THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., NOV. 14. 1946 ISSUED EVERT THUR8DAT J. P. KERNODLE, JR., Manager $1 00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE It ?*< at the PtatofOca at Graham. N. C.. aa aaccnd-claaa mat tar. LOOKING I ASSAD ?TOEOROES. BENSON t tmUUii-Mirili CrtUft twtf. JritMtti Government Coal In England the government now owm the cog) mines. Tha mines ?were taken over by tha government. Thara, U la known popularly as "nation aliietlon," and the coal In dustry and Its mlnas ara not expect ed to be raturnad to tha formar own. ?rs at any (oresaeabla data. For mer owners were given government bonds bearing a low rate of Interest. Under this plan tha smaller stock holders could cash out their inter ests if desired, but it is very difficult at mis time lor the larger Holders to exchange their bonds. English coal mining has faced many difficulties in the past. The industry got underway long before any mining machinery was devel oped, and some of the mines have never adopted modern methods. In many, the vein depth has such wide variations that an uneven floor has been created, making it difficult to put in modern conveyors. Some mines are deep, some are shallow. To modernize and keep them oper ating at tile same time, would re quire sinking many new shafts. Hindrance Factors Londoners say these factors kept private owners from modernizing to a greater degree in the past: (y Labor opposed it, fearth g not enough Jobs would be left, (2) Numerous government regulations retarded progress and hindered moderniza tion, (2) Limited profits and high taxes made it hard to get reserves needed to pay for modern equipment, and (4) Uncertainty with regard to the issue of government ownership, about which there had been con stant agitation since World War I. Owners rightly saw no expediency in making large expenditures when there was threat of losing control of the investment, not knowing what type of remuneration they might ex pect. Although the conditions set forth ? to justify the nationalization of Eng land's mines are non-existent in America's coal Industry, where equipment is modern and produc tion efficient, these four obstructions to progress have presented them selves in various shapes to plague and sometimes to stall our own in dustries. We must come to realize that these factors which limit our progress could in tlma bring the aama sort of "nationalization" which now retards Britain's Indus trial progress. No Sueeess Tot, Has the new system given Eng land the coal ah# wants? The an swer is: No. Output per man-hour has not held up?much less im ? proved?under the labor govern ment and nationalization. All meth ods of recruiting adequate labor have failed. The month of May was one of the best, with nine-tenths U one ton produced per man par day, but since May the average has de crease^ This figure compares poor ly with an average of more than Ave tons produced per man-day in America. The Minister of Fuel, Mr. Shin well, has Just warned that "there may be soma stoppages in industrial undertakings this winter." He esti mates coal reserves In Britain at the start of winter will be 5,000,000 tons below the safety margin. Re ferring to nationalization, Mr. Shin well said: "If under the new pro gram, the industry proves to be a failur* ansl HnaVsi't ea??M ?* we need, It will be a bad outlook for the whole country." So far the outlook le bad. South Tyrol Strategic Northern Italian Boundary Known as the Upper Adifc region to Italians, the South Tyrol is the southward sloping mountain region between the Brenner pass and the Italian town of Salorno. It is some what larger than Delaware, with nigged peaks rising to 11,000 feet in height. The mountains Bank the valleys in a grandeur that made the region one of Europe's most popu lar playgrounds. Centuries ago the Oermanic peo ple from the north side of the divide began filtering through the Brenner pass and its neighboring corridors into these south-slope valleys, which they claimed. The name Tyrol, gradually applied to the Austrian land on both aides of the Brenner pass, originated with the castle of the counts of Tyrol, now a ruin on the Adige near Merano. The Austrian overflow in time reached southward to claim a mid dle Adlge area around Trento (Aus trian: Trlent). After Italy became a unified modern kingdom in 