NEHI BOTTLING COMPANY Locatftd at 823 Battl* Ground Ave nu? ia-CrMuboro ? Phone 9824 This firm bottles Nehi drinks of all kinds. They are bottlers of Par-T- j Pak, R. C. Cola, Nehi Malted Choco- t late, Sums, Dry Ginger Ale, Nehi c Root Beer, Nehi True Fruit Orange i and Upper 10 Lithiated Lemon. These products are certified, ap- ' proved and endorsed by Good House- < keeping Magazine, and carries its seal 1 of approval nyimber 4897. I Nefi products are NATIONAL drinks whose popularity and good ' qualities are too well known to be ' described. They are in great demand in every state in the union ? RE- 1 FRESH yourself, by drinking "Nehi in Your Favorite Flavor." The delivery service of The NEHI . BOTTLING CO is constantly busy ' covering this part of the country. Their plant is equipped with all the . very latest bottling machinery. The buildftig is arranged in all ways for the -convenience of the em ployees and the perfect sanitation of , the place. Many pure food experts have ruled that a bevarage when properly made ] is a food product containing life giv ing, energizing substance, essential to the building up of the bodies of chil dren and grown ups. The value of the sugar alone, in the bottles, is of such importance the commission will per mit of no substitute. The plant is a credit to the com munity and open at all, times to in spection and the public is cordially invited. Few cities many times larger can boast of such a modern and sci entifically equipped bottling com pany. Their products are popular all over the country, being handled by all first class stores where soft drinks are sold. We are pleased to point with pride to the NEHI BOTTLING CO., of Greensboro, and recommend the class of goods they are furnishing to the trade and assure all of our readers, that when they order NEHI products they will get the very best. OFFICE SUPPLY COMPANY L?cy L. Ward 214 W. Market Phone 5353 The early typewriting machine was a queer looking mechanical contrap tion. It would look as comically an tique in the modern office as the first attempt at an automobile would look on a modern main street. Some of these earliest typewriters had six or eight rows of keys so that only a human octupus could have achieved a speed of more than a dozen words a minute. _ v Today -a competent typist is ex pected to write accurately, neatly and rapidly. Machines are constructed for speed and durability. The limitation of speed on a new machine is one of humah, instead of mechanical nature. The machina is capable of writing faster than it is humanly possible for man to make it write. There are many makes of type writers, such as the Royal ? Reming ton, Corona, Underwood and others, as well as New and Used Portables, each one having its own merits. This home owned" establishment carries them all as well as adding machines and supplies. Although some prefer one make to another, a great deal depends on which one you are accus tomed to using. At any rate, see the various makes and have them demon strated. Mr. Ward especially advocates the portable typewriter. It is small and compact and may be carried with you anywhere, at any time. It gives you a rapid, easy running typewriter and you have the additional advantage of having a machine that can be placed anywhere at any time. The portable typewriter is the type for school chil dren today. It is the type for the traveling salesman and many other businesses. It is easily adapted and is probably the most popular typewriter on the market. Expert repair work and readjust ments may be had in their repair de partment. When you are in the mar ket for a typewriter, you can do no better than to visit this home owned concern, thus keeping our money at home to be rasgent in this territory. Mr. Ward also features rentals and typewriters may be had as low as 75 cents a week and up. Mr. Lacy L. Ward is a home man, with home interests at heart, and is certainly deserving of your patronage and extends a cordial invitation to his many friends in Graham and Ala mance County to drop in and see his excellent display of typewriters when in Greensboro. . Summons by Puolication NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCB COUNTY In The General County Court tiBle Pettigrew Fargia, va John A, Fargls, The defendant John A. Fargia will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced In the General County Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina, to obtain an ?Uol>t> ttrctHft the de fendant will take notice that he & required to appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County in the courthouae in Graham, N. G, on the toth. Jaj of December, 1937, and antwer or demur to the complaint In aald action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court Tat the reBef demanded in the aald complaint. Thla the lTth day of Nov?18S7. Mian I. Bailey, Deputy Oerk of the General Coun ty Court of Alamance County, tormpa C, perdue, Atty. i T" " ^ GREENSBORO JUNK COMPANY Jacob H. Gou, Prop. 909 E. W*?hinf