THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., NOV. 27, 1941 UMUEO EVERT THURSDAY J. D. KtlRNODLE, Editor 91.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE Entered at 'in i'oatolfioe at Graham. N. C., a; >fc*.outl-cla?8 matter. Germany's thrust at Russia's Capital has failed so far. The loss of (life mounts to hundred's of thousands. Building a big navy callls for addit'onal seamen. Secretary Knox says they are needed row at the rate of 13,000 p* month and that the number will increase to 15,000. Labor groups are not favor a vie iv iu?ty irauituve legiaiauoi by Congress. Congress will dc nothing drastic unless labor for gets to reason and interferes with the Government's defense policy. John L. Lewis yielded and the coal m'ners went back to work again. They were happy to do so. These strikes are not the making of the rank and file of the work ers. The country is "fed up" on strikes by designing leaders who do the job for personal gain. At a meeting in Raleigh Tues day of the advisory budget com mission, J. Paul Leonard, the perennial foe of sales tax, asked Gov. Broughton to call a special session of the Legislature to re duce taxes. The Gov. told him to get the idea out of his head, that there would be no special session of the legislature. A mediation Board composed of three, Benjamin F. Fairless, president of U. S. Steel; Dr. jonn k. steelman, of U. S. labor department; and John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers (C.I.O.). No doubt there will be plenty of friction, but it is the job of the body to iron out their differences. They will have to give and take. The Japs are smart. They sent a special envoy, Saburo Kurusu, to talk over the Ameri can policy in the Orient as affect ing the designs of Japan. Like Hitler in Europe, the Japs are after taking from other countri es what they want in-the Orient for the enlargement of their em-, pire. Kurusu has an American, wife and no doubt that fact had to do with whom the Jape sent, >ut America is not doing things sow for the sake of sentiment, ind the conversations have had ?^ v?wv ou iai. uaptiii IS JOH?a with the Axis and may offer to shoot it out. Inflation, Defense, Taxes The kindred problems of infla tion, taxation and cost-of-gov mnment are causing many a con gressional headache these days. Few senators or representatives leem to have yet decided what :an be done to help solve them. Prices are now going up with ixtreme rapidity. President toosevelt recntly said that i il lation has set and other ma or figures in government have aid the same thing before. A egion of economists have urged hat Congress take steps to coo rol prices. But so far the law nakers have shown amazing ffilltir \ne *1? ? Price-fixing is an extremely tick lish proposition. It would direct ly affect millions of voters. If it is to be successful, in the opinion of most authorities, K must be accompanied by wage-fixing. So, from the point of view of men who must depend on votes to hold their jobs, it is dangerous medi cine. On top of that, there are a thousand and one different pro posed schemes for price control, and no one knows which might bo workable. , We have only just begun to suffer the burden of taxation I that war and defense spading will make inevitable. The new tax bill is the heaviest in our history, Yet it is designed to produce less than $4,000,000,000 a year in additional revenue, and defense and aid-to-democracies appropri ations now total close to $70,000 000,000. The President has said that the government's cash in come must be increased, and Sec retary of the Treasury Morgen thau has urged a bill which would impose on both individ uals and business a tax load in finitely greater, than, they are now carrying. The feeling grows in official circles that some form of payroll tax may have to be levied, and that this may be ac companied by a law to compel forced savings. Heavy taxation is urged as weapon against in flation on the ground that it re duces purchasing power and less ens the ability to buy. The bill which Mr. Morgenthau recom mended involves a straight 15 per cent tax on ail salaries and wages. The cost-of-government issue is coming into the limel'ght now. The hard fact is that the war spending has been p'led on top of record-breaking Wore-war spending 'a which no important cost reduction has been made anywhere. For instance, appro priations to aid fanners, youth, reliefers, and others are still at the depression peaks. Leading congressional fighter for non-de fense economy has been Senator Byrd of V'rginia. Mr. Byrd is a 100 per cent supporter of the anti-Hitler program, and at the same time he believes that the regular cost of government should be pared to the limit. He s head of a senate committee which is try>n|g to fond ways and neans to reduce the non-defense audget. Secretary Morgenthau recently appeared before this cuimiiuiee ana tesi'iied tnat, in his opinion, very large cuts could be made 'n practically aH non-de fense departments. He did not estimate the total that could l thus be saved. However, some time