- i . '7 - . ' v.-.' ..' .".4. ... '-".--1 i,---.'; fT'..- v .- .7-,--;:- "- 7 A 1 V'U I '?' s :-. ;.' V' . '. V.. 1 . - "-i ;:V 's The Franklin Times -lues A. Thomas. Editor & Propr. Fmday - -, -- UCTOBEB 28, 1387 STRENGTH ANI ITS : .source, ; . . As a valued exchange says, few possessions are more universally "Valued V and Twished ' for than strfehgth, but it Is not so generally considered that "only through long . patient and cootlnous effort can ; it be obtained. :' It la thought of rath fir a a happy accident, or a native Kifti to be .passively, grateful for, wan as a natural and certain result .Of toll and striving' IWe'congratu- - Jr Pe stiong man on his strengt h , 4 t?y rwy praise, or honor him on that account;" we pity the weak man' flit tlla irnnb.v.n U ... 1L 1 ' 1 ' ;K' " ' wouiuscem j r.ueVt iningle blame or reproof with our pity. Yet tke truth is f- that human strength can be earned J through human energy. It is not always a gift which nature showers -upon some and denies to others. jt:often. a gradual; development .-Ih theddiyIdaXing on Jn ac j cordance with the active efforts arid ! earn.e8! struggles 'which ha pats forth from day to day. . J -Take, bodily strength for exam- j p!e; th? siuni11 ' it through constant motion, the boy through Ljictive play, the man through toil ;.aiid tug and f burden. Let, these -! eease and strength will cease devel !'.. opiTig; let them be relaxed, it will ( decline. No ; one can have the strength to take long walks and P hard cliribbs who does not put forth ...in active efforts, froja time to time, -(.whatever ; force -he Jiag. No 0no i -tfhas he strength to-endure uunsual toil and hardship who has not strug! Kled manfully in past conflicrs.' Bodily idleness as inovitably re-: yutta in bodily weakness. The day . i J? welJ 'gh past when wo :,; wen pride themselves upon their physical frailty; but many still con f tlnue to be feeble and call it their ; ipisfortune, when quite often It . is j only the necessary consequence of - languid Inaction. This is equally manifest in the rP?nditioh. y,; The' ', strong mind is one which has accumultj ted power through hard mental acc livity. Much earnest study, much, --effort of- thought,- many- a 'tussle . with self-indulgence ; and love of -hasei many a struggle with difficul "Ajad obstocles- have combined' . Jo &Wp it that vigorous force and elasticity which is to its possessor - 60 valuable a boon . Ve look with .ure upon the "inah thus' fa vbr . 2fi4vie-admlre -his, clear thought, his sound judgment, his keen dls crimlnation; we envy the ease with which he detects the point of an -argomenttor solves an intricate Question, V appUea a principle; ' but we do not see, and seldom even imagine, what toil and patience may have been tie source- of this mental , strength On the other hand, the man who has never learn ed to control his thoughts, - and '!6mpelHhem to work, who has shrunk from difficulty, and fhdulg ed'ln lazy and ' idle ? reverie, must , .expect to be weak-minded; he. has . . denied to his intellect; ,the very food it needs tol build it' .p and strengthen it. Of course there are a few exceptionally gifted peHbns, to whom this exertibn' ig only, a "pleasure, but most of us must learn our strength of mind by much' r steadfast toil and some self-der niali,-;:-i ;? :'-Ui. : Moral strength also is gained ,2My hrouS struggle? 