ton St. New Addreit, After Jab. 1 st, 601 E. Washington Phone 2-2792 They will buy your junk, and pay fou the highest prices for metals as hey are always in the market for ; opper, brass, lead, aluminum, scrap ' ron, rubber, steel, rags, batteries and jurlap and are dealers in all kinds of vaste material. Quotations furnished jpon request. The Greensboro Junk 2o. also specializes in new and used plumbing supplies, such as pipe, fit tings, valves, enamelware, and in fact, everything in plumbing supplies, ind will salvage anything you may have for sale. Special attention is paid to phone calls. They carry a large stock of H. B. Davis Paints of Baltimore, and are listributors of Dayton Water Pump Systems, carrying a complete line. The important question often arises with the people of Greensboro and surrounding territory as to what to do with rubber, metals and scrap iron that accumulates from time to time. It is with great pleasure that we L'all your attention to the Greensboro Junk Company, for they can solve your problems and turn useless things to you, into spot cash by simply call ing them on the phone. The Greensboro Junk Company will be located at their new address, 601 E. Washington Street, where a* com pute stock of second hand salvage material and plumbing supplies and pipe will be carried and wnere you can purchase your needs at a remark able saving. The Greensboro Junk Company has had a wide experience in both the buying and selling of junk and second hand goods. Probably no other con cern in this section of the state has had the experience Mr. Goss has had, and because he knows every angle of the buying game, he is able to hand down his experience to his many friends and customers ? consequently when you buy at the Greensboro Junk Company you buy it right. The growth of the business is a tribute to the management, and we are pleased to point with pride to this very enterprising concern, and take the liberty of recommending anyone in need of anything in the second hand line to the Greensboro Junk Company in Greensboro. GLENWOOD PARK SANITARIUM Dr. C. G. Southard, Medical Director. Wirt B. Todd, Business Manager Home For Nervous and Habit Diseases 1305 Glenwood Avenue in Greensboro Phone 2-0614 In a review of this part of the country there is no institution more worthy of mention than this fore most Sanitarium and which is ac complishing so much good for man kind in general. Without health all the other gifts of life are worthless. Human nature seems to be so constituted that we mortals do not realize the truth of this statement until it is too late. Health is one of those things ? like a good wife?? not appreciated until it is gone. The Glenwood Park Sanitarium offers the patients quiet and rest, combined with every modern method of treatment and diagnosis. Laws of nature and principles of science are co-ordinated in the most effective care of the patients. Their modern building is com pletely equipped for all kinds of tubercular cases. The Glenwood Park Sanitarium contains quarters for the reception of i cases requiring personal care and in ; dividual study. We are glad to com I pliment this institution on its sur roundings and their work in the re lief of suffering humanity. It has been built up to its present high standard by the tireless efforts of its efficient staff and the years that have been spent and the results that have been obtained deserve the praise of all. The Glenwood Park Sanitarium is equipped to take care of out-of town patrons in a prompt manner. It is a credit to this section of the state and deserves the backing of every citizen. In closing this brief review of the Glenwood Park Sanitarium we wish to state that both Dr. C. G. South ard, the medical director, who has devoted his life to a study of the afflicted and Wirt B. Todd, the very able and efficient business manager, are to be complimented for the spar tan work they are doing. CLINIC HOSPITAL "The Friendly Hospital" Located at 118 S. Greene Street in Greensboro Phone 7135 This hospital is convenient for the people from all over this section of the county. The very finest of equipment, care- j ful nursing and the most able pro- ! fessional service is a feature of this hospital as well as general hospital i service and are prepared to take care of emergency cases. There is nothing more important 1 to the onward progress of our com- i munity than a hospital service of this kind presided over by those who have made a special study of the afflicted ? those who are unfortunate because of physical or mental defects. They fea ture general hospital service, general practice and surgery and give the most patient service here. The management is to be com- ' mended upon devoting their life to the work which is so much needed to make everyone fit to be a Spartan, i The change in methods from olden times is well exemplified in the work of this hospital which typifies modern civilization. This well known hospital occupies commodious quarters, is excellently , appointed and most m o d e r n 1 y equipped. The layman does not realize the cost of the equipment that they have for their diagnosis and treatment, and to the average person, hospital costs naturally seem a trifle high, but that is caused by the hospital having to always maintain a sufficient staff to care for the maximum number, in stead of the MINIMUM. A hospital's doors are never closed and long after the day's work is done, the hospital staff must continue to function with out regard to compensation and MUST ADMIT Emergencies at all hours, dressing wounds, comforting the sick and straightening bones, etc. The rooms are well furnished and pleasant in every way. Cheerfulness and an air of hope are inspired by the furnishings that have been selected by the decorators with this end in view. They give all patients a thorough examination and during treatment they are cared for by nurses who are able, painstaking and follow the di rections of the medical department. This accounts for the rapid recovery of people coming here and for the fact that they remain in good condition for years afterwards. In closing, we wish to call attention to the very efficient medical staff and to emphasize the fact, that it is al ways best to make reservations in advance through the family physician. FRAZIER PIANO CORPORATION A. Plato, Pres. Sl Treas. "Oldest Piano House" 110 W. Sycamore Street in Greensboro Phone 2-1462 The above concern forms a center for devotees of music .and. has the dis tinction of having sold moce musi cians and musical institutions than any other in this district. The whole store is devoted to the display of pianos. A proper center is necessary for the development of the art and this concern should be complimented upon the founding of a center such as this, as it greatly promotes the study of music throughout this section of the state. They have a large line of the best pianos, ranging in price from $290.00 to $3,650.00, and also have some ex cellent bargains in used ones. They also rent pianos and if purchased within six months, the rentals are al lowed to apply on the purchase price. These instruments have been se lected with a view to giving the pa trons a choice gf the very finest in a wide range of prices. The buyer of limited means will find here an ins trument within his reach which will be of the very highest quality obtain able at that price. Those who can af ford the higher priced instruments will find that this line provides pianos unsurpassed anywhere. When buying a piano from them you may be assured you are getting the best the market has to offer and that you are paying a very reasonable price for the instrument that you buy. It takes care and judgment to buy the right quality and when you are told at this establishment that the goods offered are of the latest style you need not hesitate in buying. If you don't happen to be going to Greensboro just call them over the phone or drop a line and they will send you full literature. In making this review 'we are glad to compliment Frazier Piano Corp., upon their activities and the high quality of the stock and the service rendered for the accommodation of the public of the community. Mr. Plato extends a cordial invita tion to all the residents of Graham to make his store headquarters when in Greensboro. GATE CITY AUTO PARTS COMPANY J. F. Ferguson, Manager 324 S. Davie Street in Greensboro Phone 8726 Thi? is one of the largest and most complete auto parts establishments in this part of the country, carrying a large stock of auto parts and be ing prepared to meet the demands of any dealer with superior products. Superior to the vast majority of automobile supply parts establish ments and surpassed by none, either in general excellency or work or superiority of materials used, this well known Arm has continued its successful career because the man agement and assistants are among the most experienced supply parts men in this part of the state. By auto supplies we mean, special repair parts such as bearings for any make or model automobile, gaskets, pistons, rings, fan belts and other similar auto necesaities, including batteries, armatures, ignition parts, brake lining, replacement part*, bat I tcry chargers and equipment. Their ?;ock is one of the best in the state. This establishment is thoroughly abreast of the times and have se cured for the trade a large stock of everything needed in the line of l parts, repairs and supplies. And let us remark right here that this firm | is just about the headquarters in this I section for parts and whatever you I may need in the lines they have. Mr. Ferguson is always willing and anxious to gfcre information. We do not think we exaggerate, when we state that this concern can , rave the patrons of their establish ment thousands of dollars in expense by not having to go elsewhere for their automotive needs. In closing we wish to recommend this enterprising firm for the quality of their merchandise and depend ability. MANN'S O. HENRY DRUG