The Alamance gleaner Vol. LXIII v GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1937 No. 15 News Review of Current Events the World Over I Ambassador Dodd's Remarkable Warning of Fascist Plan for United States ? Steel Workers' Strikes Started by the C. I. 0. By EDWARD W. PICKARD ? Western Newspaper Union. WILLIAM E. DODD, American ambassador to Germany, has stepped into the limelight and the result may be embarrassing to him . onrl ??"? ?Vio istration. In a long letter to Senators Bulkley of Ohio and Glass of Virginia he urges all Democrats to unite in support of the President and thus avert a dicta torship in the United States. It was as sumed he meant the ? rresiaem s supreme court enlargement W. E. Dodd bill should be sup ported, since that is the measure that split the party in congress. Dodd, former professor in the Uni versity of Chicago, said he had been told by certain friends that a n American, not named, "who owns nearly a billion dollars," was pre pared to set up a fascist regime which presumably he would con trol. There are not many American billionaires now, but no one has ventured to guess publicly the man Dodd has in mind. "There are individuals of great wealth who wish a dictatorship and are ready to help a Huey Long," he wrote. "There are politicians, some in the senate, I have heard, who think they may come into power like that of the European dictators in Moscow, Berlin, and Rome." Congressional leaders were quick to take up Dodd's assertion, Senator Borah of Idaho leading off with the declaration that the ambassador was an irresponsible scandal mon ger and a disgrace to his country. "I have an idea," said Borah, "that his supposed dictatorship is the fig ment of a diseased brain." Senator Gerald Nye of North Dakota, radi cal, introduced a resolution call ing upon the State department to demand that Dodd name the billion aire in question. In the house Representative Fish of New York denounced Dodd, and demanded that he be recalled and forced to give the name of the man who is ready to set up a dictator ship. This reaction in Washington led Ambassador Dodd to amplify his warning by a prepared statement cautioning against perils which would result from defeat of Presi dent Roosevelt's recovery program and reiterating the assertion that Americans of great wealth are look ing toward Fascist rule; but he still disclosed no identities. TpHERE were persistent reports in Washington that the Supreme court controversy would soon be settled by the resignation of at least two of the justices, Brandeis and Van Devanter, and possibly Mc Reyflolds and Sutherland. It was said friends of these men had urged their retirement "for the good of the court itself." Senator Henrik Shipstead of Min nesota, Farmer-Laborite, returning to his seat after a long illness, declared himself flatly against the Supreme court enlargement bill; and his colleague. Senator Ernest Lundeen, another Farmer-Labor ite, said he would not support an increase of more than two in the membership of the court. D KIT .TP MURRAY, chairman of *? the steel workers' organizing committee of the C. I. O., called the first major strike in the cam paigu ui uewis aiiu his associates to un ionize the steel in dustry. On his order the employees of Jones It Laughlin Steel corporation plants in Pitta burgh and Aliquippa walked out after Murray had failed to get from the com jiany ? Bigneu tui lective bargaining Philip Murray contract. The strike call affected 27,000 men. Thousands of pickets surrounded the Jones 4 Laughlin mills and kept non-union workers from entering. The company announced its will ingness to sign a contract if it might grant identical terms to non-union employees and declared its disposi tion to deal solely with any group that could poll a majority of its em ; ployees in an election supervised by the national labor board. Next day the strike spread to the plants of the Pittsburgh Steel com pany at Monessen and Allenport, Pa., where 5,900 men went out. Murray said it was inevitable that the Republic, Youngstowq, Bethle hem and Crucible steel concerns would be involved very soon. There was considerable disorder at Aliquippa, and the police used tear gas bombs to disperse the pick ets. Governor Earle hurried to the region to help settle the trouble, and he ordered the sale of liquor stopped in areas affected by the strike. Employees of Fisher Body and Chevrolet in Detroit returned to work pending a conference with the management; but the plants of those concerns in Janesville, Wis., were closed by a dispute over the status of 14 non-union workers. Their plants in Flint and Saginaw also were shut down, as was the Fisher Body plant in Cleveland. John L. Lewis, head of the C. I. O., apparently killed any chances for peace with the A. F. of L. when, addressing the Lady Garment Work ers' union convention at Atlantic City, he called President Green a traitor to organized labor and de clared neither he nor any of the workers unionized in the C. I. O. campaign wants peace with the fed eration. Lewis charged that Green tried to prevent Governor Murphy of Michigan from settling the Gen eral Motors and Chrysler strikes. ECHNICAL workers in the movie industry at Hollywood were disappointed