6T the ' moral nature. Every time a temp iilfaiibnUs resisled, an evil; inclina 2lon conquered, a duty performed mpral strength Is accumulated I The one "whom fcll 'men honor for sjmue and Integrity; to' yrhoui '-Wfbnfr doing seoms to offer no at traction, and who performs each 4aty as It "arises, apparently wlth-i sOuifn effort, ha3 not; gained, -this ?ef treading flowery beds of S";it;nas;bnie tohim thrp'ngh Jmoxp arid sacrihee, and. they more TiVhas costs ihe "greater the reward j The poor weak victem of ; tempta-i Woand indulgence, who is'power- yiess to,deny his appettteir to sub-': ;u,ravin?V or to resist the peri , ?-i9JofW evil companion, W vrlndeed to be pitied, but hVdsplor. 1 aUo ionditioh is due ib long years' f ' ;;!vofmorandleiess, during which hrf y: -yyi yi yfcas driftedlnto evil instead ot "y '-.-SV '-i yyy-;hyirig stemmed the . current and 1 : : Irelolntely pressed forward" in the5 ' . . - .1 ' :oDPOsUe direction. .. - . i vlf this is w-4f strength is'onlv j tO,be btaiUed through effortit : . way change the : aspect of , some r, "ttiirigs Vearq accustpmed to look ships. The vry obstacles which -have seemed to ' hinder our course may have afforded the best oppori tunities for developing the courage and accumulating the pqwertrhicfi" we need to pereue It. The " trials which have been so, hard to bear have called forth the fortitude" anoT heroism which are parts of every noble nature. The difficulties over come, the dangers Taced, even - the Tnlstakes triade, hare all tended td make you self-reliant,- fearless : and strong. Just as. the child Jearns to walk through many a fall, .that seems only painfult the time;" "so" we may all learn lessons and acquire ;thtough what appears at the . tirto somewhat f dlaastrotirLEarnest; ,and, cpntinrious effort ,U a ;- copioiw source frbm which 1; flows stfenkhv of bdy,' BtrengthV of niind kd strengtl of character. '"It is a source open to all, from which nw,5; aup-. plies may constantly be drawn, r : NO PRINOIPJjES TO FIOtlT ,.; y.i'OR:.. .,?yyyp The New York Herald which iis neither a. Democratic or Republican 1 newspaper, 1 and; which' looks at things as they are, has the follow tag. to say', under the above1' head- ing: . ?:; ! The Republicans hare no princi ples to fight for, or ; they conceal thetn very successfully. ' , What the country heeds find must have If lt! is to be prosperous is an admini trcitiori that represents the whole .republic from Maine to the . pacific: Now, the Republican party heVr has done that. . It was not born" to doit. It is essentially , a sectional party, and never has been anything else. v It has not omy neglected the millions of the South,; but it nertjr' endorses a party platform without expressing a suspicion , of theiri. Its business at the present moment is not to unite North and South, but to keep them asunder;r 1tT is as' plain as a pike-staff, therefore, that' the next president ousrht -to ' bo a. mart who can see Georgia, hist as I ... o uhi, au iiu xwpnoiican has had the visual ability to do that. Tlic people of this country are "not blind to the condition of fTiir They are clear headed on tha gnh. ject,.and are, ready; to giye fair play vv cTciymwy, oomn, JNortii, East and West, Your .' State" elections may gp as they please, thent but when it comes, to voting for" the perpetuity of our national iostituf t ons and a solid com mercial atiil patriotic union of all sections undo a common flag, why, the Repubtt- ' can party has not growrtTip fdsuch " a conceptiotu and is therefor unfit -for power. The only party ; that , can represent the whole couutr is rpmocratte:;f-;3 v ; ' WORDS OP ;"Y1SD OjVI sA3TD v? f PATRIOTISM. ) i ! 