Strive for Employment Of Disabled Veterans Act to Furnish Handicapped With Chance for Gainful Occupation; Industry Pledges Its Full Co-Operation. By BAUKHAGE Netvs Analyst and Commentator. WNU Service. 1616 Eye Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. When a lot more workers than Jobs begin to plague the employ ment offices of the country, some 2Vi million men stand to have a little tougher aledding than their fellows . . . that Is, unless the pro gram that will be getting under way as these lines appear achieves the worthy purpose that its designers have for it. The potential workers who are go ing to get this special help are the men who have made the second greatest sacrifice in World War li the ones who gave all never came back. I'm going to talk about the disabled American veterans. In times of great unemployment a person with a disability has two strikes on him when pitted for a Job against a perfectly able-bodied worker. Therefore, the Disabled American Veterans, a veterans' or ganization whose membership is confined solely to the war disabled, is setting up the machinery to go to bat for him so that he from whom much has been taken to keep the rest of us secure within the wide bounds of these United States will have at least as good a chance as his able-bodied colleague in getting a Job where be can earn a living for himself and his family. For the first time in its history, DAV, the Disabled American Vet erans, has set up a highly integrat ed national network of employment officers headed in Washington by Dr. Gilbert S. Macvaugh, a disabled veteran of this war and a former lieutenant oommander with wide ex perience in personnel and employ ment counselling. These employ ment officers have their hands reaching out in two directions?one toward the'disabled veteran and one toward the employer in an endeavor to bring the two together so that the employer and the veteran may meet and reach an agreement on a 4?V. Let me give you two small exam ples of the type of thing the DAV is getting ready to do in a big way. Take the case of the man who had been wounded in the invasion of Normandy. An injury to his spinal column paralyzed him from the waist down so that he is bed ridden. On directions from the Washington DAV office, the local employment officer of the DAV con tacted the man to see what kind of yvork he might do while in bed and yet receive gome Income, In the man's community there was a Small plant for making hooked rugs. The DAV representative arranged 19 have the bed-riddej? veteran make hooked rugs and market them with this concern. Then there li en entirely different type of case?seeing that Justice is done the disabled veteran after he does get a Job. A guard was em ployed in a certain public build ing. He had a alight nervous dis order for which a psychiatrist was treating him, prescribing a little medication to be taken while on duty. One day the medicine made the veteran feel drowsy and he asked to be relieved from duty for a few hours until he could overcome it That was refused him. Subse quently charges were preferred against him And hi was giverj g letter of suspension. The DAV Na- I tional Employment officer went to | she m?t for htm and had Uje wnoie case uncovered, "~1. . find Boy Can Do Jab Wall ^ Back of the helping hand offered to the disabled veterans to get them into Jobs a lot of spade work haa been going on ? the ground has been prepared with great care so that when the crisis comes? many workers and few Jobs?the former Q.I. who literally gave part of himself for the rest of us will have an opportunity to work. The DAV asserts that he can do a Job <vell in spite of his handicap. It points to records it is accumulating which show that when a disabled veteran is hired, he shows great care and conscientiousness In per forming his task. Ifs something hks the story of the old Washington airport?it was one of the most dan gerous in the United States, but there were no major accidents on It. The answer was that pilots, knowing the hazards, took extra precautions in using the field. So a disabled veteran, already knowing what it is to be handicapped, uses considerable extra care. I said the DAV had set up a na tional employment program for the first time in its