THE FRANKLINMES ...i. .... ij tgub, of5TgH Tivnr tj i ! aiid.ipractieablo5,trestrictiohg f!ii4 ; Absolutely Pje j This powderever varies wh4& oniinwrkiiid pHrity, strength and More ( economical than the Qniinarrki ailura or phosphate powdery Soto osfcrj ijcA8. iiOYAi, uAitiNo pqwijfiii Co. j - - LOUI-BURG, N. C, ,;CHUliuiIE&i.H!:-, iMKTaoDia'T Bevv'Aj MeQuUen, pastw, ; Uaptist liev. Baylas Cade, nas- tor. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays in each vi. owYiuea ii uiu oru.fHnaays in each month, mornin$:aVa$hhV rayef"et: ' i UA.YOR O. L. Ellis. ! JOMMissioxBRS TlroaJ : White 1 N. Egerton, G. VV.'Foid, T. M. Fleming. . OoSstable R. D. Pinneil. ' Board tneetgPftaay )ifbrefifst Jlonda Ik each uionthj fJaJt x .3.1. JL FRANKLIN COUNTY. , ' Commissi6nebs-C A. Ifash. ch'mh., J. L'rudtir 11. S. Foster, F. P. Pierce, w.t: B. Uzzell- : Superior Court Clerk TV. J. King. KegisBef of Deeds-BTiF. BullfefA Cf SijerinlH-X.Jteafttey V f V Treasurer B. P.Clifton. 1 8 tpe rintenileat of Pablic JnstructiQn . j Keeper Poor House J. W. Pinneil. ISup'r op HSAI.TH Dr. E. S. Foster, j Notary PubliolV. L. Mclihce Frank liatou, Sf. C. BOARD OF EDUCATION. N. Y. Oiflley.ChairmaB, r j ! E. G. CoAvers, Lr e. ii- " w j li. Aiassenburg, j-J. N. Harris, Secretary. i The SaperiQtndent will be in Louis b;urg on the second Thursday of Feb r'liaiy. April,, July, September, Octo ber an 1 December, and remain for thre i daj'8, i necessary, for ibe pur lrse of examining Ulicttttts lortea l;i the public ehoolof Fwnkliarcoiiw' ty. PROFKSSIONATj CARDS : i ii- : : jg B. MASSENBURG, ATTORNEY AT LAWw Vv i LOUISB0Ra,N C 02&ce in the Court House. : A.U business put in my hands wit) receive prompt attention. 1 M.COOKE " al L' f Y and 30TTNSELLORatLAW. LOUISBURa, FRANKLtN CO,N C. i 11 attend the Courts of "Mh Rank in, Oj.inville, WirrhV !and, Vv ake G ouiuies also "the 'Mpietne, wui.1, j.ui liU VJ iliUllllit, rVIIU Hie U I . Circuit and District Courts. TiS. J. E MALONlfi f!!" iw jaace 2 doors below Fumnan & Cooke's Drug Storey adioiniugDr. O. li.. Ellia. fc ' . , oi u W 'CIMliEitliAJvE, , ' ; ' I ATTORNEY AT'aW1' I LOuiSBtrno, k. c. 0 ffi ce i ' he Court Ef ' f : J tV. A. DA . I: A, O. ZOIXICOF ' Day & Zollicoffer ATTORNEYS AT LAW. HENDERSON Jf '. C. Practice in the courts of Franklin, Vance.Granville, Halifax, and North nampton and the Supreme and Fed ; ral courts of the Stale A. HICKS, j ; ittoriieT Al Law & Hotarr PuMic, ; oxFOED, n. a, ad I 1 : JIENDERSOJT, N. C.- -- : : f,.'. ' Will practice together in the counties of Cranvilie, Vance, Frankliu and Warren, nd in all matters requiring their joint, at .ention. . j We hope by prompt, diligent and taith Ittl attention to business, to deserve and receire a porjtioa f tk Uv bsines of this sectioa I ttitjhU Prayer tneeiing every "edneiday uight. Sunday school 9: 'o'clock A. M: n ;fl7 - .e The Prohibition Amendment .fi-xmoijiA-imio' ? rijf vicouss jiuai..Hu treason-i . ' - ? ' w , ij tij 11111! 