THEGLEANEKl GRAHAM, N. C., JUNE 6; 1946. * 9 Local News ?The second Democratic Pri mary, to be run on June 22, has been called by E. Earle Rives and M. M. Gerringer, runners-up in the first Primary for - Congress and Sheriff. | ?Miss Sarah Bell Thompson, Field Secretary, Alamance county Girl Scouts, has resigned her positiqp as of September 1st. A successor to Miss Thompson has not been samed. j ?The final exercises for st)u dents of the Graham school were held this morning. Four seniors, all ex-service men, received- di plomas. The rest of the class will return next year for a twelfth grade. ?The June meeting of the lo cal chapter of the U. D. C. has been postponed from this after noon until next Thursday at 8 o'clock in the evening. The meet ing will be held at the home of Mrs. J. S. Cook. ?The regular session of the Alamance county general court was opened Monday morning and was immediately adjourned. All cases docketed for trial this week had been previously continued un. til the June 10th session. ?Finnl fiooires f<w the Emer gency Food Drive conducted here show that $124.81 was collected in cash contributions and more than 1200 cans of food to be shipped to the starving people of Europe and Asia. ?An increase in the tax rate of the Town of Graham from $1.50 to $1.80 on each $100 prop erty evaluation has been reveal ed by a town official, who says that the increase was necessary to meet the rising cost of labor and equipment. Mrs. J. Mel Thompson and A. B. Thompson .went to Mebane last Thursday for the funeral of Sam Scott. Lt. and Mrs. James S. Cook, Jr., of Oak Ridge spent the week-end with Lieutenant Cook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Clao Owens and son, Johnny, are going to North Wilkesboro to make their home. Mr. Owens will be manager of the Kress store there, Mr. and Mrs. Turner Harden and daughters, Nettie Ann and Bett, of Danville, Va., spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. P. R. Harden, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rnney. BirLhs 1*? anj Mko T Anlrntf. Rlftck ATJLX. Oi*i imo. i^vnv.. well of Burlington, a son, Walter Harden Blackwell, at St. Leo's hospital, Greensboro, May 30. Mrs. Blackwell is the former Miss Annie Ruth Harden of here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. How erton of Gibsonville, a daughter, Linda Ruth, at Sternberger's - hospital, Greensboro, May 28. Dr. Troxler's Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Haley of Burlington, a daughter, Vir ginia Mae, May 27. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Mitchell, Bur lington, route 1, a son, Frankie Eugene, May 28. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McVey of of Snow Camp, route 2, a daugh ter, Janie Kay, May 29. Mr. and Mrs. John Guy Heri . tage of Burlington, a son, Ever ette Ogfourn, II, May 31. Rader-Coble Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Maram duke Rader announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bettie Maude, to Thomas Worthy Coble, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Worthy Coble also of here. The wedding is planned for June 22 at the Gra ham Methodist church. j Celebrate Golden Wedding Day Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Wade of Gibsonville, celebrated their Gold en Wedding day Sunday, May 26, During the afternoon they re ceived friends and relatives at their home. Werld Income It in estimated that 81 per cent of the people in the world have a real income of lesa than $10 per breed winner per week. J PERSONAL j L-H. Kernodle and son, Lovick H., *., were visitors here Tues day. , Miss Betty Scott is spending several days in Wilmington visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Linens are visiting their son, A. J. Lin