when the screen actors' guild, settling its own trou bles with the producers, refused to support their strike. But the C. I. O. took up their cause, assured them of active support and promised to p\pce 340,000 men on picket duty in important cities throughout the country. At least, that is the as sertion of Charles E. Lessing, head of the striking unions. Lessing said the film boycott would be directed at theaters in in dustrial areas where unions are strong. He selected New York, Chi cago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, De troit, Pittsburgh, Minneapolis and St. Paul as key cities for picketing. DRITISH royalty and the British government are at outs con cerning the wedding of the duke of Windsor and Mrs. Wallis Warfield. ine auie wisnes u to be public and of ficially supported by King George and Mary, the queen mother, with whom Edward discussed the affair by tele phone. The cabinet insists the marriage should be strictly private and not at _ . . tended by any mem Dukeo t be, of the royal Windsor family except as a private person. Edward postponed the marriage until June at the re quest of his brother the king, and it is said he would yield to the de mand of the government and have a private wedding ; but Queen Mary and King George believe the cere mony should be public and recog nized as a matter of "Stair treat ment" for the duke, and that his bride should be formally recognized as the duchess of Windsor. "O EMEMBER, this is the Presi dent's pet project. He wants the CCC made permanent, not ex tended for a two year period." So shouted Representative Wil liam P. Connery of Massachusetts at the members of the house. But the house would not heed the im plied warning and voted, 224 to 34, in favor of giving the CCC two more years of life. This was in committee of the whole, and next day this action was confirmed. The senate, forgetting all about economy, approved, 40 to 29, an amendment to the second deficiency appropriation bill which commits the government to the expenditure of 112 millions on a new Tennessee river dam at Gilbertsville, Ky. TO SETTLE the long pension con troversy between railroad oper ators and their employees, a com promise bill was introduced by Sen ator Wagner and Representative Crosser amending the railway re tirement act. Fundamental conces sions to workers include eligibility for pensions for employees absent on account of sickness, increases in death benefits, and authority to include prior service in calculating length of service upon which an nuities are based. - Ff RESPONSE to' the recent re quest of a foreign government, reported to be France, the adminis tration has taken the position that it will not permit the export of he lium for military purposes abroad. The request was for a very large amount of the gas, presumably for ? large airship, and investigation convinced officials in Washington that the nation asking it was plan ning no such commercial service as was performed by the German gov ernment with the ill-fated Hinden burg. /TAD in a cloth of gold robe em ^ broidered with colored emblem* and lined with white satin, King George VI of Great Britain knelt ii ueiuie iiic urciiuian op of Canterbury in Westminster abbey and the primate placed on the mon arch's head the crown which Ed ward never wore. Then the queen's crown was placed on the head of Eliz abeth, and the two tk.;. ?1 wua uicu plates uu their thrones. At the same time all the assembled peers and peeresses donned their coronets, drums and trumpets sounded and the guns at the Tower of London boomed. This was the climax of the grand spec tacle that had attracted many thou sands of persons to London and that held the attention of the world for a few hours. First of the day's events was the procession to the abbey, which was observed by vast throngs in the streets, windows and stands. It was two miles long. The lord mayor of London, gorgeously clad and carry ing the city mace, arrived first at the annex built at the abbey en trance, and was followed closely by the speaker of the house of com mons, representatives of foreign governments, the prime ministers of the dominions and the princes and princesses of royal blood. Next came Queen Mary, and then King George and Queen Elizabeth. When all the fortunate ones en titled to places in the abbey had taken their seats, the ceremony be gan with the ancient "recognition" ritual; the archbishop of Canter bury presented the king to the peo ple, and four times the throng re sponded with "God Save King George." After the rite of corona tion and the actual enthronement of the monarchs the doors of the abbey were thrown open, George and Eliz abeth, wearing their crowns and carrying their scepters, stepped in to their coach, and the second grand procession made its slow way to Buckingham palace. Every detail of the spectacle and ceremony had been rehearsed until all were perfect in their parts and noth ing marred the per formance upon which the British government spent about $2,000,000. It really was a gor geous show and no one begrudged the money it cost, espe cially as visitors to i-ionaon spent proi> riiHiMih ably t?n times as Elizabeth mUch. Though in general ancient routine was fol lowed, there