1K1, however, it looked, on the Alpine di vide at Brenner aa Its strategic, nat ural border. By winning the South Tyrol ad wen as the Trento region in the peace-table deciaioos after World War I. Italy attained the de aired boundary. It also acquired a problem population in the South Ty rol, consisting of a quarter-million Austrians and only 20,000 Italians. Pressure Saucepans Speed Preparation of Foods A demand for pressure saucepans far greater than supply in most lo calities speaks well for them. The saucepan works on the same basic principle as a pressure cooker for use in everyday cooking. By con fining steam under pressure, this utensil can be heated to tempera tures above boiling and permits ex ceptionally rapid cooking. Quick cookery not only saves time for the cook, but saves fuel as well. Loss of food nutrients is cut to a minimum, too, because they are not boiled away in large amounts of cookng water. Pressure saucepans, manufac tured by a number of different com panies, are made of materials which can withstand sudden tem perature changes. This quality will permit quick reduction In pressure ? by pouring cold water oyer the saucepan. (But don't try this with i your pressure cooker?that's a dif ferent thing!) Fllariasis No Threat There is no danger of fllariasis, a mosquito borne disease, being spread in a community by the re turning service man, according to Capt. L. T. Coggeahall of the navy. A study of several thousand sailors and marines reveals that their infec tion was extremely light, they were removed immediately from the area where the disease was prevalent and examination sl\owed their blood 'to be free of parasites. Captain'Cog geshall, who was aided in his study by 12 navy associates, says that fll ariasis was acquired by 10,431 navy personnel In the South Pacific area, mostly in the Samoan group of Islands. Of these 2,595 were ob served over a 17 month period at Klamath Falls, Ore. Filariae are threadlike worms which are trans mitted to man by mosquito bites. Without the intermediary mosquito the disease cannot be spread. The adult worms live in the lymph glands while the larvae migrate into the blood stream where they are usually found only at night. Dur ing the waking hours of the patient, it has been assumed that they re tire to the lungs, kidneys and deep lying tissues. The filariae may be present In the body without caus ing any symptoms. It is only when the worms block the lymph channels that definite symptoms occur, such , ag inflammation of the lymph | (lands which causes fever and'paftt Ail swelling of the affected parts. ~?-i Good Grass Grass should get a good three inch top growth before it's cut in the spring. This allows the tops to manufacture food for the roots and aid in root development. When you get around to mowing the lawn, don't cut the grass right down to the ground. If you adjust the lawn mower so the blade snipe off the grass about an inch and a half to two Inches from the ground, your grass wll be sturdier and better able to withstand ?reeds, heat, drouth, insect and animal pests and kids riding their bicycles across it. Uncle Sam Says All of us are discoverers In some fashion. During the war millions of my nieces and nephews made one of the most Important discoveries concerning their future happiness . . . that it Is easy to save effective ly. Merely by setting aside a por tion of their current Income each pay day for United States Savings Bonds, great numbers of you are building backlogs for emergencies as well as long-range objectives such as a new home, education for your children, and travel. U. S. Treasury Department Subscribe For The Gleaner ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Adminlstratoi of the Estate of Isaac Newton Andrews deceased, late of Alamance County North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the Bald es tate to exhibit them to the undersigned at Route 2, Liberty, N. C.f on or be<for< the 15th day 0f October, 1947-, or thl? notice will be pleaded in bar of theij recovery. The Army Ground Forces offers you A NEW LIFE OUT THERE Look toward Korea and Japan! A thrilling new jd> and a new life?with interesting work, sports, entertainment and travel opportunities?can be had for the asking by qualified young men who volunteer for the 1st Cavalry, 11th Airborne, 6th, 7th, 24th or 25th Infantry