THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., ADO. 10, 1939 Local News ?Mrs. W. D. Barrett mnd y ouug daughter, Roeemary, are at home from Alamanoe Geueral Hospital. ?Mrs. J. H. liana is reported recovering nicely from an opera tion at Alamance General Hos pital. ?T b e poetoffloe building woodwork and inside walls is being given a new ooat of paint. Also some repairs are being made. ?On Sunday next, Aug. 13th, The Fauoette and Brannook families will bold their annual reunion at Shilo church, north west oorner of Morton township. ?What the approach of the fiery planet Mars within some 35 millions'of milesUftUe S&rih has had to do with the hot weather of the past day or so is yet to be satisfactorily explained. ?The recent anathema against dogs remaining in charge for 30 days has somewhat curtailed their appearance, bat the official dog-killer has not yet been able to corral all of the loose-run-at large ones. ?Superior Court, Judge Barney presiding, will convene next Monday for the trial o f criminal cases. A calender has been arranged and embraces about 50 cases. A capital case has oeen set for Wednesday ?State vs. LeRoy WagstaS. ?Things are in readiness,just a few finishing touches, for the Alexander Wilson community picnic. Gov. Hoey will be on hand for the principal address, besides other promlment citizens. A larger attendance is assured, and the promoters expect this to he the most snooeasful of any so far held. ?Jo Ann, 2-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Balph Pearson, was struok and instantly killed about 7:30 Wednesday evening near Trollinwood. The death ear was driven by Chaster B. Howell of Burlington. One aeoount is that the child attempted to run across the road to her mother en the op posite side. The killing is un der investigation. ?Last Friday afternoon a gas truck, driven by Bill MoCauley, turned overon making the curve ner near Grabur silk mills on the Graham-Burlington road. The 4,000 gallons on the truck were lost. The tractor part of the truck was badly damaged. When the truck turned over it struck and demolished a passing ear. MoCauley suffered two brok en ribs and is being oared for in Alamance General Hospital. ?A horse show feature, inti mated at last year's show, will be an addition to the Sylvan Calf Club Show to be held on Wednes day August, '30tb. I n these latter days the horse, one of man's most valuable oompanlona of the animal kingdom, has been almost erased from the picture by the motor. But he will eome back and it is pleasantto^note that the Sylvan folks will accord him his rightful place in their show. ?July rainfall high average? Mr. MoBride Holt, reporter to the Government a t Washington of rain fall at Graham, tells us that the rainfall during July was 8 58 inches. The annual rainfall oovering a period o f years i s about 53 inches, henoe that for July was about, one-sixth of the annual rainfall instead of one twelth which would be normal. That 1 s , July gave u p about twice the average amount for a normal month. Two Fatally Injured in Head-on Collision A party, Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Bala and the letter's sister, Mrs. Julian Parrish of Greensboro, and Misses Hilda and Vivian Beal, left here about midnight Friday night for the week-end at Wrightarllle Beach. A bout 2 o'clock, near Fayette vtlle they had a head-on collision with a ear occupied by dee men. Mrs. Parrish was instantly killed and Hilda Beal, 15, died Monday night from her injuries. Mi. and Mia. Bain and Vivian Baal suffered broken bones and other injuries. The men in the oar were also seriously injured. All were rushed to a Fayettsrille hospital. Vivian Baal is reported to have e * ?-* dm armog. An inquest is sot for hearing today. PERSONAL Billy Onm la y 1*1 ting Bart Exam at Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Lam Holt apant Sunday at White Laka. Mra. Virginia McLean waa a re cent riaitor at Myrtle Beech, 8.0. Mr. and Mra. J. Harvey White areependlng the weak at Mon treal Miaa Ida Mae Oaaa spent the weak ? and with her parents ia North Wilkes boro. Bobble Cook h a a returned from Cam p Cherokee after .an ab sence of fire weeks. Mra. George Kivett and son, Jerry, and Jane Park, her gueat, spent Sunday in Biler Oity. Miaa Dallie Henderson, Greens boro, spent the week-end with her slater, Mrs. S. E. Free re. Little Miaa Jane Park of Dan ville la spending the week with Ms, and ?rs,J}eorge Klvett. Dr. and Mra. J. A. Ingram of High Point are visiting the let ter's mother, Mrs. L. G. Gowena. Miaa Lais Browning, Mrs. Z. T. Hadley and daughter, Miaa Annie Boyd, spent the week-end at Myr tle Beach. Mrs. Willard 0. Goley and childnn, W11 lard, Alsz and Jean, are home from a week at Morehead City. