It uegle ajn e k GRAHAM, N.C-, DEC. 26, 1946 Local News ?The Orahtn Rotary club will not bold Ita regular weekly meeting to night. ?Members of the County Council of 4-H clube met Saturday morning In the Agricultural building for a special Christmas program. ?Christmas holidays ar? being ob served until next Monday by the Gra ham town office county offices and a few of the local stores. All mills are having a week's holiday. ?Miss Mary Carter, executive di rector of the Alamance County Tuberc ulosis association, has resigned her position effective January 1. A suc cessor to take over her office has not been named. Mrs. Eugeeie Jones left last week to spend the holidays In Lenoir. Frank Warden. Jr., or the University at Chapel Hill is spending th^ holidays with his mother. Gen- and Mrs. Don E, Soett spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Van Mac Nalr in Winston-Salem. Miss Rebecca Harden of New Tork City Is spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Harden. Bill Scott and Jack Stratford of Flahburne Military Academy are spend ing the holidays with their parents. Mrs. Bessie Wilson and Misses Ann and Elisabeth Thompson are spending the holidays with relatives in Palmetto. Florida. Mrs. John W. Justice. Jr., of Cheraw, 8. C.. spent several days last week with her mother, Mrs. lone Scott Thompson. Lt. Sam Bradehaw, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bradshaw, has returned from Panama where he has recently been stationed and is now at home and be ing released from service. Mrs. J. J. -Henderson. Mr. and MTa John Stratford, Jack Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. K-rnodle. Jr., and sons, Bruce Harden and Michael Holt, spent Sunday In Danville- Va, with Jj. H. Kernodle. Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Jaroen attend ed a recital at St Mary's School in Ra leigh in which tftelr daughter, Mlml, was a participant. Miss Jaroes arrived1 home Wednesday of last week for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Ben Holt and Misses Laura Mae and France* Holt, Jack and Jerry Holt and Mrs. J. Harvey W|hlte at tended the graduation exercises at Bowman Gray Medical School In Wtn ston-Salem. Elliot White, fcwmerly of here, was among these graduating. WANT TO RETIRE WHILE YOU'RE YOUNG? JOIN the U. 8. Army and retire at an early age on a monthly retirement, allowance. Travel the world over at no expense to you! Excellent pay with no deductions. Rapid advance ment and free living Quarters. The finest medical and dental cake pro vided. Visit nearest army recruiting station for further details. Room 27, Poet Office Building, Burlington, N. C. 9j5&8$ft (V^vSi ? Here we are again with the ran about to rise upon a brand-new pear. May 1947 be Sited with many happy days for you and your lowed one*. LYNCH PHOTO SERVICE PERSONAL Miss LUa Bell of Raleigh spent Christmas Dey with Mr. and Mrs. Br. eat Thompson. Mr. and Mrs Clyje R. Jordan, Jr., of Bliaabethtown spent Christmas Day with Mrs Jordan's mother, Mrs. Frank Moore. Miss Nan Rogers of the faculty of Sweet Briar College. Sweet Briar. Ta. Is spending the 'holidays with her pair* ants, MT. and Mrs. Ben Rogers. James Moon, Jr? who is a student at Cooper lltalon School of Art. New York City, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J. M. Modi. