-Katsar? THEFRANKLINrQ TJ' U Published Every Friday By I 1 It i I I . . .1 i ; :i ! I fill llt):d Pfbprietoi V V 4J1 j n n -r 'r I -nil U rn' Oao Year - ;-- -x Months "Y ft -V $1 50 iU4 .aUr ll QOi l4 J. A. THOIIAS. Editor 00 Wr To Clubs of 5 The Times will be ... . . . u f .v , s - ' ' - ; - : : W '1 .1 ' T -1 , Tun Trii ..V. I'.' '.- lil 1i ,S: i: (MM -t i . u w m v h n ftav ; . ; . a 1 rtM.ioat.uia , AbsoIutelyJPure, nritf, strepth jindJ-Vrt-jiosAinfis's. - fcuJ cannot bd sold a competition with -4h multitude of loW tent, short weight alum orpkosjhate pkwders. t SOKD ONLY I ca-ns. UoyaL Baking Powper Co., - 106 allSt.NY. 2be LOU UU r MKtSoDiST Uev.1 A; McOullen, pastor arviees every Sunday, morning and night. Prayer meeiiug every ednesday. nilit. Sund.tr school 9 o'clocA! . lUPTlHT Uev, Bavins QE&iji ;pj& tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morning and night. Prayer meet iajf everv Th'r6lav night. SuudaySchool 9 "'clock, A. M " : tt'a-(). .. E!li. ; i -4lnsioxBiwThos.; white, F. N. Eerton, J. j.'Barrniw, J.- Thomas. -; r . OoX.-4TA.BLB R. IX Pinncil. : Ut:ird uiftets Friday before first Monday in each month. i - - 7: .; ,; L . FaA.KKUM COUNTY. Commi51oxek.s tj A. Nash, ch'mn Ji Oriuc'lUS. Fmter, F. ,P. Piercci f. Uzzel 2H ,- Superior Court Clejtkr ,ha w; Pajreji.'f: Sheriff ,11 C. Kearney,' ' : Vv . Treasurer . P.Clifton. K ; . Superiiteiidciit Pabiic Instruction-' J. N. Harri.4. if-ji-I i rr .fii'l'-! . ' Keeper Poor Ilonse-. W. PinwlW; SUP ToF ILK VLTII ur.' r. r. f oit r. N .tarv Public V. L. McGhee Frank liatau, C. . . - j - . . : 1 : - ' . ' .-. ' " .: ' loin? .1U 30 AUD OF KDtIOATION;'S V 5s TiVY. Oullev. Ca'aiVniin. AUi nf.; J. N. Harris, Secretary. . V C. : The Superintendent will l(hyLbhis oarg on ruary, April, Juiy beptemuer'xicw1: iW au l December, iV rer mi pi tores days, If "necespiixyiTOrth pose of examining applicants to teach 1 1 the. public schools of Era nkl in coun- p (v rSSION Al. CARPS; B B. M ASSEXBUttG, v - AT rORNEY T LAW- f Ofac in the Dourl House. All lniijincs3 put in ray hands will receive prompt attention. ' M.COUKt;. H'T' t and COUNSELLOR at LAW. LQrjHBUUOi FK.VNKLTNT CO..N. C. - fjl attend the Courts of Nash, y-. Frank5 in,, Gr mvilleAVarren, and W ake T.1 onn , ies also tne tfupi env dtsmst i i i i i iinimi i ' . Circtiit and DistiUCT.iJoMrte;; B. WLTlilUJCULAKE. ATTOUNEY AT LAW ' , L.ouisBrjito, iT."CJ," Otffice Court TIotJe tr. , ; . A'L'TOUNEYiS AT. LAW I HENDERSON N. C. ,"-f- . Practice In the courts of : Franklin, ' ' Vance, Granville, Halitax, aud Korth- i.. HftWT)'t W,e Supreme andiFed Mltomi-At law & Mary .1 :- - -"njV 1 f m r r r : J HV "r?.t juji-w i.t.-iir -.-I :.vVA IjI II 1 II tj 41 v J Ji If,, .tt 0 tjranviue, n ance, rraoMiu ni t. ad in all matters requiring their joint a tention.f , . ' ' . We kope y pronipl al"4taa fa -f ul atttntion to business, to deserve ; Tceeiv a por1ao of Hie 1V bnftf , 1 lbikaat;M'i.A .1 a ' ,f. . 