- - - - r - ' ' - - ----- . H - - - -r:p to i. . ' . i lac ei5iail: xatt : - t : i7Lti .uw i:-01 LU r; ; t. . . .- . .-..- .... if W 1 V. .... . . fw4ti4 taTrtpl!TctCf H ft"-'-'-" I : Jl -i.iir L iiITu.i TTTii ;Ta";. r."T,J7' . 1 rr. 7v." 1 .t.n trr 1 .w Pitivrri JiHUiiai ta m v t ijw xf?:7 :i r. bi aw i ji - on of ibis 44aJj;niB2 eooatiea. adYtrtiaets iLcAird e sots l eie tU.Lgi-U.'.'fli.iiJjxJ.j'JUJ. j . TU IlIUos; will nU bw respooalUe - fcr tlYV9w o( corTwosnlenta. - tlftamm!U(XiJtota all lorrt?wwrfcikfyacbdtfi Kews teas of aay CuVUl be thankfully rwvyfreA. ,;ilv,; rtf -T. ' r .TJOl! .U AUOUT , n'vw Vint-nt y;Lnyg IgiftHt no -yam cJ iaoaia j ilJ i-ii 4 1 TiV.Lll UMi 1: .'. .r, -ji r.4v) I t itn; ? f )n:r Bat how long will theytiSft16"tb J do It? Already - the ncgtoe, jm; 0.. ! J.. J i Is . II 1 1 - OS tXH& &og$Jml DerXolMtter. j Ui-'Jt iJ. -i-i iU 1-iiJ il'i 3 1 ; Li) , w-. V.J t..V... . I'T r-'-f.'tt r ' -1 ' ' ' "' "' J-Jg - i i ... - : : z 1 : ' M r v i'jijii-n i " . - -, i l ... . n . f ti. f n w ., :.. t t w.. i.in .,.-..-,, i .Si . : ,i'3l.yt. f 1 - r rn.iVn7riMrroI U V L , JL, J 1 J I Absolutely WW L This powaerever Tnes, i Aj; mariei . liii h omritr. strength and ci ol oKf.a More economical than, the ordinary kin and cannot be told in competition with the multitude of lo test, short weight alum or flUofPfate PowaeMoioN 1 ty 1 1 " - General1 rectory ? CHUB GHE& li A wUusjJx Mbthodist Rev. A. McCnllen, pastor services every jsanaay morning and uilht! SundSSSH1 VLt&3 Baptist Rev. Bavins C&de.s . pas tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each month, morning and.sjght rPCTyf11!! ing every Thursday night. Sunday school 9 o'clock; A. M - - - - ! Ezerton Const able R. 1)." Pinnell Board jaeets in each won tlu FRANKUK CojfJBStoTOnw OA.! J. Crafui t rr i: w i.---- T-r-aCpL-- J SaperintehdeM'ot Pftblie-lhstriction--, J J. h. llarrid. t Pnn TTonse J- W. Pinnell. Supt of Health Dr. E. S. Foster. j 20 Ann OF EDUCATION. " v I N. Y. Galley. Chairman; E. G. Conyers, - - R. B. Massenburg, J. Jl. Hams, Secretary. The Superintendent will be in Louis burg on the second Thursday of Feb ruary, April, July, September, Octo ber and Dtban aia rfUM inr three daya.feAaasaryiJor Jhe poseof examining applicants to teach in the public schools of Franklin conn ty. V :r. PROFESSION ATj CARDS TTnpvwv'iTTiw:'' LOUISBURO.!-.. - All buslnesa put in my hands will recci vo nrnmnt attention. 