T HE GLEANER ? " " " " J - ?**" H GRAHAM, N. C., MAY. 'J, 1935. ,? IffltE) KVKKY THl'KSDAT L J. O. KERNODLE, Editor. 1 $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. _ II Entered at tne 'osiofflce atGrabam. . 1) ,N C.. as eeoo lu-olasx matter. Liquor regulation for revenue ' does not meet with favor by the 0 solons in Raleigh. Effort is I still being made to uncover a source of revenue that will (' e match the proposed appropria- c tions. s Great Britain is celebrating J| the Silver Jubilee of the acces- n sion of Kiug George V to the t throne. He became King at the 11 death of his father at 11p. fj in., May Utli, lOlo. The fete will last throe months. a _ i] Senator Bronson Cutting of " New Mexico, a leading Repub- t lican, returning to Washing- a ton, and three others were 0 killed in an ah plane crash in Missouri last Monday morning, i' On account of a heavy fog the 1 landing lield could not be lo- 11 cated. t Green & McClure Furniture Show a 11 Success? Prizes Awarded li The stream of humanity that v passed in and out last week to r see the many be.iutitul and use- e mi inings in iiit- ureen ?v aic- a Clure furniture show aggregated more than six thousand as shown % by the records kept. Fifteen lucky numbers w.?re held when the drawing took place Monday evening and they were awarded by the special committee as follows: 1st, No. 7203, ChiiTorobe, Carl Apple, Jr., at Carilina, lturling ton, Rt. 3. 2nd, No. 65G8, Kingsdown In ner spring mattress, .Mrs. M L. llanna, 5th Street, Burlington. 3rd, No G250, Set of four ru?s, Miss Krsell Geanes, teacher, Gra ham. 4th, No. 5412, Rosewood Dress ing table with mirror, made by White Furniture Co., Mrs. W. T. Coble; Graham, Rt. 1. 5th, No. C679, Hoover kitchen cabinet, Frank Dodson, Graham. 6th, No. 6590, Lounge chair, Edith Starnes, student, Graham. 7th, No. 5593, Fitted bag, (toi let articles), Mrs W. J. Blanchard, Burlington, Rt. 3. 8th, No. 7930, New Perfection oil stove, Zenna Rae Guthrie, | Graham. 9th, No. 7986, Cook stove (wood) "Camels never get on my I ne?es!" i Miiii drs. 11 ad lay II. Ivey, Graham. 10th, No. 7898, Pretty occasion- ( ,1 chair, Mrs J. G. Nicks, Swep onville. 11th, No. 6108, Occasional wal int table, Christine Riley, Haw tiver. 12th, No. 7895, Congoleum rug, xl2, J. G. Nicks, Swepsouville. 13tb, No. 7500, Small mahiitjs y table, R. S. Combe, Jr., Gra am. 14lh, No. 58-12, Stndeuts lamp, leudersou Euljsw, Graham loth, No. 6270, Walnut Phone r radio table, Mrs S. F. Scott, lurlington, Rt. 3. Ten of the fifteen prizes were rawn by women and in nearly very instance the prize was pe uliarly appropriate. For iu tarice ? a boy would like a hifforobe for his clothes; a lousewife a grand mattress for er bed; a girl, if matrimonially linded, a uuuch of nice rugs for l.? Una naol . frt- .. la.l.t l.alkil... IIO IUYC-UCOI , 1UI f\ 1 rtU V IM'tlllll^ lore appropriate thau a dressing able; and so on through the list u uncanny appropriateness The prizes were not a cheap lot f things just to be rid of, but tew, uselul, stylish and orua lental. The occasion is a real R>-d Let er period in the life of the tirin nd will carry pleasant memories f the firm and the participants n in the coming y mrs. The aanuer of display will remain as t is, so that it may be helpful to hose looking for harmony iu fur lishiugs and colors. The organization cousitsts of he following: W. B. Green, pres lent; E. P. McClure, vice-presi ent; Grifliu McClure, secretary reasurer; Mrs. Mary Purse, look-keeper; N. E. Hykes, ad ertisiug manager; Robt. 11. Far ell, Roy King and Edwin VValk r. Handy Senior is drayman ind truck driver. lew Melville Dairy Plant in Burling ton Opens Today. If Robert VV. Scott were living 10 heart would match his iu iride at the opening of the Mel ille Dairy in Burlington today, dr. Scott spent his life ou the big arm, known as Melville. He was inr. Miintilv a landlord, lint a real lirt farmer, one of the best? oved farming. He taught hie joys farming?they worked to gether. He educated them in the jest schools. They are college ?raduates. Four of them, Floyd, lenry, Ralph and Hugh, are con nected with the Dairy. The Dairy plant is giving a re leption to the public today from i to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m No ex pense has has bceD spared to make it modern in every appoint ment. This is a finishing plaut where raw milk is refined and all impurities eliminated. The raw milk is produced at the Melville farm abont five miles east of Urahain. The Scott brothers are to be congratulated upon this long forward-stride. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Under and by vjrtue nf the power of sale rontained in a certain mort gage deed executed by Alice Tyson and her husband, M.K.Tyson, on the 1st day of October, 1932, and recorded in the offjen.of the Regis ter of Deeds of Alamance County, North Carolina, In Book IIS, at page 156, default having heen made jn the nayment of said Mortgage, we will on Monday, June 3rd. 1933 at 12 ;00 o'clock, moon, offer for sale To the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door of v~v c,..ii Iflill'llRC V.UWUI J , 1'UI HI V..II OUil.l. the following described res! prop erty, A certsln tract or parcel of land A Boone Tailored Suit Makes a mighty good present for the young man graduate. Any Color and Style Send the young man In T.N.BQONE The Tailor BURUNGTON. N. C. in Burlington Township, Alamance County, and State of 'North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of O. W. Anthony, Lujenla Thompson, W. N, Thompson, and others, bounded las follows; Beginning at a rock Corner with said Anthony and W. N. Thompsqn in a road; running thence 8. 4? 3-4 deg. W. (B. S. 4? 1-2 ideg) 1.81 1-2 chs. to an iron bolt in said (An thony's line in said 1-oad ; thence S. 55 deg; E. 1.73 1-2 chs. to an iron bolt in said W.N.Thompson's line; thence N. 1 1-2 deg. W. (B. S.) 2,19 chs. to the beginning, containing 1'5-100 of an acre, more or less. This sale will be Wade subject to advance bid, and for that purpose the said sale will remain open for ten days. This the! 2nd day of May, 1935. S. W. and Susan Newlin, Mortgagees. rook & Barrett, Attya. Notice of Sale of Heal Property. Under and by virtue of the power of salej contained in |a certain Mort gage Deed executed on the 30th day of March, 1927, by C V. Boone to T. L. Huffman and recorded In the of fice of Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, State of North C'aro lona, it*. Book of M. D. 114, page 178, delault having been made in the payment of principal and interest on note therein secured, |the under signed will offfer for Isale at public auction for leash to the highest bid der, on Monday, May 20th, 1935, at 12 ;30 o'clock, < the following described real prop erty; Being, a certain tract fbr parcel of '.and located in Boon Station Town ship, Alamance County, and bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake in J.H.Pat terson line, thence S. 12 1-1 deg. W, 6 1-2 chains to a stake in road, at fence; thence S.29 deg. W. 12.50 chains to Marshall Iseley's corner: thence W. his lino 7 chains to stons on Parry Sharpe's line; thence his lino N1. 19 chains and 85 links to |a stake bis corner; thence E. to the beginning, containing Twenty-Six and two-tenths acres, more or less This the) 19tli day of April, 1935. IT. L. HUFFMAN. Mortgagee L.D. Meador, Atty. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having qualified hs Executors of the es tate of W. E. White, deceased, late ol Ala mance county. North Carolina, this is'.tc notify all persons having claims again si the estate of the said W. E. White to exbibil them to the undersigned at Mebane, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of ^pril r.?:w, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recovery. All persons indebted ? to said estate wll please make prompt payment. J. s. White. Stephen A. White. Stephen H. Millender, Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICB. Having qualified as Administrator of thi estate of J. H. all persons having claims agalus the estate ot said deceased to exhibit then to the undersigned at Mebane, N, C., H. 1, 01 or before the 35ih day of April, 193d, or thl notice will be pleaded in bar ol their recov ery. All perspns Indebted to said estate wll please make Immediate payment. This lab day of April, 1W45. J. H. GRAHAM, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICB. ' H.vlng qualified as Administrator of th estate ol Amy Allen Jeffries, deceased, lat ol Aiamauce county. North Carolina, this | to notify all persons having claim? agaiue th estate of the said deceased to exbtbl them to the undersigned at Glen Haven, ^ l., on or before the 6th day of April, iw?, o this notice will be pleaded in bar of their'it co very. All persons Indebted to said estate wll please make immediate paymeui. This, the 2sth day ot March. 