'lTbe.HiUsboro,: Recorder refer ring to the necessity of party har mony aud organization, y'wel says: ' . , , 1 - RegardIng the ability, the hon esty the wisdom, and the success of the present administration .-and the party In C power, the constant effort of the IIRecbrder? wtttlie-' to, : keep that administration and party ; fa power; dnr preferericetherefore ; is, only for competency and atail-ability.- The battle to do fought next year will admit of no triflings or desputes In our ranks, we ; must harmonize, we must organize; with'these twb IndispehsJbles we go forward in solid tsolutrirt t4';a"ceri. ;tahi victory; r;Without Unity Hand V wganization ;we are --y dei'eated. 1 democratic papers who;djffer upoi the Tar iff arid Internal vReVenuf questions raust corapromise"theijr difference and uni pon the roost co!npetentari(i.ava4labIe;Ieraocrat. Theparatnouut questiotris success; the' minor consideration -can- be looked after when we have, attain ed success. We say to the low tariff Democrats that it is ., better ; foi a hjgh tariff pemocrat.to be in power -than La rad ical, and. to the h igix tar-l iff ment that it Abettor that a hM tariff Democrat be "elected than the enemy to both to succeed. -; i ?iLiet theconsideratioq of every thing', butt the triumDh.of-Democ iacy. be set aside while we are Drel paring for battle against the enemy . Gen.; Joseph JB. Johnson recently said: , "The South does not "arq for protection. With protection her manufactorios have a competl-l tr (the more in the NorthV With! a low tariff our manufacturer car compete with" Northern onesahl unueraeu inemt.'nyes; aira tari xor revenue ontv is what wn srant ,TnE,Kew-York. Star rsays ; tlw ,tne prohioltlonlsta i are srreatlv alarmed ' lest the-s Rnrrpm cvwt' shall render some decision affecting! the legality of the! prohibitory;, IJ-f quor laws, In' Kaheas.Iowa and Georgia. Judge Brewers or the United States Circuit Court has de-; cided in two cases thaKtheTStatd' has no right to tHose- up a - brewery! or a distillery'.withotit flying com pensation in some furtir of those! whose'. ' property wasfl- rendt'ted! Worthless. -JMillions of dollars 'have! -ttAMH- I li 3 t .- 11 ' t 1 ureu iu vesieu m ine , inin uiaciure of.liquor in States where such laws! are in force, and if Judge Brewer's decision is confirmed the flood gate HARMONY. The'Wadesboro Mossengtr speaking- of tha"pbliticiirbaitle next 3ear says: 'f . ir Itirbe renjembercd that it, win be a National as well aa a State cam- Jixign; and there taust be barmony In atiuaal andStjktalatforms. If the North Carolina, she could order her affa irs"w ithou t Joq t in g- bey q ud her borders, but she is a Dart of a nrt notion, andaf pi, he t pa.st! ;he; has coutiibuted t its glory, so in the - future she must lo her part - tv-pcr - Let the North Cnrolia- Deuj'oc5rcy. atDemooracyTjatniot-StandrIt U Mid thatthe gMerat CtoveirbaUnt hka iroposetl heavy and .opwewiTQjjies on the produclions-t Nortn'Croil4a." ;Hr pVnjple ar illrv:et opon'jtb quii' .ton vf lit Una thi.tax-J Alost of.tnMii; any it is.an uDjuaj discrhflinatiprikiid J Is ooiViriry to the gerilu of o'rir' iiiott- I ninorra. . Anmn inatims is true, aad is it not the part of wisdom to uQBiaif ,tn decloa-i the queitiaii ot "ittiriai Woaiate rt-moral to: th$ , arbiMkraeht t of the Nationnl Democraey 7 Iq jn . go Ternment charged witli the manage-' ment of