The Alamance gleaner Vol. LXIII GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1937 No. 25 Neu>8 Review of Current Events SENATE KILLS COURT BILL Votes 70 to 20 to Recommit . . . Elect Barkley New Majority Leader . . Spanish War Enters Second Year Senator Harrison (right) Congratulates Senator Barkley. ~^^hJLunuul U/* J^LckjuuL " ^ SUMMARIZES THE WORLD'S WEEK C Western Newspaper Union. Glory Be to Godt' n YING for weeks, the scheme to add to the number of justices of the Supreme court finally choked its last gasp and left this world. On a roll-call vote the United States senate voted to recommit the Rob inson substitute for the President's original bill to the judiciary com mittee. The vote was 70 to 20, the most crushing defeat the President's legislation has yet suffered at the hands %f a house of congress. In an agreement made at a ses sion of the judiciary committee ear lier, it had been decided to let the opposition senators write their own bill, an innocuous measure for "ju dicial reform" not dealing in any way with the Supreme court. Sena tor Barkley, the new majority lead er,- attempted to save the Presi dent's face by having the bill left on the calendar, but he never had a chance. When the roll-call came, even Senators Ashurst of Arizona and Minton of Indiana, two of the Supreme court bill's chief support ers, voted to recommit. "Glory be to God!" said Sen. Hi ram Johnson (Rep., Calif.) when the results of the roll call were made known. The applause that bellowed forth from the senators and gallery alike left no doubt that the veteran from California had voiced the sentiments of the great majority. _?* Low Interest tor Farmers BY A vote of 71 to 19, the senate overrode the President's veto of a bill extending for a year low inter est rates on loans to farmers. It was a defeat even more crushing than the recommission of the court bill, and made the bill a law with out the President's signature, for the house had previously passed it by a two-thirds majority over Mr. Roosevelt's veto. Senator Barkley made a half hearted attempt to stave off the overwhelming vote, and the defeat was accepted By many observers as an expression of resentment over Barkley's having been elected ma jority leader instead of Sen. Pat Harrison of Mississippi. Barkley, 38; Harrison, 37 , CEN. WILLIAM H. DIETERICH ^ of Illinois changed his mind at the last minute and today Alben W. Barkley, hard-fisted blustering sen Vice President Garner ator from Kentucky, is the majority lead er of the United States senate, suc ceeding the late Jos eph T. Robinson of Arkansas. The vote jv as 38 for Barkley to 37 for Sen. Pat Harrison of Missis sippi. The conservative Democrats in the senate had been as sured of 36 votes, enough to elect Harrison, on the eve of the secret election. But that night Dieterich, apparently under pressure from the Democratic party organization in Illinois, begged Har rison to release his pledged vote, in order that the President's choice might head the party in the senate. The slim victory by no means patched the obvious party rift. Even the administration admitted that the President's Supreme court bill was virtually dead, even then. Vice Pre* ident Garner visited Sen. Burton K. Wheeler of Montana, leader of the opposition forces, and invited the op position, which it was believed had enough votes to recommit the sub stitute court bill to the judiciary committee, to draft a new bill. President Roosevelt then told Sen ators Barkley and Harrison at the White House that four measures "must" be passed before the Janu ary session: The minimum wage, maximum hours and child labor bill; the new AAA and ever-normal granary bill; the Wagner housing bill, and legislation to plug loopholes in the federal tax laws. Congress was all for quick adjournment, the President was told. * A Citizen Takes His Pen CRUSHING blow to the Presi dent's court program, delivered at the time it hurt most, was a let ter written by Gov. Herbert H. Leh Gov. Lehman man of New York to Sen. Robert F. Wag ner of that state. The letter, made public, revealed Governor Lehman's opinion "as a citizen of the state of New York" that the bill would be "contra ry" to the "inter ests" of the people of the state. "Its en actment," the gov ernor wrote, "would create a greatly dangerous prece dent which could be availed of by future less well-intentioned admin istrations for the purpose of oppres sion or for the curtailment of the constitutional rights of our citi zens." * Bloody Anniversary T" HE Spanish civil war entered *? its second year. For the popu lations of rebel cities, the occasion was one for joyous celebration, with fiestas, bull lights and -concerts the order of the day. Gen. Francisco Franco, commander of the insur gent forces, publicly proclaimed it a "year of