existence, headed up in Washington by a National Employment officer. Then each state has a Chief Employment of ficer. The OAV in each state is divided into chapters, or local units, and each has an employment of ficer also, thus bringing the contact of this helping hand right down into the community where the veteran lives or is hospitalized. Before the program can begin operating in the complete way en visioned by its planners, the men who can offer the jobs have to be contacted personally and the chal lenge of their opportunity to make work available to handicapped vet erans has to be put squarely be fore them. This has been the first task of Dr. Macvaugh and his corps of employment officers. DAV Gets Off To Good Start a strong Deginnmg was maae when at a conference In Atlantic City the following representative or ganizations, among others, were contacted personally by the DAV National Employment officer and asked to influence the businesses for which they are spokesmen to put disabled veterans on their work rolls: the National Association of Manufacturers, the American Bank ers association, the Chamber of Commerce, the National Council of Farmer Co-operatives, the Ameri can Farm Bureau federation, the American Retail federation, the Air Transport association. Aircraft In dustries association, Investment Bankers association. Committee of Economic Development, American Trucking association, American Waterways Operators, Association of American Railroads, National Foreign Trade Council, National Re tall Dry Goods association, Interna tional Association of Lions Clubs, National Grange, National Associa tion of Motor Bus Operators, and so on. But this gives you an indica tion of the scope of the cultivation of the soil for jobs for disabled vet erans. Available jobs are made known to the Veterans' Employment Repre sentative of the United States Em ployment service, which has agreed to designate an assistant in each state wno will specialize to the em ployment of war disabled G.I.s. The DAV has developed a system whereby its chapter employment of ficer knows as soon as a man wno has a disability is released from an institution and is available for work in his community. He also knows the disabled veterans living there who need jobs. It is his task to bring the men and the jobs to gether. ii is me uav chapter employ ment officer who take# the man to the veterans' employment represent ative of the USES where the Jobs are registered, and on to the pro spective employer, if necessary, to clinch the employment of the ex O.I, There are Ave planks in the em ployment platform of the DAV. First, to convince employers that they should employ dis abled American veterans, some where, IMMEDIATELY; Second, to support the train ing of disabled veterans for more than one key Job la an Indus Uj so that when heavy unemployment develops, the disabled man will not be the list discharged, for he will be able to do more than cm Job; Third, to advocate Increased wages far disabled veterans be cause they have become mere valuable as a result st the mul tiple training; Fourth, to try Is improve working conditions for the dis abled es-G.I. so that his Job Is a pleasant one; Fifth, to see that preference Is given the disabled veteran In staying en the Job when people have to be released. BARBS . . . by Baukhage Corned beef, corned beef huh, deviled ham, chili coo came, lunch eon meat and sausage meat made up the bulk of the protein diet of the eoldier at the outbreak of the war. But don't worry, mother, there ?ere 40 canned meata before they - wdre through 10 you cm eafeiy ^?erve almost anything he used to lnveetigatora say he preferred President Truman recently re moved a little gun-mode! from his desk and replaced it with a plough share. Let's hope it won't have to be reconverted again. ? ? ? Need e chain lor your watch-dogT The navy haa ? lot of surplus. You can get it in convenient 90-(oot NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CHAMPS . . . Donald McKnight, 21, Street, Md., and Mary Arlene Nelson, 24, Humboldt, Kan., new 4-H clnb leader ship champions. THE MUSIC LESSON . . . Thomas H. Benton's "The Music Lesson," is the winner of the popular prise selected by the public in the current Pain tint in the United States, IMS exhibition, which was held at the Carnegie institute, Pittsburgh, Pa. i" ? ????r;?i T-? ?