THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C. JUNE 19,1941 IMCKD KVKBY THURSDAY J. D.KERNODLE, Editor $1.00 A ^EAJR, IN ADVANCE Entered at 'in Postofflce at Grab am, N. C., *6 sw oud-claau matter. WAR COMMENTS Back and Forth ? on the Side Lines Swift changes come from day to day in Europe's war situa tion ? so much so, that the un expected is continually happen ing. Mechanized with trucks, tanks, airplanes and parachutes, an army here this evening may be a hundred or so miles away atl some other point when the mor-l row's sun rises. The Nazi army appeared to bel concentrating on the Rumanian front next to Russia on the south a day or so ago, threat ening Russian wheat fields. Then suddenly placed armi'es on other fronts, and on yesterday attacked Russia from 15 points, so late news reports say. It was only a day or so ago that Stalin and Hitler signed some sort of friendly pact. That is nothing new about Hitler's regard for any sort of agreement. On May 21 Robin Moor, an American merchant ship, was sunk by a German torpedo in the South Atlantic. The crew and passengers, 46 in all, were given time to take to life boats, but not permitted to send out a SOS signal. After 18 days, 11 found their way to the shores of South America. A few days later it was reported that the other 35 were picked up and carried to a South A African port. America has pro tested. Hitler will agree to a satisfactory settlement?not ;to be carried out, of course. The government has ordered all German consulates in this country closed by July 1st and is guarding all ports and borders to prevent any of the 330,000 German nationals in this coun try from leaving until further orders. Not quite so many strikes where defense supplies are under contract since the President did some plain talking and sent U.S. army soldiers to a big airplane plant in California. Other plants with government contracts are getting back to work. The Nazis are concentrating on Belgan and other fronts for an intended invasion of Scot land war critics believe. The English army in Egypt has fared badly from the Axis forces lately. German bombers have been giving London a little breathing spell. English bombers have hit German industrial and concen tration points some hard blows in the past few days. THE UNITED STATES AND JAPAN RELATIONS Whether or not this govern ment will use the Navy as an active belligerent in the Battle of the Atlantic, is a question that no one but possibly the Presi dent can answer. Whatever the eventual decision, there are a number of important obstacle in the way of concentrating our fighting ships in the Atlantic? of which the most important is the strange Empire of Japan. For many years, the Ameri can people have been accustomed to swift changes in the status of U. S.-Japanese relatione. Both sides have done considerable dip lomatic bluffing. Many times alarmsts have said that the two 'nations were standing at the very brink or war. But, so far, nothing much has happened, outside of a few minor incidents1 which were swiftly settled, such j as the sinkink of the Panay some years ago. Now, according to a number of responsible correspondents who know the Japanese charac ter and Japanese conditions, there is a chance that matters will at last move from the shoot-1 ing point. Here are the principal reasons they use to substantiate that position: First, Japanese leaders are confident Germany will win this war, and they believe that,, therefore, the future of Japan will depend on the future of Hitler's "new order." So they are determined to carry out their Axis commitments to the letter. Second, they are convinced that this country cannot be frightened or argued out of its present position ? a position which says, in effect, that if Jap an moves into the South Pacific, we will ase force to stop her. In asmuch as the Japanese leaders are also convinced that Japan must dominate the lands and great resources of the South Pa cific Islands if she i9 to survive as a first-class power, they have come to the point of View that eventual war is certain and there is little use in longer