, i - ..i--ga';J1 riii.l iwii'Viiii M .i"r . y'yyy' WW- Af.rfr.My. ,. rr-mTriT) .j.r,"i'. i. .iji a i in i .. ' I ... i.i . I 1 . - , , ' , " " , , r ' . . , , " - .: ..Yfr,iytHi.fU e-di-. : ', : JAMES A;iSHQ2XAS,'s$;. pTOU; t- 1 . . Editor aod Proprietors I f 1 j To c:ub ol WkKirtmiVH til . Abso This powdercrer mriea. tA:tttlurtl pmrity, strength and 1 wholesouieneM. More economic! than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be aold in competition with I CAXS. KOVALi IS AXING rOWDEB MO. 106 all St. N. Y.t XT f TTT" General; liter, v;:i:t LOUI-'BUBGi N. J CHUKUHES. MitTHoDlsT lv. A. 3feCullen;jato aerricsi eyerjy- bandars- iorVJlaa nijkt. Prayer meeting every wednesday niut. Sunday school o ciocka.u. ua.pt I ST licv. Hay I lis uaae. pas- r1"0'' .TJ'r" K . i".. I tor. Services 1st and sunaayaineaci! mnth, nrning and night. Prayer meet- feSfA&Y H.vYoa-oi:iU!hi4.W I.iiF X Elun"G!vfFoidyTtV-leMin cWABLBlf-D.'piniiar. f ;u ,ib Board meet Friday beforelirst Monday U each month. I FRANKXJtK COUNTY. CT Cf CoiiMissn: J. Cru.l ir P4..S. Foster, V, Pierce, w. I B.Uzzell' . ... sheriff rKJr"T":: slperfnteudent ol Public Instruction J.N. Harris. Keeper Poor House J. . rinnell. BALTtt-Bri F- 8. Foster, , lie- ruj McCihee Frank- Votary Public Uuton, S V BOARD OF EDUCATION. X. Y. Gulley. Chairman, E. G. Conyers, B. B. Massenburg, J. N. Harris, Secretary. The Superintendent will be in Louts burg on the second Thursday of Feb ruary, Ap ril i July lamb;r Oetp ber and Deoembei aud, renfein J$t three days, if necessary, for tbe pur pose of examining applicants to teach ... in the public schools of franklin coun- ty. professional cards B. B. MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAW- LOTJISBtJBQ, N. C. Office in the Court House. All business nut in my hands will reccivo prompt attention. tt M.COOKJS. ' ' ' t'miinaRBMK" ij , ' W" Jl attend the Courts: j of .Nash,! Franklin, Grnville;fcWaxten,Oalid; Wake Gounies also the 8upieme court of Noreth Carolina, and the U . Circuit and Disthot UDurtai. ti D . J. E iMALOK'i11' Jfflce 2 doors below Furraan b Cooke's Drug Store, adfoining Dr. O. L. Ellia.. -: " i Q W TIMBEULAiCfet ATTORNEY AT LAW ; louisburo, x. g. tip r --y HOxa SLUTMb unce i re uourt Jtionst ,:n A. Dav. - , Day & Zollicoffer ATTORNEYS. AT. LAW. HENDERSON K. 6. Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vance, Granville, Halifax, and North n amp ton and the Supreme and Fed ' erat courts of the State a. hicks, ; ; Mtorucj At law i Mm Public. ; OXFORD, N. O, asd n t.hicks,' - ' t Attorney at Law. j HENDERSON. N. C. . , I Will practice together in the counties of Oranville, Vance, Franklin and" Warren, and in all matter requiring their joint afc teativn. ,s . i , o- 1 We hope by prompt, dilicent and iaith- 1 I al attention to business, to , deserve and " receive a portion f the law busineia of ' thU section. " I I i ill ir w! IULC1V tfUVIJa w fi b v mm t .1 Mi i G-thmn ...... yOIrftSVJJL. tj -.f t :A Vcry SInircnnt Aftfilouficet 1 I'li t Tw r w fiV4TJ I JJ viuiui) uu jiiiiiiijr u4i attuuui u eapoyerst but ail grades of eiu4 J ployees. In the ubernatoriarcon teat OS 1882 It threw its fitrengtl I. and made itself del c tbtttuill 4II J .the sarphwi'Jrotlt takes o othf ThisXeleroentfs' very' strwp rtures sabsiUieii, f-ror pensions. 