THE GLEANER 3RAHAM, N. 0.. JUNE 10. 1937. i -- ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY J. D. KE RNODLE, Editor >1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE KnWred at the Poetofflce at Graham. N. C , aa second-clas* matter. There should be a decided lowering of the Administra tion's spending fever, if a col lapse is to be forestalled. The Court reform scheme is not making much headway. A compromise on an 11-member court is meeting with some favor. The strike siuation in the North aud West shows little or no improvement. When it runs its course, maybe those con cerned will be prepared to ad just their contentions in a saue way. The past few days have been closing days for the State's uni versities and colleges. Gradu ates numbering more than a thousand ? the largest number in the State's history ? have fin ished their school days to take their places in business and so cial life. Jean Harlow, outstanding film star and actress, popularly known as the "Platinum Blonde," died a t the Good Samaritan hospital, Los Angel es, Monday. She was only 26 years old and was at the pinna cle of her fame. In the past year some of the most famous stars of filmdom have vanished from the stage. With a majority of the news paper editors attending the yearly association meeting in Elizabeth City next week and the following week off on a cruise to Bermuda, newspaper readers have something to look forward to. If the papers are not better and more interesting than formerly, at least there will be a spice about them out of the ordinary that will be ap preciated and enjoyed. The late John D. Rockefeller, regarded as oiie of the world's wealthiest men, in his will dis posed of an estate of 25 millions. Years ago he had disposed of the great bulk of his great wealth. He had dur ing the past years given away around half a billion to schools, churches and various institu tions. The Rockefeller Founda tion was his greatest gift. His gifts for the beneft of the pub lic were made during his life time. He died quietly at his Florida home on May 23rd. If he had lived till July 8 he would have been 98 years of age. There was a time, around 50 years ago, that he was assault ed from many quarters as a grasping, oppressive, money maker. He created a great business and an organization that practically extended to the ends of the earth, and so big was the business that a ?mail margin of profit produced ? a nonnmant aHpcotaar -Hctrad a genius for making money, which now appears was but sec ondary to his genius for giving where the benefits would be lasting and helpful to mankind. MOVIE HEROINE PREACHES EVIL OF DOPE Reporting how a former film favorite, whose career was rained by drags, broke herself of the hab it and now crusades against the evil. One of many true stories in the Jane 13th issue of the Ameri oan Weekly, the big magasine which comes with the Baltimore SondayA^erican. On sale at all Work Sheets Must Be Prepared By June 12 '"Doat forget that June 12 la the laat day tcf sign a work sheet for the 1937 soil conservation pro gram," warns E. Y. Floyd. of State College. All growers who hsvd not sign ed up either last year or this | year must deliver their work sheets to their county soil conservation office* by Saturday to become eli gible for payments, he aided. Work sheets are neceseary In helping plan a farm'a program of aoll conservation and in determin ing how much diversion and soil building payment! are earned, Floyd explained. "?IT you operated under a work sheet last jear, but have made a change in your farm since then, notify your countu agent at once,"' he pointed out. Randolph farmers report nn excellent small train crop thoucli quite a bit of rust has appeared in low land fields. Law Makers "Put" Again Wild Mice Tame After Cat Comes Back BvJ. E. Jones Waahington, D. C? June 8 '37? When the President went fish ing his Congress went wild. They'd show them how they would earmgrk (505,000,009 for relief funds; how they would cut WPA Admin istrator Hopkins' tsflary from twelve to ten thousand dollars a year; how they -wouldn't! give the Presi dent more than a billion of the billion and a half dollars he had told