THE GLEANER graham, N. C.. JAN. 9, 1947 ISSUED EVERT THURSDAY h D. KERNODLE, JR, Manager 91jM a year in advance Savored at the Pcstofflcs at Oraham. If. C.. u ascend-class matter. Durum Wheat During the pact three rears North Dakota has produced at least 90 par cent of the total United States crop at durum wheat. help wanted? male OPENINGS Now For PICKED MEN Good Pay and Expenses < If Tou can measure up to the stand ards of the peacetime Regular Army you now have an unusual opportunity. By enlisting for I years you can choose one of the famous fighting divisions now on occupation duly In Japan and Korea. The divisions In which you can en list lnclule such outstanding unlu as the 1st Cavalry Division, 6tji Infantry Divlsloci. 7th Infantry Division. 24th Infantry Division anc. 25th Infantry Division, each of which had a great battle-record during the waT. After Initial training tn the U. 8., you can Join the unit of your choice and take part In the interesting work of maintaining a lust peace in the Ear East. You'll have the advantage of 20 per cent extra pay tor overseas service. 8tartlng base pay for a Private over seas Is 990 a month In addition to food, i lothlng. good quarters, medical and dental care. And you'll enjoy excellent living conditions, plenty of sightseeing sports and recreation, and the satisfac tion of doing a wortt.-while Job. Enlist ments open to men 19 to 14, Inclusive (17 with parents' consent). Get full details at U.S. Army Recruiting Sta tion. Room 27, Port Of flee Building, Burlington, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qtiallflel as Executor of the estate of Dr. J, A. Pickett, deceased, late of Alamance Counly, North Caro lina, this Is to notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of said, deceased to exhibit them to t>ve un dersigned at Rt. 1, Burlington, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of December, 1947, or this notlns will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 12th day of December, 1949. HOWARD A. PICKEJTT, Executor, Estate of Dr. J. A, Pickett W. I. Ward, Atty. STATE Of NORTH CAROLIN A Department of Slate PRELIMINARY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To All to Whom These Presents May Coma?Ore? tin*: WHEREAS, It appear* to my aatls factlon, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding* tor the voluntary dlaeolutlon thereof by the unanlmou* conaent of all the etockholders, de posited- In my ofdee, that the J. Z. Er wln Hosiery, Inc.. a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated at No, street in the City of Burlington, County of Ala mance, Stat* of North Carolina. C. F. Russell, being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of chapter KS, General Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, Tbad Eure, Secre tary of Stat* of the Stats of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on the 14th day of December, 1946, file in my ofdee a duly executed and attested consent la writing to the dissolution of said corp oration, executed by all the stockhold ers thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law In Testimony Whereof, I hsve here to eet my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 14th day of De cember. A. D.. 1946. THAD EURE. Secretary of State. (State of North Carolina) (Seal) Recorded In Corporation Book No. ? at page 71. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTT. IN THE OENERAL COUNTT COURT Rex T. Ray. Plaintiff, vs. Margaret L. Ray, De'endant. The defendant, Margaret L. Ray, in the above entitled action, will take no tice that on the lTtb day of January, 1147. at IS o'clock. A. M. at the Ofdee of the General County Court, in Gra ham. Alamance County, North Caro lina, before th? Clerk of the Oeneral County Court, the undersigned Rex T. Ray will open the deposition of E. C. Mc Elveen and K. F. El dam and others, which depositions were taken before John W. Blood worth, commissioner, the depositions to bo road as evidence for the plaintiff In the above entitled action now pending In the Oenetwl County Coon for A lam an ee County, North Carolina. Thin, the tth day of January. 1947. REX T. RAT, Plaintiff. Loots C. Allan. Atty. II CORDIAL I NEW YEAR || GREETINGS i j TO THE PEOPLE OF GRAHAM With the advent of a bright New Year the Merchants and Service Companies of Burlington, whose names appear herewith, wish to take this opportunity to heartily thank you people of Graham for the generous share of your patronage and business bestowed upon Bur lington firms during the past year. It has been our desire and aim in the past, and will continue to be during the year to come, to give as good values as costs will permit and as perfect service as conditions make possible. We shall always WELCOME YOU IN BURLINGTON! May you encounter only joy and happiness in the coming months, and may each day bring closer the fulfillment of your every dream. In short may this be a NEW YEAR TO YOU MERCHANTS Alamance Home Furniture Co. 437 8. Main Street?Phone 239 Burlington Frozen Foods and Delicatessen 805 S. Church Street?Phone 3429 "Home of 101 Frozen Items" Burlington Sporting Goods Co. "If It's Wilson, It's Right" 423 Worth Street?Phone 3324 Cammack Office Supply 208 W. Front Street?Phone 864 C. B. Ellis Music Company Opposite Paramount Theatre City Furniture Company "Your Best Bug in Furniture" Spring St. at Webb Ave.?Phone 714 Coble Furniture Company Cemplste Home Furnishers 207 W. Davis Street Coble Hardware Company 421 S. Main St.?Phones 1872&1873 Dress for Less at the 'Holly Shop 413 S Main Street Fauccttc Coal Sales Co., Inc. Wholesale and Retail Coal and Oil ?? r??'