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Bacon and small daughter. Mary Ellen, of Hills boro spent Christrr.oa Day with Mrs Bacon's par en ta Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Green. DEATHS Judge Buxton Robertson, Tl, widely known educator, lecturer, and author, who has lived In aeinl-retireme'nt for a itimber of years at his home. Burling ton, Route 1 ried Friday afternoon at his home following :> critical Illness. Mr. Robertson, n native of Alamance county, had served as Superintendent of Graham schools, Superintendent of Alamance County schools for a period of six years and then was Superintend rms County schools. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Alice McPherson Robertson; two sisters. Miss Norvle and Mrs. Neely Stroud; on0 brother, Joseph Robertson. HERE'S TO YOUR HAPPINESS Your friendship and our success are | closely interwoven. We hope, in 1947, to strengthen still ' further these bonds of friendship. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL LONGEST SHOE STORE and SHOE REPAIR SHOP GRAHAM. N. C. BEST NEW YEAR W I S H E?S X X A Oar carnal hope a* in face the coming new jeer 1c thal-wa letionahip with ear many p? met end that they, aa well at all the foDu in ear tammmltr, enjoy the holiday and the day* ta fallow in peaco, contentment and rood health FRANK'S Jewelry and Repairing GRAHAM, N. C. Funeral mtthm war* conducted from Mm Rich and Tbompaon Chtfal Sunday afternoon. Burial waa In Pina Hill cemetery. W. J. 'BUI" Bran*, native of Bar. Ungton and for many yaara Idantlflad with tha hoalary Induotry, baeeball aa a major league player and other lnteT aata died here Saturday following a duddan heart attack. Funeral aerrleea wdra held Monday afternoon at lYtmt Street Method lac church by Rot. Ia C. Inrhln Burial wai in Pine Hill cemetery. surviving are hie wife. Mra. Ansa Dare Elder Evana two theu*h tare, erne eon, three etatera. five bro there and I grandchildren. jamee Henry Cornell. 71. died at hie home an Waahlngton ?treat, laat fn day morning. Funeral earvlcee ware conducted Sunday afternoon at the home. Burial' wa* In Providence church cemetery. Surviving m his wif*. Mia. Mary Cornell; on? daughter, four eons, two staters, thraa brothers. II gnavlcha drsn and two great grandchildren. MVa. Tobitha Elrun Cardea. T?. dlod at the homo of bar aoa. Oat Us Cardsa. oa Rout# I. Burlington. Mon day morning. Tha widow of tba lat? John WUllam Cardan, aha la survived by two daugh. ten. two sons. 11 graadchlldraa and li grant grandchlldraa. WUllam Arltado roost, ??? a re tired farmer of Routs 1. died at his home Monday morning following tight days of critical Ullosas. A native of this county, he la-sur vived by oaa aoa. one brother, a slater, aada large number of nleeea and neph. OWB. Funeral service* were held Tuesday afternoon at tha Bethel Methodist church. Burial was in the church cemetery. AS THE PORTALS OF THE NEW YEAR SWING OPEN, WE PAUSE TO CONSOER WHAT THE OLD YEAR HAS BROUGHT AND WHAT THE NEW YEAR MAY BRING. OUR FRIENDS HAVE. INDEED, BEEN GOOD TO US IN 1946. ACCEPT OUR SINCERE THANKS. IN APPRECIATION WE PLEDC3B J ' TO MAINTAIN OUR HIGH STANDARDS OF SERVICE, EVER STRIVING TOWARDS STILL HIGHER GOALS. MAY THE NEW YEAR BE ONE OF HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND SUCCESS TO ALL. M and B Transit Lines, Inc. Safe, Dependable and Comfortable Bat Senrice 214 W. Froat Street - TeWpkooe 2620 BURLINGTON, N. C \m m =ALMANAC=j -J^^Pvnaynlvdomciiykmd ' iikzxts" tf*?!xcaaa 14~1BKT 01 Gh*c* ltan*d- I Day. _ MO-Washington eapturn k. Hanian* at Tranton. 1776. IT?Earibquakn lata KUDO y Htm In Tujkay. 