SUCH Is LIFE? Tricks hi i in i 1 By Charles Sughroe Life Expectancy of 70 Is Seen in Next Decade Health Chief Cites Recent Medical Advances. Lansing, Mich. ? Life expectancy of the average American will be stepped up from the present age of sixty to the "riper old age" of seventy within the next decade. That was the prediction of Dr. Thomas Parran, Jr., surgeon gen eral of the United States public health service and president of the American Public Health association, who addressed the recent meeting of the sixteenth annual state public health conference here. Cites Recent Gains. Basing his belief on recent accom plishments of the medical profes sion, Dr. Parran said: "The advance of the past five years is one of the most significant events of our time. Science has giv en us the tools. It is merely up to us to use them. "The battle for longevity in the next five years will be waged on eight fronts, Dr. Parran said, enu merating them as follows: "1. Cancer, the death rate of which he believes will be cut in half. NEW A. A. U. CHIEF Jeremiah T. Mahoney of New York, who was elected president of the Amateur Athletic union at its convention, {It Houston, Tex. His election climaxed a bitter fight in which his opponent was Patrick J. Walsh, also of New York. Mahoney was president a year ago when the question of non-participation in the Olympic games was fought. He re fused to permit his name to be presented for re-election after he had been defeated in his opposition to the Olympics. His current victory is considered vindication of his stand at that time. He succeeds Avery Brundage. "2. Infant mortality, which, he said, should also undergo a SO per cent decrease. "3. Malnutrition, in connection with which he pointed out '25,000, 000 Americans are living on a bare margin of nutritive safety.* "4. Pneumonia, which will be re duced 25 per cent by early diagnosis and serum treatments. "5. Social disease, for the control of which he outlined a special pro gram. "6. Tuberculosis which 'will be the next great plague to bow to man's ingenuity.' "7. Sanitation and better housing, which he said, 'No one should be surprised to find in a public health program.' "8. Mental hygiene, which he de clared 'overshadows everything else.' United Against Disease. "No one knows," Dr. Parran said, "what science has in store. We are united against death and dis ease." The part the federal government will play in the fight, through the $13,200,000 public health provisions of the Social Security Act will be extensive, Dr. Parran said, and will become even more extensive. "It has always been argued in some quarters," he continued, "that we cannot afford extended public health services. We have always answered that such services were the humanitarian thing. Now in the light of new experience we may an swer that public health service is the economic thing and an absolute necessity." My Neighbor Says:= A little burnt sugar added to flour used in making gravy to serve with roast beef or lamb adds to the flavor of the gravy. ? ? ? When preparing prunes for salad, wash and soak them in warm water for 10 minutes. Dry, make an in cision in the side of the prune and squeeze out the stone. ? ? ? Cyclamen grow best in acid soil composed of equal parts of loam, leaf mold, decayed manure and sand Fertilize with bone meal. ? ? ? Spread 2Vi tablespoons of pre pared mustard over a leg of lamb, let it dry, then cover it with drip pings and roast. The mustard gives a delicious flavor to both meat and gravy. ? ? ? When soot accumulates in the chimney, place a piece of zinc on the hot coals in the kitchen stove or furnace. The vapors arising from this will carry off the soot by chem ical decomposition. ? Astoclatsd Newspapers. ? WNU Berries. AMAZE A MINUTE SCIENTIFACTS ? BY ARNOLD Growing world / In less than 3 CENTURIES, THE WORLD'S POPULATION HAS INCREASED MORE THAN POUR POLO Killer mosquitoes- |irrr^ A HORDE OF MOSQUITOES in Florida aEOK-av at-, TACKED AND KILLED 173 (? A maSaJT HEApC*LMESTO?M L^R^BERRlES. POULTRY. jJBbki I CRANBERRIES arc I NOW BEING GROWN Iin Nova Scotia I and New Bmb?ic.J 1 ENDING UWWTA Itiqm crom U.S. WNU Service. A Legend of Life By LEONARD A. BARRETT There is an interesting legend of the dogwood tree which reveals life in a process of de velopment. We are so used to evaluating things by their size or by their material value, we forget the hidden springs, the un seen spirit. This little legend points to inner life. Hie legend re lates that once in the long ago, the dogwood tree grew strong and stately as the oak. It was the pride of the woods. When material was needed to build the cross upon which Jesus was crucified, the dogwood tree sup plied that material. From that time, the dogwood tree