The Alamance Gleaner 1 -m fjS9 ??L LXXI GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1945 NO. 46 WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS Resume Wage T alks After T ruman Bid for Anti-Strike Legislation; Prize Steer Brings $10 Per Lb. ___________ Released by Western Newspaper Union. (RJillOai NOTE: When eplalens are expressed Is these eelamas, they are these ef ?Mmb Newspaper Union's news analysts and net necessarily ef this newspaper.) U.S. DIPLOMACY: Charge t Double-Deeding In aae of the most boisterous con piaisal hearings of recent years, wRy. sdver-haired Maj. Gen. Pat sick Hmiey ripped into the state department career men for their al leged mterference with his efforts to mMj China and establish it as a haaa far far eastern political stabil *r AHernatelj calm and heated, Hur hy, recently resigned as ambassa dor la Chungking, told the sen ade hreign relations committee that dmiaf his discussions with Chinese camanarists he concluded that cer lam stale department officials had ?aerhrad the Reds that his policy fcr unifying the country under CUag Kai-shek would be scrapped, indeed. the officials were said to have declared that the U. S. would sack Is stabilize Asia with a con haded Japanese empire. la hitting at the career men, Hur ky charged that they sided with im perialist Great Britain, France and the Netherlands for keeping the orient divided to permit the con vened exploitation of the subject people. ? . ; k alleging underhanded state department workings, Hurley stated ?ml war plans drawn up for the Big Sheae meet at Yalta and favoring the distribution of Allied arms to Oteeae Reds if they were within Mmj. Gen. Patrick Hurley tat area of proposed American land fats, were communicated to the communists. As a result, the Reds ?md en masse toward the pros pective beaches in an effort to se cure the arms ahead of Chiang's na tionalists. Mentioning George Atcheson Jr., and John S. Service as two of the career men working against his maification plan in Chungking, Hur ley said they returned to the U. S. to be promoted as his superiors. LABOR: Truman Scare Because President Truman's pro posal for the creation of fact-finding machinery to speed settlement of todnstria! strife was reported to bare thrown a scare into both capi tal aad labor, General Motors and toe dO*s United Automobile Work eta agreed to a resumption of negotiations over the union's de mands for a 30 per cent wage in At the same time, expert observ ers looked to settlement of wage