interests o trsI, o"tdn3pli-r ea ted and o conflicting,' -there .mubt be, compromise. , . , If there is ho : eiutu aefvatiam, the will of th Vnajrity Jwfll enforce a tyranny Scarcely . leas opprcsBivw oan aos iinie nomlage.' j ,., -There are tudictions that thut.Uoe Natiunal Dmot rary will declare; In,, favor ot a rednc'ion of the tarifl, and 'he repeal of the tobacco tax. "With--out stopping to discUsa whither pajrt or the whole, of the in terntkl reTBi oa tlaTr sqould e at ouce abolidhed, ,twe feabmit that it trill be in aocordanO) with tie hi'4heit', natfiotli-hi f6r ' the" vfm-cTuxa or prthVroj uaM -hold wirim.-etres ready tomorveAforwarf by we atiooai Reuloeracr J -v .Willi W1U1IU-I justice woo assume that the 'rleotiob of any part Of the Internal' Ryinue aystern will imperil the isubces of thh i DemocMk;y in tbiagraudford Oboi-, monweaiinv' JTnii ot tna ardor 6i 'pii-; triptiam and impvttent at the' aiigii es("8ustion or imposition,' she ha learned tliat;modetation and 1 widom w fiich comrs from 1 ex perii'nuc " a rid. knbwg us uredly that inHhih": is "sk tuioierame- oa uepuouoan aoiniua- HON. A. M. WADDETLIfc ' address. ; ' The Wilmington Messenger f-jno- dayOct. 30th. will publish i In lull .1 Hon. A M. WaddllTa atldreas . to be delivered at ihe Keunion of the Arm y. of ortljern yirgioia,KrRiohinopd, on'the 28Lh irist.. JEyeryJ ntherQer should read it as an . interesting '"and. reliable contribution to Southern wir hitory. An extra r edition! wVl tie priuied and orders filjed. kj mail') dt. five cento a single copy or ix- copies for 25 cents. Addiesa " fhe Mesen- ger, " WiliuingtQu, N. C. . - i-l ! Miss TentiMcIntosh, of Hick ory, is among the visitors to XjouIs- burg, guest of 8, T; WUder4 Xt ! C-We regTet. eiceedingljrj to Weir! of the burniiig- ot ?Mr.H afontgotn-. ery's cottotr-girrrrhich occurred. recently, in thls jcoimtrj . ! 1 1 , i ..HTA Jfinneji, Uonstable, notl. flea thei tax-pay era of Louisburg In thii Issue thfrt ".the town' taxes 'for d89.7 areu!lPJ?f-,.u?t ,,d muBt t.bie pald promptly. : See his notice.: For Rent. iFop.the ryear 1838 the t. residence, hhw occupieq of v . tL..At UarrtS.I; -partlmlars apply, to. ,i: ,,M f.t 1:8. T09TE1U Be I'ross, , " Aiiumbcr; Of; oar icntcrnnoraripn bavieTecentlT, bfun hewvolames.t' fs rnaae improvements tn iihehr'papei among tiemtha-.Ralei2h Dfti!iea-t Newa-Observeand JEvpning. V1itorl me State Chronicle;. Oxford ,TorchW light, and others that we ? have Over looked, r All of thee have 6ttr' best wishes for long year of continued usei- lulness. j.-:v'l i iituu-'.w.-'. . . ... r : . !;'- l ... DresH goods at 8 cent and upwardl atlthe Racket store, IouisbnrK. " i'f- ; ''A CARD. To The; Public. Meisrsj &'SafTOW7& Sonlfai 'iHkiml . uutjj, a uesiro vo suy so my inenqa and the public generally that! will be more than pleased to ' have" 1 them, ' call ' ana, "seetme when they are 'fa1 towni'vny orders willieVroibpay'fined.b v,;,; ' Bespectfally, ' PgmQftgwETFolrLERT Here Is something of interest to t every t tax . payer ra : Jtho . county . : : ..r s .i . r xne The more tlon or taxes than iv eroefdre known in this State.! its provision the sheriff lot tax Col lector of eVerxcounty ia not: allow ed to use his ownjaifcretloi, t?u is :compelleaioseTl at public auction; roh'th&fireVMlmday Ip'TlBlJrtKlTy,. ;au lanas ior wnicnvayxaxfr fprecedlhg: r t'yeTTrmaVN.be'' due Heretofore the strerUtof4hesever- ;a,. countlea have been (ery- Jfidul4 gei;t ahd Would deay5elUngand, "for taxes for Tnoutlis .Tter 'the -,tfik allowed nttsDoro ltecodetBavs:r i-- j f J'e i oa fiA r last -Letrfslature5 :t)assed at J": Vwu? Atrlnn-Ant lur fn Ko: I nn, ,V -W4 jWi-UesiCeU we have ier : - - 23 v AQOd goods and lo.iiv. prlceL8i &.