1 " m fOtiKtr ' '. J x , " ;U0V V a. TT' Y and COUNSELLOR at Law, . G. V. Fold. TCM. Fleming. Friday ' beloTofirat.Mondaj,!,! cuuuxiuus, wrus uu an u.i ci uiT pojie;nax UNU' Willie Ut ' Wlrvala .osxju t.w ssrJt-svA ; .UTS.-4 ?r UJ J- -wn.; ; i traxiiiltroiAtf liat'rf tteeo nrotecU louisbubct, fiin .i being true It follow: V 11 attend the tCourrsli negr. Wake Counties also the Supieme Jffictf 2 doors below. Funnan & Cooke's Drug Store, adiolnlng Qri,$. L. Ellisiif .-:r-oni:V;' XT' W TIMBEULAKfi? . -' u All .... . . -ityma boa smvp ATTORNEY AT L AW 5 VT. Say. . A OCeliinaLi uay, & Ziouxconer ATTORNEYS AT LAW. S 1' Praotlcein the courts of ' Franklin, Vance.CrranvilleVHalilax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed eral courts of the State - i a. hicks, ;u 41 jr.A: , .a;t : Mtonej At Law i Mm Piillic, ill T. HICKS, . ' TW?TTTilOrkr V " ... Will practUe together in thoroontles ef Granville, Vance, Franklin and Warren, and in all matters requiring their joint at Wo hope by prompt, diligent and ; faith fal attention to business. W deserve and receive a portion of the law business . of this Bection. -, 4 , aiii4 4 XT.WI-V. f.nlina on1 rha TT I . niro.il 1 1 ami TJiaTTMni: Courts.. It . that P". -wo t -n ,r r vvt ' U'' 1 ' Jl J i Sist QDOn th right tO DR; JSt HSh its Dot dog vw-dawktnd-of dog - ; Vat ketch dotiWTIW H.tli Trcnducted In UikktyrttMili ntvtfli!sv rv'nd'ii 1 i I cf Dot lobster he ras took dat snooxe SMitvoneyeopenTidcv J Ho . Do t he Yas spied, i ;. , dog 5e s nell liirti mit his uose. ' 1 Jl . v iuu a, ratco huh nut as paws, u(f puCiToot lobsttr all aboud, Uud rounder vhat he yas. Und crawl yoost like dot sn iil, And make vide oben ov his claws, , fcftfr OS jxiii at -jot nsSo Hi iw' Dot cry vent to der sky. ' rd fly : rlpike aodunderbolt he vent Der sight vos owful grand, : AjfgrtttejLdflMog Voi tuni ' land. it. .t-i. i- n j.u.. ,x uiajkt; uud run, uuu can not uu, Dot makes no difference vot I say. JQjyg don't look behind. TJnd pooty soon dot race vas end, Und cook him in dot pail. Dot moral vas I toleyou 'bout, Pefore Yas neffer known Don't vant to find out too mud dings Dot vasn't ov yourgwn ReoublicaA i I f t If popular government 13 rtn! then a majority ought - to control and this is true of parties no ""T V JL... 1 mn alwavs doM control. Wilv anr smart leaders may for awhile com! bine to defeat the will of v theses majority but sooner or late I the majority will find a voice stron I enough to proclaha Its desires, ant a IiaQftstrloilsjienough to i enforc T it. lican party K Constituting nin they will in ,.j 1 tsJ "control movements I Tpdthjs;edjthey will fill the offi Seiiiieiiwlth their own color or wit !iboble white meu willing; to d ljblddloThis U the logic o the'sffionathe history of tin UmrshoTrU."" Whenever the ne gre& fcave a majority ' and can elec ttieftpwu colQtthey ' aie nomi inaiaates lor oxutr. x 44 tftftnarpional T)iatr!riri fotihe past f onr years they have Keen nominating nesroesv in tnetJ large negro counties they send 'ne4 the roiiatnrA and either! fill the county offices or put Irt white men pledgeditoi sh spoils with them. m& .i v ' w. irnmtf that there are man v l.t.tA nAnnK1tMni who ' rlnnrftfiiatfwl iv:t..n .ntrn thanAtrrnr1nwri.il Tn thta ..county for years? these white Republicans havelkept; the "! friL-k aw-i tHiii . candidates through the agency of a ur Th white men havel wini. .. " ' - no hesitation In .saying, that : they j supprass the will of .the negroes j and keep them under ; subjection. i.UrA t;i- .- - -ww .1 1.? , WW it I . - ; ( - ii.i . l it i r ai .am . T v . t COTJNTYi; " I I Vna 0'T04cemanm7niS'tjrao j y pep v?!ifonef T'WIMWUl mo ivniencuu pp anrbr phnmr vnowjjre ar be round. - J i.retuuaed., i'rice cents per box. i unceri-'yei'-sinCtf ;1512 Aiiierlpi rarty. w r - -I ocrata bellevinz that theft e?l4)f the coiiDtry requica thatwhltfe ,asswT icsjttgr uvi tuia 3 tira tar j urnflfldKfiiSirh f r L no onenco ip any wniie man in mm, j PJrtOdr 11.4 KnTftfrWfe'baTl ' iwih III 1 fe I r r-l TI IN wk W i v I an III" II the column of the Voice iAAihvAAi&Mli&rih! OtVtl publican tan deny f that MaritiV4ta 'tiwdaamUA KA a..i.i nnetT?otrhw2,n,-iiV.ri.4a' r. .tr ii. . xr . . 1 i3h .upprW the reero voii- ty must therefore be the ty, Goldaboro Argus. BUCKLEN'S AUNICA T2ie boat Salve in the ..i.. t : - ...... n1......,U .k.nrw .1 fever sores, tetter, chaupd nanti M A 13 lock Sheep. : , tfctttat OHyer,1ery teVmenibef, J;tlfe Farmers' Ainhnra'ncthkVlhe i.puuuvaua iud lll-M3ill) IIIHl. lUt31Ur 4.1 bers of; that organization vote; ana surely, .no whits Xtepub wuidKWi:hui f Hi w ii8? m H , ti iiiJiM&iKlh4 . ii Such nridectsrlrkeothprhtlnlA schemes of meu and mice, will eanc k : . T I aftaglee. T HHiwiwi a a w sasvaai a.a7 oivlr T linff ftmterkTof .ttflfLomHna zatloyiklbosaailifllnbt ierl make him the radical governor oTJirii:; 'Lh-jfIV iri TrjuVrv wirr thisstaiwi. r -r -T!?? lkMSitto .