ens, in Raleigh, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foust, Jr? of Greensboro were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foust. t A. P. Williams went to-Gray's Chapel, Randolph county . for ? reunton of the Williams family on Sunday. < Miss Mary E. Parker spent Fri day in Greensboro with her cous in, Miss Lillie Ilonrine, who is in the hospital for treatment. Dan Reaves, Bowden Moore and Allen D. Tate, Jr., attended the W. C. U. N. C. senior prom Friday evening in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Justice, Jr., oi oheraw. S. C., spent the week-enu With Mrs. Justices mother, Mrs. lone Scott Thomp son. Mrs. Durward Stokes attended the Woman's Auxiliary Training qnVinnl rvF the PrflflKvtorion oVtitwli V4 W??V 4. *VWWJ W* !?*" VUIUVU at Peace Ck>llege in Raleigh this week. Capt. and Mrs. Henry Nooe and daugnter, Margaret Courtney, of Philadelphia, are spending sever* al days with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Holt. Pvt. Robert A. Fousit, a mem ber of the Army Band at Camp Lee, Va., spent the .week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Foust. W. I. Ward, Jr., of the Univer sity of North Carolina Law school Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Ward. William deR. Scott and John B. Straitford, Jr.' arrived home from Fishburne Military School last Friday *o spend the summer va cation with their parents. Mrs. Hal McAdams and son, Mac, Mrs. lone Morris and daugh ter* Kay, and Mrs. E. E. Mc Adams left last Saturday for a week's stay at Myrtle Beach. Mrs. Morris returned home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Neese and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Jontes are spending several days in Atlan tic City, N. J. Mr. Jones and: Mr. Neese are attendeng the National convention of Rotary Internation al. - C. S. Murphy and daughter, Mrs. Blanche Johnson of High Point were guests of their sis ters, Misses Annie and Cornelia Murphy on Sunday and attended memorial day at Providence Christian church. Miss Dorothy Foust and Mr. and Mrs. William Berkley of Durham spent the week-end in Greensboro attending the WC, UNC alumnae meeting on Satur day and the baccalaureate sermon at Woman's College on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Stockand went to Oak Ridge Military acad emy last Friday to see their son, Robert M. Stockard, Jr., receive his diploma at the graduation ex ercises. They were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Virginia Stockard. _ ( Among the out-of-towners present at Providence memorial day Sunday were John W. Hard en, private secretary to Gov. Gregg Cherry, who was speaker for the occassion, and Mrs. Hard en, and their son and daughter, Miss Glenn Abbott Harden and Jack of Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harden and Ray Harden, Jr., of Durham; Glenn Anglin of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. George Clendenin of Raleigh; Dr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Hon College. John B. Stratford, John B. Stratford, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stratford, Mrs. W. H. Strat ford, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kernodle, Jr., Mrs. D. Burton May, Mrs. Parke Stratford, Mrs. John J. Henderson, Mrs. Harper Barnes were among those attending the graduation exercises at the Wom an's College of the University in Greensboro on Monday. Miss Cora Harden Stratford, who re ceived her A B degree, and Mrs. John B. Stratford, who had been with her daughter for the week end's activities, accompanied Mr. Stratford home. Alamance County Graduates 0/ W. C. BETTIE "ANE OWEN. NORA LEE COOK. CORA HARDEN STRATFORD. Greensboro, June 3 ? In the class of 448 students who grad uated this morning