1 1 1 nce desired, and agrowiosH sedtiJ mf nteista, such iavvs .ni uioat effectually restrain thJ I uwehanxtJeea6lo dh Lpxiir anjrindJcatWbrld 4erieral! 10 diti demand for constitutional or statu-! ory prohibition, either State or naJ tional, and we think the day iJ tiwwhen the Prohibition Mraff;p Ported by the Ben.; I $e rnuftttee of Education and b0'ne a Jmrt the; Evenifalarffemaioritv r.r hJ people throughout the country! they rUld. favorabIe t0 th r fmd,rv .;, .lk,5 iPVPlves much! -raore than the rapral asnects t)f the' l.quor question. It proptjses a newi departure inUia 'tiir1ecti6uK against! which thousands ofhe best citi-i nr v : tens VrVTSfMewill protest. : j the area of Fedral jurisdiction, such aurruueroi local control, as will enve earne onpositpn even in J!rteM4imsiiiti)n. If the general government should outlaw ..tho, Jiquori,traffiei v there i would be necaidn for 'Federal po- U s'I5CouTtsi a,,d 11 Other hft.suiH'or defection, trial and punishment for the violators of the liquor law," would have to bo estab lished in countless numbers. What are the indications that anything of this kind is demanded ? Do the petitions that have poured in 0u Cukess fpr yers past, call hnlKferu't show that the people want it? Have not tin se petitions" been prepared at a central agency and sent out to reliable men and women . in all parts or the Union for them to get them signed and theu-eiid them bqjlt? vefypodyVkrjipws how eait iVt6 irranufnltTrre delusive indications of popular feeling in that way. It would be by no means impossible to make a simi lar showing in relation to Henry Gkorok hand-tax theory of Mr. 3XiAiR proposition to declare the liquor tt-ade piracy and set the Na vy at work for its destruction. Thus far but an insignificant por tion of the voting citizens of the United States have called br this amendment, and it is but a fair presuiDpior, that many who have signed petitions for it have not re flected on the1 consequences of such ';;chfcttgo in the1 fundamental law. '.ihr'-h.r 9Wvheen a revival of what we mayxall the State rights ftf citrine0 not the secsesion heresy 5?!-VriAWtmatt0X but genuine Sittrjghts, such as Sena- tor8i!IlAAYUKY, Edmunds and CMasiI ad vocate as earnestly and I aselpquently as Senators Hamp- i To Moro4n)j and ' Vest; such State righto ha'vo-been clearly set rdrth'ld thror four notable deexs cif&fonafthel United States Su VFSW Qfl$ wjxinythe past two JW. I IT.hj "nlbiM95i. .amend ment antagonizes this sentiment and points to such centralization as Hamilton never dreamed of. It will be fought . as. earnestly in New England as in "the -West or South,.; " : - ' But If there were no objection to the transfer of local police power to the Federal authoiity, the amend ment would still lack general sup port, for Vt he treason .. that;; , but a small majority favor prohibitory laws4Many good citizens believe such laws are an