them he must have. They voted the way they blustered in late May. Then came June and the repentant rebel* brought forth the royal rubber1 stamps and voted according to the royal command. Among the questions finally deter mined was emphatic approval of the continuing of Federal felief. They turned '"thumbs down" o n all proposals looking towards re turning any authority to the States The general idea of the Govern ment taking and spending for the general welfare is accepted as a part of the New Deal. The man ner of administration of this idea brings about great waste of the nation's wealth. Every tax device Is used to raise money that might better remain in the pock ets of citizens, since euch tre mendous sums are uselessly spent. Even the South that fought, hied and 91ed lor State rights now (ightl hardest of all in behalf of political control that operates the big Washington machine of '"inter state rights. " Staterlghta is al state rights." State rights is al most a '"'lost cause." Nature hacks interstate commerce and Interstate theories with Cali fornia and Florida fruit in inter state commerce. It is the tame with Maine and Idaho potatoes; or apples from New York, Wash ington, Virginia and other States, As for wool and cotton they are admittedly about nine-tenths in terstate. State rights is still ? local isnue ?one for the minds and "brains of citizens within the states ito help serve. North Carolina Touritt Mecca North Carolina promises to be a mecca for the nation's tourists this season, according to officials of the Bsso Touring Service, which has already noted a marked increase In motorists seeking touring In formation on various parts of this state. This year it is apparent that many thousands of tourists will TTflte "TO N"ortK~"CSFoIIhf KHy "Iff" the aeason because of increasing interest in the beautiful floral of ferlnga that are prominently dis played thoughout this section, from mountain ranges to the aaa coast. '"Judging from th<| Inquiries we have thus far received it is ap - parent that thousands of persons will be attracted to the annual Rhododendron Festival at Ashe - vine, N. C? June 14 to II; a a well aa to many other special flor al exhibits during the lste spring aeaaon," Bsso Touring Service offi cials said. ?" They will also visit the famoua tulip gardens, the envy of Dutch horticulturists, in t ha North. Carolina coastal coaunnnltiea of Bath, Terra CeU and Castle Hayne." The strawberry festival at Wal lace, V. C? daring the second week in June will also lure many visi tors. Many other motorists have expressed an Interest in the Fed eral resettlement project near Wallace where 4,500 acres have been subdivided into 142 farm units. Hundreds will Journey to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the many state parks for the trout season which opened May 16 and for rock and smallmouth bass , the season for which starts on June 16. Both the trout and bass seasons close August 31. Early Planted Yams Make Heavier Yield Sweet potato plants set in the i>efore the middle of June will pro duce better! yams and heavier acre yields, said L. P. Watson, exten sion horticulturist at State College. When planted early, he explained, they have the benefit of ft long growing season, and they usually have a chance to get fairly well established in the ground before extremely hot, dry weather sets in. The crop will be improved if it receives a good grade of commer cial fertilizer containing three per cent nitrogen, eight percent phos phoric acid, and eight percent ptf tash applied with a drill at the rate of 800 to 1,200 pounds per acre. Two-thirds of the nitrogen should come from inorganic sourc es and one-third from organic sources. The potash" should be de rived from muriate or sulphate of potash, Watsorj stated. Stable manure should not be used unless it is well rotted and can be broadcast at least a month before planting timev Disease-free seedlings should be planted In clean aoil, if possible. If the aoil is infested with stem rot or wilt , treat the see dlings with Semesan, or dip the roots and stems in 20-20-50 Bordeaux mix ture, aald Dr. R. P. Poole, plant pathologist. He warned that