were some notable con cessions to modernity. For instance, the abbey was equipped with tele phones and loud speakers. Anoth er innovation, on the days before the coronation, was the stationing of companies of soldiers from the various dominions as sentries at Buckingham and St. James' pal aces. Never before had this duty been entrusted to other than the British guards. Throughout the British empire coronation day was celebrated with parades and banquets, and wher ever on earth as many as two Brit ishers came together, George VI was toasted. George Leonard berry, veteran labor leader who has been serving as President Roose velt's "co-ordinator for industrial co-uperauim, wuai>? ever that may mean, is now United States senator from Tennessee, having been appointed by Governor Browning to fill out the term of the late Senator Nathan L. Bach man. He will serve until the regular election in novcm- _ _ ber, 1938. U Mr. Berry, who is fifty-three years old, is one o f the largest landholders in the South. He owns a weekly newspaper at Rog ersville, Tenn., and the Internation al Playing Card and Label com pany. He has been president of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America since he was twenty years old. First Electric Welded Steel Church This church in Peoria, 111., is believed to be the first of its kind ever built. It if constructed of steel throughout and the material is joined by electric welding. The total cost of the steel work, including designing, fabrication and erection, was only $2,000. Bedtime Story for Children By THORNTON W. BURGESS PETER RABBIT GETS HIS WISH JUMPER THE HARE, wwo is ** Peter Rabbit's big cousin and had come down from the Great Green Forest, had seen very little of Peter lately because he disliked to leave the Green Forest, and ever since he had seen those strange tracks deep in the Green Forest Peter had kept close to the dear Old Briar Patch. So Jumper had not heard Peter's story, which no body believed and about which ev "I ? I Knew Too Wouldn't Believe Me. Nobody Does," Said Peter Sadly. erybody teased Peter whenever they saw him. One moonlight night Jumper took it into his head to visit his cousin and find out why he had been keeping so close to the dear Old Briar Patch. First making sure that the way was clear, for Jumper is very, very timid, he scampered across to the Old Briar Patch as fast as his long legs could take him and was quite out of breath when he got there. He found Peter sitting under a bram ble bush looking quite as miserable as he felt. "Hello, Cousin Peter! Where have you been keeping yourself lately? I haven't seen you or your tracks in the Green Forest for days and days. Are you sick?" asked Jumper. "No," replied Peter shortly, "I'm not sick, but I guess I will be if this keeps up much longer." Peter looked very glum and unhappy. "If what keeps up?" asked Jump er, looking very much puzzled. "Having everybody make fun of me every time I show myself, and lfrlOB?SY| Ti BUT I N?EDx THtM.'- When 0 ?T HOME LATS , I RATTLE THCM / AND WO 1 rM TME MILK-ji MAN.' nobody to believe what I say," re plied Peter. Jumper looked more puzzled than ever. "That is bad, Cousin Peter," said he. "It's bad enough to be made fun of. I know all about that. Everybody makes fun of me because I have such long legs and because I am so timid. I've grown used to it now, but still I don't en joy being laughed at. But it's a whole lot worse not to have people believe what you tell them. I had a whole lot rather have people laugh at me than to say the things they do about Sammy Jay. No one believes him even when he does tell the truth, and that's perfectly dreadful." "I know it," said Peter mourn fully. "That's the trouble with me now. I've been telling the truth and no one believes it. Now they never will believe anything I say, and they'll think of me just as they do of Sammy Jay, and say the same dreadful things about me." "But what is it that they don't believe? You haven't told me," in sisted Jumper the Hare. "I ? I? don't want to tell you be cause probably you won't believe FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE Br Rogu B. Whitman PREVENTING PAINT FROM PEELING A FRIEND recently wrote me of trouble with peeling paint: "On the east wall of my house there is a small window of a bath room with a flat frame four inches wide. The surface is practically flush with the stucco. Within two years after that frame was painted for the first time, the paint began to peel, and it has continued to peel after each repainting." He wants to know where the trou ble lies; why paint should peel on that particular window frame, and nowhere else. The most usual cause for the peel ing of paint is moisture in the wood. On a dry and warm day, the mois ture is drawn out through the sur face and breaks the paint away from the wood. With this in mind, my friend's problem is to And out how moisture gets into the wood. Until he does so, paint on that frame will continue to peel. One possibility is that moisture enters the wood from inside. Be ing a bathroom window, steam and moisture in the room air may eas ily be responsible. In that case much or all of the trouble can be averted by giving all of the in side parts of the window