THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C.. JUNE 6, 1946. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY J. P. KERNODLE, JR., Manager 914)0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Ba *r?4 at the Piatofflcs at Orotiam, N. C.. as aaccnd-daM matter. Klon Commencement Exercises of the 56th com mencement at Elon College Tues day of last week, saw the confer ring of degrees upon 33 seniors, and the ccaferring of honorary degrees of Doctor of Business Science upon Mr. Julian Price and Mr. Oscar Frommel Smith, and the honorary degree of Doc tor of Divinity upon Rev. Robert Stanley Lambert and Rev. Stan ley Underwood North. Dr. Hornell Hart, professor of sociology at Duke University, de livered the literary address. Dr. Leon Edgar Smith, presi dent of Elon College, in address ing the graduating class, advised them to give themselves, the greatest gift of all, to God and the world. J. W. Clapp, Jr., of Burlington, president of the class, received the gift of the Bibles to the sen iors. Dr. Stanley North, acting as donor for the college, strongly commended this traditional prac tice at Elon. I lyOcai Ainvbia route row. rur Graham Soldier Kilted Mr. and Mrs. James M. Buck ner and family contributed $225 of the $390 raised by members of the local AM VETS organization for colors, according to officials of the post. The contribution was made by Mr. and Mrs. Buckner and family as a memoril to their son, James M. Buckner, Jr., for whom the lo cal AM VETS chapter has been named. i A total of 145 local business firms and individuals added the rest of the $390. The deceased veteran in whose honor the post is named entered the service in January, 1941, and served at Fort Jackson, S. C., Camp Qordon, Ga., Fort Dix, N. J., and Camp Breckenridge, Ky., before being sent overseas in Oc tober, 1944, with the 291st In fantry of the 75th Division. He was killed in action on February 3, 1945, at Wolfgantzen. France, and was buried in the American cemetery at Epinal, France. DEATHS Graveside rites were held iti Pine Hill cemetery last Friday afternoon for the day-old infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jaskson of Route 1. who died Friday inra local hospital. Among survivors are the par ents, one brother, and four grand parents. JaniQp Walter Hensley, 64, died Sunday morning at his home at Glencoe after an illness of three years. He was a native of Person county, and was a member of the Glen Raven Baptist church. Funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday afternoon at Glen Raven Baptist church by Rev. Ralph Wilson and Rev. Coy Thompson. Burial was ae Shallow Ford church. Surviving are his wife, Cora Dixon Hensley, three daughters, one son, four brothers, one sister, and three grandchildren. Graveside funeral services wer held in Pine Hill cemetery Satur day afternoon for the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Lawson of Burlington. Mrs. Henry G. Kime, 87, wife of the late Henry G. Kime, of Burlington died suddenly in Ashe ville last Thursday where she had made her home for several years. Mrs. Kime was one of Burltog ton's pioneer citizens. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. L. D. Meador and Mrs. Joy Kime Benton. Funeral services were conduct ed from the Methodist church at Summerfield Saturday morning. Burial was in the family plot there. I - . j Bun's Distance from Berth Sir H. Spencer Jones has given the most precise eetimate of the sun's distance from the earth Si,001,000 miles, with a degree of uncertainty at about 10.000 miles. Richardson-May Invitations R^j eeived The following invitations have been received here: Mr. ancli Mr*. Bam Richardson requests the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daugter Doris Christine to Mr. Henry. Stratford May on Thursday, the twentieth of June Nineteen hundred and forty-six at half after eight t/dock in the evcn|n> First Presbyterian Church 1st mesa, Texas Mr. May is the son of Mrs. D. Burton May. . LeGrand-Caruthers Invitations Issued The following invitations have been received here: Mr. and Mrs. William Plea^aJVt LeOrand request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Jane to Mr. Morrison Rankin Caruthsn Sunday, the Sixteenth of June at six (/clock in t^he evening Me bane Presbyterian? Church Mebane. North Carolina > Rationing News SUGAR Spare stamp 49, in family ra tion books, which became valid May 1 for five pounds at sugar, expires August 31. OPA said that on the basis of latest surveys it expects the pres ent sugar ration of five pounds every four months can be main tained. In that case, another sugar stamp will be validated September 1. Spare stamp 49 is' in ration book four, as well as in the spe cial sugar ration books issued to veterans and as replacements. Make ration applications by mail?save time and effort. Uncle Sam Says Sixty-three yean ago this month, Americans discovered a new way of joshing a neighbor who invested his money unwisely: "Go bay your self Brooklyn Bridge." Brooklyn Bridge had just been opened. Some people actually turned over thefi savings to confidence men who sole* them the great New York span. 1 could say to you today: "Go buy yourself a bridge," and I would be civing you sound advice. The bridge I have In mind consists of United States Savings Bonds ... a bridge between the present and your future U. J I ?