47a It I Should Die To-Niglit: :u: i If T honld die tonight odk ui-onrmy qmet flmr. fflfpty inm n irrita renting platfe. Aud deem that death had left it almost "Add- tarirTshoTVirWttiI(Jwerra agaiuit tit'.045JaSrpui.i i ..Ii-.i'T4 ? i lAml.ioltlray luuitenvltiininrlng ci ai !iriss.l 1 liHs wtt 1 4kh -.T- OiTolrii iilnd vnjptlyid ico co t M' tO-CQCIlKU. iaMI 4 Itfl.i . My frienns wnuld calls to mind, witli lovin;: thooghC,..SV:' J Some kindly dt il?SKnlPd ha 1 ' wrouunt, . . , . ;. . , ... . . .. : Errands on which the willing feet had Tlie memory jof: my selfishness an and sidi. " .pride,-. 4hh a. yw-' My hasty words would all be put asid If I should die to-niv;lit, Even liearts : estranged , would turt - once rnoru to me. . Ltecalliugotlur davs remorsefull v: ,Tli-lcs thafciihill mowiih AKertefl wjiiJooicniH4y nittts ot topc. tie err- And soften; in the old fannHfitr war, f for who C4iuld war with d ?mlt uncoii- cius clay? Sjo I might rest, forgivea of all, tol- T)Li7tricn(Is! Iprav to-niht, ' Keop lift your kisses for my dead, . coid brow . j The way is lonely; let me ftel them i . now; -i"- . (Think jjeitly ofnie; fain iravel-woui; Myv faltering feet are picrved with' many 'i-' "'-'.. a thtni;- . : -' r ' ; ; l orgjvc, oh, hearts estmnged, forgive,- ! I pi ad. - . . ' I iun tUe5unJess i in., S. , n;.tWcfl -r y.' . 1 TTie- teiideriess jWncn tlreaniless rest is mine, I shall for whkh I lonff , toj- :.l'5-..i,v : -Xn Old Favorite. I . A! Private TelesTraxli. Uoy('fti Itesul ted iiv the Saving- J6f mauy Li vck. i'ji IV; Six Jhn Mills, the hero v of this 6 k plci tvaaittip-ailroaa enylnt'er, and had been"irr long time ; in the )tiakiyTa employ. . When tlm jn.cv Engine" 59'i was completed and pifceg an-jtpfoad, John was given charge it it, and he evinced a natn- m JH PlelXt hipreferment.f At one oi tw stations there was a girl, a telegraph operator, between whom and the engineer there had sprung up a warm attachment, and whenever 59 camo along, Katu generally managed to be at ttie door and exchanged aignals 4 with her lover. One day the train was dii tained at the station, and the locoj motive dotatched and sent up the road to-donome additional ;iwnr( and Kate went along for a ride. she listened to the sharp.1 nhrill not of the whistle, it 4iccurrel to . held that she might teacirjohn to sound nil her name on the Morse chiiraclere, so that she c guish his signal from that s of thb UigriiWiimrwilirnpVdi r tfa'h approachtd.' -'Tiie ilai worked to cnarm,- ana tar ana ufer rsje ,,wm tie shri4adJ-w utUI.e day Mas the brfcr;iu wVeq3inoa ih plat fomif ait- pvrrhijarrj ai convei t.-41 JLi'tirm !etUeLl toJ-aen, an learned that they uiiderstviod th signal and were ? laughingly ' won UieriiMiUio- Kate could I be. : Theif means idf romuuicath.a: havIpiViJiMuW been discovered, they were obligetf ofa young lady in a-distant cityl but whom she had never seen; and tiierhV'iinilie't nowa the fact that her secret had been dweovored' Then hef frietid fPVFi Hli Vas simply taTriy IA t Jdius p Then her. friend ewgesttti a plad tv. t ion Mil v- f cbmmunicaiiontWtweU,e.f .tvSjtQjrfng a be:i timaen away in th jMMv.r'rrjriujKi:.i'7:-rT .-4 i. .ir.faj m.-rf ..oi (ritu isbh t'iVKarihiianUlv ohftDni:iddr witH '.rVri 7 .a- lie oi voiiiew..:,.