Fun for the Whole Family THE FEATHERHEADS Environment lOii USED To Go To All The (JamES NOW whEM tOU CAM HEAR TrvEM AT HOiaE ? -iOtl foadBZ to Listen ^eam-but i donT seem TO SET TnE SAME Kick. OUT OP JUST USTENiNS h-ts Qp V ? t* -MATCH IM <5 A FooTBacL 6Am? is hot STUFF TO 50ME AMD To OTHERS, \T LEAVES ItHgW COLO 1 ' ? f , ' SWATTER POP? Have You Thought of Changing the Old Coat? By C. M. PAYNE Some C^am4?-S \AJITt} T4+ET>ENC 9 ^<.9 3 MESCAL IKE ?? s. l huntley yl' [cir FINNEY OF THE FORCE Stuck MESSAGE NO 99 "TEnSHUW CAR no. 13? walnut and Qu?nCE-| INVESTIGATE CAR STOCK in Snow DR PT? BLOCKtWff TRAFPiC ? u C ? CAR NO ,3 ? COMPLAINTS STiLL COMiNG IM ON CAR. STuCK IN SNOW at WALNUT An' QlmnCE- Traffic Blocked ? re route cars? rendcr ASSISTANCE ? Fppl | A TMAW BE "M" | only "T iM? CMOISTMAS ? Craft* Earth flew in all directions as the crimson-faced would-be golfer at tempted to strike the ball. "My word." be blurted out to his caddie, ''the worms will think there's an earthquake." "I don't know," replied the caddie, "the worms 'round here are crafty. Ill bet most of them are hiding un derneath the ball for safety." ? I Pearson's Weekly. That'll Stop Bin He ? You know last year the doc tor told me that if I didn't stop smoking I'd become feeble-minded. Girl ? Why didn't you stop? N? Searem Dick? I understand the sultan's son is inclined to be a little ? er ? Doc? Harum-scarum T Dick ? Oh. no. he's used to them. More Ways Than One Neighbor? Is your husband a good driver? Woman ? Yes, be Just simply drives me crazy. | U1HC fOWa *T CLUYAS WILLIAMS | jj "i i*1? ^ p? ? .. S EN6A6CP M NNt?? ? fnvf fcWWH! 5 <^J>V < SMVft SaCtniV nr( f HTSJO Nfclf MIM6 VJ.C ' BOW* WOO* BUCK ME WW?f KMC H> SMOCf US im, * 6*f PEAT l-? } ?*SB * CM of PE*6 ? Bfr??T> w? urt -to mew MMOMKMC Ufa* nMtskfttf ?HU.W *HUfKS ME6JB&FS HCCMSMMtf VM* MCS& tWWV.aQMM ft?, O.MKrt NC ON irtOOf iweat MB-WV 9CMDVEUJM k(EMM I OMR. MlPMIMBf Mb PCM5 or I ****************** I ! STAR | | DUST | * M.ovie ? Radio * * * 1 *** By VIRGINIA VALE*** HALF of Hollywood is dili- J gently searching for giddy j comedies, the sort that have made Carole Lombard and 1 Irene Dunne outstanding stars. The rest of the film colony fig ure that the public is going to be fed up on loony antics soon, and are getting ready to d^lve into very serious film biogra- ' phies. Garbo still wants to do a comedy, but has turned down four stories that the studio has submitted to her. Kay Francis is all set to launch into a laugh epic. Tyrone Power and Loretta Young have started work on "Her Mas terpiece," hoping that it will be as en tertaining as their current "Second Honeymoon." In the biograph- Kay Francis > ical division, there I is the life of Clara Barton in which ! | Irene Dunne will star, the life of ! Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, in which Tyrone Pow er will be featured, and the life of George Sand, woman novelist, which will star the dainty Annabella. It takes a long time to score sue cess in radio, motion pictures, and on the stage, so it is a good idea to start at the age of eleven as Joy { Hodges did. She is almost twenty one now and can point with pride to j the months when she sang on the I radio with Ted Fio Rito's and Ozzie Nelson's orchestras. You will see her on the screen in Universal'* "Merry Go Round of 1938" and she ? is playing the lead with George Co- ; han in the outstanding Broadway hit j of the year, "I'd Rather Be Right," ! which spoofs the New Deal in ami- i able fashion. She supported herself I all through her four years at Des ; Moines high school by singing at ; revival meetings and on the radio. ? ? *? When you see Carole Lombard to "Nothing Sacred." and Barbara Stanwyck in "Breakfast for Two," yon may assume that a course in boxing is a necessary part of every screen actress' training. Barbara pats on gloves and goes after Her bert Marshall for all she is worth, pommeling' and swinging until yon begin to fear that Marshall will have to play masked bandit roles the rest of his life. Carole doesn't stop for gloves or any sneh niceties. She just goes into a slap-happy routine with Fredrie March with no holds barred. Hie M-G-M radio hour, improving every week, is going to be even bet . ter, because it has | been decided to con centrate more on comedy. Ted Healy, who hasn't had a chance really to dis tinguish himself in i their pictures, has walked off with all the honors in their radio