invasion of ; indi vidual rights 1 Others," whof have no s,uch scruples, hold , that, inas much as prohibition does not pro hibit. It is better' to ; have restric tive enactments that can be enforc ed. At this time there is a strong ill .: f iftlircjj fc i?r lift, iDdicauon tryo high hJiceuse The Post has no" WectiOh'to tne 'sabiiii&io)rot:h;'We h?;tates,;f (iwgregs.tjees fit,,! but it does not believe 'ther&flr 'thrfd tateyhldi wouidadopt 'ft'.f Jtt 'iS iRWPffPyer, tha,t48orpeyeaW .will elapsebeforo.thet twa 1 Housed of Congress will vote- fof siibnafw sion., fi Purcorrfpondent Jluawump, says the ljancaster fPk'.V InteMi- 'getjcer;HVhd;'!Ieft' $1000 the1 qihr . m& Jmk fortea.betsftfSivOl ? eaek on. Cleveland and t Tharwab,! and whoee ihiJnoy1 was ho( covered,4 rftslt I ' ' 1.'.. j .1 1 o 1 t- jj .i-f! ii'j , ,"1 see our Republican JViendi dn not care to cover! the woney? "sent! men. , jxeep it tor another; weklof see if any of the 1 opposition will! takef 'tbe 7'oIIoWldg or h6ner Tfi GaPagheri . ,lV;l s.rj. ,uT .l j '100 that the! Cleveland electors! get more of ihe ppular'yb te ifian 1 eleltorat vrfe tharj arHsoJi. j HOO l(j.HijClpvhii taieSal tho Southern States. I $100 that Harrison does not car-! ry all the New England States. "$100 that Harrison does not car ry New York, New Jersey acd! rry "$100 that Harrison does not car ry .every Pacific State. . , , ., "100 that, Harrison ,does not have as much' plurality in Pennsyl vania as Blaine had. !' -1rf-- "100 that Cleveland carries more of tha following cities than Hairison: Boston-, New York, Philladelphia, Baltimore, New Or leans, Pjtsh-nre, Ciucunatl,'sChica go, St.fluis fd aio'ranicjo. 100 that the majority of the above bets will be won." Sherman Must Shut Up, ''.V.S. I ' .:-f:f..7 ;!; Mr, HoseaiBsglow, oae of ; Geni eral Algeria managers in theSoath) returned to New York on Saturday, and to a Herald-reporter, who saw him at the Ffth Avenue Hotel, he said : ;Waehra A'lJi fcSfpena'i1 ed any bJJdWii Sodtti Ihd IQSorth I Carolina T am very anxious to knQw ft, , We, hear greaj deal ,ia the'-North about democrats in .', the, South corrupting the negroes, , but when 1 reached Atlanta ''I 'decided; after a caielul lnvestigation;' not to go into the State of AUbama at all to prosecute General ' Alger's! cam spaign, because I found that a clev- er Hebrew broker aimed to, have already plircKasTor Slermauv all- jthe delegates from that State to fChicago. Sherman was the bood- Uer; and ho ifiistake -lie, put tip. led events tChicagoL. I e4ip5nWitMn OloudA.xJ Beporter I've got tie bigffet :k!tfffiS8Dal senJaiih.iK f dei-l Iperate lover threatens to shoot a jsociety woman if she would not jexcept him, and she calmly looked down She, muzzlai of the .revolver jarid sald 'fcie"s preferred oTeath" lo ! knaroage within iru iThat .settled lis hopes and so he desisted, and!i ifterwards blew his own brains' out. j : "Mrs. De Pink, the rich young