*"*'> DeMrtmtHI Hostess at White House Dolly Madison was the first White House hostess to hold that honor for more than eight years, as she was the official hostess fqr Pres. Thom as Jefferson, a widower, when her husband, James Madison, was sec retary of state, and was hostess for the eight years in which Madison was President. FORCAST STORMS FROM MIDGET QUAKES Tiny srosind quivers enable scien tists to predict the arrival of etorfena from 1,000 mllea away. How It Is done is related by a Harvard orofeeeor In the June l<th issue ot THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Kail??n'a Favorite MactxtDr Willi Tfie Baltimore Sunday American Order From Ytnw Local Newsdealer You WM find Impirotion ond SplrituoJ Comfort in ttio SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Rood It Nov I Subscribe For The Gleaner ' ??' ?? ???? I ?. - BACK YOUR FUTURE WITH SAVINGS BONDS MRS. HARRY S. TRUMAN TELLS U. S. WOMEN TMI WKfTW HUH MHIWIW Jma 6, M46 ^^B to tbo Vooen of til I noi Baa futur* aall-bolac of H ?out lan-loan fud.ll*> r*at* lore*- ^B I ly open th* roaolutnua* of ?um Is aalntalalng th* aartlaa habit lB of lsTestlsc *r*ry ilollir ibon I V n**d*d living azpanao* Is DnlUd M St*t** Saving* lend*. B It as vital to has* th* attaok en our aoaal*a by buying war bond*. In p*ao* It 1* squally wital far womm to tab* th* land Is banting th* future of thair lorod cn*s. L*t a all h**d th* lessen ww learned during th* aar? that th* noat affective way to aavw la to aak* aaah pay day a atap toward ownership of_anoth*r aavloga bend. /] /Ly a * ma. Hjuttr L muu? Washington, D. C? On the anniversary of D-Day the First Lady I has addressed this I personal message to 1 thewomen of America 17. S. Trtasury Dtferimtnl Your New Home Little Extra Investment in Roof Is Well Worth the Outlay By W. WADSWORTH WOOD The; root la one of the most Im portant features of the house, not only because of its appearance factor, but also because of the vital part it plays in providing protec tion from the weath er. It is never wise to attempt to econ omize on the choice of roofing mate rial; a little extra money will be well invested here. After you study the types of roofing available, and decide which is the most appropriate to your needs, it should be purchased from a reliable dealer. The pitch of the roof, the number of hips, valleys, corners and inter sections are all important in deter mining the total cost. In addition to requiring more material, a "cut-up" roof needs many more flashings for water-tightness, and flashings are an item of basic cost. The more simple the roof lines, the more ef ficient and leak-proof a roof will be. Be careful not to choose a bright colored, gaudy, or odd-patterned material because you might tire of it quickly and it may serve to "date" your home in a few years. It is well to remember that many communities have local building codes requiring fireproof roofs. An other local consideration is the mat ter of climate. Will your roof be subjected to the deteriorating effect of steady, intense sunlightT Will it be burdened for months by the weight of heavy snows? Extremes of climate call for special attention to insulation and to the weather resistant properties of various ma terials. Wood shingles are the old roofing "standby" ? they have been popu lar ever since colonial days, when they were split by hand. If wood shingles are used, it is important that they be applied over spaced roof boards for proper ventilation, and that no building paper be laid under the shingles, otherwise rot ting may result. The shingles may be stained after they are laid, but pre-staining gives longer life, be cause all surfaces are covered with the penetrating protective coating. Asphalt roofing consists of heavy felt, impregnated with asphalt and covered with crushed stone in a va riety of colors. It is fire-resistant and available in shingles or roll roofing. The latter type is for use on flat or shallow pitch roofs; for steeper roofs shingles are sug gested. The better asphalt shingles are usually individually styled with thick