from The Wo man's College were three from Alamance county. In graduating exercises in Aycock auditorium speakers were Gov. R. Gregg Cherry, Dr. Frank Porter Graham, president of the University of North Carolina; Dr. W. C. Jack son, chancellor: and Miss Betty Jane Sarratt, Ircvard, represent ing the senior class. Governor Cherry presented diplomas to the graduates, on whom President Graham conferred degrees. Alatnance graduates included Misses Nora Lee Cook, Burling ton"; Cora Harden Stratford. Gra bam, and Bettle Jane Owen, Gib aonvllle. Miss Cook, a candidate for a bachelor of science degree in sec retarial administration, has been a member of Pine Needles, year book staff this year. She is a member of the Dikean society. Gamma Alpha club, for business majors, and has formerly served as hall proctor, dance committee member and floor leader for the War Service league. An A. B. degree with a major in voice was awarded to Miss Stratford. A transfer from Saint Mary's college, she has been a member of College choir for the past three years, the Dikean so ciety, Glee club and Vcng Com poser's club. Last year J - Strat ford made Dean's Hat for honor students and was an advisor to freshmen. A bachelor of science degree In physical education was awarded Hiss Owen. She has been a mem ber of College choir, Aletheian society and Recreation associa tion for four years. Her other ac tivities include Pine Needles staff, Square Dance club, and participa tion in hockey, soccer, speed ball, swimming, volley ball, Softball and baseball events. Miss Owen was also named to Dean's list. Governor Cherry Main Speaker At Providence The Providence Memorial As sociation had Governor R. Gregg Cherry as speaker at its 46th an nual meeting at Providence Chris tian church last Sunday The church was filled and over flowing with the people who wished to hear the Governor's message. Pointing out that such institu tions as the Providence church have strengthened the spiritual fibres of the nation, Governor Cherry said "Although two wars have weakened many things It has strengthened the principal of spiritual development. The natu ral result", he said, "is a greater respect for the unfathomable and a consequent drawing closer to God." i Reviewing the history of the church from its establishment in 1751, Governor Cherry said that "this spot has for nearly two cen turies been a center of eduotiont al, community, judicial and social activities of the state, with a heritage that the people of Ala mance county can be justly proud." I Following the morning session the .meeting adjourned to the church grounds where more than i 500 persons had a picnic din- j ner. In the afternoon a special mu- < sir program was offered by the 1 church choir and by Frank T.n ney, well known tenor. 1 A brief business session was ' presided over by W. J. Nicks, < president of the Providence Me- \ mortal association. C. A. Trol- > linger was elected president for 1 the next year. | 1 Rotary Club Meeting Members of the local Rotary club were entertained with a quiz programr during their regular weekly meeting last Thursday , evening at the Green Gables Iim. President Leo Grutsch presided and conducted the quiz program. Following members stood for ? one minute in silent prayer in ob- j servance of Memorial Day. An invocation was conducted by Al len Tate. I Rev. John R. Williams Evangelistic services will be gin at Hawfields Presbyterian church Rt. 1, Mebane, on June 16th and will continue through through the 28th. Services will be held each day at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by Rev. John R. Wil liams, Evangelist. G. C. Graduate MISS BETTY BLAND COOK of Graham, received her B. S. degree from Greensboro Col lege on Monday, May 27th. She is a