THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., FEB. 8, 1945 ?aaUCJ) KVKMY TULHHDAY J. D. KERNODLE, JR, Manager >1.00 \ YEAR, IN ADVANCE Bute red at *Ut PoetofBee at Unban, N. C., at vaood-clau matter. WOKING AHEAD tr GEORGE &. IENSON k Cell*ft L s4u^mSmm> We Owe Us There is a five-year-old epigram that runs like this: "Who cares any thing about the national debtT We only owe it to ourselves." It implies that we are sure to be very easy with ourselves on collection day, but a lot depends on whether we can afford to be lenient. We owe our selves a lot of money and we never will be able to collect even the in terest on it unless we work hard and pay our taxes. The debts we owe ourselves are genuine debts, and bigger than most of us realize. I know some people who owe themselves new cars, or new tires for their old cars. Since they can't buy these items, they are spending their money for other things . . . things to enjoy *ow. Have you heard about the errand boy who needed shoes but had no stamp, so he spent $6 for theatre tickets? Tinkling Cymbals Easy money that rattles in our pockets because there is nothing to buy is not prosperity. Actually it is bogus money. We must never forget that prosperity is born of work. If higher income can't help me live better, my improved income is phony. America is bleeding in war and suffering in want this very day. Our needs are no less real be cause certain items have been taken off the market National income figures for the United States illustrate the point per fectly. On paper, national income was 13S billion dollars in 1M3, break ing all records, but much of the money our people received was "stage money." It wouldn't spend. Actually we Americans received 20 billion dollars less take-home money in 1943 than we did in 1929, call it ISO million dollars a day less. Add nine 0's to each of the figures in the following table, making them bil lions: Fifurn in billion, 1929 1943 Short National Income $81 $139 Government Deficit none 58 Federal Taxes 3 21 Net $78 $58 $20 The average 1944 wage is more cents per hour; the average salary is more dollars per month; our na tional income is more billions per year than in any previous boom, but we are in debt. It is plain from the figures that when the debt is subtracted from what we call our national income it is by no means large. The debt must be paid in money that represents constructive work, doing and making useful things for better living. A Homely Story On the morning at November 12, lilt, eo the etory goee, e dusky eoldier in e U.S. labor battalion overslept two or three bugle calls and was waked at last by his ser geant gruffly ordering him to rise. "yell kan't boss me roun' no mo," he said, halt asleep. "Dis wah am ovah. I Jes sign up far de duration." "How right you U, boy!" the ser geant replied. "De wah am ovah, sho 'null, but de duration ... it have jes begin/' More Responsibility Official accounts of military gains, one after another, can't- help but build hopes tor peaceful years to come. The foregoing anecdote is ottered to suggest this: When the fighting stops, it will not be a signal for everybody to commence sleeping late and trying to subsist on Income from wartime earnings. Unless we are ready to tighten our belts and do our part to meet our national obligation, the du ration will have Just begun. Screw Point If the screw point of an augur bit becomes marred, it may be im proved by running the edge of a tri angular file around the thread of the screw. Diesel Engines A Diesel engine with a weight-to power ratio of one-to-one now seems assured for postwar trucks, passenger cars and airplanes. U. O. C. Meeting The February meeting at the Graham Chapter United Daugh ters of the Confederacy was held on Thursday afternoon at the ' home of Mrs. W. Ernest Tfcomp-1 son, with Mrs. J. L. Johnson as a : joint hostess. The chapter president. Miss , Mary F- Parker, presided during the routine business. The program for the afternoon was on Sidney Lanier, whose birthday is February S. An in teresting discussion of his life was presented ay Mrs. J J. Hen | > J | derson, who spoke in glowing , terms of this frail young man, with many talents, attaining re cognition in all in the short span of his 39 years. I During her talk Mrs. Hender son read the beautiful poem, "My Spring," and the program was ended by the "Ballard of the Trees'* sung by Miss Cora Hard en Stratford. Delicious afternoon tea was served by the hostesses at the conclusion of tne program. Kiwanis Club Meeting The Kiwanians took part in a personality review as the pro gram for their meeting Monday night, conducted by Program Chairman John Alley and