4atWtdHoit onM Isivelj hlOin Brooklyn, and ii) Une tre uenmu aisincis in me seventn' i HentiiWd Twenty-first in the l'taker iHA'riPeV.tl'dkt iitijof Nlw York. At the presii l;that ; Surplus Is - af'Wesstnff;: fcrid tlal elation of 134 the habit of taking a Republican vie of ua .9'. . 1 ' . a I iionai issues, ana unwise yteuuu nlnjly promoted by the Republ can mannagers, prevented the gen Vaocrit ca acftkuAu JTJjer'sAYeekiy h pointed out, four years of success 1 fm Wg 1Sve completely mwWttroWiTor timidity on f I 1 I i.i B f 1 i fr-i ; I the pari of those naturally eonserf J ailim.(lUAna ...t 14 . U.IL I i.w."wipt uuiuo ii. it-. cal necessity as well as a plain duty : rtarjtDem fMpkUefrttlon, Their ; : comrnrclal interest and generat ta- teMiguw' natnmllled'tliemtoop- .. - .utkJi A'.T.;KitX' iiLuJi u;J,J,wu' of monopoly-tariff for the sake of . I iri3polya!yj and, like Mr. LoV. ( uiey winnow relieve ineir xears, r conscientiously following their prlni I .. . . . . " ... 1 "guam ttrtty for JTiiiMtleilloii urHe Democratic National candidates. Were there anv doubt about the s - 1 in State of 0 New York, hjevents aalMayor JAw's eon version wouia aniiio n. ixot oniy in the metropolis and its neigh borhood, but throughout the whole State, there are many thousands of influential voters who Will fellow his example. Fool Who? ) 8tatesville Landmi Imark. The Republican platform adopt . ... I ed at Chicago last week, was drawn with the deliberate purpose to de-t-celve. We refer at thl time to oni ly one feature the internal reve nue feature. The platform favors the repeal cf the taxes on tobacco; This is either deliberate dishonesty! or it is a rebuke to the Republican party In the lower House of Con gress, and Mr. McKinley who pre senUd the platform, is one of the Republican leaders of the House! fTalkfe chWpiiet us see how Rei i.P'MvflMI wordjBj?-tally with Repub4 . lieaa actions. - On the 3rd of March! -i7luMlf-lterjderson, of NortH Jf:i ... J Carolina, tooved the House for the i passage ot nis resolution proviainj for th& abolition of the tax on leaf tobacco-, liha fori the modifications pf.ihe law -governing the distilU- or wnisxey ana oranay. xne, vote In favor of the resolatiou stood rDemocrals, 181, Repnbli- cans, ( 'Si'iajpu'iist the resolution 1 4Jemocratst o, itepuDiicans, uni XIW- looks i-like the RepabllcanS want ltd reptel;tbe tobacco taxes J ftd&t&tlfr- of them vote to rc4 peal it, and 107 vote against repeal! Ing It. Again : in the Mills Bil now pending In the Hoose Is clause repealing: the tobacco taxes yet tbe solid Republican party I: the Hoose, witn about two . excep- defeat the Mills bill, and thus de fer the repeal of the tobacco taxes, and one of the ablest and most ef fective speeches made agalDst tbe hill vm iho nrtMCh of Mr. McKlnlv himself, r He writes fine platforms at Chicago, and his associates ' api plaod him, and he and they then: go back to Washington and votoj lL. h -t, ff4k. W1.lfMi : MnJ further:'-;;. j i-S'S ?" lf there shall still remain a lar ger revenue than Is requisite for the U II 1 L t -, 1 I . . I M . . . . . 