STORE Boyd J. Pierce, Manager "Creator# of Reasonable Drug Prices" Located at 121 S. Elm Street in Greensboro Phone 2-1191 Mann's 0. Henry Drug Store is the leading druggist in Greensboro ? spe cializing in cigars, tobacco, films, pre scriptions ? a full and complete line of drugs, druggists' sundries, and 'sur gical supplies always on hand. This popular firm has been success fully and satisfactorily serving the public for many years and has been a vital factor in the drug business in this section. They are always offering some out standing values in drugs, beauty accessories and sundries in order to acquaint new customers as well as old, with their service. They are al ways featuring many special values in nationally known products of rec ognized quality. A completely stocked prescription department has always been a fea ture of this concern and there is al ways a registered pharmacist on duty. They are conveniently located and are close at all times to women shop pers, to business men and women who need supplies and household inci dentals, as well as after theatre crowds. The personnel of Mann's 0. Henry Drug Store are all men of wide ex perience in the drug line and this I experience has taken them through j every feature of the drug business. Mr. Pierce is an authority on drugs and has only surrounded himself with very competent and able assistants. We could write many columns and then not tell of all the good that this modern drug concern has done for this section. It has become so much a part of the everyday life of the peo Ele of this community, that many ave come to regard it as a "matter j of course." However, it is well to pause occasionally and consider what I they mean to us. They are courteous and efficient to a marked degree and we maintain that j it means contiguous encouragement of all the community and the assured expansion of this entire section. The ! management of Mann's O. Henry Drug Store extends an invitation to , all their friends in the Graham dis trict to make their store their head quarters, when visiting in Greensboro : and to see the many beautiful gifts and holiday suggestions on display. A small deposit will hold any article j until Xmas. They will gladly mail merchandise j to any of our readers upon receipt of a pngtal card or phone call. COBLE SPORTING GOODS COMPANY W. G. Stoner, Manager 344 South Elm Street in Greensboro Phone 2-0912 mis is one 01 tne largest ana mosi complete sporting goods establish ments in this part of the country, carrying a tremendous stock of sporting goods, bicycles and parts at all times and being well prepared to meet the demands of the public. This concern is superior to the vast ma jority of sporting goods establish ments and is surpassed by none, be cause of the general excellency of a large and varied stock from which to select. When you go on an outing, you always need much equipment in the way of guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, flies and all that goes to make a tri pcomplete. We suggest that you go as far into the wilds as your time will permit, but in doing so, make your vacation really complete in the wide open spaces by being well equipped for game or fish. Leave towns and super-highways far be hind for the tonic solitude of moun tains, woods or shore. By being well equipped, we mean guns of the latest up-to-date pattern, rods of the lightest and finest make, as well as tackle and nets to catch the big ones with. At Coble's 'Sporting Goods Com pany you win nna everytning in ine sporting goods line you need) includ ing baseball supplies, tennis raquets, golf equipment ? everything for the gym, as well as uniforms and camp supplies and men's furnishings and gifts. Thgy also make a specialty of repairing all makes of bicycles, their repair department being most com plete. They also repair fishing tackle and restring tennis raquets. Let us repeat right here that this firm is just about the last word and head quarters in this section for whatever you may need in the snorting goods line ? "they always have it." Mr. Stoner is always willing to advise and suggest to the hunter or nimrod as to his actual needs on a hunting or fish ing trip, and we do not think we ex aggerate when We state that Mr. Stoner can save you much time and offer you some good advice as to the best places to go hunting or fishing. In closing, we wish to recommend this enterprising firm for the quality of their merchandise and dependable service, and suggest that you pay them a visit and look over the many beautiful and useful holiday gifts on display. A small deposit will reserve any article until Xmas. THE BERNAU JEWELRY & OPTICAL COMPANY, Inc. Rudolph C. Bernau, President 210 South Greene Street in Greensboro Phone 6653 The Bernau Jewelry and Optical Co., Inc., in Greensboro, is a modern jewelry and optical store, and is quite a factor in the social life of this sec tion of North Carolina, as it is head quarters for the very latest in vogue in the jewelry of the day. Furthermore