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bason and children left Tuesday for a visit to her old home in Tennessee? will also visit in W. Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. MeAdams and daughter, Miss Carolyn, and Miss Bonnie Moore are spending the week| at Myrtle Beach. Mr. and Mrs. J. Austin Nichol son and daughter, Sara Jane, of Dnrham spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Nich olson. Mrs. B. M. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Compton and Miss Nan Rogers were at Manteo during the week-end to see the "Lost Colony." Mrs. Jnnins Boswell, W. H. Boswell and daughters, Misses Flossie and Email, visited with the former's mother at Candor Snnday. Mrs. J. B. Montgomery, who has spent the past two yean or more with Mm. Frank Corboni, her adopted daughter, at Smith town Bran oh, Long Island, arriv ed a few days ago and at present is with Mm. Walter Neweombe. Mm. J. W. Gregory, Whitten Gregory and Miss Dalphine Beck of Martinville, Vu., and Lester Cof man and daughter, Jean Ang lln, of Newark, Ohio, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mm. L. G. Nicholson. Maodameo Greg ory and Nicholson are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Oomann Isley and daughters, Coanne and Janice, Mm. T. C. Moon and children, Jean and Joe, Mrs. L. B. Brad shaw and daughter, Janette, and Miss Mary Catharine Btadahaw, and Merle Smith of Bnrllngton am spending the week at Caroli na Beach. ?Richard M. Bark* (Dick), 78, died suddenly about 6:80 Monday evening at bia home here. He bad been a resident of Graham for 80 years or more and was merchandising at the time of hie death. The fnneral was held at Providence obnreh Wednesday afternoon at 8:80, interment fol lowing in the ehureh cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the seoond, two eons, W. W. and George, and two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Lee Baldwin and Mrs. James Hunter, and a sister and a brother. A Family Picnic Supper Tuesday Evening Tuesday ???slug Mssdamaa J. J. Henderson and J. B. Stratford, Graham, and Mrs. H. 0. Pollard of Burlington war* joint hast mam to party of ralatlvaa on Mm. Hen derson's lawn. Those present ware Mr. and Mm. Ronald MaeDonald and ehil dren, Mark, Ann and Ronald, Jr.. of Silver Springe, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. 8*mDel veehlo and children, Jane, Iris, Marie and Ola Ire, of Washington; Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kemodle and son, ;L. H., Jr., of Danville; Mm. Seott White of Greensboro, besides the Immedi ate families of the booties is. The sapper was served in pie nie style, to whieh was added "hot dors" and hot steak. The MaoDonalda and Delveehioa are vacationing and making head quarters at the eonntry home of their anal and oonsin, Mr. J. L. Kemodle and daughter, Mrs. Manson, the old Summem piaee np on Reedy Pork in Guilford four miles north wast of Gibson Tills. | Beet and Other Things McBride Holt Explains His Lore Foe Bscs Aboot Bee Habits; Things He Remembers Mr.Gsorge Elmo Curtis, President N. 0. Bee Associatien, Graham, N. 6. Deal Xlmo: A lew days ago, when we were among my bees, doing the ?tout to atop eo mnoh swarming, yon asked me to give my reasons for my love for bees. The question set me to thinking, so, for my own satisfaction, and I trust t o your pleasure, lam writing you this letter. I am n earing my 79th birthday, and I doubt if anything in my memory precedes the impression made by the honey bee, and my lore for these wonderful little oo-workers is as old as my memory. My father always kept beee, had them before I was born; kept them in the old box gums set on a big oak slab brought from his saw mill, just a few paces out directly in front of our old country home. Thus located, they could be closely observed, swarms noticed and watched. A swarm in those days was highly prized, (The time now in mind was soon after the Cival War), when honey, like many other things, was scarce and hard to get. My mother wove the cloth on that "old ark of a