design ed to let each member know something about his fellow mem bers. Rev. Guy S. Cain, pastor of the First Baptist church was wel comed as a new member of the club. President Joseph Jarosz presided and the invocatnin wa> given by Rev. Cain. . Following the program a car I ton of cigarettes donated to the ' club for auctioning was sold per pack for a total of $50-50, which will be given to the March of Dimes campaign. Guests for the evening were Lt. Marvin Utley, Norman Fidler and Benny Lee. Many interesting facts in the lives of members, and their busi nesses were briefly revealed in the personalities program. Service Center News During the past week-end the Providence Memorial Christian church was host at the Service Men's Center. Mrs. W. H. Holt was in charge or arrangements, with C. E. Owens, chairman. Sun day morning breakfast was serv ed by Kendall Rich and Benny Burke. The Center will be temporarily closed for the next four weeks, due to the fact that there are so few soldiers in the camps nearby using its facilities. The greater number of service men who have stayed at the Center have been from Camp Butner and Camp Mackall. Camp Butner has now been converted into a purely hospital camp and because of gas shortage the Camp Mackall boy8 do not get up this far. A sign will be posted on the Service Center door giving direc tions to any service men who do come and these will be taken care of at the hotel or by some of the many families who have offered the hospitality of their homes. If at any time there should be enough men wanting accommoda tions, the Center will be opened for them. IF YOU MUST GAMBLE, KNOW YOUR OPPONENT It's your privilege and your money say* a famous card detective, but you should choose your opponents wisely and know the odds against you. Head this revealing sto.y in the February ltth Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Favorite Magazine With The Baltimore Sunday American Order From Tw New?le*ler Rationing News PROCESSED FOODS Blue X-5, Y-5, Z-5, A-2 and B-2 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points each. > MEATS & FATS Red Q-5, R-5, and S-5 (Book 4) now valid at 10 points each for use with tokens. SUGAR Sugar stamp number 34 good for five pounds of sugar. CANNING SUGAR None. SHOES Airplane Stamp Nos. 1,2, and3 valid indefinately. FUEL OIL Period 4 and 5 coupons from last year and period 1 coupons for this setson now valid. GASOLINE A-14 coupons valid through March 21. Ration rules now require that every car owner write his license number an state in advance on all gasoline coupons in his pos session. RENT CONTROL All persons renting, or offer ing for rent, any living quarters '? whatsoever must register each dwelling unit with rent control office in their rent area. Persons who feel that they are beingi over-charged for rents may aub mit complaints to OP A. Com-1 plaint forma are available at the' .. - - A 4! .. local War Price and Rationing Board if your area does not have a rent control office. Rotary Club Shown Movies Interesting scenes of big game hunting in Arizona were shown in a movie by Dr. Broad ie B Mc Dade, of Burlington, at the meet ing of the Rotary club last Thurs day night. The speaker was introduced by Pete Harden, program chairman. | The meeting was presided over by President Lloyd Michel"-, and avocation was given by Jerc Ba son. Jack Jenkins, Junior Rotarian rom the high school, was also a guest. ANCIENT QUEEN'S PICTURE IN VIVID COLORS Cleopatra, glamorous queen of an cient Egypt appears as another dram atic personality in the striking new eries, "Ladies of Empire',' painted In u 11 color by an eminent artist. Look or this beautiful picture in the Febru ary 18th issue of HE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's Favorite Magazine With The Baltimore Sunday American Order From Your Newsdealer ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE 'Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of James D. Albright, de ceased, late of Alamance County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Graham. North Carolina, on or before the 1st day of January 1948, or this notice will be pleaded Vti bar of their recovery. All ?arsons indebted to said estate .vlll please make Immediate payment. This 30th day of December, 1944 W. E. BASON, Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Priest H. Foust, de ceased, late of Alamance Conuty. North Carolina, this is to notify all person having claims age lust the said estate to present them to the undersigned at Graham, North Carolina, on or before the 11th day of February, 1946, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This, the 8th daj of February. 