it is a store that is excellently appointed and carries a select stock of diamonds, and pre cious stones, watches, latest designs in rings, necklaces, fine silverware, clocks and many novelties. These are all of the very latest style. They are offered at prices that are very reason able and the store is known as a place to secure the most reliable jewelry on very easy credit terms, as your credit is good at The Bernau Jewelry and Optical Co., Inc. The repair and remodeling depart ment covers all features of the trade. No matter whether it is jewelry re pairing, watch or clock work or the remodeling and modernizing of jew elry, you will find that they offer a most complete service. They have made a continued study of the history of jewelry from the customs of the past and can tell you exactly what is appropriate for you to have. They understand the birthstones and in fact every legend connected with the art of jewelry adornment. Whether selecting jewelry for your self, for a wedding present or a gift for any occasion you will find that when you make your choice from Bernau's you will not only be select ing* in good taste, but will be selecting something that will give pleasure for years to come. Their optical department is most complete, and persons from every where in the state take occasion to come in and have their eyes examined with regularity. Their office is equipped to fit you perfectly as they have a complete optical lens manu facturing plant and laboratory and specialize in filling oculist's prescrip tions. In closing, we wish to state that when visiting in or shopping in Greensboro, Mr. Bemau extends a cordial invitation to all visitors to make his store their headquarters while in the city. EBROCLO SHIRT CO., INC. Direct to User ? Made to Your Measure ? Ebrman H. Young, Pres. 222 H S. Greene Street in Greensboro Phone ?768 The Ebroclo Shirt Company, Jnc., of Greensboro, is an institution that has met the need of the men of this trading community for a number of years. They have rendered a superior service to the people of this section by reason of the exclusive style, quality materials and workmanship of the well known Ebroclo Shirts that they manufacture. These fine shirts are expertly tail ored to true academic wishes. Their shirts have the inimitable style of master designers that are ever popu lar and lasting. Men and young men will find amazing values in these quality shirts. Season after season The Ebroclo Shirt Company bends every energy to anticipate and satisfy the most ex acting specifications. That they have succeeded is shown by the number of men and young men who wear their shirts exclusively. Whenever you make purchases just consider that when you are spending your money where the money is sent away, it is not used to develop your own community, and does not make your property any more valuable. Money spent at home for home manufactured products such as Ebroclo Shirt Company man ufacture tends to create the com munity spirit and a percentage of each dollar thus spent returns to you at some time. This is a local home-owned institu tion under the proprietorship and management of Mr. Ehrman H. Young, a local man who has taken an active interest in the progress and welfare of this district. It is a grow ing business and assists in the growth of the community. It is a pleasure to commend this firm upon the exacting manner in which it has served the men of this community and one feels a sense of satisfaction in recommending Ebroclo Shirts to the men throughout this section. J. H. GRIFFIN & SONS Barrett Roofing & Sheet Metal Work 407 Walker Avenue in Greensboro Phone 2-3441 iney are Headquarters for Barrett Roofing and Sheet Metal Work, as well as repairing and waterproofing. BARRETT ROOFS are beautiful and. durable. See Mr. Griffin and talk things over with him. They also do sheet metal work of all kinds. The very best insurance you can have against damage to your walls, ceiling and household effects is in placing the care of your roofing in the hands of a reputable roofing con cern, such as this one. J. H. Griffin and Sons will look after your roofs, inspect them at fre quent intervals and keep them in per fect repair, by contract, at a price which will save you a good deal of money in the course of a year. They will also save you a great deal of worry. AU work is done by J. H. Griffin azi Sons' cr.pcricr.ced workmen, and they are reliable and responsible. They are prepared to do any kind of roofing and guarantee the very high est grade of work at prices as low as you would pay 'for ordinary "roofing. J. H. Griffin and Sons have earned for themselves a reputation as expert roofers and their many satisfied pa trons in this and surrounding com munities will vouch for their work. As citizens of this community, none stand higher. Mr. Griffin is very popular in the business life of the city and always stands for the betterment of his dis trict. In closing we suggest to our readers in Graham and Alamance county, that