loom, a" true relic of t h e past. M y oldest sister learned to knit straw and made us boys straw bats, crude, of course, but made u s very happy; the hats were given about the time the bees began to swarm. Soon a swarm came out. A n older brother, always shy of bees, took his stand, to watch the hiving process, afer off, which as you know, is a dangerous spot. When the swarm was knocked down, the pickets soon located my brother and his new straw hat, starting real fun and fight. Which side won I never knew, but the straw hat was a thing of the past, and my witty brother was the object for much laughter for years thereafter. Sometime in midsummer father would make u s children (me especially) mighty happy by tell ing his intention to drive, or rob, a hive the eoming evening or night; how this was done, I guess you know,yet it should be told to some of the bee keepers of today. During my boyhood, our home was surrounded b y original foresta, and our b* swarms I would often go to these woods, find a hollow tree, thereby mak ing a "bee tree". To find a "bee tree" was one of the ambitions of my life. 1 1 feel and often nay, me Dee, in ita habits, is more like homan than any other living thing, exceeding the wisdom of bnmana in many ways. This alone ex cites my lore and admiration; yet there is no sweet more fasci nating to my diabetic tongne, or lass harmful, if tarmful at all, to my insurable affliction. It wan, and may still be ths belief of oertain of the bee-keep ers of m y boyhood days that, without failure, the bees should be promptly told of the death of their owner or keeper. When my father died one of my older brothers went to each of father's hives, tapped gently on each and said, "Bees, your master is gone." Soon after the passing of my father, the old home was broken up. I, at the sale, booght some of the bees, brought them to my home here in town, since which time I have diligently kept them. For more than fifty years, with out a single break, as you may know, I was a busy man with a large industry, yet with the busy life my occupation demanded, I never gave up my bees, and so long as I have my wits and suffi cient strength, my bses will have my love and my admiration, for which I am sure they will contin ue to give me food for thought, as well as sweets for my tongue. For a number of years, I had the honor of being Superintend dent of our Sunday School. On one occasion I took a fall frame of brood honey comb, did some counting of the cells, a bit of study on ths bee, presented the oomb, with some talk and ques tions to the children?never had more direct attention and re sponse, booked by oompliments! Having mentioned a few, of the many, incidents which mako me respect the bee, and with the hope I may yet learn more about its wonderful instincts, I trust yon can new see why I keep and tore the busy little bee. Tours sincerely, MeBrids Holt. Several days of tain recently aanaad the boll weevil to damage much of this year's cotton crop is Johnson County, reports farm agent. jsmme /a "A frimd fe At marU U.hfP* Aon mmty in At dmL "taaoa ??Ths nsamsr "Alaska" was wi*ck*d. 1921. T?U. &-Canada uac* I ,itn M ), rWii-xii?d iwT ??Dm tat looorocOr* tun Is th* Unltsd StaM was taxis. 188. ?-Fr** Sail eoncsntioa nocnlnatsd Van Bursn tor snrtdaAUtt. 13-Hstbsrt C Hoowr. 31st jrj?S*nt ol U S* bom. LX-*Puhflft,'j?Wamboatmad# attS trift 1807. U?Th* tot United Stats* ratiroad was aompleied. jm- ... Simpson Family Reunion. At Bethlehem Christian ohnrch, Morton Township, on last Sunday was held the 14th ahnnal reunion of the Simpson family, a number ous one in that seetion whioh has been their home for generations. The earliest recollection of the writer was a Dr. Simpson of the family. A few miles to the west on the north bank of Haw River stood the big briok colonial home, with its tall white, columns, of General Simpson. It was a stop ping place for the stage coaches before the days of railroads. The General must haTe been a Revolutionary soldier. During the generations the family has spread to the four quarters of the country. From as far west as California and Arizona words of greeting were sent by family connections. A lady member, 87, of California sent a cake for the occasion. The devotional exercises were condacted by Rev. L. L. Wyrick. The address of the ocooslon was delivered by Judge Allen Gwyn of Beidsville who declared the ax