Superior Court, the under signed Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the las and highest bidder, for cash the to' lowing described real property, at the courthouse door in Alamance County, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1934, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, A certain tract, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Graham, Alamance Counts North Carolina, adjoining the land' of W. I. Ward, formerly C. S. Hun ter, T. A. Albright, The Gleaner Of fice lot, Walfker and East Harden St., and others and bounded as fol lows; Beginning at an iron bar in the South side of E. Harden St. and 0 i i of The Gleaner Office and running thence S. 86 3-1 deg. E.203 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said Walker ind in the South edge of said E Harden St., ihmiee with th^ fine of said Walker S.3 1-1 deg. W. 2i,3 1-2 !t. to an iron bar, corner with said T. A. Albright; thence with his line V. 86 3-4 deg.i W. 105 ft. to an iron oar, corner withy said W. I. Ward ormerly C. S. Hunter; thence with , ihe line of said W.I.Ward N. 3 1-4 . leg. E. 105 ft. and 6 inches to an ron bar, said Ward's corner; thener | vith his line N. 81 3-1 .deg. W. 97..- , t. to an iron bar, corner with sail iVard and The Gleaner Office lot heiiee with the line of sai 1 Gleaner 5ff.Ce lot N. 3 1-4 deg. E. 103 ft. 7 1-2 n to the beginning, corner and eon aining 3910 sq. yds, otoff in the laid Gleaner Office Jo:, more or Jess his being Lots Nos. 5. and 6 in the Plat of the P. R. Harden lands, made jy Lewis H. Holt, and recorded in 1 he office of the Register of Deeds 1 or Alamance County in Book of 1 Deeds 'No. 34, at page 293, except ' hat there has been cut off '.here ' rom a lot on which islocated ItHe ' jffice building of the Alamance lleaner, containing 292 sq. yards ' noreor less, and on this tract Is si: jated the dwelling and out-bulld ' ngs formerly used by P. R. Harden is a home up to the time of his leath.and then by his widow to the ime of her death. Also the following nropert .- lying ind being in the Town of Grahm ind adjoining the lar s of R. i. i lolmes, J. J. Henderson and o'hws | Inscribed 'and defined as follows. Beginning at the Northeast cor- i lerof Lot No. 8, in the R. L. Holmes ( o-wit: Land as shown in a plat t hereof in the Office of t he Register 1 if Deeds for Alamance Co mty at an ( illev and running thence N. 86 deg 1 >5 min. W. 70 ft. to a stake in the 1 s'orthern line of said Lot No. 8; t thence S. 3 deg. W. 43 ft. to a stake ? n the Southern line of Lot No. thence with the line dividing Lot N'o. Sand Lot No. 10,87 deg. E. 70 It. to coiner of Lots Nos 9 and 10 thence 3 deg. E.with the line of Lots Not.. i and 9, 43 ft. to the beginning cor ner. The above tract being the East era part of those two certain lota designated Lots 8 and 9In the sub division of the R. L.Holmes land as shown in a plat thereof made by J. C. McAdams, Surveyor, November 3,1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Plats 1, page 78. and reference thereto is hereby expressly made. Terms of sale; Cash. Th s sale subject to incie^e *d ' i 1 .'rom date of sale. This the 4tb day of Jan., 1931/ CLARENCE ROSS, Commissioner NOTICE! Commissioner's Sale of Real Property Under and by virtue of the order of the Superior Co irt of Alamance County, made in the Special Proceedings entitled, " J. H. Terrell, Executor of Daniel W. Loy, vs. A. M. Loy et al." the same be ing docket No. 1498, the under signed Commissioner will, on Monday, February 12th, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, those three certain tracts of land lying and being in Boone Station town ship, Alamance County, North Car olina, adjoining the lands of Daniel Worth, Sidney Troxler, J. W. Ingle and others, and described as fol lows ; Tract No. 1. Beginning at a stone, 'Sidney L. Troxler's corner, running thence with line of said Troxler S. 1 deg. W 5 chs. and 20 Iks to a stone on Daniel Worth's line and Sidney L. Troxler's cor ner; thence S. 86 deg. E. 1 chain and 95 Iks. to a stone on the said Worth's line; thence W.ldeg S. 5 chs and 20 Iks to a stone in Sidney L. Troxler's line; thence with his line N. 86 deg. W. 1 ] chain and 93 Iks. to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less ; this tract is recorded in deed book 72, page 475. Tract No. 2. Beginning at a rqck corner with,said Ingle in. said Kernodle's line; running thenceN. 