ago he forecast that a re duction of at least $1,000,000,000 a year was possible. Other au thorities have estimated that a cut of $2,000,000,000 or more is within reason^ in non-defense spending. Congress has been almost en tirely occupied with foreign poli cy during the past year, at the expense of domestic policy. In a time such as the present, with public attention focused on a war wh'ch extends over three-quart ers of the world, it is easy for Congress to take the line of least ^?stance and do little or noth ji?. dui me neat is being turned on now, and some of the tuners are mew high in Admirtstrat'on circles. This country has not yet adopted a fiscal pol<cy, a wage policy, or a price policy suitable to the times. We are far behind England in that respect. It looks as if Congress must really get down to cases and grapple with economic problems which are of direct concern to every cit'sen of these United States. Required Ns Doc License Until a few years ago, licenses were not required in England on dogs which were used purely for the purpose of herding cattle. The old law reads in part as follows: "Any dog kept wholly for the care of cattle, if not a greyhound, hound, pointer, setting dog, spaniel, lurch tr, or terrier, and any dog under six months old, la exempt from duty." Carl* Tm Monte Carlo has one of the hlgh ?st golf couiees in Europe, that at Mont Agel, 3,000 feet above sea lev el. from its slopes travelers can look up and down the coast of the French Riviera, over into Italy and back to the snow-covered Alps of Switzerland. "RIDDLE IN RED"?NEW STORY OF MYSTERY Thrills, mystery and romance com ?Ined to make "Riddle In Red" one of .he beet novels of the year. Don't mtaa his treat new serial by Jonathan Ratte, betinnlnf December 7th In THE AMERICAN WEEKLY ! he bis masaxlne distributed with the Baltimore Sunday American | RED CROSS AIDS ARMY MORALE : .. ; Red Crote worker* ere on the Job In all Army and Navy camp* and atatlona throughout the country to aeelet In the Important task of maintaining morale. Above, an Army filer leave* unflnlahed personal matter* for the Red Croea field director to take care of while he embark* on an emergency flight acroaa country. The Red Cross Is the official means of communication betweenfervlca men and their families back home. Red Cross Helps Solve Problems Of Our Recruits Through Its Directors in Camps Red Cross Links Men With Home Washington, D. C. ? On the home ana military front# the American Rei Cross is turning Its focus on the mat in uniform. In his behalf, more thai 10,000 nurses are being recruited Volunteers are donating their blooc for a huge plasma bank. Red Crosi women in chapters throughout the country are making 40,000,000 surgical dressings, and knitting sweaters toi men in outlying posts and sailors on patroL But these are just fragments of the story. In military and naral stations, the Red Cross Is concerning Itself with the personal problems of the serrlce man, helping him adjust himself to military life. For th^dlsabled. the Red Cross is on the Job In serrlce hospi tals, helping to speed recovery of the sick through a morale-building pro gram. In mobilising a 2,000,000-man light ing force, the personal problems of the ible-bodled man In uniform hare in turn become problems of the morale Urisions. Red Cross Held directors Rationed In all camps and reserva ions hare been entrusted with the ask of helping to solve these prob ems. Speaking in a nation-wide broadcast ecently, Chief of Buff Marshall, of he Army, addressed the following rords to Red Cross field directors: "When yon help straighten out any if th A profit VfiPiatw ?# * ' aV-a a man being* teem unable to avoid, you are helping to maintain morale on the home front and on the military front; yon ar* helping na In training for de fense." The dlaabled man In a service hos pital alto can look to the Red Croaa for help In speeding recovery. Medical social workers, trained for their spe cialised assignment ar* on dnty at Army general and Navy hospitals to aid service physicians, to act as a medium of communication with the fkmllle* of hospitalised men and to eonduct recreational programs for con valescents. The ned Cross provides recreational service for patients In all Army and Navy hospitals Sixty-live new hospi tals are under construction hy the Army, and their recreation buildings are being equipped and staffed by the Red Cross as each on* opens. As part of the Army and Navy safety programs, members of the na tional Red Cross staff are qualifying Instructors In First Aid and Water Safety among the ranks of the enlisted man. instructor* taught by the Red Cross in torn conduct classes on the re serrations. The number of Army and Nary case* existed by Red Cross held direc tors has Increased In rolume 140 pee cent since Selectlre Serrlce has been In operation. During" the put year lM.ili cases lnrolrlng actlre serrlce men hare been handled In the camps. The Red Cross recently made a rail* able 11,000,000 to meet an emergency need for athletic equipment for the Army and Nary. This need