THE FEATHERHEADS Br 0*WM 9 IWM p PARK1/ SOMEBODY LEFT THE WATER \ \W THE KITCHEW S RUM OVERDO "PW.T BilSTen? c ,Unp -there2 y HooftAyy WKoopge//ij irs <5etti?j PLUMB ASMAMCO O*" VOUR3CLP: OE51 . LOOK*T VOUR5ELP. V^A. ?1Q OOV Li3?. ?>y 8- L. Huntley. Tr?d? Mark R?C- V. 8. Pat. OflW) Visitors at Nap Time By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Our Pet Peeve By M. G. KETTNER ?*UJ*CK> SCflifS FOR NAP FUUtt RWHW DROvftV HfAM D00R3EU RlKi VtSrfORS' VOICES, THEK SOME SHUSHES FROM MOTHER EF Pl?!NlH& HE'S HW|K* HIS NAF HORS WM*P?R?P P6WBS<0M HOtHtR DKl?RHC> ftC B?V CWJV B? JWURBCD If HPS S610P HEARS VrSrtttS PltADiKfc TO SEE HIM. IS ATCAJD HE Oltf HOED HERD JP MUCH 10M6ER WISHES SHC'D HURtW UP AND MJN6 TMEM iM, BED UKE V> SEE SOME NEW PACES V KW SllENCE. Kiews "MEVK? UWTNttfG WR Sows or IMWUIWESS z \ WIAR9 fWtR S?Y SHE'U ?CEK H TO SEE IT W AWV CTWCE HE'S HrfWE. tVB M?t IWV HfKY IC?yn?n. l'? fcr TW ??? !>? $oo?p ?i?TP THATf b=L= roe. II I YOOQWiHl; OAV 11 WELL Wfcbfc LITTLE KITTEN ARE ^iOMfcW *>" i >? Let Our Motto Be GOOD HEALTH BY DR. LLOYD ARNOLD Professor of Bacteriology and Preventive Medicine, University of Illinois, College of Medicine. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE We hear so many people speak of high blood pressure as If it were a i disease that per haus It would he well to state that high blood pressure is not a disease. People do not die of high blood pres sure. But high blood pressure Is a symp tom that something is wrong with the health of the body. The blood circu lates within a closed system of vessels in the body. The heart is the central pumping mechan ism. The large outbound vessels from the heart are called arteries. These gradually become smaller In diameter the farther they get away from the heart, until they finally end In small thread-like capillaries. There are many hundreds of these capillaries branch ing off like the limbs of a tree from the small arteries In the skin, muscles and organs. The capillaries are the distributing agents. As the blood in the large arter ies leading from the pumping station, the heart, is under considerable pres sure in order to insure a proper dis tribution of blood, the walls of the arteries must be able to bear the load. So the larger the artery, the heavier is the load. After the blood passes through the capillaries It returns to the heart through the veins. These veins begin as very small vessels close to the capil laries and Increase gradually in size as they approach the heart. But the walls of the veins are never as thick as those of the arteries, for the blood is not under very much pressure In the venous system. The volume or amount of blood In the body remains relatively constant. The absorption of water and other fluids and the excretion by the kid neys and the sweat glands maintain a constant blood volume or balance. In case of high blood pressure, the ca pacity of the vascular system Is usual ly decreased. Hence the pressure In creases because thQ volume of blood remains constant. The capacity of the vascular system decreases In most In stances because the arteries become hardened and hence cannot dilate and Increase in size with each heart beat, as they should. This inability to di late and increase in size normally is called arterio-sclerosis or aging of the arteries. Certain forms of heart disease also play a part in high blood pressure. High blood pressure in older adults Is due many times to injuries of the heart and the kidney during child hood or adolescence, caused by some Infectious disease. The primary dam age is done at that time and the gradual development of scar tissue finally uses up all the reserve power of either the heart or the kidney and an elevation in blood pressure is mani fested in later life. i The Important factors to determine j In high blood pressure then are (1) ! the state of the arteries, (2) the size and efficiency of the heart, (3) the state of the kidneys. The fact that* j one has high blood pressure is usually brought out as the result of a phys ical examination made by a physician, and the control of it, after it has de veloped, necessitates frequent medical examination and intelligent co-opera tion with the physician. Other factors than the state of the blood vessels, the heart and the kidneys may be Involved too. The best time to begin treatment for high blood pressure is the time when it starts to rise. Everyone of course has momentary rises In blood pressure due to anger, strenuous ex ercise, or worry, but if these periods last only a short time, they are un important from a health standpoint. But if the blood pressure Is elevated above the normal for any length of time, it is important to know whether this increased pressure will remain stationary, or whether it will become progressively higher. Then health hab its can be corrected. Apoplexy, bright's disease, and heart failure are usually the terminal conditions in persons with sustained high blood pressure. The individual with high blood pres sure, after determining the cause and following the physician's direction, should guard against strenuous physi cal exercise as much as possible. Strong contractions of the muscles of the arms and legs always increases blood pressure by decreasing the vol ume of blood in the muscles while they are contracted, and hence there Is rapidly increasing blood pressure for a short time. This may be disas trous to an Individual with high blood pressure. Worry and overwork, sleep lessness and physical exhaustion, will also increase the blood pressure above the normal, and should be guarded against. Low .blood pressure is usually as im portant a danger signal for the older Individual as high blood pressure. Low blood pressure in many Instances is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the heart muscle. There Is decreased pumping force of the heart and hence a lessened pressure within the arterial system. The individual with high blood pres sure or low blood pressure should not delay In consulting a physician. # Weatern Newspaper Union. HOUSE FROCK ON TAILORED LINES PATTERN Z1 A3 2163,' Xx1 If you are a little tired of the general run of house frocks you'll enjoy the trimly tailored lines of this design, with Its unusual but toned-down collar and buttoned over sleeves. For It's one of those casual shirtwaist styles?so very popular nowadays?and it has a slenderizing panel up the front, to make it very becoming to the larger figure. The way the bodice Is gath ered to the youthful yoke and slot 1 pleated at the back is not only very smart but It gives the comfortable fullness that women demand of house frocks. Made of cotton broad cloth, or printed pique this dress would be charming and every bit as chic as a sports frock! Pattern 2163 Is available In sizes 16, 18, 20, 34, 36, 38. 40, 42 and 44. Size 36 takes 4\i yards 36-lnch fab ric. Illustrated step-by-step sewing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) In coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern department, 243 West Sev enteenth street. New l'ork City. g!SD?^ SEEMED SAFER Old Lady?Aren't you ashamed to ask for money? Tramp?I got six months for tak ing It without asking.?Stray Stories Magazine. Unknown Language Lady Visitor?And so your little brother can talk now, can he? Bobby?Yes, he can say some words very well. Lady Visitor?How nice? And what words are they? Bobby?I don't know. I've never heard any of them before. In Doubt "What has become of the man who used to say, 'Every day, in every way, we're getting better and better ?" "I don't know," answered Miss Cayenne, "whether he went to heaven or whether he has joined old friends at headquarters of the Ananias clnb."