-inA8SWa4 a i t c i v a as via iii a . a, - .. ..... .t mil itseii nor win tne -individuals I composing it permit themselves, ti be maite tne political toon or ant - f riAilraw., 'lZrTi: W&.rrgv.yzTw i jr The Alliance will b'trne III Mn.Ati. i .m . .:t i T ftn;t , 1 a....:.i.i. .1 way. - lie is it member or the ; AI liance whose declare principles ard piataca aiinoxUatEltiicb hi l? the head, v 4-,ifr It is only necessary to name on --Protection.- A cardinal princlpli kfrthellftanel iion. xne issue Publicans with the PiacraM,:n4 iae oftvorlng ; protecrlbtv byiKi 'V7;.V.ljl''-g v. s 4Uoit ,.. '.IU .T.T r ztjti(ril'nimnH fmmWlX fioyajnoi cannot honestly believe and live un to the principles to which he sub- Eft! WdAnirYand,at W tAtde Ufce radtiarjlliiaadjbn. fit adical platform. ' 1 When he accepts the republican! nomination tendered him by a io of tiarkles'and redegtsleTAlte- men I he renuddces itorfntWIeaWVi1 Ijaember'of ibeXflVatfeeand whed - r.eu.wi.vMMMuu w ur teveWJeijQbex .oc,it,,Thy t4ket a ' V .HPrX1 Ul ;JrtRf1'? oy m as I iDbiiLiril WUXi3fc-LiWfcrallta- ken. The me'iflBers of. the Alli- nIe o3$gi4t frhe feryn mdiUott:fctktttn,, iwhfch e6Uat'lher&a&liat .?,a!?tr;nfP'yd i Irs or .u.The;persqnneVof CTder.IsJOQ ii ... ... . . . xttelltzeat.io.ba ladaitrsy tjy'siRr.y enttmenUnt6i1dea intelligent not to know thai the ww - wnA. . . Ai,hr IW- n, rVsIf lh& Idea XKeuit t.I-tiTf Jiir; Lc. I TTwi? - . T -0lJi.V Ataxa lunL.i'nsdiri tl.ktt'K-m' . r..nw xt?ci,riq xmyr uuu xr. xwiiiij -iew rxcuu: jtasndj 9i!(w rra.lJuo ia Jdj j.UnJ SU ifiittyetruuiaiIli.i. , , , Jt i tsJel ri lo.-JmO Impart fWeJrnl4isliilHlotfjin .xImp JSi impuneu neinpanu in lS'ju.i ti ed.and WlH neceVfat the'Miii - iJttt'iJZ.i.zsLlu - t i'Xi:r ;miu'. I l!"l;)wc ' -x. ,dT..J-, jJx li'w O J. T " C -.. -pri i w- ? &3 iintrdl J.iu6tW8HWWC?Pt J,iClP.M'fi Ihcalt Oii.dJawifi . biLbetrteaai oUetfhiIrV 'res UA 1 l-P?,etltQ wr tax JLnrxerOlian iihi bwfa.n&itoMttbOMmt , etablesTb'eouU leVraT4 UbC i sUhsi pari- s r t x . ... f vwjrt .itv j I HfWed urkf wla Ofaaal.Iui th.W.J..nK.in negro pai-M'-w- vr vi' iw r lector fre. For.aW aL Furiuaa'al . :TV 'T Z. iV T - f- I MWa lis ri-.tm Jl...( il.1 ilnUU.n.r.yMtlM..i-ff I'IMmIKX f Ml MwmlhnrT ll.lAi fwXj. i .rj it. n . r ,'.Th.?-'T t? . vrff qr t : . . . j. . r : - " SALVE. , licauainsiatonkeeiMngiluo. Take 4.ft.yV,tt r1 or'Ban Ari ' j fob.nJX need 6ot'U lfcucf a IoH'U i ' i 1,. i. 1, fttYV'.ll.; MuW"ffl i altkJtLete-' ftrofectain iirl rJaisU world -for 'iLTk.,. Jul eu.f.tt t T7 Wl" ?? ? f 4 .wii-.ftitTl7I 1 xn iioj n uuty wan iuitxrH?u on iurtcuusaiamuu. "r or sale's i rnn i uv - wmwi livJJr miiiiiiiiii cii iiri a. i in -r uri - wrtin j jmi i Sftow" oy wUMMwrpopf .1 t .;..