Radar Saved Britain Will Remodel Industry Electronics Proves of Great Value to American Air and Naval Forces During Present War. By BAUKHAGE /Veto Analyst and Commentator. WNU Service, Union Tnut Building, Washington, D. C. (This is the first ol aoo articles by Mr. Basshhagt revealing some ol the remark able achievements of rader end explain ing hose it operates.) Little by little the world is learn ing more of the secrets hidden in that magic, five-letter word which, spelled backward or forward, ? means the same thing, but whose real meaning is still a mystery. I mean R-A-D-A-R. I have written it down that way because its derivation is one mys tery that we can reveal. Before it went into "classification," which is what they say in the army when they mean something can't be men tioned in public, radar was an im portant but little - known, copy righted, commercial label. It is really four words in one: Radio Direction and Ranging. Early in the war there were some stories printed about a German air plane which had a television camera in it which could send back pictures of the territory beneath it. Shortly thereafter all mention of such an apparatus stopped and the dark and mysterious career of radar be gan. Radar and television are not the same thing, but there are simi larities and if we can believe that actors in a studio in the RCA build ing in New York can be seen out in Westchester county by people sit ting around a television set, we can believe that another little gadget can register the presence and loca tion of a distant object (like a plane or a warship) and, if it Is moving, tell which way it in going and how fast. Radar Will Soon Bo Industries' Marvel As I said, we knew the Germans had been working on such a device early in the war. This is how radar was born in this country: Back in 1632 two scientists ob served that something happened to a radio wave when it hit the wide side of a building and also when a ship went across its path. Research continued, but the war sent radar into hiding. On November 14, 1942, a Jap battleship slipping through the sea near the Solomon islands was suddenly struck by a salvo of shots from an American ship eight miles away. The Japs went down to Davy Jones' locker without knowing what hit them. They never saw the American ship which fired the shots. Nor did the Americans ever see the Japanese warship except as it appeared as a Radar Find* Military Target*. little "blip" o( light on a tiny acreen. Radar did It. On a winter day, I *at In a room at the WUlard hotel In Washington. London was trembling under the terror ot night bombing. Sitting at a table before us was an officer of the Royal air force. After a few gen eral remarks, he mad* what was to as an astounding statement; name I' ' ly, that defense against daytime bombing had been perfected and a ' method of ending the effectiveness of night attack would soon be Ir operation. W. tu. We.. U tW. battle of Britain and, though we didn't know it then, radar had done that, too. Between these two events was an other one we don't like to talk too much about. Over in the Hawaiian Islands on December 7, 1941. Pvt. Joseph Locksrd, though not sup posed to be on duty at the time, was listening to a "detector," an apparatus which strangers weren't allowed to approach in those days. Lockard "detected" an airplane about 30 mllea away. He reported it to hii superior, but that gentle man, knowing American planes were out at the time, took no action. Lockard was eventually given the Distinguished Service medal. The rest we had better try to forget while we still must "remember Pearl Harbor." Human service failed to carry the message that the Jap air fleet was coming, but radar had done its part of the iob. Radar has grown to be a giant since then. This is what "Impact," an official publication of the assist ant chief of air stafl (intelligence) says: "The use of radar in military op erations is in its infancy, but it has permeated every phase of air war fare. It is used in strategic bomb ing by both British and American heavies. It makes night fighting and intruder operations possible. It liter ally laved England In the battle of Britain. And it provided for the control and direction of virtually ev ery day or night sortie flown by the TACs (tactical air force planes) during the winter (of 1944-45)." The importance of the part which the American tactical air forces played from the battle of Normandy right up to V-E Day is acknowl edged by everyone, though there may be differences of opinion as to the relative achievements of the various branches of the service. (Tactical bombing and strafing is that part of air force activity which is an integral