1H85. FRANK JEFFRIES. Administrator of the Estate of Amy Alleu Jeffries, Deceased. Glen Haven, N. C. K. H. W. Dsmeroo, Atty. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the powe of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed executed April 13th 1932, ' y James E. Best and wife Willie Best, to W. J. |Crutchfield, Mortgagee, recorded In the office o the Register of Deeds for AIamanc< County, In Boot 115 of Mortgage Deeds, Page 453, Default having been male In the payment.of thi note to be secured the undersigne< administrator of the estate of W. J Crutchfleld, Mortgagee,' will sell a public auction at the Courthouse door In Graham, North Carolina, or Saturday, May 19th, 1935, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real twop erty; Adjoining the lands of John A. Trollnger, T.C.Murray, Eugene Ri ley. and others, bounded as follows via; Beginning at an Iron holt, cornet with said Riley in Trolinger's line 'running thetoce 3. 14 deg.Bast 8.6 i chs to an Iron bolt, corner with said Trolinger In a road; thence N. 12 deg. East 1 ch. Ho an Iron bolt, Cor ner with! said Trolinger; thence N. ' SO 1-4 deg. W. (B. 3} 18.53 chs, to I an iront bolt, corner with said Mur I ray ln( top-soil road to Haw River, via State Highway No. 62; thence J S. 4f deg. "West 2.73 chs. to an iron ?' jbolt<; thence South 37 1-4 deg. 3V. 4.53 chs. to an Iron bolt on N. |W. side of said No. 62. corner with said Riley; thence S. 38 deg. (East 5.70 chs. to an Iron bolt, corner (with said Riley; thence 8. 30 jdeg. East 6.72 chs. to the (beginning, contain ing 9J85 acres, more or Jess. This property will be sold for cash and the successful bidder will be required toi deposit ten (per cent of his bid at the time of sale. The sale will remain open for ten days olvannwl bids as "nrovlded bv law. This the 17th day of April, 1935, W. G. CRUTCHFIELD, > Administrator of the Estate WW. J. Crutchfield, Mortgagee. Long &1 Long, Attys. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Lillie M. Willoughby, ' Plaintiff, vs. James Willoughby, Defendant. The defendant, James Willoughby, will take notice that ,an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance' County, North Carolina, 'for the purpose of securing an Absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon ment and separation for the statu tory period of time; and the said 'efendant wIH further take notice that he Is required to appear |at , the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the . Courthouse In Graham, N. C., on the 2Ls|t) day of May, 1935, and ans , wer oif demur to the complaint in ' said action or the plaintiff will ap ( ply t<* the Court lor the relief de manded in said complaint. k This th<# 17th day of April, 1935. Ev H. MURRAY. r\f fhft IRrmfvrfor tCourt of Ala man00 County. John J. Henderson, Atty. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY ; IN1 THE SUPERIOR COURT | E. L/ Calloway, ' Plaintiff, f va. I Harlette Calloway. Defendant. The defendant, Harlette Calloway, will take notice that (an adtlon en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance e County, North Carolina, for the ? purpose of securing an absolute di 5 vorce on the grounds of abandon J ment and separation for the atatu ? tory period of time; and the said J defendant wBl further take notice that she Is required to appear lat the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Graham. N. ,C., on e the 2Ldt> day of May, 1935, and ans ? wer or demur to the complaint in it said action or the plaintiff will ap il ply tor the Court for the relief de ? manded in said complaint. , This thd 17th day of April, IMS. E. H. MURRAY, (. lorn oi