try ing to prevent it. | Third, working on the assump tion that war is inevitable, the Japanese strategists feel that this is the time to fight it, while the United States has its hands full in the Atlantic and must at tempt to dominate two oceans with a one-ocean fleet. By 1946, the U. S. will have a formidable two-ocean fleet, and then, think Japanese naval men, Nippon's chances of winning a war would be extremely poor. Fourth, Japan knows her position is precarious so long as she must depend for the bulk of I essential supplies, such as steel 'and petroleum, on the United States. Therefore, it is reasoned, > the thing to do is to strike out and obtain by conquest essential raw materials for herself. | This goverment is taking Jap an plenty seriously. The bulk of our fleet is operating in the | Pearl Harbor area. The Atlantic jfleet is small and its few capital ships are mostly <ft>solete and alow. Large concentrations of aircraft, particulaly Flying For tresses, have been sent to Hawaii and even farther east. Air-raid shelters have been built in the Philippines, and practice air alarms are set off periodically. The cool heads in our naval high command do not discount the Japanese fleet. They think our ships are better, and our gunnery more effective. We have a definite edge in the quan itity and quality of carrier-based aircraft. And we have a larger fleet. Even so, the naval men feel, it would be a considerable job to lick Japan, and would re quire all our energies for a con siderable time. n is signmcani mat recent pronouncements of Japanese 'statesmen have become very blunt. Premier Matsuoka scar cely bothers any more to con ceal his dislike for the U. S. and his admiration for the Axis. Germany's successes in Europe have stiffened Japanese spines, and encouraged Japanese saber rattlers. The result is that the Pacific can accurately be describ ed as a tinder box today. France Siding with Hitler This government, beneath the surface, now regards France as being virtually an Axis ally. There is good reason for that I The real head of France today is Admiral Darlan, who likes the Germans, hates the English, and has always had a reputation for playing whatever political angle seemed most profitable at the moment. Even Marshall Petain was suspected of anti-democratic sympathies long ago, and he is so old and so ailing now that he is head of the new French total state in name only. Well - substantiated reports come from Vichy to the effect that France-will conclude a per manent peace with Germany, and give to the Reich certain important French possessions. One of those possessions is Da kar, which this government re gards as being a definite threat to American security if held by an unfriendly power. Best chance of our actively entering the European war, therefore, would be for France to make this transfer. No one believes we would sit quietly by and let the Germans occupy Dakar. And no one believes Hit ler could be stopped from doing that without a scrap. ' Pork Market The United Kingdom is a custom er tor most ot the cured pork and lard shipped from the United States. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT A. L. Lanning, ? vi Mary Lanning. The defendant, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carojlna, for divorce, and the sold defendant will further take notice that she la required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Ala mance County, In Graham, North Carolina, on or before the 21st day of July, 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint. This, the 12th day of June, 1941. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County. John J. Henderson, Atty. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having Qualified aa the executrix of the last will and teetament of William C. Polndexter, deceased, late of Ala Burlington. North Carolina, on or be to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Bivllngton. Nortn Carolina, on or be ore the ltth day of May, 1242, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 12th day of Hay, 1241. ANNA POLNDEXTER LANIER, Executrix of William C. Polndexter. Allen 4 Madry, Attys. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa executrix of the last Will and Teetament of W. G. Cox, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, thl, is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Burlington. North Carolina, on or before the 18th day of May. 1142, or thla notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the 1th day of May, 1241. MRS BYRD D. COX, Executrix of W. O. Cox, deceased. Dameron * Young, Attye. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOfFICE Having qualified as Administrator of the eetate of J. Parks Lindley, de ceased, late of Alamajioe County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of deceased to exhdMt them to the underdgned at Snowi Camp, N. C. on or before the 10th day of J ihie 1142, on this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons In debted to said estate will please mak# Immediate payment This Srd day of June. 1141. J. WEBB LINDLEY, Administrator of J. Parks Lindley. Wm. I. Ward. Atty.. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBEICATION NORTH CAROLINA, . ALAMANCE COUNTT. IN THE GENERAL COUNTT COURT Un. Gertrude Reynolda - V* - Mr. Joha C. Reynold*. Th* defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above baa been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for divorce, and the aald defendant will farther take notice that he la required to be and appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Ala* mance County. In Graham, North Carolina, on or before the Tth day of July, 1M1, and ancwer or dinar to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the ccunplalnt Thle the 21th day of May, 1?41. EFFA GUTHRIE, Aaet. Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County. J. J. Henderson, Atty, EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified a? Executrix of the estate of James M. Paris, deceased, late of Alamance County. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the tth day of June, 1242, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This the 2nd day of June, 1(41. LA LA PARTS, Executrix. John H. Vernon, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT S. H. Hurscor, Obera S. Hursey. The defendant, Obera 8. Hursey,will take notice that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to obtain a divorce from the -defendant on the. statutory grounds of two years sepa ration, and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance J County on or before July 10th, 1941J this being twenty days after the last] publication of this Notice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac-j tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said' complaint. This the 29th day of Hay, 1941. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk of Alamance General County Court. | Paul Strickland, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Lacy Heater, ? ye. - Alice Heater. The defendant above named "will take notice that an action has been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, It belnc an action brought by the plaintiff!! against the defend ant for absolute divorce; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County in the Courthouse In Graham, N. C., on the 21th day of June, 1(41, and answer or demur to the oomplalnt filed In said action, or thp plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 21st day of May, 1*41. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County. Thomas C. Carter, Atty. NOTICE MORTGAGEES' SALE Under and pursuant to th? power of sale contained In the mortgage deed from Wayne C. Roach and wife,Elis abeth Roach, to the undersigned U A. Isley and wife, CalUe F. Xsley, dated January |, 1140, and recorded In the office of Rest iter of Deeds for Ala mance County In Mortgage Deed Book ltd, at pa?e B04, and on account of default In the payment of the lndebt ednees secured thereby, the under signed mortgagees will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der, for cash, at the courthouse door In Graham, Alamance county. North Carolina, on Saturday, July