portion of the individ ual land force operations, as much a part of the battle plan and its execution as the disposition of ar tillery. Strategic bombing is the "softening up," the long range air attacks.) And radar was a vital part of the success of the tactical operations in Europe from D-Day on because of its help in getting a fighter-bomber to its target and getting it home again in weather which is too bad for normal operations. It controlled night fighters, photo and mapping planes, picked out tar gets and kept track of enemy planes in the area. To quote an official comment: "On the western front, despite constant overcast conditions dur ing the last winter, the IX, XIX and XXIX TACs were able to operate at maximum strength continually. On the other hand, the 1st Tactical air force, which was without radar equipment last November, flew only two missions that month, one of these abortive because of the weather." As to the long-range, strategic bomber, which has to cross half a continent to get where it is going, if bad weather envelopes it, radar is, of course, invaluable for keeping its location. Radar is also an inte gral part of the fire-control. Commercial Aviation Will Profit Greatly Speculation as to radar's ultimate possibilities are unlimited, both in war and peace. Any ordnance ex pert will tell you that a "controlled missile" ? that is, a bomb such as uie aeaaiy uerman v DomDs, which flew from Holland to Eng land ? can, with certain Improve ments, be made much more deadly. Not only can they be made to fly much farther?across the Atlantic, over the North Pols ? but they can be accurately aimed and di rected at an area such as a city and ruthlessly destroy it. Radar can do that and many other things it has not yet attempted. There are, like wise, an infinite number of ways in which radar can and will serve a peaceful world. In commercial aviation, the mar in the control tower, the traffic coj i at the airport, will be able to lo i cats all of the planes in the vicinitj i by day or by night, in cloudy weath i er and clear. And it must be re membered that regulating the traf important problems of tomorrow's skyways, for there will be a tre mendous increase in the number of planes which will be in use and a similar increase in their speed and size. Radar can warn the planes them selves against collision and the pres ence of land masses, high tension wires, tall buildings or other ob stacles to their flight. And, of course, will permit safe landing even in a dense fog. I BARBS ... fry Baukhag* LAd In personal cohimn?"Literate less looks tor laughter hi letters." Then don't open your mall, lassie, on the flrat of the month. * ? * A French paper says that French girls don't Ilka the GJ. brand of love-making. However, there is a front and the product still has a geod potential domestic market. Remember way back when aboi the only thing a aoy bean wai goo (or was to provide aauoa (or cbo aueyT ? ? ? The Metropolitan Life Insurant company has discovered that d vorced and widowed persona can g a new mate mora easily than spL iters and bachelors can get the Brat mate. Navy Floating Dock in Service A completed floating dry dock show* eight sections which have been welded together, after having been towed separately for thousands of miles to an advance base. Complete with crane and other necessary facilities, this dock will afford rapid repairs to battle-damaged ships now in the Pacific waters. Hundreds of ships will be mended on the spot by this dock. Directed Attack Against Japan More than 1,000 airplanes of Admiral Halsey's (center) 3rd Fleet car rier force, which started sped np attacks against Tokyo and territory. Carrier Commander Vice Adm. John 8. McCain (left) and Rear Adm. Gerald Bogan (right) were responsible and ilgnre prominently in the latest devastation of Japan. They are shown aboard ship somewhere in the Pacific. Isigny Cows Return to Fields At if they knew thai the belli of peace have rung la Europe, and It It "t they had their (raaiac fields to themselves again, these cows waader MI7 into an aannanltion damp on the road near Isigny, France. Thousands of bead el cattle, driven twsjr by Germans and battles, left to shift tor themselves, are being divided among the farmers of France. Champion Service Man's Family Ml. WUhert L. F1eery of Port Huron, Mieh., father of IS children, II of which are ahiea ia photograph with their Bother, tope record of CpL Chester J. Barrett, formerly called the "Champtoe Dad af the Armed Fereee." Two ef the ehfldrea were rtstttag reiatires when this photo graph was made. Real Short Timer Forty-two-year-old Sgt. Joseph A. Lowe of Atlanta, Ga., aircraft froundcrewman with the 7th AAF