^ ' "'"^3 The Alamance gleaner News Review of Current Events the World Over Truce Is Called in the General Motors Strike? President's Reorganization Program Criticized ? Kidnaped Tacoma Boy Is Found Murdered. By EDWARD W. PICKARD ? Weitern Newspaper Union. '"pHROUGH the efforts of Gover * nor Murphy of Michigan a truce in the General Motors strike was arranged, and the prospects for peaceful settlement of the trouble were bright. The gover nor persuaded Ex ecutive Vice Presi d e n t William S. Knudsen of the cor poration and Presi dent Homer Martin of the United Auto mobile Workers un ion to meet in his office in Lansing. The conference last ed more than IS William S. Knudsen hours and at its conclusion the truce was announced. The essence of the agreement was that the union would at once with draw the sit-down strikers from the General Motors plants in Flint, De troit and Anderson, Ind., and that the corporation would not remove from the plant any machinery or dies and would not attempt to re sume production in those plants for at least 15 days from the date of commencement of negotiations. The joint conferences for a final settlement of the points at issue were to begin in Detroit January 18. Mr. Knudsen said "Negotiations will be conducted frankly and every effort will be made to bring about a speedy settlement." Mr. Martin asserted "The union will in good faith endeavor to ar rive at a speedy settlement." Governor Murphy announced that National Guardsmen now in Flint, following an outbreak of rioting at a General Motors plant there, would remain temporarily "but I don't consider this necessary." The agreement on the armistice came as good news to thousands of idle automotive workers, and other thousands threatened with tem porary loss of jobs. COME 400 representatives of the ~ five railroad brotherhoods gath ered in Chicago to discuss plans for obtaining increases of wages. A committee recommended that form al demands for higher pay be made, but said it had not yet decided on the procedure or the amount of in crease to be asked. J. A. Phillips, president of the Order of Railway Conductors, said that while the committee had agreed that a wage increase should be sought, there had been no con sideration of hours of work, pen sions or any other matter. DLANS for reorganizing the ad 1 ministrative branch of the gov ernment were laid before congress by President Roosevelt, and many Democrats as well as the few Republi can members were quick to express their disapproval of parts of the scheme. It would greatly en hance the power of the executive, would abolish no federal agencies and would not result in any considerable econo my of expenditures. Special committees Louis Brownlow oi Doth houses were to begin draft ing a bill to carry out the Presi dent's desires, but it was freely pre dicted that not all of them would get through. Louis Brownlow, Prof. Luther Gulick and Prof. Charles Merriam constituted the committee that evolved the reorganization plan for the President. The major changes they recommended are: Creation of two new departments headed by cabinet members ? a de partment of social welfare and a de partment of public works ? and dele gation to the President of author ity to "overhaul the 100 independent agencies, administrations, authori ties, boards, and commissions and place them by executive order" in the ten existing and two proposed additional departments. Expansion of the White House ?tall, chiefly by the creation of six "assistants to the President," who would relieve him of much of the routine executive work. Abolition of the office of controller general with his power to disallow administrative expenditures in ad vance as violative of law, and crea tion instead of an auditor general with power limited to reporting an nually to congress illegal and waste ful expenditures by the executive branch. Extension of the merit system to "cover practically all non-policy de termining posts," replacement of the civil service commission by a civil service administrator with a "citizen board to serve as the watch dog of the merit system," and in crease of salaries to key positions to attract superior ability to a ca reer service. Development of the "managerial agencies of the government," par ticularly the budget bureau and agencies engaged in efficiency re search, personnel questions, and long range planning of the use of land, water, and other natural re sources. Opposition to the first, third and fourth of these sections was pro nounced and it seems certain that introduction of the bill will start a long and stubborn fight in congress. ""PEN-y ear-old Charles Mattson, kidnaped from his home in Ta coma, Wash., Dec. 27 and held for ransom, was found beaten to death in 6now covered woods near Ev erett. The body was nude and cru elly battered. State and city police