' .?t K ? - */r . " ?' - - ? The Alamance Gleaner j -?==? . . ; iS&A VoL LXXI GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1945 No. WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS . > Big Three Study Peace Terms; Homecomings Beat Schedule; Allies Get Set on Rule of Berlin . Released by Western Newspaper Union. - MNtt NOTEj When ?pinions ere expressed la thess eolnmns, they are those of ?Mws Newspaper Union's news analysts aad not necessarily of this newspaper.) BOMBER RECORD 4500 4-7* RAIDS IN JUNE-130 SO MU.ES RAZED?34 SO MIIES WRECKED IN JUNE -47.000 TONS Of 40M4S DROffED IN MOWTH-34 4.7ft LOST IN MONTH-13* ENEMY AIRCRAFT DESTROYED. ? Ado a loli of five months, more than 1,000 carrier planes from the raoHe Beet returned to direct attacks upon Tokyo. This map graphically ?hull all ? what they had already been given. The data Is based on toll htas by B-29s. Percentages show industries destroyed. TRUMAN: Ami Big Three Through chilled North Atlantic waters. President Truman arrived ? PUtsdam to keep his rendezvous with Prime Minister Churchill and ?anfeal Stalin. It is believed that they will be ?itemed with problems dealing with control of Germany, planned as long-range basis; deposition of luiiloriea Italian and some 30 dis puted boundaries te be settled; political and economic questions, ?rinding Italy peace terms, what la da with Spain and other "neu tnh," which might include Japan. Diplomats say that the Big Three, wbile discussing the San Fran cioro conference, their present work w9 not tie in directly with the West Coast conference and United Rel iiaie ohsrior Berlin Rule The rule in Berlin has been split, tmd for the first time the American ad British military governments bare moved in and taken up their responsibilities in the German capi Rules and regulations established re American and British zones of Berlin, as established by the Red army, will remain in effect until General Clay and General Lyne and tteir staffs can formulate perma nent methods of operation. Russian policy has been declared to be ?ere realistic than those adopted by other Allies in other sections, and Hgh sources seem- to think there sin be little change made in Ber Each Allied military government will provide food, coal and other necessities from their part of oc enpied Germany to take care of German civilians within Berlin. Then will be exchanges of differ ent kinds of goods among the Brit ?h, American, French and Russian rethoHties Hue to scarcities of ?w items in different sections. BIGGEST HOMECOMING: Ahead of Schedule When eight transports docked in ?ew York one day in mid-month, fcj brought back 35,000 happy vet eraas of the European war?the tsegi nt number returned in a single fcy since V-E Day. Twenty-eight Wausand soldiers were Americans, W Canadians. Five infantry regi ?uiU. a' hospital unit, various Wmwe of the 8th air force, and nu ?mus smaller units were among ?a arrivals. The number of troops mmm back in the states is approach tag the half million mark. The giant Queen Mary carried saan than 15,000 men, includ tag tJM of the Canadian contingent. The West Point, which is the navy's hrgest transport, had 7,000 soldiers aboard, and the John Ericcson about We same number. Three thousand mep came home on the James Parker, and four smaller trans ports returned a total of 1,500. Aboard the West Point were 33 mea who were not happy about the fcip. They were Japanese diplo mats taken into custody in Europe. An unlisted passenger was Nat ale Piavallo, nine-year-old Italian orphan, who was smuggled aboard We General Bliss by soldiers of the ?h division. He was liberated from a German prison camp by Ameri can troops. He will be placed in a private home pending decision of ksaalgratiea authorities. JITTERY JAPS: Get More So Japan homeland has become jit tery over continued large-scale air assaults against Tokyo and other in dustrial centers of its islands. Broadcasts, changing from hour to hour, all indicate that Japan ex pects invasion of the mainland at any minute by Allies. Military spokesman for Japan ad mitted that to defend the islands it would be necessary for the Im perial government to devise some adequate defense of the homeland against continued air attacks. Navy Score The U. S. navy alone has de stroyed more than 17,000 Japanese planes since Pearl Harbor, Under secretary Artemus L. Gates of the navy has reported. During the same period the American fleet plane loss has been approximated at 2,700. It is believed that the army has ac counted for as many Jap planes, considering the large number in the last few days. Navy carriers now total nearly 100 