two coats of high quality spar varnish, or one coat of aluminum paint followed by spar varnish or enamel. As the window is on an east wall, it is exposed to the drive of easterly storms. A heavy wind forces wa ter into any cracks there may be, no matter how fine. Quite possibly the window frame does not make an absolutely tight joint with the stuc co. Again, a window on the floor above may be responsible, or a crack in the upper part of the wall. Water entering a wall runs down inside until it strikes a crosspiece me either," replied Peter. Now, this wasn't quite true. At least part wasn't. He did want to tell. He fairly ached to tell. But he was afraid that Jumper wouldn't be lieve his story. But after Jumper had solemnly promised that he would believe, no matter how hard it was to, Peter told him all about his visit to the deepest part of the Green Forest and about the great big strange tracks he had fcfand there in the snow ? tracks as big as Farmer Brown's boy's, only differ ent, and showing the marks of great claws. Jumper had pricked up his long ears at the mention of those strange tracks, and now he was sitting up very straight and staring at Peter with his eyes very wide open. "I ? I knew you wouldn't believe me. Nobody does," said Peter sad ly. "But X do!" cried Jumper. "I've seen tracks just like those lota and lots of times way off in the Great Woods where I came from. I was just surprised that there should be any down here in the Green Forest. Of course I believe you. Cousin Peter. I think I will go see them for myself. It's a long time since I have seen any." "Oh, I'm so glad!" cried Peter happily. At last his wish had come true ? he had found some one to be lieve him. He was so happy over it that he quite forgot to ask Jumper who could have made the strange tracks. C T. W. Burgess ? WNU Service. of the frame; there it collects, and soaks into the back of the outer sur face of the wall. Paint also pe?ls on sappy and resinous wood, although this is so well known that wood of that kind should have special treatment be fore being painted. But as moisture in the wood is the most common cause of peeling, it is this that should be looked for in the event of that particular trouble. C By Rover B. Whitman WNtf8#m?. or TOUR HAND ' ? By LaicMUr K. Daris O PuWlc L*d gt. Imc. TheOver-l I Fin^?r of Saturn. Occasionally one meets, a man or woman who seems to delight in applying elaborate rules of reasoning to practically every thing in life. And yet despite this ceaseless analyzing, such an indi vidual never seems to get much ac complished. The reason, of course, is that so much mental effort and time are consumed in the dissec tion of whys and wherefores that initiative and action which get things done are bound to suffer. Look carefully at the second So ger of such a person and very likely you will And the characteristics which this lesson points out. na Overlofieal Finger at Satan. Excessive length and leanness, protruding knotty knuckles and ab sence of flexibility are the outstand THE DIAL OF LIFE By DOUGLAS MAIXOCH WE FIND it easy to forget The songs we heard, the smiles we met, We And it easy to remember The faithless friend, the fading em ber. Yet memories are things to cbooss, This to recall and that refuse, Make each delight or each disaster Either our servant or our master. Yes, we who turn the dial of lite Need not remember care and strife. The tawdry tune, the tinny meter. For there are other program* sweeter. We know that other things life has Than jumbles of discordant jazz. We turn the dial, and very near it Pick up a tune that lifts the spirit. And thoughts are things we may control To help or hurt the listening soul. Tune out the sad, tune ia the pleas ant, Tune out the past, tune in the pres ent. Yes, so may one control the mind. Tune out the mean, tune in the kind, Old ills forgetting and forgiving. Only the lovely things re-living. C Douctu MUloch.? WND S.rrto. Printed House Coal When you fix hubby's breakfast this summer, you might wear this smart printed house coat, fashioned on peasant lines with its fulled skirt and tight basque. When hubby leaves, and you're ready for your sunbath, zip the zipper down the front of the housecoat, and you're all set in matching play shorts. "Men arc severely eensared for their snoring," uyi ijuttktatv Soe, "Imt when at aay ?<Wr time doe* a married man ret a aha tie to voice himself?" e B?n sndiuM.? wm> aarrtc*. ing indicationa In thia type of sec ond finger. With the Angara extended and pressed together such a finger of Saturn will be found to have far greater length than that of the fore finger, which sometimes seem a quite dwarfed by comparison. The spaces between the knuckles seem disproportionately long. The nail ia usually narrow or "pinched" in form and ia often deeply set. A second finger of this type usu ally inclines toward the forefinger when the hand is extended. One may look for hyperlogical mentality with second fingers of this type, one that is likely to carry logic far beyond normal bounds, and in business particularly one that frequently argues away poesi bilitiea at profit from venture* which are real opportunities. WHU larrtw.

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