1-.. i I I I. ' . . ' . ' 1 i I f . I 1, J ' 4 I ' I H ' I . .. ! 1 : ,vjiS'"JT.iia J .liuui vj. j ti4j,u uSlli oil .io5a toil 1 j wauls uf ilwRUVUiummH. U Ufof the entire repeal.P ih 4Aico latiiot limit 1110. euitcuuci v I )ifir Ul .4i'i-i'saA 1 ihi) 9ll I kThtt'bhtfftrian'l-mitr repeal of th tebttCCtrii(fU;..;jy and twrpreYeat'KiJtiTorin or d i4axatlon.- The RepablicatiVarty b inejpsf teiuatic and consistent defender of reprewMiiHiives io vueress' nsiye lh8 idea, and ii th, their ex- trivi2ttnt lifensaboat TOhsicsLsub' siaesL me. utue will never come when MlUieqiAliv requis t-ruuient coy rtrTrjovn o It Knot ajui airraay -ifteuNorift fcrapoiigifcinr for It. . i . y .. j . . . ; " The actlon' o llie iWpubllcans on lw ntamal M4tiia n.uu.L,B t Ixl.A w i4viiw lovtius vmirnim thetr word:. -Only but week-U wltfiia'jDowles nought to get an anendrneiit tacked on by the Howie to- the sundry tt.vtit.' - yi.iiwn.wiiuMmTOm iswu- tiomrby Umien atatea marHhaiH and coniraissloners. the oalypppjaition tney encounrerea in uenaie was from two Republican members, and . - - J V .. - ' from our own Stateyone (NHstiolij voted sqtmrely agajhst the, Jainetad ment .arid white the otherf Broweri t.a -1'.- . .. T But coming . biiek to the main point, If the Republicans .' want to lepeal the tobacco Ux, why did all of them in the Hou. except 8 vote against'Henderson's' resolution to repeal It? If it Js said that the have experienced 1 change Vflheart si nee the ,ortynint & jeais w ass tnea wn cet 2 TTghti thea why.are alt' oCtheiil ex t 2 Tight! rig tIefcAtnl3blU which t.rAnnoM tri vonAal ft This Dlatform oretenslon la fraud I . . . 7 ulent and hypocritical and wll deceive no one who has any sense No Oats for the ProIUbitiort Horse. r 't I'll If TuW! fTTta jGederal NeSli tlrw. Af IfalneL siys LTheil tempMranceUroluj tion, is no resolution at all. If they had Jet the matter entirely, alone rthfre woulJ hare been no case o sham and hypocriy againet' them By shaking an empty measure at a horse you can make him believe that there are oats in it, and draw him to you,' but -the temperance men need not be reckoned so ; fool Ish, I The; republicans cannot at-i tract tlTeit( itith I itU rpylutlonj whlcliUio Broad larawk hat It will neither offend Howard Crosby nor the meanest grog-seller in the slums of New YorK' A great irtrm4 l)er--;many hundred 4 thousantr ot temperance mem win , uiH year go from the Republican Into the 1 Prohibition party, whose standard bearer the former, would have don well to nominate. . As for th drunken scenes at , Chicago, tbe; have beefriemtledRtptAtioTis Re pubUcjoi CdUTedtfcrisi 7ina thev surpaW those -At YbVktdwn' knd , at the Garfield funeral.' ViYou are feeUngdepreesed, jorj' ap-j ptjjte is poor, you are rotuerea wi(&; bexdache, ton are fidgety, nervaas and; generally out of 'sorts; and Want; to brace up. , Brace