& C. Watklna 3 rr Henderson N.O. Jsk your ' dealer, for it, and hare : Wfliawest prices I r i ,. M LifebJJr, Ritka&Allea havf i t- -Mi t . : "... eriiieatuiR btovea. ltance ace uiev catiumialrou.wUh.all . the . mair a tha J belong to hToit'aoy stove, they male thrir. owa ttoe pipefrdBiM flue Irorf ' "V ; . Vw "rrirvice xor satne"th6Mjon lngrftoicl ' Ties at CrensBawi llUi A' A ITrvnra 1 T "V T .1 rv tT quarters for fill goods lu their 1 2 Bh ht $U50V. bag J (CorLei idVeeyeiieU.:i lust teceiyed ;? large! ot. of JS ails,, ,(. ... i pl.fwiUbny .yoo: a." barreli of ooaamuy .ifUHur-AViM din4ti. 7 A4h" TUck.el ?tof a'' tbiNlrg JT. Ci yoa-can fget Dado- wndoiu .A..U . el e 1 rr'f'W'Vn V i J ' r f-.-T'T' iiiit r; , . ( I i T " J !i IJY ?! ) 1: .'ho!-r.V MlIiiillTEBY GOODS ' i liotrisBTm' .' f I....". ...... ! I , 17 r'-T : fit -i- ri.tbi-i mi 9i!'V Everylhtop.prertWm 1 -4 (bit the'rtqwiTbeuti bf bur cusbmerMa'nj will Won'der at xha'0 1 extraordinary'-rr l 'U-yAr.i !...' vmU; . -.j i "TbicH ry.kbinff if marke lown W vVl Qtta of theories wiU be advanced but wo have only one reply fox aU : . ' ' j'int:f $t'J r,'if yon want id acvire some wqndrfu bjrilna,juattill ad x- J r aTnioetaj otkaiulil contioxfd, A go.nistQ'.oridHSf imdChii- ,r i (huSUOialnayan baud it'ForrRVBiczs. :syjMaiyr.-,: '-.Ii.: " i'-.M,! t.1 ARE . -o itoligElehing ihe World and this 7 ..fermition tha pucallJkHJB of '''Viureb ol. oomplele as k U potaiblp o make n ! ?o"tvfrl iT vi'' 1 ' rl4 - Cheap is not te word Kr the ni, ..'iicana wy.ranMwsen.ie;apprecjataJ we nave marked tktm alldownat Ihelowttet flgnfca riot pin, and if you want "real, down ' right, genuine bargains, now la the time, to avail yourself ol t'ee- luTJi vis. '-ja 1 i.h' art'iU ! . , T7. lr.1... I., r-w. , 1 - i..S .T-L '- r c. . to-. .a iMuivuc uijlumv'vu luiu a imraviiat cxiliuiUBUoa . Of our 1 Bo6U, 8hO, CtJTUrWO'CASHMIiiR SUAWL Bleached anda'leacue't)omatics. FUrintd Suits for Gentlemen An . V A tf '. !'.-' l V. I JJ;'M. ; . , . . . and Ladies, underws re, GlaMwars and Hani ware, powpkb, shot, caw, and HperJtSaella ,Ior , breeds ! , , loading gus,,f, cKro,for..lkia, ,.,n7: ,r. ,.' !-i Louisburg, If. C. Oct. 28i '87.' " uwao.u WiMu f.l"i mU w5 iwrr. tiii.ll -m'Uo'J t fo'r? y. r r.i' ;..jit. n:t.;t "..-tT tf.v:;j, nji v:.' .; v :: ".' YW'.:i l-i.:,- .(:. ,l-.iim ;::! ' ' r. v .:' J-1 "? Liz fli- M-P: : 1 1.,-. ,We will el you thebenan chenpeataaityou'evar kad. o All my stock Broad BttonrS?wed Sttes, every pa warranted, V' r : boTivWb 9vwl cieinklVr.-!j'J r-1 l1" F rw,' wiu UWM Sh Clockir1 tJaivlcJad Salfc Cheap?-' a ewis,t?f o-jrt-MfY.! -j rTT,nf iTiJI'iy w rHU luMj, rnr boose-' reepers and 'tiewTr married MiVVV. Jfwp.lea, ,jTiawaief Tinware, Tinware, Tinware, t. ,!Ur caUinod MrJrish-whoR will vll Vou whether yon want to ' ty or nU Itave; n8iejthervtce of Mr. CharlHi Brewef, frmrSandj-li . wlo wl l be oleasedteehla man frf-A,u from riM r. w.j. 7TT ?. WB . Caah money ndmorepfltfor l your cotton than you can get else where at rr" V 8.1t?aWatkins n s.rt E-Henderson N. Q hHpa for vn.ir mttnn At , I l J Jatklns StorV,'. r ' r t r - - - . I - iienuerson n. u. i - : I : MeOhee Co., want to buy alL the wiuun ruieu jnxratiKiin vuiity.tnt f jrar. and yill guaraqU: to., pa. Ual-r tnroosh. TT ran imC YHITH IL Wl in1 Os Mf. jtt- 7.777 ' W) trlramad half U eta , -n 1. (on abt 1 . ... .. liendersonN. CL . llendersoh'N.'rL :ofgoodd!nlheSta I rtstoclofjjoo'Hln the State atSACr. WtkWprlcoa, very cheap at f'-r4;! wlJ tf?i'i.y f j L-.,, . 