Bordeaux mix ture may injure the plants unless ' used with" caution. Treat only | freshly dug seedlings, and set them out immediately after they are dipped. Then water the plants at once. Or the seedlingtf may be dusted with a mixture of 25 percent mono- 1 hydrated copper sulphate and 75 | percent lime. Mortg-ajree's Sale ofi Valuable Real Estate Pursuant to the power and au thority vested In the undersigned mortgagee by virtue of that cer tain instrument executed by J. E. EttoiI and wife, Bertha EzzeH, bear ing date of September 30, 1935, and duly recorded in the office <-f the Register of Deeds for Ala mtnce County, North Carolina, i n Book 122 M, D. pages 558,509, de fault having teen made in the payment of the note secured there by and in the provisions of the said mortgage deed, the undersign ed mortgagee wi!l offer for sale for cash to the last and highest bidder at public auction the follow ing described retl property at the north iorth Carolina, adjoining .Sharpe street, Eugene Holt and oMiers. and bounded and Describ ed as follows : Beginning at an iron pipe on. Sharpe street, corner with Lot No. 14, running thence with Sharpe Street North 54 dej 24 min W. 310.2 ft. to an Iron pipe, corner with Lot No. It ; thence S.:T deg 42 min 8. 225 ft. to an iron pipe, corner with Lots Nos. 6 and 7 ; | thence with line of Lot No. 6, N. 84 deg 18 min E. 28.6 ft. to an Iron pipe, corner with Lots No*. 11, 12 and 6; thence S. 54 deg. 24 min B 140 ft. to an iron pipe, corner with Lots No. 5, 18 and 15; thence N. 35 deg, 48 min. B. 150 ft. to the beginning, being Lots No*, U A8 II of Block of Section 1, o| Brookwood, known ss the Eugene Holt Farm, a map of which Is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds tor Alamance County, in PlatBook No. J, page 62, to which reference is hereby made for a more fan and \ Fill THE TANK ONCE and drive _ ti all day! FORD M60w OWNERS REPORT 22-27 MILES PER GALLON Thb 60-horsepower Ford V-8 is writing remark able mileage records on American roads. Private owners and fleet operators alike report averages of from 22 to 27 miles on a gallon of gasoline. You can fill the tank of your Ford "60" and drive all day ? 300 to 400 miles ? without stop ping again for fuel. Besides costing less to run than any Ford car ever built, it sells at the lowest Ford price in years. That's double economy 1 The "60" delivers V-8 smoothness and quiet at ?peeds up to 70 miles an hour. It is built into the same roomy body as the famous "85" ? with the same modern features of comfort and depend ability that make the 1937 Ford V-8 unques tionably THE QUALITY CAR IN THB LOW-PRICE FIELD. FORD V4 PRICES BEGIN JIT *529 H Dwktri FkImt. TrMsyartitlM ctar|iS| tabariFiimltsBBtn This prioe !? (or the 60-hor?epower Coupe, illus trated above, equipped with front and rear hamp er*, spare tire, horn, windshield wiper, son visor, flcrve ? )OC A MONTH, after usual down-payment, buys any model 1937 Ford V-8 Car ? from any Ford dealer ? enywhere in the United States. Aak your Ford deeler ebout the eesy payment plahs of the Universal Credit Company. complete description; Terms of Sale; CASH. Said sale will remain open tor a period of ten days for receipt of increased bids as provided bylaw. This the 1st day of Jane, 1937. Thomas It, Huffman, Mortgagee. William C. Perdue, Attorney. Commissioner's Sale of Lots Under and by virtu? of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, made in the special pro ceeding entitled W. Luther Catea, Administrator, C. T. A. of W. D. Woods, deceased vs. Annie I. Andrews et al, the same being No. upon the special proceed - ing docket of said court, the un dersigned commissioner will, on Saturday, June 26th, 1937, beginning at, 10 :00 o'clock, A. M? and continuing until all of said property is sold on the premises hereinafter described, offej for sals to the highest bidder on the terms of one-third cash and the balance in six and twelve months, those certain tracts, lots or par cels of land, lying and being in Graham Township, Alamace Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded and described as follows, to-wit : First Tract. Adjoining Whitsett street, Mrs,. S, H. Martin, lots 10 and 15 of Block '"C" and others, bounded & described as follows, to- wit : Beginning at an iron stake i n the eastern margin of said Whit sett street, corner with Mr?. 8. H. Martin running thence 8. 