that yoa phone this very enter prising firm for an estimate on any work m their line before placing your order elsewhere. CAROLINA STEEL & IRON CO. Wm. C. Boren, President Located at 1437 South Elm Street in Greensboro Phone 2-3141 Iron U one of the most common things in the modern world. It ia the mineral that makes bricks red. It is a necessary foot! element. It is the stuff out of which modern industry has been built. It has served mankind for centuries. Iron and steel have made much of our progress possible. The first iron in the United States was found by an expedition sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585. In 1608 iron ore was shipped to Eng land. The first iron works in the United States was established a little over 300 years ago. Progress was slow and the development of efficient smelting and processing methods has been comparatively late. The Carolina Steel & Iron Com pany has a reputation for being one of the leading companies in this sec tion of the state. The plant is ex tensive and is equipped with the lat est scientific machinery for the pro duction of high grade metal products, structural steel for buildings and bridges, ornamental iron, wire, angles ? beams ? channels ? bars ? plates ? sheets ? boiler tubes ? coal chutes and Bayley's steel sash. The name has come to stand for quality, reliability and progress in the indus try. The company has kept its plant up to date and is giving the most modern service available anywhere. The Carolina Steel and Iron Com pany is a local concern, under the competent direction of men inter ested in local development and its substantial and well merited progress is a matter of public knowledge. The product* manufactured by thii company are recognised by the trade as being of the beat available mate rials and fashioned by the most com petent workmanship. Their products are sold throughout this territory. Men who give them orders always remain permanent customers of the company. They are continually adding to the plant as new inventions come out so that it is kept at all times strictly up to the minute. In the employ of the Carolina Steel and Iron Company are men who understand what they are about and as a consequence, the accuracy and efficiency with which the work is completed is the admira tion and comment of customers from far and wide. Quick to appreciate the value to the community of this progressive concern, the people of this section have always been loyal in their sup port of the Carolina Steel and Iron Company, which gives employment to * number of people, aids in modern development, and brings monev into this section from all parts of the country. It is such institutions as this that make Greensboro one of the liv est ag4 most prosperous communities of the state and advertises us all over the country. H. J. JOHNSON ESSO SERVICE STATIONS 2 Convenient Locations H. J. Johnson, Owner 1900 E. Market and 600 W. Market Street You may have been idling along the road, but when approaching the city ond you' see the glare of the lights, the heavy traffic, the street signals and the traffic cops it is best to look over the instrument board and stop at one of the H. J. Johnson Esso Service Stations and get the car filled with that good Esso Gasoline, oil and water. Mr. Johnson is able to give you just what you want as he maintains mod ern service stations and can furnish gas for the high compression engine that will make it full of pep. If your engine has been spitting tmd coughing he will be able to give you gasoline that will make it run smoothly and there will be no danger of you get ting stopped in a traffic jam. The heavy congestion takes more gasoline and it never pays to run into the city with a small supply as stops are costly and you may hear the last cough of a dying engine just when you need power the most to get through. If you take on gasoline at the H. J. Johnson Esso Service Sta tions and get that good Esso gaso line your engine will hum along and you will not be bothered or incon venienced. Mr. Johnson always has a sufficient force of helpers so that you will not be delayed. The oil department is complete with oils and greases for all purposes. They know the chart and give you oil that will protect your engine and you will not be burning out connect ing rods or having engine trouble. It might be well to take a supply home with you so there will be no trouble until you get around again. They have oils for every type of motor, tractor and truck as well as the mo torcycle. They offer an excellent serv ice in the draining of the crankcase and seeing that you have clean oil that will pump easily. They are also headquarters for Atlas Tires and Batteries. In making this review we are pleased to compliment the H. J. John son Esso Service Stations upon their service and would suggest that every driver should occasionally stop here and refuel to keep up on the improve ments in the service station "Service Supreme." FORD BODY COMPANY Elbert and LeRoy Ford, Proprietors 