arou when Oorernment appropriations for the purpose became exhausted. In addition to pro riding the Army and Nary with an oBdal reserrolr of nurses, the Red Crox Is cataloging the nation's medical technologist*. Through this program, in which ap proximately 1,000 technicians hare registered, the Army and Nary will select such professional personnel u laboratory workers, dietitians, den tal technicians, pharmacists and other categorlx of trained technologist*, f FIND GOLDEN CITIES OF LIVING AMAZONS A fascinating story which presents astonishing evidence that in the unex plored Jungles of Brazil, a race of white, warrior women still survive a mong the remnants of a mysterious long- perished civilization. Enjoy this feature in the December 7th issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY The Big Magazine Distributed with the Baltimore Sunday American On Sale At All Newsstands SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Mrs. Cora H. Christy - Y? - Joe Albert Christy. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for divorce and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to be and appear at the of Bee of the Clerk of the General County Court of Ala mance County, In Graham,North Caro lina, on or before the 11th day of De cember, 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This, l>th day of Novsmber, 1941. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk General County Court of Alamance Conntv. John J. Henderson. Atly. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified u Administratrix o( the estate of W. F. Dvdson. deceas ed, late of Alamance County, North Carolina this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estats to present them to the undersigned Administratrix, at R. F. D. t, Graham, North Carolina, on or before ths 15th day of Nbvember, 1541, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of thslr recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This, ljth day of November, 1141. i MRS. ZONA 8TANFORD, Administratrix. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator o the estate of Odessa Greeson, deceased, ats of Alamance County, North Caro Ina. this Is to notify all persons hav ng claims against the estate of said leceaeed to exhibit them to the under Ixned at Biirllne?. " ? - ? on or before the lltb dar of October, 1*41. or thle noUce will be pleaded 10 bar of their recovery. All penone Indebted U eeld onto I? will pleaee make Immedlat ? payment. Thle the 14th day of Ocu>Kr 1111J LOCI* C. ALLE.: a lnr.ldla trator of Odeaaa Oreeaor. ?'?eoeec. Notice of Sale. _____ By virtue of a Judgment made and entered In an action In the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County va John Frailer and wife. lira. John Fro tier. John Hemphill and wife. Mm. John Hemphill, at el., the underelyned Commiaatoner will on Saturday, November 21th. 1141, at 1I:M o'clock, noon, at the Courthoune door in Graham, North Carolina, aell at public auction) 'to tho highest bidder for cub. tb property described an follow*: ? | A certain tract or parcel of land li Melville Township. Alamance 'Counfl North Carolina, and being more pat tlcularly bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at a stone on lfcAdam Creek, old Charles A. Thompson's cor ner. thence W. (0 Iks. to a large rock thence S. 8.50 chains to a pipe, thenc* E. 2 chains to a rock, thence 8. 28.51 chains to a rock, thence E. 14 chain | to pointers; thence N. I chains to I white oak. thence E. 2.10 to a blacl oak; thence N. 5.50 to a wh.te oak thence N. 25 dens. W. 7.60 chains; thence West 4.10 chains thence N. 8.60 chains to a rock; thencr E. 4 chains to a stone, thence N. IS dogs. W. 21 chains to a burch, thence W. 1.50 to McAdaras Creek; thence down said Creek to the beginning rontainlnc 45 acres, more or less, 11 being that tract of land conveyed to T. B. Thompson,by Charles A. fhomp *oi. and Henry R. Thompson by deed dated March 4th, 1*806. and recorded In Register of Deeds Office, Alamance County, N. C.. Book of Deeds No. 05, page 126-187. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid when the same Is knocked down to hlmi and the balance upon confirmation. This the 27th day of October, 1241. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Commissioner. j NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, MiAMANCE COUNTT. [N THE GENERAL COUNTT COURT Ethel Oatea Glenn, Plaintiff, - vs - ?tto Glenn, Defendant, The defendant. Otto Glenn, will here >y take notice that an action aa above intitled haa been commenced In the leneral County Court for Alamance lounty, North Carollnu by the Plaln !ff for an abaolute divorce on (rounds , >f two years separation; and the De , endant. Otto Glenn, will further take , otlce that he la tequlred to be and , ppear at the office of the Clerk of the , leneral County Court for Alanianc , ounty on or before the 10th ay of November, A.D.. 1 (41 and an a-er or demur to the complaint. In Ud action or the Plaintiff will apply ' i the Court for the relief demanded ' I the complaint. 1 This the 10th day of October, 1041. 