un, but hot ' with! stimtdants spnog mediclufes,' or bit-j ters, which have for their basis very, cheap, bad whisky, and which stimu-j - l - u . . - " "9T . . a T I uwjjvu v swlb uwui, sysui OW IWw f-Htr-ln orsecditlotthad befiire. What you want is ao alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of Liver and lajDeys,. restore your vitality., jand give renewed .health and strengths Snch-a- medicine youi will find in Electric fitters, only 50 ents a bottle at Clifton's Drugstore I taxes If this ft jiemaarV to1 aboiish (it Iheif view' -iherett ahall .wto.be buay. while .those wh) t. . w YnV. .ei- vrwta bearer.and at. red 4- AJammntie thaaii LTP.i ?M "1? r::1. itefor the wants of the bV4 WriW;? . ..I .1 I I . - - . . 4, 11 a iMiKblil i' .1 T '! Vl.ii I f MtMMtllal 1'u.V.I lk. i. . I ,,luini5 is a spring to aef ... - ....... ...i., ;1 y m i,. . ., .-,. .. . r ..r. 1 .rt rtv woodcocks, ! Is Tbaik Jr Jtt Uytaff butyoar workTorVthe I .If WUecemx wrix proporuone I r .WH.faiu; T srVZ rtdlhe Soiithjtrii Stales. Leeaaaii T " r I i "ii k : vv r 4 m l ttm Tfepobllcan'prestfor Hid i n , i . i i i i - t it il.. l i -Ktltte .Ri-kirti nf Atrrlcultiw. In a ret cent farmer's institute, vald j tbat 9otlonaedliml'Is k much safer fkkxl for aniotalathaa com. meal. Prof; Saubora thinks that seven? eeri.pounds of cottonseed meal ore 'Worth podnds stetv. ttTejant.gmriett-i Jlbetij hire of the tabor which i Will bring - great returns in moneys but it is certain to do so In family health and comi fort.r Blue-grass'is the better' for pas lure. Orchard grasi W a little earli er In the spring, but does, riot make as much feed through the season Syw fifteen pounds blue-grass seed tot he acre, and twenty five pouudi i of orchard gra. , A CORRMPONDKST of the North .--, . a . ...... k State HI nga cities at the Farmer'n Alliance in expressioti of the very evident r. , radlcajsoreness against that organization.;: The Alliance will. probably lie able to stand up against republican .hostility quite as stoutly as it has heretofore done in any good cause It lias espoused. Meanwhile though it must be pre pared toj jndure insult and. con tumely and mean . insiuuatloi.8 at .the ) bauds wf thnee. .who would cheerfully, use them as political (al lies If they could, but falling , that .will slander, backbite aud;. belittle ihetn of theh organixatlon I and make sport of their alms aud jam bitions. Ex - . . i ' - s - i i i ; . I i rugalbi Writes a. Letter. J. I i. -4-t t I ' m. . ... . i. : ,.) fallowing letter from Senator Joha J? IneaJls Co a: BiembeOof tlie. Kansas delegation was made publict ': VlCB PKESIDaXT'S CrtAMBBB. Washington,' June 16,' 1888.---Y.Ur 13th at hand.' Ml dees noi makermtkh dilference who is nomina ted, in my Jadgment.'