- I "?? nu .Hrom m pounds inl$5p,Jtff.'x JC5,V V " it new-iMiiy.i lor-.rtUOJ- pro h18 wustwroi irqininese and almlLav fllAre-liildrfriMtlr It. Mtx.af . mamyonMiwuM-itnn.inxt T .. ....mvu . F,. I -i L I .1. -creased. a.VuriieclyieVery pound ol Americattoltbti-aStflvJrediVitij "g Indett wirh-pb rnad I from American heiiiD: now "over manuiaciurecr.'irora. imported Jul 1 DtlLiM ant njUHiTn'ritvlpr'1 lhA T (Wi J wv waiC9 Ul A.ueriII CUllUll YIUVn a!tIeMtrt1rprco w)uli Immense grain cnHnV the' country requires abou I bout S3 OOP toria of iwinej hnmk?mP& wlaloly jn .rfxin l-rAt?VIW t99' tUaU-lw-thd larger inan,Li)4eiijjWiJY4AUflJor Mlri producer Is .xeiTjthjigii oliVanVP . . iuu.iuny Tivjj-jmr-i LUUUU1EI.'' - - . " . .11 oO IfsjrjMJJC4ClsaUsio Lluode . . .1 ' w Xou aW feeliudeiireMed, jpnr ap-f headaches four Urp5ll?t7 bT?rt?ja.-,! and generally; rit Af anrt, ahd waat. to biaco up. Uraoj uu, bufttti2FKhi stimulants spnu-niedio'.ue?, or bit- tnn8rhieit.y wt tierrHUyi Arr lujaxii bad1 W liii ku0i4 whVh-'stil Iktetf oaioraft njorf1it(Mli4lVe 4oa:hjua wor0cdifi!ltarr11Aa "b.-f CWhaf you ww1raciuiaTeyftiVtnat KitU ptxrlfy-ydQt Aiaf ,itrC dlby actiou r llyrr n,w? yjy - r store Vpur vitally, and g?yaewJ leaMh aodVstrcntxu. SUviU, ajiie4iiiuef ou l;wrfiftq'Bi Electric B4 .ervouljO 9ta botue atdtOM siuratauced Hr1V idli t ri xI j?1 "i i i rawn-uTw w: i as an.act of Juatice tothReV.'J. SKEpbli'twho Ivas lately been chareed of aa act biiWibuiiagfti a minister. The Ti5dta nss not pub- IWWSlfl d?ti fe? Mleat, wliose prlcttr. tUd .petition with cottoii nietl in Tu fw.ttk4-UtlitfDuiiiitrtT! (hat tbd I - . . 1 1 . 1i!liahthf laiynot W Ydlitbl 4 9 iXU&x&WtXkUmtTfitoltxL tnieiJjto for aurretrrlrJii8tpff 4 I . ' . . . . . ! I coml . porea to uw prove Detore tue,t rW1rthdhati.ctt and air of ij jifikodrjr bitQTe,f4ilrkku)trt vtfc FruUc tQ 8pend judeiyt juntil 4 i4 1 Yafr kn'tt 'liifpat.Ar" tdbuoar'ball ?i!5 hear tlieWeacVj-arrU cfccldtf'Mi iat 4mofckridvnymi wUiaiuMTtikwyrJaaf ca. 2a cl e ci ill 1 u ttio ai (a JVhT;1f ill r4U f uir.vjLLV;dTsaorriJ J rer.js gnNrameid to cure .yoa. .Fori AitS'er?los l-lits;afer.Jo&JrttWi Sh.liih's Vitalior 11 what yoOj. ne4 dutip:iciu. or appetl r, dlxt . I r.&j 10 and io ceuts per botr . rnFur nr a iafr Iturbw L ' A ' r w. . r I. -. 1 v. 1 tinea die a a Imlia - trrnl, IStV,H I. IkPuVjcarliiUicwo4v4aY!ar JVf J.WJ ViT i f1"1. I - t . - . ksv if frWVua Pfopte oi.uocouaiyn governed I XUCJKJJUuiiiii iinviiii. iucii tu i rioacxsw)or rujjuc ouuuiuiiv fi , . .We'll! he yMldrai.t.''3 J:f ,,. 