The Alamance Gleaner " VOL. LXI ~ ?== ^ . i GRAHAM, IN, C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 19, 1935. , NO. 46. News Review of Current Events the World Over President's Defense of AAA and Canadian Treaty?Italy Offered Peace Plan at Ethiopia's Expense?Naval Conference Seems Hopeless. By EDWARD W. PICKARD ? Western Newspaper Union. While tne United States Supreme court was hearing oral arguments In the Hoosac Mills case In which the constitutionality of the whole Agrlcul tural Adjustment act was attacked and de fended, President Rooserelt was In Chi cago seeking to Justify the entire New Deal farm program. He ad dressed the American Farm Bureau federa tion In the Interna tional Amphitheater at the stock yards and was heard and en thusiastically applaud ed by some 25,000 farmers and as many others as could get Into the theater and adjoining wings supplied with loud speakers. The farm program, the President said, aimed to "stop the rule of tooth and claw that threw farmers Into bank ruptcy or turned them into serfs." As evidence that It Is succeeding, he as serted that farm income "has Increased nearly $3,000,000,000 In the past two and a half years." Necessarily Mr. Roosevelt defended the new Canadian trade treaty because only two days before that pact had been bitterly attacked by his late trade adviser, George N. Peek. "Just as I am confident," said the President, "that the great masses of city people are fair-minded, so I am sure that the great majority of Ameri can farmers will be fair In their judg ment of the new treaty. "If the calamity howlers should happen to be right, you have every as surance that Canada and the United States will join In correcting Inequali ties, but I do not believe for a single moment that the calamity howlers are right. "We export more agricultural prod ucts to Canada than we have Imported from her. "We shall continue to do so, for the very simple reason that the United States, with Its larger area of agricul tural land, Its more varied climate and Its vastly greater population, produces far more of most agricultural products, including animal products, vegetables and fruit, than does Canada. "In the case of the few reductions that have been made, quota limitations are set on the amount that may be brought In at the lower rates." In his analysis of the Canadian agreement, Peek showed that 84 per cent of the tariff concessions which the New Dealers granted to Canada were on agricultural and forestry prod ucts. He also showed that the articles on which the New Dealers granted tar iff reductions amounted to 308 million dollars in 192P. whereas Canada In re turn had granted concessions on arti cles valued at only 245 million dollars. After completing his speech and eat ing luncheon with a lot of local nota bles, the President went to South Bend, Ind, where he received an honorary degree from Notre Dame university and delivered another address. DEFORE the American Farm Bureau federation closed Its convention In Chicago, It adopted a resolation en dorsing reciprocal trade treaties. To avoid dissension, the resolution did not mention specifically the recent trade agreement between Canada and the United States, which lowered the duty on many farm products coming In over the northern border. Another of the 17 resolutions adopt ed at tbp meeting concerned "federal fiscal policies." Indicating their un easiness over the mounting federal deficit, the farmers recommended that the fiscal policies of the government be modified, and that "its revenues shall be increased, and that its expen ditures shall be decreased, to the end that within the next few years a bal ance shall be attained." The federation also approved a res olution pledging itself to defend the Agricultural Adjustment administra tion act The meeting offered no seri ous criticism of the act but asked that its administration be simplified. The delegates, representing a paid | np membership of 3UO.OOO farmers in 37 states, re-elected Edward A. O'Xeal ; of Alabama as president of the federa tion for a term of two years. ITALY Is being punished for starting ^ the war against Ethiopia, and will he well paid for stopping it That In a nutshell Is the status at this writing. Great Britain and France reached an agreement aa to the offer to be made to Mussolini before the imposition of an oil embargo, set for December 12. This plan for peace, drawn np by Brit lsh Foreign Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare and Premie: Laval, was based on the proposal that Italy should re tain part of the territory already con quered in Ethiopia, chiefly in north western TIgre province, Including Adowa but not the sacred city of Ak sum, and that the Italian Somaliland border should be rectified. In return, Ethiopia would be given a seaport, either fn Eritrea or in British or French territory. Thus poor Ethiopia, already declared by the League of Na tions to be a victim of Italian rapacity, would be still further victimized with the consent of the two great