triumph." He ordered that all communications and public documents for the next twelve months be dated as of "the second year of triumph." In the first "year of triumph," more than a million persons, includ ing women and children, were killed. The insurgents claim to have taken 34 of the 50 provincial capi tals of the country, and all of its colonies. They have captured six of the eleven cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants: Seville, Malaga, Bilbao, Saragossa, Cordoba and Granada. The rebels lost little time in at tempting to regain their losses around Madrid. Franco unleashed the full power of his main army of 160,000 in a drive to recapture Bru nete and other suburbs of the loy alist stronghold; they were met by at least 250,000 defending govern ment troops. Every weapon of war except gas was used. There was hand-to-hand fighting in the trenches and the greatest use of artillery since the World war as the fiercest battle of the Spanish conflict raged. The battle was opened by as spec tacular an aerial fight as the world has seen in years; insurgents were reported to have lost 27 planes against only four for the loyalists. Sino-Japanese Crisis JUST alter a verbal agreement between Chinese and Japanese military commanders had appeared to have prevented an impending re newal of the Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese government officially an nounced that heavy concentration of Chinese troops had been made at Peiping, constituting a direct act of aggression against Japan. At the same time the Nanking government claimed that 17 Japa nese troop trains, carrying 30,000 soldiers. Were en route to North China from Corea and Manchukuo. Earlier, 12,000 Japanese troops were said to have arrived in North China to supplement the regular garrison of 7,000. At Tientsin, Gen. Sung Cheh- Yu an, chairman of the Hopei-Chahar political council and commander of the Chinese forces in North China, had complied verbally with the Jap anese ultimatum for peace, al though he refused to sign anything. In a talk with Lieut.-Gen. Kiyoshi Katsuki, the Japanese commander, he apologized for the clash between Japanese troops and the Chinese Twenty-ninth army at Lukowkiao July 7, the incident which perpe trated the new crisis, and expressed the regrets of the Hopei-Chahar council. He said that he would dis miss several of his officers as a punishment. Part of the agreement was that both Chinese and Japanese troops should be withdrawn from the walled city of Wanpingshien, suburb of Peiping. But Chinese troops re fused to withdraw when, they al leged, it became certain the Japa nese had no intention of withdraw ing, either. In the midst of many conflicting and confusing reports the outcome of any truce was problem atical to say the least. Europe Short on Grain EUROPE began to worry about *-J the possibilities of a hungry winter as early threshing indicated a serious grain shortage. Germany's shortage was estimat ed at 3,000,000 tons. The deficit will be met partly with increased con sumption of potatoes and sugar beets, and partly with cheap, plenti ful corn from southeastern Europe. It is expected, even so, that Ger many will have to buy 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 tons from *other foreign countries. Experts estimated that the German harvest for 1937 would be 10 to 20 per cent below the aver age for the years 1930-35. Poland, from which Germany has been able to buy grain in the past, will not be able to sell any this year, while Hungarian, Rumanian and Ju goslavian crops will be smaller than last year, because of drouth. Of the Baltic countries only Lithu ania, it is believed, will have a crop equal to her needs. Crops suffered badly in Latvia, Esthonia and Fin land. Only Spain, in aU Europe, with an increase of 15 per cent over last year's grain harvest, ap pears likely to enjoy a well-filled bread basket. ? De Valera Is Re-elected IF HIS party, Fianna Fail, can keep in power that long, Eamon de Valera will be president of the executive council of the Irish Free State for another five years. He was elected to the nation's highest office by a vote of 82 to 52 in the dail eireann (parliament). De Va lera, in favor of severing all ties with Great Britain, won even the vote of the labor group, which does not endorse his party. It was believed that De Valera would go ahead with legislation nec essary to implement the new con stitution approved in the plebiscite of July 1. He would in that case set up a senate and elect a president by popular vote, as the constitution provides. If De Valera is elected president, to serve seven years, po litical experts say he will virtually disappear from politics and his party will break up. * Static Wrecked Hindenburg THE spectacular crash of the Zeppelin Hindenburg, killing 