1 f anV MS (mi VTshaddwJf Vl' ...... . Mi . 1 . ' - V 1 f aByWPJ,lmVrshaQwf,a,dTbbt on t!il aujerTirCrrtTjirndical; CrAsmrtusrceLlCor1 Ihe1' HdrnW tiaaioiMaaloaWbrlui afaiUii l-N.'h,n il.ii. naiil I iT Ibow a) -, - . v - . - - - . . , , iliddw'tedl dl,V0 rd xliiii-W !'-h4i -?i!Salo.f '.l irt8 ju.ida enofrmusJiead thUniud. bta'es : ; -impsr every .laiainuje MnVrii''jrrmiraU rf VS 7 fcutL.-t . yi ' v .. . u ,tJ. ! :l1 cun lU-ri-WP-7V"lS fSVSimr.tlnrr or "I'Tiinfil fwnrula7 cobsmpnodoXuntdoods , Ly JtirPCra AittJ OlUiattl Ibtre U icarct ly acmcr of tUuiwPtU where Aracri 5aacWed.,cann rif lihffr!&ryevii?-u. 1CU. vut '.The cabs are made u the .United m ji.iuit 1 f ' 1 : r u I lhaIhesa.'To Cbiurelf Ti VjVltei W ;.,,V.?iu?. ra-l.'WTr prWctloD,"but . the,; pfoposliwt I ' 'ATloo4 qrfAHaaae . a.r tit huir voter. t,nni.kev 'r .oniina- doubl- ttro duly upon the 'im ' 'plate1 It ftwf wa4ofaiaryTaaalwH:f xt , . tioua tloiilca ders' savh2 rthatl" iht eCma or? " ra-enu, be li r .Lri vim ;-i - j t.j ui i. i . ' mahoo would ; rum Aet ly hiJre Uifn sues for its ecessUksJ " rKK .?rf ' theaeaame .fellows would- 1a ve the V aad beiUicr is U fivro4itlw.'. two lw,frrr.1v'r!.iltl1rl, WM'rnM;WUi., nvking a ' tTuite4uteri7ivt evea an xJnfant in xnra .l?',l 1 f U ni?WldbriArgga,J;,.j , Mwdus'tr. iits not Uka aikv etaVyo. U4t ,w !' u i Uiu , After 4his -iKrrtual. couwilUao" '! stfikw inh dtat it U4tiWwha1? tTke V J It TRY RTCkTlE.. i vote tliese frllows deny Uiatthey ivi.i r r? :f . I i i . i AT .... v..,. 46pi'.'oVhiSi.- ...r;1;;H"SKW.Su i 'iTA'&Ssyi M ..11Cuia lIiiiuIIiii.Str.:li.v. 1,lic lliWiii)llcWlilatfiri r Herald, 4 noorDartizan riner.,buti Jl . ti ... M ,-- -- . . f 'tbtiuecUbu'Wth IheWtcrasWtHaf I.MSa dT xa! pKirsisUrii,truly'g!Vealiiy f8,.TMSWj L.T7n:Mil.afifiKa !wtb4iaWtBrfir.iro-fb irfuriL7AlrTifFx,pUce4 fcwn73.wAQTlfitt-;r ..nm&Wu fmi Tq,L9AuSw, iVouldonhxTtdlnTo-Uiooceai seems 6iat that Wtr mfan ohelp 'm fAfV 7? uOn, taxing even botfr Tory pur Uwt- lj ..lu Mi ritrf tlxj .J I 9iKUi-CAa.OFiXE tlie mirpostt oriaxinj youiuta.a VJ" ia,l,4troQa ihdenil iA; wU.o luDuCUUi WU.t CiU . . 'peToUsoVdllbliWhhodi' you'd UU JU-e natiiitsJ .Vonakei Ipaiedia a rcywi iU UAI A-4axuiLI iiTl7 ., SertirvASfU -l-id- r.i.fP'jnjVar.sviiii 'bwivrhenl aud '-Ah-ise . Inddins clairoa At fi, ! i-,L' . . . 1 tw tnlnf tWtbtl,1icWii(. 