use superior toun 01 ^ia ? manee County. John J. Henderson, Atty. Summons by Puolication NORTH CAROLINA. F ALAMANCE COUNTY. ' IN'THB SUPERIOR COURT , John Leo Cole, Plaintiff, e Lillle Bur* Colo, Defendant. The defendant, Llllie Rurk Cole, f will takd notice that an action an ] titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute d| ! vorce on the grounds t>f abandon- i ment and separation Tor the staftu torv period of time; and the said defendant will further take notice' - that she Is required to appear fct, the office of the fQerk of the Su perior Court of aald County in the ? Courthouse In Qraham. NT. C., on ? the 21flt! day of May, 1935. and ans wer or demur to the complaint in " ?aid action or the plaintiff will ap ? ply to the Court Tor the relief de ' manded In Bald complaint, A ? * This the 17th day of April, 1935. B. H. MURRAY. Clerk of the Superior (Court of Ala ? mane? County. John J. Henderson. Atty. Notice of Trustee's >?ale of Real Property. Pursuant to the power conferred upon the undersigned Trustee by \lrtue of that certain ideed of (trust executed by Bettle Harper, 'widow, bea'ing date of April 2, 1932, and duly recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Deed of Trust Book 119. page 19, which said instrument was given to secure a bote of even date therewith, default having been made In the! payment of Bald note, tn ac cordance with the terms of said note and deed! of trust, the undersigned will offett for sale lit public auction to the last and highest bidder for cash the following described heal property at the Courthouse Idoor In Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, the following described real property t on Tuesday, May 14th, 1935. at 12:00 o'clock, noon. FlrBt Tract; (All that tract br parcel of land lying and being In Patterson Township, Alamance Co unty, North Carolina, bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake Joe Harper South corner in 'Gaston (Moser line; running thence with Moser line to Joseph Williams corner; thence W. with' his line 1$ Chi. to a stone (heap thence Soutlf 3 deg. (West 60 Iks. to a blaekf jack ; thence South 87. 1-2 deg. Weslt 3.41 chs. to the middle of cucumber branch: thence down the branch to a Stone, Harper's cor ner; thence to the beginning, Bo as to! make 15 acres Second Tract; A certain tract for r arcel of land in (Patterson Town ship, Alamance County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of the Moser fleirt, Noah Heirs ind the Christian Church lot and others, (bounded as follows; the same being In two racts, the first being the Council nan lot; Beginning at a falling hickory, Soak's corner; runrifcngf East 2chs. iO Una to a stone In Moser line; ;hence South with the aald line 21 :hs. anSJ JO Iks. to a stake, Moser's corner; thence with said line-West ! ch* 25 Iks. to a post oak ; thence, Sorth 14 ch* 25 Bcs. to the begin ning, containing; 5.9 acres, knore or eaa. The other tract known as the Moser lot; Beeglnntrtg at a stone in said Moser line; running South 4 chs 10 JlksL to a black jack, the Brooks Harper corner; thence Bast 6 poles to a post oak; thence North B4 :h?. JO Iks. to a stone: thence W S pedes to the beginning, contain ing J 5-? acres, more V>r less. Said sale to remain open for ten days for Increased (bids 6s provided by law. This 12th day of April, 19J5. CLARENCE ROSS, Trustee. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Ray M. Brldon. < Plaintiff. vs. Louise Brldon, Defendant. The defendant, Louise Bridon, will take notice that pn action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County. North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an Absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon ment and' separation for the statu tory period of time; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear (pt the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said .County in the Courthouse In Graham, N. |C., on the 214] day of May, 1935, and ans wer ok demur to /the complaint in said action or the iplaintiff will ap ply to the Court lfor the relief de manded In said complaint. This the lTth day of April, 1935. E. H. MURRAY. Clerk of the Superior