ith, 1*41, at li:dd o'clock, noon, the following described real property, to-wlt: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being In Burlington Town ship, Alamance County. State of North Carolina, and described and defined, aa follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a point in the center of V. 8. Highway No. II <4 ft from an iron stake In Fogleman's line; thence with Fogleman's line South 1 West 111 feet to aa Iron stake, Fogle man's corner, In Weeterwood line; thence South fd East ldl feet to an Iron stake In Weeterwood line: thence North 1 East 147 feet to a point In the center of V. S. Highway No. 71 14 ft. from aa Iron stake In line on the South side of highway; thence with the center of said highway North II West 111 feet to the beginning, con taining 17,111.1 square feet, more cr Idas, also Including all buildings ?a ?aid property. (There la located upon the eald real property a new residence, out houses and other Improvements). Said real property will be sold sub ject to the Hens of a prior deed of trust to Jefferson E. Owen, Trustee, securing Carolina Housing and Ifort gage Corporation, recorded In Deed of Trust Book 110, at page If, and also mortgage deed to E. A. Coble, recorded In Mortgage Deed Book HO, at page 1(0, office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County. Said real property to be sold sub ject to advance bids, as provided by law for mortgagee's sale. This Srd day of June, 1941. - L. A. ISDEY CADDIE F. ISDEY, Mortgagees. Dong, Dong dt Barrett, Attys. Notice of Sale. The undersigned Executor of the estate of John M. Coble, deceased, un der and pursuant to the power of sale a. contained in that certain mortgage deed from W. T. Moran and wife. Flora Ann Moran. to said John M. coble dated April 22, 1924. *nd re corded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Mo - gage Deed Book 120, at page 162. de fault having been made In the pay ment of the note secured by said mort gage. will offer for sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the Courthouse door In Granam, on Saturday, July 0th, 1901, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, to-wlt , . A certain lot or parcel of land and all buildings and Improvements there on, lying ad being In the City of Burl ington, Burlington-Township, Alaman ce County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Maple Avenue (formerly Means Street), R. L- Whltt, W. ? Sharpe, or Alamance Insurance * Real Estate Company, and J. M. KlngSland and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an Iron stake on said I Maple Ave. In tne line of said R. I* I Whltt, and running thence N. 25 deg. W. 71 ft. with said Maple Ave. to an iron stake In the line of said J. M. Klngsland; thence *ith the line of said KlngSland 8. 55 deg. W. 160 ft. to an iron stake; thence 8. 26 deg. E. 76 ft. to an Iron sHrft; thence N. with the line of said Whltt 65 deg. E. 160 ft to the beginning, the same being Lot No. 2 In the survey of the Eugene Holt property. Said sale will bo made subject to advance bids, as provided for fore I closure of mortgage deeds. This, the 4th day of June, 1941. L. E. ATWATER, JR.. CHARLES A. TROLLINGER, ^ Executors of the estate of John M. Coble. Long, Long A Barrett Attys. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a judwnent made and {entered in an action in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Casollna, entitled Mary Wyatte. Mar garet L. Hayes, et al. Petitioners, vs. {Mrs. Sarah Hayes Stafford, Edwin Hayes, et al, Respondents, the under | signed Commissioner will, on Monday, June 10th, 1941 at 12:09 o'clock, noon, {at the Courthouse door In Graham, {North Carolina, sell at publto auction to the highest bidder for cash, the {property described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land In Burlington Townhip,Alamance County, {state of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of First 8treet (unopened), Mebane Street, the J. M. Hayes Home Place, the heirs of J. M. Hayes and Grace Street, mors particularly de scribed as follows: Beginning at an Iron stake, at