Fighters in the Okinawas, whose age makes him eligible to retnrn home, takes no chances with fate. Be is protected against everything bnt di rect hit. One Legged Pitcher Lt. Bert Shepard, shot down aft er 34 missions over Germany, with the loss of one ley, recently pitched fonr innings against the famous Brooklyn Dodgers in a Washington charity game. He is shown warm ing np before the game started. Queen of Freckles No one is going to dispute the de cision of the New York lodges who named 11-year-old Frances Scully of Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, "Qneen of Freckles" In the annoal contest held at Children's Aid Soci ety's playground. It really was no contest. Half Victory Ours Mrs. F. D. Roosevelt and Gea. Dwifht D. Eiseahower stead la rev eraaes aver the grave of F.D.R. as Osasral Wsirtmi itpsated to Us "ehtof," "half the vtetory Is ears." WASHINGTON QUIETEST IN TEARS The District of Columbia looks more like a peacetime capital this summer than in many years. . . ? For the first time Since the war, the house is now planning a long recess. . . . This reflects increased congres sional confidence in the new White House set-up, also the fact that many a legislator yearns for home. . . . The dollar-a-year men and brass hats who planned to check out after Germany's defeat haven't started their exodus. Instead they've been joined by hundreds of business men who've moved in to get their reconversion headaches unsnarled. . . . Thousands of returning officers and enlisted men from Europe have oslsla/4 Iho kniicino on/1 foorlin tt UUUVU HW U1C liuu.1115 IU1W ?v?~?-o problem. Parking spaces along the Potomac are crowded on hot nights with G.I. Joes and G.I. Janes and government workers searching for a cool breeze. Washington is more peaceful, but still jammed. Adding to the crush are the Tru man boys who have descended on Washington. . . . They fall into three categories: (1) The Missouri boys, friends of Truman and Bob Hanne gan looking for jobs, patronage, and juicy political plums. ... (2) The Pauley boys from Southern Califor nia?friends of former Democratic Treasurer Ed Pauley who've rushed into town to climb on the gravy train. They're brash and crude for the most part, have little respect for the taxpayers' money, and already have their eyes on the gilded dome of the capitol. . . . Third group are the "Battery K" men. These are the World War I vets who saw service with Harry Truman in 1917 and 1918. Most are satisfied with a brief "hello" and a handshake from their hero. Others cling to the wrought iron gates of the White House, think that their comradeship with the new chief executive is a guarantee of a soft government job. Truman Heyday Tumifln't nam siHss in tli n White House are still impressed by their new surroundings. . . . Some feel that Truman's rise gives them a blank cheek to use his power for their own ends. . . . One youthful aid has been bragging about having Tru man's political enemies shad owed, their wires tapped. . . . Truman, a sworn enemy of wire-tapping when In the senate, will probably clip their wings soon. , . . Most powerful man in the Truman entourage is chubby, cigar-smoking Brig. Gen. Harry Vaughan, one of the "Battery K" boys, who busies considerable advice into bis chief's ear, bnt now finds it being accepted with less fre quency. . . . The hangers-on are still having a field day around the White House. Center of administration power has partly shifted from the White House to the second floor of the May flower hotel, where Bob Hannegan holds forth in Democratic headquar ters. . . . Judge Welburn Mayock, the committee's new general coun sel, uses the office to lobby for Cali fornia oil interests. . . . George Kil liom, the new treasurer of the na tional committee, who has been using a meat-ax to collect money for the committee from business men may find himself chopped down soon. . . . One ardent Democratic supporter of many years' standing hearing about Killiom's tactics, said, "He'll collect so much money we'll lose in '48. Everyone he taps for $5,000 will feel like contribut ing twice as much to the Republi cans to boot the Pauley crowd out." Meanwmie uttle is happening to set the stage for Democratic victories in the congressional elections next year. . . . Hannegan is already in hot water with labor, particularly the CIO, which he has been studi | ously ignoring. Labor leaders, who poured out millions to help Roose velt last year, claim they can't even get a glass of water from the Demo crats when it comes to bucking op pressive legislation in congress, and are now making threats to move over to the GOP camp. Republicans Harmonious. Farther up Connecticut avenue at