Society widow." - fact that the heroine is -a '"widow: kdbry;M; Chicago Tribune. - : . , i 1 mskummmasm j -ki'T-t-:i ,i, .,. . , t Tae best Salve; hTrthe' world for cut; bruisei; orcji; -iQers'kall; rhe'timl' fevtt'W cunblams, ?pf a an4 aUm kw UP tioo8, and positively cures piles, or no pay required; It wig-i guaranteed ' to-f give- perfect ttitisf action; .'ormOriey" refunded." ,,'lrice25' iefita tier h.l I For tiuftfbjW jr Br Clittoii; - - r t -- "- lT '.T-l'.-.. . . I vSjl In, the, r clouds The man. ia, the. 1 7ltllHlr)flcJIot every Westerrl Vtkef 1 -. I -- - ."I ' liiiaij.UnhejathyJOrowtliks'q" jfir.l ; ;ui?3.'g . I.Tn iinrii t ?J e'i- he Said the country would not toU erafeVuch a system -'for auu yeLiorneariv tiirnn tirtiiflnu . IPpse, la.w.eeki :thattluBi;puh-l Heap, party, haaiUken. 'tha ttronwlj before.iheicouotryithal the- ynem! Upf protectiop iavaluabh? in HMeYfV; This; mated td tblhe'llisptfblieatiat tofaskJor tb contlnTianc f-Vrer-; tain dutles.One said because,'ltj keeps usfrcompetUIon in my district." The other said, ! my wWmimtoA JLiUuagrQwpj so grasping nd, has .complete y ..8WePdWd tplonopo,;, tbtA it ' -deds,P.r9tectioqXMrrotectipns! sake- jilts, member , favor .specific ?!robbj y Jo because i iw.hts mt ' "competition in my idistrtct l and ibecause ML have considerable Inte-; est la this product. Such Is ltad ic-alism iii 1888; 'It (s Mie bbdj'-s'eV. vant oruolye slave of the Money Devil. .Wil. Star. I . i . i OurFuetiu the Air. H - i".' - . ' Youth'a C;ompaaion, ; , It ia a wonderful fact that th r ir we breathe contaius f. eJ a deadly and iuvisibl as the -malignant KjiiHts wiJi which aucient opinion jopletf it. Most epidemics are duo to these 'un seen enemies. -yro be sure, it is prob1 able that th arth l aud 1 not the air generate then, i They arlAkeii bp ns dust, attd; being Uttle heavier than air are loog suspended in ic . - l - Xhev are knwa ' by the gen 'ra name of microbes mii-roscobiu. onui of iifei " bnly'a few' of the niauy'cla8i es of mcrobesjireJiJ.riuful, jut as on- larger vegetable, gyowth are iioisou ous. ' -; r r.Jr, ft,enflcmw4frtq phaxacterr ized b'v great depressiooinflamuatiou o: tl Wonal antf jupft . and, by an ibcesnt coub, pwver th vrorl.d 0.miea?iwe8tf, Yet was sudden.and In most .casea tlie I'.person was well again iu lysshaft , a. i fortnighlt..t' li was .quite, fatal," bqwey-j : er(io we aged andv the , weak. Tkisj was tlie famous inflnenaa, tTUf "same j .fld repeat ed ' its. vag-n -oueiimes oyer xteneiya . .trapta,; of i'W1050. laddie , Aesv ; If it is microbio. origin.-ras is. , probe-r jcrooes must have filled the air I fii course, no precaution eauldr Avail, ex-' !cept the liabitu'aij'ma.iQ ' ?alW Pi Wbe(whicb PjTffMhfV; 4heair; !wa..a.Yl0,4;!be n!?hf !le ksth h!her rooms' pjfUie hpus)e. And. , guar d a nro ite 1 1 a-..... TvnhniHI fpvWr u. M.5 .ul i Fi0b8 'f11? 