83 deg E. with the southern line of said Mrs. S. n. Martin, 170 ft. to an iron stake in the line of said Mar tin, corner with lot No. It; thence 8, 1-8 deg. W. with the western line of said lot 10, 1C0 ft. to an iron stake in the line of said lot I No. 10, corner with lot No. 15 ; I thence N 81 deg. W with north ern line of said lot No. 15, 170 ft. to an iron atake in the east ern margin of said Whitsett St., corner with lot No. 15; thence N. 1-S deg. E with the eastern mar gin of said Whitsett street, loo ft. vd the beginning, it being lots Nfift 11, IS, IS and 14 of Block ['"C of the W. D. Woods land 1 aa shown by plat made by Lewis ' H. Holt, Coun. surveyor May 1, ' 1928, and recorded in the office of : the Register of Deeds for Alamance 1 County in plat book 3 at page 30. Second Tract. Adjoining 3rd st., Wood Street, lot Not 9 Block '"C", Mrs. S. H. Martin and others and bounded antl describes as follows, to- wit : Beginning at an iron stake i n the western margin of said 3rd Street and in the northern mar- , gin of said Wood Street,, running thence N. 8 1-2 deg. E with the western margin of said 3rd Street, 160 ft. t o an iron stake in the western margin of said 3rd Street, 'corner with said Martin; thence N 82 deg W with the southern line of said Martin 130 ft. to an iron stake in the line of said Martin, [corner with lot No. 9; thence S 8 1-2 deg. W. with the eastern I line of said lot No. 9 ; 160 ft, to an Iron stake in the northern mar gin of said Wood Street, corner with lot No. 9; thence S. 82 deg E with the northern margin of j said Wood Street 190 ft. to the | beginning, it being lots 12 3 4 5 6 T and 8 of Block '"C" of the W. D. Woods land as shown by blue print made by Lewis H. Holt, Couik Surveyor May 1, 1928, a plat of which is recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in plat book 3 at page 30. Third Tract, Adjoining Quintes Street, Whltsett street, lots No*. 18, 6 and 11 of Block '"B" and other*, bounded -airtfTTMerioe.faT follows, to- wit; Beginning at an iron stake i n the eastern margin of said Whitsett Street and in the northern mar gin of said Quintes Street; run ning thence S, 82 deg. E. with the northern margin of said Quintes Street, 111 ft. to an iron stake corner with said lot No, 18; thence in a northernly direction with the western line ol said lot No. 18, 1M.5 ft, to an iron atake, corner with lota 18, 5 and 11, thence S. 82 deg. E with the southern line of said lot No, 11, 131 ft. to an iron stake in the eastern margin of said Whltsett Street, corner with' lot No. 11; thence S 1-2 deg W ^wlth the eastern margin of said Whltsett Street 157 1--2 ft. to the begin- ; ning, it being' lots 12 through 17, Inclusive, of Block ,uBn of theW, D. Woods land as shown by blue print made by Lewis H. Holt, coun ty surveyor, Man 1, 1928; and recorded in the office of tie Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance Coun ty In plat 3 at page 30. Fourth Tract. Adjoining Whlt sett Street, Herman Andrews, lots 8 12 of Block '"A" and others bounded & described as follows, to- wit : Beginning at an Iron stake in the eastern margin of said Whltsett Street, corner with! said Andrews; thence S. 81 1-2 deg. E with the northern line of said Andrews, 150 feet to an iron stake in the line of said Andrews, corner with lot No. 8; thence N 1-2 deg Ewith the western line of said lot No. 8 27 1-2 ft. to an Iron stake in the line of said lot No. 8, corner with lot No. 12; thence N. 81 1-2 deg W witH the southern line of said lot No. 12, 150 ft. to an iron stake in the eastern margin of said Whitsett street; thence S 1-2 deg W with the eastern margin of said Whitsett street, 27 1-2 ft. to the beginning, It ? being lot 13 of Block '"A" of the W. D. Woods land as shown by blue print made by Lewis H. Holt, County Surve or, May 1, 1928 and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County iin plat book 3 at page 30. Fifth Tract Being Lots Nos.l, 2 3 19* 20 21 2-t 23 24 25 26 27 