Housing Bill Suffers Rough Going in Congress Taft Breaks With Conservatives in Backing Administration Measure; Long-Range Building Policy Asked. By BAUKHAGE News Analyst and Commentator. WNV Service, 1816 Eye street, N.W., Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON, D. C. ? It is fuUy expected that what is left of the plan for settling America's number one problem ? the problem of find ing a home?will be cut up by con gress and pasted together in some new, strange shape by now. If it is still in the works when you read these lines there is a possibility that what Anally emerges from the hop per will be more what the patient planners wanted and less like what the various pressure groups wanted. The interesting thing to me about the debate on this measure in the beginning was this: although the ad ministration features of the bill went squarely against the conservative grain of our conservatively in grained congresses, it had one champion who usually sits as far away as he can possibly edge from anything of even a pale pink hue. I refer to Sen. Robert Taft, Re publican of Ohio. What Mr. Taft says never falls on deaf ears in the senate even if the ears are doubting ones and sprout from the heads of those cruelly affronted members once referred to as "the sans of wild jackasses." Vox Taft to the conserv ative is his master's VOX. The two key features to the ad ministration bill were the subsidy, which would grease the way for quick construction of the lower priced type of homes, and the price ceiling which would make it cheaper to live in a house than re-sell for proAt. That is, the present owner of a house could sell his property for any price he could get without restriction, but owner number two would have to re-sell it for what he paid (plus, of course, reasonable cost for improvements). These two conditions may have been good or bad. Whether they were or not they were opposed for two main reasons: Arst, because they were considered "government interference" and therefore radical, and second, because powerful lob bies, the proAts of whose principals would have been curtailed, put all the pressure they could on congress. In spite of the feeling that the spirit of the housing bills was "lib eral," if you prefer that word to "leftish" or "New Dealish," Senator Taft supported it. He had made a careful study of housing and come to the mature conclusion that the administration idea, as embraced in the bills introduced by Senator Wag ner in the senate and Representa tive Patman in the house, was as nearly the right sort of legislation as could be obtained. The CIO took the same view. Now when viewpoints as different as these two arrive at agreement, the simple citizen is inclined to think that their joint approval Is pretty sound sponsorship. Labor Wanta Planned Action The CIO has printed a very busi nesslike booklet on the subject in which we are reminded that we have always had a housing short age because our cities just grew like Topsy, that the shortage is steadily growing and that estimates show that by the end of this year almost three and a half million families will be homeless unless they are taken in by relatives or double up with others?as the President sug gested they will have to do mean while. The reason that we always had a housing shortage, according to the CIO, is because we never had a housing policy. We have a public school, educational policy; a police protection policy; a war and navy policy. " As a result, we have a pretty good school system, our police give us reasonable protection to life and property; we have never lost a war nor suffered invasion. But we can't have roofs over our heads. That is what the current housing legislation is supposed to provide. One more factor may be Injected into this controversy which could af fect it materially; the veteran, chief sufferer from homeleasness, is as yet unorganized. Once organized, he could out-pressure the other pressure groups. ? ? ? Since I heard forthright speeches of Senator Vandenberg and Secre tary of State Byrnes which sounded ? sharp warning to Russia that the United State* wa* ready to carry out it* international obligation* and use force to check aggression, the following sentence ha* been before me: "... the American people, now in the height of their might and majesty, are no longer a sovereign nation." That sentence is from Nathaniel Peffer's book, "America's Place in the World" which the Saturday Re view of Literature calls a "stubborn ly and trenchant discussion." I agree with that description of the book and believe that what Peffer says is true and that it is vital (or Americans