1339, ?Jt?U. & takn m eaakd fc^ruikoadmiT. tt-Caoqm. lain Bnlto pOialnrt?tn?lwii a. llfi. 10?Sun Taint) .Wend tan (ntanl o< China. 1ML ??an. bland opMHd m Immigration D*?t 1N& - HADLEY'S "The Jewelers" Graham, North Carolina North Carolina's * No. 1 Need, Good Health ? Qfoyotil %ivQ/eat StateM I 34- 7^ letter lrle?d? we Mild waat .. . better friends we oould not f possibly have. " ? Sincere good wishes for a happy and prosperous 1947. Woody's Cafe and Ideal Restaurant GRAHAM, N. C. fhwmtiiM) V SnapjOaeJ^Wtth) payjs^rajss B\ tfsssurad doses ? Id poedw ronB tar ^u>ck '"ttnflstVm D Proof of msrtt Boom type tor. and* orsr oos-tfeM osntnry. pBSSy'ii.'EiKt Bisrjx."' ^/liking you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. ymm Im 1M? wc (tend pledpd to Mrre you in 1947. Willi grateful acknowlodyriift ?f part (iTon we extend to al DR. E. I. NOTT HEALTH CLINIC Graha*. N. C, TeiepW 107-W ? .? ? LeOJ*,Wish YOU - 1 PROSPERITY and HAPPINESS During The Coming Year Grah/mi Underwriters Agency, Inc. ALTON UTL?Y MRS. MARY WALKER * 121 Noi Mia Street PVx 593 B?d. CoL. TmMr Cmkmm. N. C. Your Kid Needs . .. . Vitamins . Phosphorus . Calcium . Protein . Iron . All .... Arc In Our MILKI Rich, Creamy MILK Contains All The Health Building Factors So Necessary To The Good Health In The Future of Your Child. Melville Dairy Phone 1600 Burlington, N. C. crtapfuedt NEW YEAR XSE of all 3EZ HAPPY HEARTS HAPPY FACES AND A HAPPY DAY! Wa hope 1947 will bring yon many blessings, and take this means of telling yon how happy we are in having had the opportunity to terre yon so often daring the past year. HAL'S MEN'S SHOP Telephone 1356 GRAHAM, N. C. ft Hi Broadcast Bl( Beo The first broadcast of Loodoo's tig Ban was mads in 1923. Gas on Stomach R?Um4 in 8 miootoc or iovkU jroor mo nay Sock WOac mhn fitatfirti arid eauaaa palafisl. awffaraf lac CM. mm ?umart-, sad OeartOwo. dortart mullr Bsaarrlba tOa fastsod art ln? r.rdtrtnsa knawn far ffllBHh fatiat??adlatoaa Ilka Ohm In Ball ana ? TaMats Ho Uialira Bail ana brines eamton In a itttj or iiakli for aaaaay bac* m ratoro af Pallia to as tto at all dran 1sti iicwaag q^dhr'ate? btew' it^^XS^tcW boS pnmmiummamybmck Doctor My^ Hi?i*il *?>.>.fc Nwwg SUBSCRIBE FOR THE QI.EANER is rare such aiming as PERFECT WOMANHOOD? "Ho"?claim medical authorities, who ought to know! Nature hat to constructed and physi cally endowed woman that in many cases she's lot to coffer certain distressing symptoms during fierilfe. For instance, when sne enters < womanhood?or during the menopause, the period when fertlUtyebte sway. Now if on 'certain days' of the month?fe male functional monthly disturbances art causing row to suffer from pain, nervous dis tress and feel so tired, cranky, you snap at SOW children and husband?then do try Lydia K. pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re Here such symptoms It's lamout for this purpose. Made CSPfOAUY For OMs and Women Pinkham's Compound noes areas than relieve such ""w?nviy pa'n It sloo relieves acoom unyloi nerrouc tension, irritability and weak rdghstrung feelings?when due to this cause. Takan regularly thruout the month ?this great medicine helps build up resistance against mA^dtotmss^A^thlng any sensIMa Igtk Pinkham's Oismssasl Is also very i affective to relieve hot flashes and those funny, embarrassing feelings during the years 98 to M?when^dus ^^tha functional 'middle-age' . . Pinkham's Osigsjsind Is worth trying/ 4k M - 4k 44k - MM ofytoi t. UKMuhk* UZVSffil /