- rWhicii w upon the tender,hiukft s.ajoitoucH the wire In passing. ' Kate touu an opportunity to acquaint Joh with the proposed plan, and in ;th I nipflnllmn luid found , an abandon 1 off. H IHmLloriT rrr,i. ' U r . .J-v mii. ,;tf- ?f.v-.fMy. , " ------. : el wire which ran a long ; distance close by the Uack, and , whjch : she j8o6 aflei -and J'J . nrtutel ..... ..To - , ,w V.' --I. w- Fj day was crded the task was a com- leJanccejJUSi .dramatic finale of their little episode if Co It was. singular how.absent-mln- ded a jid iiiatieuiiyeVTtInV; operator was o the day that the great scien tific e iterpra S was .finished. No wond ;r she was tiistnrbe& r2" AVotild theni sw Ime- work Would her little batteiy be strong en6ug 'fcr such i i grrat circait? v Would John be a b e. t cloe 1 t Th e people be gan V rasseJsblrotlhW.riiu ;"The clock pohrted ia the hour '. for 'Its atrivrl.:r.vvV:.-'-" ... - ,.- t Budd enly; wi t h st art I in g d isjt i net - ness, the bell rang clear and lotrd in the echoing room : With a cry of deligftt shv put on ner hat and-ran in haste .out upon tpftTpiatiorm.1, The whistle fcrokr?. loud and - clar or. thfe cX)or.cTp airi and 53T ftp- peaw'fUVroiahd he v carve ; I ti the awi ft ly ;up do her feet a nd mtscd . Pv-VtcltyJ ohii, perfectly I It works tcf a charm.-1 - ;---:-S'? t With a sudiig she : reaiedTTlTfe' cab, and sat down 011 befinuiiaii'a seat. kiLl.Ci.i Blessed if I couhl tell what he was uointr id vio.tsiiki; tne n reman. r He toldiiie. ab)gUi. Awful.brlght idea ! - You see, ho Uid Ihe J pokprj on tho tetider-brake tlrerts, LAiid Jit hit the tfpe sl im, and I vsaw; tho wires touch. It was Jmt prtp. But tho happy moments spva, ana Hfa3edri49$loXbc while'Kate stood invthftAplidfbTm hefTK wfeAttied itr ami W amf 1 fcy the Iovt-rs niet each; day, and none knew iiovv she was aware of nis approach with siicli absolute certain- ty. cxaence appuevl to love, or rath-' ,er Jove applied to science, can move TnftJn h- vouT Wirt? ift:,i : ,r vp. weeka, passed, find hen ther i suddenlyrriyedat the statinjale joiie "evewng.i special iyfth tlie.j di rectors citrs attched. The t honor ajle;dl recurs '"were hungrj- they .jdway areandjwold 'pause "on otheir j Cumey and. take a cup of. tea Hnd' if brfrot:stip'e'r.f Ttie honora j Wes'and lhir fives' and" tiiHdren the.place put on ii gala iasteti As fuT KHtf,glo deaitry in f ner den. book in. hand, and over its On readies Sdmtfbd the gay party in the iwaiti::gj'oo l SuddenR? fillf fqribtis rattle her trl(4 U a tiolsyMif, aa.arnPft'ie.1wi5n)aiauMjr siam t'tOLltM fl,i4if. v-What? l8ifc?iWlit 'U'legraphib 'f ?Trlfhttiieiti face trtie btirat from tho uiidisti;ffffi fsueii "pexTJnr 'anxi i ow,',upoii . me ltlfe'dJTectors, traii on the track? of the oucouii.jg irani. t lirmV i t Tiie cont4clof J Where " nhe t Oh, sirI4MrtMfeifart ! .Get to llwiaftJiuig!i Tieteexpcesci I com- i iiiiWitli a cry she snatched a lantern rYuW That au. !m 15 vll 4flashrWa8.-gon5f. T.heysAaw he light I 4. t rja.a T 4c n inv.'were K4Bi in. wouaer Lt't-J?fLlliiiL4 . VMdLfiilii 'ii d.;-y..l f Ttf(y traSn l' dneowfin aTliere caul be litiJLZecA :Wusl? ifc V,ri,T AhT that horrible whistles .Such aVlItfsiifrc&'bVf ' winterX WgW I .T?i'fe-llpiaiig.to .h6.niij;ind 1S30! iiufiiVtn 1 n. Wfw-iror. lives crmwi II 1 the-itbrw- There's Or blir 1... -zjr-vK- t..j-- 1 : J. A'iJL. .lift. !J- . .0 t. T r . i I M. -n.t cT. . .... -tlir . . . f .1 .U"? J"t err:. i t,,T i rii? TV , , tfowyerRl, trackV arid f thfefe irvftsirfiiaa ' 'ruslV" or' sliaiir iirTr.fi. .wt il." .?: w.j ; i-i wn ; na l ie . trnraniicr "eng-ine 1 ,19?