iomatic truth that "The strength of our government is measured by the strength of our homes." The assemblage was composed of about 200 of the family oon nactions and friends. And the first Sunday of August, 1940, was designated for th* next reunion. Reid Shaw in Fatal Crash Laat Saturday night, near Long's Chapel, on 62, Reid Shaw 36-year-old farmer, was killed almoet instantly. He was riding along when his oar left the road aad crashed into a tree. It was about 10:00 o'clock. Jennings Chandler s a w i t from Sandy Cross service station. He rushed Shaw to Alamance General hoepital, bnt death came before reaohlng the hospital. It Is un explained why it happened. Funeral service and burial at Long's Chapel Monday afternoon. Deceased is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bnster Shaw, his wife and three children, and by two sisters snd fonr brothers, of them Mrs. Una Lee and Ralph Shaw live in Graham. SUBSCRIBE BOB THB OLBABBB ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE sESSSgfflSSEiiS to DOtffj tllNriM honnc claim j a**ingt th? Mtau ofaaJd Ammom to ii?ut ti??n vvw? as: buodMrneonn. AL pmw luKbUd to OU MM will plMB mokt tm?dBt? poxmoBt to tfco no ThS?Si tej o# Juo,an. Bunlo P. Joooo, AB'r Sale of Valuable Real and Personal Property! Under and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Ala man ee County, In a Proceeding* No. 1849, entitled Linnie Bailey, Admin intra tor of the Estate of A. P. MeBane, et ale. ve. Margaret 0. MeBane et ale., I will offer for ?ale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1939, at 1:00 O'CLOCK,P. M., among other things, the follow , ing valuable property, to-wit: That oertaln tract of land, with , the improvemente thereon, for , merly owned by J. D. William* and others, lately the A- P. A J. R. MeBane Mill, Cotton Gin, Woodworking (hop and described as follows: Beginning at a rock, J. D.Williams'coraer on the bank of Cane Creek and running thenoe S. It deg. W. with his 1 line 23 poles to a rock} thenoe N. 1 10 deg. W. 83 poiee to ? Maple on the bank of said Croak; tbonee N. 18 deg. M. 38 poles to a stake in the old field; thenoe N. 18 deg. K. 6 pole* to an Aeh near the water on Booth aide of the pond; thenoe 8.73 deg. E. 26 poles to a atone in the old field; thenoe 8. 11 dec. W. 84 poles to a sweet gnat on the North bank of said Creek; thenoe np Mid Greek 5 1-3 poles to a stake oa the Old Mill lot line; thenoe S. with the Old Mill lot line to the beginning and containing approximately 7 acres, 60 rods, upon whloh is a Mill House, Cotton Gin, dwelling and other equipment. At the Mme time and plaoe the Administrator will sell for cash many articles of Blacksmith tools, Woodworking tools, laming tools and many other things too nnm erons to montion* Place of Sale: The MiU site and cotton gin site of A. P. A J. B. MoBane, near Mt. Olive Church, Newlln Township. Time of Sale: 1.00, p. m., Saturday, August 12, 1989. Terms of Sale : One half eash, balance in six months at six per oentum per annum interest. Title reeerved till fully paid. This July 7, 1939. J. S. Oook, Commissioner, Commissioners' Sale 1 of Real Property. Under end pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County made in the special pro- , ceedinge entitled, "L. E. Cole, Ad- < minietrutor of the. aatate of Arthur A. Neeee, deoeaaed, rm. Baeaie , Stewart Neeae and others," being i Special Proceedings No. 1820, the i undersigned Commiaaioner of the said court will offer for aale at pub lic auction at the eourthoaao door in Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, on MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 1989, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK NOON, all of the following deaeribed real property, to-wit: A tract or panel of land in the County oi Alamance, State of North Carolina, Haw Hirer Township, ad joining the land* of B. Goodman, J. Archie Long, Holt-Granite Manu facturing Company and other*, bounded aa follow*: Beginning at a point in the road running through riliage of Haw Hirer, corner with J. Archie Long, running thenoe N. 35 dag, E. 22 ft. to an iron bolt in said road; thenoe S. 65 3-4 deg. E. 151 1.2 feet to an iron bolt in line of Holt-Granite Manufacturing Company, thenoe S. 55 3-4 dag. W. >8 1-2 feet to a point on aaid line; thenoe in a North Westerly direction to the South West corner of old Bason Post Offioe Building; thence