1 F.L.WILLIAMSON Clerk of General County Court 1 for Alamance County t NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Addle Rudd Elliott, Plaintiff, - VS - Jamca N. Elliott, defendant. The defendant Jamas N. Elliott will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the General County Court of Alazranco bounty, North Carolina, to obtain an tbeolute divorce, and the defenlan*. will lake notice that he is reuulred to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the ?eneral County Court of Alamance , ?ui vu? gvuiuiouh in urtiuun, N.C.. on the 6th day of December, 1141, and anawar or demur to the com plaint In tho aald action, or tha plain tiff atll apply to tba Court for tba re llcf demanded In tba aald complaint. Ttala tba 4tb day of Nut ember, 1(41. FX.W1L1JAM80N Clerk of Oanaral County Court for Alamance County William C. PerdueJLtty. Sale of Real Estate Under tha power of aale contained In hat certain Dead of Truat executed by Ipencer Turner and wife, Cora Lea "uinar, to tba undarubmad trustee on ha Ith day of February, 1141, and ru ordad In tha office of tba Ra?leter of Mo. 141, DT. put ft, default ho ring Men mad* la the payment aa therein ?peclflod, the uadsralgaed truetee will it the courthouse door la Graham, on Monday, December 1, 1*41, at 11 o'clock, A.M., ?U to the highest bidder, for cash, the oUoelaf described real property: A certain tract of land lying and ?sing In Boons Station Township, Ala nance County, and mors particularly escribed and defined as follows: Beginning at a corner In the Qlbeon Ulo-O?lun Road with Nelson Cam tings, which Is the corner of lot No. T la the subdivision of the Coneoli atsd Reality Co. land, running unco N. If dag. W. 1YI ft. with the no of Dot No. IT to a corner with elaon Cummlnge; thanes 8. t dog. W. It ft. to tha corner; thence 8. ff dec. I 171 ft. to the corner in the W. rids j t Qlbsonvllle-Oailpee Road; thsnos N. I dag. B. lit ft to the Beginning and t ling Dots Nes. 14, II sad If la tbo'i e I >? subdivision of the Consolidated Realit Company, plat of which Is recorded 1] nJ the office of Keflster of Deeds for Ala r, mance County, North Carolina In Deei Book No. tf, pace tit, to which refer - ence Is made for a more complete de scHpUon. s This the tlth day of October, lltl JOHN R. HOFFMAN, , Trustee a " ) NOTICE FORECLOSURE SALE L 1 Under and pursuant to the power ol ? sale rested lit the undersigned Trustee ? In that certain deed ol trust from ' M&ckle Frances Haynes. dated Augus ' 28, 1888, and recorded in the ofAce of ' the Register ol Deeds lor Alamance ' County in Deed ol Trust Book 188, at ' page 141, the undersigned Trustee will offer lor sale at public auction to the highest bidder, lor cash, at the Court house door In Graham, North Carolina, an Saturday, November 29th, 1941, - at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all ol the lollowing described real property to-wit That certain tract or parcel ol land In Burlington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands ol W. P. Ireland and others, and bounded and described as follows: Being lot No. 69 in the plat ol Cen tral Heights recorded In oftlce ol Reg ister ol Deeds lor Alamance County in plat book one, page one, being E0 leet front on Klme Street and running back 214 leet to W. P. Ireland line. Bald sale will be made subject to ad vance bids and confirmation by the court, as provided by law lor lore closure sales. This the 28th day ol October, 1941. GEORGE A. LONG. Trustee Notice of Sale. By virtue of a Judgment made and entitled In an action In the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County v*. Clarence Roger* and wife, Bettle Rog ers, et al, the undersigned Commlv doner will, on Saturday, December 20th, 1(01, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, it the Court House door In Qrahan,, | -lorth Carolina, sell at public auction o the highest bidder for cash, the iroperty described aa follows. A certain tract or parcel of land In he Town of Qraham, Alamance Coun- , f, North Carolina, and being Lots i^umucreu rjifnuuu ill) &n<l Nine teen (19) of the It. O. Flanlgan land, plat of which la recorded In the otBce of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, In Book of Plate No. 1, at pa?e *4. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of hie bid when the same Is knocked down to him, apd the balance upon conllrmatlon. This, lTth day of November, 1941. LOUIS C. ALLEN, Commlasloner. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA.' ALAHANCB COUNTY. 1 IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT ' ! ? *? * Theresa Street, Defendant The defendant Theresa Street will 1 take notice that an action entitled aa 1 above has been commenced in the ' General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of securlny a divorce absolute on the crounda of two-years separation; and the said defendant will take notice J that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance CounSr at ( the Courthouse In Graham, North Car ollna, not later than thirty (IS) days t, from the date hereof and answer or a lemur to the complaint of die plaintiff [ Sled In aald cause, or the plaintiff will q ipply to the Court for the relief de lunded in aald eomninint ? ThU. 27th day of November, 1241. SARA MURRAY, Ant. Clark General County Court W. L. ShoSnar, Attjr. Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of aala contained In a certain dead of truat executed by J. D. Bane and wife. Lula Baaa, to J. M. Fix, Jr? Truetee, dated the tth day of June, ltlt, and recorded In Book 121, D. T., page 227, In tbe office of the Refleier of Deeds of Alamance County; and under and by virtue of the authority reeled in the i undersigned aa aubatltuted truetee by I an ksatrument of writing dated the It t day of November, 1241, and recorded < In Book of Deede lit, payee 242 and ? (44, In the office of the Register of < Deeda of Alamance County, default I having been made In the payment of Ihe lndebtedneea thereby eecured and ihe aald deed of truat being, by the terma thereof, subject to foreclosure, 1 ?- - a ?? f y and the holder of the lndebtedntae a thereby secured having demanded a ? foreclosure thereof for the purpose of ] satisfying said Indebtedness, the un . dersigned substituted trustee will offer ? for sale at public auction to the high est bidder, for cssh, at the courthouse . door In Graham, North Carolina, on Monday, December 22nd, 1141, ? at 12:04 o'clock, coon, the land conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Boon Station Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: ' That certain tract or parcel of land In Boon Station Township. Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Highway 10, Rumbley Estate, J. D. Bass and R. K. Lesley, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in center of Highway 10, comer with Lot 10, own ed by J. D. Bass, and running thence with line of said Lot 10, South 2 degs. 15 mln. W. 1,202.0 feet to an iron, oor ner with Lot 10 and the Rumbley Es tate; thence with the said Rumbley Estate N. 51 degs. 10 mln. W. 242 feet to am iron, corner with Lot 2; thence with the line of said Lot 8 N.2 degs. 15 mln. E. 1,142.6 ft. to a point in the center of Highway 10, corner with Lot 8; thence with the center line of High way 10 N. 80 degs. E. 200 feet to the beginning, containing 244,810 square feet, more or less, and being Lot 8 of the subdivision of the R. K. Lesley land in Alamance County, North Caro lina, as surveyed by J. C. McAdams on October 1, 1021, plat of which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alanmace County in Plat Book page - This lot or parcel of land is conveyed subject to any and all rights and ease ments by reason of State Highway 10, which it adjoins on the North side. This, 10th day of November, 1041. BARNIE P. JONES, Substituted Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. H. Wheeley, deceased, late of Alamance County .North Caroli na, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said J. H. Wheeley to exhibit them to the undersigned at Burlington, North Car olina, on or before the 35 th day of November, 1942, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This, 1st day of November, 1(41. W. M. WHEELEY, Administrator. Mien A Madry, Attys. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT William D. Clark - va. ? Pearlle L Clark. The defendant above named will take notice that an action baa been begun In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, it being an action brought by the plain tiff against the defendant for absolute divorce; and the defendant will furth er take notice that sbe Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance w ? 1U WIWIII, N. C, on the 20th day of December, L94l,and answer or demur Do the com plaint In said action, or the plaintiff ?rill apply to the Court for the relief 1 em ended In eaid complaint. This, 19th day of November, 1141. F. L WILLIAMSON, Clerk of the Oeneral County Court of Alamance County. >ohn H. Vernon, Atty. ? NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION rORTH CAROLINA, JeAMANCE COUNTY. N THE GENERAL COUNTT COURT arnell Madren - ye - I *V . WOU1 ou The defendant above named will take notice that a lummona In the above entitled action waa leaned agaln et the defendant, Roy W. Madren, on the ISth day of November, 1M1, In the General County Court of Alamaaioe County, to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony exist! ne between the plaintiff and the defendant, on the ?rounds of abandonment and nonsup port and for lndlytUtlee asalnet the person of the plaintiff and to obtain a divorce mensa et thoro. The defendant will take notice that a complaint waa Sled by the plaintiff on the aald date and the defendant la required to ap pear before the Oeneral County Court yt the County of Alamance on the J(th lay of December, 1(41, and answer or lemur to the complaint herein Hied, >r the relief therein demanded will be ranted. This, IIth day of November, 1(4)/ SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk Oeneral County Court V W. Olldewell, Atty. ,

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