-' The cahdKlates will cut but A email figare 1n the fight. We can' liect anybody or weehail fidl. The leavt conspicuous and therefore the least coiaplk-ated man wilt btf the bel-onicbod, liker Hayes ' in 1876 Among all the ueo' named there! -hi not one "leadet'--noooe whose perio nal or hWtorical relation's ta'. the" poo would makeVdilTereacebf 1,000 votes hi' Uie canvas.!'' Sherman; Allisooi HArrison; Ac-bave records ittaj would be awkwird out the tariiT. the curreric tbe' Chinese estion'&c Depew's connection wUp railroails'aiid cnrporaons.wiwild he a JtiesjEyjoad especiayy. k the siculkiralUteaJ filling the bill than any ef the ethersj with BomeYelietr like Pbelplr, of IJewj ;Jeneyfo;coui4're' the tuservaj tive forjees-jol 'taget'iCotrW batieui from'1, the ;.majaufacturejrs ud; Wall itrest. - But you can Judge moth; better than I what is' best after, coo-' suiting with the .delegates. i i ' i i jsVJ Truly, Yours, 1 J v' hi jo inCJ vu Joits J. IJtOAIXSj.i ' l5TJTJpktEN8 a.RNICA1iALV. ,. ! 'ienta. bruises: sorei.Ulcers salt rheum, i 'fever sdros, , tetter chapped r hands, I eiilblalnsi cotns andn'"aliri;etui-l Uoos, sad potively cures piles, or n o av readiredy.' K ' is ' guaranteed to; givd perfect satisfaction,, or,, money i retunded. ' iinoe cents per oox. , For eaie by J. R. Clifton. . - . k- 5 ochos. tvrentyve .1 7 i of cobd rhaj- forftedrui ' 1 c "r.iTf? L -is ;:!. :5 :i . : Tu, . am i I anu use to laiTj ncn. . f I "The men wliV get' tfirougli iiU ltft most work are the men who- never 1 ., ,, , T". . t; -.,,f ' I i uivtiii wuis sie ura iuou nuu ssici i - ij u 1' t i .( ! 1- - i . . . 'kkbaa - - a M A .a .11! .L - . . . XI o - , ii . - , , . -. , , I r.un -.'tin . I ;iiWM"t.Vk. 'lt .wi,rw ! Till "T7 " E""",J rW WMV aHWWV . l If iallirvliiomaV amiable jb4 I likely iebahappv.x l; i J . i .. ), ,it I irihane,ilittpetooat; -will taarrj l kHl aa-dWlHtaldU.,.J- j " .tX:W:ltrf4frfL i.i I I ! fvprppl i t,-Av, i i I S.cU as you saw there, some time aire. Seem freshcheekVand getting adiniple,; : . .. . r I ' I don't look at all like I, used to. I I - t-... ,1 ion like tallow; v I I No woudcr ( they thought me and 1 ' called nie a. fright; f . ; . H a. k sr vTrw vf A atVfa 1 r vo , i,.. I gray ami sauow,- - v. If she'll take what I took every morn, noou, and night. ' ' ; I asked Uie dellsnteu young woman 'v'-i-i r -tj -t.. - what le rererrrd to, and she an- swrred. Dr. rierci's : Golden, lledical DUcovrrv. It is the best beautifier in the world, because It pariflca the blood, u a ana pure mooa cive Ku nww. sua good, health is always beautiful. . 500 reward oficretl for an incurable c ise by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy : PERSONAL 1 Mr. N. H. Frochlichsteuj, of Mo. bil Ala., write: : 1 take rrest pleas ure Ui recomiaeiullog Dr. Kiuga JC-w Discovery for Consumption, having uised it for a revere titack of Qronohi tie catarrh. ;,Itgav roa .in-tant; re lief and entirely cured oce and I . liava not been afflicted since. I also beg t .state that I Aad ined other remedies Koodresolt. Have also' need Le iUs, botToT which I can reeom I m.nil" - ;"" " 1 i DrKlsg's New Discovery fcwCon stunppoib ouut and colds. i avid on a pustuve guarantee- . ' Trial bottle iri-e1 at Cnfton's ' (i I V 'm.W UfhH; fimirtMnr, ' ' . fir. At:: """f"' ,- r.l. '; ; N;T.ait-;i.