8r1iare IKfvit ous paUent Whtch either have fouxul j access lo.rhinkkig.wateior I aken url'driVd'ikt llw. o 1 thief safeguard is general tleauruie-a. . l Jlmfhona oaq i-1of f...,- .! J PWfflll breath. pasient nejeuoex,patJU!W "'The' lliustrlouW Hfefi'ry 1 tiy Wl td p'Kartntl?thV 1' A&'rl tlm'a9a;perwrualVincip!' eSLWeyfVeetb'iJ.Vwrjd nlfefat0'1 a Uer'hrwroU 2 o:i thellhol.trohg ' (ower helaid'e TOuhlVVw'oiifdl'noV' toll iJEi.opoljr.n4rf pnwing.tA f i the .room, or .become Attached itf tha4;M-nher nines, and lieronce Deachcol- furnirare, .baddwuivQiii; h "MFW"1 nA Reoaa, (:Atf ndt Ihcuyb couajoo. wiffli:pfie8liai4oa ,but should not overload theru. i Moat 'La.: " -t . . harmle w-b if TlgWoU4f Vf em'ficfa. ? stile 4M boilingf tinVvSu1 aid;tbeat0ldaocetT6fthateVerJ,tfe-' leepf,protracted:watebijignnaalJ ex(it tcaocs, huu cueeriui courage. r . ' . I mill.. J !.,;, . T i 1 1 Mils o ctb ii Mooir uvt iiohxt - . . . ' " v 1" "Irt.iyJl JJiittf 1 .r it " "-v . I 1 tMr,'tt.'"tnfifR ffWf-yivxMw .amc; Until tbo ReuubJiLanrl4-yu4 Into xvrfr mu h Uing strikes iJ -the iiitrtiy-WerrirBl Tc6dwhl 'Tbi) tqouricy uce.Iis! trawaUa U tb Rfe4 IDub.-)iBl hkrli iAxfrtiril-iritvftbK I-J t?Pjflf trW t WooKfc3.tbVb-ei lirWf ffe JcOrsIWiioov with-Hpl-J trw "trryfr,nri "v.; i. rt'u it! 1 . J - i . - ! .KWte f"er MjIfnt less; lus strength lie lb Lis imnlqji tion, iu lys reckless disregard of the taker IngersoTI ajcriously Jn leligoln or j IU pO.itk-s Ultd expect too much; jet -Mr7i teersbli ah'd 'askini 1 W'niocra lioW Uieyprop8'o'villswer!, hl'iu. Xuisine'Couri4r-JouVnk!Dm'. ' ' ! Te Be- publ.cao s i Of tba iknal a i -Kill ivesertt ut tb arlieit ''opportUnitTk ubatttute-bU:tr?lheitMnU tariff ' bill. wji pot be whai.many. hav supposed that it w.Ul b ft sinph) tax and. tariff reductioivbill, composed of a few ai ti tles ;ad-de8igiwJ to ikfrect !ad "rt'do quatftwreduction of the sarplus so-- that lUalltcpuUicaiis, Will take tb pdsUUn tUat.thfy Ihivs uttcpposed .:ta- ajad ta4riflreductiu4,: Th'isriate will to-. -jjU 4, J)uttit wiiWo great (deal IIIUIC od 8 take place of the lur:oon th Tstauita -14i y,icr1llelJi, isfLejvejt ; ,.!. ir...j rTr-Trri !j ,n-i "Bel'LactWorjd,- 4d 'writing tof'a1 tcu)l.ftiubraciQg jwoweo,?,! i SUak.K You may i fjei & litile (are, and we are gMiua.tqi)ft muoa ,of lTOi?r?qwelli.fei (,,bre- elva.HecaL'el'p iV'ife fti ' ,cily-4ebu;ri40n,t de serve any pfirtufular Claim or credit Cod hatV6i.'le'thein l,.',,, PirVH.'a WowlKnieutpC,w sbqr ktt9W abeastnep couxwwilh Ulitrat-i frn BcJi iwKlr' toldi jage.9illrby didn't Hhe Owii'tfrV'rlnry yn f'Xf I VItfnWe n" could out walfx i v Texi SY-itoIlar tfeth tvlurh Irw-ilr n j.. L wr. f ' ,mwKhlftfl lo wea faco biV) rfWf ST lt Ail troitn t TLe Otdcaf AbaTlreloi'-'Vxiie boon? l' &&mtiliTtiS: 'LL'T u:li i i"i'i inTf. i aa f A 'taf.iSHP? ,lk..4.wLM. greenbacks. -o iuu uur ,uepu oncan corjienipora mi MhdMcAy ' rree whiiy aud Chlii ihrV"revlsi ff'tf'ir V.TT : il W llkDMEUta mpiimir thnr. Medii bykml(IuU.JinAi dvyffl H daflon politics aad;'sho-iffrt3e;' but yWhead' i'no''rxrId:: T'hatfs-' the! an." 1 a can bet. your bust's he is.. lUdoertt 4nftfce nrtw?prinerpry,1V 'at wu-c and bite- .... ii n i l si a wha a. . : , a t wt " v"ivi5iJouiTo term einoraciaz 1 1 if.i i ,j btia i-ji :. ot OldT IH ,'.11 V it ) ... . . . t . iii'l Jni ,;-. rj fH'ti. . .