-n.s-.. ' FIRST FARMING COHSTPnITY . . . Reconstruction and plan of house hi the llrst (armiv community known to man, placed in the seventh mllimlum feefefe Christ by archeoloytsts Seton Lloyd and Fnad Sala of the University of Chieayo, whose important prehistorieal find was Made at Tell Hassnna. Iran. IP ANIONS IS TO BLAME . . . LL G?a. Leonard T. Gerow. who told Poarl Harbor tavestifatiag committee that If anyone *u to Mama fat failure to Mi Gaaaral Short additional warninga. that ha la "wtllinf to aaaapt" ?ha Mama. Ha hollared that aaathar aaaaaaga aright taw show Gaaaral Short that ha war oat falloviac General MarahaO'i IhrtiaiUena. ? ? BLALOCK OPERATION ... Dr. Alfred Blalock, Johns Hopkins hos pital surgeon, who has developed surgical correction for malforma tiop of the heart. DEMOCRATIC WHIP . . . Rep. John J. Sparkman (D.)> former at torney of Hnntsville, Ala., recently appointed Democratic majority whip of the house. CABINET TROUBLES . . . Alcide de Gasperi, Italy'* new premier, is having trouble in forming cabinet, acceptable to the liberal elements. MAN OF THE TEAR . . . Felix Blanchard, Bishopville, 8. C., has wen the title of "football's man of the year," doe to his scoring ability for the Army. DID SOD KNOW 'EM WHEN? . . . Three Ilil Olympic game winners, i Ml I* righl: Alice Lord Laadcn, direr; Charlotte Boyle Ctane, twim i mer; and Aiieen Biggin Soong, i diver, shown at Philadelphia re ' - -"arC** - ? FRIEND OF ENLISTED MAN WASHINGTON. ? If there were more men in the army like General Eisenhower, this newsman would net be so swamped with soldier mail. The other day Sgt. Samuel Cohen of Philadelphia, stationed in Berlin, received a cable telling of a serious emergency at home. Physicians ad vised his return immediately. Two weeks passed and all Cohen got was (he usual army run-around. He couldn't get a furlough. Finally, a friend suggested that Cohen call General "Ike" directly. "What can I lose?" Cohen asked, going to a telephone. When he asked the G.I. operator for General Eisenhower, the opera tor asked with no surprise in his voice whether he should ring the general at his home or his office. Since it was then about 10 o'clock in the evening, Cohen said to try the general's home. An aide to Eisenhower an swered and listened to Cohen's story, excused himself for a few minutes, eame back to the tele phone and said, "Sergeant, if you will call the office of Gen eral Clay, perhaps something can be arranged for you. "Ton had better wait about 10 minutes before calling General Clay," he added, "to give Gen eral Eisenhower a chance to talk with him first." Ten minutes later, Cohen called General Clay, where an aide said, "Oh, yes, sergeant, we've been ex pecting your call. Now can you come in at eight o'clock tomorrow morn ing? We'll see about transportation then." Cohen took off by air the next day before noon. ? ? ? TRUMAN TURNS REPORTER Congressional leaders who met with President Truman recently to discuss serious legislative problems got a chuckle over Truman's story about his surprise flight to see his mother on her 93rd birthday. Newspapers have already told how Truman called the Kansas City Star to announce his arrival in Grandview, Mo. But in addition, here is what Truman told" his con gressional leaders really happened: It was Sunday afternoon and the usually bustling city room of the Star was in a lull. Only a skeleton editorial force was on the job, and a young reporter answered the phone. "Tills is tne president," said Truman. "Who?" said the reporter. "This is President Truman." "The hell it is," exclaimed the newsman, convinced that some body was pulling a practical Joke. "Mister, who are you try ing to kid?" Finally the call was tranferred to another writer on the paper, who knew Truman personally and could identify his voice. Highly amused, the President told him the news of his visit. ? ? ? FOGGY FOREIGN POLICY Harry Hopkins, now hospitalized in New York, is not improving. Al ways a living skeleton, Harry kept himself alive because of his love of FDR. Now that FDR is gone, Harry has no more zest for work. . . . Sen. Claude Pepper of Florida is returning from a three-month