powers that dominate the league. Presumably, If Emperor Halle Selassie refuses the terms and decides to continue his fight for the territorial Inviolability guaranteed by the league covenant, he will be abandoned to his fate. Dispatches from Dessye, Ethiopia, said the emperor rejected the Franco British plan, asserting: "The Ethiopian government cites Its previous declarations, notably that of October 8, to show that Ethiopia never wished and does not wish war. But today we are bound to defend our soil, which Italy has violated. "Ethiopia agreed at the time of the Paris conference and the meeting of the League of Nations committee of five to all concessions comparable to Its dignity, to avoid Italian aggression, but that aggression has been commit ted. We cannot submit to force which we never provoked, because that would be rewarding violence." Since Mussolini showed a disposi tion to consider the proposals, the oil embargo was postponed to permit ne gotiations. If he rejects the plan the embargo would go Into effect later. PROBABLY with slight hope of ac complishing anything worth while, representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France and Japan met In London and opened the International naval conference. Italy also was represented, but only as an observer and listener. Prime Minister Stanley Bald win welcomed the dele gates In a smooth ad dress asking the chief sea powers to lessen some of their demands to "avert the calamity of unrestricted naval competition." Norman H. Davis offered President Roosevelt's suggestion of a 20 per cent reduction In existing naval treaty ton nage, or, falling that, a continuance of present fleet limitations. Then arose Admiral Osaml Nagano, chief of the Japanese delegation, and told the conference that Japan de manded parity with Great Britain and the United States instead of the exist ing 5-5-3 ratio and requested a "Just and fair agreement on disarmament." After several days of discussion and debate, the Japanese demand for parity was flatly rejected by the delegates of the four other nations. v The pessimistic feeling that pre vailed was attributed to the Japanese demand for parity, the rivalry in the Mediterranean between France and Italy, the war In Ethiopia an J its sanc tions developments and recent occur rences in north China. Any one of which might wreck the conference. JOHN H. HOEPPEL, cdngressman from California, and his son, [ Charles, were found guilty by a Jury in the District of Columbia Supreme Court of conspiring to sell an appoint ment to West Point for $1,000. They were released on bail pending motion for a new trial. Hoeppel was elected to congress in the Roosevelt landslide of 1932 from the Seventeenth Califor nia district, and was re-elected in 1934. He Is fifty-four years old; his son is twenty one. GEORGE L. BERRY, Industrial co ordinator, found great difficulty in mustering his proposed industrial coun cil, in which many great industrial groups* had refused to participate. The initial session of his conference broke up In disorder amid shouts of "liar" and threatened fist fights. Further do ings were postponed for a week or more and most of the delegates went home, declaring they wanted nothing to do with a permanent council which might lead to further government interfer ence with private business. The labor unions stood by Berry, hoping his pro gram would aid their plans for a 30 hour week and government licensing of all industry. JOHN J. LEWIS, president of the United Mine Workers snd head of the "rebel" committee on Industrial or ganization that la seeking to gain con trol of the American Federation of La bor, Invited President William Oreen of the federation to resign and accept chairmanship of the committee. In a letter to Lewis, Green declared that he never had associated himself with any minority seeking to split the A. F. of L., and never wonld do so. He mildly rebuked the Insurgents by saying that he himself "In a spirit of good sports manship took It on the chin" whenever he had found himself outvoted In the A. F. of L. convention. A ^MINISTRATION officials state that President Roosevelt will ask the new congress for a $100,000,000 ap propriation as the Initial fund to launch the federal social security pro gram going Into effect January 1. The fund Is to be distributed among the states for the needy old aged In the form of pensions, for maternity and child welfare, and to aid the blind. State commissioners and public wel fare directors were summoned to Washington by the social security board to discuss formulation of regula tions and procedure. CONTINUOUS rioting In Cairo, di rected against British control of Egypt, attacks on English soldiers and smashing of street cars and shop win aows, iorcea premier Nesslm Pasha and his cabinet to decide to resign. The rioters de manded the restora tion of the constitu tion of 1923 and the ^ministers pleaded with Sir Miles Lampson, British high commis sioner, to give his con sent. He was obdurate In his refusal until