butt ends, and sometimes are irregularly torn before coating to produce a more Interesting texture and ahadow line. Asbestos shingles are not flexible like asphalt, but rigid, and there fore are applied in mucdi the same manner as slate. Holes are punched in the shingles, through which nails are driven; the shingles themselves are cut by a mechanical shears rather than a knife. Asbestos shin gles have the advantage of being fire proof, and are obtainable in a wide variety of color tones. I WTT7771 Roots of slate or tile are durable and extremely handsome, but the matter of weight la of primary im portance in considering a roof of this type. Tile roots are particu larly appropriate to the Spanish mission style house, and are avail able in two shapes; the barrel tile, or half-round Spanish tile, and the flat tile. A recent development in roofing Is the insulating roof which comes in large rigid pieces and is laid di rectly over the rafters, eliminating the roof boards. As peacetime pro duction is resumed, it is expected widely available in galvanized iron, that low-cost metal roofing will be plain or lead-coated copper, zinc and aluminum. Metal roofs are ap plied in sheets with standing seams, creating an interesting shadow pat tern. The manufacturers of roofing ma terials offer illustrated literature de scribing the variety and use of their products, and a study of these folders will prove both informative and helpful to a prospective home builder. Your local lumber dealer is always glad to show you samples, and may even have complete roof sections on display In a variety of styles and colors. Companion Treoi Slnca applt tree? depend upon "companion" or pollinator vart tlea (or good pollination, the treea of any one variety should not be planted In large eolld blocks. Where such blocks art established, grafting and the use of bouquets from suit able trees at blossoming time, are suggesed as temporary remedial measures. FASCINATING STORY OF MOTHER CABRIN'I Diminutive In else but fltaoile In her record of achievements, the" "Little Saint." first American soon to be can onlsed. Is credited with many miracles Read the story of this remarkable woman in the June ltth Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation's I* amnio Magazine With T1*e Italtimore Sunday American Order Ftwa Yosr Local Newsdealer NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that tha un dersigned has administered on the ra tals of Mies Martha Ann Marrow, late at Alamance Comity, and all parsons having claims against the said estate will present the same to mid adminis trator. duly verified, on or before the Itth day of May. 1*47, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please settle the same promptly. This, the 20th day of May. 1*41. W. H. STOCKARD, Administrator. 3. S. Cook. Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of W. Lee Terrell, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this Is to ntAlf^r all persons having claims against the said estate to exhibit them to the undersign ed at Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 2ith day of May,1*47, or this notice will be pleaded in lar of their recovery. All parsons Indebted to said estate win please make Immediate payment, Thla the 20th day of May. 1(4*. J. A. LOWE. Administrator of W. Lee Terrell, deceased. Louis C. Allan. Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Julius O. Warren, ????r deceased, late of Alamance County, North Carolina, this La to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit tfriem to the undersigned at 797 H fayette ville street. Durham, North Carolina, o or before the 20th day of May, 1047. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to Bald estate will please make Immediate payment. This, the ISth day of May. 1041. E. R. AVANT, Administrator of the estate of Julius Q. Warren, dec'd. C. J. Gatee, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of J. M Shaw, deceased, late of Alamance Ccunty, North Caro lina. this Is to notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under- , I signed at Route 2, Burlington. North | Carolina, on or before the 4th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery . All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment This, the 27th day of April. 1946. MRS. AT J,ICE SHAW, Executrix of the estate of J. M. Shaw, deceased. Louis C. Atty, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of J. L. Patlllo, deceased late of Alamance County, North Caro lina. this is to notify all persons halv ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed, at Route 1, Mebgne. North Carolina, on or before the 4th day of May, 1947, or this notice will be plead ed fcn bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This, the 27th day of April, 1946. MRS. ELLA B. PATILLO, Executrix of the estate of J. L. Patlllo, deceased, lvouis C. Allen, Atty. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified ae Administrator of the estate of J. M. Stout, deceased, late of Alamanoe County, North Caro lina. this la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Route 1. Slier City. North Carolina, on or before the 10th day of May. 1M7, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate win please make Immediate payment This, the 16th day of May. 1*46. W. A. STOUT, Administrator. Notice of Sale! By virtue of a Judgment made and entered In au action In the Superior Court of Alamanw County, Nortft Carolina, entitled Alamance County, Plaintiff vs. Ed Garner and wife, Viola Gamer, et al. Defendants, the un dersigned Commissioner will, on Wednesday. July Srd. 1944, at 11 o'clock, a. m., in the Court House do-,r in Graham, North Carolina, aell I.t public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property deecrlbed ae follows: A tract or parcel of land in Haw River Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, and being the same real property deecrlbed in that Mort gage Deed from Ed Garner and wife. Viola Gaflner, to Mary Haith' and hus band, Claude Halth, which Mortgage Deed was filed for record July l(th, 1914, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance Coun ty. In Book of Mortgages No. 121, at page 194. I The purchaser will be inquired to deposit ten per cent of his old when NOTIC E! Town of Graham Tax Sale As provided by law and by order of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Graham, North Carolina, I will sell for cash at the Court House door of Alamance County in Graham, N. C., on MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 1946, At 12:00 o'clock, Noon, the following described property in the Town of Graham, N. C., to satisfy the unpaid taxes due the said Town for the year of 1945. ^ Andrews. Dean & Waiter Lots ] Climax & Oakley Sts $ 1.50 Andrews. H&ssell, II g ?? oft ] Side view. H & L no de? 3 Store Bldg. no des 47.50 Andrews, Mrs. J. L-, Weirs, I H 4 L no des 5.18 Apple. G. M.H&L Apple St. 19.50 J Avant, Raymond R. & Douglas i Lot W. Elm St 1.00 Black. John F. H&L Oneida 8t 6.00 ; Briles, Mrs. Ivey Black, HAL Market St 28.28 | Carraway, Bruce H.. Lots nol I! des., . .7 I.... 2.25 i Cathey, W, W. A wife. HAL ? Travora St 16.18 Clapp, Geo. T. L E. Harden St 1.16 ' Cole, T. H., HAL Sidney Rd... 12.00 Elkln-Terrell Motor Co., Lot 1 Border St. l.SO i Fogleman, Jerry D., H A I, 1 Market 8t t.75 Freeman. Leonard, HAL h Water St., 10.15 Frlck, Grady, HAL S. Main St. 21.00 j > Fuller, J. T.. HAL Market St. 17.88 Fuller, Lee. HAL Mill St 10.73 1 Gates, D. P., H A L Marshall A Travora Sts 11.60 Gllley, J. G.. HAL E. Harden St 18.80 Guthrie., Ira, HAL Pine St.,.. 23.25 C Guy, Mr. and Mrs. Morris. Lot Border 8t 2.00 ( Hancock,H. D.. HAL Poplar St 20.60 I Henderson, Albert, HAL Poplar St 23.611 Heritage, Mr, A. R , HAL Washington St >6.05 I Holt. B. C. HAL Mc Aden St... 13.75 Holt, Mrs. Ben B.. HAL S. C Main St.. 2 HAL McAden St. 67.28 Kufflnes. W. V., H A L 8. 1 Main St 15 38 I Ivey, Chas., HAL Banks St. .. 18.63 I Ivey. Mrs. Fern, HAL N. Main St 32.10 ? Jeffreys J. Hsenate, HAL Providence Road 2.65 F King. Mrs. Ida Pearl. HAL Poplar St. 11.66 N King. O. D . HAL Mill 8t 26.37 | Klvetu Geo. L .HAL W. Elm St 64-34 H Lovette. Herbert. H A L W. Harden St. 16.60 R Loy, John H.. H A L Maple St.. Ext 26.25 Si Mantk C. R- HA L Washing ton 8t.. HAL Market St.. .. 22.32 Si Martin. L M.. HAL New St... 13.38 SI Martin, R. B. Jr? Lot New St. 1.13 81 Moore. O. A., 3 Lou no des... 2.26 T 3key. J. A.. HAL Albright ave. 31.62 Pierce. J. W.. 2 Lou nodes. . 1.11 Quails. J. M.. L Westovsr SL. 36.33 Rich, Alton B., H&L Poplar St.. . 34.2S Roach. M. D., HAL, Poplar St >.63 Russell, Naomi, HAL Hollow St.. 4.88 Saunders, M. T., HAL. Sykee Green Develoymtnt, 3.00 Smith, D. G., HAL, Sidney Rd. 21.40 Slaughter, J. H? HAL S. Main St 47.55 Self, J. T., HAL Poplar St.. Lot Poplar St., Store House, 03.61 Sharpe. J. W., HAL Mill St... 7.00 Sharps, P. D., HAL Scott St., 10.00 Swing, J. F., HAL S. Maple St. 9.00 Thompson, Charles P., HAL S. Main St., .. 