The Alamance gleaner TOL. LXI. 1 , GRAHAM, M, C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 12, 1935. N0 45 News Review of Current Events the World Over Farley Thinks Midwest Safe for Roosevelt?Sloan Urges Industry to Save Nation?Crisis in Europe Is Approaching. By EDWARD W. PICKARD ? Western Newspaper Union. POSTMASTER GENERAL FARLEY, In his capacity of chairman of the Democratic national committee, called that body to meet In Washington Jan uary o, wueu arraugc ments will be made for the .convention of 1936 and the place of that gathering select ed. He told the corre spondents that the chief bidders for the convention would be Philadelphia, Chicago, St Louis, Kansas City and San Francisco, and denied the report that the first named J. A. Farley city already had been decided upon. He said he thought the highest bidder would be selected, provided ir has ad equate convention hall and hotel fa cilities. Stories that Senator Donahey of Ohio or some one else would be given second place on the ticket Instead of Garner were laughed at by Mr. Far ley. He asserted that there was no doubt about the renomlnatlon of Gar ner for vice president. Asked about the two-third* rule, he said the com mitter might recommend Its abandon ment, but that any change was the business of the convention. Comment ing on the Literary Digest poll, which shows a majority In the middlewest states voting against the Roosevelt New Deal, Farley said: "So far as the poll relates to senti ment In the midwest states, like Iowa, it is 100 per cent wrong." He insisted that the President was very strong, not only In that section of the coun try, but In every part "The President will carry as many states next year as he did In 1932," said Farley. Roosevelt carried all ex cept six states at that time. Farley said he believed Roosevelt would win the electoral vote of Pennsylvania, one of the states that voted for Hoover In 1932, and that also there was a good chance of carrying New Hampshire A LFRED P. SLOAN, JR., president of General Motors corporation, was the chief speaker at the annual dinner of the Congress of American Industry In New York, and he made an ear nest plea to Industry to save the country from bureaucracy and possible socialism. Industry should lead the nation away from the fallacious theory of plenty "to promote the general welfare of all the people," Mr. Sloan told the nation's leading manufactur- A" r"55103-r* ers. Should big business fail to ac cept this "broader responsibility," it will bring, he said, the "urge for more and more Interference from without? government In business." Mr. Sloan conceded the gravity and the extreme importance of problems of today?the paramount necessity of charting a sound course for the "long future." The meeting of the congress was held In conjunction with the fortieth annual convention of the National As sociation of Manufacturers, and the speakers before that body were as em phatic in their condemnation of the economic policies of the administration as was Mr. Sloan. President C. L. Bar do said: "Whether we like it or not, industry has been forced in sheer self defense to enter the political arena or he destroyed as a private enterprise.*" General Counsel J. A. Emery de cSared: "This gathering is a call to arms. "The sentry call should rouse the armies of Industry to repulse the forces of the alien theory that challenge our political institutions and economic sys tem within our own household." Robert L. Lund, chairman of the hoard, said: "The New Dealers have heen forced to desert some of their boldest experiments. This has came to pass because the American people have demanded a return to common seose and sound business. American industry has taken the leadership in this combat." CANTA CLAUS is doing big work this year for the merchants of the country. It is estimated by officials of the Commerce -department that the Christmas tra<*e will amount to $4,500, ^0.000 or ha*i a billion dollars more than In December last year. Preliminary holiday trade reports from all parts of the country to the Commerce department Indicated that retail trade already Is running from 5 to 35 per cent higher than a year ago. Christmas clubs will pay $312,000, 000 to 7,000,000 members. Much of this money will go into Christmas trade. EUROPEAN diplomats, especially the British and Premier Laval of France, are exceedingly clever and re sourceful. but if thev are to extricate their nations from the present threatening state of affairs they will need all their smartness. Though de cision as to the Impo sition of an oil em bargo against Italy was postponed until December 12 to give Laval a chance to con ciliate Mussolini, the duce refused to make any gesture toward peace. Italians were Sir Samuel Hoare autnomanveiy warned not to mistake diplomatic exchanges between their premier and the representatives of Great Britain and France as "peace I talk," and were told there was no rea son to believe Mussolini had modified his minimum terms already presented to Sir Eric Drummond and Laval's representative. Also he has declined further to conciliate Britain by re moving more troops from Libya and