Nessim Pasha an nounced that he would quit, but yield ed then to avoid disorders similar to those of 1919. Therefore, with the consent of Great Britain, King Fuad signed a royal de cree restoring constitutional govern ment, and the cabinet members with drew their resignations. The consti tution thus restored provides for a senate and chamber of deputies and takes control of Egypt's internal affairs completely out of British bands. It does not, however, affect Britain's con trol of Egyptian foreign affairs, nor the British military protectorate. POLITICIANS, especially Republicans * were greatly Interested In a meeting In Washington between former Vice President Charles Curtis and Senator Borah, and Its possible Implications. Curtis Insisted to the press that he Is still advocating the nomination of Gov. Alf Landon of Kansas for the Presi dency, but the Idaho senator Is himself a leading possibility for that honor. Curtis had recently had a conference with Landon In Topeka, but be said there was no connection between, that and his call on Borah. The ex-Vice President said of the nomination: "I have no second choice, but a lot depends on what happens at the convention. I have the highest regard for the senator. I'm for Landon, who Is well equipped to run, after giving us an economic administration In Kan sas?something we need here In Wash ington more now than ever before." CARLOS iteNDIETA resigned as president Ikf Cuba because of a fierce quarrel in the government over procedure for the election of a con stitutional president. Mendieta ha<} held the oflice for two years. Secre tary of State Barnet took over the oflice and reappointed all members of the cabinet, and preparations for the election went ahead. NORTH CHINA autonomists, eup ported by the Japanese armies, evidently are too much for the Nan kins government, of which Chiang Kai shek has now become the premier. The provinces of Hopel and Chahar, with a population of 30.0tm.000 or more, have been granted virtual self-rule under a political council. The central govern ment made only three stipulations? that Nanking would continue to control the new state's foreign affairs, finan cial, military and Judiciary matters; that all appointments would lie made by Nanking, and that there would be no actual Independence for the area. No machinery was provided to pre vent the new council from doing exact ly as It pleased under Japanese protec tion and guidance. 4 BRCNO HACPTMANN, convicted of kidnaping and murdering the Lind bergh baby, lost almost his last chance of escaping the electric chair when the Supreme court refused to review bis rase. The decision was made through the single word "DenlesL" Hauptmann's attorneys had an nounced previously that. In the event a review was refused, they would eeek a new trial if new evidence conld be found and would appeal for a commu tation of the death sentence to life Im prisonment. George N. Peek Admiral Nagano \jKing Fuad. Nantucket Island Talks About Secession RESIDENTS of Nantucket Island are talking of secession, If not from the Union, at least from the state of Massachusetts. They say they are "disgusted with the present operations of government" and would manage better If left alone. Bassett Jones, at right, a New York electrical engineer and summer resident of the Island, | is one of the proponents of autonomy or a territorial status for Nantucket, which he says was never legally Joined to Massachusetts. Above Is a view of the densely populated Island. Bedtime Story for Children By THORNTON W. BURGESS LIGHTFOOT HEARS A DREADFUL SOUND r\ AY after day Llghtfoot, the deer, a-' played hide and seek for his life with the hunters who were seeking to kill him. He saw them many times i though not one of them saw him. More than once a hunter passed close j to LIghtfoot's hiding place without I suspecting It But poor Llghtfoot was feeling the j strain. He was growing thin and he was so nervous that the falling of a dead leaf from a tree would startle him. There Is nothing quite so ter rible as being continually hunted, it was getting so that Llghtfoot half ex pected a hunter ta step out from be hind every tree. Only when the Black Shadow wrapped the Green Forest In darkness did-he know a moment of peace. And those hours of safety were filled with dread of what the next day might bring. Early one morning a terrible sound rang through the Green Forest and brought Llghtfoot to his feet with a startled Jump. It was the baying of hounds following a trail. At first It did not sound so terrible. Llghtfoot had often heard It before. Many times he had listened to the baying of Bowser the Hound, as he followed Ked dy Fox. It had not sounded so terri ble then because It meant no danger to Llghtfoot At first, as he listened early that I morning, he too* It for granted that those hounds were after Reddy and so, though startled, he was. no,t wor ried. But suddenly a, dreadful sua In a Panic of Fear, Lightfoot Bounded Away Again. plclon came to tilm and he grew more I and more