? *.. . o IMMfOaMKNKVMIllQIIIMIM Gilliam's Poultry and Feed Co. 212 W. Davis Street Hood Sporting Goods "It Payt To Play" 206 W. Front Street?Phone 864 Midway Market & Grocery "Home of Country Hams" Ncwlin Hardware Company 419 S. Main St.?Phone 871 R. E. Quinn and Company "Saving You Money for Half a Century" 505 S. Main Street Robert's Jewelers Lobby of Piedmont Hotel , Singer's Jewelers 207 E. Front Street Victor Clothing Company 104 W. FrontSt.,Opp. First Nat. Bk. AUTOMOTIVE SALES and SERVICE Advance Stores Company 110 W. Davis Street Auto Parts and Electric Co. Andrews Street?Phone 48 Cobb Motor Company Cor. Church (St Davis Sts.?Phone 729 Friendly Service Station 100 N. Main Street Gate City Motor Salcs/ Inc. Plymouth and Chrysler Service Phone 911 Hotel Service Stat:on Corner Spring St. A. Maple Ave. Pure Oil Products Hub'* Bee Line Wheel Service Church Street Underpass, Main Street Shell Station , Opposite Alamance Hotel Norton-Run Automotive Co. 303 South Church Street Spcncc Motors Dodge?Plymouth Western Auto Associate Store 425 S. Main Street?Phone 1918 OTHER SERVICE Alamance Laundry and Dry Gcaners "Wi Do It Better" Alamance Printing Company 523 8. Main Street?Phone 384 Charlie Howerton Modem Shoe Shop Big Gun City Laundry and Cleaners, Inc. "One Call Cleans All" Farrcll and Son Cab Company ? I For Quiek Service?Phone 111 King Electric Company 222 W. Front Street?Phone 45 M and B Transit Lines, Inc. Moglcs Bicycle Center I At Midway I "Ridefar Fun a* Health" I Pcele Electrical Company I 223 W. Front Street?Phone 1500 STATE "The Friendlg Independent Theatre" TOWN RESTAURANT I VICTORY CAFE I Red Bird Cab Phone 200 * ?21 Cabs to Serve Tea" NOTICE SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COUNTY COURT Clifton C. Harris, Plaintiff, *?. Louise B. Harris, Defendant. The defendant. Louise B. Harris, win take notice that an action entitled as above has been cotnmtencedi In the General County Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, for an abso lute divorce on statutory grounds; and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is required to appear at this office of the Clerk of the General County Court, In the Coukthouse in Grahama North Carolina, within twen ty days after the 19 th day of February, 1947 and answer or demur to the com plaint in the said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief de manded In the said action. This, the 7th day of January, 1947. W H. ALDRIDGE, Ass'O Clerk of the General County Court of Alamance County L. D. Meador, Atty. Notice of Sale. By virtue of a judgment made and entered in an action in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Caro lina, entitled Lettie Dibble Hunter Crutchfield and husband, James H. Crutchfield, June E. Hunter, Flossie T. Hunter, vs Coy C. Hunter and wife, Madge Hunter; Bell Hunter Robinson, et al, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Wednesday, January 15th, 1947 at 11:00 o'clock, a. m.. at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows: A parcel of land in Newlin Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of J. S. Albright, Jr., W. H. Thompson, M. Jakie Neese, Charles Holt, colored, Calvin Guthrie, and Gurney Wright, and others, and Beginning at a maple stump ana rock, corner with said Wright ar.d Al bright; and running ther.ce S. 16 deg E. 3. 50 chs. to a rock thence N. 85% deg. E. 7.44 chs. to a rock; thence S. 16 deg. W. 2.13 chs to a rock In the meadow; thence S. 83 deg. W, 6.20 chs. ;o a rock; thence S. 16 deg.< E. 29.06 chs. to a rock, corner with said Al bright, or Lot No. 1: in said Thomp son line; thence S. 73 d?g-* W. 17.94 chs. to a dead post oak and rock, cor ner with said Thompson; thence N. 85% deg. deg. W. 8 chs. 83 Iks to a rock in a stump; thence N. 31 2-3 deg. W. 5.88 chs. to a rock, corner with said Wright, at blacksmith shop; thence N. 2 deg. E. 21.55 chs. to a redi oak. cor ner with said Holt; thence N. 33 1-3 deg. W. 7.83 chs. to a persimmon tree, corner with said Wright and Guthrie, being 30 Iks. from the center of a branch; thence S. 80% deg. E. 16.05 chs. *to the beginning, contaftng 63.88 acres, more or less, save and ex cept about two and one-fourth acres heretofore deeded to J. Sam Albright by W. J. Albright, as showfci by dieed duly recorded in the Offlce of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County, in Deed Book 98, at page 488. This is a re-sale, and bidding will be gin at $742.50. The purchaser will be required to de posit ten per cent of his bid when the same is knocked down to him and the balance upon confirmation. This 30th day of December, 1946. LOUIS C. ALLEN. Commissioner. JNotice of Sale. By virtue of a judgment made and entered in an action' in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, entitled Alamance County, plaintiff, vs Qdgar Isley, Arthur Isley et al, Defendants, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Wednesday, January 16th, 1947 at 11 o'clock, a. m? at the Courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the property described as follows: A certain tract or parcel of land, lying and being In Graham Town ship, Alamana County, North Carolina, adjoining Washington Street, and others, and being Lot No. I, of Ae di vision of the Monroe Harden lands, as shown by Commissioner's Report as the tract allotted to Rosle Taylor, which report la filed In the Ofdce of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Book of Deeds No. (7, at page 194. This Is a re-sale, and bidding will begin a*. |!M tl. The purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent of bis bid when the same Is knocked down to him, and the balance upon confirmation. This t?th day of December. 1*4?. LOUIS C- ALLEN,