has repeated his warning that he will consider an oil embargo an unfriendly gesture. He and all Italians are espe cially resentful against Great Britain. One more rather desperate move for peace was made in Paris when Laval gave Italian Ambassador CerrutI a "set of suggestions" which were said to be the last word from France and Great Britain before the applying of the oil embargo, due on December 12. These suggestions were said to be based principally on an exchange of territories between Italy and Ethi opia, the latter to receive its long sought seaport and to remain abso lutely independent, save for the lands granted to Italy. The feeling in Rome was pessimistic, and therd was noted a general tighten ing up of home defenses. Troops that had been expected to depart for the Ethiopian front were being retained in Italy, and the orders to the naval and air forces were suggestive. New economic measures to resist the sanc tions were being put into effect dally. The British government was en grossed with the troublous- situation. Sir Samuel Hoare, foreign secretary, received timely orders from his physi cian to take a rest in Switzerland, and It was announced he would stop In Paris for a conference with Premier Laval. The admiralty was preparing [ for eventualities and ordered officers of the royal navy reserve to report at once for duty at Plymouth. These men have been serving as officers and en gineers in the merchant marine. GEN. HO TING-CHIN, Chinese min ister of war, was sent to Peiplng by Dictator Chiang Kai-shek to try to check the northern autonomy move menu L/ejeguuvuanum the (Autonomy Promo tion society called on hid) and mobs shouted autonomy slogans out side bis office, and then the Japanese army officers took the matter in hand. Lieut. Col. Tan Takahashi, military attache at Peiping, and an officer of the Japanese garri son called on General . . 1 Ho Ying-Chin Ho and oraerea mm iu irave uc v?ij at once. TakahashI told the war min ister: "The Japanese army la con vinced your continued stay in Pelplng can only complicate matters." llaj. Gen. Hayao Tada, Japanese commander In north China, said: "War between China and Japan Is certain If China breaks the agreement signed last July In which Nanking agreed not to send troops into Hopel province." At the same time Japanese war planes were flying low over Pelplng. Secretary of state hull sent to London the usual polite reminder that the semi-annual war debt In stallment from Great Britain was due on December 15. And, also as usual, the British government sent to Mr. Hull the reply that under the circum stances It wouldn't pay a cent. Well, we were not counting on getting this money for Christmas spending. TJRTTISH, Irish and Canadian dele- ' gations opened conversations In Washington with American officials looking to the establishment of trans Atlantic air mall and passenger serv ice. It was believed this could be ac- j compllshed as soon as reciprocal pacts are signed to allow the landing of American planes on foreign soli. Here tofore this has been blocked by the Jealousies of foreign aviation Interests. The delegation from Great Britain Is headed by Sir Ronald Bands, direc tor general of the general post office. He Is accompanied by C. E. Woods Humphrey, managing director of Im- j perlal Ai-ways, Ltd. Postmaster General Farley an- j nounced that he would ask congress at the coming session for funds to start an air mall service between the : United States and Europe. GOOD news for the building Indus try. President Green of the American Federation of Labor gives out the word that there will be no more Jurisdictional strikes among con- | struetion workers. The factions In the building trades department of the fed eration have found a plan to prevent workmen from delaying construction by strikes over which of two organi zations should do a particular piece of work. In the future the contractor Is to decide which union shall do the Job when a dispute arises, and then If a Joint committee of the unions Involved is unable to adjust the difference the question Is to be referred to a federal Judge as arbiter. ? / ONE hundred thousand Democrats^ mostly Georgians, gathered In the stadium of Georgia Tech at Atlanta for a homecoming and heard President Roosevelt deliver a characteristic speech, full of confidence, as surance of prosperity and praise for what the New Deal has ac complished. And he did not neglect to at tack warmly the crit ics of hla adminis tration. In reviewing the economic and so cial advances since his Inauguration he gave out what was President f Roosevelt ? k(a Luuaiucicu uie acjuuio iui uim tour paign for re-election, and definitely an nounced his candidacy?unnecessarily ?by asserting that life in the United States has Improved In the last two and a half years and will contlnne to Improve "If I have anything to do .with 1L" Mr. Roosevelt promised that lavish government spending was over and that the nation could look forward with assurance to a decreasing deficit, and asserted that the government ; credit Is higher than that of any other great nation. Be bitterly criticized the treasury policies prior to his