THE ALAMANCE GLEANER VOL. LX. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY JAMUARY 3, 1933. NO. 48. JNews Keview of Current Events the World Over Representative Tinkliam's Scathing Attack on Secretary Perkins ? Senator Lewis Warns Against Any More Disarmament Treaties, By EDWARD W. PICKARD ? by Western Newspaper Union. U*iiv/x*vjiLi n. iu every time he sees blm. By the way, Peter, hare ? MOTHER'S ? COOK BOOK WINTRY SUGGESTIONS NOW li the season, while citrus fruit* are plentiful, to prepare marmalade*. Aa tastes differ aa to bit terness In the marmalade, one hai to be guided aa to the amount of the rlod used Id the mixture. For those who like a mild and suit flavorful marma lade use one each of lemon, orange and grapefruit Apple Salad. One of the most satisfactory salads for winter la the one of apples ? small sized Baldwins, or any good apple; peel carefully after coring and use apples of uniform size. Cook In sugar ?Irup with a small handful of the lit tle cinnamon candles, which add flavor aa well a* color. When cool serve on lettuce stuffed with cream or cottage cheese and garnish the top with a sprig of parsley. ^ * Grapefruit and Almond Salad. Cut the pulp of two grapefruit Into dice, add two ounces of blanched and chopped almonds to the drained pulp. J Dissolve one package of lemon gela tin with boiling water and the Juice trom the fruit to make two cupful*, using one cupful of grapefruit Juice and one of water. When the mixture begin* to thicken add the almond* and a tableipoonful of sugar. Pour Into ? mold and set away to harden. Serve with mayonnaise a* a aalad or with whipped cream a* a ciessert. Casserol* of Cauliflower. Soak a bead of cauliflower in aalt water for half an hour, bead down, to If there are any Insects lodged In It they will come out. Break Into sprig* of floweret* and rook In very little boil ing water 20 minutes. Take one and one-half cupful* of cooked macaroni, one and one-balf cupful* of (trained to matoes, one-half cupful of grated cheese, aalt, pepper and buttered crack er crumbs. Add the cheese to the to matoes and cook uniil the cheese Is melted. Season with salt and pepper 1 and pour OTer the layers of cauliflower and giacaron!. Corer with buttere