-9.1 'i Imfi ,71,1-1) :.f m 7.: : i -; r::.T lil b-ij iii ' i f rji iaiit il.-So JoathVi jontpn dreti a SKA4 ' wMfcMrr. lal-.UsivudleWnpiki stop ana ksoka t It, da m raalwl (b jaaaageftof 4ry goods piicaot foe rrk iov.'d'j i:ul!,L.iP. wkatlai ibe first 4tblnj if)jW?uUdl7,T ;..,T .!--4 )!t im I LwVi'd PHl tfeiuiaoi ln(tbe,.wlf dW ,r ,V.Tha Va enoosb. ixjuaa.. mac; mi ii .,n:OJtTnKNOriNO PeMdi rfrtHaUfithUdritrfeiWd in iis first eUkre.,. He tr J man V cnJ tklled popular oougti , remedies and -Steiidlly rbw wo-rte-.' ",1 Was ' Vedticdl ilq flrb, bnkloultyaiQVbfeaairrrri and vm. ihvuVi'm tr. An . . trt.. nlJ Hi; ami afvw uTag aboct half 4oen boltliM tamh hica3elf wrJt .aartt MMcuWsir Dr. Wng N V DHwefVfy t9.amaqpuoa iUoacuueM to -lo tlifree at Cli roaV In?g Store. 4 -Irlt iSARidibal .imaroaldieMlry -carry HQ,Q0VX; UM w oey - wm , in irJvri w97tVr w'-:! V' worth while" Tor CTery man to know ' tlus ao as to be prepared W -MY'iaierjRneV. T'ol ,. I r I Hn , 1 at j , , Ate you made mUerlie,by Indies-1 tlon. orjsup-tK)n,D!iKioes8f fy t of -atipetl te; Te Ihrw Sktn t Bh11oh ' Vi ta lir is. a poei tire earei. Foralleat UW V : J r.-.-, ua: n - j .. . Whr wiU Joa.cough.whea, Hhlloh p IHire wlll'giv Imm6dilerelfef. VricS lOqtd.. 50ctr aa(Jei. J Fr:'lei kt rurmauVJj'J -I Ii li .vmarrj '-l i .viilo! &teK. r?nudJr--.A ,rW IlTOcure for catarrh, diptheria and banker nirturb.'1 For sale 1 by 'W.!7ir. Kurroan, ,Tr r! v ), :r. -.j vf .1 : j t'-Hackmtk," a janiing, and Rant ierfume. ,Prica25 and 50 oa, Pot sale bryartnan.77 i-..i ... Bbilobs cure will immediately re ! orot.viioopia0ooiigii anditDu- For dyspett and liter cotonTalnt vera have 'printed gaarme'-u''ett ery boltLjio jesiJQh' .ViukaJ It never faili to cure,or jala at Fnr S-f &W eWoee'wiWelcn'boi tl 0lti!Jloh,l-aUl7h rwqe4;r.f for wife owe ariUvc t.,7jloI,W ni ft BasToar yeartbM AndadrlJ oeiytdJusi first trinpeU Bs? bjorrt bed lis mother asked hfm to pot ivnr hf trumpe and 'say' his' ' pf aVers. ' telf yoa what let's do! WiiilnfiJ" al3 jbstko4p o ilewln.T 'j.ij ja r; ..-nil i.ri.t!iv:':'.n i Ti-r'-t t a I 1. f igvWreetrdltne TWonV Vvlul? -UWrncUrDa timely llt4'.'1-tteYtt-1iet;i-J faaWrriJnTlri aopyflement, will rfloae 1bp:Lldle, 1 to'' Sipti-i.kKl rafcpWsJn.Wiar '-elj:' qlietuvd-ttwatiro -Tt;boWkbiMg jt.aUn, brradievxjakBiy; atfl Eka ' It usciuiia. jeretyiUldiisLtahti aal nie piomoieros ecilftomy. Itsedilo pot a hne la admitted 19 its colorans .naioma tread tW Aoit1 trttid5ois HUtit I ill. iro lia !iuiujvi 91 IU1 rt , -T.. ..ila)'! , -erTcar: 3 UU IABlBB,S-,Wiil;iiVj iu U4II uoo MTO rCUPl4B JXfl ) .Hie vt4uaiisollhzT'i5)r'(be- : . 1. . 