with a tonnage of 1,250,000, the largest single portion of total com bat tonnage. More than 26,000 air craft built since Pearl Harbor were deployed to the fleet last year. TYPHOON: Hits U. S. Fleet Five weeks after a raging typhoon lashed Admiral Halsey's 3rd Fleet with 138-mile-an-hour winds virtual ly every damaged ship (there were 21 hit) was back in action. The havoc wrought by the storm was de scribed as greater than any Jap blow ever administered to the fleet. The cruiser Pittsburgh miracu lously stayed afloat after its bow was torn off in the churning sea. It has now been refitted for action. Among the damaged ships re paired and back in action were three fast battleships and two Essex class carriers. Only one lire was report ed lost. Adm. Chester Nimltz' announce ment ot the incident did not specify where the typhoon struck but pre sumably it was in the western Pa cific area between Okinawa and the Philippines. This area is known as the "typhoon cradle" where violent storms strike without warning. JAP HOSPITAL SHIP: In Bad Shape A Japanese hospital ship, boarded by an American naval party was found to be dirty and overrun with vermin. Food and medical supplies were entirely inadequate for the 1,000 patients, who had been re moved from Wake Island under truce. Many of the Japs appeared to be starving. A doctor admitted that many would die during the night. While the sick men were kept clean, the wards and galleys were filthy and insect-infested, and the standard of cleanliness on the ship was below par everywhere. A stench emanated from the ship that could be smelled 1,000 yards away. Curiously, the Jap officers were polite and anxious to please. The skipper offered American officeri tea and liquor. He was interested in American baseball, as he had played third base on a Jap navj team, and was especially inter, ested in the present startling ot the Yankees. PLENTY POINTS: But Still In Eighty-flve points doesn't neces sarily mean immediate release from the army, as all soldiers know. The trouble is, their families don't real ize the catch. Thousands of men who have served long and valiantly are classed as "essential" and are being held indefinitely. In many cases they are having a hard time explaining to their wives just why they aren't coming home soon. One captain stationed in Germany with an occupation unit has 127 points. His wife is so sure that he could return to the states if he wanted to that she is threatening divorce. She thinks that he wants to stay because he has fallen for some German woman. Chaplains report that dozens of such cases reach them every week. Morale is suffering seriously. CHARTER: Moves Along The TTnitpH Nntinns rherter meet ing with almost no opposition before the senate foreign relations commit tee, went to the senate for what is said to be certain acceptance without modifications. The commit tee ended its sessions by a parade of supporters of the charter, after listening to a few individual out spoken opponents. Final witnesses before the com mittee included Philip Murray, pres ident of the CIO and William G. Carr, president of the National Edu cation association as well as Nor man Thomas, Socialist party leader. The speed with which the charter has been handled indicates that the United States will become the first nation to officially approve the charter or to pass on it in any form. NEW WAC CHIEF: Hobby Resigns Col. Westray Battle Boyce has been named director of the wom en's army corps, following resigna tion of Col; Oveta Culp^Hobby, who was the first head and organizer of the service. Colonel Boyce was employed for eight years in federal agencies in Washington before she joined the WACs. She served as a company officer and in public relations work. In North Africa she was WAC staff director. During the last tew months she has been chief assistant to Colo nel Hobby. Colonel Hobby, wife of former Governor Hobby of Texas, and mother of two children, says she wants to return to civilian life to make a home for her family. CHINESE GAINS: On Mainland Doggedly battling Chinese troops have recaptured two former U. S. air bases in Kiangsi province, it was announced by the Chinese high command. The important Jap base at Kanchow is being encircled, it was said, with fighting going on 12 miles outside the town. This com munications center is about 250 miles north of Hong Kong. In another sector, the Chinese are ap proaching Wuchow, Japanese sup ply base 130 miles west of Canton on Sikiang river. Capture of this city is a major objective. New advances are being made in Hunan province, where the Japs are pulling back toward