to understand why it is true. PeSer says that we have lost our Independence and our autonomy "in that which matters most in the life of the nation?peace or war." And then he shows with his "stubborn realism" how this has come about, how in the beginning (before 1776) America "had no control over its own destiny because it was so weak, now because it is so strong." And he shows clearly and con vincingly that, no matter how anxious we may be to stay out of foreign broils, any major war in Eu rope or Asia will Eventually involve the United States. Our sincere but romantically futile dream of splen did isolation is forever broken. Must Lose Lit* To Gain It Many thinkers have pondered over this question. In tracing Amer ica's international affairs, this au thoritative and provocative writer traces our course through the great crises whose milestones are marked with the dates 1776, 1787, 1861 and 1941. 1917 was the warning that was not heeded. We were drawn into a war then, not of our own making, but we did nothing to shape world affairs which followed and which, inexorably, drew us for the second time into a world conflict in which we had no direct concern. It may seem a far cry. from dip lomatic intrigue and the vicissitudes of human hatreds, organized mur der and lust, to the world of the spirit but I could not help thinking as I considered the efforts I wit nessed at Nuernberg of a certain text in the Bible; the words of Jesus as recorded in the gospel of St. Mark (XVIII:35), "For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it." a am wcu aware vx uic iati ui?v the devil may quota the Scriptures with the best of us but I do not think one has to be charged with Mephistophelian tactics when one traces a parallel between the loss of our nation's sovereignty in the sense in which Mr. Peffer expounds it and the loss of our spiritual life in the New Testament sense. It is needless to iterate here that the principles upon which this na tion was founded derive directly from the Christian philosophy. How ever, we have never fully lived up to that philosophy since we still feel it necessary to indulge in that high ly unchristian procedure which I once heard the late Lloyd George de scribe as "organized savagery"? war. War has always been justified as a measure of defense?defense of our citizens, our territory, our sovereignty. We have now lost our sovereignty in that we must be willing to die to save it Let me replace the word "life" with the word "sovereignty" in the rest p' the Biblical text, which would then read: "Whosoever (and that means a nation as well as a person) shall lose his sovereign ty for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it" Until America and all the nations are willing to sacrifice their sovereignty to a high er, world organization, whose tenets are four-square with the gospel's in proscripting war, we can never hope to win back a sovereignty in accord with the Christian principles which are the foundation of our na tion. ? ? ? A former American military gov ernment man says our state depart ment and Britain and France are keeping Russia from searching Nazi assets in foreign countries. It seems strange that if Russia has been alighted in any way we haven't heard about it in a loud voice before now. BARBS . ? . by Baukhage The term "collective bargaining" waa Brat used in London in 18B1 by Beatrice Webb and waa promptly popularised in this country by Sam uel Gompers of the AFL, aaya a 20th Century fund survey. ? ? ? Plastics from bituminous coal are now being made into linoleum for floor coverings. Wonder if they'll be to "striking" designs People who deal In black mar kets support the Bill of Rights per haps, but not the Bill of Responsibili ties. ? ? ? I lunched with Marshal Montgom ery and he showed me his necktie. What do the colors mean, I asked. He replied: Red for blood, brown for mud and green for the fields at Normandy after the breakthrough. v_ BOWLING CONQUERED BT WOUNDED V?T8 ... For thousands of war wounded, the Red Croos Initials Is s badge of merer. They |ire their services and provide facilities to aid while away tedious boors of hospitalisation. Here aided by Mrs. Lucille Carey, Mrs. Marian Lee and Capt. L. J. Sheaffer, are left to right, 8ft. Paal Jackson, 8ft. Robert Abajlan and Pvt. Georfe Rodrifnes, who are riven a chance to continue their bow liny in Los Angeles alley. Reports indicate that many of the wounded have be come expert bowlers, which also aided in - their rapid recovery. ' ?. ^ *** I FAMOUS FIGHTING FAMILY REUNITED . . . The famous t{htta( family of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ostler, Chelsea, Mass., are