- tt. "1V-.., .Kv JT 11,0 . uvvtrla . A - hnni ftPiifli k leaped rfp,wiiLlom the' eugitte "jmd leaped ftwiijxom uie eugine.an. iraniJn.to ,ivue Z Ut fih i $,yigi)piiA IS..K4 J '.'' . ' ' v .. .. f i0 . I "febe fel 1113 e Arms, senseless and;whlte, aud the lantern drop. from her nerveless hand. v . Tlvy tookrnjp,1eft1crtyXa X ! . . .. !....: 1.::.-.: . jorc jier inta vne stauor. .iiouw comfoit. Who was she?; -:II f did she save the train ?--Howr" station i master, 3h? Jteodsj the, toloyriph, ;; The president of the railroad, in.hls'gold-bowed spectacles, ' drew near, i One grand lady, in silk' and satin, pillowed Kate's head on' her breast8....Tliey all gatheretl near to ceeUf she revived. Sheopened her eyes and gazed Kiouttlreamily, as if insearctl of something. ; - ; p. yoarsh any thing, my -dear?' said the presideut, takiughcr I hand, .v ' . . . . Tv. .r J ' - 1 Some water, If you please fstr; ana 1 woti w(m f r . i Are yoa Iookiuggfbi - any one, 'miss ?' "i : f:vf;- f'n ,; i; e ?yes-uo-i is no matter. Thank yom, ma'atu; I feel belter. I sprained my"foi,ou the. 'sleeper when ' t Tan down tlie track. " i It i uot severe, and tii sit up.v : f::' i Thy were gveatty pleased to see her Recover, f 'A" iuie t buzz jof 4i4nVcrsatjon AUeil tjief oOinT - How p4uld she tell he special was chasiug us? Good h -arena! If sho;hsl not ki)An, it,what a44wiuUoss ofJiCutliu wouldLhltW been, it wa very careless iu tlie su perintendent to fuliow ur train iu.a. tVob feulf better, my. dcarr2-said T J . i the president. , ': . -xea. sir, inaiiK you-, 1 m sure, i m ' . . a w uianiui jjinew joiin-ji mean pie fji- gmeer -was coming.' - v . ".on can not b mfre grateful.than a 1.1 r - i K 1 L. i re arc to you for averting such a dis- ' L l,- r"f vr ..-r r ' -4,it, tirT nm nloifl sr T nr t!iou-bt the teletrranh" - 1 bhe paused n)ruiHlyv -isii tl - " a- r it." What, telegraph I. o.iv i-.'i;. O VIM rather not tell, ,fir.J ,.; ? fc riitf YAii will lot! ii a tifktv win Vnaw .v-.Mr .y. .-, , :. rvB"'y.."w"tf, 1..;? inn ,j ;w e.ongUt po know In ordcr, toiire - ward you pn)perly4j .: j i I- pl. i 1 1 j : - . r . jit piMS. mtb ilVii .iuiuu, 444 a. wi uviinr fun.. and vas si' V Tlie , liresjdenl , : two of them came to uer- and briefly said they mould begladti JaiOW how . . . sne.naa ocen muae aware u uwa m p- nroachmcr danrerJ-ri r iie;, ilWeil, air, if Johu is wUling, t wiu teltyu all." VJ'ct o a.?Ii 3.I1 ' it: 1 John M ills, tlie engineer, ; was call Jaitil hecamacap iu haadand the n lira coinpi&y gathered. 