and department of justice agents, who had been held back to give the lad's father a chance to pay the ransom and save his son, immedi ately begin an intensive manhunt. One suspect was arrested in San Francisco and others were being traced. A car in which it was be lieved the lad's body was carried was found. President Roosevelt expressed the horror of the nation over this brutal crime and authorized a reward of $10,000 for the capture of the kidnaper and murderer. Ber nar McFadden added $1,000 to this amount. T* HE latest general European war scare has subsided. It was caused by France's announced de termination to stop, by force if necessary, the al leged infiltration of German troops into Spanish Morocco, and Great Britain was ready to sup port the French with its fleet. But Hitler and his am bassador to France were able to con vince the nations that the stories were false and that Germany has no in Gen. Goering tention of trying to grab any Span ish territory. Paris cooled down at once, and to add to the peace atmosphere, negotiations were started for a trade treaty between France and Germany. Then, too, Col. Gen. Hermann Wilhelm Goering, resplendent first minister of the German reich, went on an official visit to Rome and was informed by Mussolini that the recently signed Italo-British Mediterranean agreement does not change Italy's friendship for Ger many or its collaboration with the reich on the major problems of Europe. Goering and Mussolini were supposed to get together on the future course of their govern ments concerning the Spanish civil war. T OSING the radio beam in foggy weather, Pilot W. W. Lewis pan caked his Western Air Express plane with a crash on a hill near Burbank, Calif., and two of his passengers were killed. Everyone else on the plane, eleven in num ber, was injured. The dead are Martin Johnson, famous explorer, and James A. Braden of Cleveland. Mrs. Osa Johnson, who accompan ied her husband on his adventurous expeditions in Africa and Borneo, was among those most seriously hurt. There will be searching inquiries into this and other recent air dis asters. Senator Copeland of New York blames the Department of Commerce. Airline operators have long complained that certain radio beam stations in the Far West are inadequate. Officials of the bureau of air navigation deny this, asserting: "Radio beams some times play queer pranks in cer tain areas and in certain moun tainous territories. Every pilot knows these peculiarities." Down in Mexico there were three airplane crashes within a week, and it was believed eleven persons had lost their lives. TP HE Simpson affair has been r? vived by news that Ernest Simp son, who was divorced by the fa mous Wally, has filed a slander suit in London against Mrs. Joan Suth erland, beautiful wife of Lt. Col. Arthur Sutherland. The suit is based on a remark, said to have been made at a luncheon attended by Mrs. Sutherland, that Simpson was "well paid" for permitting the divorce. The United Press correspondent was told: "The case is not expect ed to break' into the open for sev eral weeks. It is now sub judice (before the court). It will not be open to the public until after it is set down for hearing and pleadings have been terminated. No state ment has been delivered yet." IN ONE of its periodic analyses of the economic situation the Brook ings institute, non-partisan research foundation, summarizes proposals for "a consistent program of fur ther recovery," the seven points of which are, briefly: Re-establishment of a balanced federal budget. Continuance of the present policy of maintaining a fixed price of gold and the establishment through in ternational co-operation of a system of stable foreign exchange. Extension of the reciprocal trade agreements "as the most practical means of reducing artificial barriers to commerce and reopening the channels of international trade." Preservation of the "generally favorable ratio of prices and wage rates." Maintenance of prevailing hours of labor "as the only means of meeting the production require ments involved in restoring dur ing the next few years the stand ards of living of the laboring masses and promoting the economic ad vancement of the nation as a whole." , Elimination of private and public industrial practices "which tend to restrict output or to prevent the in crease of productive efficiency." "Shifting of the emphasis in agri cultural policy from restricted out put and rising prices to the abun dant furnishings of the supplies of raw materials and foodstuffs re quired by gradually expanding mar kets." CUGAR processors are making ^ "unduly high profits", accord ing to Secretary of Agriculture Henry A. Wallace, and so he pro poses a tax of $10 to $20 a ton on all sugar processed in the United States. This, he says, will be sug gested to congress. Mr. Wallace