Divisions. What an opportunity .. , what a job! Training in one of these crack units will stand you in good stead wherever you go. Study a foreign language. Learn the fascinating details of Military Government?to vital to future peace and prosperity. Japan's "Isles of Pines" are but a sample of the attrac tions of an Army career in the Far East. The Army has reopened comfortable hotels, theaters, swimming pools, trnnii dubs, golf courses, ball parks. These ? familiar haunts ol pre-war tourists ? and many new developments ? provide a broad choice of recreation. Not everyone can measure up to this job. Only 3-year enlistees who meet prescribed physical and mental standards can enjoy the benefits of such a job. High overseas pay, good food and lodging and a generous retirement plan make yonr future in the Army Grwmd Forces too good to miss! See your nearest Army Recruiting Officer for full details. s list? tot "lint ?a." "Wwlists st Pasts," "tsks ef Ms Army." "fsssdk Mf? M mM ?? . - . . sF^^^wy ws sv^ma ?^^^v m ^vl^^^^WWs HDtrS WHAT YOU GAIN ON OVBtSIAS SOtVICI ITAjmN# BAS1 PAY ? ^ n PBMOHTM M MMIM Hmw Imwl h II. t. to mm ?* SvaMM . . najoo fiM.00 Tirfcalnl gifm . , 119X0 162X0 lOOOma. Stmt Smpmt .... 119X0 130X0 aoiw 5?iMO 100X0 12000 Cocpord 90X0 100X0 Prim Fint Om . . 00X0 90X0 CAM Prim* 79X0 90X0 27, P. O. BUILDING, BURLINGTON, N. C. 418, J?. O. BUILDING GREENSBORO, N. C. omni krrtn 9mm Nf by jt%l T?r Rtptar Ann; farm tfa Mm mA MakM !? W?r mA Pmm r ? All porsons Indebted to Mid estate will bless* make Immediate payment. Thla, the 7th day of October, 1141. TORE TEAOUE. Administrator, estate of Isaac Newton Andrews, deceased. T. C. Carter, Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as llzecutor of the estate of O.W.lfc. Thompson, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Caro lina. this la to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Routs 1,'Box ll.'Haw River, N, c? on or before the ISth day of Oc tober, 1147, or this notice will be plead ed In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 17th day of October, 1*44. DEWITT THOMPSON, Executor of the estate of O. W. Mc. Thompson, deceased. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified a* Administrator of the state of G. T. Ward, deceased, late of Alamance County, North Caro lina, thla la to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Graham, North Carolina, on or before the 25 th day of Oeiober, 1947, or this notice will be pleinded in bar of their recovery. All Dersons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment This, the 18th day of October, 1946. W. ERNEST THOMPSON, , Administrator of the estate of G. T. Ward, deceased. ADMINISTRATR1XS' NOTICE The undersigned, having qtalified as Administratrix of the Estate of John E. Simpson, deceased, late of Alamance County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said Estate to present them to the undersigned at her home on Shepherd Street in the City of Burlington, N. C., on or before the 21st day of November, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will make immediate payment to the undersigned. This, the 14th day of November, 1946 ANNIE I. THOMPSON. Administratrix Cooper, Sanders dt Holt. Attys. Notice of Re-Sale Under authority of a Judgment of the Superior Court of Alamance-County in a special proceeding entitled **C. P. Williamson, Docie McBroom, and others, vi. Hattle Lea, widow, Cath erine Lea, and others," and upder authority of an order of re-sale in said anion, tne undersigned Commissioners will, on Friday, November 29th, 1946, at 11:00 o'clock, a. m. at the Courthouse door In Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follow*; The following lots or parcels of land lying and being in Haw River Town ship, Alamance County, North Caro lina, and being Lots Numbered Four* (4). Five (6), Six (?>. Seven (7). Ten (10), Eleven(ll), Seventeen (17) Eigh teen (18), and Lot No. ThTee (8), of the property known as the Brown Lea Estate. as subdivided by 7. Mark Mc Adams, Surveyor, July, 1946, plat which Is duly recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in Book of Plats No. 4, at page 126, and a reference to said plat is hereby made for a complete description of said real property by metes and bounds. This is a re-sale and bidding will be gin on Dot No. Three (S) at $220.00. on Lot No. Four (4) at $225.50; on Lot No. Five (5) at $242.00; on Lot No. Sly (6) at $81$.50; on Lot No. Seven (7) at $148.50; on Lot No. Ten (10) at $187.00; on Lot No. Seventeen (17) at $121.00; and on Lot No. Eighteen (18) at 8818.75: on Lot No. Eleven til) $201.50 The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of their bid wfcen the same is knocked down to him. and the balance upon confirmation. This llth day of#November. 