-'.i -H U .il "1 -cl JudgeTharniaa ssd ' Mr. Conk ling were great rriendan They ttsed so . go Ujelr.ibeurnatisoi wheaootk wre in the jbenate, and enjoy . heniei res hugely.j J udge ThaTmaia would ofleU ,s.y (rcConkling U mighty good ro-ppa nr when be chooses. . jA . .scene ooce occurred between them la . the. 5eaate that la. perhaps tlia moat, graphic and Z 1 1r..!.l 1. ..J-I was one (taj.maklog-a speech, during r " 7 ,Thurman and! addressed remarks to (himiHThej werenotalwsyf.of axverij eratiylns: nature, and Judsre Tonuaii; -ki i. .n .-ri ' . ' s i. i j . .' tDoea theSeastoc from New York. ,U roared, "expect me to answer LbJm revery tuns he turn, tome f.i , t; -rcw5,? vyuijS uoim.-; lea, sua ever) ooaj expeciea a wmmc !lvnlk.l.n ' TU.i with aW afp t vj mikita eodHaa v ha retdiedt . .V. 'i , -ITben Iipkk of theliI turn the Senator fre ra TjWo as the Mussel man turns toward Mecca... I. .turn to him ss I do tiie Eagllah comnon Uw. .. -a,1T. fMvv:.-rvT,ft as tbe world, mosi copious rotolala .ITieDemoUgaTesrouswgcheer.'l aad Jhdge Tburman walked over, .on! the Republican aide and .hook haai. withCookluig.i;,.; gnlmu.,, th.tt com m-ZXZ: oqsou record. J I Isn't new. story, taste. , "by sny means', but it la true, and It ii '- HasWs PaaobiWii.,'v ! a first-nte itorytoo.V lir. Conkllng --- wrteWr: -"! . 1.1 il !l : i : :. ;--i . ouu statu .cojsmzzivo XUw iUCS. ...... . T . . ' 1 . . . , ..- . - - . . . , ' .. W " gi!atC abolli? )iutrf tliuUnU are Coa&ad trpoa jaste tad. afufcy tot:aJi -ciMtea jtAdcainnga of mmai preeucaaBpaija vaaitau djacua throcgb thq .cohpaaa i of; CO aaddiapaMlooatelf.jiopipgrio meril toe approra of. ulrrjanmcaf both parties and of . twth laces. ML y CUTelaod and, TburjaaaVTJie baAdaqna ioi.soc roog 14 lomtoai IN1' itvA aotla.td Uomaa whow BoOwr m. leader hi thr Democratic parlr. b the strongest leader that coald bavs Wea Mx)j Fla. mtaa aKla and, twmml I leader w lien Mr. Iivln'l . .wa C the brainiest of the tirafay. ttehooesfc. est of the heoesW the imcal of Uaa true Democrats aftba Ciioo.. ,IIa haa haul be was confessedly a of ablest and beat furaiAhed Bale lb. Chreai Cie . ,; ; . . ; ,a . I """ h sa I Why will you wfTer srlth drapemU 1 nd Hver epniDlaJntJ. 8nUahJa Yital. ler is guaranteed to, curs , yoo i For aJe at FarmanX -.' . : ' , ' TD??,-U Joy.-natieiiuiecoug1Wi Daluhs.eare i, the remedy for you. Foi sale at Furtaau's. Catarrh cured, health aud sweet SSJ. '1x22?! BeJy. rrkeWceoU. Naaal la- Jeclor frco For.le at Fonuaos. .; rvrlaas back, aide -or cheat, oae Sblloh Porovt;Plastr. Price ti Cxnts. Fur sale at Furman'a. ( iShlloU cough aad eonaonpUot cnr ia aold by ua on a guaranUew ! :it cures censurautiocrf For sale at Far man'i ,c - Jiloh's Yiultter ii what you need for coosUpatloo, loss of appetl die alaes, and all symptoca'a of dyspepsia.