36 at Lakehurst, N. J., last May 6, was probably caused by an unseen spark of static electricity which jumped from the atmosphere to the frame of the dirigible. At least this is the theory of the board of inquiry which investigated the accident and re ported to Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper. The experts considered every oth er possible cause ? fire, sabotage, brush discharge of electricity from sharp points on the ship, broken propeller blade, radio transmitter spark lightning and structural fail ure ? and decided that their theory most nearly fitted the circum stances attending the disaster. Inventor of Wirelejj Diet GUGLIELMO MARCONI, who al tered the lives of all of us when he invented the wireless, died suddenly of a heart attack at his home in Rome. He was sixty-three years old. How the Sea Can Snap a Ship in Half Cape Banks, Botany Bay, New South Wales.? A dramatic airplane view of the S. S. Minim's broken hulk, as the ship appeared the morning alter she had run ashore during a heavy fog. Two of the crew of 25 died, victims of the lashing force of the sea which broke the vessel's back. Ail Thornton W Burcfess l* r cy *? M**.m JM m ? m . * . . . , , m* *4 MISTRESS SPRING WAKES ALL THE SLEEPERS. j Wake up, wake up, you drowsy heads! Wake up, wake up, and leave your beds I I The gladdest time of all the year | Has come, for Mistress Spring is herel CHEERFUL Robin was singing it up in the Old Orchard. Little Friend the Song Sparrow was sing ing it down along the edge of the Laughing Brook. Winsome Bluebird was whistling it from the top of the Big Hickory over by the Smil ing Pool. Blacky the Crow was cawing it from a fence-post on the ?5RIL. Blacky the Crow Was Cawing It From a Fence Post on the Edge of Farmer Brown's Cornfield. edge of Farmer Brown's cornfield. Danny Meadow Mouse was shout ing it in a funny little squeaky voice down on the Green Meadows. Even Sammy Jay was screaming it through the Green Forest. And over in the dear Old Briar Patch, Peter Rabbit was saying it over and over to himself as he thumped and thumped for pure joy. It was true. Sweet, beautiful Mis tress Spring had arrived. Cheerful Robin and Little Friend had come with her, and so had Honker the Wild Goo$e. It was his voice com ing down from high, high up in the blue sky that had told the glad WNU S?rrlc?. news. He hasn't a sweet voice. Oh, my, no! The voice of Honker is anything but sweet. And yet it is good, wonderfully good to hear after the long, cold days of winter, for every one knows when they hear it that Mistress Spring has arrived. You see, long, long ago Mistress Spring went to Old Mother Nature and asked her for a trumpeter, some one whose voice was strong, to travel up from the far away South with her and tell all the world of her coming, and Honker the Goose was chosen because his wings are strong and be flies high, and because his voice is strong, and the sound of it carries far. And from that day to this when the voice of Honker the Goose is heard, every one knows that Mistress Spring has arrived. Now, Mistress Spring wastes no time, for she has a great deal to do, and the very first thing is to waken all the sleepers whom gentle Sister South Wind has not already wakened. Peter Rabbit never could understand how she does it because there are so many sleepers? little people who wear fur, little people who wear neither fur nor feathers, but whom we call bugs, and all the little and big plants. There are so many, many of them who sleep all winter long that it has always seemed to Peter as if Mistress Spring must miss some of them. But she never does. So now that Mistress Spring really had arrived Peter was too happy to sit still. He just had to hurry around and greet his friends as fast as they waked. Bobby Coon and Unc' Billy Possum had crawled out of their hollow trees just after Winsome Bluebird arrived. Now Peter felt sure his old friend Johnny Chuck would be crawling out, and he hur ried up to the corner of the Old Orchard where Johnny's house is. Sure enough, there sat Johnny FIRST-AID TO AILING HOUSE ?y ROGER B. WHITMAN CARING FOR RUSTIC WORK ^JOT long ago I received a letter explaining the purchase of a playhouse built of rustic work; of bark covered saplings. Within a week after it was put up, insects were found flying around inside, and were soon so thick that the chil dren refused to play in it. Little piles of sawdust were found all over it inside and out. I was asked how Jhe insects could be destroyed. There could be but one answer : that wood, so thoroughly infested with boring insects, could not be re claimed. i Many kinds of insects thrive In wood. There are borers of many classes that develop from eggs to the adult beetle inside of wood, and that as larvae are very destruc tive. Other kinds