Paoking. They are now only four miles outside the town, which guards the approaches to the Jap-held rail junction of Hengyang. AUTOS: iiuuvit a ? vv< More autoa will b? available to the public by March 31 than origi nally planned?at least enough to bring announcement from Henry P. Nelson of the War Production board that they would be ration-tree. They will still be hard to get how ever due to a serious shortage of tin. The present quotas called for some 800,000 new cars by next March 31, which is not much mora than 10 per cent of the market de mands. Thus while cars may be placed on ration-free lists, little hope is held out thst many will be' able to secure the family car they have been saving for. BEEF: Grass Fed Cattle fattened on grass in Okla homa and Kansas are beginning to enter the markets in sizable num bers. About 380,000 head have been put to graze on the blue stem grass lands. It is expected that the steers will gain from 200 to 330 pounds on , the green feed. Ordinarily beef from the grass , country rates as B grade or worse. I Animals that would come up to A I grade if finished on corn are being , grass fed because of the scarcity of . grain. Commission men think the [ grassy beef win sell for IS to 14 cents a pound. Things You Eiwu All Alongs (Bui Which I Diddmu Knot Til Norn) Scientists claim singing Inspires robust health. Yodeling is supposed to invigorate the circulation, revital ize the tissues, eliminate toxins and strengthen the throat and lungs. (Oh, sure. That's why Sinatra is the cava man type.) Patrick Henry was one oi the world's great orators, but he couldn't write a memorandum that made sense. Verdi's biggest competitor was Enrico Patrella, who aped his style. Patrella penned twenty operas (now forgotten) and died in poverty. Famed Verdi died a millionaire. (Copycats, beware.) Caligula, a Roman emperer, made guests pay for their meals. Think double features are bad? A Buenos Aires movie bouse exhibits five different films daily. (A cure for insomnia?) A Rajah in India has a billion dol lar a year income. (He's almost as prosperous as the owner of a hot dawg stand on the road to ruin.) Mosart was an enthusiastic bil liard player. Much of his music was composed while awaiting his turn. (I don't believe it, either.) A sneeze lasts about a tenth of a second. (Or just long enough to ruin the big scene.) The first railroad tunnel in the U. S. was built in 1833 near Johns town, Pa. (And you always thought the only famous thing about Johns town was the flood.) About sixteen million thunder storms occur each year throughout the world. (That's what the man said.) Poison Ivy Is most poisonous in the spring and early summer when the sap is most abundant. (So stay in the city and out of the bushes, you dope.) The building of railways in Eng land was at first forbidden by Par liament. Because it would interfere with fox-hunting. (You've prob'ly heard this definition of a fox: He gets what a wolf goes after.) Too can't hide itronf emotion! from the tips of your fingers and toes. When you're excited they get cold. Gobbling too much sweet food makes the body susceptible to colds. (Your medico would charge money for this kind of information, you lucky you.) Oranges contain praetleaUy no starch. (Ain't that wonderful news, girls????) Typing for 49 minutes burns uj 100 calories. (Which makes this ? 200 calorie colyum.) to the 1Mb Century, Kalesnikoft, I Russian shoemaker, distinguished himself as a doctor and rapidly rou to the office of chief surgeon at tin Kieff Hosp. He performed 900 ma jor operations before his deceptioi was uncovered. (Try and top that Dr. Kildare. ) la Siam a man is allowed onh one divorce, but he can sell his otb er wives. "New" and "eld" potatoes havi about the same nutritional value (So don't be so fussy.) ?men mnazu race \m volcano on the West Indian island at Marti nique) erupted some time ago, it killed all of the 36,000 Inhabitant* of the town of St. Pierre but ooe. That one was a prisoner In the town JaO. 1 (Make your own moral.) Oar universe is one solid msss traveling at 180 miles per minute. (Correct, Prof. Einstein?) This is the origin of the word "cop." London's first police force wore blue uniforms with large cop per buttons. These buttons gave the police the name copper, later short ened to cop. (Ho-hum!ll) Snapping turtles have been known to bite completely through an oar. (Ain't that oarful?) A halibut always lie* on fta lei side, and both its eyes are on th I right. (Gruesome, ain't it??) Postwar Air Freight To Be Within Reach of Every 1 Farmer and Every Community of the Entire Country . 