1200 Battleground Avenue in Greensboro Phono 8164 This efficient establishment is one of the firms of this section that is running full time and has done quite a lot toward keeping trucks in fine condition. Throughout all of this section of the state there are many examples of their expert work. It is hardly possible to drive on any road with out passing an evidence of the supe rior craftsmanship and high grade material which have won for this establishment so wide a reputation. Not only do they execute all classes of truck body work, such as repair ing, painting, lettering, trimming, blacksmithing, wood and metal work, but Mr. Ford specializes in the build ing of COMMERCIAL AND TRUCK BODIES. The prices are of the most pleas ing character and the promptness of the satisfying kind, getting the work done when promised. Better call and see either Elbert or LeRoy Ford the next time you are in town and have a talk with them. They are master mechanics in truck body repairs and if you are un fortunate enough to get in an acci dent you will find that by their ex pert work they can remove all mem ories of the accident and turn your truck out to you looking like new. They are courteous and will be pleased to explain their method of building truck bodies to you, whether you want to order at the time or not. They have taken many a used truck and made it look almost like new through their excellent work. Don't think that the body of your truck or the top on your truck is gone beyond recall. In many cases a new one does not cost as much as you might think. Both members of this firm are well known and very popular business men and take an active interest in all propositions which promise pub lic improvement. In charge of operations are men of the community who have merited the success that is theirs and we wish to suggest that as regards work in any of these lines you will find this place can save you money and time. NORTH STATE MILLING CO. W. B. Atwater and A. A. Hylton, Mantfiri On South Elm Street in Greensboro Phone 6615 They are manufacturers of Daily Bread, North State and Gate City Flour. The community which provides the farmers in the country surrounding with a market for their grain and other products is the one which will attain the greatest measure of pros perity. The fact that this mill pays the highest prices consistent with the conditions of the market, brings many dollars worth of business to the community and aids in no small degree in making this a more live and progressive community. The North State Milling Com pany's mill is thoroughly equipped in the latest and most scientific manner for the milling of the finest of feeds and flour. Everything about the place makes for the best of sanitation and this coupled with the fact that they use only the choicest of materials and have in their employ only men who are thoroughly abreast of the times insures the public of a quality that is unexcelled. Their flour, feeds and corn meal are known lor high quality and purity. Their well known and popular Daily Bread, North State and Gate City Brands of flour produces the finest bakings and are all balanced for production results. It is incumbent upon the people of this section to boost for local prod ucts on all occasions and thus aid in the bringing of trade activity to this section of the country. The North State Milling Company is under the able management of men who appreciate the value of good service as a trade winner and are always anxious and willing to accommodate their patrons. They have always taken an active interest in the development of this section and are known as among our fore most citizens. We suggest that you try "Daily Bread, North State and Gate Citj Flour" and boost "home products." CAROLINA BLOWER COMPANY Samuel B. Tye, Manager 430 Morehead Avenue in Greensboro Fhnne 73S4 The Carolina Blower Company is the largest concern of its kind in this section of the state. This very efficient establishment is one of the firms of Greensboro, that is running full time and has been of incalculable service to the people of their home town and surrounding community. They manufacture exhaust fans, blow piping and dust, collectors which have demanded a wide popularity. The quality of the exhaust fans, blow piping and dust collectors they manu facture has no superior and the fact that they have many users in this section accounts for the many satis Carolina Blower Company ia one of the basic industries of this territory. It is necessary for the continued pro duction of industry that manufac turers have a source of products which not only furnishes tne very best but is conducted in such a man ner that products are always avail able. The admirable policy of the Caro lina Blower Company has been re sponsible for the growth of their busi ness and has increased in no small manner the progress and prosperity of this section, and we predict in this review, that the future will see even greater strides in the piuftms of their business. _ .