together for the first time since Pearl Harbor, with the exception of the oldest son, Pfc. Charles, 32, who was killed in action in Italy. The group around their father and mother includes twins, Roland and Robert, twins Richard and Lawrence, George, Donald, Arthur, Howard, Leon and sister Marilyn at piano. I = EGYPTIAN STUDENTS RIOT IN CAIRO . . . With demands that ft* British lesve Egypt, students and sympathisers take possession of part of the city ot Cairo nlflmiil opposition from police. The rioters ter rorised the capital, many flres were started and considerable damage resulted. Similar riots later broke out in Alexandria, site of a great British naval base. While the riots did not have government backing, little effort was made to prevent or control the demonstrations against the British government. THIRTY MILLIONS IN GOLD THEIR GOAL . . . Irwin A. Williamson, (?Bed explorer, is shows, left, with Capt. Edward Eriksen, as they planned expedltioa to recover a repatcd |M,W,M la (old from the caned Spanish galleon "Saata Rosa," which has heen ea the sea's hottest since 17d?. Williamson discovered location in 1M1 and hronght op the ship's hen. Location Is tomewhoi o a* the coast at Caha. PAH 18 OBJECTS . . . Against Franco executions of 1* anti-Fas eists. This mass demonstration was held in Paris demanding an immediate break with France. HIGH . PRICED SPARKPLUGS . . . Ha raid Newhonser, left, pitch er, ud Hank Greeaberg, star stagger ef the Detroit Tigers, shews together taring training at Lakeland, Fta. Their combined sa laries are said to exeeed glee,MA News^x By PaUlMal!^^^^ Released by Western Newspaper Vnkm. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS OPERATION COSTLY WASHINGTON. ? The degenera tion of the superior American effi ciency in business into something like Europe before the dictators? where trains did not run on time, telephone service was whimsical and telegraph messages and airmail might be expected to arrive two or three days late?was observed pain fully by me in my trip down through the southeastern states. The railroads are not yet a monopoly in this country, per haps the people are getting from them as good servioe as the deficiency of materials and men will permit?or a reason able approximation in general thereof. However, telephone service is a monopoly. If tho eltlxen cannot get service on one line, he cannot walk across tho street and try another. The com pany has a monopoly of tho business; the workers have a monopoly of the work with their anions. This imposes upon them a public responsibility beyond other businesses and other workers, to perform their public service efficiently. I am not now considering the strike threat issue. I have not in vestigated merits or demerits of op posing contentions. Yet your house may burn to the ground causing you great and needless loss, if fire calls are not handled promptly because of strike, negligence, inefficiency or any other reason. Deaths may be caused by delays of a few moments in ambulances, operations or blood transfusions. Robbers may make good escapes. All the property as well as the very life of the citizen rest heavily upon the efficiency of this single means of swift communi cation between people. No company and no group of workers have the right to cause damage and death among the people as a whole for any reason, whether just or unjust. To do so is a violation of every na tural law of man and common de cency. With the right of monopoly in business and/or work (closed I shop) goes a public responsibility | which cannot be ignored or avoided ' for any human purpose. MONOPOLY DOES NOT IMPROVE VITAL SERVICE I was forced to muse upon these serious considerations of vital (in alienable?) rights, by my minor ex periences of trying to handle my comparatively unimportant busi ness through telephone, telegraph and airmail while away from my office for a few weeks. I found the telephone and airmail wholly unde pendable. The airmail, of course, is a government monopoly and ineffi ciency is to be expected from past experience. But I found that airmail special delivery letters, mailed at the same time each day at the same point of origin, would arrive at their destination on schedule only one time out of three. The other two times, the mail would be from one to two days late. I understood then why so many newspapers were com plaining about late arrival of mail copy. The post office has plainly failed to recover yet from the war. Telephoning became an idle out interesting amusement. Each occasion furnished some thing novel. Out of 10 calls to Washington, I eventually