0Jcd -i.cii5hb ?"a rnd eVenlaaTlv came oot.xJ 't!ie Mrl warn ftr. 1l f . ' " i. Jbato was )ifd.,la veeJJivtb . j loose ,of Ju-pcesbutiYerh .TrrUcani I 'notdtMa.Viblei flow, it was aautuieu inst pXTf Tiilttc:a a liW Raised would gtnrsi sacsJofwai IrVof aalf tide brtntlruQlt'ereal uso at he raw ihWrifl lMWiaf J SiSI tTm utc'4 slU they would ifioce tor ley.' , Tbet totaatea tla of eitiniflown tbeif worr pidpe 'Undrlfhfry UMi - j 1i'rfcdfftos!Qo Isbni 'ti ,j. i vrT , . . w ,17 . . t - " r"- . -.-, " , . t i yrrr ""Vr"' veriiis to sy,a word la n i , i i T. ..Z'CZ. . 'Z . . 1 LMYment a i i.wjuo cilao io lwiaow or my -arurtte i.ameiLMt io HijMii or my: arfteyi MluU Af CoDke,- wA iArbofosvsUe I le iJeade.1 iu bsr ei'tbeir rccortry Tfti21ittf KUyl-SflL ' ' I d: : t..yv CtftW Joi J L,-i U-j v.:i :Ad"r1ctif JJ. .TJllftaa ' l.UM.M0 Ai7M !?.'t.T in S I f - . -.---w a' - ww ! kcAc ntfrf.3il AtiM Pft tohtftfaOaWd'pdhlie wua goJca-l hveyaneea.,! . If gxod horse awX tnxgj gie5;pi;iiiif rs 'tj.if ptra the tgtiio. we are determined xna .baU U dcue Also we arts prepared; ?1 !o L1" enrxnmsTniT v.ry Lvll.v.'. ...W.kuJ .iitk.rMU.it. aticntlowfw UJl'br Cited r thta. - . I We are prepanA to do' all kiM J W j hn"o& uafiuaaecurca aipst xiai .wai gtM). siWiuoiv. fo r- 5 UAYEJkriXKELL. ptwlactlonVtlie imAUW'- Mk.t cu nut vhiuu o ua pia ie - js nitdt Iflts couttry.'feJlVVAubfel ied inaf H'lmkiiHa tfiVeti 1 t . r a ' - O It MXnC ilD r.kL , ,IU iri .U Yli KG 14 RrPAiriAmiSf all khltStlrom mw.r. -"', ---f t . r.MAaixas;fjturu Bia G4kn9 mA htyf always ra4$ ataix sUaJLeav wtov J ruu "U rwNaectiMi witA toy btltt convey ' personj My.wUewa cAty may wUa ts. go ' . ' T .. .it l l.t .ytTixi t ' "rd f wV t. Xi rw r iU) w aixvt ji in tw .' staU ( arr4 itWi roa l- ' debted to kaU' uUU arc oiiac4 l wakr . iauMdCiM ayvMWUudrvnUatdiiliil&f cUiauaissfttrril.pmal lAo aaia f pjmm mt bcur th JUk of Mav U.!i iitiltlbf jlead4a '"BltAKBON-'HOUSK OV xwn ,or5T 7,aan it i i T' - " ITI I T' IXJ TT " AT ' . - , . Imu - iif.I i t-v -dit. I jttrTir e way Itkd3f J,'JR v?'io'a"i uVrii i;'IlrT ?r e aji ctia "t v J rt w a.' r A :rMASff- j.V .. ?.T.itfrrccf m if iim iiii u 1 1 r 1 n 1 11 ! r tSes"!rW taVtiTt rtU W fbst I . te tnbvl 3 to- U.4Cr . t tbV fci -of iUrtvcVtri. wM ymMi1at t Alain KtreeU wbrval atn froiy Ved. Hd M I lt3s f EVtiAlU-ir wair (var-ii4 .t Deiu.ijriDAtii l lrrrr- rtiiriri..irinv. ... 4 - - - - - My ! wSwp It tni -oa coaxrt' elastic wLsy 1 will be iZeastd ' Id k4a. atT-txiSBvla-axd Tartrocareall toi4MbC - XldalU ta?ttvl.'reslJe?4t' rat- ' tla(;kU.ea&d L!LirTtz taiDr froattr ' ! ed toXUJUatWl&U- " , lax barber. i