along West ern wall of aaid building and con tinuing beyond in the mms direction to the beginning. The mid real property will be aold with and subject to any and all party wall rights going with the ?aid building or outstanding in the aaid building and real proueity. (Said Commimicaer will include in the aaid aale all oouatera and other like Art urea in the aaid build ing belonging to the owner thereof). TEBMSOF SALE: One-half cash upon confirmation, balance within six men the, deferred pay ment to bear interest at air per cent from date of confirmation, and aale to be made subject to adranoed bids and ran function by the court. This, the 2nd dey at August, 1939. L<5mMoeer Lonj, Long A Barrett, lAfrjU, NOTICE] Summon* by Publication NORTH CAROLINA ALA MA NCI COUNTY. In the Superior Court Mr*. Fannie Lea Walker Sweet Everett W. Sweet The defendant, Everett W. Sweet, will take notice that an action en titled aa above has been ownmenoed in the Superior Court of Alamance oounty, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, for the pnrpoae of obtain ing a decree of abeolaute divorce up on etatutory grouada and for further relief ae prayed for in the eonplaiat filed in aaid oanae; and the eaid de fendant will further take notice that he ia required toappanr at the office of the ulerk of Superior Court of aaid county at the conxthoneeia Qraham, North Oemlma, within thirty day* after the 25th day of Auguat, 1939, and anewar or demur to the complaint filed ia the eaid action, or the plaintiff will apply to tba court for the relief therein de i Done thia 20th day of Jnly, 1939. F. L. WILLIAMSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County. . Long, Long A Barrett, lAttyn F Dr. M. H. Cohen 11 428 Jeff. Sfd Bld'g, Greensboro, N. C. Will be in Graham EVERY THURSDAY from 12 noon to 6 p.m. | ind by appointment Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted hpta a fbikrfi Stew PERSONAL Mary?The New York World's Fair 1* the greatest ipeciacle I've ever Men! Spent ? grand week la New York and stayed at the Hotel 8t George, Brooklyn, N. Y. It'l convenient to everything and only M minute* from the Fair. Butt and I paid only $1.79 daily each for our brepzy double room in their 80 (tory in proof Olub Tower otot looking the harbor. We enjoyed free- the beautifulsaltwater swim ming pool, sun decks and danced free on their breath-taklngSkyllae Terrace. You moot see The Fair and you nuat stop at the St. George. If youH write to Jim Kay at the hotel he'll send you a swell road map free. JANE. Notice ol Sale of Real Property Whereas, on the 13th day of Jaly, 1984, Mra.Vannie Lam be ex ?cuted and delirered onto Jamea N. Williamson, jr. Trustee, a certain lead of treat which ia recorded in the offline of the Register of Deede lor ilamanna county, North Caro lina, ia Book 134, at page 290; and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedneee thereby aeon red aa therein pro Tid ed, and the trnatee has been re ? mated by the owners and holders ereof to exercise the power of sale therein contained; Now, therefore, under and by virtue of the authority conferred by the aaid deed of trust the under signed Trustee will, on Saturday. September 2, 1939, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door in Graham, Alamance county. North Carolina, ofbr for ttIt to th# Mfhet bidder for caah, the following described real property: A certain tract of land lying and baina in Graham township, Ala mance county, aforesaid, and mora particularly described aa follows: Being lot No. 41 (ooniaining 2.46 acres more or leeo)ae ehown by Map No. 8, of the Cept. Jamee N. Wil liamaon Estate, Graham township, Alamance county, North Caroline, ae surveyed by A. L Schialsr, sur rsyor, of Richmond, Vs., in August and July, 1922, which map ia duly recorded in the office of the Regie tar of Deeds, it the county of Ala mance, Book of lisps No. 1 at page 104, to which reference is made for m#tM tod bond8. This the 3rd day of August, 1939. JAMES N. WILLIAMSON, JR., Trnatee. Long, Long A Barrett; Attys. Notice of Execution Sale. NORTH CAROLINA, Guilford county, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Gorncy P. Hood, Commiaelonei of Banks, ox rol North Carolina Bur A Trust Company TS. W. A. Shoffner By virion of oxaeation 1708 di rected to the undersigned from tho Saparior Ooort of Guilford County in this cause. Judgment Docket 19, page 