'roubdl iriltha greatest agame4a?Ai; Juj iin ,A i: -Without AUs al4iites.afectalina!he f ut ilier liaud.'bb,Joaa-8 grioiy wnniad saidfK.niLVii Tf:aiiVini-u''4i",- j 11 ! liiiiall.tielhit&eiBi Jahn Ij They 1 wishitiy knoar aboutid ;i J t wed their, -liVesy lhT UiiJl't lriiu :e'icil 1 44 11 lit And -imbe,' tooVsaid i i John; rercr-i f endrJ'i' 4'Yo had better ullnbem,' 6r l- me. '' 's t-'I j L Shc sal down agnin-and thu ad thero;erp)aitied biVs tlio a open -circuit I '.in, ha bein 4pu'ilti pudi bow it nrs scfl,iand frankly told why! U had been leftteteVl'o (.intt '-.flciiioiVj dim, ui j, ., i nX2fevrihdNi story. create: prounder !sJnshtino rTheigentlenBouq :sliook liands with h:m,' and the prestleht ac tually kissed iieAr tlie eomiiany." A, :TheilAiUcAXe1l opquliefiiictlj.' aid acn I -11 J i. 1 .t'-l StuUj cried, wer UiespljeudidtrkVj! ,ein th cUUlfen-pulled her;tdrcsSfud; put tWr furais i.abou t v her .oeckv; and J kisJed away (lie happy tsars luat. Pot !red lies cbcakswiia i?a w'ujt JiiIw j ai.'PoiteajiiULiibbe, was,. covered .with cqiifuswnmdJUoAwbal t say or do; and. looked, imploringlni a iJohnl. , dpew eltrAd! prllxtitoefcyher! 5 fanA " ."Wd. Away.tl 4i Mar...aaa filetiv!vl .l or i i,t Jj 1 mi i... j i 1 j 1i!iAno onetc eui i&uij-roiwtxi ip. JiV...!fniiiii1 VAm.fkliiirlntl1 tnlmuL I .. .. .. M ' . i anio ttULuout,iur eyierca. 1 Kaofcim oo corner noi ;uie: room. J t huAi aid at -a ' - . r; - TT 7 i;iwi w.o-.ai.T.iruL k i....tn . T 1 1 j v:.r r 1 ;,,. (nTheni'wava sadden. Iuish,.1andr.i the TOom,:n.'owt packed 16 auiIbcatQn; was paidfully buiet; oi italtCH tin The aetiutivry itvill please takq miu utes of tlds rieeik.,I!,-'? 8 Vdl' laid her on tbesofa .In thej 1, '.lea robtn.' I ; Wlthj hche; Voices fxUey gathered artoi. fcci aid ?r.n ' " "The secretary sat , clown xl Katc'i desk, and there was a LttJe pause. L Every tfi tornc j to'a jorncj- whirp agray-lialre lenuemen had Taounted a chair. .-it vh ;i' a MMrGrlit rales, aireciorior uv 0 Stale 4wVU V W . . ... . , . . sJ i.eg icavo sir, 10 oner a resoia wTbdaJje be An to read from m. "m Whebkas, John Mills, angineer bf enj-iue uuinbtr 'WJ-Hi this railway line, erected a priraU telegraph; and whereas, he, with the assistance of the telegrapn operator of tlds station ?( leave a blank for her nafrie), usrd th) said line without the consent of the company, sua for, other ithan railway ' - - ' 1 1 uusiess, ' - c ,' 1 1 r It is resolved that he' be siwpended. permanently from his pi-ition as en gineer, and that the said operator be' ruxdJto. resign--" , . , ' A nmrmur of disapprobation filled room, b4t tho preaid mtcommaad ed sileace,aiiil the Statd director wdnt resum I 'ef nlac. c 'It i r.irilJerVcsolTed, lnd is hereby ordenfit, tnit thosatdrJOlni be andlia. aplHintel chicr ensmeed of the new repair shops tt-SSIawsenj A tremendoas cliccr. broke from company, aud the. resolution (was passed vith a shout of issent. -v j v.ftow it ended thej neter knew" ft wmeu iixe a uream, anu iticy couiu -tto-beIie?e i4V4rutrlHhey stood alotie in the winter's night on the track 'be- "iilo" the glorious ;59. . -The few cars the euglfffc bal brought up ' had beeq joined to tho tram, and 59' liad been rIedtonTtha'siditr with Jaany; 7T iV t . r Vy. klsst-a Tor Katn-and a rtnn4 a fn rimer dieers'h twit llie trahThad'ariA' 1 -w-tf Th i.i!,r l..HUn.rwi 1 t pQe ftbout tbJ . ftbandoned aiation aare the loveM. -i!! would: , ,r--n ,ti "-. t stiy tria.t night OA the sidiruii tndther . . . , , . . iTn. t 1 -Lad walked up the tracklo bid it a lobs il , iuia lawurau wjiwoaioue. I ninni rl Ihs nnul li,tn nnl tKun I. A uli - Uy but it .MVandieTt the iarit 16 J bresi lie aaa3'Jts.fi-ry life in