15.38 frollinger, Mrs. B. R., Lot Marshall St 1.50 ATalton. L. L., HAL Parker St, 13.00 White, Frank, HAL Travora St 7.63 Wilkerson, Clarence, HAL Travora St 7.53 Williams, W. Ashtey, Heirs, HAL Mill St., Store no des. 21.75 Wilson, Hansford, HAL Hol low St 13.75 Wright, B. H., Store Bldg., Washington St 43.34 COLORED "handler, Preston, Heirs, H & L Marshall St. 2.25 rotnpton, J. W.. Lot Borded 8t .75 >avls, Henderson, Lot near Brick yard 5.18 Teelamd, Alice, Est., HAL College 8t 10.60 'reeland, Berter, HAL near Brick Yard, 1.60 1 raves, Les A wife. Lot Mar shall St 4.53 lalth Clifton, Lot North. St... 1.05 Iolt.Novella L (Haw River Rd. .75 ?atham, Haywood, HAL near Brick Yd., L. near Brick Yd. 5.05 tewltnt Mrs. A. E., HAL Col lege 3.. HAL Water St 36.23 lolt, Carrie Newlln, HAL Washington 8t 6.26 'ewlln. Henrietta, Lot Wash ington 8t 2.25 :ogers. Lena, HAL near Providence 2.56 ogers. Roxle, Lot Water A Pomeroy St .33 rnlor. Handy, Sr., Est., HAL Gilbreath Rd 5.10 enlor, Handy. Jr.,HAL Mill St lade, Charlie A., Lot no den. .71 tone. Elmer, Lot Border 8t. . 1.75 segue, Elmo. Lot no dee. ... 3.15 This, the 16th day of May. 1*46. FRANCES U. BARRETT, Tax Collector. the same la knocked down to him. and the balance upon confirmation. This, the 28eh day of May. 1HI. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Commissioner. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNT*. IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Mary Lola Knapp. Plaintiff. - vs. - Lowell D. Knapp. Left ml ant. The defendant , Lowell D. Knapp will take notice that an action entitled aa above haa been commenced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, fur the pur. poae of securing a divorce abeolute on the grounds of two years separation; and that the aald defendant will take notice that he la required to appear at the office of the Clerk i-f the General County Court of Alamance County, at the Courthouse In Graham, North Carolina, not later than twenty (10) days after the Ird day of July, 1*4*. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said cause or the plaintiff will apply to the CtAirt for the relief demanded in said complaint. This, the 4th day of June, A.D., 1946. P. L. WILLIAMSON Clerk of the General County Court C. C. Cates, Jr, Atty. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a Judgment made and entered in an1 action in the feuperlod Court orf Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County, plaintiff, vs. Betty Fuller, widow, Rob ert Fuller, Lewis Fuller Ernest Fuller, et al, defendants, the undersignied Com missioner will, on , Wednesday, June 19th, 1946, at 11 o'clock, a. m., at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cas^h, the property described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being in Burlington Town ship, Alamame County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands erf Milton Turner, and others, and Beginning at a rock, coiyier on1 Big Falls Road, and running thence 8. 2 chs. 90 links to a post, corner with Richard Duck; thence with the line of Richard DUck, E. 50 ft. thenice N. to Big Falls Road; thence W. with said road, 60 ft. to the beginning, being the real property owned by Lewlsi Fuller at the time of his death and descended to the defendants, and all other real property in Burlington Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, ownteel by tt?e said Lewis Fuller at the time o* i his death and descended to the said defendants. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of his bid when the same la knocked dnm* tr, jiim anM the balance upon4 confirmation. This* the 15th day of May, 1946. LOUIS In. ALLIiN, Commissioner. Sale Under Chattel Mortgage Under atnd by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain chattel mortgage executed by W. J. Simpson and dated September 10, 1945, and re corded in* Book of Chattel Mortgages No. 155 at page 602 in the office of Register of Deeds cf Alamance County, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured, the undersigned mortgagee will offer for sale at public aucticfi to the highest bidder for cash at tjie Court House door of Alamance County at Grafeam, North Carolina, on Saturday, Jutfe 8th, 1946, at 12:00 o'clock, noon* the following personal property: 1 Black Diamond Trailer Serial No. 61-1-02. This, the 14th day of May, 1946. W. 8. SIMPSON, Mortgagee. Sale Under CondiUmal Sales Contract Under Mid by virtue of tyie power of Hale contained In a certain Condi tional Sale. Contract executed by W. J. Sltnpsont dated July 14, 1044, and recorded In Book of Cbattel Mort gages No. 141 at pace 242 In the of fice of Register of Deeds for Alamance County, default having been made In the payment of the indebtedness there by secured, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction tot $te high est bidder for cash at the Cofiirthouse door In Graham, Alamance County. North Carolina, on Saturday, June it?. 1*44, at 14:00 o'clock noon the following personal property: lWhlte 4-ton Trailer, Motor No. 4474. Serial No. 444440. This, the 14th day of May. 1040. W. 8. SIMPSON. Mortgagee. w

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