470, in the office of the Clerk of the Superioi Ooort of Guilford Coooty, a transcript thereof being docketed la Judgment Docket 8, pace 170, la the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of A lam as m County, the undersigned will, ot MONDAY, 8BPTKMBER 4,1989, at II O'CLOCK A. M? at the front door of Alamanm County Courthouse, sell at pub lie auction to the highest biddei for cash to aatlsfy said exeeutioi all the right, title and internal which defendant W. A. Sboffnei has or at or after the time of thi docketing In Alamance County oi the judgment In this cause ha4 In sad to the lot or peroel of lent in Burlington Township, Ala ?nance County, North Carolina conveyed by the deeds recorded ii Book 84, page 358, and Book HO K 883, in the office of the Beg of Deeds for Alemaaoi County which Is described as fol Iowa: Beginning at an iron stake corner with Alaaaaee Hosier Mills, running thence south 8 degrees east ISA feet to an ltoi stake; thence south 70 degree west 70 feet to an iron stake ii the original line between the ni oompunlee; thence north 63 de grw tut 67.33 feet to the point j beginning. This 3rd dny of Auguak, 1939. WillUun V. OopeJnnd, Sheriff of Almmsnoe County. Jainea O. W. MncClamioch, Attorney. Oreenaboro, H. C. NOTICE! Service of Summons by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA," ?"-fr ?t ALAMANCE COUNTY. . IN THE GENERAL COUNTY ( J COURT Oscar R. Majors IN. Nellie Spray Majors The defendant, Nellie Spray Majors, will take notice that an action entitled aa a bore has been commenced in the Gener al County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, for the purpose of obtaining a decree of absolute divorce upon two years' separation, in accordance with statutory provisions for such a divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said County at the courthouse in Graham, North Carolina, within thirty days after the 1st day of September, 1839, and an swer or demur to the complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff frill apply to the court for the relief therein demanded. Dona this the 7 day of August, ISM. P, -Is WILLIAMSON, dartt Superior Count. Long, Lqd? * Bnrrrft, Attorneys. Notice of Execution Sale. NORTH CAROLINA. " GUILFORD COUNTY, IN THB SUPBSIOB COURT Gurney P. Hood, Cm jammer of Banks,ex rel North Carolina Bank 4 Trust Company, ?a. C. L. Watkina, R. R. Lawia, M. B. Walkar and W. L. Gwyo, Trnataaa of Shiloh HethodJat Epiaoopal Church or their auc oeaaora. By virtue of execution 2704 di rected to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Guilford County in this causa, judgment Docket 19, page 469, in the oAee of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Guilford County, a transcript thereof being docketed in judgment Docket 8, page *37, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4,1989, at 11 O'CLOCK, A. M., at the front door of Alamance County Courthouse, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution all the right, title and interest which the defendants and or their successors have or at or after the time of the docketing in Ala mance County of the judgment in this cause had In and to the tract or parcel of land in Morton Township, Alamance County, North Carol ins, comprising 1.29 acres, more or lees, conveyed by the deed recorded in Book 54, page 39, ia the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Alamance County, which ia described as , follows: , Beginning at a stone, a former corner of the land of the heirs of ' M. B. Walker with the church lot, and running thence south 16 ) minutes west 511.6 feet to a stake, corner with said church r lot; thence south 4 degrees 84 i minutes 30 seoonda east 198 feet t to a stone, corner with said r church lot on the west aide of the ? public toed to Altamahaw via f Gilliam's Sohool; thence south 11 I degrees 30 minutes east 105.6 I feet to a atone on the west aide of - said road; thenoe south 89 de- - ? grass 20 minutes west 169.62 feet i to a atone ; thenoe north 46 de ', gross wast 186.79 feet to a atone; - thence north 15 minutes east i 502.26 feet to a stone in said - Walker's line; thence aonth 84 degrees 30 minutes east 66 feet to the point of beginning. T This 3rd day of August, 1939. 5 William V. Oopeland, a Sheriff of Alamaase Oonuty. a James G. W. MaoClamroeh, ? Att'y. II Greensboro, N. C.

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