en- ; trance Into the White House, traced the relief policies as opposed to doles and declared that the peak of appro priations has passed. SECRETARY OF" AGRICULTURE WALLACE announced the corn-hog program for 1036-37. Designed to maintain a balance between the Inter esu or toe producer and the consumer, thla new plan will permit a 30 per cent Increase In hog production next year over 1935, thus preparing the way for possible redactions la pork prices to the housewife; aid to re strict corn acreage to about 95,000,000 acres, an Increase of about 1,400,000 acres, over the amount harvested tnis year. After appraisal by community com mittees and review by county allot ment committees, a corn acreage base and a market hog base will be (Lied. Co-operating producers must agree to plant corn next year on at least 25 per cent of their base acreages. They will be permitted to retire from 10 to 30 per cent of tbelr base acreage for soil-Improving or erosion-preventing purposes. Bog growers must agree to produce between 50 and 100 per cent of the base market production. The 1936 com adjustment payment will be 35 cents a bushel on the ap praised yield times the adjusted acre age. less the pro rata share of local administrative expenses. Corn adjustment payments will be made in t<ro Installments. The first, at the rate of 20 a bnshel. Is to be made about August L The second will come due about December 31, 1936, at the rate of 15 cents per busheL A payment of 11.23 per head will be made on each hog to the base. Deductions will be made at the rate of $2.50 per bead If a producer falls to raise 50 per cent of his base num bers The total payment to a pro ducer will be the same for a produc tion ranging from 50 per cent to 100 per cent of his base. The 1937 rates will be announced by November 30, 1938, but the rate on corn will not be less than 30 cents per bushel and the rate on hogs will not be less than J 1.25 per head. Sec'y Wallaca Uncle Sam's Fine Bulls Must Have Exercise ???? ???? ,n. .*. m??. | AT THE Department of Agriculture's experimental laboratory-farm at Beltsvllle, Md., government scientists are en gaged in Improving the breed of domestic animals to produce the best meats for the tables of the American peo ple. Because the bulls used In breeding this ultra-special brand of cattle are kept in an enclosure, they get their dally exercise on the specially devised machine Illustrated above. Bedtime Story for Children By THORNTON^W. BURGESS SAMMY JAY IS MODEST AS SOON as the angry hunter with the terrible gun bad disappeared among the trees of the Green Fojpst and Llghtfoot was sure that he had gone for good, Llghtfoot came out from his hiding place among the young hem lock trees on the top of the ridge and walked down to the pond of Paddy the Beaver for a drink. He knew that It was quite safe to do so, for Sammy Jay had followed the hunter, all the time screaming, "Thief! Thief! Thief!" Every one within hearing could tell }ust? where that hunter was by Sammy's voice. It kept growing fainter and fainter and by that Llghtfoot knew that the hunter was getting farther and farther away. Paddy the Beaver swam out from his hiding place and climbed out on the bank near Llghtfoot. There was a twinkle In his eyes. "That blue coated mischief-maker Isn't such a b'ad fellow at heart, after all, Is he?" said he. Llghtfoot lifted his beautiful bead and set his ears forward to catch the sound of Sammy's voice In the dis tance. "Sammy Jay may be a mis chief-maker, as some people say," said lie, duc you can always count on mm to provide a true friend In times' of danger. He brought me warning of the coming of the hunter the other morn ing. You saw him gave Mr. and Mrs. Quack a little while ago. and then he actually drove that hunter away. I suppose Sammy Jay has saved more lives than anyone I know of. I wish he wonld come back here and let me thank him." Some time later, Sammy Jay did come back. "Well," said be, as he smoothed his feathers, "I chased that fellow clear to the edge of the Green Forest, so 1 guess there will be noth ing more to fear from him today. I'm glad to see he hasn't got you yet. Lightfoot I've been a bit worried about you." "Sammy," said Lightfoot, "you are one of the best friends I have. I don't know how 1 can ever thank you for what you have done for me." "Don't try," replied Sammy rather shortly. "I haven't done anything but what anybody else would have done. Old Mother Nature gave me a pair of good eyes and a strong voice. I slm ply make the best use of them I can. Just to see a hunter with a terrible gun makes me mad clear through. I'd rather spoil his hunting than eat." "Ton want to watch out, Sammy. One of these days a hunter will lose his temper and shoot you. Just to get even with you," warned Paddy the Beaver. "Don't worry about me," replied Sammy. "I know Just how far one of those terrible guns can shoot, and I don't take any chances. By the way, ' Lightfoot, the Green Forest Is full of I hunters looking for you. I've seen a lot of them, and I know they are look- 1 lng for you because they do not shoot at anybody else even when they have a chance." ? T. W. Burgeaa.?WSU Servica. 