the intersection of the south ride of Grace Street with the west ride of First street (onopened); running thence with the west side of First Strstt (unopened) 8. ? def. It mln. B. 411.1 feet to en Iron stake at the intersection of the west side of the said First Street (unopened) with the north side of llebane Street; thence along the north side of said Habeas Street & 7* dec. 40 mln. W. 111.07 feet to an iron stake In the said nort side of Ifebane Street and corner with the J. M. Hayes Home Place; thence with the Une of the said J. If. Hayes Home Place and the heirs of J. M. Hayes. N_ 0 dec. St mln. W. M4.I feet to an iron stake In t^e south mar gin of Grace Street and corner with the heirs of J. H. Hayes; thence along the south side of Grace Street 8. 17 dag. St min. E. it0.1 feet to the be ginning. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid when the same Is knocked down to him and the balance upon ooaSmatlon. This the llth day of May, 1041. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Allen. Roy L., H. A L. Marshall St $ M8 Andrews. Hansel), H AL. Andrews St. 4.75 Andrews, Mrs. J. L? Helm Levlne House 5.II Apple, O. M? 5 H.A L. Apple St. 11.60 Applewhite, J. A., H. A L. Maple St. 24.00 Ausley, W. H. Heirs, H. AL. j Border 8t? Lot Border St.. * Lots Oakey A Border Sts 26.50 Black, Miss Lavona, HAL. W. Elm St i 22.50 Boggs, William, Lot Hollow St. 1.45 Bowls, John, Lot Providence St. 2.61 Bradshaw, C. L., H. A L, Maple St. Lot Maple St 112.71 Braxton, E. A., H.A L. Banks St. 10.20 Burch, Percy. H. A L. Banks St Lot Banks St. 12.18 Burgess, A. Q? H. A L. Hill St 7.88 Burgees, W. Q? Lot Hill St 8.38 Burke, Ben A.,2 Lots Climax St 2.25 Cates, Bruce, 2 Lots Pine St.? 14.56 Cates, L. G? H. A L. Washington St 16.06 Cates, W. D., Lot Border St.... 6.06 Cathey, W. W. A wife, 114 Lots Walker Land, h.Al. Travora 12.18 Cavlness, C. a., h. A l. Williamson Ave. 6.00 Champion, Dallas, H. A L. Andrews St Clapp, Mrs. O. P., H. A L. Washington A Market Sts 11.66 Cole, 'A. L? H A L Williamson Ave,. 8,01 Conklln, Qulncy o., h A l Mill St HJDI Cook, R. N. Heirs, 14 store Bid*. Main St 18,34 Cook, Mrs. R. N.t H A L N.' Main St ,,L- : 81.13 Core, H. D., HAL Climax St... 8 88 Cornell, T. W., H A L Providence St 12.43 Culbertson, Mrs. J. M. Est., HAL Off Pomeroy St? 6.43 Davis, O. F, H A L Travora. 8.66 Davis. J. A. R. HA L Banks St.. 33 00 Eulias, W. M . H A L S. Main St Bldg. s. Main, 3 Lots. 41.05 Flannigan, Leon. HAL Banks St 404S Fogleman, E. A., H A L Market St t 76 Fogleman, Joe, Tat gs Foster, Z. V., HA L S.Maple St 18.66 Fount D. F., H A L Poplar St. 17 36 Fount D. P., H A L North St 3 Lots North 8t. 1 Lot 14.70 Frlck, Grady, HALS. Main St. SI 63 Fuller, J. T? H AL Market St.. 30.21 Ollllsple, C. L., H A L Mill,St.. 7.10 Griffin, James W. H A L Washington St 700 Hnfi' Lot Bor<ler St 10.20 Hall. Mra w. T., H A L Providence St , 7. Hanlord, J. w.. Service St. W. Harden St? |# 00 Hanford, Mrs. Ned, H A L Providence St 7 Hayes, Q. L., H A L Marshall A McAden St 33.10 Henderson, Albert, HAL Poplar St., Lot Poplar St , 28 00 Henderson, Miss Dallle HAL 8 Main St ?? Holt Eugene, H A L Mapl, st" HAL Marshall St 42 ,, J?* V- H A L River 8t.. 16 40 Hufflnes, W. V., H A L S Main St Hunter, J. E . H A L TravorsI 7.00 Irey, Algle, HAL Poplar St... 14.50 iZIL ?*hH * L ?rWn " " " Jeffries, J. Heenan, HAL Providence St , Johnson. C. L., Lot Albright Ave ... , Jordan, S. H? H A L Harbhall At King, o. D? H A L MUI St ,, ,? o, , Hoit 1 jAmbm. B. L. Lot New 8t.._ J ? Lambert Mrs. Laura Jane, T ZZ'lJZZV* "76 Melville St. J? 14.01 Loneest, L. P., H * L N. Main St *0.?l Mann, C. R., H ft L Market St.. 14.10 Marley, Mil. Julia Heir. Htl Oakley St 4.00 May, C. U H 41 L McAden St.... 10.04 Miller, Florenea Neal, H 40 L Hill "St 0.00 Moore, O. A. H * L Parker St. Lot Parker St. 10.01 Moore, Qrymaa, H * L Pine St. 01.10 Moeer, Cecil. H * L Near Depot 11.10 Moeer. D. H. * Wile, H * L N7 Main St., 8tore Bid*. N. Main St. H * L Guthrie St.- 100.00 Moeer. Mrs. Erie, HOL Market St., Lot Market St. 11.00 Mojer, W. H. * D. H? 1 Walker Lot. H 4k L Oakley SU 10 H 41 L Sidney, 1 Lota W. Elm St.. 11T.T0 Moeer, W. H., D. H. 41 Odell, Service 8ta W. Harden St.