tour of Europe to blister the administra tion's handling of foreign policy. Coming on top of Senator Ful bright's two-fisted attack, perhaps somebody around the state depart ment will wake up to the fact that the seeds of World War HI can be planted right now. . . . The strategic services unit of the war department (it was formerly the "Oh-so-secret" office of Gen. "Wild Bill" Donovan) has just set up a very interesting project which will not keep the peace. It is working on a "plan for an order of battle for a war with Russia." The job is under direct su pervision of Maj. Raymond Crom well, former Tokyo correspondent for the Wall Street Journal. ? ? ? CAPITAL CHAFF Former Coast Guard Comdr. Joel Fischer was in Germany trying to root out hidden Nazi funds. Cross examining war criminals, he found them anxious to get American law yers to act in their defense. When asked his views on the best Ameri can lawyers, Fischer, with straight face, replied: "You ought to try to get Clarence Darrow or Perry Ma son." Fischer's victims took careful notes, not realizing that Darrow has been dead for more than five years and that Mason is a fictional char acter in Earle Stanley Gardner's mystery stories. Government press officials recent ly beat down a second attempt by War Mobilizer John Snyder to main tain a peacetime censorship over I the statements of their bosses. They | rejected all censorship schemes flat ly during a secret session at the White House, promising to check | among themselves to be sure major policy statements of cabinet mem bers and other key officials are not too tar apart. . . . Randolph Paul, one of the ablest tax men the U. 8. treasury has ever had. is completing a book on taxation, written tor popu lar reading. Keep a Jar of ground peanuta an hand. They add nutrition and Sa vor to muffins, waffles, coafcsea and quick breads. They dress op salads and perk up plain ilrmaih such as cup custard. ?e? When washing, turn clothes wSh ties or sashes inside out ktn putting them into the washing Ma chine. ?e? That discouraged - looking eoS can be freshened by pressing fc between two pieces of brown paper with a warm iron. Ash trays should be emptied and washed each night. Otherwise As house will have an unpleaaaad odor in the morning from An soiled trays. If you are forever wearing art shoe strings, try this method of strengthening them. Stitch up mt down each string several tawea with your sewing machine hdn using them. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BUILDING MATE MAM 100 8x8x16 Cencrete Building nisi? pa day with hand mold, requiring one Mwro, no machinery. Write J. C. MWIUl Hi No. Aabarndale, Memphis, Teas. BUSINESS & INVEST. OPPOK. BOOKKEEPERS?Operate your own -DaS lar-a-Week" Bookkeeping and Tan Shaw ice. Full or spare time. Detafla Am. ELLIS, Bax tit.Cedar Grave, NaGndn. MAKE BIG MONET! On sxnaB new hanft ness. Start anywhere. Profitable year round. E. P. JACOBS. 548 Bear I man CW field Rd., Tonngstewn 7, Okie. r A Safe, Sound Investmeafe? Buy U. S. Saving* Rnadi! ? j SNAPPY FACTS rubber r^y A recent wormy reveals that 84.51 of the nation's post-war trunlsn will prefer to use automobiles an their method of transportation. It Is expected that repair Mb on future cars may be iw disced by the use off a asm* ber off synthetic rebber parte Average passenger tire cost per 1000 miles of travel has been re duced from $2.33 to 65c dwfc? the last 25 yean. 4 It's the air In a tiro that carries the load and not An tire Its#Iff. Too little air psee sere may result in ffahrit breaks or uaoven tread vsoh In 45 years the American autaam Hve industry has produced 88 mB Don motor vehicles. wmm [RFGoodriA| SET A 2V NX /fej^^Wg# AUJi MHliiity^^ ? 6 6 6 COLD PREPARATIONS Uaum..TA?Ltn^5ALVE, HOUIM^ CAimoH?use oner as imi.m wnp-a ai-m And Your Strength ud Energy b Below En* ft MJ be ttaot by Hwrte gMS My fnnetloo that^ponallo pAmm PMPU Y?J tired, weak and ntaaSX wbre the kidaeyo toil to I i I ? aeida aad other wort* ohm tn Oho blood. ooddhg ndofc rhouottc polao. bull 'In. Owhw *ihm ?& SuSi^ta?TSl? ?S tW kidney* or bladder. SwTpOta. Vtb MM^ekw. nodlrioo that h? woo Waal liable m pool thaa oa iinlthlm n Jb kaowa. Daaa'a hara baa Mad aadMS

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