says the profits are from 10 to 12 per cent and he estimates that the tax would yield approximately $70, 000,000 a year. Of this about $13, 000,000 would go to producers in benefit payments. The secretary believes the sugar processors have been "unjustly en riched" under the quota system which rations imports and is sup posed to maintain the domestic price against foreign competition. D ECOMMENDATIONS for legis lative action during the pres ent session of congress have been presented to the President and con gress by the executive committee of the American Farm Bureau fed eration. The program involves the ever-normal granary, commodity loans, adjustment of production to effective demand, soil conserva tion, the strengthening of market ing agreements, postponement of state administration of the soil con servation and domestic allotment act until 1940, and a "permanent" revenue policy to meet the cost of these measures. IT IS pleasant to turn from poll tics, strikes and war and record the fact that Charles Hayden, New York banker who died recently, left about $45,000,000 to establish a foundation for the education of needy boys and young men, "es pecially in the advancement of their moral, mental and physical well being." Mr. Hayden, who was ? bachelor, also gave $1,000,000 to Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy, $2,000,000 in trust to his broth er and nearly $2,000,000 to friends and employees. UNCLE SAM has begun storing his gold in the bomb-proof de pository built at Fort Knox, Ken tucky. The first train, heavily guarded, carried about $200,000, 000 of the precious metal from the Philadelphia mint and it was re ceived by the motorized Seventh cavalry and put in the great vaults. The gold was forwarded by the Post Office department as parcel post. Announcement u made by the United States Maritime commission that it will dispose of four shipping lines by June 28 next, rhey now operate 34 vessels in di rect competition with private Amer ican shipping. Pennsylvania Bossy and Her Triplets The proud mother, a Holstein cow, owned by Nathan Folk, farmer of Stony Creek Mills, near Reading, Pa , is shown with her three babies. Although triple birth to a cow is distinctly rare, all three calves are normal. All Thornton W Burgess ? THE RATS START A FIRE t) ATS are born thieves. They not only steal food, but they carry off many other things, things for which they really have no use at all. Now it happened that one of the young rats in the farmhouse found some matches and took them to his nest under the floor of the shed. There, having nothing else to do, he nibbled at them to see what the queer stuff on the ends of them might be. His sharp teeth caused one of them to light, and of course that instantly lighted all the rest of them. With a squeak of fright the rat ran away, for like all the little people of the Green Forest and the Green Meadows a rat fears the Red Terror, which we call fire, more than anything else. Now that rat's nest was made chiefly of chewed up paper and old rags. Nothing could have been better for the Red Terror. It blazed instantly. The floor just above was of very, very dry wood, for the boards of that floor had been there many years. In no time at all that shed was afire. All the rats under the floor fled in terror into the house. Smoke be gan to pour out of the open door of the shed. The farmer at work in the barnyard saw it find ran as fast as he could to try to put the fire out. For a while the farmer and his wife had a hard fight with the Red Terror. They pumped wa ter as fast as ever they could and carried it in pails to throw on the fire. At first it looked as if the Red Terror would be too much for them and their house would be burned up, but after ? while the water Sophisticated Amethyst satin U molded to the figure with extreme simplicity in this sophisticated dinner gown. The jacket and the decollete are of self cording. was too much for the Red Terror and drowned it out. "Whew!" exclaimed the farmer as he and his wife sat down to rest for a moment. "That was a nar row escape. How under the sun could that fire have started?" "I haven't the least idea," replied hi? wife. "I was upstairs at the time. There wasn't a thing in that shed that could have started it. Do you suppose anybody could have set it?" The farmer shook his head. "No," said he, "that fire started under the floor." Then a sudden thought came to* him. "I know how it started I" he cried angrily. "It was those pesky rats I It was those pesky rats as sure as I live. They must have found some matches some where and taken them to a nest under the floor. Then while they were nibbling at them they set one going. We've got to get rid of those "Those who are fortunate enough 1 to retain their shirt in the business of a day," says pertinent Polly, "return home only to