member of the Emerson so ciety, a senior marshalI, and business manager for the i al lege paper, "The Collegian." Rev. John W. Patton Passes Rev. John W. Patton, 85, prom nent citizen and retired Christian minister of Elon College, died Wednesday evening of last week it Alamance General hospital af er several days of critical illness. Rev. Patton was widely known throughout the state as Grand i ecturer Masoic Lodge. He was' >rdained into the ministry sixty five years ago and served pastor al charges until 1934 when he re signed to give his entire time to Masonic service. He was Masonic ecturer for 22 counties in the state. He is a past master of he EJon College Lodge and has served as worthy patron of the >rder Eastern Star and past wor thy .patron of the order Eastern Star, North Carolina. He had been a resident of Eton College for the past forty-five j years. He was educated in the free schools of Alamance county, | Graham Normal College, Suffolk Collegiate Institute and the Uni versity of North Carolina. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Allene Patton Rich; anfl Mrs. Gwendolin Patton Fogleman Dne brother, George Patton, and two grandsons. Funeral services were conduct ed Friday afternoon in Whitley auditorium at Eton College by Dr. L. E. Smith assisted by Rev. L. Boyd Hamm. Interment was in Magnolia cemetery. Poo (try Feed One 100-pound bag of 34 to 38 per cent concentrate, and 700 pounds of whole farm grains will feed 100 hens on full egg production about one month. Fohn Alexander Baynes Pauses John Alexander Baynes, 52, a resident of Burlington for the past 30 years and city clerk for the past 13 years, died at Ala mance hospital Sunday afternoon following one week of illness. Born in Caswell county as the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ar ch [e Alexander Baynes, the de ceased remained on his father's farm until moving to Burlington where he became associated in the tobacco business and remain ed there until accepting the city clerk appointment. While in the tobacco business he tr^yeled through several sopthem states. Funeral services were conduct ed at the home Tuesday after noon by Rev. Chester Alexander assisted by Clyde Stanfield. Bur ial iwas Pine Hill cemetery. Surviving are his wife, MrB. Dorsie Vaughn Baynes; four daughters, Mrs. C. R. Faucette, Jr., Mrs. James C. Brooks, Cpb Doris Baynes and Jo Anne Bay nes ; one son, John A. Baynes, Jr., and four grandchildren. Musical Program Given at School More than 700 people packed into the school auditorium last Thursday night for a concert by the Graham school glee club, Dana ana aancmg ciaas. i ne pro gram, which was under the di rection of Misses Margaret H. Porter and Geraldine WaH, in cluded band and glee club num bers and skits by the dancing classes. A total of 125 students parti cipated in the event, which clim axed the work by the three school organizations for the year. It was the second public appearance of the school band, which was or ganized this year for the first time. The glee club has won state-wide honors in singing com petition. AGENTS WANTED Life, Hospitalization, Health and Accident ?Pari or Full Time Worth L. Thompson Agency For All Your Insurance Needs Phone TSS P. ?>. lies SS GRAHAM, N. C. STOP SUFFERING FROM RHEUMATISM LBMBACB. SWOLLEN JOINTS AITttfffTO, BACKACHE, NEBKfTIS QmUk raHmf ?M am M yamaa. aeclaii Mm mumimtai mam Miwot LAKfNl f DROPS fhlM km IhijM fLmm aa*a4 tkay maraa t>m>t I mi'i LAKOTS ? DROP! Mm am a ? ai mUiImHm aa yam mammy kmak. LAKIN'9 9 DION Om Me At AH Dreg Slew INSURANCE To Fit Your N<*d? ?E AUTOMOBILE Graham Underwriters agency, inc. ALTON UTLEY MRS. GENEVA FOUST 121 Nortk Mm Stmt PkoM m Bwid* CmIum Tmm CmUb. N. C. =ALMANAC= "Ti? my to M*. hard t^onZH" 11?Praddant Mllferand of Franco raatgrmi 1924. 