-.. 40.00 McGulre, Monroe, Lot Border St. 1.00 McVey, Mrs. J. W, H 41 L Marshall St 11.00 Neaee, M. R. 41 Wife, H ft L N. Main St y. 110.11 Nicholson, L. O., H ft L Melville St. 10.01 Norwood, C. N. H ft L River St. 1.10 Owen, Charlie, H ft L Providence St. 10.01 Owens, J. L? H ft L Melville St? ? ?i 11.11 Patrum, John, HA I< Poplar St. 16.08 Penley, C. R., Lot Parker St.... 1.13 Perry, A. A.. H A L Climax St. 14.88 Phllllpa, R. A.. H A L Guthrie St. 3.63 Plckard, Flake L., HAL Maple St? ?- 8.60 FWtchett, F. N., H A L Seymour St ?* -? 8.28 Rain ay, R. Q. H 8 L Poplar St. 18.23 Rives, M. R., 2 E. Elm St 2.85 Ross, Clarence, Lot Washing ton St?..? ? ?? 6.25 Russell, C. C., H A Li Hollow St ?... 4.88 Sharpe, J. W., H A L Mill St.... 7.08 Shaw, Miss Gella, HAL Near .. Depot 1 ...? ? 6.00 Simpson, J. A., 2 Lots?? 2.25 Slaughter, J. H., H A L McAden St, HA L S.Maln St 56.05 Smith, D. Q.. H A L Oakley St 10.48 Staley Lumber Co., Lumber Yard N. Main St., (HAL Staley Town, 1 H A L N. Main St., 1 H A L Long Ave.? _ 116.63 Stewart, F. W., H A L New St. 22.30 Stlnson, Vlrgle, HAL Border St 6.83 Tew, T. F., Lot 75 Thompon, C. P., H A L N. Main St., 2 Lots Oakley St? 16.11 Thompson, L. I., Lot Maple St.. 2.25 Thompson, W. L., H A L N. Main St., Lot Marshall St 36.67 Warren, Mrs. J. F.. H A L W. Elm 8t., Duplex N. Main St., Duplex Albright Ave., HAL Oneida 113.80 Watkins, H. B.HAL OS Maple St 10.38 Whlttemore, J. M. A Wife HAL Walker St. 6,65 Wllkerson, Clarence, HAL Travora 8.60 Williams, T. R. Lot Market St., 2 H A L Oneida St, Lot , Oneida St., HA L Guthrie St. 23.50 Williams, W. A. Heirs HAL Mill St., Store Mill St 21.75 Wilson. Hansford W.. H A L Hollow St 3.44 Wilson W. T., H A L Off Poplar St 10.28 Wright. C. W? H A L Travora.. 11.48 Wright, Mrs. Gertrude, 4 Lots Walker Ave 2.57 Tount M. E., H A L N. Main St 44.68 McPherson, Mrs. H. E., Lot 5.12 COLORED Brandon,- Callle, HAL College St t 5.25 Brannock, Morris, H A L College St 6.07 Brown, Daisy Heirs, Hunter Property 1.04 Chavia, Hattle T. Off N. Main St 2.67 Covington, Luther, HAL Washington St 12.45 Dark. Alice, HAL HU1 St 6.25 Duck, James, Lot 1.43 Duck, James A Wife, H AL College St 86.01 Isley, Laura. HAL College St 3.25 Latham, Jessie, H A L A Lot. 4.06 Long, Emma Miller, 2 Lots.... 1.20 Mayo, A. A., H A L E. Harden St 12.83 Mayo, Alice, 2 Lots E. Harden St 8.00 Miller, John W? H A L Gllbreth St 4.25 Miller, Lee, 2 H A L College St, 1 Lot 14.02 Mitchell, Mary Phillips, Lot Marshall St .76 Moore, Paul, H A L. 3.26 McBroom, John, HAL Providence St 2.66 Newlln, Carrie, HAL Washington St 6.26 Newlln, Henrietta, HAL Washington St 0.38 Nixon, Robert, H * L OUbreth St , It.II Rovery, Annie Pat Lot OUbreth St .41 Roger*, Allene Ruffln, Lot Melville St k > 1.00 Rogers, Clarence, Lot E.Elm 8t >.44 Rogers, Lena, Lot ProvldenceSt 1.14 Rogers, Omega, HALE. Harden St, Lot 14.41 Rogers, Russell, H * L Marshall St 14.44 Senior, Handy, H * L OUbreth St l.lf Slade, Charlie, Lot Neadmore.. .75 Tlnnln, Lacy, Lot Washington St .51 TrolUngtr, Fred, H * L E. Harden St. Lot S. Main St.. >>10 Williams, John, Lot .74 Williams, Llsxle, Lot North St 1.44 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Walter K. Askew, de ceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persona having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed at Burlington, North Carolina, properly verified, on or before the 14 th day of June, 1441, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov Thla the list day of May, 1441 JOHN A. WOOD. Administrator of Walter K. Askew. NOTICE! Town Tax Sale. As provided by law and by order of The Board of Com missioners of The Town of Graham, N. C., I will sell for cash at the County Court House door in Graham, on MONDAY, JULY 7th, 1941, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described property in the Town of Graham to satisfy the unpaid taxes due the said Town for the year 1940. This, the 12th day of June, 1941. Mary Tome Hughes, Tax Collector.

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