1. . 11 . xt ... bii?wi xumiet.or: janrv; mfTOaoercurtnl kt Ihatforreceipf 1 Bounyt voiwmis oft Hrfia-.lj-L ipr.tttfYttjemaJJfrcjiv.hi 'fieaa cWth o.W wi4.vf fltf. y-inaiU pti . - Potofl Ufifrvnkli.rH'n-A ..U L m - a. . e . . . . J ' " advorusenieos- wuuooi.. the rr-W. otder tf IUrprr &l lBroLbem; Yu . mm " I w .Uiaw' " . ........ ,; - t-i--,. oiTTf ,.. pPP P' -Uil - l wjJ-fl5r'UI umuiaj.wuiM sent' by ata,l, O loma.!t'VJ).D:. M . r.:-. r,r l OA P Jour!l IBemitune sbrfl-rir ba nf-dft br I i 'X ry tl 1" 1- g-FKAItKLlN-iniliS, ,TnTjmtaJ tbldetim-i-rier -HIb-TediirriiulllLCAJtr. VJ IU iffta Va meos. MbflTtsr-tttrjltec fUt.a, here. tor 5kwa.of correapoentaw " Brief oaiajkU .from all lions -st arotUT olidUd. New, ta of aaj cat art will b Unu-kfullr O. 2X.ALL33j ; CUAU :i tu .r lOi.i.u n prim Fa 7 jaraciiisrr . if EXGIXE3, BOIXIS, SHIFT :toJiI.c. 'iia:-. i..'( obmadstoordiil; -"'I rtrptsrint 1 of kTl linils tVsmptly ab ended to o rhort-Netice, pitANXl JNTOK TtiOTLU J. P M ASStNDUK3.Poe4. Good accommuclutana for the Tray ;h w l o eiinz tl-l T rt i-H Tablo' 7, JU-rJcev:t(rordstlJ Goed hoWes'nd lorYei ralwars ready at y stablea.-irblcU I run la ronaectldn with my hotel, to coovey Kwwnsmnjwirtn lly msY With t CO In-.: 'i . ai.' 1 1., Ll VEltYl FlifcJD ,-.l 4 l , .1.1 J . .l.U'.V a. j nanog leased the .Tt rrell Stiblea ia JLouUUirx, wa will tedcarpe to --commod-it Uni puUio witbgooJ bou rejaocea.' ll fiQ6jl .h-ires aod bog. gie, and aturuurjjlrif'ers will pirate the public, w are detemifneo; that It shall be-oWe?' XfiodWe'pr-narea to r, ujn;w and tbep-Hrry by atteniion aiLall b, given them. We ire prcpar". 'd 3 to do 1 all lands' bf L-tallajf, bviag -evunyl ", : CrsH la diaj lQCt,tliil paryuM- i ;iyi us .av l)f? of . l,,r: Pf iooas-. . W-j w41 guarautee satULiiUyuC 117 " -..r- ,m 'Vefy-Besi-ieifulrj,' ,,;ITaYI33 S YVMkT.tXl'' o; m. vt u.. ;i .i I . . . . ... oil) 's ol n-nifb t ii :,.tj. "Ml r.o Jl !iil 1 VJ ; -ii j ,it -iboT j llr 'A ?H11 ,'ji -nl LuJ-i Iwii; --juIlil Imp. -" iJjL..iT.j tr uln'i'-, i-jii ',,!) 1 ayii .1ATJ : -ni ni i.n- I;; iiv u U; ,1 1 ,u u ' 'CifltfMl'MI M SlpSi- 's I. ? ..I . ? I ... 1 t i andgefeTerrtliiDg you want Ia tueSvay gf'; r " ' J" "w i,.;ir. Li..w r lo iK'iJlM4 Lr.lo ( 1,; sit, . .. :l L.J-lo'llli Ulilt 1o lAiUiUU A - - - Olh r Y'i n?'! W. t --li itt 1 1 jVfMI 'full c; vJ Jl sfoot jilrra l !ri 1 n fl t i P T I r n n it f CDflftCTiunnniECj -"Fen: -1IFIKE FItC'' i 1 ifi.l.ri.n.- ni.- T r'JT(-i lii v"' ?:-d '!o Lii,.1 '.t tiilimh1 T 1 CfELX. TTIltt. ltrr . Ara I I : tn 'I lff.:i-.0 l..vl 1 11. ir- ,LfoT (tJl-pTtg la yidV 'J yud'.i.ut ut .4. is! t.J out ud r 1 1 MtfUjL iy-fisi DraxUrTJaWsr- dr -tr.u o itmI if m . x AbHIOXABLE BABBKl i. ... Locxsac-vvN. C. 3tyshaTfi:!,cni 4ra coilri-?f-4t -hej I wU.b5( riisoAea;! tx Jurw-taiy'T riT. iHt L-r.).' .-.i.t.::' VT"". 4 Wii XZvZ i."1.0?. - I.UUU1 Clifl 111 TP -w . . 0 -uauu nirFi w , a , J , - kinds .ofllUcm HhJlwor,' hi 1 11