gentle- epulis i Jnte. steam. As Tor, th I they had uo 4ieed ,bf its'; lbht' 'The whuec .urfchm.e upotr'Uiemr laua inecaini, coi.l nigbt aemed .a I paradise below, rwoma!,; JpurnaL' 1 One of tii'e tirraiiwt" Mysteriea .. f"'1 k 1 y -r. I .Of the many mysteries which baffle the analyses ef Science, Is the laar of hered it v I vuTerning. the transmission of oicatal a&d I pby-l characteristic from . genera I "on to another, lii no lasuaes is UU atraage law tawra emphatically tlhwtrmtrd than, in t4- generic prp toatinn of .disea-' sea. ' Of all the hereditary blood diseased. toon im Bor oamnioa tad aerofala; Taia iNly. prerakat ,dise baa JiUherto been considered incurable, but siura the itro4;auia ot ott,iauturfs1'Own ami lt f. r-Uiscaicd Utd. .titvtHi aeroiulaua afiiictioiis have lout ther worst features tlwrir iiietfed iDeurabitityr,,Tb fact is tabUirle4 flvat Ue Mvercwt tn of 4Kofii la can be cured by thlaxemarkable renie dv. "The faet is verified ' bf hundreds of ImvofitcaUbl ynooJ. fThe Igiiowlilg testi-' munr is m strikiuir exlubition of this licr! It crnaot fait to impresa the uiiuds ofpsiy "eu ictie toisj aaveoiiiidraa truble iiUi till daiigerou UisaseHJJoUier Js, a n guiy rcspeciea, popuirna weu-auowij 'cui2atf Dooif county; II Mrticatarly requested tha publicuoapf bi lfttf r, ao thatcther famiessiiaiJarlyataicteo.may, -.u, ."F"'. 4U)roeara.alrfiU4;ay.wlMca wUiatl4lUbly't, ir,4iT flVa fct that ir VlwaV. and pennanentit cure and eradicaU ' be-j .rfr.lcl?s'K0,V.ll,f Jj?. .T w.-K;-..r.,ii .tii n . a .!- i.m v.i i w.f..vris i Jj4a'o- 'tbeatlrhiB.-S-Tbreebr4 fSaryeaV agof i 1UV WWUt 4JLVVI44W 'Wlr. liHU W VI S. 1 nyintve aaanaper, iu jert-oi agei,Joi very gly &, wlucb, ,verf" sovu aft;r , thtr appearmicftertninatetf lb Vanaiae 'torea, rail ?ver head fcv , J.friadi all the, kjDOva . reiuedsr-snlves, bealie1 salves, auljbot' aoue ieAnel to Iroae" MeDHidto do any rd. 'llfcr ,sarp!wM: ia a- bad: eondiuou. bideed. , ' lially, I iu-nthfr'ta'Atlsaia to hiilr? hei Vifcrainrxt' t tor Is bad bacame very uueaat about; ber ' .The aoetor iwho . exam in eU ner taaid ,she Waabtdly afflicted withacrofula. Aba ue sama nat mr uwe an,' afea lour yrrBtbvai out all-ever tba,.ba4 .and': face with the ame disease snd for weakr be re aid jretlie down to )rep wtthoutsaN 4rWtt; rreat torWrto' WU bad, waaoUdU-J mass oi aores. I began - to use S B 8 as rsooa as 7! '1 Wsa, aatisacd bmt tbenatsr ,tf the disrate,' and aoutiuued to us it, until every hro'' of the disease nak disappeared. ' Tt it now frptngroif thrae.y4Mr-i4u.a I4avesen any. signs, of,tUe dista breakinf oat. To-day, they are as healthy "'ebtldren a baa ba foendjjS tbv epaatVy. peiora they hegaa the ose of, S SS bey were, frail la ewustl- 'tutionrbirt now they loot' stros1 and afealtb; iI did slat Jtb thera taov ether, luudpf medicietp aid. tie Du jre- licd eatirelr n it, at 1 bad seea sotae aa-' poMtira care .for tluiir vblldrea. flictaUa aii;nd ailxhtf kavto da tgivat a Ur,tri4Urauaa eurs is crrtsin. .Ya areathbertj.to.usetbis letters'. thtj parents may kuow bow tny children wvre cured of their troublescme disease God know k baa a lifted a : heavy load' from' mL blind, as their aflctlxus creatly trotib ;Ud us. . -A i v . . 