1941. LOUIS C. ALLEN and CLARENCE ROSS. Commissioners NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THK SUPERIOR COURT ' (lereldlne Workman Braxton and WU ? I Urn Workman, minora, by their Nex Friend. Qrady C. Workman. Jr., Petitioner* ye. Wade Braxton. Respondent. The respondent. Wade Braxton, will take notice that a proceeding entitled aa above, has been commenced against him In the Superior Court of Ala mane# County. North Carolina, and the pur. poae of said proceeding Is to eectfre a ?ale of the Interest of Oeraldlne Work man Braxton and William workman, minora. In real property located In Alamance County, North Carolina, the said Oeraldlne Workman Braxton and William Workman being minora, and the respondent. Wade Braxton, being married to Geraldine Workman Brax ton, and It being aliened In said petition (ileal In the action so brought, that a sale of aald real property will materially promote and enhance the beet internet and the estate of the said minora. The eaid respondents. Wade Braxton, will further take notice that he Is re quired to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina, and answer or demur to* the petition In said proceeding, on the 23rd day of November, l*4t, or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in the petition. This, the JOth day of October, 1344. F. L. WILLIAMSON, Clerk Superior Court Louis C. Allen, Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA Ai AMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Gene E. BreedIove, by his next friend, Irene M. Taylor, Plaintiff, va - Mildred Loman BreedIove, Defendant The defendant, Mildred Loman Breedlove, will take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been com menced In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce on the grounds of two consecutive years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is requlred to appear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court In the courthouse in Graham, North Carolina, within twen ty days after the 2 lot day of November, I 1946, and answer or demUr to the complaint in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said action. This, the 21st day of October, 1946. F. L WILLIAMSON, Clerk of General County court. of Alamance County. Barnie P. Jones. Atty. NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Etta Felton Brttt, Plaintiff, . - Louis Oliver Britt, Defendant. The defendant, Louis OHver Britt, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Qeneral County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of securing a divorce absolute an the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk vt the Genera] County Court of Alamance County, at the Courthouse in Graham, North Carolina, not later than thirty (10) days after the 14th day of November, 1946, and answer or demur, to the com plaint of the plaintiff filed in said cause, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded 3ti said complaint. This, the 21st day of October, 1946. P. L. WILLI AMBON Clerk General County Court C. C. Cates. Jr., Atty. NOTICE SERVICE BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL C OUNVY COURT William A. Lynch ?Tl Christine E. Lynch The defendant above named will take notice that an action has been begun in the General county Court of Alamance County. North Carolina, it being an action brought by the plain tiff against the defendant for absolute divorce; and the defendant will further take notice that she is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County in the Counhcuae In Graham, North Carolina, on the 7th day of De cember, 1*44, and answer ok demur to the complaint In said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in raid complaint. This, the 7th day of November, 1444. r. L. WILLIAMSON Clerk General Coanty Court, of Alamance County. Thomas C. Carter, Atty. Notice of Re-Sale Under authority of a judgment of the < Superior Court of