got three throngh. One was prompt. The other resulted from an hour of effort to get a supervisor, who put it through for me, after my original call and the opera tor's promise to "call yon back in 20 minutes." Both had become lost so deeply that no one around the exchange had heard of tt. The third call in the after noon was completed the follow ing morning. The others never got throngh for reasons which are not reportable authoritative ly by me, but I was told a varie ty of things: "There will be a de lay of 30 to 40 minutes," or "your line is busy," and then a few seconds later: "It does not an swer." I could never Ond out why It could be busy and then in a few seconds did not an- - swer. I soon found out complain ing accomplished nothing. Elec trical noises would erupt in the phone and deafen my ear if 1 even suggested such a thing to myself. The only way you could get a supervisor was to work through a friendly operator on a private switchboard who could make Just as loud noises as the telephone monopoly. The sending of a telegram I found to be less of an adventure, and could be done in less than a day. In fact, I have only one complaint against the telegraph monopoly (they apparently gave my telegram to the wrong party on the phone). I will say telegraph service is at least better than when the Postal vacated the field. But what of the people who deal in important figures of money, men or perishable materials? This .is a big nation dealing daily in big matters. What of the national labor leaders trying to call off strikes? HCIMMLD HI NU.il j- ^ To keep uncooked meet in a re frigerator, place it in a dry dish with a loose-fitting lid; cooked meat should be covered tightly to prevent drying. ?e? Prepared mustard and finely chopped sour pickles added to highly seasoned mayonnaise makes a perfect spread for frank furters and hamburgers. ?e? Don't paint over whitewash. Wash off the whitewash with clear water and paint only after wall has dried thoroughly. Gone are the day* of gloomy kitchens. Use color to make your kitchen a bright and cheerful place to work. Before you select a color scheme, remember that light-colored, smooth surfaces re flect light. Dark, rough ones ab sorb light. If the kitchen is sunny, use cool colors such as blue, blue green, green, or blue violet. If it is dark and gloomy, it needs the warmth of yellow, yellow-green, orange, yellow - peach, tan or cream. ??? The easiest war to season a plain hot vegetable in addition to salt aqd pepper is to add meat drippings or melted fat. Add just before serving. ?e? On hand-knit or crocheted gloves, leave three or four inches of yarn on the inside of each fin ger. Catch this lightly in place on the wrong side. When gloves begin to show wear, thread end can be used for mending. ?e? When boiling rice, add a tea spoon of lemon juice to a quart of water. It will make the rice white and the grains will be separated when it is boiled. Pelicans Cooperate When On a Fishing Expedition v The most amazing example of cooperation in the animal world is the fishing expedition of the pel ican, says Collier's. Upon finding a well-stocked bay or lake, a flock of these birds form a large half circle in the water facing the shore and then, moving a few feet apart, "fish" the nar rowing area as thoroughly as men with a seine. fMany doctors recommend good* tasting Scott's Emulsion bo cause it's rich in natural AAD Vitamins and energy-building oil children need for proper growth, strong hones, sound teeth, sturdy bodies. Helps buHd up resistance to rxAde too if diet is AAD deficient. Boy 8cott's today! AD druggists. t-iiihiniii IB? J//-VIOITABLI . ? Wm^ LAXATTVI ? J mi o?it u Miens pyi?i*i*ii>! COLD PREPARATIONS liquid ?Tattoo?Sahro ?Way Drops He HtkSod millions far jmma. Camion. Um only ? Aroctod PASw in nATwi?r>v tmo> 9~mm Mm WNTJ?4 12?46 For Yon To Feel Well 14 hours mry day. T day* srery ??k, bit* stopping. the kidneys flltar wast* mattar from the blood. If mora pooplo were aware of boo tba kidneys must constantly femora eur plua fluid, exeaaa adds and other pasta mattar that cannot star in tba Mood without injury to health, there would be better understanding of why the whole ayitam ia upoet whan kidnaya fal to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urine Hon aometimaa warns that something la wrong. You may suffer nagging back ache. headaches, dtsslnaaa. rheumatic be using a medicine recommended the country near. Dean's stimulate tba (amo tion of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisunowa waste from the blood. They contain nothing bararfuL Oat Dean's today. Una with snafliimtu At all drug sterna.