4 2-3 deg W 4 chs to a rock corner, with said Ingle; thence N 85 1-2 deg W 21 chs t,o a rock corner with said Loy in said Ingle's line; thence S. 5 1-2 deg W 4 chs to a rock on the W side of a solid rock, corner with said Loy; thence S 84 1-2 deg. East 24 chs to the beginning and containing 9.6 acres, more or less; this tract is recorded indeed book 37, page 33. Tract No. 3 Beginning at a stone, Ingle's corner; running thence N 1 deg E 338 feet to a stump; thence S. 89 deg E 258 feet to a stone; thence S. 1 deg. W. 338 feet to a stone in Daniel Worth's line, thence with said line to the beginning, and containing two acres, more or less; this tract is recorded in deed book 37, page 34. The sale of this property will be left open for twenty days for advanced bids as provided by law. This January 16th, 1934. D. J. WALKER, Commissioner. Commissioner's lie Sale of Land. Under and pursuant to the judg ment and decree of the Superior, Court ot Alamance County, and en- l tercd in the case ot Town ot Gra ham, Alamance County, North Caro- , Una, vs. J, D. Kernodle and others it the June Special Civil Term, 1931, whereto all persons, firms and eorp-1; arations interested In the real prop- . ?rty hereinafter described were duly instituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner of the said Court will ( after for sale at public auction at he courthouse door in Gia'iam, Ala- i nance County, North Carolina, on Monday, January 29th. 1934, at 12 :00 o'clock, noon, i ill of the following described real < jroperty, to-wit. I A certain tract or parcel of land s n the Town of Graham, Alamance 1 bounty, North Carolina, adjoining he lands of J. R Stratford, North I Main Street, R.N.Cook estat-, W 1 Wrrke, \V. A. McAdams, C. D. [sley and wife, Edith M. Isley, North Maple Street, Ella C. Clapp, et al tnd described as follows, to-wit: |] Beginning at an iron stake on the Western side of North Main Str >et in said town, corner with J. b. Stratford, running thence with the Western margin of said North Main St., 211 lit. to an iron stake corner with R. N. Cook estate ; thene ? in a Westernly direction with the line of said Cook estate 185.46 feet to a stake corner with said Cook ; thence in a Northerly direction with the said Cook and W. C. Wrike to an iron stake corner with W. A. Me Adams, W.C. Wrike, C. D. lslev and wife, Edith M. Isley; thence in a Westernly direction with the South ern line of the said Isley's 123,11 ft to an iron stake Eastern side of said North Maple Street; thence in a Southernly direction 235 ft. with said Maple Street to an iron stake on the Eastern side of North Maple Street corner with said Ella C. Clapp; thence in an Easternly direction with the liine of said Ella C. Clapp and the said J. B. Stratford to the beginning-, it being all of that tract lot or parcel of land conveyed to the said John D.Kernodle by Jacob A. Long and L. L. Scott, assignees, by deed dated 2nd day of August, 1893, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County in Book of Deeds No. 16, j,age 429, and all of that certain tract of land conveyed to J.D.Ker nodle by his father, L. L. Kernodl?, which he has not heretofore sold, by deed dated 3rd day of October, 1907, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ala-nance County in Deed Book No. 35 at page 178 The said sale will be mad,- subject to advance bids and confirmation of the court, and the biddir will be required to pay 10 percent of the bid on date of sale as evidence of good faith and the balance of the purchase price upon confirmation of the sale. The said real property will be sold free aad clear of en cumberances, except the last four installments of street assessment. The above property will be sold in two separate tracts; The first tract fronting on X. Main street, 206 1-2 feet running back 206.58 feet on the S si Ir ani . . . . feet on the north \side. Thesecond tract contains thebel ance of said lot above dese i > 1. less the said lot on N. Main St This is a resale and liliji; first tract will star; at glOiO.f), and bidding on second tract will begin at $1575.00. This January 10th, 1931. W. CARI. LONGEST, Commissioner. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the authority conferred by Deed of Trust executed by Hatti ' T. S okes and husband, W. T.. Stokes. J" dated the 15th dry of Ap il, 1 2J and recorded in Book 110, Page 310, in the office of the P. giitcy of Deeds for Alamance Com y . * . S. Bryant, Substituted T us ee. wilt, on Tuesday, February 13th. IS.il. at 12:00 o'clock. noon at the courthouse door of Alanvn ? County,'in Graham, North t iro'i a. sell at public auction for cashra the highest bidder, the following land, to-wit; A certain lot or parcel of 1 in i lying in or near the Town ?? Burlington, North Carolina. m i being; A certain lot or parcel of lain and all buildings and improvement thereon, adjoining the lands Reid Shaw, Mrs. Hattie T.Stok" and Stokes Street, and bo::nu d an i described as follows; Kearinniig at an 1-on siak ? ? n North side of Stokes Stre't, S. '? corner with Reld Shaw, and ning thence with the o! wid Stokes Street North 88 d Kast su feet to an iron stake,cur aer with Mrs. Hattie T Stoke thence North 150 feat with he J?e of said Hattie T. Stoke, in iro 1 stake; th >nce So it a legs. W, 60 feet to an iron stak thence South with the line o j.d Reid Shaw 150 feet to t aeg inning. Ih s sale is made on acre a >f default in payment of the ndebtedness secured by s i i Dee 1 >f Trust, aDd is subject to all axes and assessments ?? ;?inst said property whctkei no ? iue or to become due. A five percent (fi) cash d ' aonit wiU be required or t ?? lighest bidder at the sal ?. This the 8th day of Jan., Hit N V. S. BRYAN.. Substituted Trustee. Xing & Long, Attys,