Alamance County. I in a special proceeding entitled -Annie C. Wood, widow; George H. Wood and , wife. Mud Kartell Wood, et el. Ye. Mary Wood Foust and husband, R. L. Foust, Respondents," end under au. thorlty of an order of re-sale In said action, the undersigned Commissioned ' will on Friday, November ftth. 1*41, J at 11:44 o'clock, a. m.. at the Courtoum door In Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described ?? follows: A parcel of land In Albright Town hip, Alamance County North Carolina adjoining G. H. Wood, V. T. Wood and others, and - Beginning at a stake, corner with G. H. Wood: and running thence Bast with the line of Shelly Coble, (.70 chs. to a rock, corner with V. T. Wood; and running thence N. 1 deg. W. with the line of said V. T. Wood. 1575 chs. to a rock, corner with V. T. Wood In the old road; thence again with V. T. Wood N. 8( deg. W. 7 chs more or leas to a rock, corner with G. H. Wood; being a point in the old road; thence S. 2 deg. W. with the line of Q. H. Wood. 15.78 ch. to the beginning, containing 10 acres, to be the same, be there more or less, being a part ot the real property described in deed from C. R. Marietta and wife, to J. R. Wood, dated May 81, 1(11, and being known as the Clen dentn property. This Is a re-sale, and bidding will be gin at 81.(50.00. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten (10) per cent of his bid when the name Is knocked dowll to him, and the balance upon confirma tion. Thle 12th day of November, 1946. LOUIS & ALLEN. Commissioner. Re-Sale of Home and Valuable Tobacco. Land Under and by virtue of the authority vested In me by the last will of Thos. B. Byrd, and an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County, I will offer for Public Re-Sale to the highest bid der, on Saturday, November !0th, 1040, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, on the premises, the following real estate: FIRST TRACT. Consisting of two lots as follows: (a). Beginning at a rock, corner of C. L. Gilliam, T. B. Richmond and Leslie Garrison, tlience In a northern direction 6% rods to a pine tree; thence 28 rods to pointers in a N. E direction; thence 29% rods, thence S-W. direction to a rock, the beginning point and containing 9-100 acre more or less. (b). Adjoining the above described lot and beginning at a rock, corner with Gilliam and Vincent in the middle of public road to Vincent Mill, thence N. 10 deg. E. 1.68 chs. to a rock, corner with R. W. Vincent; thence N 0 deg. 80 mln1. E. 4.28 chs. to a rock In raid Vincent's line thence S. 51 deg W. (B. S. 61% deg.). 12.65 chs. to a rock, corner with said Gilliam Rleh mond and Garrison on) the north side of said Road; thence N. 70% deg. E. Into and with said Road 6.56 chs. to a bend N. of a B. Jack tree; thence S. 88 deg. E. 8.24 chs. to the beginning and containing 2.89 acres more or less. Upon this tract is the home place, two tobacco barnes and other improve ments. SECOND TRACT; Lying across the Road from the above tract and be ginning at a rock, corner with S Y. Baynes lands (Now O. S. Sellers) and running thence N. IS deg. W. 13.81 chs. to a rock, corner with lot of R. W Vincent; thence S. 79 leg. E. (B. S. 89% deg.) 42.48 chs. to a rock on West bank of Stagg Creek, corner with said Vlnoent, lot measured to renter of Creek; thence down said Creek 8 13 deg. W. 4.60 chs.; E. 56 deg. W. 1.90 chs.; 8. 28 deg. W. 7.55 chs. to the center of said Creek (Rock on the WMt hank of PnppkV Hhonca V. 1HtA deg. W., (B. a 78 dtsg ) 88 7 oju. to I the begtatatog and contalnlnt 47 acres ' more or lees. This property U good tobacco land with usual buildings. Time of Bale: 12:90 o'clock, noon. November 80th, 1946. Place of Sale: On the Premises near Sellers' Killing Station. Terms of sale: Reasonable terms i may be made or purchaser may pay Cash. ' This is a Re-Sale owing to misunder standing. This, the 80th day of Octobelr. 