shows. All in- 1 quiries about audi- - ence reaction bring Miltw Berle a request for more Healy specialties. You will be getting them from now on. Soon R. K. O. will launch a ra dio hour with Milton Berle as mas ter of ceremonies ? probably late at night so that it won't interfere with I your going to the theater to see their pictures. ODDS AND ENDS ? Grand National | has ambitious plans to star Tex Riuer , | Ken Maynard and Ruth Mix in one big super-western . . . IT hen you hear a dog barking in the radio serial, " Pepper ! Young's Family ~ it isn't a sound-effects man at work. It is the well-trained pet of Jean Sothern, regular member of the cast . . . Charlie FarreU , encouraged by the great comeback of his former partner, Janet Gaynor, is going to try a comeback too , uith Paramount . . . Eleanor Holm had to swim alongside two alligators in " Tarzans Revenge Two rifle marksmen stood by, just in case . . . Latest actor to want Olivia de Hani! and to play opposite : him in a Broadway stage ploy is Brian .4 heme but she still s ays mno . . . Voting will begin soon for best screen perform ance of the year and Charles Borer is ! likely to win for his portrayal of Napo leon in m Conquest " . . . Meanwhile several radio sponsors have toted Nadine Conner , I currently subbing for Jeannette Mac Don- j aid Sunday nights, the best woman singer i on Use air. ? . ? J ? Western Newspaper Union. Finest Qulity of Mahogany The mahogany of British Hondur as, the country's principal item of export, is the finest quality known. A Good Man A wise and good man does nothing for appearance, but everything for the sake of having acted well. Hard Work Cor Lazy Man "A lazy man," said Uncle Eben, "has to work mighty hard some times hustlin' fob excuses." Lacy Cartwheels Make This Cloth There's magic in this two col ored crocheted square ? when it's joined into a cloth or spread, it looks like two medallions! Begin right away on the first S inch square. Its "repeats" will follow in quick succession for it is sim pie to do in economical string and makes delightful pick-up work. You may use the same color throughout, ii you prefer. Pat tern 1570 contains chart and di rections for making the square; material requirements ; illustra tions of the square and of all stitches used; a photograph of the square; color suggestions. Send 15 cents in stamps or coins (coins preferred) for this pattern to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth Ave., New York. Lasting Portrait A man would rather leave be? hind him a portrait of his spirit than a portrait of his face. ? R. L. Stevenson. SmoJte> U h*uuv that LUDEN'S Menthol Cough Drops 5# "...soothe a _ raw throat instantly." I Sentinels of Health Don't Neglect Them I Nature taipiH the kidney* to do a marvel o?a job. Their task is to keep the flowing blood itnui free of in excess of toxic impurities. The act of living ? iif* iisrl/- ? a constantly producing waste matter the kidneys most remove from the Wood if good health is to endure. When the kidneys fail to function as Nature intended, there is retention ot waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging hark ache, persist eat headache, attacks of dirtiness, getting up nights, swelling, puffin esa under the eyes feet tired, nervous, att worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning passsgea may be further evidence of kidney or bladder disturbance. _ The recognised and proper treatment fa a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys Si "iw tins forty rears of public approval. Am * " tkiin " ' An'a. Sold at ai'draf ? Doans Pills WNU ? 4 50?37 GET RID OF PIMPLES ^UuTskk Uttk?Years YmI^rt! Get rid oi ugly pimply akin with this extraordinary nrw remedy Dentoc'i Facial Magnesia weeks miriw-les In clearing up a ?potty, roughened oon plexion Even tie brst lew treatments make a noticeable difference. The ugly ?pots gradually wipe away big pores grow smaller, the texture oi the Aia itself hecnaiso farmer R sines you know it friends are mrrptiin anting yon oa your cnmplarirm SPECIAL OFFER ?far a few wsafcs aaly Here u your chaaoe to try ooi Dsatoa's Facial Magnesia a t a liberal aaring. Wa will saad you a full 6 ox. bottle otDaa tan'a. ptas a regular aaa box of famous =- Wafers (the lifrlail Milk oi tiianwil tablets) . both ior oaJy GOd Cask la oa this remarkable oBac Saad 60c in cash or stampa today. DENTON'S Facial M agnesia ? SELECT mourn, tmc. ? J ?