1 J i a .1. Coujks. , foTreatU :am JDiood juid Skin ;dieascs jb ailed free. ir ...t ,i .,4 ' t ,,r . las la, Ga. - . Tlie new "Southern Bituif Ls iw&mm'ototitUDuhXiWcin. rarleW'i Wit rde,aY'ofJdn- K lug 00 teniporar nJirti 'n ' L'.L. Ing! new lo seeing ksut vVro Wat, tyrid strike oui flet f 14' " !i PrH f-ni vnrn the raomant the'Xew Boutb' cot or tne acaoialed homes and ?ol out 1 - - - - -r - www f v . a 4P rm 4t9js 16ftV the'8ou"(fiern Sitaadonhaa :Wr3f. R01 ioew oouiOt rainaiui 119 longer I orlhe'eaflantsofdierawho overran I weald c!o so agaln did" she ;Iay anf I liei In times" orVafwUi neve? for-1 f He iMtfd'rar'bund iVr looking diSDOlleA her In 'tlrhM ot btecfl"and Ho will conrrtlla oflurd times and stref upon iheir'' sort ''Wordttd rhere'. gat" gUUX4?' .w rKrr1 promises'.1 "t,ui 'A MO h PwUf pay tLreiranariYoVw 'The'reconstru'ciiori or 'renb thb let tU, taltiihti i riceforlho- BoWbV.VWA1 'theVe iipuoncan numougs are Beginning 1 ...... .rf from the natural cause oa gaUant f peopre's search' fotsdraethlrii to do! OtSUTlO j-l-4n ' ,V ,4tMtH'jIhl X I' j " iTit 6taX Is a mire that th South" Is eomlng aolld asralnV Solid Itt' in- J u j j T ..".:ir u" . 1 L'VV-m, T he alone, then, .yoa BepaWfcan giei. ,iSh waota neithef -yoariwofV-' never, btnd he? htottf'tbcTcotiiV tectlbVThi.yoiJ an- proved H'slttuvbllng block to aJUh people. The North- and Boathi CoeetJieare about to blow ftcaloiiMKi Y. . : . . . . t.i tijii 01 VI'iVi 1 Ait.japM2ut r" Tha fympwrjM;.oxniIyuoi iiTiliannil v hut too wVu kiwwr . es aie r r r - . - r i j n, I Tiiey difTer a diltervot igJSywuul to soroo extent' 'A-bllioas man' Is' -seldtm I it brtakrsst ueater.;-'Too '-'frrJcilily,, iila,, 1ic has' au etbtl lent ' bp"i tite ' for ' I ii r KnKVtAhk riiriiirt nrkntrtrk. iag.1 'His toague wai htrdly bear1 in - spectimi st any t!tae;-u tt Is Dtr white and firTTrd, uis-roogb ivt"air'eTeots,t ii'.Thei digiUve tyiU-m is .wholly Jout constlpatiou i two may al- of order tad tuarruoea or may be at ajrnplora cr ti temataiiTUera iuheorrlw ?1i0rJ??' 4?S8 .,uip(M)tJ.u.uer?surH7. tuea A.t qrven i aciditr- , ;leV,uvrneJi Ii; tie, it of the atotxoh in ue iit ca Use atouisVQu. to correct all thia It not.,eflrct cure' try Grt-cu,4 August Flower, it coU' biit a aiflT44iidrThuuEand attest IU 1. A w A false tent a bad penny,,. i J 'THEtE BtJSINESSdlOOMrXG, - 15 lJlu.Ji'n . I uirj 1ilT .f4itMuaomrAlonL .'.Tlicia .tntdeiis s!aS , niv anonnooBini IWa verr jalnabla .i aia iiiiu nftver tiuantotmsrnHi - ii - oiildsKsajiJfta, UrcoehHl orodp;7&id all throat and luQ4:iiaearf QaJakly curea- xoacan test 11 oeiom ouviig,! UTt .Krawi. t- Ifrfak.!r4-Ula,ti.t iKiJirr t1 . pUyf irlro miT larti :'l t -fittl Ma i awn 1 I 1 I n i taeoiruii-A ounea 1 11.5.11 Vftn.i.i.l-taai- bin.-) j ti l nf.m.'AU'ti HJltr iUtMl ,Ui;Ji it! ojif -ion ii?;.- ttlf i-,! j Yorf aVo'teelnii denrWaboL'Tbof pctiU'ls pjjr,;you are: lHtUwsd wiiU1 ta'ra, iriasin luviotthewj ;l4B4i l-eadathe. fou1 bre' fid eU, Act jus- uo' UUtsIihrcrt !cs t U "LiiuJ ufuUriu txrmlr toaditfaae; "orbip uAr4 WU U Ki htist bftf Cbeai, bnd Wblst ewtwfcMl StLCiil !.J'TwCi.Joila.iirft.l hnrrnfarv Jatayoo knr btiuTMJ UJrfe vm laa rcte cendUiau tblo. Uiiw. .nwitjna W4vtrw. aai muersiirva .was a :y.our vlfa ,tJf ad'givvcu, wed.geaJth " .jXik 3- 1 , 1 41 j t. 1 j " r . 