-: Price 10 and lb coots: per bet. tic : F. sain al Kartaaosv -.1, v-m . Croup, whoooj.coogh and bron chi ti ixaaMdlAttly.mlieved by ShU lob s Cure. For sals si Farmaa's.' . i -.1 S i .. - I u Mofcrtoiiate fcf it may be.Jt,tis aoi epuina'f rule that . "be w!m. break psys.,' f r . ' ''..,' vi 1SS8. ;v vilLLTJ8TUATED4,.! ; tJ-.i . Harpers R-ar is sihowsjoswei, It combines choice tileratnra mad Unit -art illusUtlions witn tte latest UUelll reuoe" regarduiz the LWiLons, .. TUeh number has cUver'serkl, an short r7r' i'rnci't?' D umtiy . esaara, ssppjeiaenU winalwae help UdlaTto save many times tbe cost o( the sub- ect rf UoBj nJ bape on nodal eti- ul t aselul in every honarhold. sad . a I true p.otau(er oe economy, m edlto I marKea oy good Sens An I ota line ad. a U ted to' itseolsmaa f bazar j' ' W oo . llAKrElfS WEEKLY. .. .. . 40Q HA BPEBS TO UN G1TOPLK 100 Poatago Free to alUabioribars La the Uaitod States ofcaaUs..; .r u-s I The voiumea of the Baxax m .U. i oicskq yemr. wnen notln.e ) BSrO I tionrd, subacriLtlons WiJl besiawith. l -he somber carftnt at tlaie of receipt i ,V,.-,rA wl-lJ i rar tnreeysarw ToaeV; la nemi cloth i wioiag. win te snt 1 ay 1 mail, ' pjet I OSid. aT OV SU( D-caS . f uf. krrrwt& ' I lvl ?d the elicU does not ex! I Cloth cases fbr each volume, saiits- I iensf rmaaig.wnibe' sent by -f -receipt of tl 00 .s5b,-,.. I L-'owl-WJO5-v:anouia.ie, made. by t-oGoa. Money Order or Draft ti , Nearspapera ara not to copy-thl TfpTir11 S x,5 I "KnoL " ; , Ntsj lurk. . CM Tmk Ti t W iImt ufc iapr atwbal ta IVa LfcTtL eHXtrTaad 1t a t UJ ajU Klo- . coca tie. TUa DEtisr mll o(Im MvJUe for !Niaa uf wrTjwud6t.". 12 rit a oiaaairWt4jiM tWa Ua iwt nirirj MluiU NVaa taf aay nattan lUalAiJy - ...... 0. 1I.JLUJ21. WU C'UAU - - " . - . I o v V i 4 - fl fttialvv. ll- T EXCINpWXiUiiia-l tiUAFT- . ' 4 OBlLUAfiTOiilD)Ui. w I ,Vo'!7fT ' '!n!(.nir J.r MAUUllo;rUi-a. Gd aeceBuiauasflena rr tU tv-. : aUos-lNiljDet i., TabU turaUled- hv tbi IUsacW ,'i .fin r Good borers nod bttriea alwav ready at is'ay which ioaai lu ou-4eii .wixb tsy 1Lla cvu vrw persuus any whrrv tbar nruy wUh "STYMIE'S UarnW-Jw' T'rMl SUUr m luUiHarsi'ortttr-slv iu a coiutjs 1 U tha.fail I'm Ui4fol nu ayfinjsa.j M tfu4 Jl4rB.siMg Ses iMl aXirulitr iJcavai-a rUl the rWlie, W. e a4rAad U-hf 1 1. ahall AUarav.- rre;uxa to tu.c v rti aiM, ud' Use Vr bei atiMUt sIsaII b-g. t41k e. ; Wb arv 4rrpar. l. 4 4 all k'uvlv bauliaj; hus.iiig .urd m ttti cla dray m. ;- qM. '. mm abara of y-r . y.ir 4i;. bd . win fur.ati!! satif tctu. '"' " ' a- J .-. Vary Es)io-raayii li .! . Gq::'u 4.! ; . -.I t Txxe J Lli'j 4J1 it i 4 V l. lit !!' i llll'.l. kll.f t, rnl - I : !T''U . '. .il-'. -j 'I li.in Z UiMt Sao reliever ; jou want m uvc way of ,. a. f 7-.a jrriCUI 'ilit-yh h'-I 'V1! -HHfrJi. i e lt js4 'ii vsr .'? -l r ui . Qrocarioadnui r ; ; TIN iLtJiVTJLASS 1 X K rfTi Jit ht;iA jf!lvr rxll-l iiiv Un 'iu!-i4:.ji L w.T.tsjMs; . .1 ' i . . 444: ; L aUii. IVZJ.a 4 1 W; tut !rr,s vi;ia-o XcWfire tAsafaiiutU rbU. tia t hays moved U tbehtv. at Out of tbsrrvYtlrf'Ua.'on tW wr-t oU"a llaa rittrawt, arbrv. I oto poaae oo a l kbd f U'ork-nUlav -t Hocse-sbeeiog a f QwUltr DViiru.laaT 1 fi. t i;i. i mii,iaa " '- l ' t.- '! 4 r- jw F ash io.fA.ui.vrr u.vjtn::! -4 ho - Loruwv sua. . 't ; My aho? la sLU . rfaurt Stsrrt where I will be plt.cd Vu nave swv frWnjds sad patrttts t are ate, U tails ta prifU r sve forirtei lUxladlaiMltfhikar.a-'-j usm. r&i ed tO fjfsAa -i i. tag barber. . v. " 1 i