1 Champion Husker Elmer Carlsen of Audubon, Iowa, won the world's corn husking cham pionship at the contest at Newtown, [nd., by husking 41.52 bushels of yel low Indiana corn. This was a new world's record- Carlsen Is twenty-six years old and weighs 178 pounds, and this was his first try at national hon ors. Silk Crepe Duress Chic black Is accented with rhlne stones In tbis attractive dress ot suede surface silk crepe. The shirring down the front of the bodice and at the top of the sleeves repents the Idea of the froDt shlrrine In the skirt. * MOTHER'S <? j COOK BOOK I I SEASONABLE DISHES THIS Is the time of the year when pickles, conserves, relishes and marmalades are especially enjoyed. Most of these good things have been all ready prepared, yet there are a few most delightful ones left. Cranberry Relish. Take two cupfuls each of sour or cooking apples, put through the coarse knife of the food chopper with two cupfuls of cranberries, add one cup ful of sugar, one-fourth cupful of pe can meats finely shredded and set away for two or three days to season. This Is delicious with turkey or goose. Indian Chutney. Take one pound of sour apples peeled and sliced; one-half pound of onions peeled ar.J coarsely chopped, one pound of brown sugar (the light brown), one-half pound of raisins cut fine, four ounces each of salt and gin ger, two ounces of dry mustard, one half ounce of cayenne, four cloves of garlic finely chopped and one quart of mild vinegar. Cook the apples, onions, garlic and sugar, salt and vinegar until soft, then pass them through a very fine sieve. Add the raisins and ginger with the other Ingredients, mix well and stand in a Jar In a warm (not hot) place until the following day. The next day, seal the Jar. Coffee Carnival. If you like an unusual dessert try this: Take four tablespoonfuls of quick 1 cooking tapioca, one fourth teaspoon ful of salt, one-third of a cupful of seedless raisins, two cupfuls of cofTee infusion, one-half cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of vanilla and one cupful of cream whipped. Add salt, tapioca and raisins to the coffee and cook In a double boiler until the tapioca Is clear, ! stirring often. Add sugar, chill and add the vanlllla. Serve with the Centipedes Grow Long Some West Indian centi[>edes are a foot long. 1 whipped cream folded In; serve in sherbet glasses. To raisins steamed until soft or cooked In orange Juice until soft, add chopped pecans and use as sandwich filling for very thinly sliced and but tered bread. , ! C Westers Newaptper Colon. THE RIGHTS OF ALL By DOUGLAS MALLOCH "T*M1K world of all, and then our kind. Our nation, then our state. And then our town, for so we find The good that makes us great The rights of all We must recall. And not a single race. Our country lore. Yet thinking of Each mortal In each place. But If the place consider Just Itself, the man his own, The land will crumble Into dust. For none can stand*alone. If for a class And not the mass We legislate and plan. Then gone the things We tore from kings. Then gone the rights of man. Mankind must take a larger view To prosper and progress. For selfishness is nothing new. And nothing much to bless. The rights of all We must recall. Not for a few contrive. The rights secure Of rich and poor. Or neither will survive. C Door:** Mrlloeh.?WNT7 S?i ika. aRY THIS TRICK By PONJAY HAJWAH Covra&* by Pmbfic Lm6gmx. Ik. y Cout soej -rwtfoutfH KNOCK AWAT COIN THE magician spins a coin on the table. He strikes It flat with a match box. He asks whether the cola lies heads or tails. People gnesa; the box Is lifted to find the answer. Again the coin Is span. Down cornea the box. Once more guesses are made; some heads, some tails. "All wrong." says the wizard. He lifts the box; the coin has vanished. In preparing for this surprising trick, the magician flrst empties the matches from the box; then Inserts the drawer npside down. After a few preliminary spins, he Is ready to make the coin Tanish. He brings the box sharply down npon the spinning coin. The stroke causes the coin to cut through the bottom of the match box. The magician lifts the box and drops It In his pocket while he points to the spot from which the coin has Tanlshed. WNV Ssrrtce The Claque The claque. "hired applause" Is of great antiquity, and its Institution is attributed to Nero. Students Get Gas From White Clover HAKOLD OHLGKEN, twenty-two. of Cokato, Minm. and William Mahle, twenty, of Macalester college, Minneapolis, claim to hare discovered a process by which usable combustible commercial gas can be obtained from wild white sweet clover. The gas, methane and ethane, says the discoverers, can be furnished to consumers at half the present cost of commercial gas in most residential communities, and the growing and manufacture would furnish a number of by-products, Including honey, alcohol and acetone. Backing for the statements of the two young scientists was given by two of their Instructors, It. I'. Jones, head of the chemistry department of Macalester college, and R. B. Hastings, chemical professor of that Institution. i ?

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