1948. D. If. VINCENT. Administrator, e. t g Mebano. R F D. No. 8. J. S Gook, Atty. Notice of Sale. . By virtue of a Judgment made and entered In an actions In the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County, plaintiff, vs Edgar Isley. Arthur Ialey et al. Defendants, the undersigned ' Commissioner will, oil Wednesday, November fOth. 1946, at 11 o'clock, a. m , < it the Courthouse door in Graham, t North Carolina, sell at public auction I to ths highest bidder for cash, the jroperty described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land. lying and being In Graham Town ship, Alamana County, North Carolina, adjoining Washington Street, and others, and being Lot No. 1, of the di vision of the Monroe Harden lands, as shown by Commissioner's Report as the tract allotted to Roaie Taylor, which report Is filed In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, In Book of Deeds Noa >7, at page 114. This la a re-sale, and bidding win begin at tlM.tO. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per-eent of his bid when the same is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirmation. This, the 76th day of October, 1(44. LOU IB CI. ALLKN, Commissioner. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a judgment made and entered in an action In the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Caro Una, entitled Lettie Dibble Hunter Crutchfield and husband, James H. Crutchfield, June E. Hunter, Flossie T. Hunter, vs Coy C. Hunter and wife, Hadgre Hunter; Bell Hunter Robinson, et al, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Wednesday, November 20th, 1946, at 11:00 o'clock, a. m.. at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows; A parcel of land in Newlln Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of J. S. Albright, Jr., W. H. Thompson, M. Jafte Neese, Charles Holt, colored, Calvin Guthrie, and Gurney Wright, and others, and Beginning at a maple stump an<j rock, corner with said Wright ar.d Al bright; and running thence S. 16 deg E. 3. 50 chs. to a rpck thence N. 85 % deg. m 7.44 chs. ,to..a rock; thence S. 16 deg. W. 2.13 chs to a rock in the meadow; thence S. 83 deg. W. 6.20 chs. to a rock; thence P. 16 deg.^E. 29.06 chs. to a rock, corner with said Al bright or Lot No. 1: in said Thomp son line; thence S. 73 deg. W. 17.94 chs. to a dead post oak and rock, cor ner with said Thompson; thence N. 85 V6 deg. de?. W. 8 chs. 83 Iks to a rock in a stump; thenc? N. 31 2-3 deg. W. 5.88 chs. to a rock, corner with said I Wright, at blacksmith shop; thence N. 2 deg. E. 21.55 chs. to a red" oak. cor ner with said Holt; thence N. 33 1-3 deg. W. 7.83 chs. to a persimmon tree, corner with said Wright and Guthrie, being 30 Iks. from the centek of a branch? thftncn 8- 8012 A<t*sr. TT! 16.05 chs. to the be grinning:. contaSng 63.88 acres, more or lees, save and ex cept about two and one-fourth acres heretofore deeded to J. Sam Albright by W. J. Albright, as showta by deed duly recorded In the Office of the Reg i later of Deeds for Alamance County. In Deed Book 98, at page 488. This is a re-sale, and bidding will be gin at $550.00. The purchaser will be required to de l posit ten per cent of his bid \frhen,the same Is knocked down to him and the balance upon confirmation. This, the 26th day of October, 1946. LOUIS C. ALLEN, Commissioner. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a Judgment made and entered In air action in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance county, ^ Plaintiff, vs. Bettte Fuller, widow, Robert Fuller, L?wis Fuller, et al,. Pe fendants. the undersigned Commis sioner will, on Wednesday, November 20th, I9t6, at 11.00 o'clock, a. m., I at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction '' to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being In Burlington Town, ship, Alamance Ccmr.iy, North Caro lina. adjoining the lands of Hilton Turner, aird others, and Beginning at a rock, comer on Big Falls Road, and running thence S, 2 chs. >0 Iks. to a post, corner with Rich ard Duck; thence with the line c1 Richard Duck, E. 60 ft.; thence N. to Big Fall Road; thence W. with aald road, 60 ft. to the beginning, being the real property owned by Lewis Fuller at the time of his death and descended to the defendants, skid all other real property in Burlington Township. Alamance County. North Carolina* owned by the said Lewi* Fuller at the time of his death and descended to the ?aid defendants. This Is a re-sale, and bidding will begin at ?1?!.S0. The purchaser will be required to lepoett ten per cent of his bid When he same Is knocked down to him, and '.he balance upon confirmation. This, the 26th day of October. 1?4?. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Commissioner.

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