1 -I l ChifttfoVroncin r.ih','ahohl!idl'l-':Sl Itnr, slr.V .! r.aj:- -rt ir m 1 (he aftcrhrtorr orf : rl Ay 1 cents,' f and 11 v 1 tvui t 111 tuvtawip ut Avviw s re V.4tl stores and bazars. '--" " J .- f a is1 1 IJUGEIrajUiyiaA'BACVE. " ThebesUaWeld'leWoVld f6falti, lrCVcauker,:SJilt-Tbxm,'r- era6re- Utter'. tWrueJ haaJ. elvil- bUioa, Cotriji,'aiid all akin" erupt. out. "Bd positively eurwpiHv ff u,,pay rvQu:xed..!ltis caarair(4wd'to zr p.-ifecf talis ractii.n, cr rsoDtj it f uad tjd. f IMca I e 4 o tXv per- b oju : F vrr ' sale by J. U. tl ftou, ".ia - Tbs ijto4 :o4 a Hlcrc,'Xcd so the b.t arf U, f Uaj 577, w J continue tq. f2 o ryja, Blo-t r"f;n.f lK for oothlfrj fUensl.h Vafrr ca tt nf .t. (Teta)TaMt aarcaslu-alfr h la iff . oftbV chiraltcrUUt. U .1. - irar h,5 iong ambutba U gala I rewutlf a fur geWa'p t-d fcr Ur bour.ef..r.'. day, and tits a tit aroad J k&r not g- to wortr tnttriTter sua upv OS then teat nWpauU AiaiUli'i V fence Piecbefcftodar- He : , V t V " yv-r la-f etUn?i lei Let Uia for Vaot bf mtWatU it :' SidikwHl nt tn.let4r7 L a erupt a(m place U12i feooa tU4 be ha bren ptftlSogi-.eA fixUj muntbf,!, '.Mtj.'a r-id niw aw 1 Will -aptiJa KitrWkilnx somtthUig to show aow strarrs I. Ha wUl. Uik. jdL-dajL. Sanda? o L Yi".rf.vf .F,'-.T9.I 1 eoliay.to sW bow nadx.U: laast .utf ' "'Utlitrdscf ,ihai Crenel are 'lie il fSdicala tWmecaQli of j eord,pliaUri, th'ea''toet'aidt,nMa Us thombhi'1 aJ aa lb. feooe: f Vi u !. cd w V) MX, . - . .. .. i -iiit csaea, m paper oi paoi, ami CO oar f worth bf eh'ewrci tobadeoif,i: 'l . 1 He H eooBl6Arcon6ln 11a hi .bnawhawtll earV teJ tjeaU'wWrvh iaihj frreaaeaad rnh wJ pUxdl''4l a save p ty di lax wadaLnR iil.."li l Jlrjbti'fcacbarribei for'a'',4a-. per, but will borrow reca Ihiaafro 1 ,WWWHnui k'xTT" l- .? I .... .. I fnTt J Xse ft Iu . .every,' JfqkrrctTUft A . -yv HJ 1 eep the atmpspbf re pureM'4 ?fU liSVoufR WW,t ftrV I JTOmrpra au iirrera suj au eohta. I gibus dlseaAes'.4:', Tie1 imiheut'V'Irs.' oui, y. 4IAJUUX CIXS, TOT .TtW I Of K. VxrbjU Pr?phy!acKc FIuU fjV 'doa Valuable xHsfcfecuuit A'BaaaXUIectr fre 1thUrlPl4. t AW of ahitob'aeaurti fferaedfJ 2kUt oucantaj J (uoia ,k.i7unxiaaai Ou. -,iilaloh'jareni LrfiiaeaMla r.. id rug I t.Jpd lof in alf.fr. i 5? dMolit I ... i ... ... w.--j4 1 L " " .-4..r. ! T!a7UaH Hrimi'lf-vWtr; i 1 -.. I corpa t Ul verysudic&tybTiHal I beforoav-aplessded lee king feUo nVBtclf U UUi fctrft hir-sdJtallhe il.WtiU xcaoaybfftLtnytbw bds hUTM tN "n a d a 1 m i ft t i f !II .1 wilts, triti I l&d :. -giitor f WcHj-ti rcocd Jixirpino VVe, rVk id tt4trlbrit?d' oviilsil I Whv r,!-,,.. i. ,,.. - ! 4413 oe U,aboncr?l ju. t- cbedltmtrt aV. f-ik4 coodt .V-f - k )Tha rncr-l c-:!lr t-rpbrsk . t . - - - m I. Lnioriuiii, v. 10 rtv.-ivji 1; tvitb 1'4WvlrfjsVtoi:la.Ji.a l:u.J a USy. Ji q l: oi!n-.f.l avx.r - JJ: I vn . 1 ' ol 'u. t k The cpoor". of Uxa Inrrt rUK I j iiiiueEii r..r v cf C;s lijvd.'' e UBu- f r "i a ap7,itiiraod JttUUy, lYkx twMty Cve cent. ...,:...' , Perfect Lcalwi can Ve itscred to taby bf 1 JUvTleiuTy'tuTac JJrl IkJW Baby Syrup. Sold rwjwlii7o-rj CI eat bottle. JF V J