11?World Eoonomlc Confer ?no* mm* In London, 1933. kT>?Flrmt trad* tt*aty bo I tw**n U. S. and Japan In atgmd. 1859. 14?Flag Day. 14?Ftrrt Liberty Loan ti o**o ?ubaallmd. 1917. lit?World War I reparation* k coni*r*nd*op*n*atLau 'V- aann*. Swtmriand. 1931 17?LaFayntfe lay* oornar ?Ion* o< Bunker Hill mon ument 1825, wmtm? HADLEY'S "The Jewelers'' < Graham, North Carolina Firn Income Average 1943 farm income was $1,647 with 700,000 Midwest farms rsporting an average income of H000. CHURCH BULLETIN GRAHAM KKIKND8 MEETING Rev. Rcber: O. Crow, Pastor 1:41 a. m.: Sunday School. Daniel Allen, superintendent. 11:00 a m.: Morning worship. t.l( p m.: Young Friends meeting. ?????m^^?n? 7.00 p. m.: Evening Worahip. T:00 p. m. Wedneaday: Prayer meet GRAHAM METHODDrr CHURCH Re*. J. 1. Boon*. Paator. 0:46 a. m.: Church School. W, B. Thompeue, auperlntendent. 11:11 a. m.: Morning worahip. Ser mon by the paator. ? :00 p. m.: Toung People'* Meet- -\i Ing. Dorothy Fouat. Leader. 7:00 p. m.: Evening Worahip Ser mon by the paator. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Re*. Guy S Cain, Paator. 0:45 a. m.: Sunday School. Monte Burke, auperlntendent, 11:## a. m.: Morning worahip. Ser mon by the paator. 7:00 p. m.: Baptlat Training Union. Mlae Ciena Church, director. 1:0# p. m. Evening Worahip p. m. Wedneeday: Prayer Meet ing. BAPTIST ANDREW MEMORIAL, CHURCH Corner Market and Mill Sta. Rev. Eugene Hancock, Paator 1:41 a. m.: Sunday School. J. W. Gray, auperlntendent. F. B. Pegg. aa ?octate. 11:00 a. m.: Morning worahip. Ser mon by the paator. 7:1# p. m.: Evangelletlc aervloe. Sermon by the rant or. PROVIDENCE MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bernard Vernon Munger, Minuter 10:00 a- m. Sunday School Robt. Rueaell, Superintendent. 11:00 a. m.: Service of CftrlatlalM Worahip. GRAHAM PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Frederick W. Lewie, D. D? Temporary Supply Paator. 0:46 a. m. Sunday School, H- D. Jonea' Superintendent. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worahip. Ser mon by paator. 7:10 p. m.: Evening Worahlp 7:10 p. m.; Wedneeday. Prayer Meeting. BBTH.WT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. R. Buhlar, Paator 0:46 a. m.: Sunday School, L. N. Glenn, superintendent. ,1:00 a. m.. Morning Worahip 7 00 p. m.: Young People's Veaper Service 7:10 p. m.: Wedneeday, Prayar Meeting |||kir Is National JUIlL Dairy Month For Added Mil If Energy Drink IVIILIi Melville Dairy Phone 1600 Burlington, N. C. llfliWliiillWuli ANY MAGAZINE LISTED AND THIS NEWSPAPER BOTH FOR PRICE SHOWN ? fmmirmi Fnrit Qimmm $1.25 Q PilfctitO . AwiHrw 6M 2J0 _ Ptolaptot 2.11 . twriru PM(try Jtmul 1.15 . Fipalw M<dn?ic? 2J0 AviitiM ia Mitw MO - Npalar Sciaaca Maattoy 1.00 CMM Uto MO PaaHry Trtoaaa 1.15 " OuiitiM N?nM MO ' Fmwhn farwm 1.15 Ciwrt J JO . lnOr*i t>H?f 2.75 Cimct (i|IWi MO ? Ritonh 2J0 ' Ca??iI 6? II w, 5 Yn. 1.50 " Sckttifk OrtKtiw MO Ita* Umkc tJO ' Sciaaalaai 2J0 Fm M. ? rmWtWito 1.15 ! SilwkrHt 2J0 Ptevar feavar MO S#?rti A#WW 2J0 UOavtf (?Mklr! MO , 1?*0w Afnnttvwi 1.11 Ito* Amp MO Tit Nwnlnr fjf Hart UaaNadi fiiiUM 1.25 Tkt Vmm 2.10 Hatw ?10 h*. U Ma.) MO Tr?a Stary 2.10 Opaa Raatf 412 In. M MaJ.... MO ' U. S. Caman 1J5 ; Oallnri (12 In. 14 Ma.l MO j Wall DHmt'i Caaics 1J5 ? MC tlippCl 2J0 ? Yam Ufa M0 % MfWSPAm ANO MAGAZINES 1 YEAR. UNLESS TKftM SHOWN THE SUPER SEVEN SPECIAL! THIS MIWSrAPtt (I YIAJl) AND MX MEAT MAGAZINES T? a?y 1 Yr. \ all Uvin PmMMot (vmUt) I Yr. I K* ?"L1r Merit StMr 4 Me. f JeenM A Fentor WMe ... 1 Yr. / Q5 MW.Hm Ufa 1 Yr. V ^ 11^ 9aaHamam: I nOm f. ta MM m tte attar dtacka* NO 0 paafa ?Gml>||la to yaw papw. NAM ^ imrr ot ua ? in * j ?. ? - ^ --'4^HI ? ..: 4

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