1945. LOVIE M. FOUST, Administratrix of the estate of Priest H. Foust deceased. Long St Long, Attys NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executor of the estate of J. Hunter Jordan, deceased, late of Alamance County. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 10th day of February. 1946,or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This, the 6th daj of February, 1945. THE NATIONAL BANK OF BURLINGTON, Executor of J. Hunter Jordan. Deceased. NOTICE SERVICE OF SUMMONS AND WRIT IN CLAIM AND DELIVERY BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE 8UPERIOR COURT Elon College (B'ard of Trustees of Elon College), a corporation. ? vs - J. L. Pierce and Cecil Pierce The defendant. J. L Pierce, will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced In the Superior Court of Alamance County to recover Judgment against him upon his note owing to the pla'ntlft In the sum of Two Hundred. Seventy-Five A No-lOe ($275.00) Dollar*. Interest and costs and for the repossession of one 1114 model Ford pickup truck, title to which la In the plaintiff under chattel mortgage from the said defendant; and the said defendant will further take notice that he la required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of Su perior Court of said county at the courthouse In Graham. N. C- within (20) days atter the 5th day of March, 1*45. and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint Dons this the tth day of February. 1*41. SARA MURRAY AjWL Clerk 8upertor Court of Alamance County. Long * Long. Attys. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Alamance Count/. Plaintiff, vs. _ Pearre Mebans and Casino Mebane. | and all possible heirs, devisees, rep resentatives and assigns of Pearoe * * ,. si. , . . tia. . Me bane and all possible hairs, davl seas. representative* and assigns of Casino Mebane, Defendants. The defendants. Pearce Mebane and Casino Mebane. and all possible beigs. devisees, representatives and assigns of Pearce Mebane. and all possible heirs, devisees, representatives and as signs of Casino MeLsne. and all persons having or claiming any interest In the real property in Question, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Alamance County.North Caro lina, for the purpose of foreclosing property tax liens in favor of the plain tiff, Alamance County for the yearn 1915. upon a tract of land In Han River Township. Alamance county. North Carolina, containing four acres, more or less, belonging to the above named and described defendants, and In which the said named and described defendants have or claim some interest the purpose of the action being to fore close property tat liens held by the Plaintiff against the property men tioned above and described In the com plaint, free and clear of any interest of , said defendants, the defendants hav ing or claiming some interest therein; and the above named and described de fendants will further take notice that they are required tc appear at the Of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance Cour.ty , at the Court House In Graham. North Carolina, within twenty days after the 7th day of M&roh, 1945, and answer or demur to the complaint fiied herein, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 5th day of February, 1945. SARA MURRAY, Asst. Clerk of the Superior Court. Louis C. Allen, Atty. NOTICE i SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL CO'TNTY Ct URT John D. Way. Plaintiff. - va - Geraldlne Hawkins Way. Defendant' The defendant. Geraldine Hawkins Way. will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced Jn the General County Court of Ala mance County for a divorce based -upon statutory grounds; and the da lendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said county in the court house in Graham. North Carolina, within twenty days after the 24th day of February, 1246, and answer or demurrer to the complaint of the plaintiff in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint This the 24th day of January, 1945 F. L WILLIAMSON Clerk of General County Court of ALunance County. William C. Perdue, Atty. NOTICE 10 CREDITORS Having qualified as executors of the Estate of R- E. L. Holt, deceased, late of Alamance County of North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Burlington. North Carolina, on or before the ?5th day of January, 194G, or this notice will be pleaded ki bar of their recovety. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle ment. This 25th day of January, 1945. RALPH M. HOLT GEORGE MARVIN HOLT, Executors of the Estate of R- E. L. Holt, Deceased A. M. Carroll, Attorney. n T . ? A n i ? INotice ol Sale! EXECUTION SALE. f orth carolina alamance county IN THE SUPERIOR COURT John J. Henderson, Plaintiff, vs. J. Walter Johnson, Defendant. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Alamam-e County, in the above entitled action, I will on Saturday, February 24th, 1945, at 11 o'clock, a- m., E. W. T. , at the Court House door of said Coun ty, sell to the -highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all of the right, title and Interest which the said J. Walter Johnston, the defendant, has Jn the following described real prop erty: A tract or parcel of land in Burling ton Township. Alamance County, North Carolina, t dJoining Hoke rtreet, i and others, and Beginning at a stake in the Wester ly edge of Hoke street, corner with George W. Kogleman, running thence | with the Westerly edge of Hoke Street, j North 46 deg. 56 inln. East 80 feet to a stake, corner with J. W. Rippy, thence North 68 deg. SO min. Weei 172 feet 4 inches to a stake; thence South 28 deg. 20 mln. West 62.75 feet to a stake; thence South 64 deg. 25 mln. East 148 feet to the beginning. The said property will be sold sub set to advance bids as provided bj law, and the bidder will be required to deposit ten pe^* cent of his bid when the same is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirmation. This the 22nd day of January. 1945 E. L. IVEY, Ok&rif# a# A lomqnno Onllntir ? NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY tN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT R. F. Porterfleld. Plaintiff. - vn. - Lula Porterfleld. Defendant. The defendant, Lula Porterfleld, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the General county Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years separation and that said de-' fendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at th-j office of the Clerk of the General County Court of said county In the Court house In Graham, North Carolina, on March Tth, 1(45, and answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plain tiff. This the 19th day of January, 1945. SARA MURRAY. Aset. Clerk General County Cour ts. I. Ward, Atty. Notice of Sale! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, executed by John Miles and wife. Callie Miles, to W. V. Huffines, Mortgagee, dated February 25. 1930. and recorded In Book 111. at page 45. in the Office of the Register of Deedu tor Alamance County, and under and by virtue of a certain deed of assign ment executed by said Mortgagee, transferring and conveying to the un dersigned said mortgage and the land '.herein conveyed- together with the power of sale therein contained, dated November 4, 1943, and recorded in Book 148. at page 591. in the Office of the Register of Peeda for Alamance County, North Carolina default having been made In th9 payment of the in debtedness thereby secured, the under signed assignee will offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House door, at Graham,North Carolina on Saturday, February 24th, 1946, at 11 o'clock, a- m., E. W, T. the land conveyed in said mortgage. an fnllwo A certain tract of land, lying and be ing in Boone Station Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, bound ed and described as followe, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of an unnamed Street, Sherman Pennix, W. V Huf flnea, Mrs. W. P. Lawrence and others. Beginning at an iron stake, corner with Mrs. W. P. Lawrence on the un named street; tunning thence 8. 84 deg. 45 min. E. 50 feet to an iron stake, corner with Sherman Pennix on the unnamed street; thence S. 8 deg. W. with the line of Sherman Pen - nix 225 feet to an iron stake in the line of Sherman Pennix, at the corner of W. V. Huffines; Whence N. 84 deg, 30 min. W. 50 feet with the line of W. V. Huffines to nn iron stake, corner with W. V. Huffines in the line of Mrs. W. P. Lawrence; thence N, 8 deg, E 225 feet to a? iron stake, the point of the beginning, containing 11,250 sq. feet, more or less, the same being' a part of the W. P. Lawrence subdivi sion of the Wm. J. Long lands ae re corded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County In Plat Book No. 3, page 20 (being the lot of land deeded to John Miles by W. V. Huffines). , The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid when the same is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirmation.. This the 22nd day of January, lt45. J. R. PORTERFIELD, Assignee. I ~~ Subscribe To? The Alamance Gleaner I If Your Subscription Has Expired?RENEW IT I $1.00 A Year \ ' ? We Carry A Number of Printed Forms. Also Trespass Notices. See Us For Your Job Printing Needs "We Try To Please" ?

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