anxious as he listened. In a few minutes there was no longer any I ~ doubt In his mind. Those hounds were following his trail I It was then that | the sound of that baying became ter- | rlble. He must run for his life. Those | hounds would give him no rest And I he knew that In running from them he would no longer be able to watch so closely for the hunters with terrl- J ble guns. He would no longer be able to hide In thickets. At any time he might be driven right past one of those hunters. Llgbtfoot bounded away with such leaps as only Llghttoot can make. In a little while the voices of the hounds ( grew fainter. I.lghtfoot stopped to get his breath and stood trembling as he listened. The baying of the hounds j grew louder and louder. Those won- | derful noses of theirs rfere follow ing bis trail without the least diffi culty. In a panic of fear, Llgbtfoot bound ed away again. As he crossed an old road, the Green Forest rang with the roar of a terrible gun. Something tore a strip of bark from the trunk of a tree just above Llghtfoot's head. It | was ^ bullet and It had Just missed Llgbtfoot. It added to his terror ami this In turn added to his speed. So Llgbtfoot ran and ran, and be hind him the voices of the hounds con- ! tinued to ring through the Green For est. C T. W. Burgees.?WNTJ Service. Pique Buttons The striking feature of this black wool crepe street frock worn by Vir ginia Reld, screen actress. Is the clever pique buttons which trim the b<Jdlce. The pique, a waffle-weave. Is corded to form the round buttons which are themselves ornamented with pique "wings." The same fabric forms the muffler collar. Though the frock Is cut In one piece. It Is styled to give the effect of a Jacket In the back. With the frock she wears a peaked hat made of a ribbed black crepe. ] A SCHOOL By DOUGLAS MALLOCH ' 1 I WOULD have a school A place (or labor. Yet I would always hare Play for Its neighbor: Touch this thing with romance, ' And that with glamour. The history of France A Latin grammar. I would have a school A place for dreaming. Not only teach the true But teach the seeming; ! The world needs dreamers, too, As well as heroes. And Shelleys something do, As well as Neros. I would have a school A place for winning More than a little lore? But the beginning Of many books to read. And much endeavor, A school a thing to lead The mind forever. C Douglas Malloch.?WNT Servlca. London Fog Fl&re London police are testing this new type of fo? flare which Is Intended to replace the old acetylene flares. It la worked from gas mains, and can be folded np and put away In a metal box sunk In the street. I PAPA KNCAVSH 1?U 2SH "Pop, what la mercenary?" "An eagle's talone." C Bell Syndicate-?WNU Service. ? MOTHER'S ? 1 COOK BOOK WINTER ENTERTAINING * PGR the average housewife elaborate * entertaining is not to be thought of, not only because of the expense but because of the amount of labor In volved: When serving an Informal tea for club or committee the wise woman will provide herself with plenty of the good sized heavy paper napkins to use In stead of the cherished llnep* -swdilcb Is used for more formal <}Lce<is!ons. Napkins of paper nourf come lo ifcrge sizes and one may even have an Ini tial to make them more personal. No body enjoyed the small and elusive paj?er napkins, for they never "stay put," but these are such a comfort and saving on linen. There are so many kinds of sand wlches that may be served with tea |* or some other hot drink, that one might have a different one every day for years. Small cookies and cakes are always popular, make them unusual, either by tilling them with some soft rich filling of fruit or custard, or sweetened and flavored whipped cream. The very small crejjrn puffs filled with good thick sweetened and fla I vored whipped cream are most attrac tive and universally well liked. Serve I them on a lace paper-covered plate In ?wos or threes; when accompanied by a cup of hot cocoa, what could be more dainty for a light afternoon re 'reshment? There are so many food accessories now which add to the enjoyment of serving simple foods. The frying has ket for potato nests?tney are so sim pie to make, using a fine shredder In the form of a flat grater, making the fresh potato In such floe shoestrings that tbe basket when cooked even looks like a nest. These may be made and heated before serving. The bas kets ma; be filled with the most de licious sweetbreads and mushrooms, or creamed chicken, or with any creamed , vegetable one desires. C Western Newspaper CVton. Old Street Car Is a Good Clubhouse pillS unique clubhouse li ? discarded Street car Id which member* of the 1 Home Makers' club of Atlanta, Ua., hold their regular meetings. The cat Is located on a plot of ground donated to the club by the city. The ladlea haT? made good use of the paint brush and bare added curtains, shades, pictures ? and wall vases. A completely furnished kitchenette may be seen at the back of the car. j 4

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