1 Trained Pilots and Plenty Of Improved Planes for Everyday Needs of All By Walter A. Shead WNTJ Washington Correipoodent. How about having those spare binder parts dropped in your (arm lot by parachute? Or how about call ing up and having a dying ambu lance deliver you to the nearest hos pital (or that emergency operation? Or if you are in a hurry for that order you placed, call up and have them deliver it at your gate by helicopter. Ridiculous, you say. Well, not so ridiculous as you may think, (or the amazing progress at air transportation during the war is reflected in these very practical steps (or a new horizon (or com mercial operations as soon as peace permits. As a matter of (act, the Civil Aeronautics administration in the de- _ partment of commerce has on file ' at this moment applications (or * these and many more new types at civilian air business and these , applications afford a stimulating ^ picture of what the plane may soon t be doing to advance new progress in s American life and manner of liv- _ tag. J Old and new hands at the flying \ game, including many veterans still , in uniform, have formed enter prises now simply waiting tor the , official green light to serve the pub- t lie in many ways that would have i been thought ridiculous or visionary j a few years ago. For instance, some of the applications include: i Flying ambulance and funeral : planes . . . armored airships for safe dispatch of currency and other valuables . . . delivery of new auto mnKilna Kvr kiiffa olirloe 4 wo ina tank planes for shipment of gaso line, oil and other liquids . . . bus : and taxi service . . . deliveries of medicine, food and of other depart ment store merchandise . . . "fly , yourself" systems . . . sightseeing specialists ... pick-up or delivery | by parachute . . . and many others. I These projects are in addition to applications for wide extension of service into new territories sought by existing airlines and the entry ' of others into the fields of feeder, | pick-up, general express and cargo business. < , Start New Enterprises. Applicants for certificates for these new enterprises cover the I whole range of people who have been stirred to action by faith in the future of air transportation. In the active dockets of the department are the names of companies and individ I uals with experience in transport ing persons and property by air. There are others who have had i equally broad background in trans portation by steamship, bus, taxi cab and truck and there are still , others, such as department store owners, who are obviously strong in financial resources, but who have never, perhaps, even delivered their | own parcels. , Then there are the embryo air line magnates, like the man and his wife who'want to start an air freight , line between Los Angeles and New I York, - and for specifications for , their fleet, submitted colored cut , outs of a Liberator bomber from a Sunday supplement. As a matter of , fact, practically all the applications state in more or less apologetic ' terms that the applicants have no planes with which to start business. , But since practically none will be available until after the war, they are all on an equal basis from that standpoint. . I Photo show* I record shigsneat at pealeillia, aearty MM >???*? rhls is Jost one of the nu; items that vfn he hsadled almost tdliilj ha ostwar era by the aew aad ortsttag taxi aad air freight Uses. The group of applicants who look award peacetime flying business pith the keenest anticipation and oward whom official eyes will look pith greatest sympathy, are the sol liers and sailors, some already dis :harged veterans and others ready ?o take to the air as soon as they ire discharged. Of the 350,000 military pilots which the war has produced, the majority who plan to make aviation their career, see their future as pilots for established airlines. There are, however, many who want to I tart their own business . . . noth ing fancy, understand, maybe just a local feeder line. There has been as yet no breakdown to learn just what percentage of the applications al ready filed are by servicemen, but the percentage is high. A typical one is the application filed only a few days ago by Lt. James Walker Case of Sutter Creek, Calif., 28 year-old navy flier. Lieutenant Case wants to start a business flying per sons and property to all parts at California and Nevada in the most suitable available aircraft, just as soon as the navy lets him go. lilt airai service. There is also the Norsemen Air transport company, which turns out to be several servicemen who want to continue their war association by establishing feeder airlines