4 , i .iJIeJidr&on N.C.:r Tii. W . A Tyew Oooda nd low prices, Mjow price and Kew Ooodsat , sssi ui i Kry.r-. t:u,t.. , ;..,! --.,..,. ........ j 'J " .fv. .'It.'' l;lt it. cQran unity partloalarly with the (rocerii-a, Boots, Shoes, Hard- i9 M it , aid' the :t)rlcea tl w IX) WESI1. f 1 " ''4 " y1 " " : ' ' - -J' ' ' ' ' : In fact,, worda cannot do tkem jus- of eyeiy"' deicripUon; Chockkbt Young Men aud old Hen call on ' . l"v-'.v ..:.' .i ? " ; u u .B. P. OUFTOIf. r.-.tr -ro save money .ISO I '' ."'".' 7f' aa -J-''! " ',' ( . . ... ...t I ... ... '. . 4 . 1 11 I ! ',i.i i.',H-r! tWt-iim .(,iij '-nuiP I t: vmii 41O .- .S 5 ,a in Jy , ?All Wool Trioots and naunoU 25 cent. Voi( 50;kll wool Tricois, double wldtb, GsSter,' warranted-at $3.00; calk walkmK je $1.00; $1.50 i.0Q, 20 and $3.09 j;s f V A y . HPISI! -- - - -v- . i -,ti7 r?. avy'vi .ivx aov j !ll 1 9 -;:r wi.;;PKI0ESiv iu'; i..:'t j 1..!; fir..!; r. ;;'.)!: i I i.' v I ' ; -j-.i nti -'f kv ": i -f? - tj f r - 'c7 '''"? " . ;'.A ir T's-B'iil vi : ,.: . .::.ol 1 k. Xv-i r, 'j J nsfr;WcirsWkVSwalciw UliTt havs aertf before bee brorU UuUtXrt. J ;;' ir. ; ;J N . u !-in ,-r..l) , , , , . '' i .'.t ';;' .ti )i , sii nil. kd mnfcrtrrd for pvm ekelosirs m!c vbleb U VradduIWmrw BtM-aBl furmr-i (a be tk bt tocJL.(ri offr4 fuf thtmoacr. Uuit lire rtoek tbtiaai4e( akl cMu selected with the rrrstest care ss this lisf UcBefpajjifreJAUie,,. j nA M , v .! t T j. :t. vu"-i ?o J:ii 'j ".If 'Jill J f"Mj ; . I "I I rl: Jl r. Hi 1 ' Tbis deMrtweKtb. J-Je. Id we iisrs.te sstlsfsetU. syli: triee d qeslilr We r .UreqBteV, f, X)ree GoU TriBH-iBAae.' Onrerk Um.BDn-n., rrin.i.f, c7 Md i. Ut mmkb. rtaiaifiea Indies ttanfrvb ln b -r.ynl. I .1.-wJi.w f: f all tbvsid aeeerV as 16 : ' i -.1! j ii .j.. s.nJ 1 !' i. , i.1 t 1 I! 1 . J .5 t .t-. 4.1 1.1 : 1 )i -ii i!i!;ijf l.n'.t '-! - ;.:. , G J:irw.iJITT -lii 'i ll !; T.Ti if "o T:w.!"Trri! JLX . If -I. LL -i !! 5i'k Ul Lni, i,U i.lr.ii v..' i ' ?'ii r!- !? f.iT ,;o Jji ww .1 i. ' .-r -,.t i . wvwa UO SI VIII an In ?-.i;-.j.i fJ '.;lH'i"tj Jnii Hi ii-cf .!-DRYr GOODS 'rj-aJ'' v srtil fe. -rt:it.fiii!;.U3i i!t uitW ; .iil"la J.z. tJ ihT . :ti v.C ;ivi-.;-ji' Ji-i ivii ,l.'tj-jDiIj Jvfi t Jrstpleiea. 'A rill Sock brld: swirapieeesubsraeya .X -rins). ZA7.11 ruiiM vrt av.4 Ti-UJiiJ . Vili ri-1-.'.-J )7,'k'i' ".Ml WTf-?7-"if rlliW' Xwt'flM'ttrtJ -lOdln. w V.HS ' WUyai4Jtslt Wkolele rrieee. Websre .miA!! nrfKiu luwr uni lor tu and w will TTTTl-KTT fail U eU sad ezAmiae or lock before boyiaf. M w Vlll eertalaty t!aWY . -rjMUiljil r,ysiu ,1 Jvui. w.ll ii -iift -fee 1 - - - .... jai- jaK ALOTirion pon ?...' -,7.( A ' f. :i.'. f.T'f-r-.'- ' '..-it 1 f .''" y style tMmaua Ac . r i .:v TO . i r. i J, ; ' 1 , 'yr f. :L- 1 Iv.'t i .ill I '. Jil -fi A- Ij -E T! :-'JL'' '' ' "., '; ' ' ? ,. . : v." - " " 7 " :' -: f ;: -f':V WII la Man. ..I . . 1. 1 t . . .. - "u 'l"l".' . IITIVt ' . - NATIONS :ftfl.szi.i !;:.' -,7. - ;. . '", ies, eadJJes'J bo jie Savd wsoa iajaeee i iiK li ' aiJ . : - . fc r v i . I TAiii "it ii..-f.u itwiiiti.. - 1 . - - . . 1 v. I..? f . "TTv m cvm itrrm . m .V-A.T 5 .-. mm '": ;..V,-'-:.;-.'-. 7 -X.r V 1 - 1 : ,i i - s7 v' . . v. ...k 7 '. '

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