28? in Block '"E" also 29 to 37 inclusive in Block '"E" ; 19, 20 21 and 22 in Block UiE" of the County Home property as surven ?d by A. L. Schlsler, a plat of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in plat book 2 at page %. This the 24th day of May, 1937. W. LUTHER CATES, Commissioner. W. I. Ward, Atty. Notice of Hale of Real Property Under and by virtae of the power of sale contained in that certain deed if Trait executed on the Sod day it March, 18S8, by C. C. Undlsy md wile, Gladys H. Lindley , to W. . Ward, Trustee, and recorded In he office of the Remitter of Deeda or Alamance County, North Caro ina, in Deed of Trait Book Not 24, at page ltt, default having >een made in the payment of the iame, I will aety at public auction o the highest bidder for cash, at he Courthouse door in Graham, Uamance County, North Carolina, Monday, June 11, 1#S7, at 1] :00 o'clock, noon. Lhe following described real prop ;rty, to- wit: That certain tract or parcel of land in Albright Township, Ala mance County, North' Carolina bounded and describe * as follows, to- wit : Beginning at a stake in the Northeast side of State Highway No. 90 and witlJ corner of (Lot No. 2; thence with line of lot No. 2 N. 6$ deg E 492 feet more or less to center of creek; thence with center of said creek as it meanders southeasterly and then easterly to corner of lots Nos. 3 and 4; thence N. 42 deg. W. 800 feet to a corner of lots Nos. S and 4 ; thence N. 42 deg. W. 800 feet to a corner of lots Nos. Sand 4 ; thence N 42 deg W 800 feet to a corner in a rock pile; thence S. 50 deg. W. 600 feet to afore mentioned Highway No. 93 ; thence with said Highway in a southeast, erly direction 442 feet to the be ginning, being in fact all of tract or lots Nos. 1 and S8 as shown by map of Hlco land, made by P. K. Womble, Surveyor, February 2? , 1936, and of record In the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, North Carolina, ir map book 3 at page 94. This sale will be made aubject to advance bids as provided by law, and for that purpose the sale will remain open for ten days from date of sale td receive such bids. This the 15th day of May, 193i". WILLIAM I. WARD, Trusts Mortgagee's Sale! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed dated December 10, 1933, and recorded in Book 119 at page 134, executed by James Capps and wife, Hattie Capps, to secure the payment o f bond therein described, to H. Goodman, the undersigned Execu tor upon thel estate of said H. Goodman, will sell for cash, at the Courthouse door in Graham, N. C? to the highest bidder, on Saturday, June 12, 1937, at 11:00 o'clock, noon the following land : In Haw River Township, Alam - mance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Pleas Dixon, Maggie Mebane, H. Goodman and others and beginning at a dead Sycamore tree on the North bank of a branch and Back creek, cor ner with Ed Hunter, running then ce N 79f 1-2 deg W 90 links into old road ; thence with old road S. 46 1-2 deg W 3.55 chs, to an iron bolt in said road ; thence S 6 Meg W 1.55 chs to an iron bolt in said road ; thence N. 78 deg, W 1 chs to an iron bolt in said read, cor ner with Dixon; thence S. 85 deg W. 2.18 chs to an iron bolt, cor ner with said Mebane; thence 33 1-2 deg W 6.45 chs to an iron bolt, corner with said Mebane: thence N 20 deg W 1.60 chs to an iron bolt, in said Goodman's line 12 feet North of the Me - bane corner ; thence N 88 1-4 deg East 1.37 chs to an iron bolt, cor ner with Goodman; thence S. 67 deg E 48 links to in iron bolt, corner with Goodman; thence N. 70 1-2 deg. E. 6.33 chs. to an iron bolt In a branch 5 feet of a rock, corner with Goodman ; thenc^ down said branch as it meanders S. 6 deg W (5 links ? 10 deg W 1.64 chs; N 80 deg E 1.23 chs, S 66 deg E 1.33 chs; S 30 deg. E 75 links; S 75 links, south 42 deg B 1.73 chs, to the beginning and containing (? acre* more or less. On this property there is aten aat house that has been occupied constantly, by a tenant Terms of Sale : Cash. Place' of Sale : Courthouse Door. Time of sale : 12 0000 o'clock, neon, Saturday, June 10, 1937. This May 11th, 1937. J. M. Miner, Executor of the Will of H. Goodman, J4 8, Cook, Attorney.