throughout New England. Many of these projects may never see the light of day, but there are applications like that of Lt Col. John C. L. Adams, who before be ing called back to his regular army job when war came, organized and operated an extensive air service in Panama. He wants to start a sight seeing business with helicopters or light planes, fanning out in various scenic routes from Cristobal and Balboa. Until he can start work sans uniform, his wile. Alberta, is getting things lined up. Then there are also a number at women who plan to start airlines on their own. Some of them, judging from their application papers, have already had successful careers in other lines of business There is An geline Harris of Rutherfordton, N. C., who proposes to start a sched uled mail and passenger service linking the smaller towns in North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia, using either helicopters or light conventional planes. 9ie proposes to land on postoffice roofs or the nearest available vacant lot. Mrs. Winifred Lucy Shefferty at Detroit, proposes to run a helicopter taxi service in Michigan and Mrs. T. W. Lanier at El Paso, Tessa, proposes to begin with ImignH of mail and later of peman and property on two ctrrolatwig rotates covering hitherto none too accessi ble places in Texas, Hew Mi aha and Arizona. The proposed air ambulance serv ice, no doubt, had its msperatian from the remarkable operations an evacuation of wounded by the air transport command at the army ami navy and the airlines taster con tract with them. Two applii'slams for this service now an Be with the C-A.A. are by Itaag a si ihlifvf undertaking Arms, who plan to use the airplanes either as missions of mercy or far bariaL One at them is Shannon's of Fort Worth, Texas, who piupuoes to operate a hela inner ambulance or hearse from their dty to or from any paints within M miles; from within Bat radius to any place in continental U. S. or from anywhere in the comUry to within that circle An exactly simi lar application is on Be from W. C. Croy of Poplar Bluff, Mo. Julian Bandnrant*s Armored Mo tor service at Memphis would en large his operation fay me of air planes throughout the sooth and southwest "on call and demand * The fatnilnns supply of oar motor ized forces with fuel fay airplane ? the dash across Franca and else where. probably takocod K. L Moul, president at Cubit tl T?nk Lines. Inc.. of York, Pa., to Be an application to luppli mi at his fcet of 119 trucks with Syw? tankrrt So ships would cany 1.S0Q go Unas at any kind at bulk hqujd i loiyisslity out the United States and to Bins ka. Canada and Mexico. Antes by Air. Delivery of jeeps and tracks by airplane to the battle fanes lailinio tiooabiy gars T. P. Geddes of tbs Automobile Air Freight corporation of Detroit, the inspiration tor simi lar operations in peacetime. Before the war his firm was ispulad to ha the largest deliverers at new auto mobiles m the world, by steamship an tbs Great Lakes and fay the wall known super-trucks. Their lake ves sels the year before Aw war trans ported 180.000 cars. Hour their con cern proposeo to da rash orders on the same job with bugs cargo pianos and glider traders. They seek aear tificate to transport automobiles from the middlewest to anywhere to the United States and to bring back general cargo to that area. Department store deliveries with - die helicopter as the favored vehicle is proposed in doaens of appliestiaue on die. Perhaps the beto known Inc.. at Washington. D. C.. and the William FUene Sons company at ropolitan area surTOObffinr their cities and would ate sack to ?an M i * - ae fatm ? ? n ineir customers n smaller cities at. greater distances. K. J. McKeown, president of tte Producers Air Lines at Toledo, would one cargo planes, gliders and Mi copters In the transportation at par iahable foods, flowers, drugs, medi cines and medicine ingredients. A proposed plan of similar typo is that ot the Pish Airlines corporation, headed by diaries J. McGowaa ed New Bedford, Masa., which would emphasize rushing sea foods ft uus Massachusetts and Rhode Island In Ashless regions of the country. Plane builders bare demonstrated that there may be a plana built fog every purpose, that has been thai* record In wartime. And with plenty of skilled operators available, ate as a result of the war. It remote tq e Drawtof ikw> ptaae ta fall ttfht flrthi as aU nci. The mm 11 technique will tee available ia peace tiaie ail refalarty rested eeMMer- i I elal piaae* are expected to Ire* aad pick ap peckaCee wtejeee (tea wtef.j I be ?mb whether or ant the Amort* sen^pnUte trolly reedy to tq