Model of a Memorial to Mark Twain Walter Russell, well known sculptor of New York, pictured with a model of the center portion of his Mark Twain memorial which is to be erected in Hannibal, Mo., the boyhood home of the creator of 'Tom Sawyer" and "Huck Finn." The actual memorial itself will be CO feet long and will contain 28 figures, all more than life size. Hoot Mon! Real Bagpipe Playin' Honors Carnegie Skibo Castle's Official Piper Toots for Yanks To take part In the American cele bration of tlie centenary of the birth of Andrew Carnegie, Hugh firant, oil clal piper at Sklho castle. Scotch dome of the Carnegie family, came over and showed as how the pipes should be played. With him here is Boswell Miller, Carnegie's soD-in law. Trapping Salmon to Strip Them of Their Spawn ?Rwnaiifi.ji / '""mrsr;-*: t (aii * * p y-^mmmmmaarn Members of the fish and game department at work In the salmon hatchery at Raymond. Me., putting a seine around a large number of salmon that come up to the pool to spawn. The salmon are dlp|>ed out of the seine and stripped of their spawn which 19 hatched In the hatchery. In this manner over SS |?er cent of the eggs are hatched, whereas if the salmon were allowed to spawn in their natural way only 2 per cent of the eggs would l?e hatched. ^ j Represents America at World Labor Conference W. I- Hutcheson was appointed by President William Green of the Amer ican Federation of Labor as that or ganizatlon's delegate to the forthconi Ing International labor conference In Chill. The aelectlon was aald to he "shocking* to the Secretary of Labor. Hutcheson opposed the New Deal. Belle Alliance Farm Is a Monument The farm of the Belle Alliance on the battlefield of Waterloo, which waa Napoleon's headquarters during the battle, has been preserved as a "monument hlstorlqne" by the Belgian government. This Is a view of the farm buildings as they are today. Safe Because Uncle Sam Protects Them t V ^ Dear oa a United States forernment preserve, near picturesque Lake McDonald, Glacier National park, Montana g ??; L, - Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1?Camel caravan carrying Italian field artillery in the Ethiopian Invasion. 2?Scene in Havana, Cuba, at the un veiling of a statue of Generalissimo Maximo Gomez, hero of the war of liberation against Spain. 3*?William B. Bell of New York, chairman of the new finance committee for the Republican national campaign. Rangers Don't Always Wear Cowboy Riggin's Here's what a real ranker looks like, when winter's blasts start to blow. Here he Is on patrol. In Glacier Na- I tlonal Park, clad In his parka for pro- j tectlon against cold and wind. j White House of the Philippines View of the Malacanan palace in Manila, which has become the executive oansion of the new commonwealth of the Philippines. Here it is that President Januel Quezon, first president of the commonwealth, will study and settle all troblems that will beset the new government. The palace was formerly occti tied by Frank Murphy, the last governor general of the islands. Will Cut Fancy Figures in Olympics 1 ?? i i ? niii?w Three of the outstanding candidates for the.Cnlted States Olympic figure skating team are pictured at the Ice club at Madison Square Garden, New York, where they were keeping in top form. They are Katherine Durbrow ' of St Louis, Ardelle Kloss and Audrey Peppe of New York. i Elartsel Is New Naval \ide to White House Capt H. Clyde Hartsel, Marine corps officer and a favorite with Washing ton's officialdom, who has been appoint or . - " ed naval aide to the White House, rhe post Is one of the most desirable an the service roster. Alaska's Most Important Bridge Dedicated This Is a view of the most Important bridge In Alaska, which was dedicated recently. It connects the old town of Douglas and the present bustling mining town of Juneau, capital city of Alaska. It may be a r t ?ln|bg e-openlng of the historic old Treadwell mine at Douglas, where $GO.OOO,UOO was taken out be'oro' th aC , 'h< ? the World war. ' lne C!ue ln d"~' Christmas ^ I Jit 3he Barrack* I B, HeU? Gat.fori ~ WVh* I ft " ,n. - I ?-e. //T HATE Christmas Mire, I thought passionately. she A pressed her face clcse to tie toy window, so passersby would not notice her burning cheeks nor tear filled eyes. Suddenly she was face to face with It?that overwhelming longing for some one to make Christmas worthwhile. "Why am I such a fool?" she asked herself miserably. "A grown woman weeping at a store window display:" She hurried on to her lonely flat, and stood looking In the mirror. Thirty, two! "I don't feel old," she said. After a while she got up and washed her face, determined to be sensible. She couldn't eat yet?she was too shaken?so she sat down with the home paper No use trying to avoid the Christmas ads. Might as well face the fact that no one really eared Well, why not find some one? And then, as-though in answer, she saw the Item In the paper. "Poor children of this and neigh boring communities will be treat ed to a real old-fashioned Christ mas dinner and tree at the , McKlnley (jftfracks. Officers and men are providing turkey and all the trimmings, and several hundred children are expected. Churches " and social agencies are being asked to furnish women to act as chaperones and also cars to trans port the children to the barracks" Marcia stepped timidly into the so cial welfare bureau. "I wonder if yon could use me to help take the jjWdren out to the barracks on Christmas," she asked. "It would be so much nicer than?than anything else," she finished He Was Taking the Coat Off a Tousle Headed Boy. lamely. She had really meant that It would be nicer than a sympathy dinner invitation from one of her friends. "I even thought maybe, If I happened to find the right youngster?I might adopt one." She stopped, a little breathless. She hadn't meant to commit herself so far. Yet the lady was very kind, and arrangements were easily made. She had never been to the barracks before, and she thrilled to the ride over the snowy road, but she was more fascinated by the children under her care. Their too-bright eyes glit tered, and they pressed sharp noses against the car windows, leaving marks where they had touched. They were excited, terribly excited, but happy, too. So was Marcia. Joy and excitement shone from her eyes, making her usually pleasant but rather plain countenance radiant. He stood tall and straight in his officers' uniform, a handsome man. not many years her senior. As soon as the children began eating, he came over and introduced himself. "Having a good time?'* he asked. "Glorious!" "So are you." "What?" "Glorious, of course. Don't mind my bothering, do you? I thought you seemed, well?understanding. When I was looking at you?remember?" Mar cia nodded. "Somebody once said that If you look Into a person's eyes, you create a bond that can never be broken. 1 know what he meant, now. "I felt it, too," Marcia murmured. He looked about. "I say, shall we ditch the program? I'd like to show you around the barracks, if you'd let me." They didn't notice the cold, the fail ing snow, nor, later, the children! carols. "Goodness!" Marcia exclaimed at last. "They're leaving. I must look after my carload of youngsters. "Wait!" He caught her hand, held It fast "I'll want to see you sj-Iq. soon. We have so much in comtr 0 you know?we're both lonely, we I ke children, we enj<* Christmas par*>?*? and I want to know If you like hik- - and tobogganing, movies, operas j s of things. Me, for Instance.'' "Of course," answered Marcia. F- 1 let me go now. Here comes that wel fare lady." She pulled away. were Just coming." she apologized The lady smiled. "No hurry. B r I wonder?you said something .v -j know?have you decided what c." you want to adopt?" "Heavens!" declared Marcia. "I got!" "Well, why." asked the S 'llier. j "adopt one? I mean?wait until ces Christmas. Things change so in a year." "In a day," breathed Marcia. % WMtm N^wBpnp*'* Unlo?