find the laun dry man has lost it for them." WNU Service. rats or we won't have a house left over our heads. I don't know how we're going to do it, but we've got to get rid of those rats!" C T W BurgeM- ? WNU Serrlca. FEEDING THE FAMILY TP HIS seems to be the principal *? work of at least twenty million housewives, but feeding the family on the proper food is not a light job to be undertaken with no thought. Food is not necessarily nutritious in proportion to its cost. The high priced foods appeal to the eye and imagination, so they seem most de sirable. Going marketing is a wonderful education as well as a great devel oper of will power, or resistance to temptation, for it takes real self denial to pass by the crisp ard green cucumber or the box of straw berries, when the price is beyond the purse. The mother of a family should, of all people, understand food values, for she is in a position to build up or tear down bodies and ruin diges tions. "Bad habits ruin life as do weak bones the body." - The protein foods such as meat, eggs, fish, cheese and milk are the most expensive and complex. Carbohydrates are the starches and sugars ; potatoes, rice, macaroni are our principal source o: starch and the sugars we get from various sources ? honey ? from fruits and such vegetables as beets. An excess of meat is very bad for it clogs the system and causes self-poisoning. Brain workers and the young as well as aged need easily digested fowls. Active muscle workers need coarse foods, which are better for their needs; however, all need roughage to give bulk and increase the intestinal activity. The growing child needs milk, butter, eggs, green vegetables and fruits to supply all the food prin ciples and the vitamins which pro mote growth. The diet should be varied as well as mixed. Substitute rice and mac aroni for potatoes, not serving any two at the same meaL C Western Newspaper Union. KNOW THYSELF by Dr. George D. Greer DO MOST PEOPLE KNOW WHY THEY BUY THE THINGS THEY DO? ERY few people know why they buy this thing or that thing. They often rationalize afterward, and give what they think to be the rea son, but the true reasons are al ways in the subconscious mind? in the instincts ? says Dr. Donald Laird in his valuable book "What Makes People Buy." Clothing and personal adornments are sold on the instinct to be admired and to at tract attention; insurance on the instinctive fear of death; travel tours on the instinctive craving for romance; and automobiles on the instinct to show power and exhibit it through possessions. Everything we' buy has an instinctive basis for its appeal, and most of us never realize this. An intelligent sales man studies these instincts and makes use of them. ?-WNU.Vr.ln. ONE OF THOSE DAYS By DOUGLAS MALLOCH ONE of those days we just recall' The heavy labor of it all, Behold our task with downcast eyes We once uplifted to the prize. One of those days we look too near The task to either see or hear The beauty of it ? darkly gaze And say, "It's just one of thos* days." One of those days the things unkind Come quickest to the weary mind. Forgotten all the joy we met. Remembered all we should forget. One of those days we see the past As something good that could not last. The future something that delay* Too long, and say, "One of thos* days." One of those days. We know not why A cloud will visit any sky. But this we know, that not a one Has ever overcome the sun. One of these days we yet shall learn If nights descend that dawns return. And with that thought our souls so raise We never know "one 01 those days.'* e Door." MaEock.? wxr Sarriea. Two Princesses Princess Olga of Yugo-Slavia with her youngest child. Princess Jelisa veta. in a recent photograph which was the first to show the two to gether. I LANGUAGE . OF YOUR HMD A By Leicester K. Dafia ? NMttU4nr. Ik % 1 A S YOU progress in your under * ' standing of the revelations of the hand, you will become more and more impressed with how well the builder of our destinies has given us each a preponderance of thoM i qualities required to offset what | otherwise might be a disastrous temperamental deficiency. Thumb as Index of Legic vs. WtB The first two joints of the thumb, as you have learned, denote the bal ancing qualities of will and logic. One often is found to offset com pletely an almost hopeless deficien cy in the other. For example, you may find a short, flexible nail Joint denoting impulsiveness, extrava gance and other undesirable reao . tions to environment quite neutral ized by the greater-than-average length of the middle joint. Or the reverse may be shown, in which case a naturally self-de preciating tendency to let things go because of menta! laziness is stung to action and kept in working order | by a stubborn will which refuses to submit to a temperamental de fect. Witt) Scrrle*.