was doomed to become slender and scrubby, so HAILE IN BRONZE Mr. Jacob Epstein with his hall length bust of Haile Selassie, for mer emperor of Ethiopia, which he will include in his private ex hibition in London. The bust ia in bronze. that no longer was it the proud tree of the forest, no longer was it used to build a cross. For in giving itself in that sacrifice, henceforth its blos soms were decreed to form a crocs, and in the center of each petal, a nail print, brown and stained with blood, told over and over the story of the tree stately and strong enough to build a cross. Only a legend, but it holds the principle of true living. Nature re fuses interference with her orderly process of development. Whether the present day dogwood tree, found in abundance in our northern woods, was ever molested in its early growth is not the question. If such were the case, the penalty is distinctly seen by comparing its rug ged beauty with frail beauty that has known no bitter conflict nor opposing forces in an orderly growth. Beauty that gives none of itself in the process of living and meeting the demands of life, is ex ternal imitation and not internal de velopment. There is a vast difference between a photograph and a living face. The dogwood tree gave up its size but released its strength of life in its measure of service. In sacri ficing a rugged exterior, the dog wood tree made singularly sacred its fruit which bears forever the image of the cross. If life spends itself in building one cross, it hence forth knows the kinship of struggle and the bond of indwelling purpose. The cross has always been a sym bol of sacrifice which is at the heart of all achievement. Strong character is essential to sacrifice. We grow impatient with "small lives" which cannot see over the top of their own yard fence. Lives that take all and give nothing. Lives that ask all and answer nothing. Lives that demand and dare nothing. Whenever the cross of sacrifice is eliminated from life, we grow self ish and unhappy. Lift the element el sacrifice ap la the crowded ways of life, aad the weary are givan a place to rest, the hnagry are fed, the naked are clothed, the sick are visited. Lift the cross of sacrifice high wp ea the altar of the heart, aad life blooau ia Imperishable deeds. Strength may fail, but love never fails. There may be physical fail ures, but no spiritual bitterness. As CONFLICT in a family doea not always signify lack of affection. Not by any means. Neither does the smooth running of homelife neces sarily indicate great love. It is true that a combination of equanimity and strong affection is ideal when it does not mean that one nature is conceding continually, while the other is dominating. Such conditions may be existent and the one giv ing in be so fond of the one dom inating, that it is part of the pleas ure of companion ship to follow the lead of one whose Judgment is con sidered good. The habit of such acquiescence, however, is sel dom, il ever, really satisfac tory. Gradually the ability to do anything that does not coincide with the wishes of the other is lost, even though per sonal enjoyment i s sacrificed. When the power of resistance i s gone, weakness of character results. In the meantime the forceful na lure gets selfish and sometimes even tyrannical. Two ways of coping with an em bryo situation in which wishes are at variance, are found in conten tions or in silences. When affection is deep the former way is more apt to b? followed than the latter. Which ever path is taken at first, is likely to be continued for the two goals are in direct opposition. Helpful Contentions. Where affection is strong it is a vital matter to have a meet ing place of understanding. It is worth a struggle to gain it. A line up of arguments may mean a battle of words, some that will be sorely regretted no doubt, but if the desire behind the struggle is for a better understanding, a mutual recognition of each other's point of view, a de termination to find a base on which both can rest in agreement, and the stream of affection continue again its placid flow, the conten tions are worth while, though regret table. The desire to have one whom you love see your side is not un natural, after all. A final treaty of peace always has some terms of concession. This is important to remember. When affection is vital, a rupture is unthinkable. The peace of understanding must come. It is when love begins to ebb, that silence is a covert. What is the use of trying to get another to see your side, when it makes little or no difference? The beautiful si lence of good nature is of another breed. The silence of indifference means no verbal struggles, and a semblance of peace. But this is the little fir