Republican headquarters things are harmonious. . . . The Republicans are sitting back, are quietly laying the groundwork for a high-powered congressional race next November. . . . What they need most of all are some issues. . . . GOPsters, in cluding Chairman Herbert Brown ell, are confident they'll find plenty in a few months, are hoping that Truman stubs a few toes politically soon. . . . Republican Chairman Brownell has a million dollars to spend oo the elections. . . . Truman's cabinet changes thus far have been extremely popular. . . . Tall, scholarly new Labor Sec retary Schwellenbach has made scores of friends for his department, has infused new life among its weary employees, has made an A-l impression on congress. . . . Ex-Congressman (Hint Anderson has the hottest Job in the new ad ministration trying to straighten out the tangled food mess as secretary of agriculture. . . . Anderson is a great red-tape shearer, has already made big improvements, and is no pushover for lobbyists. ANOTHER I \ j A General Quiz B J The Question* 1. Argument and proof by means of questions and answers are often called what? 2. What is the bulldog edition of a newspaper? 3. If tete a tete means face to face, what does dos a dos mean? 4. How old is written-hiatory? 8. How much larger is 'Brazil than England? 6. When was the Vatican City state created? 7. Which do laboratory tests show to be most sensitive to touch, men or women? 8. What state has more railroad miles than any other? 9. What common vertebrate breathes water at one stage of its life and air later? 10. Here is the first line of a well known poem, "There are hermit souls that live withdrawn." Can you give the second line? The Answers 1. The Socratic method. 2. An edition printed early for distribution to distant points. 3. Back to back. 4. At least 6,000 years old. 5. It's 65 times larger. 6. In 1929. 7. Women are nearly twice as sensitive to touch as men. 8. Texas (over 18,000 miles). 9. Frogs and toads. 10. "In the space of their self content." CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOR. For Sale?Sandwich Shoo. At reasonable price?selling price $1,000; only $800 cash req. Versa'o Sandwich Sbsp, MM Rich mond Terr., Mariner's Harbor, 8. I., N. T. For 8a|e?Bar A Grill?Nice busi.?priced for quick sale. Splendid oppor. right party. Immed possess. Samyn'o Bar A Grill. Ml Broad 8t., Stapleton, Staten Island, 19. I, PERSONAL EARN BIG MONET! Sell us your old Mantel Clock: or act as our buying agent for Old Mantel Clocks in your territory. We pay cash promptly. Write us today giv ing condition, age and size of your clock. THE OLD CLOCK CO. 8190 W. Third 81. Los Angeles 38 - Calif. Emerson Found the Way Of the Philosopher Hard Lying awake at night, Ralph Waldo Emerson sometimes had an inspiration, and would light a lamp and jot it down. The matches he used were in book form, being joined at the foot. One night Mrs. Emerson was awakened by his complaining voice crying out: "What's the matter with these matches. I'v& struck seven, not one would light!" She reached out, found the matches in their accustomed place, lit one, and discovered her best comb, seven teeth missing, in. the hand of the philosopher. M |"|Y Why lot sizzling days and 1 U L H I Jwghta torment you with n J AS J sting and burn of heat I L n I rash, prickly beat, -chafe? "TUP Check misery with Mex n ^ sana, soothing, medicated I f AT powder. Family favorite U L fl I for itch of minor skin trou [ 111 Wee. Send some overseas. 11 Lfl I Costs little. Get Mexsana. (wOMEN3St.wj 1 m*ym ? [HOT FLASHES? I 4?2Wk you tatter tram hot flmfhMl " teal weak, nervous, hlghetrung, a bit blue at times?due to the func tional "mlddle-sge" period peculiar to women?try this great medicine?Lydla B. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham'a Compound nra katttm. It'a one of the beet known medicines for this purpose Follow label direction. WNU?4 29?45 And Your Strength and 4 Energy If Below Par i It may be caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many I people feel tired, weak and miserable when the kidneye fail to remove excess , adds and other waste matter from tho blood. I You may euffor nagging baekaeba; rheumatic pains, headaches, riinineae, rettinr op nights, leg peine. swelling. BomeUmae frequent and eeanty ariaa tioa with smarting and homln* Is an other sign that something le wrong with tho kidneys or bladder. There should he no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doo?'? PiU*. It Is better to rely ea a medicine that hae wea countrywide ap proval than oa enmathing less favorably, bows. Domta haws been triad and teet- ? BmMaUCUiUSli

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