of insects make borings just under the bark. Be cause of these insects, rustic work may not be practical, for there is no sure way to protect it against insect attack. One signal is the loosening of bark. When this is no ticed, and borings are found under neath the bark, all the bark should be stripped off and the bare wood given a coat or two of spar varnish. When there are holes in the wood, an insect killing liquid can be squirt ed in with a medicine dropper or otherwise; kerosene and carbon tetrachloride are effective. In one case that I know, the framework of a chair was made of heavy sticks which evidently contained borers. A one-inch hole was bored straight down into each timber from the top to a depth of four inches. Carbon tetrachloride was poured into these holes, and the openings were closed with corks. Soaking into the wood, the liquid worked nearly the length of the timbers, killing all worms and eggs that were within. Garden furniture is usually taken into a cellar for the winter. This is not advisable, for in the warm atmosphere, any borers that may be in the wood will continue their work. There is far better protec tion in leaving garden furniture out doors through the cold weather. They should be in a dry place, but exposed to low temperature. @ By Roger B. Whitman WNU Service. For the Sophisticated Quaint sophistication is the charm of this dinner dress of heavy black | silk faille. White eyelet embroidery forms the ruffles at the neck and sleeves and the petticoat effect at | the hemline of the slip. USE BODY TURN ON SHORT SHOTS IT IS quite a temptation on the * short shots to discard body turn altogether and merely lift the club up with a wrist action and hit down in the same manner. The tempo of the swing is stepped up to such a degree that the downswing is large ly a muscular lurch instead of a true stroke. As a result the hit is many times inaccurate when preci sion at this range is of paramount importance. The objective should be to place the ball not merely on the green but close enough to the pin to get down in one putt. To best accomplish this purpose a swing that closely approximates that used for the longer shots should be em ployed. The stance naturally will be much narrower which makes the body turn easier of accomplish ment. As in the longer shots let the left arm push the club back, the body responding by turning to the left. This will give a wider arc to the shot plus a slower start. In this manner the downswing can be started gradually and gradually ac celerated. There need be no last minute spasm of energy to generate power, for the long sweep of the clubhead will have eliminated this, e B*I1 Syndicate. ? WNU Setntt. on his doorstep taking a sun-bath. He looked very thin, not at all as he had looked when Peter last saw him. He grinned at Peter and stretched to get the kinks out of his legs and the first thing he asked was if Peter knew where there was any tender young clover. ^But Peter didn't, because, you know, the clo ver had only just begun to wake up, and hadn't had time to grow. But he knew where there was some last year's clover that had kept green under the snow, and Johnny said that that would do, because he was so hungry that he could eat almost anything. While they were talking a merry little voice shouted from the stone and he looked as pert and smart wall. There sat Striped Chipmunk, and saucy as ever. He wasn't thin like Johnny Chuck. You see he had filled his storehouse, which opens right out of his bedroom, with plenty of good things in the fall, and he had waked up in the winter often enough to eat what he needed and now had plenty left over. "Are you glad Mistress Spring has come?" asked Peter. Striped Chipmunk whisked round and round after his tail until they all laughed to see him. "So glad that I can't keep still!" he cried. C T. W. Burgess.? WNTJ Service. THIS HURTS THE MOST By DOUGLAS MA1XOCB TP HEY hurt us most a way they never dream. Not with their words, however harsh they seem. But with their lives, the follies they pursue. That hurt the heart more than their words could do. Some strange rebellion in the girl and boy Now makes our special fear their special joy. They hurt us most a way they never guess. Not with their words, but with im modest dress. Immoral pleasures, for these deeds are done By someone's daughter or by some one's son. But yesterday we stood beside their cot; It hurts to feel they have so soon forgot. ? - They hurt us most a way they never know. Not with their words, however hard the blow, But with the I06S of many things we miss. The dreams of parents that have come to this. Of all we taught them, nothing has prevailed ? It hurts us most to know how we have failed. ? Doailu Malloch ? WNU S*nrta*

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