tree is the symbol of perpetual life, so the dogwood tree is the symbol of perpetual sacrifice: green branches and petals that bear the image of the cross: life and its process of growth. ? Western Newspaper Union. merely a camouflage. Deep down there ia no peace, merely apathy. Affection ia no longer vital. It ia vanishing or has vanished. Individual Freedom. Individual freedom in a home is made of the same stuff as is freedom in the world without. In a sense each person in either place ratea his or her freedom, yet the truth of the statement "No man liveth to him self alone" ia of outstanding im port. It is when freedom to pursue individuality does not run counter to the best good of the family as ? whole, or of the world of persons, in which world each Is an integral part, that there can be any proper individual freedom in either place. So closely knit is the fabric of home life and of the outer world that each person has the profound responsibil ity of living to himself yet not to himself alone. Young people of a family often feel irritated when counseled against certain proposed actions, or when they are advised to do other things which they wish not to do. They firmly stand their ground of assertion that they should do just as they like saying, "We have our own lives to live." Certainly it is an indisputable fact that no person can live another's life, but this does not signify that a life is lived to itself alone. No action is so trifling that the influence of (t does not reach beyond the person taking the action, so living one's own life has its complexities. e Ball Syndicate. ? WNU Sarvlca. SPECTATOR SUIT Tailored thing* are the order o 1 the day at winter resort tracks this season, and this ensemble of cela nese sharkskin in tan and brown mis the bill. Solves Algebraic Equations The "Simultaneous Calculator" which has been developed at tha Massachusetts Institute of Technology by Dr. John B. Wilbur (shown) of tha department of civil engineering. The machine will solve simultane ous linear algebraic equations to nine or more unknowns, producing a solution In a few seconds that might take hours or even days to reach by ordinary methods. The calculator has 13,000 parts, including more than <00 feet of steel tape and nearly 1,000 ballbearing pulleys. Busy Sunbonnet Girls 1 Pattern MS They're never without their sun bonnets, these seven diminutive maidens who make light of their own chores, and yours, too. See how pretty they're going to look, embroidered on a set of seven tea towels? Stitches are of the easiest ? mostly outline, with lazy daisy, running stitch and some French knots. Keep them in mind for gifts. Pattern 918 contains a transfer pattern of seven motifs UncLi Phil CX SgjjA: Leaving No Stain Let us seek so to live that our bygone year may, to use Cowper's beautiful expression, leave "no stain upon the wing of time." Of all the wingless angels on earth that yon value, the man who yon know when he tells yon he will do a certain thing on a certain day, will do it, is the most precious . We all know how much we like a man when we hear he has just died. Let's tell him a little of that before he does. Rejoice in Friend's Success Allow no shadow of envy to mar the sunshine of a friend's suc cess. If one knows a mean story on himself, let him remember it when he is tempted to tell a mean story on someone else ? and re frain. The swan knows how to use its neck; that is why it is beautiful. The giraffe doesn't and is gro tesque. Features of Gentility Two main features of gentility are propriety and consideration for others. Dignity is beautiful to contem plate, bnt it needs to be employed with skiU. Best thing for people who can't afford to eat breakfast in bed is j that they don't want to. averaging S by 7H inches; illus trations of all stitches needed; color suggestions sod material re quirement!. Send 13 cents in stamps or coiaa (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle Need leer aft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York, N. Y. Write plainly your name, ad dress and pattern number. Still Jail for Debt There still is a place where a man may be put in jail for debt It happens on the Isle of Man. At present, any person owing money, who is believed to intend leaving the island, may be ar rested on a creditor's petition lodged in the island's jail until he can produce satisfactory guar antees that the debt win be paid. "The LIGHT of 1000 USES' , Cote! Mantle LANTERN Use your Coleman h hundreds of plans ?J I / 1 l.itft nifbt into day. ? run or i [Wtod. Bb t pot It oat. High candle-power . The finest a Prices as km as 14.45. Your local dealer can ssfWTiJMt THB COLEMAN LAMP AND ( Dn*. wlnn. wichto, kmm.i c FUbMphfa. Fw La. Aaa